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Ecology ; 103(3): e3603, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34897663


Examining community responses to habitat configuration across scales informs basic and applied models of ecosystem function. Responses to patch-scale edge effects (i.e., ecological differences between patch edges and interiors) are hypothesized to underpin the effects of landscape-scale fragmentation (i.e., mosaics of multipatch habitat and matrix). Conceptually, this appears justifiable because fragmented habitats typically have a greater proportion of edge than continuous habitats. To critically inspect whether patch-scale edge effects translate consistently (i.e., scale up) into patterns observed in fragmented landscapes, we conducted a meta-analysis on community relationships in seagrass ecosystems to synthesize evidence of edge and fragmentation effects on shoot density, faunal densities, and predation rates. We determined effect sizes by calculating log response ratios for responses within patch edges versus interiors to quantify edge effects, and fragmented versus continuous landscapes to quantify fragmentation effects. We found that both edge and fragmentation effects reduced seagrass shoot densities, although the effect of edge was statistically stronger. By contrast, fauna often exhibited higher densities in patch edges, while fragmentation responses varied directionally across taxa. Fish densities trended higher in patch edges and fragmented landscapes. Benthic fishes responded more positively than benthopelagic fishes to edge effects, although neither guild strongly responded to fragmentation. Invertebrate densities increased in patch edges and trended lower in fragmented landscapes; however, these were small effect sizes due to the offsetting responses of two dominant epifaunal guilds: decapods and smaller crustaceans. Edge and fragmentation affected predation similarly, with prey survival trending lower in patch edges and fragmented landscapes. Overall, several similarities suggested that edge effects conform with patterns of community dynamics in fragmented seagrass. However, across all metrics except fish densities, variability in fragmentation effects was twice that of edge effects. Variance patterns combined with generally stronger responses to edge than fragmentation, warrant caution in unilaterally "scaling-up" edge effects to describe fragmentation effects. Alternatively, fragmentation includes additional factors (e.g., matrix effects, patch number, mean patch size, isolation) that may enhance or offset edge effects. Fragmentation and increased edge are syndromes of habitat degradation, therefore this analysis informs mechanistic models of community change in altered terrestrial and marine systems.

Ecossistema , Comportamento Predatório , Animais , Peixes
Oecologia ; 193(2): 403-413, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32556593


Nested scales of habitat heterogeneity may independently or synergistically influence faunal interactions. Fragmentation effects (i.e., the breaking apart of landscapes) and edge effects (i.e., ecological differences between edges and interiors of patches, nested within landscapes) are distinct yet related ecological concepts, linked mathematically by the habitat edge-to-area ratio. Our study quantified the separate and interactive effects of fragmentation and edge on predation using temperate seagrass. To assess how predation and generalized consumption were influenced by fragmentation state (i.e., continuous, fragmented), and proximity to edge (i.e., edges, interiors), we used tethering assays with two prey-items: juvenile crabs, Callinectes sapidus, and "squidpops" (dried squid mantle). We also investigated whether faunal densities (a proxy for consumption potential) and temperature (a proxy for a broad suite of seasonal changes) correlated with predation across landscapes. Results showed fragmentation state affected predation (i.e., crab) mortality, yet edge effects did not. Moreover, the directionality of fragmentation effects shifted across a temperature/seasonal gradient. Predation mortality more than doubled in continuous landscapes amidst temperature increases, surpassing initially higher mortality in fragmented landscapes, which did not systematically vary with temperature. This mortality magnitude "flip" matched spatiotemporal trends in faunal densities between continuous and fragmented meadows. Consumption rates of both prey-items increased alongside temperature and neither demonstrated edge effects. However, crabs showed fragmentation effects not seen with squidpops, suggesting differing foraging strategies used by consumers of these prey-items. We conclude that fragmentation and edge effects have dynamic influences on temperate predator-prey interactions, as faunal favorability of habitat heterogeneity can "flip" temporally.

Braquiúros , Comportamento Predatório , Animais , Ecossistema , Estações do Ano