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IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 712-722, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36166527


Parallel coordinate plots (PCPs) have been widely used for high-dimensional (HD) data storytelling because they allow for presenting a large number of dimensions without distortions. The axes ordering in PCP presents a particular story from the data based on the user perception of PCP polylines. Existing works focus on directly optimizing for PCP axes ordering based on some common analysis tasks like clustering, neighborhood, and correlation. However, direct optimization for PCP axes based on these common properties is restrictive because it does not account for multiple properties occurring between the axes, and for local properties that occur in small regions in the data. Also, many of these techniques do not support the human-in-the-loop (HIL) paradigm, which is crucial (i) for explainability and (ii) in cases where no single reordering scheme fits the users' goals. To alleviate these problems, we present PC-Expo, a real-time visual analytics framework for all-in-one PCP line pattern detection and axes reordering. We studied the connection of line patterns in PCPs with different data analysis tasks and datasets. PC-Expo expands prior work on PCP axes reordering by developing real-time, local detection schemes for the 12 most common analysis tasks (properties). Users can choose the story they want to present with PCPs by optimizing directly over their choice of properties. These properties can be ranked, or combined using individual weights, creating a custom optimization scheme for axes reordering. Users can control the granularity at which they want to work with their detection scheme in the data, allowing exploration of local regions. PC-Expo also supports HIL axes reordering via local-property visualization, which shows the regions of granular activity for every axis pair. Local-property visualization is helpful for PCP axes reordering based on multiple properties, when no single reordering scheme fits the user goals. A comprehensive evaluation was done with real users and diverse datasets confirm the efficacy of PC-Expo in data storytelling with PCPs.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 21(2): 289-303, 2015 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26357037


Correlation analysis can reveal the complex relationships that often exist among the variables in multivariate data. However, as the number of variables grows, it can be difficult to gain a good understanding of the correlation landscape and important intricate relationships might be missed. We previously introduced a technique that arranged the variables into a 2D layout, encoding their pairwise correlations. We then used this layout as a network for the interactive ordering of axes in parallel coordinate displays. Our current work expresses the layout as a correlation map and employs it for visual correlation analysis. In contrast to matrix displays where correlations are indicated at intersections of rows and columns, our map conveys correlations by spatial proximity which is more direct and more focused on the variables in play. We make the following new contributions, some unique to our map: (1) we devise mechanisms that handle both categorical and numerical variables within a unified framework, (2) we achieve scalability for large numbers of variables via a multi-scale semantic zooming approach, (3) we provide interactive techniques for exploring the impact of value bracketing on correlations, and (4) we visualize data relations within the sub-spaces spanned by correlated variables by projecting the data into a corresponding tessellation of the map.
