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Humanidad. med ; 22(3): 524-542, sept.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405107


RESUMEN Introducción: La Leishmaniasis es una enfermedad infecciosa parasitaria zoonótica que afecta la piel, las mucosas y las vísceras. Es endémica en 98 países y hay más de 350 millones de personas en riesgo de transmisión. En Colombia, los campamentos de las antiguas Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, se ubicaban en zonas selváticas donde la enfermedad está presente. El objetivo del presente trabajo está dirigido a describir las prácticas y saberes de los excombatientes de las FARC-EP sobre la Leishmaniasis cutánea y su manejo en escenarios de combate al convivir con esta enfermedad. Métodos: El estudio es cualitativo/exploratorio, donde se abordaron los conocimientos sobre la enfermedad y su forma de transmisión, como también aquellas prácticas relacionadas con el uso de medicamentos para su tratamiento. Resultados: En el análisis de las entrevistas se encontró que los excombatientes conocen el ciclo de la enfermedad desde sus vivencias y por transmisión oral, como también de prácticas curativas propias adaptadas al contexto del conflicto armado, esta experiencia los llevó a desarrollar estrategias de gestión del conocimiento basado en la evidencia. Discusión: Las entrevistas dan cuenta del conocimiento empírico y clínico de los excombatientes sobre el ciclo de la enfermedad; no existe un registro documental, ni manuales de procedimientos realizados en la selva por las FARC-EP sobre tratamiento de enfermedades; los miembros de las FARC-EP a desarrollar estrategias de gestión del conocimiento basados en la evidencia; el contexto de conflicto afectó de manera importante el tiempo y los recursos técnicos para manejar la Leishmaniasis, esto posibilitó las respuestas alternativas a la enfermedad documentadas en este trabajo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic parasitic infectious disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes and viscera. It is endemic in 98 countries and there are more than 350 million people at risk of transmission. In Colombia, the camps of the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia were located in jungle areas where the disease is present. The objective of this work is aimed at describing the practices and knowledge of ex-combatants of the FARC-EP about cutaneous Leishmaniasis and its management in combat scenarios when living with this disease. Methods: The study is qualitative/exploratory, where knowledge about the disease and its form of transmission were addressed, as well as those practices related to the use of medications for its treatment. Results: In the analysis of the interviews it was found that the ex-combatants know the cycle of the disease from their experiences and by oral transmission, as well as their own healing practices adapted to the context of the armed conflict, this experience led them to develop knowledge management strategies based on the evidence. Discussion: The interviews give an account of the empirical and clinical knowledge of the ex-combatants about the cycle of the disease; There is no documentary record, nor manuals of procedures carried out in the jungle by the FARC-EP on the treatment of diseases; the members of the FARC-EP to develop evidence-based knowledge management strategies; the context of conflict significantly affected the time and technical resources to manage Leishmaniasis, this made possible the alternative responses to the disease documented in this work.

Ter. psicol ; 39(2): 257-272, jul. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390459


Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el estrés post traumático y variables psicológicas asociadas, en guerrilleros desmovilizados las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC-EP) en el departamento de Córdoba, Colombia. Método: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal, de alcance correlacional. Participaron 48 guerrilleros mayores de edad (34 hombres y 14 mujeres) pertenecientes al Frente 58 de esta agrupación, a quienes se les aplicó los cuestionarios Lista de chequeo de estrés post traumático (PCL-5), la escala de distrés psicológica de Kessler, el cuestionario de creencias básicas (CBI), la escala de la esperanza de Herth y la escala de bienestar compuesto (WBC). Resultados: Los participantes no presentaban síntomas de estrés post traumático, tenían bajos niveles de estrés y de cambios en las creencias básicas, igualmente presentaban altos niveles de esperanza y de bienestar físico y psicológico. Para detectar posibles predictores del TEPT se desarrolló un análisis de regresión múltiple en el cual el 48% de la varianza total fue explicado por el distrés psicológico y las creencias básicas. Conclusión: Se evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar estudios que profundicen en las características del estado psicológico de los ex guerrilleros de la FARC-EP, con el fin de aclarar las variables involucradas que favorecen los procesos de reintegración a la vida civil.

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the relationship between post-traumatic stress and associated psychological variables in demobilized guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) in the department of Córdoba, Colombia. Method: We carried out a quantitative, cross-sectional study of correlational scope, in which 48 guerrillas of legal age participated (34 men and 14 women) belonging to the 58th Front of this group. The Post Traumatic Stress Checklist (PCL-5), the Kessler psychological distress scale, the basic beliefs questionnaire (CBI), the Herth hope scale and the composite well-being scale (WBC) were applied. Results: The participants did not present symptoms of post traumatic stress, they had low levels of stress and changes in basic beliefs, they also presented high levels of hope and physical and psychological well-being. To detect possible predictors of PTSD, a multiple regression analysis was developed in which 48% of the total variance was explained by psychological distress and basic beliefs. Conclusion: There is evidence of the need to develop studies that delve into the characteristics of the psychological state of former FARC-EP guerrillas, in order to clarify the variables involved that favor the processes of reintegration into civilian life.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicologia , Ciência Militar , Colômbia , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto
Int J Drug Policy ; 89: 103068, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33309438


Since the formal declaration of the War on Drugs in the 1980s, illicit drugs and crops have been regarded primarily as a security problem. However, without a comprehensive development strategy and deep transformative reform addressing structural issues (land, resources, market access, etc.), it is a war bound to be lost despite enormous human suffering. In Colombia, agrarian development came as the first topic in the agenda between the FARC-EP and the government during the latest peace negotiations (2012-2016), recognising its intimate link to illicit drugs. This recognition went against the grain of dominant discourses. However, the agreement fell short of much needed transformative reform. Moreover, it also failed to engage with the governance mechanisms -enforced and sustained by the rebels- which were key to social order in many drug-producing regions. By exploring the case of Argelia, in South-Western Colombia, I will argue that a transformative approach to peace-building was needed, as rural development and engagement with local governance mechanisms in drug-producing regions are paramount to address effectively the problem of illicit crops.

Coca , Cocaína , Drogas Ilícitas , Conflitos Armados , Colômbia , Humanos
Front Psychol ; 10: 908, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31068877


Control of negative emotions (e.g., anger and fear) by political cues perpetuate intractable conflict by mobilizing public support for aggressive actions. Halperin et al. (2013) found that reappraisal - an adaptive form of emotion regulation - decreased negative emotions triggered by anger-inducing information related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and increased support for conciliatory statements. We tested these effects in the context of the conflict between the Colombian government and the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP). Reappraisal training reduced negative emotions produced by a presentation that illustrated FARC's violent actions, and increased support for conciliatory statements (with overall moderate effect magnitudes). We also found that negative emotions mediated the effects of reappraisal on the support for aggressive and conciliatory statements. These findings indicate a high degree of generality of the phenomena, especially considering the differences between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Colombian conflict. Our findings also show promise for replicating these effects on other types of intergroup conflicts and guiding effective public policy.

Entramado ; 14(2): 132-146, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090188


RESUMEN La implementación del proceso de paz con las FARC-EP por parte del gobierno tiene múltiples amenazas, entre ellas la existencia de un grupo armado ilegal denominado el "Clan del Golfo", el cual se originó después de la desmovilización de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia. Desde el fenómeno de la convergencia se caracterizará y analizará al "Clan" comprendiendo cómo su accionar político, social, económico y militar afecta de forma negativa la ejecución de algunos de los puntos suscritos en el acuerdo de paz, transformándose en una amenaza a los acuerdos y a la seguridad nacional del Estado colombiano.

ABSTRACT The implementation of the peace process with the FARC-EP by the government has multiple threats, among them the existence of an illegal armed group called the "Gulf Clan", which originated after the demobilization of the United Self-Defense Groups of Colombia. From the phenomenon of convergence, the "Clan" will be characterized and analyzed, understanding how its political, social, economic and military actions negatively affect the execution of some of the points signed in the peace agreement, transforming it into a threat to agreements and to the national security of the Colombian State.

RESUMO A implementação do processo de paz com as FARC-EP pelo governo tem múltiplas ameaças, entre elas a existência de um grupo armado ilegal chamado "Clã do Golfo", que se originou após a desmobilização dos Grupos de Autodefesa da Colômbia . A partir do fenômeno da convergência, o "Clã" será caracterizado e analisado, entendendo como suas ações políticas, sociais, econômicas e militares afetam negativamente a execução de alguns dos pontos assinados no acordo de paz, transformando-o em uma ameaça aos acordos. e à segurança nacional do Estado colombiano.

Agora USB ; 17(2): 441-461, jul.-dic. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-886606


Resumen En la Sierra de la Macarena se ubican tres de las 26 Zonas Veredales Transitorias de Normalización (ZVTN), dispuestas en los acuerdos de la Habana como lugares para concretar el cese bilateral y definitivo de hostilidades. Las Zonas han supuesto el espacio para el desarme y reincorporación a la vida civil de los combatientes de las FARC- EP. Una de tales Zonas se encuentra en inmediaciones de los llanos del Yarí en el poblado de Playa Rica. La historia de este territorio da cuenta de los conflictos propios de la colonización del piedemonte amazónico y de los impactos de la guerra civil. La adecuación de la Zona Veredal ha significado para las comunidades de la región la posibilidad de hallar cierta presencia del estado central que, sin su tradicional carácter contrainsurgente, ha sido objeto de crecientes movilizaciones sociales. Sin embargo, la incapacidad institucional para reconocer la historia organizativa y social de El Yarí, el pesado aparato burocrático que ralentiza la implementación de los acuerdos, así como los vacíos de poder que la disidencia de la guerrilla pretende copar, han implicado que en la Zona Veredal confluya un escenario social de normalización sin transición.

Abstract In the Sierra de la Macarena 3 out of the 26 Transitional Village Zones of Normalization (ZVTN) are located, as it was arranged in the agreements of Havana as places to put an end to bilateral and definitive cessation of hostilities. The Zones have represented a space for disarmament and reintegration into the civilian life of the combatants of FARC - EP. One of such zones is located in the immediate vicinity of Yari plains, in the town of Playa Rica. The history of this area provides the conflicts of colonization of the Amazon Foothill and the impacts of the civil war. The adequacy of the Village Zone, for the communities of the region, has meant the possibility of finding some presence of the central State that, without its traditional counterinsurgency character, has been the subject of growing social mobilizations. However, the institutional inability to recognize the organizational and social history of the El Yari, the heavy bureaucratic apparatus that slows down the implementation of the agreements, as well as the power vacuum that the dissidence of the guerrilla aims to copy, have implied that in the Village Zone merge a social scenario of normalization without transition.

Agora USB ; 17(2): 462-471, jul.-dic. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-886607


Resumen El modelo de justicia transicional discutido en La Habana y su marcado énfasis judicial, relegó la consideración de procesos locales de transición social y comunitaria. Con ello los acuerdos omitieron la complejidad que ha tenido la dimensión territorial de la guerra y las lógicas cotidianas a que esta ha dado lugar que -más allá de las hostilidades y sus impactos humanitarios- se expresan en distintas prácticas y relaciones sociales construidas entre insurgencia, estado y comunidades campesinas. La instalación de las Zonas Veredales Transitorias de Normalización como instancia y lugar para concretar el fin del conflicto armado ha supuesto una muestra de la manera como se irán transformando las cotidianidades construidas en el marco de la guerra. Las Zonas Veredales suponen, pues, la primera experiencia en la forma como han de ser superadas las cotidianidades armadas, una tarea que en este artículo defino como "retos invisibles" (en el sentido que no aparecen en contempladas en los acuerdos) que para las comunidades, estado e insurgencia suponen la cuota inicial de la construcción de una paz estable y duradera en los territorios. En este artículo presento un panorama etnográfico de los aún incipientes procesos de transformación de las cotidianidades armadas a las desarmadas en las distintas ZVTN.

Abstract The model of transitional justice, which was discussed in Havana and its strong judicial emphasis, relegated the consideration of local social and community transition processes. Thus, these agreements omitted the complexity that the territorial dimension of the war has had and the everyday logic to which this has given rise that - apart from the hostilities and their humanitarian impacts - are expressed in various practices and social relations built among the insurgency, the State, and rural communities. The installation of Transitional Village Zones of Normalization as an instance and place in order to define the end of the armed conflict, has required a sign of the way how everyday lives, which were built within the framework of war, will be transformed. These villages then, pose, the first experience in the way how armed everyday lives have to be overcome, a task, which is defined as "invisible challenges" in this article (in the sense that they are not provided in the agreements), which for the communities, the State and the insurgency are the initial fee for the construction of a stable and lasting peace in the territories. In this article, an ethnographic overview of even incipient processes of transformation of armed everyday lives to unarmed everyday lives in the different ZVTN is presented.