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Front Plant Sci ; 10: 330, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30936890


In high-elevation grasslands, plants can encounter periods with high air temperature while the soil remains cold, which may lead to a temporary mismatch in the physiological activity of leaves and roots. In a climate chamber experiment with graminoid species from three elevations (4400, 2400, and 250 m a.s.l.), we tested the hypothesis that soil temperature can influence photosynthesis and stomatal conductance independently of air temperature. Soil monoliths with swards of Kobresia pygmaea (high alpine), Nardus stricta (lower alpine), and Deschampsia flexuosa (upper lowland) were exposed to soil temperatures of 25, 15, 5, and -2°C and air temperatures of 20 and 10°C for examining the effect of independent soil and air temperature variation on photosynthesis, leaf dark respiration, and stomatal conductance and transpiration. Soil frost (-2°C) had a strong negative effect on gas exchange and stomatal conductance in all three species, independent of the elevation of origin. Leaf dark respiration was stimulated by soil frost in D. flexuosa, but not in K. pygmaea, which also had a lower temperature optimum of photosynthesis. Soil cooling from 15 to 5°C did not significantly reduce stomatal conductance and gas exchange in any of the species. We conclude that all three graminoids are able to maintain a relatively high root water uptake in cold, non-frozen soil, but the high-alpine K. pygmaea seems to be especially well adapted to warm shoot - cold root episodes, as it has a higher photosynthetic activity at 10 than 20°C air temperature and does not up-regulate leaf dark respiration upon soil freezing, as was observed in the grasses from warmer climates.

Sci Total Environ ; 648: 754-771, 2019 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30134213


With 450,000 km2Kobresia (syn. Carex) pygmaea dominated pastures in the eastern Tibetan highlands are the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem forming a durable turf cover at 3000-6000 m a.s.l. Kobresia's resilience and competitiveness is based on dwarf habit, predominantly below-ground allocation of photo assimilates, mixture of seed production and clonal growth, and high genetic diversity. Kobresia growth is co-limited by livestock-mediated nutrient withdrawal and, in the drier parts of the plateau, low rainfall during the short and cold growing season. Overstocking has caused pasture degradation and soil deterioration over most parts of the Tibetan highlands and is the basis for this man-made ecosystem. Natural autocyclic processes of turf destruction and soil erosion are initiated through polygonal turf cover cracking, and accelerated by soil-dwelling endemic small mammals in the absence of predators. The major consequences of vegetation cover deterioration include the release of large amounts of C, earlier diurnal formation of clouds, and decreased surface temperatures. These effects decrease the recovery potential of Kobresia pastures and make them more vulnerable to anthropogenic pressure and climate change. Traditional migratory rangeland management was sustainable over millennia, and possibly still offers the best strategy to conserve and possibly increase C stocks in the Kobresia turf.
