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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(18): 183001, 2024 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38759171


Despite the paradigmatic nature of the Fermi-polaron model, the theoretical description of its nonlinear dynamics poses challenges. Here, we apply a quantum kinetic theory of driven polarons to recent experiments with ultracold atoms, where Rabi oscillations between a Fermi-polaron state and a noninteracting level were reported. The resulting equations separate decoherence from momentum relaxation, with the corresponding rates showing a different dependence on microscopic scattering processes and quasiparticle properties. We describe both the polaron ground state and the excited repulsive-polaron state and we find a good quantitative agreement between our predictions and the available experimental data without any fitting parameter. Our approach not only takes into account collisional phenomena, but also it can be used to study the different roles played by decoherence and the collisional integral in the strongly interacting highly imbalanced mixture of Fermi gases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(14): 140406, 2018 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29694142


We propose an experiment, where the Bell inequality is violated in a many-body system of massive particles. The source of correlated atoms is a spinor F=1 Bose-Einstein condensate residing in an optical lattice. We characterize the complete procedure-the local operations, the measurements, and the inequality-necessary to run the Bell test. We show how the degree of violation of the Bell inequality depends on the strengths of the two-body correlations and on the number of scattered pairs. We show that the system can be used to demonstrate the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. Also, the scattered pairs are an excellent many-body resource for the quantum-enhanced metrology. Our results apply to any multimode system where the spin-changing collision drives the scattering into separate regions. The presented inquiry shows that such a system is versatile as it can be used for the tests of nonlocality, quantum metrology, and quantum information.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 1777, 2018 01 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29379056


Entanglement between two separate systems is a necessary resource to violate a Bell inequality in a test of local realism. We demonstrate that to overcome the Bell bound, this correlation must be accompanied by the entanglement between the constituent particles. This happens whenever a super-selection rule prohibits coherences between states with different total number of particles and thus imposes a constraint on feasible local operations in each sub-system. We show that the necessary entanglement between the particles might solely result from their indistinguishability. We also give an example of both mode and particle-entangled pure state, which does not violate any Bell inequality. Our result reveals a fundamental relation between the non-locality and the particle entanglement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(1): 013401, 2018 Jan 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29350943


Feshbach resonances, which allow for tuning the interactions of ultracold atoms with an external magnetic field, have been widely used to control the properties of quantum gases. We propose a scheme for using scattering resonances as a probe for external fields, showing that by carefully tuning the parameters it is possible to reach a 10^{-5} G (or nT) level of precision with a single pair of atoms. We show that, for our collisional setup, it is possible to saturate the quantum precision bound with a simple measurement protocol.

Chaos ; 24(4): 043136, 2014 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25554056


We report results of the analysis for families of one-dimensional (1D) trapped solitons, created by competing self-focusing (SF) quintic and self-defocusing (SDF) cubic nonlinear terms. Two trapping potentials are considered, the harmonic-oscillator (HO) and delta-functional ones. The models apply to optical solitons in colloidal waveguides and other photonic media, and to matter-wave solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates loaded into a quasi-1D trap. For the HO potential, the results are obtained in an approximate form, using the variational and Thomas-Fermi approximations, and in a full numerical form, including the ground state and the first antisymmetric excited one. For the delta-functional attractive potential, the results are produced in a fully analytical form, and verified by means of numerical methods. Both exponentially localized solitons and weakly localized trapped modes are found for the delta-functional potential. The most essential conclusions concern the applicability of competing Vakhitov-Kolokolov (VK) and anti-VK criteria to the identification of the stability of solitons created under the action of the competing SF and SDF terms.