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SciELO Preprints; mar. 2022.
Preprint em Inglês | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-3782


The "Coleção de Flebotomíneos" (FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB) held at Fiocruz Minas is a curated biological collection comprised of approximately 80,000 individual specimens of 370 species of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) mostly from the Americas collected over the last 80 years by entomologists interested in understanding and controlling the vector-borne disease leishmaniases. Since 2010, the metadata of each of the individual biological specimens held in FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB, including the back catalogue of those deposited in previous decades, has been digitized. Here, our resulting electronic catalogue, containing records for 72,624 of the specimens, including all of the available provenance information associated with each of them, is published online through the speciesLink network <> and the Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira (SiBBr) <>.

The "Coleção de Flebotomíneos" (FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB) held at Fiocruz Minas is a curated biological collection comprised of approximately 80,000 individual specimens of 370 species of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) mostly from the Americas collected over the last 80 years by entomologists interested in understanding and controlling the vector-borne disease leishmaniases. Since 2010, the metadata of each of the individual biological specimens held in FIOCRUZ/COLFLEB, including the back catalogue of those deposited in previous decades, has been digitized. Here, our resulting electronic catalogue, containing records for 72,624 of the specimens, including all of the available provenance information associated with each of them, is published online through the speciesLink network <> and the Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira (SiBBr) <>.

SciELO Preprints; mar. 2022.
Preprint em Inglês | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-3703


Biological collections are of extreme importance in acquiring knowledge of the biodiversity of a specific environment. In this article, we organise, list and catalogue the adult specimens belonging to the family Culicidae housed in the Parasitology Collection of the Basic Pathology Department at the Federal University of Paraná, southern Brazil. To this end, a data bank was created, containing information on the taxonomy and collecting of each sample. The culicids were collected using different methodologies in 18 municipalities in the state of Paraná, between 1967 and 1999. There are 5,739 catalogued specimens of which 4,704 (81.96%) are identified at a specific level, with a diversity of 205 species. Of these, 18 are new recorded samples for the state of Paraná and 3 for Brazil. This being the case, we propose, in honour of the 30 years dedicated to the study of culicids in the state of Paraná, the creation of the Ana Leuch Lozovei Entomological Collection, which is composed of insect vectors or potential vectors, of agents that cause diseases in humans. 
