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Sci Total Environ ; 953: 175964, 2024 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222806


Peatland drainage is a large source of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. While conversion to agriculture is widely acknowledged to lead to "irrecoverable" carbon (C) losses, in contrast the C impacts of peatland forestry are poorly understood, especially in intensively managed plantations. Losses of C from peat oxidation are highly variable and can be compensated for by gains of C in trees, depending on the lifecycle of the timber and timescale considered. Here, we used ITRAX scanning to enable rapid detection of the Hekla 4 cryptotephra layer as a reliable chronological marker above which peat properties and C stocks could be compared between open and afforested blanket bog cores in the Flow Country of Northern Scotland. At one site, Bad a' Cheò, we combine replicated core pair comparisons (n = 19) with timber extraction data to derive net ecosystem C balance over the lifetime of the plantation. Here the reduction in peat C carbon storage above Hekla 4 in afforested samples (67 t C ha-1) is only partially compensated by tree C sequestration (47 t C ha-1), leading to a net ecosystem C balance indicating a loss of 20 t C ha-1 over the 50 years since the plantation was established. At that site, ∼65 % of tree C rapidly returned to the atmosphere, as it was primarily used for heat and power generation. Across the wider Flow country region, a simplified paired sampling method was adopted at eight further sites, finding a either a loss or negligible change in peat C storage above Hekla 4 in afforested samples with a mean loss of 86 t C ha-1 and median loss of 50 t C ha-1. This study suggests that potentially substantial C losses have been an unintended consequence of non-native conifer afforestation over deep blanket bogs.

Sequestro de Carbono , Carbono , Agricultura Florestal , Solo , Solo/química , Carbono/análise , Escócia , Monitoramento Ambiental , Traqueófitas , Ecossistema , Árvores
J Environ Manage ; 360: 121141, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38781874


Harvesting of plantation conifers on peatlands is carried out as part of restoration and forestry operations. In particular, in the UK and Ireland, conifer plantations on drained ombrotrophic blanket and raised bogs are increasingly being removed (by harvesting), along with blocking of drainage ditches to help raise water tables to reinitiate and restore bog vegetation and function. However, both tree harvesting and peatland restoration operations can have significant impacts on water quality at local and catchment scales. Previous research has suggested that leaching from leftover decomposing brash (tree tops and branches, including wood and needles) is the primary cause, while other work has suggested that release from rewetted peat also contributes to water quality changes. This research investigates the relative importance of peat rewetting, needles and branches on water quality using mesocosm experiments, to help elucidate the mechanisms behind water quality changes following restoration and harvesting operations. Peat and brash were collected from a drained afforested blanket bog in the Flow Country, Scotland. Short-term mesocosm experiments were conducted by incubating peat, peat + needles and peat + needles + branches with rainwater in quadruplicate. Brash from Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was investigated separately, while we also conducted experiments with fresh and aged (∼18 months) brash. Peat, needles and branches all significantly impacted water quality in the order of branches > needles > peat, while concentrations of DOC, PO43-, NH4+, K and Mn were most impacted. Water quality impacts of spruce brash appeared generally greater than pine, while fresh brash had larger effects than aged brash. In our mesocosms, relative contributions to water quality changes were estimated by elemental yields. On average, peat contributed 25.4% (range 0.6-72.3%), while needles and brash contributed 19.7% (range 3.0-37.0%) and 54.9% (range 22.1-70.2%) to yields, respectively. We further estimate that 267 kg C ha-1 (255.8 kg as DOC, 10.7 kg as DIC), 27.4 kg K ha-1, 5.8 kg P ha-1 (as PO43-) and 0.5 kg N ha-1 (as NH4+) could be released from brash, over nine days.

Solo , Traqueófitas , Árvores , Qualidade da Água , Áreas Alagadas , Agricultura Florestal , Pinus
Wetlands (Wilmington) ; 44(1): 10, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38188226


Understanding hydrological processes operating on relatively intact blanket bogs provides a scientific basis for establishing achievable restoration targets for damaged sites. A GIS-based hydrological model, developed to assess restoration potential of Irish raised bogs, was adapted and applied to four relatively intact blanket bogs in Ireland. The Modified Flow Accumulation Capacity (MFAC) model utilised high-resolution topographic data to predict surface wetness, based on climatic conditions, contributing catchment and local surface slope. Modifications to MFAC parameters aimed to account for differences in hydrological processes between raised bogs and blanket bogs. Application of a climatic correction factor accounted for variations in effective rainfall between the four study sites, while monitoring of water table levels indicated a log-linear relationship between MFAC values and summer water table levels and range of water table fluctuations. Deviations from the observed relationship between MFAC and water table levels were associated with hydrological pressures, such as artificial drainage or the occurrence of subsurface macropores (peat pipes), which further lowered summer water tables. Despite being effective as a predictor of relative surface wetness, the relationship between MFAC and ecological variables such as Sphagnum spp. cover proved poor, pointing to the impact of past activities and damage caused by anthropogenic pressures. Findings demonstrated MFAC as an effective tool in predicting surface wetness within blanket bog-covered landscapes, thus proving useful to peatland practitioners in planning and prioritising areas for restoration. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13157-023-01765-5.

Ecol Evol ; 13(2): e9771, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36789349


Wildfires are an increasing concern due to rising temperatures and incidence of droughts associated with changing climate, poor land management, and direct human interference. Most studies of the impact of fire on temperate heathland and bog examined the consequences of controlled or prescribed burning. Less is known about the impacts of uncontrolled wildfires on sites designated for their conservation value. We examined the initial impact and short-term trajectory (3.5 years) of cool temperate peatland plant and arthropod communities on designated upland sites in Northern Ireland following wildfires, that is, unplanned with respect to where and when they occur, severity, and duration. These near simultaneous wildfires were often due to a failure to control prescribed burns. Wildfires were associated with a loss of blanket bog and heath indicator species. Broad vegetation groups showed initial recovery characterized by a decrease in bare ground and increasing cover of shrub species and bryophytes. However, at a species level, Sphagnum spp and bryophyte communities, which are central to peatland ecosystem functioning, showed no sign of recovery to prefire composition. Rather, bryophyte communities became more divergent over the course of the study and were mainly characterized by increased abundance of the alien pioneer acrocarp Campylopus introflexus. Similarly, composition of arthropod communities (ground beetles and spiders) differed between burnt and unburnt areas and showed no evidence of a return to species composition in unburnt areas. The nationally rare beetle Carabus nitens was more common in the aftermath of wildfire. Synthesis. Whilst, long-term recovery was not investigated, these short-term changes suggest enduring detrimental impacts on the distinctive communities associated with peatlands, primarily through the loss of Sphagnum spp., affecting ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and water and soil retention. It may not be possible to restore exact prefire species composition of plant and animal communities. We suggest a precautionary approach involving management of upland vegetation, public education, and vigilance, to prevent further wildfires and protect these key upland habitats.

Ecol Evol ; 12(4): e8744, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35386872


Over the last 20 years, ecological restoration of degraded habitats has become common in conservation practice. Mountain hares (Lepus timidus scoticus) were surveyed during 2017-2021 using 830 km of line transects in the Peak District National Park, England. Historically degraded bog areas were previously reported having low hare numbers. Following bog restoration, we found hare densities of 32.6 individuals km-2, notably higher than neighboring degraded (unrestored) bog with 24.4 hares km-2. Hare density on restored peatland was 2.7 times higher than on bogs managed for grouse shooting at 12.2 hares km-2 and 3.3 times higher than on heather moorland managed for grouse shooting at 10.0 hares km-2. Yearly estimates varied most on habitats managed for grouse, perhaps indicative of the impact of habitat management, for example, heather burning and/or possible hare culling to control potential tick-borne louping ill virus in gamebirds. Acid grassland used for sheep farming had a similar density to grouse moorland at 11.8 hares km-2. Unmanaged dwarf shrub heath had the lowest density at 4.8 hares km-2. Hare populations are characterized by significant yearly fluctuations, those in the study area increasing by 60% between 2017 and 2018 before declining by ca. 15% by 2020 and remaining stable to 2021. During an earlier survey in 2002, total abundance throughout the Peak District National Park was estimated at 3361 (95% CI: 2431-4612) hares. The present study estimated 3562 (2291-5624) hares suggesting a stable population over the last two decades despite fluctuations likely influenced by weather and anthropogenic factors. Mountain hares in the Peak District favored bog habitats and were associated with restored peatland habitat. Wildlife management should be cognizant of hare density variation between habitats, which may have implications for local extinction risk.

Sci Total Environ ; 766: 144496, 2021 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33421775


Afforestation is a significant cause of global peatland degradation. In some regions, afforested bogs are now undergoing clear-felling and restoration, often known as forest-to-bog restoration. We studied differences in water-table depth (WTD) and porewater chemistry between intact, afforested, and restored bogs at a raised bog and blanket bog location. Solute concentrations and principal component analysis suggested that water-table drawdown and higher electrical conductivity (EC) and ammonium (NH4-N) concentrations were associated with afforestation. In contrast, higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphate (PO4-P) concentrations were associated with deforestation. Drying-rewetting cycles influenced seasonal variability in solute concentrations, particularly in shallower porewater at the raised bog location. WTD was significantly deeper in the oldest raised bog restoration site (~9 years post-restoration) than the intact bog (mean difference = 6.2 cm). However, WTD in the oldest blanket bog restoration site (~17 years post-restoration), where furrows had been blocked, was comparable to the intact bog (mean difference = 1.2 cm). When averaged for all porewater depths, NH4-N concentrations were significantly higher in the afforested than the intact sites (mean difference = 0.77 mg L-1) whereas significant differences between the oldest restoration sites and the intact sites included higher PO4-P (mean difference = 70 µg L-1) in the raised bog and higher DOC (mean difference = 5.6 mg L-1), EC (mean difference = 19 µS cm-1) and lower SUVA254 (mean difference = 0.13 L mg-1 m-1) in the blanket bog. Results indicate felled waste (brash) may be a significant source of soluble C and PO4-P. Mean porewater PO4-P concentrations were between two and five times higher in furrows and drains in which brash had accumulated compared to other locations in the same sites where brash had not accumulated. Creating and maintaining brash-free buffer zones may therefore minimise freshwater impacts.

Sci Total Environ ; 761: 143312, 2021 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33267996


Peatland areas provide a range of ecosystem services, including biodiversity, carbon storage, clean water, and flood mitigation, but many areas of peatland in the UK have been degraded through human land use including drainage. Here, we explore whether remote sensing can be used to monitor peatland resilience to drought. We take resilience to mean the rate at which a system recovers from perturbation; here measured literally as a recovery timescale of a soil surface moisture proxy from drought lowering. Our objectives were (1) to assess the reliability of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter as a proxy for water table depth (WTD); (2) to develop a method using SAR to estimate below-ground (hydrological) resilience of peatlands; and (3) to apply the developed method to different sites and consider the links between resilience and land management. Our inferences of WTD from Sentinel-1 SAR data gave results with an average Pearson's correlation of 0.77 when compared to measured WTD values. The 2018 summer drought was used to assess resilience across three different UK peatland areas (Dartmoor, the Peak District, and the Flow Country) by considering the timescale of the soil moisture proxy recovery. Results show clear areas of lower resilience within all three study sites, which often correspond to areas of high drainage and may be particularly vulnerable to increasing drought severity/events under climate change. This method is applicable to monitoring peatland resilience elsewhere over larger scales, and could be used to target restoration work towards the most vulnerable areas.

Sci Total Environ ; 766: 142613, 2021 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33097258


Estimates of peatland carbon fluxes based on remote sensing data are a useful addition to monitoring methods in these remote and precious ecosystems, but there are questions as to whether large-scale estimates are reliable given the small-scale heterogeneity of many peatlands. Our objective was to consider the reliability of models based on Earth Observations for estimating ecosystem photosynthesis at different scales using the Forsinard Flows RSPB reserve in Northern Scotland as our study site. Three sites across the reserve were monitored during the growing season of 2017. One site is near-natural blanket bog, and the other two are at different stages of the restoration process after removal of commercial conifer forestry. At each site we measured small (flux chamber) and landscape scale (eddy covariance) CO2 fluxes, small scale spectral data using a handheld spectrometer, and obtained corresponding satellite data from MODIS. The variables influencing GPP at small scale, including microforms and dominant vegetation species, were assessed using exploratory factor analysis. A GPP model using land surface temperature and a measure of greenness from remote sensing data was tested and compared to chamber and eddy covariance CO2 fluxes; this model returned good results at all scales (Pearson's correlations of 0.57 to 0.71 at small scale, 0.76 to 0.86 at large scale). We found that the effect of microtopography on GPP fluxes at the study sites was spatially and temporally inconsistent, although connected to water content and vegetation species. The GPP fluxes measured using EC were larger than those using chambers at all sites, and the reliability of the TG model at different scales was dependent on the measurement methods used for calibration and validation. This suggests that GPP measurements from remote sensing are robust at all scales, but that the methods used for calibration and validation will impact accuracy.

Sci Total Environ ; 759: 143508, 2021 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33218809


Environmental and management pressures are considered a threat for preserving plant communities worldwide. Identification of long-term impacts of changing management practices on plant community composition must, therefore, be a major priority to ensure improvement in conservation value. Land abandonment/wilding is one topical area where there is little available information on long-term impacts. To address this, here, we describe plant species compositional change over relatively long-time scales in a range of four British upland communities (high-level grasslands, intermediate grasslands, blanket bogs and high-level bogs) and its relationships with a series of life-history and plant trait variables. Our aims were to determine whether the business-as-usual sheep grazing practice was maintaining these communities, and if grazing was to be removed as part of abandonment/wilding strategies, would there be a conservation benefit. We used a series of long-term experimental grazing-exclosure studies at twelve sites (>40 years) on the Moor House National Nature Reserve in northern England. Each site consisted of paired plots; i.e. sheep-grazed versus ungrazed. Our results showed that there was relatively little change in dominant plant species with most change occurring within sub-dominant species. Similarly, different temporal responses in plant species richness were detected between the experiments (richness was reduced in three experiments, only one increased). In any case, the vegetation temporal trajectories were moving in similar direction in grazed and ungrazed plots at most sites. Interestingly, blanket bog experiments showed a clear compositional convergence for both grazed and ungrazed plots, although, the between-site differences related to a combination of elevation and past burning testament. Finally, the bryophytes (especially liverworts) and lichens were the groups that contributed most to the reductions in species richness. Moreover, implementation of a no-stock grazing strategy under a land abandonment/wilding approach will not bring about much plant change in the short-term in the plant communities studied here.

Pradaria , Plantas , Animais , Ecossistema , Inglaterra , Ovinos
Sci Total Environ ; 742: 140594, 2020 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32640388


Peatland restoration is undertaken to bring back key peatland ecosystem services, including carbon storage. In the case of drained, afforested blanket peatlands, restoration through drain blocking and tree removal may impact upon aquatic carbon concentrations and export, which needs to be accounted for when considering the carbon benefits of restoration. This study investigated concentrations and export of aquatic carbon from a drained, afforested blanket bog catchment, where 12% of the catchment underwent drain blocking and conifer removal (termed 'forest-to-bog' restoration), and from two control catchments: one in open bog and one that remained afforested. Using a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design, we found no significant increases in concentrations or export of aquatic carbon (DOC, POC or DIC) in the first year following forest-to-bog restoration (i.e. across the whole post-restoration period). However, increased DOC concentrations were observed in the first summer (2015) post-restoration, and seasonally increased DOC export was noted during storm events in the autumn of the same year. The lack of significant effects of forest-to-bog restoration on aquatic carbon export may be a consequence of the small proportion of the catchment (12%) undergoing management. In terms of management, the removal of more of the forestry residues (i.e., brash) may help to mitigate effects on aquatic carbon, by removing a potential DOC and POC source. Restoring small areas at a time (≤12%) should result in minimal aquatic carbon export issues, in contexts similar to the current study.

PeerJ ; 7: e7298, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31346497


BACKGROUND: Over 25% of the UK land area is covered by uplands, the bulk of which are comprised of blanket bog. This not only contains most of the UK's terrestrial carbon stocks, but also represents 15% of this globally rare habitat. About 30% of UK blanket bog is managed for red grouse by encouraging ling heather (Calluna vulgaris) with rotational burning, which has been linked to habitat degradation, with reduced carbon storage and negative impacts on water storage and quality. Alternative cutting is currently being pursued as a potential restoration management. However, the often used heavy cutting machinery could cause considerable compaction and damage to the peat surface. Two particular issues are (i) a potential increase in bulk density reducing water storage capacity (i.e., less pore volume and peat depth), and (ii) a possible reduction of the micro-topography due to cutting off the tops of hummocks (i.e., protruding clumps or tussocks of sedges). METHODS: We set up a fully replicated field experiment assessing cutting versus burn management impacts on peat physical and surface properties. Both managements reflected commonly used grouse moor management practice with cutting using heavy tractors fitted with load distributing double wheel and tracks (lowering ground pressure), whilst burning was done manually (setting heather areas alight with flame torches). We assessed management impacts on peat depth, bulk density and peat surface micro-topography which either included pre-management measurements or plot-level data for uncut plots. Total peat depth and bulk density in four 5 cm sections within the top 50 cm was assessed. Micro-topography was determined as the standard deviation of the height offsets measured over several plot transects in relation to the plot peat surface level at the start and end points of each transect. RESULTS: Despite an anticipated compaction from the heavy machinery used for cutting, the peat showed resilience and there was no lasting plot-level impact on either peat depth or bulk density. Notably, bulk density showed differences prior to, and thus unrelated to, management, and an overall increasing bulk density, even in uncut plots. However, cutting did reduce the plot micro-topography by about 2 cm, mostly due to removing the tops of hummocks, whereas burnt plots did not differ from uncut plots. DISCUSSION: Cutting is suggested as a suitable alternative to burning on grouse moors, although compaction issues might be site specific, depending on the nature of the peat, the machinery used and impacts at resting and turning points (which were not assessed). However, any observed bulk density differences could reflect natural changes in relation to changes in peat moisture, requiring adequate experimental comparisons. Moreover, where micro-topography is a priority, cutting equipment might need to consider the specific ground conditions, which could involve adjusting cutting height and the type of cutting machinery used.