This study aimed to assess the relationship between apical fenestration-a defect in the alveolar bone involving the root apex-and tooth position in all tooth groups, excluding the third molars, utilizing cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. A total of 800 CBCT scans (400 maxillary and 400 mandibular) from patients undergoing various treatments were examined by a single professional (radiologist and endodontist). Statistical analyses, including the chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, were conducted using R software 2.7.3 (R Foundation, Vienna, Austria). Results indicated a significant association (p ≤ 0.05) between apical fenestration and tooth position. In the upper teeth, apical fenestrations were notably present in the mesio-buccal (17.17%) and disto-buccal (11.07%) roots of the first molars. Conversely, apical fenestrations in the lower teeth were relatively less frequent. The study revealed a negative correlation between apical fenestration and mesial inclination, rotation, and extrusion in the upper teeth. However, a positive correlation was observed between apical fenestration and lingual inclination in the upper teeth. In conclusion, this study illuminates the distribution of apical fenestration and its correlation with tooth positions, offering insights into factors influencing this defect in dental anatomy. The findings enhance our understanding of nuanced relationships between tooth position and apical fenestration in the upper and lower dental arches.
Apical fenestrations are a type of defect with the appearance of an osseous window from where dental rootsappear. They are considered labial or apical fenestrations when the root apex perforates the mucosa andbecomes exposed to the oral cavity. Because of its multifactorial etiology, including trauma from occlusion,thin bone plates and soft tissues, and dental malpositions, studies have been made about treatment protocolsin which different techniques have been described. This article describes the management betweenPeriodontics and Endodontics, looking for the reestablishment of periodontal and periapical health of anapical fenestration of a maxillary first right molar.
Las fenestraciones apicales son un tipo de defecto con apariencia de ventana ósea a través de la cual salenlas raíces dentales, y son consideradas fenestración labial o apical cuando los ápices perforan la mucosa yquedan expuestos al medio oral. Existe muy poca evidencia sobre este tipo de afecciones, sin embrago, hayestudios que demuestran que los dientes más afectados son los primeros molares superiores. Su etiologíamultifactorial, la cual incluye trauma oclusal, tablas óseas y tejidos blandos delgados, malposiciones dentales,entre otros, han llevado a la búsqueda de protocolos de manejo en los cuales se han descrito distintastécnicas. En este artículo se describe el manejo conjunto, entre Periodoncia y Endodoncia, buscando asíreestablecer la salud periodontal y periapical de una fenestración apical de un primer molar superior derecho.