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J Voice ; 2023 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37438212


OBJECTIVES: Defining the laryngeal and vocal alterations in the pediatric group studied in private speech therapy facilities; and estimating the time period between the problem being identified by the parents and the access to the proper provided services. METHODS: A cross-sectional analytical observational research with data collected from medical records by the speech therapist of each private facility. A written form was prepared and sent to the speech therapists of the 40 existing facilities. We received 124 of them from the pediatric group being assisted in 15 of the facilities. The form included questions about gender, age, vocal complaints; general degree of dysphonia; otorhinolaryngological diagnosis of vocal fold alterations; the age that the problem was identified by the parents and the beginning of speech therapy. The larynx was examined by videonasopharyngolaryngoscopy, and voice quality by auditory-perceptual assessment. RESULTS: The time period between the identification of the participant's dysphonia by the parents and the start of speech therapy was considered long (3.5years). The group showed variance in the proportion of nodule and cyst between genders. The highest prevalence of nodules occurred in boys; and the cyst in girls. Moderate general dysphonia occurred between 4 and 17years old, average age of 7years and 7months, with greater distribution between 5 and 10years of age. CONCLUSIONS: The average time delay until the start of speech therapy was 3.5years, more frequently in the 5-10years group and due to nodules in boys and cysts in girls.

Rev. APS ; 24(Supl 1): 236-248, 2021-12-31.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367265


O Ministério da Saúde prevê a disponibilização da Caderneta de Saúde da Criança (CSC) desde 2005 a todas as crianças nascidas no Brasil. Trata-se de uma ferramenta centralizadora para a atenção integral da saúde na infância e, portanto, de um instrumento valioso para o acompanhamento do crescimento das crianças. O registro correto e completo das informações é requisito básico para que a CSC cumpra seu papel estratégico. Elegemos a revisão de escopo com o objetivo de discutir os estudos primários que analisaram quantitativamente o preenchimento dos dados sobre crescimento na CSC. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde usando os descritores "Saúde da criança"e "Registros de saúde pessoal" (em inglês, "Child Health" e "Health Records, Personal"). Além disso, foi usada a palavra-chave "Caderneta de Saúde da Criança. Foram identificados 191 trabalhos, sendo 15 artigos elegíveis para esta revisão. Os estudos observaram registro insatisfatório dos dados sobre o crescimento na CSC. O preenchimento dos gráficos de peso por idade variou entre 8,9% e 96,3%, por exemplo, revelando fragilidade no uso desse instrumento e necessidade de melhora dos registros no acompanhamento do crescimento das crianças.

The Ministry of Health has made the Caderneta de Saúde da Criança (CSC), a child health booklet, available to all children born in Brazil, since 2005. It is a strategic tool for comprehensive child health care, a valuable instrument for registering and monitoring growth. The correct and complete registration of this information is a basic requirement for the CSC to fulfill itsrole. We chose the scoping review in order to discuss primary studies that quantitatively analyze the filling in of data on growth in the CSC. The research was carried out in the databases MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, and in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, using the descriptors in Portuguese: "Saúde da Criança" and "Registros de saúde pessoal"; in English: "Child Health" and "Health Records, Personal"; and, in addition, the keyword "Caderneta de Saúde da Criança" was also used. A total of 191 papers were identified, 15 of which were eligible for this review. The studies observed an unsatisfactory filling in of data on the growth of CSC. Completion of weight-for-age charts ranged between 8.9% and 96.3%, for example, revealing weaknesses in the use of this instrument and the need to improve records in monitoring the growth of children.

Registros de Saúde Pessoal , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Peso-Idade , Saúde da Criança , Integralidade em Saúde , Crescimento