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Behav Ecol ; 33(4): 688-697, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35812367


Understanding factors affecting male mate choice can be important for tracking the dynamics of sexual selection in nature. Male brown widow spiders (Latrodectus geometricus) mate with adult as well as immature (subadult) females. Mating with adults involves costly courtship with a repertoire of signaling behaviors, and typically ends with cannibalism ("self-sacrifice" initiated by male somersault). Mating with subadults involves brief courtship with behavioral repertoire reduced to one component (vibration) and no cannibalism. We examined male mate choice as a function of risks associated with different types of mates and the cues available to courting males. Previous studies showed male preference for adults based on air-borne pheromones, but it was unclear whether that preference is maintained after males reach female's webs. We show that males prefer adults also based on silk-borne contact cues. To determine which types of cues trigger different courtship components, we swapped adults and subadults between webs. We showed that contact with adult females' webs triggers two courtship behaviors from the repertoire, with adult female's bodies triggering additional behaviors. However, vibrational signals occur regardless of the web origin or female developmental stage. We conclude that males recognize subadult females as potential mates, but are more likely to invest in costly courtship behaviors and mating attempts with adults. In our experiments, subadults were less likely to mate than adults. We conclude that mating with adults could be the preferred option for males because of the higher likelihood of copulation, even at the cost of a higher risk of cannibalism.

Toxicon X ; 8: 100062, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33163957


Spiders use their venom for defence and to capture prey. These venoms contain a cocktail of biologically active compounds that display several different biological activities, such as large molecules and small molecules including peptides, proteins/enzymes, and other components. Thus, venom constituents have attracted the attention of biochemists and pharmacologists over the years. The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) is a venomous spider found worldwide, including in Thailand. This spider causes human injuries, and the venom has many potential applications. In this study, we investigated the complexity and pharmacology of brown widow spider venom. Spider crude venom was investigated using partial proteome techniques and enzymatic activity, toxicity, and antibacterial activity assessments. We found that crude venom displayed a wide range of molecular masses from 19 to over 97 kDa, with molecular masses of 66 kDa intensely stained. Peptides and proteins were identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), which showed that the crude venom contained a variety of substances, including latrotoxins, apolipophorins, hemocyanins, chitinases, arginine kinase, allergen antigen 5-like protein, astacin-like metalloproteases, and serine proteases. High hyaluronidase activity was observed based on the turbidimetric method. The venom presented toxicity in crickets (PD50 = 0.73 ± 0.10 µg/g body weight), and substantial envenomation symptoms, such as slow-motion movement, paralysis, and even death, were noted. Moreover, this venom exhibited potential antibacterial activity against the gram-positive Bacillus subtilis but not the gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Spider venom contains numerous molecules with biological activity, such as latrotoxins, which affect insects, and enzymes. In addition to latrotoxins, certain enzymes in venom are hypothesized to exhibit toxicity and antimicrobial activity. This study provides important information for the further development of natural compounds or insecticidal toxins.

Toxicon ; 188: 76-79, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33068558


The Brown Widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) is an invasive species whose geographic range has been expanding worldwide. It is a relative species of the Black Widow and Red-backed spiders of the genus Latrodectus. Despite its broad geographic distribution cases of Brown Widow envenomation have rarely been documented. The venom of L. geometricus is similar to the venom of L. mactans with the primary venom component being alpha-latrotoxin, and consequent envenoming by L. geometricus to humans has resulted in symptoms similar to those reported for other Latrodectus spp. Specific FDA approved Latrodectus antivenom (IgG) available in North America has been effectively used in treating venom-induced symptoms following L. mactans envenoming. The patient reported here involved a confirmed L. geometricus envenoming who was efficaciously treated with an alternately available F(ab')2 antivenom from Mexico.

Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Viúva Negra , Receptores Imunológicos , Picada de Aranha/tratamento farmacológico , Animais , Humanos
Acta toxicol. argent ; 26(3): 113-117, Dec. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001123


Latrodectus geometricus (Araneae: Theridiidae), es una araña llamada vulgarmente "viuda marrón". Originaria de África, es una especie sinantrópica y cosmopolita, muy frecuente en varias ciudades del centro y norte de Argentina. A diferencia de otras especies del género no suele causar envenenamientos graves, habiéndose registrado en el mundo muy pocos casos que requirieron tratamiento los cuales evolucionaron siempre de forma favorable. Todos los casos registrados hasta la fecha fueron atribuidos a hembras, asumiendo que los machos no causan casos clínicos e incluso serían incapaces de atravesar con sus quelíceros la piel humana debido a su pequeño tamaño. Este trabajo presenta el primer registro de un accidente causado por un macho de L. geometricus describiendo los síntomas. El accidente ocurrió a una mujer de 21 años en Villa Gobernador Gálvez (33°01'31" S, 60°38'01" O), Santa Fe, Argentina, en marzo 2016. El ejemplar murió en el momento siendo conservado y luego identificado según su genitalia como un macho adulto de L. geometricus. Los síntomas se relevaron desde el accidente hasta el cese de las manifestaciones sin intervención terapéutica. En el momento la joven advirtió una sensación punzante seguida inmediatamente de ardor y eritema. Luego de 10 minutos el ardor aumentó, disminuyendo a los 20 minutos. Luego de una hora el ardor y el eritema disminuyó considerablemente. Los resultados observados respaldan que L. geometricus no reviste peligrosidad en Argentina y evidencian que los quelíceros de los machos pueden atravesar la piel humana, al menos en zonas de piel delgada.

Latrodectus geometricus (Araneae: Theridiidae) is a spider commonly known as "Brown widow". Originally from Africa, is a synanthropic and cosmopolitan spider, very common in several cities in central and northern Argentina. Unlike other species of the genus, this spider does not cause serious poisoning, very few have been registered that required treatment and always evolved favorably. All cases listed to date were attributed to females, assuming that males do not cause clinical cases and would even be unable to pass through human skin due to the small size of their chelicerae. This work presents the first record of an accident by a male of L. geometricus and describes the symptoms. The accident occurred to a 21 year old woman from Villa Gobernador Gálvez (33°01'31" S, 60°38'01" W), Santa Fe, Argentina, in March 2016. The specimen died at the time, being preserved and then identified as an adult male of L. geometricus according to its genitalia. The symptoms were relieved from the accident to its end without applying treatments. At the time, the woman felt a sting followed immediately by burning sensation and erythema in the area. After 10 minutes the burning increased, decreasing at 20 minutes. One hour later, burning sensation disappeared and the erythema diminished considerably. The observed results support L. geometricus as not dangerous in Argentina and show that males actually are able to penetrate the human skin, at least in areas of thin skin.

Humanos , Picada de Aranha/classificação , Argentina/epidemiologia
Acta méd. costarric ; 59(2): 73-74, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-837728


ResumenSe reporta un accidente causado por la araña Latrodectus geometricus, incluida en el grupo conocido como “viudas negras”, en Costa Rica. El accidente le ocurrió a una mujer de 27 años vecina de la ciudad de Cartago, en su casa de habitación. Los síntomas mostrados cursaron la siguiente secuencia: dolor intenso en el área del piquete, enrojecimiento y aumento en la temperatura al tacto alrededor de ese punto, ampliación del área del dolor, sudoración, dolor de espalda, arritmia, taquicardia y aumento de la presión arterial. Los síntomas mostrados en este caso son muy similares a los descritos por personas picadas por la misma u otras especies de viudas negras en Suramérica y Centroamérica.

AbstractWe here report a case of human lactrodectism in Costa Rica, caused by the spider Latrodectus geometricus, included in the group known as “black widows”. A 27 year-old woman was bitten by a Brown Widow spider in her home in Cartago city. She showed a moderately severe case with the following sequence of symptoms: an acute, intense local pain begins just after being bitten, and this irradiates to the entire affected limb, redness, increase in temperature around the bitten area, sweating and backache. At the cardiovascular level, she showed tachycardia and hypertension. The symptoms showed in this case are quite similar to those cases described for the Brown Widow spider and for other Black Widow spiders, in Central and South America.

Feminino , Costa Rica , Picada de Aranha
J Econ Entomol ; 109(1): 267-72, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26530954


Information on pesticide effects on spiders is less common than for insects; similar information for spider egg sacs is scarcer in the open literature. Spider egg sacs are typically covered with a protective silk layer. When pesticides are directly applied to egg sacs, the silk might prevent active ingredients from reaching the eggs, blocking their insecticidal effect. We investigated the impact of six water-based pesticide sprays and four oil-based aerosol products against egg sacs of brown widow spiders, Latrodectus geometricus C. L. Koch. All water-based spray products except one failed to provide significant mortality to egg sacs, resulting in successful spiderling emergence from treated egg sacs at a similar rate to untreated egg sacs. In contrast to water-based sprays, oil-based aerosols provided almost complete control, with 94-100% prevention of spiderling emergence. Penetration studies using colored pesticide products indicated that oil-based aerosols were significantly more effective in penetrating egg sac silk than were the water-based sprays, delivering the active ingredients on most (>99%) of the eggs inside the sac. The ability of pesticides to penetrate spider egg sac silk and deliver lethal doses of active ingredients to the eggs is discussed in relation to the chemical nature of egg sac silk proteins. Our study suggests that pest management procedures primarily relying on perimeter application of water-based sprays might not provide satisfactory control of brown widow spider eggs. Determination of the most effective active ingredients and carrier characteristics warrant further research to provide more effective control options for spider egg sacs.

Óvulo/efeitos dos fármacos , Praguicidas/farmacologia , Aranhas/efeitos dos fármacos , Aerossóis , Animais , Interações Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas
J Med Entomol ; 52(6): 1291-8, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26336266


This paper presents two newly established species for French Polynesia: the invasive brown widow spider, Latrodectus geometricus C. L. Koch, and its potential biocontrol agent, the parasitoid wasp, Philolema latrodecti (Fullaway). The brown widow spider was recorded from the island of Moorea in 2006 and, since that discovery, the occurrence of this species has expanded to two of the five archipelagos of French Polynesia including the main island of Tahiti and four of the Cook Islands. Although the tropical climate contributes to the establishment of L. geometricus, a biotic factor, P. latrodecti, may restrain population from demographic explosion. This eurytomid wasp is present in French Polynesia and is a parasitoid that has been used in biological control of the southern black widow Latrodectus mactans (F.) in Hawaii. This wasp could become a significant limiting factor for L. geometricus distribution on these islands, as it was found in 31% of the Tahitian brown widow spider egg sacs that were dissected. However, thus far, the wasp was only found on Tahiti in association with the brown widow spider. Although the brown widow is generally considered to be less toxic than its black widow relatives, it remains of medical concern in French Polynesia because reactions to its bites can, at times, be severe. The spider remains of public concern because it is a novel species; it has the word widow in its name and dark morphs are mistaken as black widows.

Espécies Introduzidas/estatística & dados numéricos , Aranhas , Animais , Feminino , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Masculino , Polinésia , Aranhas/parasitologia , Vespas/fisiologia
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25995738


BACKGROUND: The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of North America. This highly adaptable spider has been far more successful in finding its niche around the world than its famous cousins, the black widow, Latrodectus mactans, found in the south-eastern states of North America, and the red-back, Latrodectus hasselti, found mostly in Australia, New Zealand and Japan. METHODS: We performed an extensive web search of brown widow sightings and mapped the location of each sighting using ArcGIS. Specimens reputedly of the species L. geometricus were collected at three localities in Peninsular Malaysia. The spiders were identified and documented based on an examination of morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding. RESULTS: The spiders found in Peninsular Malaysia were confirmed to be Latrodectus geometricus based on their morphological characteristics and DNA barcodes. We recorded 354 sightings of the brown widow in 58 countries, including Peninsular Malaysia. CONCLUSION: Reports from the Americas and the Far East suggest a global-wide invasion of the brown widow spider. Herein we report the arrival of the brown widow spider in Peninsular Malaysia and provide notes on the identification of the species and its recently expanded range.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 1-8, 31/03/2015. map, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484619


Background: The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of North America. This highly adaptable spider has been far more successful in finding its niche around the world than its famous cousins, the black widow, Latrodectus mactans, found in the south-eastern states of North America, and the red-back, Latrodectus hasselti, found mostly in Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Methods: We performed an extensive web search of brown widow sightings and mapped the location of each sighting using ArcGIS. Specimens reputedly of the species L. geometricus were collected at three localities in Peninsular Malaysia. The spiders were identified and documented based on an examination of morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding. Results: The spiders found in Peninsular Malaysia were confirmed to be Latrodectus geometricus based on their morphological characteristics and DNA barcodes. We recorded 354 sightings of the brown widow in 58 countries, including Peninsular Malaysia. Conclusion: Reports from the Americas and the Far East suggest a global-wide invasion of the brown widow spider. Herein we report the arrival of the brown widow spider in Peninsular Malaysia and provide notes on the identification of the species and its recently expanded range.

Animais , Aranhas , Distribuição Animal , Malásia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 11, 31/03/2015. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954754


Background:The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of North America. This highly adaptable spider has been far more successful in finding its niche around the world than its famous cousins, the black widow, Latrodectus mactans, found in the south-eastern states of North America, and the red-back, Latrodectus hasselti, found mostly in Australia, New Zealand and Japan.Methods:We performed an extensive web search of brown widow sightings and mapped the location of each sighting using ArcGIS. Specimens reputedly of the species L. geometricus were collected at three localities in Peninsular Malaysia. The spiders were identified and documented based on an examination of morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding.Results:The spiders found in Peninsular Malaysia were confirmed to be Latrodectus geometricus based on their morphological characteristics and DNA barcodes. We recorded 354 sightings of the brown widow in 58 countries, including Peninsular Malaysia.Conclusion:Reports from the Americas and the Far East suggest a global-wide invasion of the brown widow spider. Herein we report the arrival of the brown widow spider in Peninsular Malaysia and provide notes on the identification of the species and its recently expanded range.(AU)

Animais , Viúva Negra/anatomia & histologia , Latrodectus hasselti , Relatório de Pesquisa