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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(67): 197-212, mai-ago.2025. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577008


Os defeitos de esmalte são alterações qualitativas ou quantitativas na estrutura dentária, que originam-se de fatores sistêmicos, locais ou genéticos. A hipoplasia de Turner é um defeito na espessura do esmalte localizado cuja etiologia decorre de um traumatismo ou infecção periapical presente no dente decíduo predecessor, afetando o desenvolvimento do dente permanente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi apresentar um caso clínico de paciente infantil com dente hipoplásico de Turner em pré-molar, que tornou-se não vital sem que houvesse lesão de cárie ou trauma adicional. Em razão das características clínicas e radiográficas do dente afetado, bem como do risco de cárie e do comportamento cooperador da paciente, optou-se pela reabilitação do elemento afetado por meio de tratamento endodôntico e de restauração semidireta em resina composta. Torna-se de fundamental importância o conhecimento da etiologia e a realização de um exame clínico e radiográfico minucioso visando ao diagnóstico precoce e à elaboração de um plano de tratamento adequado para todos os defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte, incluindo-se a hipoplasia de Turner, cujo tratamento dependerá da severidade da alteração, do comportamento do paciente e do risco de cárie. Sugere-se a realização de estudos que associem a microestrutura do esmalte hipoplásico com a ausência de vitalidade pulpar.

Enamel defects are qualitative or quantitative changes in the tooth structure originating from systemic, local, or genetic factors. Turner's hypoplasia is a defect in the thickness of the localized enamel whose etiology arises from trauma or periapical infection in the predecessor deciduous tooth, affecting the permanent tooth's development. The objective of the present study was to present a clinical case of a child patient with a hypoplastic Turner premolar tooth, which became non-vital without the occurrence of caries, or additional trauma. Due to the affected tooth's clinical and radiographic characteristics, the risk of cavities, and the patient's cooperative behavior, it was decided to rehabilitate the affected element through endodontic treatment and semidirect restoration in composite resin. It is of fundamental importance to know the etiology and carry out a thorough clinical and radiographic examination aiming at early diagnosis and the development of an adequate treatment plan for all enamel developmental defects, including Turner's hypoplasia, whose treatment will depend on the severity of the change, the patient's behavior and the risk of caries. Studies are suggested to be carried out that associate the microstructure of hypoplastic enamel with the absence of pulp vitality.

Clin Oral Investig ; 27(3): 1243-1253, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36322153


OBJECTIVES: To date, there are no data available in the scientific literature about the diagnosis of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) in adults. We aimed to assess the MIH prevalence and clinical characteristics in adolescents and adults and its association with facial profile and occlusion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, permanent teeth were evaluated in 275 patients between the ages of 12 and 49 at a dental clinic, using intraoral photographs. A calibrated examiner classified enamel hypomineralization using the MIH index. Statistical analyses were performed using chi-square, Fisher's tests, and ordinal logistic regression. RESULTS: MIH was observed in 12.73% of all patients. The most commonly affected teeth were permanent molars, while incisors, premolars, and canines were less affected. MIH usually appears as demarcated opacities, with less than one-third of the tooth affected. There was no association between severe defects and facial profile and occlusion, but rather with the higher age of the participants. CONCLUSION: Enamel hypomineralization mainly affects the first and second permanent molars, but it could also be observed in the third molars, although it is not associated with the orthodontic characteristics investigated. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first study to highlight the prevalence of MIH in adults. This result showed the importance of other specialists beyond Pediatric Dentistry in the diagnosis of this defect. In addition, hypomineralization of other permanent teeth (canines, premolars, and second molars) has been described previously in other studies, but this is the first to identify MIH in third molars.

Hipoplasia do Esmalte Dentário , Hipomineralização Molar , Desmineralização do Dente , Humanos , Hipoplasia do Esmalte Dentário/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Dentição Permanente , Desmineralização do Dente/epidemiologia , Dente Molar , Prevalência
Braz Dent J ; 33(1): 77-86, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35262556


The aim of the study was to develop the Brazilian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile - Aesthetic Questionnaire (OHIP-Aes-Braz) and test its psychometric properties. The questionnaire test versions were developed by a panel of experts and a pre-test was conducted in a focus group. Data used for testing its psychometric properties were obtained from a randomized controlled clinical trial on tooth bleaching. Seventy-nine Brazilian adults were included. The questionnaires were applied before tooth bleaching treatment (baseline), one week (T1), and one month after the intervention (T2). Reliability was assessed in terms of internal consistency and stability, while validity was ascertained by criterion and construct validity. The sensitivity to change was assessed comparing the total scores at baseline and T2, using the Wilcoxon test (α = 0.05). Both stability and internal consistency (intra-class correlation coefficient=0.95, Cronbach's α = 0.92) proved to be adequate. Construct validity was confirmed as the correlation between OHIP-Aes-Braz scores with tooth color satisfaction and self-perceived oral health were in the expected direction. A positive correlation between OHIP-Aes-Braz and OHIP-14 (rs=0.63) and OIDP (rs=0.77) was observed. The instrument was responsive once differences in total scores before and after treatment were statistically significant (p<0.001). The OHIP-Aes-Braz presented good psychometric properties and showed sensitivity to change regarding aesthetics evaluation in Brazilian adults treated with tooth bleaching. A valid and reliable instrument allows a suitable assessment of oral health-related quality of life in Brazilian patients submitted to aesthetics dental interventions.

Saúde Bucal , Qualidade de Vida , Adulto , Estética Dentária , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;33(1): 77-86, jan.-fev. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1364487


Abstract The aim of the study was to develop the Brazilian version of the Oral Health Impact Profile - Aesthetic Questionnaire (OHIP-Aes-Braz) and test its psychometric properties. The questionnaire test versions were developed by a panel of experts and a pre-test was conducted in a focus group. Data used for testing its psychometric properties were obtained from a randomized controlled clinical trial on tooth bleaching. Seventy-nine Brazilian adults were included. The questionnaires were applied before tooth bleaching treatment (baseline), one week (T1), and one month after the intervention (T2). Reliability was assessed in terms of internal consistency and stability, while validity was ascertained by criterion and construct validity. The sensitivity to change was assessed comparing the total scores at baseline and T2, using the Wilcoxon test (α = 0.05). Both stability and internal consistency (intra-class correlation coefficient=0.95, Cronbach's α = 0.92) proved to be adequate. Construct validity was confirmed as the correlation between OHIP-Aes-Braz scores with tooth color satisfaction and self-perceived oral health were in the expected direction. A positive correlation between OHIP-Aes-Braz and OHIP-14 (rs=0.63) and OIDP (rs=0.77) was observed. The instrument was responsive once differences in total scores before and after treatment were statistically significant (p<0.001). The OHIP-Aes-Braz presented good psychometric properties and showed sensitivity to change regarding aesthetics evaluation in Brazilian adults treated with tooth bleaching. A valid and reliable instrument allows a suitable assessment of oral health-related quality of life in Brazilian patients submitted to aesthetics dental interventions.

Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver a versão brasileira do Oral Health Impact Profile - Aesthetic Questionnaire (OHIP-Aes-Braz) e testar suas propriedades psicométricas. As versões de teste do questionário foram desenvolvidas por um painel de especialistas e um pré-teste foi realizado em um grupo focal. Os dados usados para testar suas propriedades psicométricas foram obtidos a partir de um ensaio clínico randomizado controlado de clareamento dental. Setenta e nove brasileiros adultos foram incluídos. Os questionários foram aplicados antes do tratamento clareador (baseline), uma semana (T1) e um mês após a intervenção (T2). A confiabilidade foi avaliada em termos de consistência interna e estabilidade, enquanto a validade foi avaliada pela validade de critério e de construto. A sensibilidade à mudança foi avaliada pela comparação entre os escores totais no baseline e T2, usando o teste de Wilcoxon ((=0,05). Tanto a estabilidade quanto a consistência interna (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse=0,95, alfa de Cronbach=0,92) mostraram-se adequadas. A validade de construto foi confirmada uma vez que a correlação dos escores do OHIP-Aes-Braz com a satisfação com a cor dos dentes e a autopercepção da saúde bucal foram na direção esperada. Uma correlação positiva entre OHIP-Aes-Braz e OHIP-14 (r s =0,63) e OIDP (r s =0,77) foi observada. O instrumento foi responsivo uma vez que as diferenças nos escores totais antes e depois do tratamento foram estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001). O OHIP-Aes-Braz apresentou boas propriedades psicométricas e mostrou sensibilidade a mudanças na avaliação estética em adultos brasileiros submetidos ao clareamento dental. Um instrumento válido e confiável permite uma avaliação adequada da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em pacientes brasileiros submetidos a intervenções odontológicas estéticas.

Adv Pharmacol Pharm Sci ; 2021: 8840570, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33681808


AIM: This study sets out to evaluate the antiproteolytic activity of copaiba oil-based emulsion at the resin/dentin adhesive interface union formed with conventional and self-etching adhesives systems. METHODS: At in situ zymography, 30 teeth were sectioned 2 mm below the enamel-dentin junction; a smear layer was standardized and subdivided into four groups. Gelatin conjugated with fluorescein was used and taken to the fluorescence microscope for evaluation. In cytotoxicity, the Trypan Blue method was used at four different time points. The tested groups were (G1) control with distilled water; (G2) 2% chlorhexidine (CLX); (G3) emulsion based on copaiba oil (EC) 10% + X; (G4) 10% EC + Y; and (G5) EC 10% alkaline. The zymographic assay used the same groups described, but in 30 seconds and 10 and 20 minutes. HT1080 cells were incubated and submitted to electrophoresis. The gel was analyzed using ImageJ software. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used in the statistical analysis (p < 0.05). RESULTS: ECs showed higher cell viability in the cytotoxicity test and showed a significant difference in 10 and 20 minutes. In the zymographic assay, alkaline EC reduced 67% of MMP-2 activity and 44% of MMP-9 compared to 2% chlorhexidine. At in situ zymography in qualitative evaluation, all groups tested showed inhibition of activity in metalloproteinases. CONCLUSION: EC showed activity in the inhibition of metalloproteinases in vitro and in situ, especially the alkaline one. The survey shows the possibility of using ECs, a product from Amazonian biodiversity, as a biomodifier in dentistry.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 4057, 01 Fevereiro 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-998006


Objective: To characterize the profile of patients with special needs assisted at a Dentistry School of a Brazilian University. Material and Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study was carried out through the analysis of 329 dental records from individuals with special needs assisted at the Dentistry for Special Needs Patients discipline between 2012 and 2017. Data on gender, age, race, monthly family income, schooling, medical diagnosis of the disabling condition, drug used and type of dental procedures performed were reviewed. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Shapiro-Wilk and t-student tests) with 5% significance level. Results: There was higher prevalence of females (50.5%) aged 45-54 years (18.7%), low schooling (36.2%) and monthly income of 1 minimum wage (61.9%). Most special needs were chronic systemic diseases (67.2%) and endocrine-metabolic diseases (16.7%). Among patients investigated, 66.3% used anti-hypertensive (38.3%) and anti-inflammatory (20.6%) drugs. Of dental procedures performed, curative procedures were the most prevalent in the majority of patients (90.6%). Conclusion: The profile of most patients with special needs was characterized by females with chronic systemic diseases and mean age of 39.6 years, low schooling and monthly family income of up to 1 minimum wage, whose main reason for the visit was the search for curative dental treatment.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Universidades , Brasil , Pessoas com Deficiência , Assistência Odontológica para a Pessoa com Deficiência , Serviços de Saúde Bucal , Prontuários Médicos , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1056854


Abstract Objective: To assess agreement between reports of parents and children about children's oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Material and Methods: A total of 50 pairs of preschool-aged children, aged 5-6 years and their parents, who sought dental care at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Federal University of Amazonas, answered the Brazilian version of the Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5). SOHO-5 was completed through face-to-face independent interviews. A specific instrument containing information about demographics and socioeconomic conditions of children and their families was also applied to parents. Children's oral examinations were performed for the diagnosis of dental caries (dmft). The agreement between total and items scores was evaluated using the means comparison and the correlation analysis, calculated by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) Results: There was a significant difference between the means of parent-child reports in total scores (p=0.0028) and items associated with difficulty speaking (p=0.038) and difficulty playing (p=0.0034). Children reported worse OHRQoL than their caregivers, suggesting different perceptions between them. The ICC for the total score of parent-child reports was 0.44 (95% CI, 0.02-0.68). Higher SOHO-5 scores were found in children with dental caries experience Conclusion: Moderate agreement was observed, suggesting that the reports of parents should be complementary to those of preschool children about the OHRQoL, allowing the clinician to make the best treatment decision, according to the different views and expectations of both.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Qualidade de Vida , Criança , Saúde Bucal/educação , Assistência Odontológica , Cárie Dentária/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Bucal , Pais , Percepção , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-796376


To analyze the prevalence and severity of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and its relationship with dental caries in public school children in Manaus/AM.Material and Methods:Overall, 2,062 primary school children aged 6-10 years were examined to obtain MIH, DMFT, dmft and DDE indexes. The participation of five schools in each district of the city of Manaus was randomly determined, totaling 40 schools, and in each of them, two classes of each grade of elementary school in two shifts were selected, totaling 10 classes. Clinical examinations were conducted by two previously calibrated examiners in school environment under natural lighting. Data collected were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis by Chi-square, Fisher's Exact and Mann-Whitney tests at 5% significance level. Results:The prevalence of MIH in Manaus was 9.12% and no significant association with gender and age of schoolchildren was found. The mandibular arch was the most affected, with greaternumber of teeth being affected on the left side. The most frequently affected teeth were the mandibular permanent first molars, followed by maxillary counterparts and maxillary/mandibular central incisors. The most frequent diagnosis was mild MIH. The DMFT of children with MIH was 1.58 and dmft was 2.47, higher than those of the unaffected group. A correlation was found between DDE and MIH. Conclusion:Earlydiagnosis of MIH is imperative, since children affected show high risk for the development of dental caries...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Dente Molar/anatomia & histologia , Desmineralização do Dente/etiologia , Epidemiologia , Incisivo/anatomia & histologia , Brasil , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Araraquara; s.n; 2014. 139 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-867836


Com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência, a severidade da HMI e sua associação com a cárie dentária e com a presença de defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte na dentição decídua em escolares da rede pública de Manaus/AM, examinou-se 2.062 crianças do ensino fundamental, com idade entre 6 a 10 anos, para o registro de HMI, dos índices CPO-D, ceo-d e DDE. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e submetidos à analise estatística descritiva pelos testes Qui-quadrado, Exato de Fischer e Mann Whitney, ao nível de significância de 5%, sendo as associações verificadas por Odds Ratio. A prevalência da HMI em Manaus foi de 9,12%, não havendo associação significativa com o sexo e a idade das crianças investigadas. O arco inferior foi mais acometido, com maior número de dentes envolvidos no lado esquerdo. Os dentes mais afetados foram os primeiros molares permanentes inferiores, seguidos pelos homólogos superiores e incisivos centrais superiores/inferiores. A severidade de grau leve foi o diagnóstico mais frequente. O CPO-D das crianças com HMI foi de 1,58 e o ceo-d de 2,47, maiores que os valores do grupo não afetado e da amostra total. Observou-se relação entre a presença de DDE e a de HMI. Torna-se imprescindível o diagnóstico precoce de HMI, visto que as crianças afetadas apresentam alto risco ao desenvolvimento de cárie dentária.

In order to analyze the prevalence and severity of MIH and its association with dental caries and developmental defects of enamel in the deciduous dentition of public schoolchildren Manaus / AM, we examined 2062 primary school children aged 6-10 years to obtain the MIH, the DMFT, dmft and DDE indexes. The data collected were tabulated and submitted to descriptive statistical analysis by Chi-square, Fisher's Exact and Mann Whitney tests, at a 5% significance level with associations found by odds ratio. The prevalence of MIH in Manaus was 9.12%, and no significant association with gender and age of the children studied was found. The mandibular arch was the most affected, with greater number of teeth being affected on the left side. The most frequently affected teeth were the mandibular permanent first molars, followed by maxillary counterparts and maxillary/mandibular central incisors. The most frequent diagnosis was mild MIH severity. The DMFT of children with MIH was 1.58 and dmft was 2.47, higher than those of the unaffected group and the total sample. A correlation was found between DDE and the presence of MIH. Early diagnosis of MIH is imperative, since the children affected show a high risk for the development of dental caries

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Dente Decíduo , Índice CPO , Esmalte Dentário , Cárie Dentária , Desmineralização do Dente , Epidemiologia , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 12(3): 419-424, out. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-874731


Objetivo: Determinar a concentração de açúcares presente em alimentos infantis industrializados consumidos por crianças da cidade de Manaus (AM). Método: Selecionaram-se aleatoriamente seis tipos de alimentos infantis industrializados, em triplicata, com lotes diferentes, os quais foram comprados em supermercados de Manaus e divididos em três grupos: Grupo 1- Bebidas; Grupo 2- Papinhas de Frutas para Bebês e Grupo 3 - Bolachas doces. Determinou-se, pelo método de Lane-Eynon, a concentração de açúcares redutores em glicose e os não redutores em sacarose dos mesmos. As concentrações de açúcares encontradas foram comparadas às contidas nos rótulos dos produtos analisados. Na análise dos dados foi utilizada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e na comparação das médias em relação aos diferentes produtos foi aplicado o teste estatístico de Tukey, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Constatou-se diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação da média do percentual de açúcar redutor em glicose em relação aos diferentes produtos (ANOVA - p menor que 0,001). Na comparação dois a dois, pelo teste de Tukey, a papinha de fruta de maçã (34,22%) e de pera (22,34%) apresentaram as maiores médias de açúcares redutores em glicose (p= 0,03), enquanto o biscoito Bono sabor chocolate (52,83%) e o bolinho de baunilha com recheio artificial de chocolate (39,34%) apresentaram as maiores médias de sacarose (p=0,02). Conclusão: Altas concentrações de açúcares, superiores às especificadas na embalagem, foram encontradas na maioria dos alimentos infantis industrializados investigados, expondo crianças desde a mais tenra idade a um desafio cariogênico significativo.

Objective: To determine the concentration of sugars in industrialized children's foods consumed by children living in the city of Manaus-AM. Method: Six types of industrialized children's foods were selected, in triplicate, with different lots, which were purchased at supermarkets of Manaus, and divided into three groups: Group 1- beverages; Group 2- baby fruit paps; and Group 3 - Sweet cookies. The Lane-Eynon method was used to determine the concentration of reducing sugars in glucose and non-reducing sugars in sucrose of the foods. The concentrations of sugars were compared with those contained in the product labels. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for the analysis of data and the Tukey's test was used for comparison of the means in relation to the different products. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: There was statistically significant difference in the comparison of the percent mean of reducing sugars in glucose for the different products (ANOVA; p less than 0.001). Two-by-two comparisons by the Tukey's test showed that apple (34.22%) and pear (22.34%) baby paps presented the highest means of reducing sugars in glucose (p=0.03), while "Bono" chocolate cookie (52.83%) and vanilla muffin with artificial chocolate stuffing (39.34%) presented the highest means of sucrose (p=0.02). Conclusion: High concentrations of sugars, superior to those indicated in the labels, were found in most industrialized children's foods evaluated in this study, exposing children at very early age to a remarkable cariogenic challenge.

Humanos , Criança , Alimentos Infantis , Cárie Dentária/etiologia , Dieta Cariogênica , Placa Dentária , Sacarose , Análise de Variância
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: lil-663265


Objetivo: Avaliar a concentração de fluoretos, o pH, a viscosidade e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) de enxaguatórios bucais fluoretados disponíveis comercialmente na cidade de Manaus - AM. Método: Foram selecionadas aleatoriamente seis marcas de enxaguatórios bucais fluoretados, adquiridos em drogarias da cidade de Manaus em triplicata, com lotes diferentes. A análise da concentração de flúor e do pH foi realizada mediante o uso do analisador de íons ORION 720A, enquanto na determinação da viscosidade foi utilizado um viscosímetro AVS - 350 (Schott), em temperaturas de 20 e 37ºC e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) foi determinado por meio da leitura da refratometria na escala °Brix. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância de ANOVA e ao teste de Tukey para demonstrar diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os enxaguatórios e os seus respectivos lotes. Resultados: A concentração de flúor encontrada nos enxaguatórios analisados variou entre 213,22 e 249,78 ppm, enquanto o pH da maioria dos enxaguatórios mostrou-se ácido, mas apenas duas marcas apresentaram-se potencialmente erosivas, com pH inferior a 5,5. A viscosidade a 20:C apresentou um intervalo de 1,28 - 2,56 mm²/s e quando a 37 ºC, um intervalo de 1,02 e 1,90 mm²/s. O teor de SST variou entre 7 e 22,50% na escala ºBrix. Conclusão: Dentre os produtos testados, o Colgate Plax® Kids apresentou elevado índice de Teor de Sólidos Solúveis Totais (ºBrix), de viscosidade e pH endógeno abaixo do considerado crítico.

Objective: To assess the concentration of fluoride, pH, viscosity and the total soluble solids (SST) content of commercially available fluoride mouthrinses in the city of Manaus - AM. Method: Six brands of fluoridated mouthrinses were randomly selected in triplicate. For each medicine, the average of these three evaluations was considered for statistical analysis.The analysis of the fluoride concentration and pH was performed using the Orion 720A ion analyzer, while to determine viscosity the viscometer AVS - 350 (Schott) was used at temperatures of 20 ºC and 37 ºC and total soluble solids content (TSSC) was determined by reading the Brix scale refractometer. Data were subjected to analysis of variance ANOVA and Tukey test to demonstrate statistically significant differences between the mouthrinses and their respective lots. Results: The fluoride concentration found in mouthrinses analyzed varied between 213.22 and 249.78 ppm, while the pH of most mouthrinses showed to be acid, but only two brands were potentially erosive, with a pH below 5.5. Viscosity at 20°C showed an interval from 1.28 to 2.56 mm²/s, and when at 37 ºC, an interval of 1.02 to 1.90 mm²/s. The TSS content varied between 7 and 22.50% in the Brix scale. Conclusion: Among the products tested, Colgate Plax Kids presented a high level of total soluble solids content (ºBrix), viscosity and endogenous pH below the critical consideration.

Brasil , Flúor/administração & dosagem , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Viscosidade , Fluoretos/administração & dosagem , Antissépticos Bucais/administração & dosagem
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 10(1): 27-33, jan.-abr. 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: lil-549716


Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento dos professores de 1ª a 4ª série de escolas públicas do município de Manaus-AM, sobre avulsão dentária. Método: Foram entrevistados 311 profissionais, de todas as zonas de Manaus, por meio de formulário padronizado, contendo perguntas fechadas, abertas e de múltipla escolha sobre avulsão dentária, reimplante e procedimentos necessários para favorecer o prognóstico em casos de dentes avulsionados. Após a entrevista, foi entregue um folder sobre os corretos procedimentos de urgência a serem adotados frente aos casos de avulsão dentária, possibilitando transformar os professores da rede pública de ensino em agentes multiplicadores de conhecimento. Resultados: 57,1% dos professores possuíam apenas formação de ensino médio e 49,8% tinham experiência profissional entre 1 e 5 anos. Dos professores que realizaram treinamento de primeiros socorros (29,9%), apenas 12,9% obtiveram informações sobre traumatismo alvéolo-dentário. 66,9% não souberam distinguir os dentes decíduos dos permanentes e 61,7% apenas dariam uma toalha para o aluno morder em caso de traumatismo, não dispensando a atenção necessária ao elemento avulsionado. Apenas 5,5% realizariam o reimplante do elemento dentário no local do acidente. A maioria (55,9%) considerou que a procura do atendimento deve ser imediata, 51,1% escolheria o dentista como profissional mais qualificado para estes casos e 58,8% escolheria a água da torneira como meio de conservação ideal para o dente avulsionado. Conclusão: Não se observou conhecimento adequado dos professores entrevistados em relação aos procedimentos de urgência a serem adotados frente à avulsão dentária, demonstrando a necessidade da inclusão deste tema na matriz curricular destes profissionais e também da realização de campanhas de educação em saúde, melhorando assim o prognóstico do reimplante dentário.

Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of 1st-4th grade teachers form municipal public schools of the city of Manaus/AM about tooth avulsion.Method: Three hundred and eleven professionals from all regions of the city of Manaus/AM were interviewed using a standardized form containing closed, open and multi plechoice questions about tooth avulsion, tooth replantation and the procedures necessary to improve the prognosis in cases of avulsed teeth. After the interview, a folder containing information about the correct urgency procedures to be adopted in case of tooth avulsion was handed to the participants, in an attempt to make elementary public school teachers capable of spreading this knowledge. Results: 57.1% of the teachers had only high school education and 49.8% had 1 to 5 years of professional experience. From the teachers that attended first-aid training (29.9%), only 12.9% had previous information on dento-alveolar trauma. 66.9% could not distinguish primary from permanent teeth, and 61.7% would only give a towel for the student to bite in case of dental trauma, not dispensing the necessary attention to the avulsed tooth. Only 5.5% would replant the avulsed tooth at the site of the accident. Most teachers (55.9%) responded that immediate dental care is necessary, 51.1% considered the dentist as the most qualified professional for these cases, and 58.8% would choose tap water as the ideal storage medium for the avulsed tooth. Conclusion: The interviewed teachers did not have adequate knowledge of the urgency procedures to be adopted in case of tooth avulsion, demonstrating the need of incorporating this subject to the curriculum of these professionals and performing health educational campaigns to improve the frequency and prognosis of replanted teeth.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Alvéolo Dental , Avulsão Dentária/diagnóstico , Educação em Saúde , Reimplante/métodos , Saúde Pública , Serviços Médicos de Emergência , Traumatismos Dentários/diagnóstico , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: lil-545289


Objetivo: Determinar o pH de refrigerantes, sucos de frutas e iogurtes industrializados na cidade de Manaus-Amazonas e consumidos pela população local, comparando os valores do pH dos produtos, segundo o tipo e o sabor, bem como em relação ao pH crítico de desmineralização. Método: A amostra foi constituída de vinte e duas marcas comerciais de bebidas, divididas em 3 grupos (sucos, iogurtes e refrigerantes) e adquiridas em supermercados da cidade de Manaus. Foram obtidas 4 unidades de cada produto, sendo duas do mesmo lote. Avaliou-se o pH utilizando-se um medidor de pH calibrado, logo após a quebra do lacre dos produtos e após 5 minutos. Os dados foram submeti dos à análise de variância de ANOVA para demonstrar diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos de bebidas e sabores destas. Resultados: Observou-se que, em média, os iogurtes apresentaram maiores valores de pH que os refrigerantes e sucos industrializados. O pH variou de 4,24 a 2,44, para o iogurte Fazendinha sabor morango e o refrigerante Gury Cola, respectivamente. O suco de pêssego apresentou o valor de pH mais elevado seguido dos sabores maracujá, frutas cítricas e uva. Quanto aos iogurtes, o sabor de maior pH correspondeu ao sabor morango seguido de côco, abacaxi e banana. Conclusão: Os refrigerantes, sucos e iogurtes analisados mostraram valores abaixo do pH crítico de dissolução da estrutura dental, sugerindo a possibilidade de desmineralização dental, demonstrando potencial para gerar lesões de erosão dentária. Das bebidas investigadas, os iogurtes apresentaram maiores valores de pH, quando comparados aos sucos industrializados e aos refrigerantes. Os sabores banana e uva dos iogurtes e sucos, respectivamente, alcançaram as menores médias de pH, assim como os refrigerantes a base de cola.

Objective: To determine the pH of soft drinks, fruit juices and yogurts produced in the city of Manaus/AM, and consumed by the local population, comparing the pH values of the products, according to the type, flavor, and critical pH for demineralization of dental tissues. Method: The sample was composed of 22 commercial brands of beverages (soft drinks, juices and yogurts) purchased from supermarkets in the city of Manaus/AM. Four units of each product were obtained, being two of the same lot. The pHs were measured using a calibrated pH meter immediately after breaking the product seal and after 5 minutes. Data were subjected to analysis of variance to demonstrate statistically significant differences among the groups of beverages and among their flavors. Results: The yogurts presented higher pH values than the soft drinks and industrialized juices. The pHs ranged from 4.24 to 2.44, for the yogurt Fazendinha strawberry flavor and the soft drink Gury Cola, respectively. Peach juice presented the highest pH value followed by the flavors passion fruit, citric fruits and grape. Regarding the yogurts, the strawberry flavor presented the highest pH, followed by coconut, pineapple and banana. Conclusion: The soft drinks, juices and yogurts evaluated in this study presented pH values below the critical value for dissolution of the dental tissues, suggesting the possible occurrence of dental demineralization and demonstrating the potential of these beverages for producing erosive lesions. Among the tested beverages, the yogurts presented higher pH values than the industrialized juices and soft drinks. The flavors banana and grape of yogurts and juices, respectively, presented the lowest pH values, as well as the cola-type soft drinks.

Bebidas Gaseificadas , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Erosão Dentária/prevenção & controle , Bebidas Gaseificadas , Desmineralização do Dente , Iogurte , Análise de Variância , Ensaio Clínico
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 9(3): 347-353, set.-dez. 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-873924


Objetivo: Determinar o pH de refrigerantes, sucos de frutas e iogurtes industrializados na cidade de Manaus-Amazonas e consumidos pela população local, comparando os valores do pH dos produtos, segundo o tipo e o sabor, bem como em relação ao pH crítico de desmineralização. Método: A amostra foi constituída de vinte e duas marcas comerciais de bebidas, divididas em 3 grupos (sucos, iogurtes e refrigerantes) e adquiridas em supermercados da cidade de Manaus. Foram obtidas 4 unidades de cada produto, sendo duas do mesmo lote. Avaliou-se o pH utilizando-se um medidor de pH calibrado, logo após a quebra do lacre dos produtos e após 5 minutos. Os dados foram submeti dos à análise de variância de ANOVA para demonstrar diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos de bebidas e sabores destas. Resultados: Observou-se que, em média, os iogurtes apresentaram maiores valores de pH que os refrigerantes e sucos industrializados. O pH variou de 4,24 a 2,44, para o iogurte Fazendinha sabor morango e o refrigerante Gury Cola, respectivamente. O suco de pêssego apresentou o valor de pH mais elevado seguido dos sabores maracujá, frutas cítricas e uva. Quanto aos iogurtes, o sabor de maior pH correspondeu ao sabor morango seguido de côco, abacaxi e banana. Conclusão: Os refrigerantes, sucos e iogurtes analisados mostraram valores abaixo do pH crítico de dissolução da estrutura dental, sugerindo a possibilidade de desmineralização dental, demonstrando potencial para gerar lesões de erosão dentária. Das bebidas investigadas, os iogurtes apresentaram maiores valores de pH, quando comparados aos sucos industrializados e aos refrigerantes. Os sabores banana e uva dos iogurtes e sucos, respectivamente, alcançaram as menores médias de pH, assim como os refrigerantes a base de cola.

Objective: To determine the pH of soft drinks, fruit juices and yogurts produced in the city of Manaus/AM, and consumed by the local population, comparing the pH values of the products, according to the type, flavor, and critical pH for demineralization of dental tissues. Method: The sample was composed of 22 commercial brands of beverages (soft drinks, juices and yogurts) purchased from supermarkets in the city of Manaus/AM. Four units of each product were obtained, being two of the same lot. The pHs were measured using a calibrated pH meter immediately after breaking the product seal and after 5 minutes. Data were subjected to analysis of variance to demonstrate statistically significant differences among the groups of beverages and among their flavors. Results: The yogurts presented higher pH values than the soft drinks and industrialized juices. The pHs ranged from 4.24 to 2.44, for the yogurt Fazendinha strawberry flavor and the soft drink Gury Cola, respectively. Peach juice presented the highest pH value followed by the flavors passion fruit, citric fruits and grape. Regarding the yogurts, the strawberry flavor presented the highest pH, followed by coconut, pineapple and banana. Conclusion: The soft drinks, juices and yogurts evaluated in this study presented pH values below the critical value for dissolution of the dental tissues, suggesting the possible occurrence of dental demineralization and demonstrating the potential of these beverages for producing erosive lesions. Among the tested beverages, the yogurts presented higher pH values than the industrialized juices and soft drinks. The flavors banana and grape of yogurts and juices, respectively, presented the lowest pH values, as well as the cola-type soft drinks.

Bebidas Gaseificadas , Desmineralização do Dente , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Erosão Dentária/prevenção & controle , Iogurte , Bebidas Gaseificadas , Análise de Variância , Ensaio Clínico