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Am J Sports Med ; 49(13): 3647-3655, 2021 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34554883


BACKGROUND: Throwing arm injuries are common because of the demand on the shoulder. The shoulder is qualitatively checked regularly by team physicians. Excessive instability and joint loading in baseball pitching are risk factors for throwing arm injuries. Knowledge of shoulder flexibility, range of motion, and joint loading may provide new insights for treatments to reduce the likelihood of injury incidence. PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship among injuries, shoulder external rotational properties, and shoulder joint loading in baseball pitchers. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive laboratory study. METHODS: Pitching kinetics, shoulder rotational tests, and self-reported injury questionnaires were used to study 177 collegiate baseball pitchers. Pitching motion data were collected at 240 Hz using a motion capture system. A custom program calculated the shoulder joint loading. The shoulder rotational test quantitatively records shoulder range of motion and flexibility using a custom-made wireless device. Self-reported injury questionnaires were filled out during tests and yearly follow-ups. The total length of the study was 5 years. Analysis of variance, chi-square, and regression tests were performed to compare differences among groups and detect correlations with surgery and shoulder joint loadings. RESULTS: There were significant differences in shoulder flexibility among surgery groups. Shoulder external rotational properties during physical examination were significantly associated with shoulder joint loading in baseball pitching. High shoulder external rotation was associated with 14% to 36% lower shoulder posterior force and adduction, internal rotation, and horizontal adduction torque (P < .05). High shoulder flexibility was associated with 13% higher anterior force (P < .05). High shoulder external rotation before external rotation torque was applied was associated with 13% to 33% lower shoulder inferior force and adduction, internal rotation, and horizontal adduction torque (P < .05). There were no significant differences in shoulder joint loading among the surgery groups. CONCLUSION: Shoulder injuries that require surgery were associated with shoulder external rotation flexibility. High shoulder external rotation may be advantageous because it lowers the force and torque on the shoulder joint. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The ability to understand shoulder external rotational properties, joint loading, and injury during baseball pitching helps further our understanding of injury mechanisms. The shoulder rotational test should be used as a screening tool to identify players at risk.

Beisebol , Articulação do Ombro , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Humanos , Amplitude de Movimento Articular , Ombro/cirurgia , Articulação do Ombro/cirurgia
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 28(4): 538-542, july-sept. 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-778824


Brachioplasty is the surgical treatment of severe ptosis of the arm tissues, which is located on the inside and bottom, extending from the armpit to the elbow when the arm is in abduction, having or not fat deposits. Objective: The objective of this work is to show the positioning of the brachioplasty scar in the lower region of the arm, viewed only afterwards, in ex-obese patients, not being visible by patient or whoever is before him or her, during the arm abduction. Methods: 18 patients were selected and undergone bilateral brachioplasty with lower region positioning of the scar. Results: the satisfaction degree of the patients with the scar positioning in his region was relevant, allowing it to be imperceptible during arm aduction by the patient or whoever is before him or her. Conclusions: he surgical technique applied to brachioplasty is safe and reproducible, costituting a good alternative to disguise the scar in this region, important factor in ex-obese patients' surgery...

A braquioplastia consiste no tratamento cirúrgico da acentuada ptose dos tecidos do braço, que se localiza na região interna e inferior, estendendo-se da axila ao cotovelo, quando o braço está em abdução, contendo ou não depósito de gordura. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar o posicionamento da cicatriz da braquioplastia na região inferior do braço, visto somente posteriormente, em pacientes ex-obesos, não sendo visível pelo paciente ou por quem estiver à sua frente durante a abdução do braço. Métodos: Foram selecionados 18 pacientes, realizando-se a braquioplastia bilateral, com posicionamento da cicatrizna região inferior. Resultados: O grau de satisfação dos pacientes com o posicionamento da cicatriz nesta região foi elevado, permitindo que a mesma fique imperceptível durante a abdução do braço, não sendo vista pelo paciente ou por outra pessoa que se encontre em sua frente. Conclusões: A técnica cirúrgica apresentada para braquioplastia é segura e reprodutível, constituindo uma boa opção para disfarçar a cicatriz nesta região, fator importante na cirurgia dos pacientes ex-obesos...

Humanos , Braço/cirurgia , Cicatriz/cirurgia , Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Redução de Peso , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos , Estética , Métodos , Satisfação do Paciente , Pacientes
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 24(2): 195-201, abr.-jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-526918


Introdução: A obesidade é uma doença metabólica de prevalência crescente, sendo aobesidade mórbida uma condição crônica de difícil controle. A cirurgia bariátrica é umaforma de tratamento desta população, que tem como consequência um emagrecimentoacentuado, refletindo em dermocalásia de vários segmentos, alterando o contorno corporal.A braquioplastia foi descrita, em 1954, por Correa e Fernandez. No entanto, significantesinovações na técnica ocorreram na década de setenta, despertando novos interesses noassunto. Embora suportada por estudos e várias propostas técnicas, a braquioplastia podeapresentar em alguns casos resultados pouco satisfatórios. As maiores complicações estãorelacionadas a cicatriz patológica, deformidades de contorno do braço, edema persistentee possíveis lesões do sistema linfático. Método: Para avaliar o efeito da dermolipectomiabraquial na drenagem linfática dos membros superiores, estudaram-se nove pacientes, totalizando18 membros superiores. Estas foram submetidas ao exame linfocintilográfico nomomento pré-operatório, realizada a braquioplastia, e avaliado o exame linfocintilográficono pós-operatório seis meses. O critério de exclusão foi paciente com exame clínico oulinfocintilográfico alterado no pré-operatório. Os dezoito membros superiores avaliadosforam submetidos a análise estatística, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Oresultado foi estatisticamente significante, mostrando que o procedimento cirúrgico alteraa drenagem linfática dos membros superiores de acordo com as linfocintilografias, exameeste considerado padrão-ouro no estudo do sistema linfático.

Introduction: Obesity is a metabolic disease with an increased incidence, being morbidobesity a chronic condition of difficult control. The bariatric surgery is a form of treatment forthis group which leads to sizeable weight loss, hence reflecting in redundant tissue at severalbody segments, altering the body profile. The brachioplasty was firstly described in 1954 byCorrea and Fernandez. Nevertheless significant innovation in the technique have occurredin the seventies decade, gathering increased interest on this subject. Although supported bystudies and technical proposals, the brachioplasty may present in some cases, unsatisfactoryresults. The majority of the complications are related to scar sequelae, problems of shapingthe form of the arm, persistent swelling and likely injury to the lymphatic system. Methods:In order to appraise the dermolipectomy effect on lymphatic drainage of the arms, nine patientswere studied. They were evaluated by lymphoscintigraphy prior to surgery, submittedto the brachioplasty and again evaluated by lymphoscintigraphy, six month postoperative.The exclusion criteria were patients with altered clinic or lymphocintigraphy before surgery.The evaluated eighteen arms were the subject of statistic analysis with 5% significance level.Results: The result was statistically validated hence demonstrating the brachioplasty alterthe lymphatic drainage of the arms, according to lymphocintigraphy. This exam is a goldstandard to evaluate the lymphatic system.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Traumatismos do Braço , Cirurgia Bariátrica , Braço/cirurgia , Gastroplastia , Linfedema , Obesidade Mórbida/cirurgia , Cintilografia , Extremidade Superior , Métodos , Pacientes , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos