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Acta amaz ; 50(2): 133-137, abr - jun. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118280


Invasive species influence the structure and functioning of ecosystems, as they affect native species, significantly decreasing their diversity. Aquatic ecosystems harbor a great biodiversity, and invasive macrophytes significantly affect the native plant communities, causing a cascade effect on other trophic levels. Among invasive macrophytes, Urochloa arrecta is cause for concern in the Neotropics and is found in several regions of Brazil, specially in the southeastern and southern regions. So far the species had been recorded only in the northern state of Amazonas. We report the first record of the species in the state of Pará, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. We emphasize that identifying sites where this species is invasive is the best strategy to prevent its spread, aiming at the protection and conservation of Amazonian freshwater ecosystems. (AU)

Flora Aquática , Ecologia , Espécies Introduzidas , Ecossistema Amazônico
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 52: e20190304, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020443


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is a common pathogen, which on infection causes variety of clinical conditions from benign self-limiting exanthematous disease and other similar pathologies to fetal death. METHODS: We collected 341 serum samples between the first and fourth day after the onset of symptoms from all patients suspected of dengue fever who were attended at Regional Hospital of Tefé. Initially, patients were screened for malaria by blood smear test and negative samples were sent to Fundação de Medicina Tropical Doutor Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD) situated in Manaus (AM) for dengue testing using semi-nested multiplex PCR. Further, we investigated 44 malaria and dengue-negative samples of children for B19V DNA by nested-PCR. Positive samples were analyzed by BLAST against entire public non-redundant nucleotide database and genotyped by phylogenetic analyses using neighbor-joining clustering method. RESULTS: Eight samples (18.2%) were found to be PCR positive. Fever, headache, ocular pain, and/or muscle pain were reported as the most frequent symptoms by the patients and none were diagnosed with rash at the time of sample collection. Phylogenetic analysis of major capsid protein 2 (VP2) and VP3 coding region showed high similarity with B19V genotype 1. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal the spread of B19V genotype 1 in Tefé. Moreover, our results emphasize the significance of laboratorial differential diagnosis using molecular techniques in patients with acute febrile, and thereby aid the health surveillance system in improving patient care even in the remote areas of Amazon.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , DNA Viral/sangue , Parvovirus B19 Humano/genética , Infecções por Parvoviridae/diagnóstico , Infecções por Parvoviridae/virologia , Dengue/diagnóstico , Filogenia , Brasil , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Genótipo , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Zootaxa ; 4461(1): 69-76, 2018 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30314096


A new species of Moenkhausia is described from the upper rio Negro basin, Amazonas, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all congeners, except M. agnesae, by presenting a color pattern characterized by the presence of two irregularly-shaped humeral blotches, and the presence of dark longitudinal stripes on the dorsal portion of the body. The new species can be readily separated from M. agnesae by presenting longitudinal stripes straight and more conspicuous dorsally, humeral blotches contacting each other, 2-3 tricuspid maxillary teeth, 32-35 lateral-line scales, and length of maxilla 45.3-51.0% in head length.

Characidae , Animais , Brasil , Cor , Cabeça , Rios
Zootaxa ; 4242(2): 372-382, 2017 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28610189


Two new species of Stigmaeidae, Agistemus rodriguezi Paktinat-Saeij & Cruz sp. nov. and Eryngiopus moraesi Paktinat-Saeij & Barroso sp. nov. are described and illustrated on the basis of adult specimens from northern Brazil.

Ácaros , Animais , Brasil
Rev. patol. trop ; 43(1): 1-6, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-737506


Mansonelliasis is a filariasis whose etiological agents are Mansonella ozzardi, Mansonella perstansand Mansonella streptocerca. Only the first two cited species occur in Brazil. M. ozzardi is widely distributed in Amazonas state and it is found along the rivers Solimões, Purus, Negro and their tributaries while M. perstans is restricted to the Upper Rio Negro. In this update, we report the occurrence of M. ozzardi in Amazonas since the 1950s, and we show that over the years this filariasis has been sustained with high prevalence, while maintaining a constant cycle of transmission in endemic areas due to the lack of treatment and control policies. M. perstans has so far only been recorded in indigenous populations in the Upper Rio Negro. However, the continuous flow of migrants to other regions may cause an expansion of this infection.

A mansonelose é uma filariose cujos agentes etiológicos são Mansonella ozzardi, M. perstans e M. strepotcerca. Somente as duas primeiras ocorrem no Brasil. M. ozzardi apresenta ampla distribuição no estado do Amazonas sendo encontrada ao longo dos rios Solimões, Purus e Negro e afluentes, ao passo que M. perstans possui distribuição restrita à região do Alto Rio Negro. Nesta atualização, é relatada a ocorrência de M. ozzardi no Amazonas desde a década de 1950 e, ao longo dos anos, esta filariose tem sustentado elevadas prevalências, mantendo um ciclo constante de transmissão nas áreas endêmicas em virtude da falta de políticas de tratamento e controle. Até o momento, M. perstans só foi registrada nas populações indígenas da região do Alto Rio Negro, mas, em razão da existência de um fluxo migratório contínuo para outras regiões, existe a possibilidade de sua expansão.

Humanos , Filariose/epidemiologia , Mansonella , Microfilárias , Brasil
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 18(3): 723-744, 2011. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-601976


A comunidade Y'Apyrehyt, uma das três comunidades da etnia Sateré-mawé, na periferia de Manaus, está assentada no antigo Parque das Seringueiras. A comunidade é composta por 67 pessoas, entre adultos e crianças, que sobrevivem dos rendimentos advindos dos turistas que pagam para ver o Ritual da Tucandeira e da venda de artesanato. Mesmo com o puratin ou poratig, o Remo Mágico fincado na entrada da comunidade, somente o Ritual da Tucandeira mantém-se vivo. O processo de ressignificação desse ritual assumiu também caráter estético de coreografia artística e objeto para troca econômica.

The Y'Apyrehyt community, one of three belonging to the Sateré-Mawé indigenous people found on the outskirts of Manaus, is located in a former nature reserve, the Parque das Seringueiras. The community comprises 67 people, adults and children, who live from the income obtained from tourists paying to see the Tucandeira Ant Ritual and from the sale of craftwork. Even with the Magic Oar - the puratin or poratig - displayed at the entrance to the community, only the Tucandeira Ant Ritual remains alive today. The process of attributing new meanings to this ritual has involved both an aesthetic dimension, evinced in its artistic choreography, and its commercialization.

Indígenas Sul-Americanos , Medicina Tradicional
Acta amaz ; 33(1)2003.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454943


The prevalence of bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) was determined, through the anti-BLV serum antibody test, in 661 samples collected in 16 dairy herds from four municipalities in the micro region of Manaus, at the Amazonas state. The agar gel immunodiffusion test with an envelop glycoprotein virus-antigen (gp-51) was used as a method of diagnosis the infection or the presence of anti-BLV antibodies transferred passively by the colostrum to calves up to six- month-old.. ll herds were positive for the BLV test. The overall prevalence was 8.9%. When the calves less than six-month-old were excluded a rate of 9.6% (58/604) infection prevalence was found. The influence of the age and sex factors on the prevalence of BLV were analysed by the two-proportion test. Higher prevalence rate was found in cattle older than 12-month-old as compared to the younger calves. No sexual effect was found.

Determinou-se a prevalência de anticorpos séricos anti-Vírus da Leucose dos Bovinos (anti-VLB) em 661 amostras de soro sangüíneo, colhidas em 16 rebanhos leiteiros criados em quatro municípios da Microrregião de Manaus, no Estado do Amazonas (Manaus, Iranduba, Autazes e Careiro da Várzea). Para detecção de anticorpos anti-VLB utilizou-se o teste de Imunodifusão Radial Dupla de Ouchterlony em gel de ágar, com uso do antígeno glicoprotéico (gp-51) da cápsula do vírus. Os resultados demonstraram a ocorrência da Leucose Enzoótica dos Bovinos nos rebanhos estudados, sendo a taxa de prevalência de anticorpos séricos anti-VLB na população examinada igual a 8,9% (59/661), com a exclusão dos animais com menos de seis meses de idade, nos quais a sororeação positiva poderia representar transferência passiva de anticorpos colostrais, verificou-se uma taxa de prevalência da infecção igual a 9,6% (58/604). Os animais avaliados, foram estratificados em grupos de acordo com a faixa etária e sexo. A análise dos resultados obtidos, pelo teste de duas proporções, permitiu concluir que a prevalência de bovinos portadores de anticorpos anti-VLB foi significativamente maior nos animais com mais de 12 meses de idade, não havendo diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos entre machos e fêmeas.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 31(1): 95-98, jan.-fev. 1998.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-464113


Em 02/07/1995, foi atendido no Instituto de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas, paciente masculino, 11 anos, acidentado em Manaus, por picada na região retroauricular direita, clínicamente compatível com aquele causado por Latrodectus. Observavam-se abalos musculares, febre, calafrios e sudorese intensa. Instituída terapêutica com neostigmine precedido de atropina, gluconato de cálcio, cimetidina, diazepam e hidrocortisona. No terceiro dia apresentava-se melhorado, consciente, orientado e com diminuição importante do edema palpebral. A despeito de uma melhora progressiva diária, no quinto dia surgiu eritema máculo-pápulo-vesiculoso. Em 14/07/1995 teve alta, assintomático. O caso relatado é o primeiro descrito na região Amazônica, ocorrido na periferia de Manaus e pode ter sido uma consequência da expansão urbana das duas últimas décadas.

In July 2, 1995 arrived at the Instituto de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas as eleven-year-old male with complaining of spider bite on his right retroauricular region, presenting typical findings of latrodectism. The accident was reported as having occurred in the suburbs of Manaus. The patient was given neostigmine preceded by atropine, calcium gluconate, cimetidine, diazepan and hydrocortisone. Within three days the patient showed improvement, and was aware, orientated and with significant palpebral oedema reduction. Muscle spasms are still present, as well as fever, shivering, and intense sweating. In spite of a daily progressive improvement, at the fifth day appeared a spotted papular erythema. The patient was discharged without symptoms after the 13th day. This is the first such reported case which took place in Amazonian region, it might have been happened a consequence of the urban sprawl which has characterized the growth of the city of Manaus, in the last twenty years. It is not possible at this point to evaluate the epidemiological resound of the event, but in any case, it seems plausible to recommend that black widow antivenom become available.

Criança , Humanos , Masculino , Picada de Aranha/epidemiologia , Picada de Aranha/tratamento farmacológico , Picada de Aranha/etiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Crescimento Demográfico