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J Ophthalmic Vis Res ; 18(2): 157-163, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37181610


Purpose: This study investigates the effect of one versus two fenestrations on both fluid egress and opening pressure from a non-valved glaucoma implant. Methods: In this laboratory study, we used an in vitro closed system comprised of ligated silicone tubing connected to a fluid reservoir and manometer to simulate the tubing found in a Baerveldt glaucoma drainage implant. Fenestrations were created using an 8-0 Vicryl TG140-8 suture needle. Main outcome measures included volume of fluid egress and fenestration opening pressures, which were measured via micropipette and increasing pressure until fluid egress was observed. Results: No significant difference was observed in fluid egress between tubing with one versus two fenestrations at pressures ≤40 mmHg. At 50 mmHg, a statistically significant difference was observed in fluid egress between tubing with one versus two fenestrations (P < 0.05). The first fenestration opened at 10.5 ± 3.77 mmHg and the second fenestration opened at 28.83 ± 5.09 mmHg (average ± standard deviation). Conclusion: Our in vitro findings suggest there may exist a critical pressure >40 mmHg at which the second fenestration starts to play a significant role in fluid drainage. There may be no difference in the amount of fluid egress and effect on intraocular pressure between one or two tube fenestrations when preoperative intraocular pressure is ≤40 mmHg.

J Ophthalmic Vis Res ; 14(3): 275-284, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31660106


PURPOSE: There is a growing interest in targeting minimally invasive surgery devices to the aqueous outflow system to optimize treatment outcomes. However, methods to visualize functioning, large-caliber aqueous and episcleral veins in-vivo are lacking. This pilot study establishes an ex-vivo system to evaluate the use of a confocal laser microendoscope to noninvasively image episcleral vessels and quantify regional flow variation along the limbal circumference. METHODS: A fiber-optic confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) system with lateral and axial resolution of 3.5 µ m and 15 µ m, respectively, was used on three porcine and four human eyes. Diluted fluorescein (0.04%) was injected into eyes kept under constant infusion. The microprobe was applied to the sclera 1 mm behind the limbus to acquire real-time video. Image acquisition was performed at 15-degree intervals along the limbal circumference to quantify regional flow variation in human eyes. RESULTS: Vascular structures were visualized in whole human eyes without processing. Schlemm's canal was visualized only after a scleral flap was created. Fluorescent signal intensity and vessel diameter variation were observed along the limbal circumference, with the inferior quadrant having a statistically higher fluorescein signal compared to the other quadrants in human eyes ( P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates for the first time that the fiber-optic CLE platform can visualize the episcleral vasculature with high resolution ex-vivo with minimal tissue manipulation. Intravascular signal intensities and vessel diameters were acquired in real-time; such information can help select target areas for minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) to achieve greater intraocular pressure reduction.