Teaching requires the incorporation of communication skills, and these potentials may affect the outcomes of the learning process. This study evaluated the quality of communication between professors and students during the process of learning Dentistry. A questionnaire was developed and applied to evaluate their perceptions about their communications in an undergraduate Dentistry course. The questionnaire had ten items to analyze professors' self-perception and ten for students' perceptions, using a Likert-like scale and a final open question. During its construction, it was sent to five specialists to analyze content validity. The open question gathered suggestions to improve and intensify communications effectively and to identify vulnerabilities. Total scores ranged from 10 to 50, with 10 as the worst perception, and 50, as the best. The scores were calculated by adding all answers and then dividing that sum by the total number of items. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to evaluate the instrument's internal consistency. The level of significance was set at 0.05%. The Student t-test was used to determine differences between groups. Professors' self-perceptions and students' perceptions of the quality of communication of the university teaching staff during the student's learning process had statistically significant differences. Professors classified their ability to communicate when emitting and receiving information as satisfactory. Students, however, did not fully agree with them, particularly on the items about receiving information. The perceptions identified in this study may lead to a new direction in the communicative behavior of professors and students.
Comunicação , Educação em Odontologia , Aprendizagem , Estudantes de Odontologia , Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudantes de Odontologia/psicologia , Educação em Odontologia/normas , Docentes de Odontologia , Feminino , Masculino , UniversidadesRESUMO
Background/Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate incidental findings in the mandible after the placement of dental implants using a new cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) software. Methods: The initial sample consisted of 2872 CBCT scans of patients of both sexes. The parameters evaluated in this study were the location of the implants in the mandible, implant length, anatomical relationship of the implant with the mandibular canal, presence or absence of damage to the adjacent teeth, presence or absence of implant fractures, and presence or absence of bone support. Fisher's exact test was performed to compare the variables. The significance level was set at p = 0.05. Results: Out of 2872 CBCT scans, 214 images of patients with an average age of 44.5 years were included. The most frequent location of the implants was the posterior region (93.5%), with 54% of the implants having a length between 9 and 14 mm. It was found that 92% of the implants were positioned above the mandibular canal. Damage to adjacent teeth was observed, with no correlation with the implant positioning (p = 1.000). In 100% of cases of implants in the anterior region, there was bone support. Fracture was observed in 1.7% of implants with a length between 9 and 14 mm. Conclusions: The installation of implants in the mandible occurs more frequently in the posterior region, with a high presence of bone support and a low incidence of damage to adjacent teeth, anatomical structures, and fractures.
This study employed e-Vol DXS cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) software to assess dentin remnants in the furcation area of mesial canals in mandibular molars during root canal retreatment (RCR). Four groups (Reciproc®, ProTaper Next®, Race Evo®, Protaper Gold®) were subjected to RCR, and CBCT images were captured before (T1) and after (T2) treatment. Measurements of remaining dentin thickness at 1 mm and 3 mm below the furcation were scrutinized. Results revealed no significant differences in mean thicknesses of mesiobuccal (MB) and mesiolingual (ML) canals at 1 mm and 3 mm from the furcation pre-treatment (T1). Post-treatment (T2) showed analogous findings, with no significant differences in mean thicknesses. However, disparities were found between MB and ML canals at both distances, both before and after retreatment. In essence, the evaluated instruments exhibited safety in RCR, implying that they are appropriate for use in critical areas of mandibular molars without inducing excessive wear. This study underscores the reliability of these instruments in navigating danger zones during RCR, and contributes valuable insights for dental practitioners who handle complex root canal scenarios in mandibular molars.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Cavidade Pulpar , Dentina , Mandíbula , Dente Molar , Retratamento , Humanos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Dente Molar/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Molar/anatomia & histologia , Retratamento/métodos , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Pulpar/anatomia & histologia , Dentina/diagnóstico por imagem , Instrumentos Odontológicos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Valores de Referência , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Preparo de Canal Radicular/métodos , Desenho de Equipamento , Estatísticas não ParamétricasRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a blooming artifact reduction (BAR) filter on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images in the dimensional analysis of dental implants. STUDY DESIGN: Six types of implants (n = 5 for each type) composed of titanium (3 types), titanium-zirconia alloy, zirconium oxide, and titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy, and made with 2 manufacturing processes (milled and printed) were individually installed in a bovine rib block according to the manufacturer's protocol. CBCT images were acquired with i-CAT and Carestream scanners, randomized, and analyzed without and with the e-Vol DX BAR filter (60 images for each scanner). Implant length, diameter, and thread-to-thread distance were measured by two radiologists, with a stereomicroscopic image of each implant as the reference standard for calculation of distortion in measurements. Repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni corrections and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were applied (α = 0.05). RESULTS: The BAR filter significantly reduced distortion in various parameters for specific implants, aligning closely with stereomicroscopic measurements. Titanium and printed implants showed reduced dimensional distortion regardless of BAR filter use. Carestream measurements presented smaller dimensional differences than i-CAT for most implants and parameters, especially without BAR (P < .05). Interexaminer reliability was good to excellent, with ICC ranging from 0.80 to 0.95. CONCLUSIONS: The BAR filter can enhance implant dimensional analysis, although variations based on implant material and manufacturing process were observed.
Artefatos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Implantes Dentários , Titânio , Animais , Bovinos , Zircônio , Interpretação de Imagem Radiográfica Assistida por Computador , Imageamento TridimensionalRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate structural damage and loosening of abutments placed on narrow diameter implants after cyclic fatigue. METHODS: Sixty Morse taper narrow diameter implants (Neodent, Brazil) received two types of abutments (1PA- one-piece abutment or 2PA- two-piece abutment), which were randomly divided into 3 fatigue experiments (n = 10). The implants were placed into a customized supporting holder and a software-assisted digital torque wrench secured the manufacturer recommended torque for each abutment. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were acquired, before and after fatigue, and post-processed (software e-Vol DX) to assess damage and abutment displacement. The boundary fatigue method was adapted to use 2 × 106 cycles, 2 Hz of frequency and constant peak load of 80 N (first experiment) that varied according to the failure rate of previous specimens (second and third experiments). Failure was evaluated using CBCT scans and removal torque values. Data were used to estimate long-term torque degradation, probability of failure and Weibull modulus (software ALTA PRO9). RESULTS: All 2PA specimens became loosen independently of the applied fatigue load, and structural bending was observed in 14 abutments. Eight 1PA got loosen during the fatigue experiment. The Weibull analysis showed a lower modulus (m = 1.0; 0.7, 1.4) for 1PA than for 2PA (m = 2.6; 2, 3.4) resulting in longer predicted lifetimes and slower torque degradation for 1PA than for 2PA specimens. SIGNIFICANCE: 1PA showed greater long-term survival probability than 2PA. Predicting the lifetime and mechanical behavior of implant-abutment systems are useful information to clinicians during the decision-making process of oral rehabilitations.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Dente Suporte , Projeto do Implante Dentário-Pivô , Falha de Restauração Dentária , Análise do Estresse Dentário , Torque , Implantes Dentários , Teste de MateriaisRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: This study examined the impact of premedication with ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine and the influence of preoperative pain and anxiety on inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) efficacy in cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 150 SIP patients who were randomly assigned to receive ibuprofen (600 mg), ibuprofen-arginine (1,155 mg), or a placebo 30 min before IANB. Preoperative anxiety and pain levels were assessed using the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale and the Heft-Parker visual scale. IANB efficacy was determined by the absence of or mild pain during the procedure. Statistical analysis included chi-square, z-tests, Analysis of Variance, and Student's t tests. RESULTS: The ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine groups exhibited significantly higher IANB success rates (62% and 78%, respectively) compared to the placebo group (34%). However, no significant difference was observed between the ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine groups. Patients with successful IANB in the ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine groups displayed lower median anxiety scores (8) than those with failed blocks (15) and lower mean preoperative pain scores (118.3). CONCLUSION: In cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis the preemptive medication with ibuprofen-arginine effectively increased the efficacy of the inferior alveolar nerve block The inferior alveolar nerve block efficacy was influenced by preoperative anxiety levels and the intensity of pain. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This research underscores the potential benefits of oral premedication with ibuprofen and ibuprofen-arginine in improving anesthesia outcomes in cases of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis.
Arginina , Ibuprofeno , Nervo Mandibular , Bloqueio Nervoso , Medição da Dor , Pulpite , Humanos , Pulpite/cirurgia , Ibuprofeno/uso terapêutico , Ibuprofeno/administração & dosagem , Método Duplo-Cego , Masculino , Bloqueio Nervoso/métodos , Feminino , Arginina/uso terapêutico , Arginina/administração & dosagem , Adulto , Anestesia Dentária/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Combinação de MedicamentosRESUMO
(1) Background/Objectives: Accurate determination of chronological age is crucial in legal dental identification. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of different formulas in estimating the age of a Brazilian subpopulation by analyzing the pulp/tooth ratio of the maxillary canine and mandibular second premolar in panoramic and periapical radiographs. (2) Methods: The sample consisted of panoramic and periapical radiographs of 247 individuals. The file of each radiograph was opened in the Adobe Photoshop CS4® program to outline and obtain values in pixels for calculating the pulp/tooth ratio. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS program, with a significance level set at 5%. (3) Results: The interclass correlation coefficient demonstrated excellent intra-observer agreement (0.990-0.999). The determination coefficients (R2) suggested that only 30-35% of the actual age results could be explained by the pulp/tooth ratio. The smallest differences were observed with Cameriere's formula for the mandibular second premolar on panoramic radiographs (+4.1 years). The greatest differences were found with the formulas for the mandibular second premolar in panoramic radiographs of the Korean (+12.5 years) and Portuguese (-12.1 years) populations. (4) Conclusions: The equations employed showed little agreement between the actual age and the estimated age.
(1) Background: This study assessed the spatial position and anatomical features associated with impacted third molars through a map-reading strategy employing cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). (2) Methods: The positioning of impacted third molars on CBCT was assessed using Winter's and Pell and Gregory's classifications. External root resorption in mandibular second molars was categorized according to Herman's classification. Additionally, the relationship between the mandibular third molar root apex and the mandibular canal was examined. Comparative statistical analysis was conducted using Fisher's exact test, with a significance level considered as 5%. (3) Results: The results indicated that, based on Winter's classification, 48.06 % of impacted teeth were positioned mesioangularly. Employing Pell and Gregory's classification, 43.22% of the impacted molars fell into positions B and C, with 54.2% classified as Class II. A notable 69.7% of teeth exhibited no contact between the root apex and the mandibular canal, and external root resorption in the distal aspect of the second molar was absent in 88.7% of cases. (4) Conclusions: Utilizing the map-reading strategy with CBCT scans to assess the anatomical positions and characteristics of impacted third molars enhances professional confidence and sets a standard for quality and safety in the surgical procedure for patients.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate torque maintenance and structural damage in implant components of different diameters subjected to a fatigue challenge. METHODS: Thirty 10-mm-long, morse taper connection, titanium dental implants and their corresponding one-piece abutments were divided into three groups (n = 10) according to implant diameter: 4.3 mm (I4.3), 3.5 mm (I3.5), and 2.9 mm (I2.9). The implants were placed into a load-bearing fixture simulating bone tissue (modified G10), and the abutments were screwed into the implants to a final torque of 20 Ncm for the I4.3 and I3.5 and 15 Ncm for I2.9. The torque was secured by a digital torque meter. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were acquired and post-processed (e-Vol DX software) for all implant/abutment sets before and after subjecting them to fatigue in 37 °C distilled water (2 million cycles, constant load and frequency). The removal torque was measured using the same digital torque meter to calculate the difference in torque before and after fatigue. RESULTS: I2.9 showed substantial structural deformation compared with the other implant diameters (I3.5 and I4.3). However, the experimental groups did not show statistical differences for abutment loosening. SIGNIFICANCE: Implants smaller than 3.5 mm in diameter have a higher probability of structural deformation than standard-diameter implants. The association between tomographic scans and e-Vol DX software showed satisfactory consistency with the direct assessment using the digital torque meter, offering an additional tool to evaluate implant component loosening and structural deformations.
Implantes Dentários , Projeto do Implante Dentário-Pivô , Torque , Dente Suporte , Análise do Estresse DentárioRESUMO
PURPOSE: This study evaluated adhesive and cohesive failures and the surface wear of attachments employed in clear aligner treatment (CAT) using three-dimensional (3D) superimposition. METHODS: In all, 3D models of 150 teeth were obtained from intraoral scans from patients undergoing CAT with at least 4 months between each scan. Of the initial sample, 25 teeth were discarded, and 125 teeth were included in the study. Superimpositions of each individual tooth at the first and second time points were made using computer-aided design (CAD) software (Meshmixer; Autodesk, Mill Valley, CA, USA). Analyses were performed to compare surface wear and failures related to type of attachment (optimized/conventional), dental group (molars/premolars/anterior teeth), and arch (mandibular/maxillary). Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests were applied with significance set at 5%. RESULTS: More surface wear was observed in conventional attachments, mandibular and anterior teeth with statistical significance for surface wear on the distal surface of conventional attachments (pâ¯< 0.05). Cohesive failure was observed in 10% of attachments, occurring most frequently on optimized attachments and molar teeth. Adhesive failure was observed in 10% of the samples, more frequently on conventional attachments and posterior teeth. CONCLUSION: Attachment type (conventional vs. optimized) was significantly correlated with surface wear on the distal surface of the attachment. Arch (mandibular or maxillary) and group of teeth (anterior or posterior) showed no correlation with surface wear. Failure, both adhesive and cohesive, correlated with attachment type and group of teeth, but not with the arch in which they were located.
Aparelhos Ortodônticos Removíveis , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Propriedades de Superfície , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Imageamento Tridimensional , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/instrumentaçãoRESUMO
Abstract This study evaluated the influence of dentin hybridization on coronary chromatic alteration of endodontically treated bovine teeth using different endodontic sealers and Portland cement. The 200 central incisors were endodontically treated using different materials (Sealapex, Bio-C Sealer, AH-Plus, Endofill, and Portland cement) and distributed according to the presence or absence of dentin hybridization. The teeth underwent colorimetric analysis using the Easyshade® spectrophotometer at four different times: determining the color of the dental substrate before root canal filling (RCF), 7 days, 60 days, and 180 days after RCF. The data were evaluated for normality and homogeneity by the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests. A two-way analysis of variance was performed, with Sidak's post-test for multiple comparisons. The significance level was 5%. Dentin hybridization influenced the coronary chromatic alteration of Sealapex® after 7 days and in Bio-C Sealer® and AH Plus® after 60 days. The AH Plus after 7 days obtained the highest ΔE* when hybridized, and the Endofill® obtained the highest ΔE* when not hybridized. The AH Plus after 60 days got the highest ΔE* when hybridized and non-hybridized. The Sealapex® after 180 days obtained the highest ΔE* when hybridized, and the AH Plus obtained the highest ΔE* when not hybridized. The studied root canal sealers behaved differently regarding coronary chromatic alteration, making it difficult to predict a particular behavior. All endodontic sealers caused clinically noticeable chromatic changes after 7 days, 60 days, and 180 days, regardless of hybridization.
Resumo Este estudo avaliou a influência da hibridização dentinária na alteração cromática coronária de dentes bovinos tratados endodonticamente, usando diferentes cimentos endodônticos e o cimento Portland. Duzentos incisivos centrais bovinos foram tratados endodonticamente com diferentes materiais (Sealapex®, Bio-C sealer®, AH-Plus®, Endofill®, e o cimento Portland), e distribuídos em 2 grupos, com e sem a hibridação dentinária. Os dentes foram submetidos à análise colorimétrica usando o espectrofotômetro Easyshade® em quatro momentos diferentes: determinação da cor do substrato dental antes da obturação do canal radicular, e posterior aos 7 dias, 60 dias e 180 dias. Os dados foram avaliados quanto à normalidade e homogeneidade pelos testes Shapiro-Wilk e Levene. Foi realizada análise de variância de duas vias, com pós-teste de Sidak para comparações múltiplas. O nível de significância foi de 5%. A hibridação dentinária influenciou a alteração cromática coronária do Sealapex® após 7 dias e do Bio-C Sealer® e AH Plus® após 60 dias. O AH Plus® após 7 dias obteve o maior ΔE* quando hibridizado, e o Endofill® obteve o maior ΔE* quando não hibridizado. O AH Plus após 60 dias obteve o maior ΔE* quando hibridizado e não hibridizado. O Sealapex® após 180 dias obteve o maior ΔE* quando hibridizado, e o AH Plus® obteve o maior variação de cor quando não hibridizado. Os cimentos endodônticos estudados se comportaram de forma diferente em relação à alteração cromática coronária, sendo difícil prever um determinado comportamento. Todos os cimentos endodônticos causaram alterações cromáticas clinicamente perceptíveis após 7 dias, 60 dias e 180 dias, independentemente da hibridação dentinária.
Abstract Teaching requires the incorporation of communication skills, and these potentials may affect the outcomes of the learning process. This study evaluated the quality of communication between professors and students during the process of learning Dentistry. A questionnaire was developed and applied to evaluate their perceptions about their communications in an undergraduate Dentistry course. The questionnaire had ten items to analyze professors' self-perception and ten for students' perceptions, using a Likert-like scale and a final open question. During its construction, it was sent to five specialists to analyze content validity. The open question gathered suggestions to improve and intensify communications effectively and to identify vulnerabilities. Total scores ranged from 10 to 50, with 10 as the worst perception, and 50, as the best. The scores were calculated by adding all answers and then dividing that sum by the total number of items. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to evaluate the instrument's internal consistency. The level of significance was set at 0.05%. The Student t-test was used to determine differences between groups. Professors' self-perceptions and students' perceptions of the quality of communication of the university teaching staff during the student's learning process had statistically significant differences. Professors classified their ability to communicate when emitting and receiving information as satisfactory. Students, however, did not fully agree with them, particularly on the items about receiving information. The perceptions identified in this study may lead to a new direction in the communicative behavior of professors and students.
Resumo O ensino da odontologia requer a incorporação de habilidades de comunicação, e essas qualidades podem afetar os resultados do processo de aprendizagem. Este estudo avaliou a qualidade da comunicação entre professores e alunos durante o processo de aprendizagem da Odontologia. Foi desenvolvido e aplicado um questionário para avaliar suas percepções sobre suas comunicações em um curso de graduação em Odontologia. O questionário continha dez itens para analisar a autopercepção dos professores e dez para a percepção dos alunos, utilizando uma escala do tipo Likert e uma questão final aberta. Durante sua construção, foi enviado a cinco especialistas para análise de validade de conteúdo. A pergunta aberta reuniu sugestões para melhorar e intensificar a comunicação de forma eficaz e identificar vulnerabilidades. A pontuação total variou de 10 a 50, sendo 10 a pior percepção e 50 a melhor. As pontuações foram calculadas somando todas as respostas e dividindo essa soma pelo número total de itens. O alfa de Cronbach foi calculado para avaliar a consistência interna do instrumento. O nível de significância foi fixado em 0,05%. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para verificar diferenças entre os grupos. A autopercepção dos professores e a percepção dos alunos sobre a qualidade da comunicação do corpo docente universitário durante o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Os professores classificaram como satisfatória a capacidade de comunicação ao emitir e receber informações. Os alunos, porém, não concordaram plenamente com eles, principalmente nos itens sobre recebimento de informações. As percepções na habilidade comunicação identificadas neste estudo podem levar a um novo rumo no comportamento comunicativo de professores e alunos.
Abstract This study employed e-Vol DXS cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) software to assess dentin remnants in the furcation area of mesial canals in mandibular molars during root canal retreatment (RCR). Four groups (Reciproc®, ProTaper Next®, Race Evo®, Protaper Gold®) were subjected to RCR, and CBCT images were captured before (T1) and after (T2) treatment. Measurements of remaining dentin thickness at 1 mm and 3 mm below the furcation were scrutinized. Results revealed no significant differences in mean thicknesses of mesiobuccal (MB) and mesiolingual (ML) canals at 1 mm and 3 mm from the furcation pre-treatment (T1). Post-treatment (T2) showed analogous findings, with no significant differences in mean thicknesses. However, disparities were found between MB and ML canals at both distances, both before and after retreatment. In essence, the evaluated instruments exhibited safety in RCR, implying that they are appropriate for use in critical areas of mandibular molars without inducing excessive wear. This study underscores the reliability of these instruments in navigating danger zones during RCR, and contributes valuable insights for dental practitioners who handle complex root canal scenarios in mandibular molars.
This study evaluated a method to determine the spatial geometry of root canal preparation (RCP) using navigation dynamics and a specific algorithm from a new CBCT software (e-Vol DX). CBCT scans of 168 root canals of mandibular molars were acquired before and after RCP, using nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments (ProTaper Next, BioRace, Reciproc Blue, and WaveOne Gold). The spatial geometry of the root canals and the operative risk of disproportional wear of dentinal walls after RCP were evaluated using a new CBCT software. A 3-point scoring system was used after the measuring of cementum/dentin thickness before and after RCP in all root thirds. The root thirds were distributed into three parts of similar sizes, and the scores were categorized at three levels: 1. mild risk (1/3), 2. moderate risk (2/3), 3. severe risk (3/3). These levels were proposed according to the risk of creating disproportionate shapes, thin walls, or perforations. The data were analyzed statistically by Fischer's exact test (α = 5%). There were no significant differences in operative risk among the NiTi engine-driven systems, for the distal or mesial walls of all the root canal thirds (p>0.05). The spatial geometry method to assess operative risk allows clinical planning for a predictable enlargement of the root canal in all root thirds. Based on using a map-reading strategy on root canals in CBCT scans, NiTi engine-driven instruments did not present an increased operative risk during RCPs.
Cavidade Pulpar , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico Espiral , Ligas Dentárias , Dentina , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Titânio , Algoritmos , Software , Desenho de EquipamentoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical relevance of using the XP-endo Finisher as a supplementary tool to improve the success of root canal treatment of posterior teeth with apical periodontitis, as assessed by 1-year follow-up. METHODS: A randomized clinical trial was conducted with 92 posterior teeth with apical periodontitis. Root canal treatment was performed using a single reciprocating file, with or without the supplementary use of the XP-endo Finisher. The status of apical periodontitis was assessed using the periapical index (PAI) at baseline and 1 year follow-up. Changes on PAI indicated that the lesions were healed, healing, or not healed. Successful treatments were defined as healed or healing lesions without clinical symptoms. Chi-square analysis and logistic regression were used for data analysis (α = 0.05). RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the distribution of healing status between the XP-endo Finisher group and the control group (p = 0.690). The success rates were also similar, with 81% in the XP-endo Finisher group and 78% in the control group. However, gender had a significant impact on success rates, with higher rates observed in females. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the XP-endo Finisher file as a supplementary tool did not affect the success rate of root canal treatment in posterior teeth with apical periodontitis. The findings indicate that the XP-endo Finisher file has limited clinical relevance in improving treatment outcomes for root canal treatment in posterior teeth with apical periodontitis. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study protocol was registered in the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry under identification number RBR-76w7cj (June 19, 2018).
Periodontite Periapical , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular , Feminino , Humanos , Cavidade Pulpar , Seguimentos , Periodontite Periapical/terapia , Preparo de Canal Radicular , MasculinoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to compare the curvature severity of mesio-buccal (MB) canals between sagittal and coronal planes using cone-beam computed tomography. METHODS: In a Brazilian subpopulation, untreated MB1 (n = 141) and MB2 (n = 72) with single curvatures in sagittal and coronal planes were measured to determine their angle and radius (r), plus the prevalence of S-shaped canals was recorded. Curvature severity was defined according to the American Association of Endodontists Case Difficulty Assessment form (AAE) and EndoApp (EA), as well as their modified versions that consider angle and radii (AAE-r, EA-r). Data were converted into mean angle and r, percentage of canals >30°, AAE, EA, AAE-r and EA-r categories. The influence of r on case severity was assessed. Statistical analysis was performed using t-tests and chi-squared tests. The level of significance was set as P ≤ .05. RESULTS: For single curvatures, significantly higher mean degrees (SD) angles were found in the sagittal views in both canals (MB1 sagittal: 35 [11]; MB1 coronal: 13 [13]; MB2 sagittal: 29 [14]; MB2 coronal: 22 [15] [P < .05]). A greater percentage of angles >30° (MB1: 56.7% vs 6.4%; MB2: 44.4% vs 22.2%) in sagittal planes compared to coronal planes was also found. Conversely, a higher prevalence of S-shaped canals (MB1: 33.3% vs 7.1% MB2: 31.9% vs 15.3%) was observed in coronal planes. Significant differences between AAE and AAE-r were present with greater case severity when radii were considered (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Sagittal planes were associated with more severe single curvatures, while coronal planes had a greater prevalence of S-shaped canals.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico Espiral , Estudos Transversais , Brasil , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Molar/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodosRESUMO
The main purpose of this study was to answer the question: "Can radiotherapy cause changes in the dental pulp condition of patients treated with irradiation in the head and neck region?" Clinical observational studies in adults with head and neck cancer undergoing treatment with ionizing radiation, longitudinal or cross-sectional follow-up to measure oxygen saturation (SpO2), and/or pulp sensitivity test to cold stimulation, were considered eligible. A systematic literature search was performed in six different databases, including the gray literature, and in article references. Two independent evaluators selected the studies, extracted the data, recorded the data on electronic spreadsheets, and then evaluated the methodological quality using the Checklist for Quasi-Experimental Studies tool devised by JBI. The data were assessed qualitatively using the Synthesis Without Metanalysis (SWiM) guidelines. After removing the duplicate articles, carefully analyzing the titles and abstracts, and reading the papers in full, seven studies were included. Four of the studies evaluated applied the cold sensitivity test, two associated pulse oximetry and cold sensitivity, and only one used just pulse oximetry. Evaluation using the cold sensitivity test and pulse oximetry in the initial periods before radiotherapy showed a decrease in the sensitive response and in SpO2 levels during a maximum period of 1 year. However, analyses thereafter indicated a normal response in both tests from 5 to 6 years after the end of radiotherapy treatment. Radiotherapy causes changes in pulp behavior patterns in the short term; however, recovery and return to average values occurs after long periods.
Doenças da Polpa Dentária , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço , Adulto , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/radioterapia , Oximetria , Radiação Ionizante , Polpa DentáriaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to assess the influence of the e-vol DX BAR filter on the diagnostic accuracy of complete and incomplete vertical root fractures (VRFs). METHODS: Twenty single-rooted teeth were selected. The tooth crowns were removed, and the root canals were prepared up to a 40/.06 instrument (ProTaper Next). Each specimen was scanned in a Prexion 3D cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) device, in a dry human skull, in 4 different situations: no root canal filling, gutta-percha, fiberglass post, and metal post. The specimens were fractured in a universal testing machine by using a customized wedge. Each specimen was reinspected to confirm the presence of incomplete VRFs. Another set of CBCT scans was performed. Then, the fractures were completed in the universal testing machine, the teeth were reinspected, and the CBCT images were acquired again. Images were assessed by using the e-Vol DX software system, with the BAR filter and with the original images, for the diagnosis of VRFs. Statistical analysis was performed by using the DeLong and McNemar tests for the comparison of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values. RESULTS: The use of the BAR filter did not improve the diagnostic values of AUC, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in both fracture patterns (P > .05). Incomplete VRFs presented significantly lower AUC, accuracy, and sensitivity compared with complete VRFs (P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: The BAR filter did not improve the diagnostic accuracy of VRFs. The intracanal materials also did not influence the diagnosis. Incomplete VRFs were highly associated with a decrease in sensitivity.
INTRODUCTION: Cytokine levels are related to the aethiopathogenia of acute apical abscesses (AAA); however, the specific cytokine profiles in these cases are unclear. This study aimed to investigate the changes in systemic cytokine levels in patients with AAA and trismus onset, postantibiotic treatment, and postroot canal disinfection. METHODS: In total, 46 AAA patients with trismus and 32 control subjects were included. After seven days of antibiotic therapy, root canal disinfection was performed in the AAA patients. The serum levels of cytokines were evaluated at basal, seven, and 14 days after endodontic treatment. Quantification of cytokines from T helper (Th) 1, Th2, Th17, and regulatory T cells profiles was determined using the BioPlex MagPix system, and the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software (P < .05). RESULTS: AAA patients showed higher tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL) -6, and IL-10 levels than control subjects, at basal measurement (P < .05); there were similar levels of interferon gamma, IL-1ß, IL-4, and IL-17 between groups (P > .05). IL-6 and IL-10 levels decreased after antibiotic treatment (P < .05), which was also associated with clinical improvement in patients with AAA and trismus. Patients with AAA had a positive correlation with higher serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10. In addition, TNF-α levels decreased only after antibiotic and endodontic treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, patients with AAA had increased systemic serum levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10. Moreover, increased levels of IL-6 and IL-10 are associated with acute inflammatory symptoms. However, IL-6 and IL-10 levels decreased after antibiotic treatment, while TNF-α levels decreased after antibiotic and endodontic treatment.