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Arch Sex Behav ; 2024 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39152321


Appearance modification practices are ubiquitous, serving to enhance physical attractiveness and accrue social advantages, including increased desirability as a potential mate. Facial cosmetics are frequently used for appearance modification, yet individual differences in makeup usage remain understudied. While makeup usage in women has been linked to traits like narcissism and extraversion, the broader association with Dark Triad traits and how personality influences makeup application across diverse social contexts were less explored. Here we examined these relationships in 1,410 Brazilian women (Mage = 29.9, SD = 10.35), who completed online Big Five and Dark Triad personality measures, reported their usual makeup usage habits, and detailed their makeup usage across different social scenarios. Results revealed makeup usage was positively associated with narcissism and extraversion, and negatively with psychopathy. Additionally, women used less makeup when alone (at home, exercises) and more in social settings, particularly for the first date. However, women with higher narcissism and neuroticism showed larger differences among low and high makeup usage situations, while individuals with higher psychopathy used makeup in similar frequencies among different situations. Further, (1) overall greater users of makeup scored higher on narcissism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness; (2) average users displayed lower psychopathy; and (3) lesser users reported lower narcissism and higher psychopathy. These findings underscore the nuanced relationship between makeup usage and personality, particularly highlighting the influence of narcissism. These findings contribute to the interplay between personality traits and makeup usage, considering interindividual differences and intraindividual variation in understanding cosmetic behaviors among women.

Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 17: 467-483, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38371713


Background: Previous research has suggested that manipulation and callousness are central to Dark Triad traits, but it has not identified which specific manifestations are expressed across various countries. Objective: This study aimed to identify the core and overlapping manifestations of Dark Triad traits across 10 countries. Methods: We used the Short Dark Triad (SD3) scale and assessed a sample of 8093 participants (59.7% women, M(age) = 32.68 years). For graphical representation, the spinglass algorithm was applied to understand the cluster distribution among Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and subclinical narcissism traits. Centrality indices were used to identify the most influential items, and the clique-percolation algorithm was employed to detect shared attributes among multiple Dark Triad items. Results: Straightforward SD3-21 items demonstrated better interpretability as aversive traits within the broader system. Items with higher centrality values were those related to short-term verbal manipulation from the psychopathy domain, clever manipulation, strategic revenge-seeking from Machiavellianism, and narcissistic motivations for connecting with significant individuals. The most predicted items were linked to planned revenge, using information against others from Machiavellianism, short-term psychopathic verbal manipulation, and narcissistic belief of specialness based on external validation. Items like short-term verbal manipulation had overlaps with both psychopathy and narcissism clusters, while clever manipulation overlapped with Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Conclusion: This cross-cultural study highlights the central role of verbal manipulation within the Dark Triad traits, along with identifying overlapping items among traits measured using straightforward SD3 scale items. In line with our findings, future research that incorporates a wide range of cultural contexts is encouraged to establish the consistency of these findings with the SD3 Scale or alternative measures.

Heliyon ; 10(1): e23322, 2024 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38163193


This study explores whether gender differences influence the components of the Dark Triad of personality and moral disengagement on the manifestations of dishonest academic behavior in Peruvian university students. Moreover, it evaluates how moral disengagement mediates the effect that the Dark Triad components have on academic dishonesty. The participants were 591 university students, aged between 18 and 40 years (women = 71.7 %; Mage = 21.5; SDage = 3.60), to whom the Dirty Dozen Dark Triad, the Propensity to Morally Disengage Scale, and the Scale of Academic Dishonesty, which has 3 dimensions (cheating on exams, plagiarism, and falsification) were applied. The results reveal that only Machiavellianism has a significant and consistent influence on all dimensions of academic dishonesty, in both men and women, while psychopathy influences the dimension of plagiarism in both men and women and falsification only in men. In addition, moral disengagement affects falsification in both groups, cheating on exams only in the men's group, and plagiarism in the women's group. Finally, the mediating role of moral disengagement between the effect of the Dark Triad and the manifestations of academic dishonesty was not demonstrated.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 188-199, Jan.-June 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419877


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar el papel que los factores de personalidad pertenecientes a los Cinco Grandes y la Tríada Oscura -maquiavelismo, narcisismo y psicopatía- tienen en la conducción agresiva. La muestra se compuso de 318 estudiantes universitarios con permiso de conducir, quienes contestaron a una batería de pruebas que evaluaba los factores de personalidad de los Cinco Grandes (TIPI), la Tríada Oscura (DD) y la conducción agresiva (DAS y DAX). Los análisis de regresión jerárquica controlando las variables de edad y sexo, respaldan la utilidad predictiva de los factores de personalidad de los Cinco Grandes y la Tríada Oscura. Los resultados mostraron cómo la afabilidad, la estabilidad emocional y la apertura a la experiencia predicen de manera significativa diversos aspectos de la conducción agresiva. El maquiavelismo y el narcisismo son predictores significativos de diversas formas de expresión de la ira en la conducción, una vez controlados los efectos de los Cinco Grandes.

Abstract The aim of this paper was to analyze the role that personality traits belonging to the Big Five and the Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) have on aggressive driving. 318 undergraduate students with a driver's license completed a battery of tests assessing Big Five personality traits (TIPI), Dark Triad (DD) and aggressive driving (DAS and DAX). Hierarchical regressions analyses controlling for respondents' age and gender variables supported the predictive utility of the Big Five personality traits and the Dark Triad. Results showed that agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience predict various aspects of aggressive driving. Machiavellianism and narcissism are significant predictors of various forms of anger expression in driving after controlling for the effects of the Big Five personality traits.

Front Psychol ; 13: 962934, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36420389


One of the main evaluation instruments of the dark side of personality has been the Short Dark Triad of Personality (SD3), that includes Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy traits. Although other adaptations of this scale have been made in several countries, its psychometric properties have never been tested in Argentina. Different studies addressed that dark triad scores are related to different expressions of sexist prejudice. One of the issues that have been traditionally considered to understand intimate, yet unequal relationships between men and women, is prejudice toward women. Ambivalent sexism combines two types of sexist attitudes: hostile, and benevolent sexism. While hostile sexism involves attitudes of outright intolerance towards women, benevolent sexism is defined as a set of attitudes that comprises the perception of women in a positive emotional tone. The aim of the study was to analyze the Dark Triad of Personality scale in the Argentinian context and its relationships whit ambivalent sexism. A total of 1,198 individuals residing in different regions of Argentina participated, from different genders (woman = 59.5%), from 18 to 75 years old (M = 45.17 SD = 15.08). Main results indicated adequate psychometric properties for the Short Dark Triad of Personality scale in the Argentinian context. In addition, the three traits of the dark triad were significantly related to hostile and benevolent sexism, which indicate that one of the variables to keep addressing in order to comprise and eventually reduce prejudice towards women would be the dark triad of personality. Main results are discussed, in order to strengthen the understanding of the relationships between the dark triad and ambivalent sexism.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 23-43, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387204


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar si los problemas emocionales (depresión y ansiedad) y la Personalidad Oscura eran predictores del sexting y el grooming, y si este comportamiento varía según el género y la edad. Se constituyó una muestra de 728 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años (38% hombres) de tres escuelas secundarias privadas ubicadas en Buenos Aires y Paraná, Argentina. Completaron un Cuestionario de sexting, el Cuestionario de Solicitación e Interacción Sexual a menores online por parte de adultos para evaluar el comportamiento de grooming, la Escala de síntomas psicosomáticos de Rosenberg, el Inventario de depresión de Kovacs para niños y el Dirty Dozen para los rasgos de Personalidad Oscura. Los resultados mostraron que 12% de los adolescentes admitió haber padecido una conducta de grooming. Las formas más frecuentes fueron el envío de mensajes escritos de carácter sexual (11%) y fotos (10%) y luego, en orden de frecuencia, el envío de videos (4%), pero no se detectaron diferencias por género. Los predictores significativos de sexting y el tamaño de su varianza explicada variaban según el género (R² = 47% para mujeres y R² = 12% para hombres, respectivamente). En el caso de las mujeres, mayor edad y puntajes de psicopatía fueron predictores significativos, y en el de los hombres, menor ansiedad fue el predictor significativo. Un modelo estructural explicó una varianza del 6% para el sexting y 21% para el grooming, indicando que no hubo invarianza, según el género. Las regresiones lineales para predecir el grooming a partir del sexting también sugirieron que el género moderaba esta relación.

Abstract The present study aimed to study if emotional problems (depression and anxiety) and Dark Personality were predictors of sexting and grooming, and if this behavior differs by gender and age. A sample of 728 adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age (38% male) from three private high schools located in Buenos Aires and Paraná, Argentina, was drawn. They completed a Sexting questionnaire, the Questionnaire for Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction of Minors with Adults for grooming behavior, Rosenberg Scale of Psychosomatic Symptoms, the Kovacs Depression Inventory for Children and the Dirty Dozen for dark personality traits. Results showed that 12% of adolescents admitted having carried out a sexting behavior. Sending written messages of a sexual nature (11%) and photos (10%) were the most prevalent ways, followed by videos (4%), but no differences were detected according to gender. Significant predictors of sexting and the size of its explained variance ranged by gender (R² = 47% for females and R² = 12% for men, respectively). In the case of females, older age and psychopathy were the significant predictors. In the case of males, less anxiety was the significant predictors. A structural model explained a variance of 6% for sexting and 21% for grooming, indicating that there was no inavariance, according to gender. Linear regressions to predict grooming from sexting also suggested this relationship was moderated by gender.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 7-23, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279204


Resumen El presente estudio se propuso investigar perfiles de usuarios de redes sociales que presentan conductas disruptivas online. Para tal fin se diseñó un índice que permite evaluar el nivel en el que se presentan dichas conductas y se analizó la relación entre la intensidad de la conducta disruptiva online con variables sociodemográficas, motivos de usos de redes, variables de personalidad (normales, patológicas y rasgos vinculados a tríada oscura), bienestar y malestar psicológico. Participaron 858 adultos (421 hombres y 437 mujeres) que tenían en promedio 39.16 años (DE = 14.14). Para la recolección de datos se administraron: Dark Triad Scale, Big Five Inventory, Inventario para Trastornos de la Personalidad para el DSM-5, Mental Health Continuum . Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, y se diseñaron dos escalas: Índice de Conductas Disruptivas Online y Motivos de Utilización de Redes Sociales. En cuanto a las variables sociodemográficas, se halló que los más jóvenes de sexo masculino y que no trabajaban eran quienes presentaban un mayor nivel de comportamientos disruptivos online. En cuanto a los motivos de uso de redes, se observó que preferían usarlas con fines meramente exhibicionistas, de ocio o para iniciar nuevas relaciones. Por otro lado, en relación con rasgos de personalidad, aquellos que diferenciaban los perfiles en cuanto a la intensidad de las conductas disruptivas fueron: bajos niveles de responsabilidad y altos niveles de desinhibición, narcisismo y maquiavelismo. Por último, se demostró que presentar este tipo de conductas se asocia con mayor nivel de estrés y menor de bienestar social.

Abstract The present study focused on the analysis of online disruptive behavior that usually occurs among social network users. Individuals who perpetrate such behavior are commonly known as trolls or haters (Cheng, Danescu-Niculescu-Mitzil, & Leskovec, 2015). In general, they post comments, photos or provocative videos that do not pursue any purpose other than annoying or obtaining pleasure or fun (Brandel, 2007; Phillips, 2011). Recent studies have shown that certain personality traits are associated with the presence of such disruptive behavior. In this research, we studied normal personality traits, psychopathological traits, and dark personality traits in relation to disruptive behavior. The normal personality traits were considered from the classic Five Factor Model (FFM) - Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (Costa, & McCrae, 1985); the psychopathological traits, from the latest version of the DSM - Negative Effect, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition and Psychoticism (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013); and the dark personality traits from the so-called Dark Triad model - Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy (Palthus, & Williams, 2002). This latter model has a growing interest in the international literature, related to dysfunctional Internet use, particularly to social networks. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze profiles of social network users who present online disruptive behavior. For this purpose, an index was designed to assess the level of occurrence of such behaviors. First, the relationship between the intensity of online disruptive behavior and sociodemographic variables (i. e., sex, age, studies, occupation and nationality) and motives for social network use (i. e., Relationship maintenance; Passing time and Exhibitionism; Relationship Initiation and Search for companionship) were assessed. Then, the relationships among personality variables (i. e., normal, psychopathological and traits related to the dark triad); well-being (i. e., emotional, social and personal) and psychological distress (i. e., anxiety, stress and depression) were analyzed. The sample consisted of 858 adults (421 men, 49.1 % and 437 women, 50.9 %) with a mean age of 39.16 years (SD = 14.14). The majority (67.9 %; n = 583) lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina). For data collection, the following questionnaires were used: Dark Triad Scale (DTS), Big Five Inventory (BFI), Personality Disorder Inventory (PID-5-BF), the Mental Health Continuum (MHC-SF), and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Additionally, two scales were designed: Online Disruptive Behavior Index, and Motives for Social Networks Use. The SPPS 24.0 statistical package was used for data analysis. Overall, the results are consistent with those reported in the international literature. Regarding sociodemographic variables, it was found that male, younger and unemployed individuals are those who presented higher level of online disruptive behavior. Considering motives for social network use, it was observed that individuals who tend to behave in a dysfunctional manner, preferred to use social networks purely for exhibitionism, pastime or relationships initiation. Regarding personality traits, those who differentiated profiles in terms of intensity of disruptive behaviors were: low levels of responsibility and high levels of disinhibition, narcissism and Machiavellianism. Thus, it might be concluded that the overall personality profile tends to be dysfunctional in terms of its characteristics. Finally, it was shown that presenting this type of behavior is associated with higher levels of stress and lower levels of social wellbeing. Therefore, it might be interpreted that although individuals who behave disruptively tend to obtain gratification from injury and deceit to others, this behavior does not result in positive results for them, but rather results in feelings of discomfort from a personal and social point of view.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 51(2): 33945, 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123297


A tríade sombria ­ maquiavelismo, narcisismo e psicopatia ­ tem sido tradicionalmente avaliada via inventários de autorrelato. Entretanto, instrumentos de autorrelato podem estar suscetíveis à aquiescência ou tendência a concordar com itens mesmo quando possuem conteúdo antagônico. O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar a dimensionalidade de dois populares instrumentos de autorrelato da tríade, o Dirty Dozen e o Short Dark Triad, verificando a interferência do viés da aquiescência na estrutura fatorial de cada medida. Participaram do estudo 449 universitários (média de idades= 23,47; DP = 6,76; 64% mulheres). O controle da aquiescência produziu soluções fatoriais mais interpretáveis do que a tradicional modelagem bi-factor, amplamente utilizada na área. Os achados também revelam fragilidades na composição teórica de ambos os instrumentos. Argumenta-se que a economia das medidas breves da "tríade sombria" não deve vir desencontrada de uma estrutura fatorial que reflita o conhecimento atual sobre a multidimensionalidade desses traços

The Dark Triad ­ Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy ­ has been traditionally assessed via self-report inventories. Self-report instruments might be susceptible to acquiescent responding or the tendency to manifest agreement with items even when they are semantically opposed. We investigated the dimensionality of two popular self-report instruments of the Dark Triad, the Dirty Dozen and the Short Dark Triad, and inspected the interference of the acquiescence bias in the factor structure of each measure. Participants were 449 students (mean age of 23.47 years; SD = 6.76; 64% females. Controlling for acquiescence produced factor solutions that were more theoretically interpretable than the standard bi-factor modeling, largely used in the field. Findings also raise questions about the theoretical underpinnings of both instruments. We argue that, despite valuable, brief measures of the Dark Triad traits should not come at the expense of a structure adequately reflecting the current knowledge about the multidimensionality of these traits

La Tríada Oscura (maquiavelismo, narcisismo y psicopatía) se ha evaluado a través de inventarios de autoinformes. El instrumento de autoinforme puede ser susceptible de responder o de la tendencia a manifestar acuerdo con los elementos, incluso cuando se oponen semánticamente.Investigamos la dimensionalidad de dos instrumentos populares de autoinforme de la Tríada, Dirty Dozen y Short Dark Triad, e inspeccionamos la interferencia del sesgo de aquiescencia en la estructura de factores de cada medida. Los participantes fueron 449 estudiantes (edad promedio de 23.47 años; SD = 6.76; 64% mujeres. El control de la aquiescencia produjo soluciones factoriales que eran teóricamente más fáciles de interpretar que el modelo bifactor estándar, ampliamente utilizado en el campo. Los hallazgos también plantean preguntas sobre los fundamentos teóricos de ambos instrumentos. Los rasgos de la Tríada, no deben realizarse a expensas de una estructura que refleje adecuadamente el conocimiento actual sobre la multidimensionalidad de estos rasgos

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Testes Psicológicos , Autorrelato , Maquiavelismo , Narcisismo , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/diagnóstico , Psicometria
Univ. psychol ; 17(3): 21-32, jul.-set. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979513


Resumen Se analizó el impacto del cinismo organizacional sobre las relaciones entre la tríada oscura (maquiavelismo, narcisismo, psicopatía) y la satisfacción laboral, en una muestra de 343 trabajadores argentinos. Se plantearon hipótesis sobre relaciones directas e indirectas que fueron probadas mediante análisis de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados confirmaron que la tríada predice el cinismo (maquiavelismo: ϒ = 0.39, p < 0.01; psicopatía: ϒ = 0.22, p < 0.01; narcisismo: ϒ = 0.14; p < 0.05), y que el cinismo mediatiza completamente las relaciones entre la tríada y la satisfacción laboral (maquiavelismo: z = -4.51, p < 0.001; psicopatía: z = -3.24, p < 0.001; narcisismo: z = -1.78, p < 0.05). Se discuten las implicancias prácticas de los hallazgos y se sugieren nuevas líneas de investigación futura.

Abstract The impact of organizational cynicism on the relationship between dark personality traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) and job satisfaction was analysed. It was study a sample of 343 Argentinean workers. Hypotheses on direct and indirect relationships were tested by structural equation modelling. The results confirmed that the dark triad predicts cynicism (machiavellianism: ϒ = 0.39, p < 0.01; psychopathy: ϒ = 0.22, p < 0.01; narcissism: ϒ = 0.14; p < 0.05); and that cynicism fully mediates the relationship between the dark side and job satisfaction (machiavellianism: z = -4.51, p < 0.001; psychopathy: z = -3.24, p < 0.001; narcissism: z = -1.78, p < 0.05). Practical implications of findings are discussed and new lines for future studies are suggested.

Organização e Administração , Personalidade/classificação , Fortalecimento Institucional/métodos , Comportamento Perigoso
Psico USF ; 22(2): 299-308, maio-ago. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-878534


O presente estudo objetivou explorar os parâmetros psicométricos da Dirty Dozen por meio da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI), utilizando o Modelo de Resposta Graduada. Participaram 284 pessoas, com média de idade de 24,2 anos (DP = 8,76). Inicialmente, checou-se a dimensionalidade da escala, sendo encontrados resultados que apoiam uma estrutura composta por três fatores oblíquos (CFI = 0,99; TLI = 0,98; RMSEA = 0,03). Portanto, as análises de TRI foram realizadas separadamentepara cada fator. Posteriormente, verificou-se que os itens discriminam adequadamente os participantes, sendo aqueles que pertencem ao fator narcisismo os mais endossados; maquiavelismo e psicopatia exigiram uma quantidade maior de theta para haver concordância com o conteúdo do item, quiçá em virtude desses traços serem socialmente indesejáveis. Estima-se que os objetivos do estudo foram alcançados, conhecendo evidências dessa medida breve a partir da TRI, referendando seu uso em possibilidades futuras.(AU)

The present study aimed to explore the psychometric parameters of the Dirty Dozen through the Item Response Theory (IRT), using the Graduated Response Model. Participants included 284 individuals, with a mean age of 24.2 years (SD = 8.76). Initially the dimensionality of the scale was checked and results that support a three-oblique-factor structure were found (CFI = 0.99; TLI = 0.98; RMSEA = 0.03). Therefore, IRT analyses were performed separately for each factor. Then, it was verified that the items discriminate participants properly, being those items belonging to the narcissism factor the ones mostly endorsed; Machiavellianism and psychopathy demanded a greater amount of theta in order to agree with the item content, perhaps because these traits are socially undesirable. It is considered that the aims of the study were achieved, providing evidence of this short measure through the IRT, showing the possibilities of its use in future studies.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar los parámetros psicométricos del Dirty Dozen por medio de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI), utilizando el Modelo de Respuesta Graduada. Participaron 284 personas con edad promedio de 24,2 años (DP = 8,76). Inicialmente se verificó la dimensionalidad de la escala, encontrándose resultados que apoyan una estructura de três factores oblicuos (CFI = 0,99; TLI = 0,98; RMSEA = 0,03). Por lo tanto los análisis de TRI fueron realizados separadamente para cada factor. Después se verificó que los ítems discriminan adecuadamente los participantes, siendo aquellos que pertenecen al factor narcisismo más endosados; maquiavelismo y psicopatía exigieron una cantidad mayor de theta para que existiese concordancia con el contenido del ítem, quizás debido a que esos rasgos son socialmente indeseables. Se estima que los objetivos del estudio fueron alcanzados, conociendo evidencias de esta medida breve a partir de la TRI, apoyando su uso en posibilidades futuras.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/psicologia , Narcisismo , Psicometria