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Reumatol. clín. (Barc.) ; 18(10): 580-586, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211893


Objetivo: Analizar el papel de enfermería en el abordaje de la espondiloartritis axial (EspAax) y plantear propuestas que permitan incluir el rol de las consultas de enfermería en reumatología (CER) en la certificación de calidad de las unidades especializadas. Métodos: Revisión sistemática del rol de enfermería en los sistemas de certificación de calidad en el abordaje de la EspAax, seguida de conferencia de consenso con participación de 3enfermeras especializadas en reumatología para determinar elementos que considerar en futuras revisiones de las normas de certificación. Resultados: La revisión sistemática arrojó 5documentos relevantes. Ninguna de las publicaciones revisadas proponía estándares aplicables a la labor asistencial de enfermería en el manejo de pacientes con EspAax, aunque contemplaban actividades propias de este colectivo. Las propuestas consensuadas para incorporar el rol de las CER en las normas de certificación de las unidades monográficas de EspAax incluyeron: equipamientos y recursos básicos, organización, administración de tratamientos farmacológicos y promoción de la adherencia, programas estandarizados para EspAax, consulta telemática para control del paciente estable y promoción de la continuidad asistencial y registro de medidas de resultados informados por los pacientes. Conclusiones: La literatura sobre estándares de calidad y normas de certificación de las unidades monográficas de EspAax es escasa y apenas refleja el papel de las CER en la provisión de una atención de calidad. Las propuestas consensuadas en este trabajo incorporarían las CER en las normas de certificación de calidad. En el futuro, la mayor presencia de CER en España debiera ir acompañada de la actualización de los estándares.(AU)

Objective: To analyse the role of nursing in the approach to axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and to make proposals to include the role of rheumatology nursing consultations (RECs) in the quality certification of these specialized units. Methods: A systematic review of the nursing role in quality certification systems in the management of axSpA was conducted. Subsequently a consensus conference was held with the participation of 3rheumatology nurses to determine elements that should be considered in future revisions of certification standards. Results: The systematic review yielded 5papers as relevant. None of the publications reviewed explicitly proposed standards applicable to nursing care in the management of patients with axSpA, although they contemplated the activities of this professional group. The proposals agreed upon to incorporate the role of RECs in the certification standards for axSpA monographic units included the following: basic equipment and resources, organization, administration of pharmacological treatments and promotion of adherence, standardized programmes for axSpA, telematic consultation (e-consultation) for monitoring the stable patient and promoting continuity of care and registry of patient-reported outcome measures. Conclusions: The literature on quality standards and certification standards for axSpA monographic units is scarce and hardly reflects the role of RECs in providing quality care. The consensus proposals in this study would incorporate RECs into quality certification standards. In the future, the increased presence of RECs in Spain should be accompanied by a review of the indicators regarding their role.(AU)

Humanos , Ciências da Saúde , Conferências de Consenso como Assunto , Certificação , Espondilartrite , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Enfermagem , Enfermeiros Especialistas , Reumatologia , Doenças Reumáticas
Colomb. med ; 53(4)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534269


Background: To date, there is a lack of published information on the utilization of the Deliberative dialogue methodology and the right to a dignified death in minors under 18 years of age in Colombia and Latin America. Objective: To examine the issue of children and adolescents' entitlement to a dignified death, including the criteria for exclusion, and to formulate a comprehensive plan for pediatric palliative care. A public policy document will be created with the aim of supporting the implementation of Resolution 825/2018. Methods: Participatory Action Research utilizing a Deliberative dialogue methods that has been adapted based on feminist epistemological principles. Results: The outcome of the exercise was the production of a document containing Public Policy recommendations regarding euthanasia in minors and its submission to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia a few days prior to the release of the Resolution regulating the right to a dignified death for this population. Additionally, the conclusions of this event enabled the creation of a guide for the implementation of (Cabildos Ciudadanos) Citizen Council, in which girls, boys, and adolescents are included, trans-disciplinarity is encouraged, and feminist epistemological foundations are explored. Conclusions: The deliberative dialogue method may serve as a cost-efficient alternative to replace or complement participatory approaches utilized in the development of public health guidelines and policies.

Antecedentes: En Colombia y Latinoamérica no se cuenta con registros publicados de temas abordados desde los metodos del diálogo deliberativo frente a temas de salud sobre la población pediátrica. Objetivo: El diálogo deliberativo fue utilizado para deliberar sobre el derecho a la muerte digna en niñas, niños y adolescentes, sus criterios de exclusión, y el marco de acción de los cuidados paliativos pediátricos. Métodos: Investigación acción participativa recurriendo a la metodología Deliberative Poll. Resultados: Redacción de un documento de recomendaciones de Política Pública en torno a la eutanasia en población pediátrica y entrega del mismo al Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia días previos a la expedición de la Resolución que reglamentó el derecho a morir con dignidad para esta población; así mismo, las conclusiones de este ejercicio posibilitaron la estructuración de una guía metodológica para la realización de Cabildos Ciudadanos en donde se integra a niñas, niños y adolescentes. Conclusiones: el diálogo deliberativo puede constituirse en una alternativa costo-eficiente para reemplazar o complementar metodologías de participación empleadas en la construcción de lineamientos y políticas públicas en salud.

Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 73(3): 283-316, July-Sept. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1408053


RESUMEN Introducción: el espectro de acretismo placentario (EAP) es una condición asociada a sangrado masivo posparto y mortalidad materna. Las guías de manejo publicadas en países de altos ingresos recomiendan la participación de grupos interdisciplinarios en hospitales con recursos suficientes para realizar procedimientos complejos. Sin embargo, algunas de las recomendaciones de estas guías resultan difíciles de aplicar en países de bajos y medianos ingresos. Objetivos: este consenso busca formular recomendaciones generales para el tratamiento del EAP en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: en el consenso participaron 23 panelistas, quienes respondieron 31 preguntas sobre el tratamiento de EAP. Los panelistas fueron seleccionados con base en la participación en dos encuestas realizadas para determinar la capacidad resolutiva de hospitales en el país y la región. Se utilizó la metodología Delphi modificada, incorporando dos rondas sucesivas de discusión. Para emitir las recomendaciones el grupo tomó en cuenta la opinión de los participantes, que lograron un consenso mayor al 80 %, así como las barreras y los facilitadores para su implementación. Resultados: el consenso formuló cinco recomendaciones integrando las respuestas de los panelistas. Recomendación 1. Las instituciones de atención primaria deben realizar búsqueda activa de EAP en pacientes con factores de riesgo: placenta previa e historia de miomectomía o cesárea en embarazo previo. En caso de haber signos sugestivos de EAP por ecografía, las pacientes deben ser remitidas de manera inmediata, sin tener una edad gestacional mínima, a hospitales reconocidos como centros de referencia. Las modalidades virtuales de comunicación y atención en salud pueden facilitar la interacción entre las instituciones de atención primaria y los centros de referencia para EAP. Se debe evaluar el beneficio y riesgo de las modalidades de telemedicina. Recomendación 2. Es necesario que se definan hospitales de referencia para EAP en cada región de Colombia, asegurando el cubrimiento de la totalidad del territorio nacional. Es aconsejable concentrar el flujo de pacientes afectadas por esta condición en unos pocos hospitales, donde haya equipos de cirujanos con entrenamiento específico en EAP, disponibilidad de recursos especializados y un esfuerzo institucional por mejorar la calidad de atención, en busca de tener mejores resultados en la salud de las gestantes con esta condición. Para lograr ese objetivo los participantes recomiendan que los entes reguladores de la prestación de servicios de salud a nivel nacional, regional o local vigilen el proceso de remisión de estas pacientes, facilitando rutas administrativas en caso de que no exista contrato previo entre el asegurador y el hospital o la clínica seleccionada (IPS). Recomendación 3. En los centros de referencia para pacientes con EAP se invita a la creación de equipos que incorporen un grupo fijo de especialistas (obstetras, urólogos, cirujanos generales, radiólogos intervencionistas) encargados de atender todos los casos de EAP. Es recomendable que esos grupos interdisciplinarios utilicen el modelo de "paquete de intervención" como guía para la preparación de los centros de referencia para EAP. Este modelo consta de las siguientes actividades: preparación de los servicios, prevención e identificación de la enfermedad, respuesta ante la presentación de la enfermedad, aprendizaje luego de cada evento. La telemedicina facilita el tratamiento de EAP y debe ser tenida en cuenta por los grupos interdisciplinarios que atienden esta enfermedad. Recomendación 4. Los residentes de Obstetricia deben recibir instrucción en maniobras útiles para la prevención y el tratamiento del sangrado intraoperatorio masivo por placenta previa y EAP, tales como: la compresión manual de la aorta, el torniquete uterino, el empaquetamiento pélvico, el bypass retrovesical y la maniobra de Ward. Los conceptos básicos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de EAP deben incluirse en los programas de especialización en Ginecología y Obstetricia en Colombia. En los centros de referencia del EAP se deben ofrecer programas de entrenamiento a los profesionales interesados en mejorar sus competencias en EAP de manera presencial y virtual. Además, deben ofrecer soporte asistencial remoto (telemedicina) permanente a los demás hospitales en su región, en relación con pacientes con esa enfermedad. Recomendación 5. La finalización de la gestación en pacientes con sospecha de EAP y placenta previa, por imágenes diagnósticas, sin evidencia de sangrado vaginal activo, debe llevarse a cabo entre las semanas 34 y 36 6/7. El tratamiento quirúrgico debe incluir intervenciones secuenciales que pueden variar según las características de la lesión, la situación clínica de la paciente y los recursos disponibles. Las opciones quirúrgicas (histerectomía total y subtotal, manejo quirúrgico conservador en un paso y manejo expectante) deben incluirse en un protocolo conocido por todo el equipo interdisciplinario. En escenarios sin diagnóstico anteparto, es decir, ante un hallazgo intraoperatorio de EAP (evidencia de abultamiento violáceo o neovascularización de la cara anterior del útero), y con participación de personal no entrenado, se plantean tres situaciones: Primera opción: en ausencia de indicación de nacimiento inmediato o sangrado vaginal, se recomienda diferir la cesárea (cerrar la laparotomía antes de incidir el útero) hasta asegurar la disponibilidad de los recursos recomendados para llevar a cabo una cirugía segura. Segunda opción: ante indicación de nacimiento inmediato (por ejemplo, estado fetal no tranquilizador), pero sin sangrado vaginal o indicación de manejo inmediato de EAP, se sugiere realizar manejo en dos tiempos: se realiza la cesárea evitando incidir la placenta, seguida de histerorrafia y cierre de abdomen, hasta asegurar la disponibilidad de los recursos recomendados para llevar a cabo una cirugía segura. Tercera opción: en presencia de sangrado vaginal que hace imposible diferir el manejo definitivo de EAP, es necesario extraer el feto por el fondo del útero, realizar la histerorrafia y reevaluar. En ocasiones, el nacimiento del feto disminuye el flujo placentario y el sangrado vaginal se reduce o desaparece, lo que hace posible diferir el manejo definitivo de EAP. Si el sangrado significativo persiste, es necesario continuar con la histerectomía haciendo uso de los recursos disponibles: compresión manual de la aorta, llamado inmediato a los cirujanos con mejor entrenamiento disponible, soporte de grupos expertos de otros hospitales a través de telemedicina. Si una paciente con factores de riesgo para EAP (por ejemplo, miomectomía o cesárea previa) presenta retención de placenta posterior al parto vaginal, es recomendable confirmar la posibilidad de dicho diagnóstico (por ejemplo, realizando una ecografía) antes de intentar la extracción manual de la placenta. Conclusiones: esperamos que este primer consenso colombiano de EAP sirva como base para discusiones adicionales y trabajos colaborativos que mejoren los resultados clínicos de las mujeres afectadas por esta enfermedad. Evaluar la aplicabilidad y efectividad de las recomendaciones emitidas requerirá investigaciones adicionales.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is a condition associated with massive postpartum bleeding and maternal mortality. Management guidelines published in high income countries recommend the participation of interdisciplinary teams in hospitals with sufficient resources for performing complex procedures. However, some of the recommendations contained in those guidelines are difficult to implement in low and medium income countries. Objectives: The aim of this consensus is to draft general recommendations for the treatment of PAS in Colombia Materials and Methods: Twenty-three panelists took part in the consensus with their answers to 31 questions related to the treatment of PAS. The panelists were selected based on participation in two surveys designed to determine the resolution capabilities of national and regional hospitals. The modified Delphi methodology was used, introducing two successive discussion rounds. The opinions of the participants, with a consensus of more than 80 %, as well as implementation barriers and facilitators, were taken into consideration in order to issue the recommendations. Results: The consensus drafted five recommendations, integrating the answers of the panelists. Recommendation 1. Primary care institutions must undertake active search of PAS in patients with risk factors: placenta praevia and history of myomectomy or previous cesarean section. In case of ultrasound signs suggesting PAS, patients must be immediately referred, without a minimum gestational age, to hospitals recognized as referral centers. Online communication and care modalities may facilitate the interaction between primary care institutions and referral centers for PAS. The risks and benefits of telemedicine modalities must be weighed. Recommendation 2. Referral hospitals for PAS need to be defined in each region of Colombia, ensuring coverage throughout the national territory. It is advisable to concentrate the flow of patients affected by this condition in a few hospitals with surgical teams specifically trained in PAS, availability of specialized resources, and institutional efforts at improving quality of care with the aim of achieving better health outcomes in pregnant women with this condition. To achieve this goal, participants recommend that healthcare regulatory agencies at a national and regional level should oversee the process of referral for these patients, expediting administrative pathways in those cases in which there is no prior agreement between the insurer and the selected hospital or clinic. Recommendation 3. Referral centers for patients with PAS are urged to build teams consisting of a fixed group of specialists (obstetricians, urologists, general surgeons, interventional radiologists) entrusted with the care of all PAS cases. It is advisable for these interdisciplinary teams to use the "intervention bundle" model as a guidance for building PAS referral centers. This model comprises the following activities: service preparedness, disease prevention and identification, response to the occurrence of the disease, and debriefing after every event. Telemedicine facilitates PAS treatment and should be taken into consideration by interdisciplinary teams caring for this disease. Recommendation 4. Obstetrics residents must be instructed in the performance of maneuvers that are useful for the prevention and treatment of massive intraoperative bleeding due to placenta praevia and PAS, including manual aortic compression, uterine tourniquet, pelvic packing, retrovesical bypass, and Ward maneuver. Specialization Obstetrics and Gynecology programs in Colombia must include the basic concepts of the diagnosis and treatment of PAS. Referral centers for PAS must offer online and in-person training programs for professionals interested in improving their competencies in PAS. Moreover, they must offer permanent remote support (telemedicine) to other hospitals in their region for patients with this condition. Recommendation 5. Patients suspected of having PAS and placenta praevia based on imaging, with no evidence of active vaginal bleeding, must be delivered between weeks 34 and 36 6/7. Surgical treatment must include sequential interventions that may vary depending on the characteristics of the lesion, the clinical condition of the patient and the availability of resources. The surgical options (total and subtotal hysterectomy, one-stage conservative surgical management and watchful waiting) must be included in a protocol known by the entire interdisciplinary team. In situations in which an antepartum diagnosis is lacking, that is to say, in the face of intraoperative finding of PAS (evidence of purple bulging or neovascularization of the anterior aspect of the uterus), and the participation of untrained personnel, three options are considered: Option 1: In the absence of indication of immediate delivery or of vaginal delivery, the recommendation is to postpone the cesarean section (close the laparotomy before incising the uterus) until the recommended resources for safe surgery are secured. Option 2: If there is an indication for immediate delivery (e.g., non-reassuring fetal status) but there is absence of vaginal bleeding or indication for immediate PAS management, a two-stage management is suggested: cesarean section avoiding placental incision, followed by uterine repair and abdominal closure, until the availability of the recommended resources for safe surgery is ascertained. Option 3: In the event of vaginal bleeding that prevents definitive PAS management, the fetus must be delivered through the uterine fundus, followed by uterine repair and reassessment of the situation. Sometimes, fetal delivery diminishes placental flow and vaginal bleeding is reduced or disappears, enabling the possibility to postpone definitive management of PAS. In case of persistent significant bleeding, hysterectomy should be performed, using all available resources: manual aortic compression, immediate call to the surgeons with the best available training, telemedicine support from expert teams in other hospitals. If a patient with risk factors for PAS (e.g., myomectomy or previous cesarean section) has a retained placenta after vaginal delivery, it is advisable to confirm the possibility of such diagnosis (by means of ultrasound, for example) before proceeding to manual extraction of the placenta. Conclusions: It is our hope that this first Colombian consensus on PAS will serve as a basis for additional discussions and collaborations that can result in improved clinical outcomes for women affected by this condition. Additional research will be required in order to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of these recommendations.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Placenta Acreta/diagnóstico , Placenta Acreta/terapia , Placenta Acreta/cirurgia , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Colômbia , Instalações de Saúde
Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 18(10): 580-586, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35469782


OBJECTIVE: To analyse the role of nursing in the approach to axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and to make proposals to include the role of rheumatology nursing consultations (RECs) in the quality certification of these specialized units. METHODS: A systematic review of the nursing role in quality certification systems in the management of axSpA was conducted. Subsequently a consensus conference was held with the participation of three rheumatology nurses to determine elements that should be considered in future revisions of certification standards. RESULTS: The systematic review yielded five papers as relevant. None of the publications reviewed explicitly proposed standards applicable to nursing care in the management of patients with axSpA, although they contemplated the activities of this professional group. The proposals agreed upon to incorporate the role of RECs in the certification standards for axSpA monographic units included the following: basic equipment and resources, organization, administration of pharmacological treatments and promotion of adherence, standardized programmes for axSpA, telematic consultation for monitoring the stable patient, registry of patient-reported outcome measures and e-consultation. CONCLUSIONS: The literature on quality standards and certification standards for axSpA monographic units is scarce and hardly reflects the role of RECs in providing quality care. The consensus proposals in this study would incorporate RECs into quality certification standards. In the future, the increased presence of RECs in Spain should be accompanied by a review of the indicators regarding their role.

Espondiloartrite Axial , Reumatologia , Espondilartrite , Humanos , Espondilartrite/diagnóstico , Medidas de Resultados Relatados pelo Paciente , Certificação
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536003


Contexto: la enfermedad de Fabry se comporta como una enfermedad crónica con compromiso multisistémico y alto costo en salud. Objetivo: generar recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento de la enfermedad de Fabry con compromiso renal mediante un consenso de expertos. Metodología: a partir de la búsqueda de evidencia en Pubmed, Embase y Google Scholar entre 2010 y agosto 2020, se formulan recomendaciones sobre la definición, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Fabry en población adulta, las cuales se consultan a un panel de expertos a través de la metodología de consenso Delphi modificado. La calidad de los documentos se evaluó por equipo metodológico aplicando herramientas en función del tipo de documento incluido. Resultados: se formularon 53 recomendaciones sobre la definición, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. Un panel de cinco expertos clínicos nacionales e internacionales externos al grupo desarrollador participaron en la consulta preconsenso y 50 recomendaciones fueron acordadas para su inclusión, para tres de ellas se requirió una sesión formal de consenso que se dio en una ronda, incorporando tres nuevas recomendaciones. Conclusiones: las recomendaciones basadas en evidencia y experticia clínica permitirán orientar de manera estandarizada a nivel nacional y regional, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de pacientes con sospecha o enfermedad de Fabry con compromiso renal.

Background: Fabry disease behaves like a chronic condition, with multisystem involvement and high health care costs. Objective: To generate evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the Anderson-Fabry disease with renal commitment, through an expert consensus. Methodology: Based on the search of evidence in PubMed, Embase and Google Scholar between 2010 and August, 2020, recommendations on the definition, diagnosis and treatment of Fabry Disease in adult population were formulated after consulting with an expert panel through the modified Delphi consensus methodology. The quality of the documents was assessed by methodological team applying tools according to the type of document included. Results: 53 recommendations for the definition, diagnosis and treatment were formulated. A panel of five national and international clinical experts external to the developer group participated in the pre-consensus consultation and 50 recommendations were agreed upon for their inclusion. For 3 recommendations, a formal consensus session which took place in one round was required, and 3 new recommendations were incorporated. Conclusions: The recommendations based on evidence and clinical expertise will allow us to guide the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Fabry disease with renal involvement or suspicion thereof in a standardized manner at national and regional levels.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(9): e00130022, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404044


Os cuidados de saúde com pacientes portadores de doenças graves usualmente implicam a necessidade de tomada de um grande número de decisões, envolvendo desde a forma como a informação é compartilhada até quais procedimentos diagnósticos ou terapêuticos serão adotados. A maneira como tais decisões são tomadas têm importantes implicações do ponto de vista individual e coletivo, podendo contribuir tanto para o alívio como para o agravamento do sofrimento. No presente documento de consenso, o Comitê de Bioética da Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos (ANCP) e a Comissão Permanente de Cuidados Paliativos da Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia (SBGG) adotam os princípios da escuta compassiva proposto por Saunders, da natureza do sofrimento proposto por Cassel, dos cuidados preservadores da dignidade propostos por Chochinov e da humildade cultural como ponto de partida para a construção de um posicionamento oficial da ANCP e SBGG acerca do processo de tomada de decisão compartilhada em cuidados paliativos. O posicionamento estabelece que, em contraposição aos modelos paternalistas e consumistas, o processo de tomada de decisão no âmbito dos cuidados paliativos deve seguir o modelo mutualista de decisão compartilhada, no qual as decisões são construídas a partir do diálogo entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes/familiares. O documento estabelece os pressupostos deste processo, os limites da autonomia de pacientes/familiares e profissionais de saúde, a distinção entre tratamentos fúteis e potencialmente inapropriados, bem como ratifica sua incompatibilidade com quaisquer formas de coerção e conflitos de interesse alheios ao melhor interesse dos pacientes.

Los cuidados de salud de pacientes portadores de enfermedades graves usualmente implican la necesidad de tomar un gran número de decisiones, que abarcan desde cómo se comparte la información hasta qué procedimientos diagnósticos o terapéuticos se adoptarán. La forma en que se toman tales decisiones tiene importantes implicaciones desde el punto de vista individual y colectivo, y puede contribuir tanto a aliviar como a agravar el sufrimiento. En el presente documento de consenso, el Comité de Bioética de la Academia Nacional de Cuidados Paliativos (ANCP) y la Comisión Permanente de Cuidados Paliativos de la Sociedad Brasileña de Geriatría y Gerontología (SBGG) adoptan los principios de la escucha compasiva propuesta por Saunders; de la naturaleza del sufrimiento propuesta por Cassel, de los cuidados preservadores de la dignidad propuestos por Chochinov y de la humildad cultural como punto de partida para la construcción de un posicionamiento oficial de la ANCP y SBGG sobre el proceso de toma de decisiones compartidas en cuidados paliativos. El posicionamiento establece que, en contraposición a los modelos paternalistas y consumistas, el proceso de toma de decisiones en el ámbito de los cuidados paliativos debe seguir el modelo mutualista de decisión compartida, donde las decisiones son construidas a partir del diálogo entre los profesionales de salud y los pacientes/familiares. El documento establece los supuestos de este proceso, los límites de la autonomía de los pacientes/familiares y de los profesionales de la salud, la distinción entre los tratamientos inútiles y los potencialmente inapropiados, así como ratifica su incompatibilidad con cualquier forma de coerción y los conflictos de intereses distintos del interés superior de los pacientes.

Health care for patients with serious illnesses usually implies the need to make a large number of decisions, ranging from how information is shared to which diagnostic or therapeutic procedures will be adopted. The method of such decision-making has important implications from an individual and collective point of view and may contribute to either relieving or aggravating suffering. In this consensus document, the Bioethics Committee of the Brazilian National Academy of Palliative Care (ANCP) and the Permanent Committee on Palliative Care of the Brazilian Geriatrics and Gerontology Society (SBGG) adopt the principles of compassionate listening proposed by Saunders, of the nature of suffering proposed by Cassel, of dignity-preserving care proposed by Chochinov, and of cultural humility as a starting point for the construction of an official position of ANCP and SBGG on shared decision-making in palliative care. The position statement posits that, unlike paternalistic and consumerist models, the decision-making process in the sphere of palliative care must follow the mutualistic model of shared decision, where decisions are built based on dialogue between healthcare professionals and patients/family. The document sets forth the assumptions of this process, the limits of autonomy of patients/family and healthcare professionals and the distinction between futile and potentially inappropriate treatments, besides ratifying its incompatibility with any forms of coercion and conflict of interest foreign to the best interests of patients.

Med Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 43(9): 546-555, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30072142


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the implementation of a protocol for the management of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) improves the clinical outcomes. DESIGN: A retrospective, before-after observational case series study was carried out. STUDY PERIOD: 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2016, divided in 2 periods (pre-protocol 2001-2007, post-protocol 2008-2016). SCOPE: An ICU with 48 beds and a recruitment population of 700,000 inhabitants. PARTICIPANTS: AP patients admitted to the ICU, with no exclusion criteria. INTERVENTIONS: The recommendations proposed in the 7th Consensus Conference of the SEMICYUC on AP (5 September 2007) were applied in the second period. MAIN VARIABLES OF INTEREST: Patient age, sex, APACHE II, SOFA, study period, pre-ICU hospital stay, nutrition, surgery, antibiotic prophylaxis, hospital mortality, ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay, determinant-based classification. RESULTS: The study comprised 286 patients (94 in the pre-protocol period, 192 in the post-protocol period), with a global in-hospital mortality rate of 23.1% (n=66). Application of the protocol decreased the pre-ICU hospital stay and the use of antibiotic prophylaxis, and increased the use of enteral nutrition. Hospital mortality decreased in the second period (35.1 vs. 17.18%; P=.001), with no significant changes in ICU and hospital stays. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the variable period of treatment remained as a variable of statistical significance in terms of hospital mortality (OR 0.34 for the period 2008-2016, 95% CI 0.15-0.74). CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of a protocol could result in decreased mortality among AP patients admitted to the ICU.

Protocolos Clínicos , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Pancreatite/terapia , APACHE , Doença Aguda , Idoso , Antibioticoprofilaxia/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Controlados Antes e Depois/métodos , Nutrição Enteral/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva/estatística & dados numéricos , Tempo de Internação/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Escores de Disfunção Orgânica , Pancreatite/mortalidade , Análise de Regressão , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(1): 206-213, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-898365


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the attributes, antecedents and consequents of the family conference concept. Method: Walker and Avante's method for concept analysis and the stages of the integrative review process, with a selection of publications in the PubMed, Cinahl and Lilacs databases focusing on the family conference theme in the context of palliative care. Results: the most cited antecedents were the presence of doubts and the need to define a care plan. Family reunion and working instrument were evidenced as attributes. With respect to consequents, to promote the effective communication and to establish a plan of consensual action were the most remarkable elements. Final considerations: the scarcity of publications on the subject was observed, as well as and the limitation of the empirical studies to the space of intensive therapy. Thus, by analyzing the attributes, antecedents and consequents of the concept it was possible to follow their evolution and to show their efficacy and effectiveness as a therapeutic intervention.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar los atributos, antecedentes y consecuentes del concepto conferencia familiar. Método: el estudio siguió el Modelo de Análisis de Concepto de Walker y Avante y los pasos de la revisión integradora, con selección de publicaciones en las bases de datos PubMed, Cinahl y Lilacs, con el foco en la temática conferencia familiar en el contexto de los cuidados paliativos. Resultados: los antecedentes más citados fueron presencia de dudas y necesidad de definición de un plan de cuidados. Como atributos fueron evidenciados reunión familiar e instrumento de trabajo. Con relación a los consecuentes, promover la comunicación eficaz y establecer un plan de actuación consensual fueron los elementos más marcados. Consideraciones finales: posibilitó evidenciar la escasez de publicaciones sobre la temática y los estudios empíricos restrictos al espacio de la terapia intensiva. Así, analizar los atributos, los antecedentes y los consecuentes del concepto posibilitó acompañar su evolución y evidenciar su eficacia y efectividad en cuanto intervención terapéutica.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os atributos, antecedentes e consequentes do conceito conferência familiar. Método: o estudo seguiu o Modelo de Análise de Conceito de Walker e Avante e os passos da revisão integrativa, com seleção de publicações nas bases de dados PubMed, Cinahl e Lilacs, com o foco na temática conferência familiar no contexto dos cuidados paliativos. Resultados: os antecedentes mais citados foram presença de dúvidas e necessidade de definição de um plano de cuidados. Como atributos foram evidenciados reunião familiar e instrumento de trabalho. Com relação aos consequentes, promover a comunicação eficaz e estabelecer um plano de atuação consensual foram os elementos mais marcantes. Considerações finais: possibilitou evidenciar a escassez de publicações sobre a temática e os estudos empíricos restritos ao espaço da terapia intensiva. Assim, analisar os atributos, os antecedentes e os consequentes do conceito possibilitou acompanhar sua evolução e evidenciar a sua eficácia e efetividade enquanto intervenção terapêutica.

Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos/psicologia , Conferências de Consenso como Assunto , Família/psicologia , Formação de Conceito , Cuidados Paliativos/métodos , Cuidados Paliativos/normas
Med Clin (Barc) ; 146(12): 561.e1-8, 2016 Jun 17.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27107729


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI, dasatinib and nilotinib) used in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) treatment have shown a benefit compared to imatinib in responses achieved and disease progression. However, both have been related to some cardiovascular toxicity, being more frequent in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). Nowadays, due to the lack of recommendations for CML patients, CVRF management is carried out heterogeneously. The aim of this work is to develop recommendations on the prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular events (CVD) in patients with CML treated with TKIs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Experts from the Spanish Group of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia together with experts in cardiovascular risk have elaborated, after a consensus meeting, recommendations for the prevention and follow-up of CVE in patients with CML treated with TKI. RESULTS: Recommendations regarding the necessary information to be collected on clinical history, treatment decisions, as well as treatment and monitoring of CVRFs are shown in this document. CONCLUSIONS: TKI treatment requires comprehensive patient management from a multidisciplinary approach, in which both the prevention and management of CVRFs are essential.

Doenças Cardiovasculares/induzido quimicamente , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Dasatinibe/efeitos adversos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamento farmacológico , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/efeitos adversos , Pirimidinas/efeitos adversos , Assistência ao Convalescente/métodos , Doenças Cardiovasculares/diagnóstico , Doenças Cardiovasculares/etiologia , Dasatinibe/uso terapêutico , Humanos , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/uso terapêutico , Pirimidinas/uso terapêutico , Medição de Risco , Fatores de Risco
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 107(3): 194-206, 2016 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26614486


Methotrexate (MTX) is the most frequently used conventional systemic drug in the treatment of psoriasis. Despite over 50years of experience in this setting, certain aspects of the use of this drug in clinical practice are still little standardized and poorly understood. For this reason, a group of 15 experts took part in a consensus development conference to achieve consensus on a series of recommendations on the use of MTX in psoriasis. The guidelines, which were developed on the basis of a systematic review of the literature, were validated by 2 rounds of voting and categorized by level of evidence and grade of recommendation. Before MTX can be used to treat moderate to severe psoriasis, the patient must be evaluated to assess the suitability of the treatment, including consideration of vaccination status and screening for tuberculosis and pregnancy. The recommended starting dose for a patient with no risk factors is 10 to 20mg/wk, the therapeutic dose for most patients is 15mg/wk, and the maximum dose is 20mg/wk. Most patients who respond to treatment will show improvement within 8weeks. Parenteral administration of MTX is desirable when there is a risk of erroroneous dosing, nonadherence, gastrointestinal intolerance, or inadequate response to the therapeutic dose taken orally. Noninvasive methods are preferred for monitoring hepatotoxicity. MTX is a good treatment option for patients with a history of cancer, but is not recommended in patients with chronic hepatitisB infection or individuals who are seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus.

Metotrexato/uso terapêutico , Psoríase/tratamento farmacológico , Contraindicações , Infecções por HIV , Hepatite B Crônica , Humanos , Neoplasias , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Fatores de Risco
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim ; 63(1): e1-e22, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26688462


Massive haemorrhage is common and often associated with high morbidity and mortality. We perform a systematic review of the literature, with extraction of the recommendations from the existing evidences because of the need for its improvement and the management standardization. From the results we found, we wrote a multidisciplinary consensus document. We begin with the agreement in the definitions of massive haemorrhage and massive transfusion, and we do structured recommendations on their general management (clinical assessment of bleeding, hypothermia management, fluid therapy, hypotensive resuscitation and damage control surgery), blood volume monitoring, blood products transfusion (red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelets and their best transfusion ratio), and administration of hemostatic components (prothrombin complex, fibrinogen, factor VIIa, antifibrinolytic agents).

Hemorragia , Antifibrinolíticos/uso terapêutico , Consenso , Hemorragia/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Ressuscitação/efeitos adversos , Reação Transfusional
Coluna/Columna ; 14(4): 281-285, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-770247


Objective: To develop a consensus for translation of the most relevant terms used in the study of Adult Spinal Deformity, from their original languages into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: A panel of 12 experts in spine surgery from the five Brazilian regions was constituted. To obtain the standardization of terminology, the Delphi method with an electronic questionnaire was administered to participants about their opinion on the translation of 13 relevant terms chosen by literature review. Each term was considered standard when there was consensus, that is, concordance higher than 80% among participants as to the suggestion to be adopted, and then on the acceptance of the term and its abbreviation in Portuguese. Results: Initially there was consensus (over 80% concordance) on the translation of seven terms in the electronic questionnaire. The other six terms that have not reached consensus were discussed at a meeting among the participants, relying on the opinion of a specialized professional in simultaneous translation of orthopedic terms in Portuguese and other professional majored in Portuguese language. It was decided how these terms should be translated and there was a consensus among all participants regarding their acceptance. Finally, there was consensus among the participants, who agreed with the translation and abbreviation of the 13 propose terms, defining its standardization for Brazilian Portuguese. Conclusion: We present a standard terminology used in the study of Adult Spinal Deformity through consensus among experts, seeking uniformity in the use of these terms in Brazilian Portuguese.

Objetivo: Estabelecer um consenso para a tradução ao português dos termos mais relevantes utilizados no estudo da deformidade da coluna vertebral do adulto, a partir do original em outras línguas. Métodos: Um painel foi constituído por 12 especialistas em cirurgia da coluna vertebral que atuam nas cinco regiões territoriais do Brasil. Para obtenção da padronização da terminologia, empregou-se o método Delphi, com questionário eletrônico aplicado aos participantes quanto a sua opinião sobre a tradução de treze termos relevantes, escolhidos por revisão da literatura. A tradução de cada termo foi considerada padronizada quando se obteve consenso, isto é concordância superior a 80% entre os participantes, quanto à sugestão a ser adotada e, em seguida, concordância quanto à aceitação do termo e de sua abreviatura em português. Resultados: Inicialmente, houve consenso (concordância superior a 80%) quanto à tradução de sete termos apresentados no questionário eletrônico. Os seis demais termos que não atingiram consenso foram discutidos em reunião entre os participantes do estudo, contando com a opinião de uma profissional especializada em tradução simultânea em eventos ortopédicos e de outra, graduada em língua portuguesa. Foi decidida a forma como esses termos deveriam ser traduzidos, sendo que houve consenso entre os participantes em aceitar essa decisão. Por último, houve consenso entre os participantes, que concordaram com a tradução e com a abreviatura dos 13 termos propostos, definindo-se sua padronização para a língua portuguesa brasileira. Conclusões: Apresentamos uma padronização da terminologia utilizada no estudo da deformidade da coluna vertebral do adulto, por meio de consenso entre especialistas, buscando a uniformidade no emprego desses termos no português brasileiro.

Objetivo: Establecer un consenso para la traducción al portugués de los términos más importantes utilizados en el estudio de la deformidad espinal del adulto, desde el original. Métodos: Se constituyó un panel con 12 expertos en cirugía de la columna vertebral de las cinco regiones territoriales de Brasil. Para la estandarización de la terminología, se utilizó el método Delphi, con cuestionario electrónico administrado a los participantes acerca de su opinión sobre la traducción de 13 términos relevantes, elegidos por revisión de la literatura. La traducción de cada término se consideró estándar cuando hubo consenso, o sea, > 80% de concordancia entre los participantes en cuanto la sugerencia a ser adoptada y luego la aceptación del término y su abreviatura en portugués. Resultados : Inicialmente, hubo consenso (acuerdo > 80%) con respecto a la traducción de siete términos. Los otros seis términos que no mostraron consenso, se discutieron en una reunión entre los participantes del estudio, basándose en la opinión de un profesional especializado en traducción simultánea y otro en el idioma portugués. Se decidió como se deben traducir estos términos, y los participantes aceptaron esta decisión. Por último, hubo consenso entre los participantes, que estuvieron de acuerdo con la traducción y la abreviatura de los 13 términos propuestos, definiendo el estándar del portugués brasileño. Conclusiones: Se presenta una terminología estándar utilizada en el estudio de deformidad espinal del adulto por consenso entre los expertos, buscándose la uniformidad del uso de estos términos en el portugués de Brasil.

Terminologia como Assunto , Curvaturas da Coluna Vertebral , Tradução , Conferência de Consenso
Med Intensiva ; 39(8): 483-504, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26233588


Massive haemorrhage is common and often associated with high morbidity and mortality. We perform a systematic review of the literature, with extraction of the recommendations from the existing evidences because of the need for its improvement and the management standardization. From the results we found, we wrote a multidisciplinary consensus document. We begin with the agreement in the definitions of massive haemorrhage and massive transfusion, and we do structured recommendations on their general management (clinical assessment of bleeding, hypothermia management, fluid therapy, hypotensive resuscitation and damage control surgery), blood volume monitoring, blood products transfusion (red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelets and their best transfusion ratio), and administration of hemostatic components (prothrombin complex, fibrinogen, factor VIIa, antifibrinolytic agents).

Transfusão de Sangue , Hemorragia/terapia , Técnicas Hemostáticas , Antifibrinolíticos/uso terapêutico , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/complicações , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/terapia , Coloides/administração & dosagem , Coloides/uso terapêutico , Contraindicações , Soluções Cristaloides , Emergências , Hidratação , Hemorragia/diagnóstico , Hemorragia/tratamento farmacológico , Hemostáticos/uso terapêutico , Humanos , Hipotensão/etiologia , Hipotensão/terapia , Hipotermia/etiologia , Hipotermia/terapia , Soluções Isotônicas/administração & dosagem , Soluções Isotônicas/uso terapêutico , Substitutos do Plasma/uso terapêutico , Ressuscitação/métodos , Choque Hemorrágico/tratamento farmacológico , Choque Hemorrágico/terapia , Triagem , Ferimentos e Lesões/complicações , Ferimentos e Lesões/terapia
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 17(1): 51-59, 20153101. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, Repositório RHS | ID: biblio-832402


O objetivo foi construir indicadores de avaliação de processo para um curso de graduação de enfermagem. Conferência de Consenso, realizada por especialistas a partir de matriz inicial, contendo 209 indicadores em quatro áreas de competência do curso que, após três etapas de conferência, validaram os indicadores. A análise realizada com a média e o desvio padrão de cada indicador levou à matriz final que contemplou 87 indicadores. Os especialistas concordaram que todos os indicadores deveriam constar nas quatro séries do Curso de Enfermagem, considerando-se o grau de autonomia do estudante em cada série, por ser um currículo integrado e orientado por competência. Os indicadores poderão subsidiar gestores locais na avaliação de processo do Curso de Enfermagem, mas também são indicados a outros gestores de cursos da área da saúde que utilizem um currículo por competência e metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem

The objective of this study was to build process assessment indicators for a nursing undergraduate course. The indicators were validated after three stages of a consensus conference, developed by experts based on an initial matrix with 209 indicators, in four areas of competence of the course. The analysis, performed with the mean and standard deviation of each indicator, led to the final matrix, comprising 87 indicators. The experts agreed that all indicators should be in the four stages of the nursing course program, considering the degree of autonomy of the undergraduate in each stage, and the fact that it is an integrated course, oriented by competences. The indicators may support local managers in the process assessment of the nursing course, as well as help other course managers in the health area use a program oriented by competences and active learning and teaching methodologies.

Se objetivó construir indicadores de evaluación de proceso para un curso de grado de enfermería. Conferencia de Consenso, realizada por especialistas a partir de matriz inicial incluyendo 209 indicadores en cuatro áreas de competencia del curso, que luego de tres etapas de conferencia validaron los indicadores. El análisis realizado con el promedio y el desvío estándar de cada indicador determinó la matriz final, que contempló 87 indicadores. Los especialistas concordaron en que todos los indicadores deberían constar en las cuatro series del Curso de Enfermería, considerándose el grado de autonomía del estudiante en cada serie por ser un programa integrado y orientado por competencia. Los indicadores podrán ayudar a administradores locales en la evaluación de proceso del Curso de Enfermería, y también ofrecerlo a otros gestores de cursos del área de salud que utilicen un programa por competencia y metodologías activas de enseñanza y aprendizaje

Conferência de Consenso , Educação Baseada em Competências , Educação em Enfermagem
Rev. colomb. cir ; 28(2): 101-116, jun. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-680513


Introducción. El soporte nutricional es la única alternativa terapéutica para los pacientes que presentan dificultades en la ingestión de alimentos. Se pretende unificar los conceptos y desarrollar un documento de fácil acceso y consulta rápida en relación con la administración de nutrición para los pacientes adultos. Materiales y métodos. Se escogió la metodología de consenso. La Asociación Colombiana de Nutrición Clínica seleccionó los expertos teniendo en cuenta su participación en grupos de soporte nutricional, la profesión y la ciudad donde trabajaban. Veinticinco personas respondieron los cuestionarios y se conformaron tres grupos: uno para decidir sobre la estructura de los grupos de soporte nutricional, otro sobre la manera de calcular las necesidades nutricionales, y otro sobre los accesos entéricos y parenterales. Se diseñaron preguntas específicas para cada tema. Se tabularon las respuestas enviadas por cada uno de los expertos. Se dio por finalizado el proceso de consenso después de la tercera ronda de evaluación. Resultados. Entre los aspectos que obtuvieron consenso, se encuentran los siguientes: deben existir grupos de soporte nutricional para el manejo de pacientes adultos que requieren terapia nutricional entérica o parenteral; el grupo debe estar conformado por médico, nutricionista, enfermero y químico farmacéutico; la valoración de los pacientes debe hacerse diariamente; las funciones de cada integrante; la fórmula de Harris-Benedict debe utilizarse en todos los casos para el cálculo de las necesidades energéticas; los rangos de aporte proteico, graso y calórico; el material de la sonda de nutrición entérica debe ser poliuretano o silicona; indicación de uso oral de la sonda entérica; indicación de la sonda de tungsteno; indicación de una vía definitiva de nutrición entérica, la cual debe establecerse mediante gastrostomía endoscópica percutánea con sonda específicamente diseñada; tiempo de inicio de la nutrición entérica; manejo de la sonda entérica para administración de fórmulas y medicamentos; las indicaciones de nutrición parenteral; uso de catéteres centrales con vía exclusiva para la nutrición; uso de apósitos para el catéter central; vía de inserción, su localización y el tiempo de recambio. Conclusión. Existen recomendaciones en el manejo del soporte nutricional que son ampliamente aceptadas y permiten estandarizar los procesos de nutrición clínica.

Introduction: Nutritional support is the only therapeutic strategy for patients with difficulties in food ingestion. This document tries to unify concepts about nutrition in adults and to develop a simple and easy to consult tool. Material and methods: A consensus development method was chosen. The Colombian Association for Clinical Nutrition selected experts based on their leadership in nutritional support groups, their profession and place of work. Twenty five people answered the surveys and three groups were assembled: one to define the structure of nutritional support groups, to calculate caloric requirements; and to discuss enteral and parenteral access methods. Question about each subject were previously defined and the answers were categorized. After three rounds, the consensus method was closed. Results: It was possible to attain a consensus on the necessity to have nutritional support group to manage adults patients with enteral or parenteral nutrition-; the group should include a physician, a nutritionist, a nurse and pharmaceutical chemist with specific functions; patients should be assessed daily; the Harris-Benedict formula should be used to calculate energy requirements; protein, fat and caloric contribution doses; enteral tube should be made of silicone or polyurethane; indications of enteral tubes; indication of duodenal tubes; indication of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy as the definitive way of enteral nutrition; time to begin enteral nutrition; management of enteral tubes for medicine administration; indications of parenteral nutrition; use of central vein catheter and dressings; way and place of catheter insertion and time of change. Conclusion: There are recommendations in nutritional support that are widely accepted and allow a standardization of processes.

Nutrição Enteral , Recursos Humanos em Nutrição , Programas de Nutrição , Conferência de Consenso