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An. psicol ; 40(1): 69-75, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229028


Para frenar la propagación del COVID-19, el gobierno español aplicó medidas restrictivas, como el cierre escolar. Aunque los efectos de la pandemia en el bienestar emocional de los niños han sido estudiados, faltan estudios que examinen la adaptación escolar tras la pandemia y el papel que la infección ha tenido en el proceso de adaptación. El objetivo es analizar la relación entre los eventos estresantes relacionados con la escuela y la adaptación escolar después del confinamiento, incluyendo la ansiedad como mediadora. Los participantes fueron 219 padres de niños y adolescentes españoles de entre 3 y 18 años que completaron encuestas sobre la ansiedad de sus hijos (Spanish Brief Child Version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale), los eventos estresantes vividos relacionados con la escuela (Stressful Eventos relacionados con el Inventario de Pandemia), y la adaptación escolar (Escala de Ajuste de los Niños después del Cierre Escolar de la Pandemia). Los resultados mostraron mayor prevalencia en el evento estresante distancia social (87%). Tener COVID-19 y sufrir acoso escolar se relacionó directamente con una mayor ansiedad. Los niños que disminuyeron el contacto social y sufrieron acoso escolar mostraron peor adaptación escolar, siendo la ansiedad un mediador indirecto. Los hallazgos destacan la importancia de supervisar la adaptación escolar y promover estrategias para prevenir problemas emocionales en jóvenes expuestos a situaciones estresantes.(AU)

Aiming to mitigate the COVID-19 spread, the government of Spain applied restrictive measures, like schools’ closure. Although the ef-fects of the pandemic on children's emotional well-being have been stud-ied, there is a lack of studies examining school adjustment following the pandemic and the role that the infection has played in the adjustment pro-cess. The objective is to analyze the relationship between stressful events related to school experienced by children and their adjustment to school after the home confinement, including anxiety as a mediator variable. Par-ticipants were the parentsof 219 Spanish children and adolescents aged 3 and 18 years who completed a survey about their children’s anxiety (Span-ish Brief Child Version of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale), the stress-ful events experienced related to school (Stressful Events related to Pan-demic Inventory), and the adjustment to school (Adjustment of Children after Pandemic School Closure Scale). Results showed that social distance was the most reported stressful event (87%). Having COVID-19 and expe-riencing bullying were directly related to a high level of anxiety. Children ́s who decreased social contact and experienced bullying showed a worse ad-justment to school. Anxiety was an indirect mediator of this relationship. Findings highlight the importance of supervising school adaptation and promoting strategies to prevent emotional problems when the youths are exposed to stressful situations.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , /psicologia , Adaptação Psicológica , Saúde do Estudante , Estresse Psicológico , Instituições Acadêmicas , Ansiedade , /epidemiologia , Psicologia , Saúde Mental , Psicologia Social , Ajustamento Social , Psicologia Educacional
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 55(10): 102703, Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226017


Objective: To assess the prevalence of panic disorder during the second and third waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design: Cross-sectional multicenter study. Setting: Primary care. Participants: Participating primary care physicians selected patients visiting their primary care centers for any reason over a 16-month period. Main outcome measure: Diagnosis of panic disorder was established using The Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) instrument. Results: Of a total of 678 patients who met the inclusion criteria, 36 presented with panic disorder, with a prevalence of 5.3% (95% confidence interval 3.6–7.0). A total of 63.9% of cases occurred in women. The mean age was 46.7±17.1 years. Socioeconomic difficulties, such as very low monthly income rate, unemployment, and financial constraints to make housing payments and to make ends meet were more frequent in patients with panic disorders as compared to patients without panic disorder. A high level of stress (Holmes–Rahe scale>300), concomitant chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel disease, and having financial difficulties in the past 6 months were associated with factors of panic disorder. Discussion: This study characterizes patients with panic disorder diagnosed with a validated instrument during the COVID-19 pandemic and identified risk factors for this disease. Conclusions: In non-selected consecutive primary care attendees in real-world conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of panic disorder was 5.3%, being more frequent in women. There is a need to enhance primary care resources for mental health care during the duration of the pandemic and beyond.(AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del trastorno de pánico durante la segunda y tercera olas de la pandemia por COVID-19. Diseño: Estudio transversal multicéntrico. Emplazamiento: Atención primaria. Participantes: Los médicos participantes seleccionaron a pacientes atendidos en atención primaria por cualquier motivo durante 16 meses. Medición principal: Trastorno de pánico diagnosticado usando el cuestionario Primary Care Evaluation Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD).Resultados: De un total de 678 pacientes elegibles, 36 presentaban un trastorno de pánico, con una prevalencia del 5,3% (intervalo de confianza del 95% 3,6-7,0). Un 63,9% de los casos se presentaron en mujeres. La edad media fue de 46,7±17,1 años. Las dificultades socioeconómicas, como bajos ingresos mensuales, falta de empleo y restricciones económicas para pagos de la vivienda y llegar a final de mes eran más frecuentes en los pacientes con trastorno de pánico que en aquellos sin. Los factores asociados al trastorno de pánico fueron un alto nivel de estrés (escala de Holmes-Rahe > 300), síndrome de fatiga crónica concomitante e intestino irritable y dificultades económicas en los últimos 6 meses. Discusión: Este estudio caracteriza a los pacientes con trastorno de pánico diagnosticados mediante un instrumento validado durante la pandemia por COVID-19 e identifica los factores de riesgo. Conclusiones: En pacientes consecutivos no seleccionado en condiciones del mundo real durante la pandemia por COVID-19, la prevalencia del trastorno de pánico fue del 5,3%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres. Es necesario aumentar los recursos para la salud mental durante y más allá de la duración de la pandemia.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pandemias , Atenção Primária à Saúde/tendências , Infecções por Coronavirus/embriologia , Transtorno de Pânico/complicações , Pânico , Estresse Psicológico , Estudos Transversais , Prevalência , Inquéritos e Questionários , Saúde Mental
Aten Primaria ; 55(10): 102703, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37422988


OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of panic disorder during the second and third waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. DESIGN: Cross-sectional multicenter study. SETTING: Primary care. PARTICIPANTS: Participating primary care physicians selected patients visiting their primary care centers for any reason over a 16-month period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Diagnosis of panic disorder was established using The Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) instrument. RESULTS: Of a total of 678 patients who met the inclusion criteria, 36 presented with panic disorder, with a prevalence of 5.3% (95% confidence interval 3.6-7.0). A total of 63.9% of cases occurred in women. The mean age was 46.7±17.1 years. Socioeconomic difficulties, such as very low monthly income rate, unemployment, and financial constraints to make housing payments and to make ends meet were more frequent in patients with panic disorders as compared to patients without panic disorder. A high level of stress (Holmes-Rahe scale>300), concomitant chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel disease, and having financial difficulties in the past 6 months were associated with factors of panic disorder. DISCUSSION: This study characterizes patients with panic disorder diagnosed with a validated instrument during the COVID-19 pandemic and identified risk factors for this disease. CONCLUSIONS: In non-selected consecutive primary care attendees in real-world conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of panic disorder was 5.3%, being more frequent in women. There is a need to enhance primary care resources for mental health care during the duration of the pandemic and beyond.

Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 35(1): 58-65, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-215061


Background: Although several studies have reported an increase in psychological problems during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of stressful life events on Spanish children and adolescents using a person-oriented statistical approach and the relationships between the profiles and emotional and behavioral symptoms have not yet been examined. The present study aims to identify profiles of Spanish children and adolescents, considering life-threatening stressful events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Participants were 252 parents of children aged 3 to 15 years old who completed an online structured questionnaire that collected information about stressful life events related to the pandemic and its impact on their children’s welfare. Results: Through Latent Class Analysis (LCA), four profiles of children and adolescents were found according to the stressful events experienced: “COVID infection, social confinement,” “economic loss,” “reduced social contact“ and “parental stress,” with no significant age or gender differences. Reduction in social contact was the most prevalent stressor. Comparisons of psychological symptoms across latent classes were analyzed. Conclusions: The findings increase our understanding of how stressful life events during the COVID-19 situation impacted young people’s psychological welfare and highlight the need to promote strategies to prevent emotional problems during a pandemic considering the identified profiles.(AU)

Antecedentes: Aunque diversos estudios han informado sobre el aumento de problemas psicológicos durante la pandemia de COVID-19, hasta el momento no se ha examinado el impacto de los eventos vitales estresantes en niños y adolescentes mediante un enfoque estadístico orientado a la persona, y la relación entre los perfiles y los síntomas emocionales y conductuales. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar perfiles identificativos de niños y adolescentes españoles, ante eventos estresantes de riesgo durante la pandemia. Método: Participaron 252 padres de niños de 3 a 15 años, quienes completaron un cuestionario estructurado online que recopiló información sobre eventos estresantes relacionados con la pandemia y sobre su impacto en el bienestar de sus hijos. Resultados: Mediante Análisis de Clases Latentes (LCA), se encontraron cuatro perfiles, según los eventos estresantes experimentados: “Infección por COVID, encierro social,” “pérdida económica,” “contacto social reducido” y “estrés de los padres,” sin diferencias significativas en las variables edad y género. La reducción del contacto social fue el estresor más prevalente. Se analizaron las comparaciones de síntomas psicológicos entre clases latentes. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de promover estrategias para prevenir problemas emocionales durante la pandemia.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Pandemias , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Estresse Traumático , Pais , Estresse Psicológico , Inquéritos e Questionários , Psicologia
Psico USF ; 25(3): 547-559, jul.-set. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1135734


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the construct validity, internal consistency and psychometric indicators of the reduced version of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-short). The CERQ-short was adapted and translated to Portuguese prior to its administration to 254 adults, mainly from the state of Paraíba, Brazil. The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), the Compulsive Buying Scale (CBS) and a sociodemographic questionnaire were also applied. The original CERQ-short nine-factor structure was preserved. The convergent and discriminant validity, the reliability and the psychometric adequacy concerning item difficulty and item discrimination were also confirmed. The results support the use of this scale for rapid screening and research. (AU)

O presente estudo teve como objetivo buscar evidências de validade de construto, de consistência interna e indicadores psicométricos dos itens da versão adaptada para o português do Questionário Cognitivo de Regulação Emocional versão reduzida (CERQ-short). Após tradução e adaptação, foi aplicado o CERQ-Short, as escalas de dificuldade em regulação emocional (DERS) e de Compras Compulsivas (CBS), além de um questionário demográfico em uma amostra de 254 adultos, maioria de paraibanos. Verificou-se que a estrutura original de nove fatores do CERQ-Short foi mantida, também foram confirmadas as validades convergente e discriminante, a fidedignidade e a adequação psicométrica dos itens no que se refere à dificuldade e à discriminação dos itens. A escala apresentou evidência para a utilização em rastreio rápido e pesquisas. (AU)

El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo la búsqueda de evidencias de la validez del construto e indicadores psicométricos de los ítems, de una versión adaptada para el portugués, del Cuestionario Cognitivo de Regulación Emocional, versión reducida (CERQ-short). Inicialmente, fue realizada la traducción y adaptación semántica; posteriormente, fue aplicado el cuestionario CERQ-Short a las escalas de dificultad en regulación emocional (DERS) y de las Compras Compulsivas (CBS), además de un cuestionario demográfico en una muestra de 254 adultos, la mayoría de los paraibanos. Se verificó que la estructura original de nueve factores del CERQ-Short fue mantenida, así como las evidencias de validez del construto, fiabilidad y adecuación psicométrica de los ítems. La escala presentó evidencias para la utilización en rastreo rápido y pesquisas. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento Compulsivo/psicologia , Regulação Emocional , Tradução , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial
Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 20(1): 19-30, jan.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1042394


Este estudo investigou as principais dificuldades enfrentadas por estudantes universitários durante o ingresso no ensino superior e se a percepção das mesmas poderia variar em função do gênero, do semestre no curso, do fato do estudante estar frequentando o curso inicialmente desejado e tipo de instituição. Participaram dessa pesquisa 423 estudantes. Através de duas questões abertas, investigou-se as principais dificuldades acadêmicas e não acadêmicas vivenciadas pelos estudantes. As respostas foram submetidas a análise de conteúdo temática. A principal dificuldade acadêmica observada foi relacionada a diferenças entre o ensino médio e o superior. Já entre as dificuldades não acadêmicas, "gestão do tempo" foi a mais frequentemente citada. Alunos da Universidade tenderam a apresentar um pouco mais de dificuldades do que os do Instituto Federal. Implicações metodológicas e práticas dos resultados são discutidas.

This study investigated the main difficulties faced by undergraduate students when entering higher education, and whether their perception could vary according to gender, semester, if the student is attending the course initially desired and type of institution. 423 students participated in this study. Through two open questions, the main academic and non-academic difficulties experienced by the students were investigated. The answers were submitted to thematic content analysis. The main academic difficulty observed was related to differences between high school and higher education. Among the non-academic difficulties, "time management" was the most frequently cited. Students from the University tended to present a little more difficulties than those of the Federal Institute. Methodological and practical implications of the results were discussed.

Este estudio investigó las principales dificultades enfrentadas por estudiantes universitarios al ingresar a la educación superior y si la percepción de las mismas podría variar con relación al género, semestre, hecho del estudiante estar frecuentando la carrera inicialmente deseada y tipo de institución. Participaron en la investigación 423 estudiantes. A través de dos cuestiones abiertas, se estudiaron las principales dificultades académicas y no académicas vivenciadas por los estudiantes. Las respuestas fueron sometidas a análisis de contenido temático. La principal dificultad académica observada está relacionada con las diferencias entre la enseñanza media y superior. Entre las dificultades no académicas, "la gestión del tiempo" fue citada con mayor frecuencia. Los estudiantes de la Universidad tienden a presentar un poco más de dificultades que los de la Institución Federal. Se discuten las implicaciones metodológicas y prácticas de los resultados.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Estresse Psicológico , Estudantes , Universidades , Atitude
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 47(1): 32-36, ene.-mar. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-960166


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de los hábitos en la depresión del estudiante de medicina de 7 departamentos de Perú. Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico de un análisis secundario de datos. El diagnóstico de depresión se obtuvo según el resultado del test de Zung, considerado positivo ante cualquier grado de esta condición. Además, se comparó esto con otras variables socioeducativas importantes según publicaciones previas. Resultados: De los 1.922 encuestados, el 54,5% (n = 1.047) eran mujeres; la mediana de edad era de 20 [intervalo intercuartílico, 18-22] arios. El 13,5% (n = 259) tenía algún grado de depresión según la escala de Zung. En el análisis multivariable, incrementaron la frecuencia de depresión la mayor cantidad de horas de estudio por día (razón de prevalencias ajustada [RPa] = 1,03; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%], 1,01-1,04; p < 0,001) y que el estudiante trabaje (RPa = 1,98; IC95%, 1,21-3,23; p = 0,006); en cambio, disminuyeron la frecuencia de depresión tener horarios similares para comer (RPa = 0,59; IC95%, 0,38-0,93; p = 0,022) y un lugar fijo donde conseguir sus alimentos (RPa = 0,66; IC95%, 0,46-0,96; p = 0,030), ajustado por el año de ingreso a la universidad. Conclusiones: Se encontró que algunos factores estresantes predisponen a la depresión (trabajar y estudiar más horas por día); en cambio, tener un orden en su rutina diaria disminuye esta condición (tener un lugar y horarios fijos para comer.

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the influence of habits on depression in medical students from 7 Peruvian Regions. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study of a secondary data analysis. The diagnosis of depression was obtained according to the Zung test result, with any level of this condition being considered positive. This was also compared with other social and educational variables that were important according to previous literature. Results: Of the 1922 respondents, 54.5% (1047) were female. The median age was 20 [interquartile range, 18-22] years, and 13.5% (259) had some degree of depression according to the Zung scale. In the multivariate analysis, the frequency of depression increased with the hours of study per day (RPA= 1.03; 95%CI; 1.01-1.04; P<.001) and the student work (RPA = 1.98; 95%CI; 1.21-3.23; P=.006). On the other hand, decreased the frequency of depression decreased on having similar meal schedules (RPA = 0.59; 95%CI; 0.38-0.93; P=.022), and having a fixed place in which to get food (RPA = 0.66; 95%CI; 0.46-0.96; P=.030), adjusted for the year of college entrance. Conclusions: Some stressors predisposed to depression were found (the work and studying more hours a day). On the other hand, to have order in their daily routine decreased this condition (having a set place and times for meals).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudantes de Medicina , Depressão , Hábitos , Peru , Estudos Transversais , Análise Multivariada , Inquéritos e Questionários , Confiança , Diagnóstico , Razão de Prevalências
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 47(1): 32-36, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29428119


OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of habits on depression in medical students from 7 Peruvian Regions. METHODS: Analytical cross-sectional study of a secondary data analysis. The diagnosis of depression was obtained according to the Zung test result, with any level of this condition being considered positive. This was also compared with other social and educational variables that were important according to previous literature. RESULTS: Of the 1922 respondents, 54.5% (1047) were female. The median age was 20 [interquartile range, 18-22] years, and 13.5% (259) had some degree of depression according to the Zung scale. In the multivariate analysis, the frequency of depression increased with the hours of study per day (RPA=1.03; 95%CI; 1.01-1.04; P<.001) and the student work (RPA=1.98; 95%CI; 1.21-3.23; P=.006). On the other hand, decreased the frequency of depression decreased on having similar meal schedules (RPA=0.59; 95%CI; 0.38-0.93; P=.022), and having a fixed place in which to get food (RPA=0.66; 95%CI; 0.46-0.96; P=.030), adjusted for the year of college entrance. CONCLUSIONS: Some stressors predisposed to depression were found (the work and studying more hours a day). On the other hand, to have order in their daily routine decreased this condition (having a set place and times for meals).

Depressão/epidemiologia , Hábitos , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Análise Multivariada , Peru/epidemiologia , Estudantes de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores de Tempo , Adulto Jovem
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 47(1): 24-34, 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-791765


Buscou-se caracterizar o bem-estar subjetivo de crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua de três capitais brasileiras: Fortaleza, Porto Alegre e Salvador, verificando os fatores a ele associados (idade, sexo, eventos estressores e rede de apoio). Participaram 111 jovens (M=14,18 anos; DP=2,4), sendo a maioria (n=90; 81,1%) meninos. Utilizou-se o Inventário de Eventos Estressores, Mother dos Cinco Campos, Escala de Satisfação de Vida e Escalas de Afeto Positivo e Negativo. Os participantes avaliaram positivamente a satisfação de vida e relataram mais afetos positivos que negativos, embora tenham vivenciado eventos estressores. Satisfação de vida associou-se negativamente com idade e afetos negativos associaram-se positivamente ao impacto dos eventos estressores e negativamente ao fator de proximidade da rede de apoio. Discute-se que as adversidades não afetaram a expressão de afetos positivos e satisfação de vida, bem como a importância da rede de apoio para promoção de bem-estar.

This study aimed to characterize the subjective well-being of children and adolescents in street situation from: Fortaleza, Porto Alegre and Salvador, verifying the factors associated with it (age, gender, stressful events and support network). Participants were 111 young people (M=14.18 years, SD=2.4), the majority (n=90; 81.1%) were male. Stressful Events Inventory, the Five Field Map, Life Satisfaction Scale and Positive and Negative Affect Scale were used. Participants positively evaluated the life satisfaction and reported more positive emotions than negative, although they have often experienced the stressful events. There was a negative correlation between age and life satisfaction and negative affect was positively associated to the impact of stressful events and negatively to the proximity factor of the support network. We discuss that adversities do not affect the expression of positive affect and life satisfaction, and the importance of the support network for well-being promotion.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el bienestar subjetivo de los niños y adolescentes que viven en la calle de tres ciudades de Brasil: Fortaleza, Porto Alegre y Salvador, la verificación de los factores asociados a el bienestar subjetivo (edad, sexo, eventos estresantes; red de apoyo) . Participaron 111 jóvenes (M=14,18 años, SD=2.4), la mayoría (n=90; 81,1%) eran de sexo masculino. Se utilizó el Inventario de Eventos Estresantes, Mother de Cinco Campos, Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo. Los participantes evaluaron positivamente la satisfacción con la vida y reportaron más emociones positivas que negativas, aunque a menudo han experimentado los eventos estresantes. Se observaron una correlación negativa entre la edad y la satisfacción con la vida y afecto negativo se asoció positivamente con el impacto de los eventos estresantes y negativamente con el factor de la proximidad de la red de apoyo. Se discute que las adversidades no afectan a la expresión de afecto positivo y satisfacción con la vida y la importancia de la red de apoyo para la promoción de bienestar.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Pessoas Mal Alojadas , Jovens em Situação de Rua , Proteção da Criança , Vulnerabilidade Social
Investig. enferm ; 14(2): 97-112, jul.-dic. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: lil-673841


En la investigación se tuvo como objetivo conocer la relación entre los eventos estresantesy el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios. Se desarrolló medianteun estudio descriptivo y correlacional. La población fueron estudiantes universitariosde una institución pública ubicada en el estado de Nuevo León, México. El muestreofue aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional al tamaño del estrato. Lamuestra fue de 220 estudiantes. Entre las técnicas utilizadas para la recolección deinformación se incluyó la aplicación de dos instrumentos que median las variableseventos estresantes y consumo de alcohol. Los resultados mostraron que la prevalenciadel consumo de alcohol fue mayor alguna vez en la vida (92,3 %) y en el últimoaño (83,6 %). La mayoría de los estudiantes presentan un consumo sensato de alcohol(48,9 %) seguido por el riesgoso (27,2 %). En esta población solo existen diferenciassignificativas respecto a la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol en la última semana poredad (U = 4391,50; p < 0,05). Así mismo, se observa que existen diferencias significativasentre hombres (39,3 %) y mujeres (24,1 %) en el consumo de alcohol en la últimasemana (χ2 = 5,86; p < 0,05). En general, los eventos estresantes y el consumo de alcoholse relacionan positiva y significativamente entre los estudiantes universitarios (rs =0,185; p < 0,05). Se puede concluir que existe relación significativa entre la presenciade eventos estresantes, en general, y el consumo de alcohol...

The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between the stressfulevents and alcohol consumption among university students. It was conducted usinga descriptive and correlational study. The analysis was performed among students ofa public university located in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. It was a random sampling,stratified, and proportional to the size of the strata. The sample consisted of 220students. Among the techniques used for data collection we included the applicationof two instruments that measured the variables of: stressful events and alcohol consumption.The results showed that the prevalence of alcohol consumption was higheronce in life (92.3%) and in the last year (83.6%). Most of the students have a reasonablealcohol consumption (48.9%) followed by a much riskier one (27.2%). In this populationonly significant differences exist regarding the prevalence of alcohol consumptionin the last week, by age (U = 4391.50, p <0.05). It also reveals that significant differencesexist between men (39.3%) and women (24.1%) in the alcohol consumption in thelast week (χ2 = 5.86, p <0.05). In general, the stressful events and alcohol consumptionare related positively and significantly among university students (rs = 0.185, P <0.05).It can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the stressful lifeevents, in general, and alcohol consumption...

A pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer a relação entre os eventos estressantes e oconsumo de álcool em estudantes universitários. Foi desenvolvida mediante um estudodescritivo correlacional. A população foram estudantes universitários de umainstituição pública localizada no estado de Nuevo León, México. A mostra foi aleatóriaestratificada e proporcional ao tamanho do estrato. A mostra foi de 220 estudantes.Entre as técnicas utilizadas para a coleta de informação foram incluídas a aplicação dedois instrumentos que mediam as variáveis eventos estressantes e consumo de álcool.Os resultados mostraram que a prevalência do consumo de álcool foi maior algumavez na vida (92,3 %) e no último ano (83,6 %). A maioria dos estudantes apresenta umconsumo sensato de álcool (48,9 %) seguido pelo arriscado (27,2 %). Nesta populaçãosó existem diferenças significativas com respeito à prevalência do consumo de álcoolna última semana por idade (U = 4391,50; p < 0,05). Da mesma forma, observa-se queexistem diferenças significativas entre homens (39,3 %) e mulheres (24,1 %) no consumode álcool na última semana (χ2 = 5,86; p < 0,05). Em geral, os eventos estressantese o consumo de álcool se relacionam positiva e significativamente entre os estudantesuniversitários (rs = 0,185; p < 0,05). Pode-se concluir que existe uma relação significativaentre a presença de eventos estressantes, em geral, e o consumo de álcool...

Alcoolismo/complicações , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/tendências , Estresse Psicológico/diagnóstico