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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e55945, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1558722


RESUMO. Este artigo visa a fornecer alguns subsídios à determinação do lugar da psicanálise no mundo do trabalho do século XX mediante uma incursão histórica centrada sobre as duas principais vertentes dessa psicanálise aplicada: a anglo-americana e a francesa. No mundo anglo-americano do entreguerras, verificamos a emergência de um uso pragmático, quando não instrumental, da teoria psicanalítica. Já no mundo francófono da segunda metade do século XX, assistimos ao recurso à psicanálise com o fito de elaborar tanto uma crítica às formas de gestão do trabalho quanto uma reflexão sobre o trabalhar. Visto que os principais debates do século XX gravitaram sobre o trabalho e que ele continua sendo polo das questões mais relevantes da realidade social, nomeadamente as precarizações em vários níveis, o artigo defende que uma problemática dessa espécie é crucial e que a vertente crítica da psicanálise aplicada ao mundo laboral indicou possibilidades de transformação da organização do trabalho valiosas à psicologia do trabalho.

RESUMEN. El presente artículo tiene por objeto determinar el lugar que ocupa el psicoanálisis en el mundo laboral del siglo XX mediante una incursión histórica centrada en las dos vertientes principales de este psicoanálisis aplicado: el angloamericano y el francés. En el mundo angloamericano, entre la primera y la segunda mitad del siglo XX, vemos surgir un uso pragmático de la teoría psicoanalítica. En el mundo francófono de la segunda mitad de ese siglo, esta teoría se movilizó con el objetivo de elaborar tanto una crítica de las formas de gestión del trabajo como una reflexión sobre el trabajo. Dado que los principales debates del siglo XX gravitaron en torno al trabajo y que éste sigue estando en el centro de las cuestiones más relevantes de la realidad social, a saber, la precarización en varios niveles, el artículo sostiene que dicha problemática es crucial y que la vertiente crítica del psicoanálisis aplicada al trabajo ha indicado posibilidades de transformación de la organización del trabajo que son valiosas para la psicología del trabajo.

ABSTRACT. This article aimed to provide some support for determining the place of psychoanalysis in the world of work in the 20th century through a historical overview focused on the two main strands of this applied psychoanalysis: the Anglo-American and the French. In the Anglo-American world between the wars, we see the emergence of a pragmatic, if not instrumental, use of psychoanalytic theory. In the French-speaking world of the second half of the 20th century, we see the use of psychoanalysis to develop both a critique of forms of work management and a reflection on work. Since the principal debates of the 20th century revolved around work, and it continues to be the center of the most relevant issues in social reality, namely precariousness at various levels, the article argues that a problem of this kind is crucial. The critical strand of psychoanalysis applied to the world of work indicated possibilities for transforming work organization valuable to work psychology.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37455294


While patient engagement in healthcare professions education (HPE) has significantly increased in the past decades, a theoretical gap remains. What are the varied reasons as to why patients get involved with HPE programs? With a focus on understanding what drives patient involvement with HPE programs, this study examined how a patient as teacher (PAT) program was experienced by medical students, patient teachers, and faculty within a medical school. Through a phenomenographic approach, this study captures and describes the different ways our study participants experienced a PAT program (the 'phenomenon'). 24 semi-structured interviews were conducted in total, comprised of interviews with patient teachers (N = 10), medical students (N = 10) and program facilitators (N = 4) who participated in a PAT program. Our focus was on participants' description of the program and was grounded in their experiences of as well as their beliefs about it. Our findings captured 4 layers representing the qualitatively different (yet interrelated) ways in which participants experienced/perceived and conceptualized the various aspects of their experience with the PAT program: (1) A productive disruption of the learning space (2) A re-humanization within healthcare (3) A means of empowerment and agency (4) A catalyst for change and emancipation. Our outcome space results can be visually illustrated by a nesting "Matryoshka" doll, representing the four layers and depicting the process of uncovering the less conscious layers of sense-making within this phenomenon. HPE programs that are co-produced with patients and actively involve patients as teachers have the potential, but not guarantee, to be emancipatory. To engage in PAT programs that exhibit an emancipatory potential, we need to consider transformative paradigms of education, which are aligned with social change, and disrupt the traditional teacher-learner hierarchy.

J Interpers Violence ; 38(19-20): 10611-10639, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37300333


A small but growing body of research suggests that adolescents and young adults involved with the child welfare system and those transitioning out of foster care are at heightened risk of experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV). Understanding the factors that place youth at risk of IPV is central to prevention and treatment of this public health problem. However, questions remain about the prevalence and correlates of IPV among youth in foster care. Additionally, emotional abuse, a particular form of IPV in intimate partnerships, remains an understudied area in this population. This study aimed to address these gaps in research by exploring factors associated with IPV using longitudinal data from a representative sample of older youth in California Foster Care who participated in the California Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study (CalYOUTH). Our IPV outcome measures included victimization, perpetration, bidirectional IPV, and emotional abuse. Findings suggest that approximately one-fifth (20.4%) of CalYOUTH respondents had experienced some form of IPV at age 23, with emotional abuse and bidirectional violence being the most commonly reported types of IPV. Females reported emotional abuse, as well as bidirectional violence, at nearly double the rates of their male counterparts. Self-identified sexual minority youth (SMY; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning) were more likely to report IPV victimization, IPV perpetration, and bidirectional violence than their non-SMY peers. Youth with histories of emotional abuse, caregiver IPV victimization, sexual abuse in foster care, placement instability, substance use, anxiety, and incarceration were also at heightened risk of IPV involvement. Emotional abuse was most prevalent with SMY. The findings contribute to the growing research on IPV among transition-age foster youth with important implications for future research, practice, and policy.

Vítimas de Crime , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Criança , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Prevalência , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo/psicologia , Violência , Vítimas de Crime/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual , Fatores de Risco
Slavery Abol ; 44(1): 109-130, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36896326


This article deals with the abolitionist views of James Hutton Brew who argued against the British emancipation model in the Gold Coast. Brew was the proprietor and editor of the Gold Coast Times and discussed the British abolition process in its editorial pages. These articles revealed his thinking on abolition. Brew not only opposed the emancipation process set out by the British, which he felt was contradictory and disconnected from the Gold Coast context, but also argued for an alternative model that involved paying compensation to slave owners and creating a program to accommodate freed slaves. The British Governor portrayed some of the arguments of African abolitionists like Brew as those of slave owners trying to retain their positions. In discussing the ideas of James Hutton Brew, this article contributes to the literature on the historiography of slavery and abolition in Africa.

Nurs Inq ; 30(1): e12515, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35971209


The idea of agency has long been used in the nursing literature in the study of nurses' roles regarding the patients they take care of, but it has not often been used to study its relationship with nurses themselves and their status in the healthcare system. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the idea of agency is used in nursing research to better understand how we might advance our thinking around nurses' agency to shape nursing and healthcare with an emancipatory intent. Based on the results of a literature review focused on the study of conceptions, treatments, and applications of the concept of agency in nursing, we present a critical discussion to reflect on the need to consistently define the idea of nurses' agency, to guide research concerned with this topic in theoretical frameworks with emancipatory and social change tenets, and to make a call to develop the idea of agency as a central one to rework nurses' relationship with themselves. The idea of agency provides a valuable analytical framework for the study of a wide range of issues around nurses' status in healthcare organizations and in the healthcare system while offering a means for nurses' emancipation.

Papel do Profissional de Enfermagem , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Humanos
Health Care Anal ; 31(2): 65-80, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36462103


Person centered care (PCC) invites ideas of shared responsibility as a direct result of its shared decision making (SDM) process. The intersection of PCC and psychiatric contexts brings about what I refer to as the responsibility problem, which seemingly arises when SDM is applied in psychiatric settings due to (1) patients' potentially diminished capacities for responsibility, (2) tension prompted by professional reasons for and against sharing responsibility with patients, as well as (3) the responsibility/blame dilemma. This paper aims to do away with the responsibility problem through arguing for a functional approach to mental illness, a blameless responsibility ascription to the person with mental illness, as well as a nuanced understanding of SDM as part of an emancipation-oriented PCC model.

Transtornos Mentais , Psiquiatria , Humanos , Tomada de Decisão Compartilhada , Participação do Paciente , Assistência Centrada no Paciente , Tomada de Decisões
Saúde Soc ; 32(3): e230316pt, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530388


Resumo O conceito de saúde global popularizou-se mesmo com suas origens sendo alvo de um escrutínio crítico: nomeadamente, suas origens na medicina colonial, suas ligações com a proteção do comércio internacional e da exploração capitalista, seus pressupostos orientalistas. Até que ponto o conceito é, ainda, adequado ou proveitoso? Será possível reescrever a saúde global de forma a reconhecer e contrariar as suas múltiplas violências? Reflito sobre a potencialidade do conceito de saúde global a partir de uma ética da escrita que pretende ser analítica (respeitante à sua capacidade para refletir as tensões sociais, a multiplicidade de experiências, as justificações e reivindicações dos atores, a opressão e o potencial não realizado); crítica (respeitante à sua capacidade de identificar a contradição entre aquilo que os arranjos sociais ostensivamente proclamam e o que produzem de facto); e política (respeitante ao seu potencial emancipatório e de reparação das injustiças históricas). Identifico cinco vertentes importantes para um esforço de reescrever o conceito de saúde global: o global como planetário; o global como coletivo; o global como público; o global como periférico; e o global como cotidiano.

Abstract The concept of global health has become popular even though its origins have come under critical scrutiny: namely, its origins in colonial medicine, its links to the protection of international trade and capitalist exploitation and its Orientalist assumptions. To what extent is the concept still adequate or useful? Is it possible to rewrite global health while recognizing and tackling its multiple forms of violence? I reflect on the potentiality of the concept of global health based on an ethics of writing that intends to be analytical (concerning its ability to reflect social tensions, the multiplicity of experiences, the social actors' justifications and claims, the oppression, and the unrealized potential); critical (concerning its ability to identify the contradiction between what social arrangements ostensibly proclaim and what they actually produce); and political (concerning its potential for emancipation and for the reparation of historical injustices). Five important aspects are identified toward rewriting the concept of global health: the global as planetary; the global as collective; the global as public; the global as peripheral; and the global as everyday.

Teoria Crítica , Empoderamento
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20230010, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449583


RESUMO Encontramo-nos em um momento crucial da história do nosso país, quando a tarefa urgente é de reagir aos ataques sofridos ao longo dos últimos anos. No âmbito da Educação, precisamos reverter medidas que culminaram na promulgação da Base Nacional Curricular Comum e a Reforma do Novo Ensino Médio. No contexto da Educação Física, é urgente barrar as ações que fragilizam a sua permanência no currículo escolar. O presente artigo busca apontar desafios para a Educação Física nas escolas públicas brasileiras, a partir da análise dos acontecimentos vividos desde o Golpe de 2016 até o momento atual, em diálogo com referencial teórico do campo crítico da educação física nacional.

ABSTRACT We are at a crucial moment in our country's history, when the urgent task is to react to the attacks suffered over the last few years. In the field of Education, we need to reverse measures that culminated in the enactment of the National Common Curriculum Base and the Reform of the New Secondary School. In the context of Physical Education, it is urgent to stop actions that weaken its permanence in the school curriculum. This article seeks to point out challenges for Physical Education in Brazilian public schools, based on the analysis of the events experienced since the 2016 Coup until the present moment, in dialogue with the theoretical framework of the critical field of national physical education.

RESUMEN Estamos en un momento crucial de la historia de nuestro país, cuando la tarea urgente es reaccionar ante los ataques sufridos en los últimos años. En el campo de la Educación, necesitamos revertir medidas que culminaron con la promulgación de la Base Nacional Curricular Común y la Reforma de la Nueva Escuela Secundaria. En el contexto de la Educación Física, es urgente frenar las acciones que debilitan su permanencia en el currículo escolar. Este artículo busca señalar desafíos para la Educación Física en las escuelas públicas brasileñas, a partir del análisis de los hechos vividos desde el Golpe de Estado de 2016 hasta el momento actual, en diálogo con el referencial teórico del campo crítico de la educación física nacional.

Front Sociol ; 7: 983034, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36505763


The widespread use of mobile technologies has penetrated the lives of people across all age groups with the usage of smartphones and wearables appearing "natural" and without alternatives. The digitalisation of everyday life means that communication and negotiation of social and societal meanings are co-constructed by users and mobile technologies thereby blurring the boundary between on- and off-line as well as social and private spheres. At the same time, the global-market logic that has driven the extent and speed of this social transformation raises questions as to how individuals retain influence and agency over the digital technologies that have come to define both social and private spheres and that surround them at all times. Against this backdrop, this theoretical paper discusses the role of Adorno's maxim of emancipation toward autonomy (Mündigkeit) for education (Erziehung) and critical learning about and living with digital technologies. The paper suggests a way forward through intergenerational learning as a didactical method of enhancing emancipation among younger and older generations of "users" in their joint efforts of becoming critical agents in an age of digitally enhanced data markets.

Front Sociol ; 7: 1041435, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36530451


This article focuses on Khaled Hosseini's use of the analogy of women as obedient, resistant, and empowered as modern archetypes who learn of the gendered oppression that works through their bodies. Khaled Hosseini, through his writings, lends voice and offers moral encouragement to women by crafting resistant, rebellious, empowered, and strong female characters. With theoretical support from Johnson's Patriarchal Terrorism and Spivak's Can the subaltern speak, this article traces how Hosseini interrogates the patriarchal hierarchies that encompass women's identity in Afghanistan. Women's sufferings correlate with the country's overall circumstances, particularly during and after the war, on the terror regime. Therefore, women's endurance and Afghanistan's endurance amid hostile and oppressive circumstances become equally imperative for Hosseini's works. This article finds that Hosseini correlates Afghan women's issues like tradition and modernity, women and Islam, mother and daughter relationship, resistance and rebellion, and their quest for change and empowerment with the war on terror, foreign invasions, and the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Voluntas ; : 1-11, 2022 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36406243


Our goal is to outline the concept of communal labor in ecovillages of Brazil. To do that, we considered three elements: (1) political orientation for self-sufficiency; (2) technical-productive orientation in self-managed work and in plural economic practices; and (3) socio-environmental orientation centered on the recovery of biodiversity. We collected data in four ecovillages for 49 days, through a methodological path of inspiration ethnography with fieldnote and participant observation, followed by remote monitoring for 22 months. Our option was for flexible procedure to collect complex dynamics of management and routines of life by dialogues between researchers and informants. The results show that communal labor emerged in ecovillages as a resistance to market-centric society, although dependent on it incidentally. If, on the one hand, there are tensions and contradictions, on the other they reveal a strong organizational practice that shows possibilities and ways of redefining the relationships among human beings, and between collective organizations and ecosystems, by mitigating elements of alienation on values that inspire human emancipation.

Int J Health Plann Manage ; 37 Suppl 1: 37-44, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35647898


Realist evaluation (RE) is a theory-driven evaluation approach inspired by scientific realism. It has become increasingly popular in the field of global health where it is often applied in low- and middle-income countries. This makes it timely to discuss RE's relationship to the emerging decolonisation of global health movement. In this short perspective, we argue that the principles and practices that underpin RE have great potential to contribute to the decolonisation endeavour. Both the focus on the inclusion of local stakeholders and the openness to the rival theories these stakeholders bring to the fore, are promising. However, in practice, we see that a lack of acknowledgement of power imbalances and different ontologies and an overreliance on Western-based theories thwart this potential. We therefore suggest that realist evaluations performed by external researchers, especially in the field of global health, should actively engage with issues of (power) inequities. This is not only the just thing to do, but will also contribute to a better understanding of the intervention and may facilitate the emancipation of the disenfranchised. One way of doing this is through the adoption of participatory (action) research methods, currently underused in realist evaluations. We finally give a short example of an evaluation that combines emancipatory and participatory practice development with a realist approach. The Afya-Tek project in Tanzania has an innovative bottom-up approach throughout the full evaluation cycle and shows the possible strength of the proposed combination to create better interventions, more empowered stakeholders, and more illuminating programme theories.

Saúde Global , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde/métodos , Projetos de Pesquisa , Tanzânia
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 23(1): 113-123, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398836


Diante da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil, as práticas sociais sofreram drásticas alterações, impactando instituições, coletivos e indivíduos. Dentre esses atores sociais, a terapia ocupacional e a universidade pública perceberam a necessidade de se reinventar para dar respostas adequadas às crises instauradas nesse complexo contexto, dado que, para além da questão sanitária, o Brasil enfrenta problemas de ordem econômica, ecológica, ética e política. Este relato tem o objetivo de apresentar as ações desenvolvidas pelo Laboratório de Práticas Emancipatórias e Territoriais, LAPET, durante a pandemia, ancorado no curso de Terapia Ocupacional de uma universidade federal do sul do Brasil. Diante das novas condições impostas pelo distanciamento social, fez-se necessário inovar as práticas de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Diversas ações foram realizadas de forma unificada e coesa, com finalidade de defender as políticas sociais em direção à emancipação, sobretudo de trabalhadores da Assistência Social e da Saúde. Partiu-se de metodologias participativas, da dialogicidade e da priorização da horizontalização das relações. Processos educativos críticos que rompem com a forma escolar foram deflagrados junto a estudantes de graduação por meio de grupo de estudos e outros instrumentos e, também, junto a trabalhadores essenciais a partir de entrevistas individuais, oficinas emancipatórias e outros recursos tecnológicos. Considera-se que as práticas realizadas trazem um tensionamento do currículo regular do curso de Terapia Ocupacional, além de servirem como instrumento de apreensão das contradições da realidade, facilitando a busca por justiça e transformação social.

Frente a la pandemia de COVID-19 en Brasil, las prácticas sociales han sufrido cambios drásticos que impactan a instituciones, colectivos e individuos. Entre estos actores sociales, la terapia ocupacional y la universidad pública se dieron cuenta de la necesidad de reinventarse para dar respuestas adecuadas a las crisis establecidas en este contexto complejo, dado que, además del tema de salud, Brasil enfrenta problemas económicos, ecológicos, éticos y políticos. Este relato de experiencia tiene como objetivo presentar las acciones desarrolladas por el Laboratorio de Prácticas Emancipatorias y Territoriales, LAPET, durante la pandemia, anclado en el curso de terapia ocupacional de una universidad federal en el sur de Brasil. Ante las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la distancia social, fue necesario innovar las prácticas de docencia, investigación y extensión. Varias acciones se llevaron a cabo de manera unificada y cohesionada, con el propósito de defender las políticas sociales hacia la emancipación, especialmente de los trabajadores asistenciales y de salud. Se inició con metodologías participativas, dialogicidad y priorización de relaciones horizontales. Los procesos educativos críticos que rompen con la forma escolar fueron desencadenados por estudiantes de pregrado a través de grupos de estudio y otros instrumentos, y también por trabajadores esenciales por medio de entrevistas individuales, talleres emancipatorios y otros recursos tecnológicos. Se considera que las prácticas realizadas aportan tensión al currículo regular del curso de Terapia Ocupacional, además de servir como un instrumento para aprehender las contradicciones de la realidad, facilitando la búsqueda de justicia y transformación social.

During COVID-19 pandemic, social practices were drastically changed in Brazil. It impacted institutions, groups and individuals. Among them, occupational therapy and public university needed to recreate their practices, in order to properly respond to the crisis in this complex context, beyond the sanitary issue, Brazil faces economic, ecological, ethical and political problems. This report aims to inform the actions developed by the Lab of Emancipatory and Territorial Practices, (LAPET, by its initials in portuguese), anchored in the occupational therapy graduation course, at a federal university of the south of Brazil. Due to the new conditions imposed by social isolation, learning practices, research and extension were recreated. Coherent and unified actions were performed to advocate for social policies toward emancipation, specially concerning social assistance and health care workers. Participative methodologies were used, prioritizing dialog and horizontal relations. Critical educational that ruptures with school system were proceeded with under graduated students in group studies, and other instruments. Essential workers also participated of the educational processes through interviews, emancipatory workshops, and other technological resources. The driven practices bring tension to the regular occupational therapy graduation curriculum and become instruments of reality apprehension, benefiting social justice and transformation.

Humanos , Universidades , Terapia Ocupacional , Relações Comunidade-Instituição , COVID-19 , Isolamento Social , Apoio Social , Pandemias , Empoderamento
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(2): 587-603, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1428857


Este artigo visa a destacar a experiência de trabalho em Psicologia Social desenvolvida pelo grupo de ensino, pesquisa e extensão denominado "Processos grupais e articulações identitárias (PGAI), vinculado ao Laboratório de Pesquisa e Intervenção Psicossocial (LAPIP) da Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ). Busca-se, sobretudo, relatar como os saberes e fazeres do PGAI amparados pela Psicologia Social Crítica e suas categorias de análise, podem contribuir para a emancipação de algumas populações de São João del-Rei. Pretende-se identificar também como o processo grupal pode fortalecer a construção de políticas públicas locais, de forma a promover transformação social. Foi possível perceber que a práxis que o grupo vem exercendo tem possibilitado a efetivação de mudanças no cotidiano das pessoas envolvidas que, marcadas por alguns eixos de desigualdade e opressão, encontram-se em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Nesse sentido, as práticas realizadas permitem ao público envolvido tanto desenvolver uma consciência crítica, quanto exercer ações de mudança social, favorecendo, assim, melhores condições de vida e novos sentidos existenciais.

This article aims to highlight the work experience in Social Psychology developed by the teaching, research and extension group called "Group processes and identity articulations: possible partnerships and interactions with public health and social inclusion policies" (PGAI), linked to the Laboratory of Research and Psychosocial Intervention (LAPIP) at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ). It seeks, above all, to report how the knowledge and actions of the PGAI, supported by Critical Social Psychology and its analysis categories, can contribute to the emancipation of some populations of São João del-Rei. It is also intended to identify how the group process can strengthen the construction of local public policies, in order to promote social transformation. It was possible to notice that the praxis that the group has been exercising has enabled the implementation of changes in the daily lives of the people involved who, marked by some axes of inequality and oppression, are in a situation of social vulnerability. In this sense, the practices carried out allow the public involved to both develop a critical awareness and carry out actions for social change, thus favoring better living conditions and new existential meanings.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo resaltar la experiencia laboral en Psicología Social desarrollada por el grupo de docencia, investigación y extensión denominado "Procesos grupales y articulaciones identitarias: posibles alianzas e interacciones con políticas de salud pública e inclusión social" (PGAI), vinculado al Laboratorio de Investigación. e Intervención Psicosocial (LAPIP) en la Universidad Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ). Se busca, sobre todo, informar cómo los conocimientos y acciones del PGAI, apoyados por la Psicología Social Crítica y sus categorías de análisis, pueden contribuir a la emancipación de algunas poblaciones de São João del-Rei. También se pretende identificar cómo el proceso grupal puede fortalecer la construcción de políticas públicas locales, con el fin de promover la transformación social. Se pudo notar que la práctica que viene ejerciendo el grupo ha permitido implementar cambios en la vida cotidiana de las personas involucradas que, marcadas por algunos ejes de desigualdad y opresión, se encuentran en una situación de vulnerabilidad social. En este sentido, las prácticas realizadas permiten involucrar a la ciudadanía tanto para desarrollar una conciencia crítica como para realizar acciones de cambio social, favoreciendo así mejores condiciones de vida y nuevos significados existenciales.

Humanos , Psicologia Social , Universidades , Relações Comunidade-Instituição , Dinâmica de Grupo , Política Pública , Identificação Social , Brasil , Vulnerabilidade Social
Reprod Biomed Online ; 44(6): 1005-1014, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35304091


Oocyte vitrification, also known as egg freezing, is increasingly being used by women as a precautionary measure against the anticipated decline in fertility. In countries where this procedure is allowed, elective oocyte vitrification has become an integral part of the treatment portfolio of fertility clinics. The widespread tendency towards the postponement of motherhood and the advances in laboratory technologies are encouraging women to consider oocyte vitrification and, by doing so, increase their reproductive autonomy. However, elective oocyte vitrification, or elective egg freezing (EEF), still elicits controversy, not only when EEF is appraised from a cost-efficiency point of view, but also in terms of medical and ethical concerns. In general, although the laboratory tool of vitrification has revolutionized the treatment of infertility, the pros and cons need to be clarified when considering EEF.

Preservação da Fertilidade , Vitrificação , Criopreservação/métodos , Feminino , Fertilidade , Preservação da Fertilidade/métodos , Humanos , Oócitos
Eur J Soc Theory ; 25(1): 172-188, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35250357


Emancipation serves not only as a midwife for progressive agendas such as greater equality and sustainability but also as their gravedigger. This diagnosis underpins Ingolfur Blühdorn's 'dialectic of emancipation', which depicts a dilemma but offers no perspective on how to deal with it. By drawing on Foucault, this article suggests conceiving of emancipation as a task moderns are confronted with even if a given emancipatory project has come to devour its children. Claiming autonomy from given social constellations is key to this task; key also is judging between legitimate and illegitimate claims to autonomy. In late modernity, the criteria for such judgement are no longer universally given. Instead of regarding the latter as entry into mere subjectivism (Blühdorn), this article presents judgement as a key political, 'world building'-activity (Arendt), a critical social theory may join in, by not only observing the world but by also taking sides in it.

Child Abuse Negl ; 124: 105439, 2022 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34923298


BACKGROUND: Emancipated foster youth frequently engage in behaviors that contribute to poor health. Whether health risk behaviors increase following emancipation or are established while in foster care remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: This secondary data analysis examined substance use and attitudes toward sexual risk behaviors to understand continuity in risk behaviors among foster youth before emancipation and following emancipation. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Youth ages 16-20 (N = 151) who had been in foster care for at least 12 months and were expected to emancipate were recruited. The urban county where the study was conducted allowed youth to remain in foster care until 21 years of age. METHODS: Participants completed surveys assessing substance use and attitudes toward sexual risk behaviors at baseline, 6 and 12 months. Multilevel models estimated trajectories of health behaviors and attitudes, with emancipation timing as the primary predictor. Individual and child welfare characteristics were included as covariates. RESULTS: Substance use did not change with emancipation (Bs = 0.01, p = 0.81) and positive attitudes about risky sexual behavior significantly decreased as youth approached emancipation (Bs = 1.67, p < 0.01). Placement instability and adversity were not associated with either outcome (ps > 0.08). Females reported more positive attitudes about higher-risk sexual behavior than males (B = 3.09, p < 0.01) and less substance use (B = -1.15, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Substance use and attitudes about sexual risk behaviors are established before emancipation; interventions prior to emancipation are necessary to improve health outcomes.

Comportamento do Adolescente , Criança Acolhida , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Cuidados no Lar de Adoção , Comportamentos de Risco à Saúde , Humanos , Masculino , Assunção de Riscos , Comportamento Sexual , Adulto Jovem
Respirology ; 27(1): 85-87, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34825426


Special Series: Leading Women in Respiratory Medicine Series Editors: Natasha Smallwood and Fanny Wai San Ko.

Pneumologia , Feminino , Humanos , Indonésia/epidemiologia
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 26: e220158, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405327


Este artigo visa refletir sobre a potência de ações e serviços no campo da Saúde Mental no sistema de saúde pública brasileira, com o intuito de fomentar práticas emancipatórias, sobretudo no contexto de retrocessos vivenciados com a atual Nova Política Nacional de Saúde Mental, que se contrapõe aos preceitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Ancoradas em elementos teóricos acerca da emancipação, da sociologia das ausências e da sociologia das emergências, discutimos os grupos de ajuda e suporte mútuos, os grupos de ouvidores de vozes, os centros de convivência e as iniciativas de Economia Solidária, os quais visam à superação da lógica da monocultura do saber, valorizando o conhecimento dos usuários e adotando práticas horizontalizadas e autogestionárias. Tais experiências precisam ser sistematizadas, vivenciadas e multiplicadas para que seja possível o desenvolvimento de redes de cuidado com potencial emancipatório.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre la potencia de acciones y servicios en el campo de la salud mental en el sistema de salud pública brasileña, con la intención de fomentar prácticas emancipadoras, sobre todo en el contexto de retrocesos experimentados con la actual Nueva Política Nacional de Salud Mental, que se contrapone a los preceptos de la Reforma Psiquiátrica. Ancladas en elementos teóricos sobre la emancipación, la sociología de las ausencias y la sociología de las emergencias, discutimos los grupos de ayuda y soporte mutuos, los grupos de oidores de voces, los centros de convivencia y las iniciativas de economía solidaria, cuyo objetivo es la superación de la lógica de la monocultura del saber, valorizando el conocimiento de los usuarios y adoptando prácticas horizontalizadas y de autogestión. Tales experiencias precisan sistematizarse, experimentarse y multiplicarse para que sea posible el desarrollo de redes de cuidado con potencial emancipador.(AU)

This article aims to reflect on the power of actions and services in the field of mental health within the Brazilian public health system, aiming to promote emancipatory practices, especially in the context of setbacks experienced with the current New National Policy on Mental Health, which opposes to the precepts of the Psychiatric Reform. Anchored in theoretical elements about emancipation, the sociology of absences and the sociology of emergencies, we discuss mutual help and support groups, voice ombudsmen groups, social centers and solidarity economy initiatives, which aim to overcome the logic of the monoculture of knowledge, valuing the knowledge of users and adopting horizontalized and self-managed practices. Such experiences need to be systematized, experienced and multiplied so that the development of care networks with emancipatory potential is possible.(AU)

Humanos , Saúde Mental , Empoderamento , Política de Saúde , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial
Licere (Online) ; 24(4): 35-65, dez.2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353775


Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um recorte da dissertação de mestrado "O ensino dança em um projeto social do programa escola aberta de Belo Horizonte: questões para a construção do conhecimento e currículos pelo viés da Educação Somática". Ao discutir a dança vivida e percebida pelos participantes da pesquisa em um programa que abre o espaço escola aos fins de semana para atividades de lazer, buscamos analisar as possibilidades de se considerar os conhecimentos produzidos no e pelo corpo, construídos fora do universo escolarizado. Ao apontar articulações possíveis entre os estudos de Freire (1987), por meio dos Círculos de Cultura e Temas Geradores, e as tessituras de Nilma Lino Gomes (2017; 2020) sobre a construção identitária, vislumbramos que o corpo negro emancipado transforme o mundo.

This paper intends to present an excerpt from the master's dissertation "The education dance in a social project of the Belo Horizonte open school program: issues for the construction of knowledge and curricula from the perspective of Somatic Education". When discussing the dance experienced and perceived by the research participants in a program that opens the school space to leisure activities on weekends, we seek to analyze the possibilities of considering the knowledge produced in and by the body, built outside the school universe. pointing out possible articulations between the studies of Freire (1987), through the Culture Circles and Generating Themes, and the tessituras of Nilma Lino Gomes (2017; 2020) on the construction of identity, we envision that the emancipated black body transforms the world.

Atividades de Lazer