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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-5, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525831


Introdução: O trauma de face representa significativa incapacitação para a vítima, além de um desafio para as equipes de saúde devido a sua complexidade e envolvimento de estruturas nobres. Analisar a sua epidemiologia permite coordenar medidas em saúde pública para melhorar o atendimento e a prevenção. Método: Estudo observacional, descritivo, longitudinal, com abordagem retrospectiva a partir dos prontuários dos pacientes vítimas de trauma de face atendidos pela clínica cirúrgica no período entre 2010 e 2019. Resultados: Dentre os 529 prontuários incluídos no estudo e analisados, 71,08% tratava-se de cirurgias eletivas e o restante, 28,92%, de cirurgias de urgência. O trauma foi mais frequente em indivíduos de 20 a 29 anos, o que corresponde a 31,76% do total de casos. Também foi mais frequente em indivíduos do sexo masculino, correspondendo a 78,45% do total de casos. Acidentes automobilísticos foram a causa mais comum, descrita em 22,31% dos prontuários, e a principal fratura, presente em 85,83% dos casos, foi dos ossos próprios do nariz. Conclusão: As vítimas de traumatismo bucomaxilofacial atendidas no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro são predominantemente homens na terceira década de vida, envolvidos em acidentes automobilísticos, com lesões em ossos do nariz que foram abordadas de forma eletiva.

Introduction: Facial trauma represents significant incapacitation for the victim, as well as a challenge for healthcare teams due to its complexity and involvement of important structures. Analyzing its epidemiology allows us to coordinate public health measures to improve care and prevention. Method: Observational, descriptive, longitudinal study with a retrospective approach based on the medical records of patients who suffered facial trauma treated by the surgical clinic between 2010 and 2019. Results: Among in individuals aged 20 to 29 years, which corresponds to 31.76% of total cases. It was also more common in males, corresponding to 78.45% of total cases. Car accidents were the most common cause, described in 22.31% of medical records, and the main fracture, present in 85.83% of cases, was of the bones of the nose. Conclusion: Victims of oral and maxillofacial trauma treated at the Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro are predominantly men in their third decade of life, involved in automobile accidents, with injuries to the bones of the nose that were treated electively.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558538


Fundamento las mediciones cefalométricas son un instrumento útil en la atención ortodóncica, pues junto a otras mediciones cefalométricas completan y guían el plan de tratamiento que el especialista puede trazar en función de la resolución de las anomalías dentomaxilofaciales. Objetivo determinar la comorbilidad entre el biotipo facial y la clasificación esquelética maxilomandibular en pacientes angolanos con anomalías dentomaxilofaciales. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, en la Clínica Meditex, en Luanda, Angola, en el período agosto/2021-julio/2023. La población de estudio fue de 123 telerradiografías del perfil de pacientes con anomalías dentomaxilofaciales, ingresados en la consulta de Ortodoncia. Para el análisis de la telerradiografía de perfil se realizaron mediciones del cefalograma de Ricketts y de Steiner, y se utilizó el software Facad versión 3403. Se estudió la clasificación esquelética maxilomandibular (clase I, clase II, clase III) y el biotipo facial (dolicofacial, mesofacial, braquifacial). Resultados el 46,34 % de los pacientes presentó una clase II esquelética maxilomandibular. Mediante el índice VERT de Ricketts, el 49,59 % de los casos fue clasificado como dolicofacial, seguido del 42,27 % como braquifacial. El 83,60 % de los pacientes con biotipo dolicofacial se caracterizó por presentar una clase II esquelética maxilomandibular, y el 76,92 % de aquellos con biotipo braquifacial clasificó como clase III. Se encontró una asociación significativa entre el biotipo facial y la clasificación esquelética maxilomandibular (p= 0,000). Conclusiones en la mayoría de los pacientes con anomalías dentomaxilofaciales se evidenció una relación entre el biotipo dolicofacial y la clase II esquelética maxilomandibular, por lo que existe una comorbilidad entre ambas características esqueléticofaciales.

Foundation cephalometric measurements are a useful instrument in orthodontic care, since together with other cephalometric measurements they complete and guide the treatment plan that the specialist can draw up based on the resolution of dentomaxillofacial anomalies. Objective to determine the comorbidity between facial biotype and maxillomandibular skeletal classification in Angolan patients with dentomaxillofacial anomalies. Methods a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at the Meditex Clinic, in Luanda, Angola, from August/2021 to July/2023. The studied population was 123 patients' profile teleradiographs with dentomaxillofacial anomalies, admitted to the Orthodontic clinic. For the analysis of the profile teleradiography, measurements of the Ricketts and Steiner cephalogram were made, and the Facad software version 3403 was used. The maxillomandibular skeletal classification (class I, class II, class III) and the facial biotype (dolichofacial, mesofacial, brachyfacial) were studied. Results 46.34% of patients presented maxillomandibular skeletal class II. Using the Ricketts VERT index, 49.59% of cases were classified as dolichofacial, followed by 42.27% as brachyfacial. 83.60% of patients with dolichofacial biotype were characterized by having maxillomandibular skeletal class II, and 76.92% of those with brachyfacial biotype were classified as class III. A significant association was found between facial biotype and maxillomandibular skeletal classification (p= 0.000). Conclusions in the majority of patients with dentomaxillofacial anomalies, a relationship was evident between the dolichofacial biotype and the maxillomandibular skeletal class II, so there is a comorbidity between both skeletal-facial characteristics.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559790


Introducción: La epidemiología de las fracturas maxilofaciales varía en dependencia de los estilos de vida, el nivel cultural y el estatus socioeconómico en diferentes zonas geográficas. Objetivo: Caracterizar epidemiológica y terapéuticamente a los pacientes con fracturas maxilofaciales, atendidos en un hospital universitario cubano durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal a los pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" de Bayamo, provincia Granma, durante el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Se estudiaron variables epidemiológicas y terapéuticas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 85 pacientes con 220 fracturas. Los hombres fueron los más afectados (n = 74; 87,06 %) y la proporción hombre/mujer resultó de 6,73:1. El grupo etario de 41-60 años (n = 40; 47,06 %) sobresalió. En el 38,89 % de los casos el trauma se relacionó con violencia interpersonal. Cincuenta y cuatro pacientes (63,52 %) tuvieron fracturas del complejo cigomático. El ángulo mandibular constituyó la localización anatómica más afectada. Las fracturas mandibulares se trataron fundamentalmente mediante reducción cerrada. Conclusiones: El perfil epidemiológico de las fracturas maxilofaciales se destacó en los pacientes adultos masculinos debido, principalmente, a la violencia interpersonal. Las fracturas complejas del tercio medio facial se trataron por método abierto. La distribución temporal de los casos mostró el impacto de la COVID-19 en la epidemiología de estos traumas.

Introduction: The epidemiology of maxillofacial fractures varies according to lifestyles, cultural level and socioeconomic status in different geographical areas. Objective: To characterize epidemiologically and therapeutically the patients with maxillofacial fractures treated in a Cuban university hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out on patients attended at the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the General University Hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" of Bayamo, Granma province, between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Epidemiological and therapeutic variables were studied. Results: 85 patients with 220 fractures were included. Men were the most affected (n = 74; 87.06 %) and the male/female ratio was 6.73:1. The age group 41-60 years (n = 40; 47.06 %) stood out. In 38.89 % of the cases the trauma was related to interpersonal violence. Fifty-four patients (63.52 %) had fractures of the zygomatic complex. The mandibular angle was the most damaged anatomical location. Fractures were treated primarily by closed reduction. Conclusions: The epidemiological profile of maxillofacial fractures was prominent in adult male patients mainly due to interpersonal violence. Complex fractures of the midfacial third were treated by open method. The temporal distribution of the cases showed the impact of COVID-19 on the epidemiology of these traumas.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(4): 1-6, out.dez.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525490


Introdução: A mandíbula é o maior e mais forte dos ossos da face. Em razão de sua topografia, apresenta vulnerabilidade nos traumas. A análise de dados sobre as fraturas de mandíbula se mostram fundamentais para auxiliar no tratamento e em políticas de saúde pública. O objetivo desse estudo é realizar um levantamento epidemiológico de fraturas mandibulares tratadas cirurgicamente. Método: Triagem através do sistema de informação hospitalar, buscando pacientes submetidos a cirurgia para fratura de mandíbula realizadas em um hospital escola pela equipe de cirurgia plástica, em Campinas-SP, de abril de 2015 a abril de 2020. Foram, então, coletados dados por meio da análise de prontuários. Resultados: Foram incluídos 50 pacientes, sendo 90% do sexo masculino. A média de idade foi 30,7 anos. A etiologia predominante foi acidente automotivo e a região mais fraturada na mandíbula foi a parassínfise. A mediana de tempo entre o trauma e cirurgia foi de 19 dias. Onze (22%) pacientes apresentavam alguma comorbidade. Quatorze pacientes (28%) foram internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) e 42% operaram com outra especialidade além da Cirurgia Plástica. Dez (20%) pacientes apresentaram alguma complicação da cirurgia, sendo a mais comum a deiscência de ferida operatória. Conclusão: Houve predominância entre homens jovens e de acidentes de trânsito como etiologia. As fraturas foram localizadas preferencialmente na região da parassínfise e foram tratadas por meio de fixação interna rígida. Os elevados índices de internação em UTI, lesões associadas e realizações de procedimentos cirúrgicos por outras especialidades evidenciam a gravidade dos pacientes assistidos no serviço.

Introduction: The mandible is the largest and strongest of the bones in the face. Due to its topography, it is vulnerable to trauma. Data analysis on mandible fractures is fundamental for treatment and public health policies. This study aims to conduct an epidemiological survey of surgically treated mandibular fractures. Method: Screening through the hospital information system, seeking patients undergoing surgery for jaw fracture performed at a teaching hospital by the plastic surgery team in Campinas-SP from April 2015 to April 2020. Data were then collected through analysis of medical records. Results: 50 patients were included, 90% male. The average age was 30.7 years. The predominant etiology was an automobile accident, and the most fractured region in the mandible was the parasymphysis. The median time between trauma and surgery was 19 days. Eleven (22%) patients had some comorbidity. Fourteen patients (28%) were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and 42% underwent surgery with another specialty besides Plastic Surgery. Ten (20%) patients had some complication of the surgery, the most common being surgical wound dehiscence. Conclusion: There was a predominance among young men and traffic accidents as etiology. Fractures were preferably located in the parasymphysis region and were treated using rigid internal fixation. The high rates of ICU admission, associated injuries, and surgical procedures carried out by other specialties demonstrate the severity of the patients assisted in the service.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(2)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530092


Introducción: Las fracturas nasales son las más comunes de la región maxilofacial. Sin embargo, la literatura cubana sobre el tema es escasa y desactualizada, por lo que surgió la motivación para realizar esta investigación. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente los pacientes con fractura nasal atendidos en un hospital universitario cubano. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" de Bayamo, provincia Granma, Cuba, en el período comprendido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre del 2020. Se estudiaron variables clínicas, epidemiológicas y terapéuticas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 99 pacientes, de los cuales 74 (74,75 por ciento) fueron masculinos. En el 44,44 por ciento de los casos las edades estuvieron comprendidas entre los 21 y 40 años. Cincuenta pacientes (50,51 por ciento) tuvieron fracturas producto de la violencia interpersonal. Noventa y siete pacientes (97,98 por ciento) presentaron epistaxis. Cincuenta y nueve pacientes (59,60 por ciento) recibieron reducción cerrada asociada con taponamiento nasal y fijación externa con yeso. Conclusiones: Predominó el sexo masculino y el grupo de edades de 21 a 40 años. La principal etiología fue la violencia interpersonal. En la mayoría de los casos la epistaxis estuvo presente. Prevalecieron las fracturas cerradas, así como las que tuvieron el dorso desviado lateralmente(AU)

Introduction: Nasal fractures are the most common fractures of the maxillofacial region. However, Cuban literature on the subject is scarce and outdated, so the motivation for this research arose. Objective: To characterize patients with nasal fractures treated in a Cuban university hospital in a clinical and epidemiological manner. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in patients treated at the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the University General Hospital. "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" of Bayamo, Granma province, Cuba, from January 1 to December 31, 2020. Clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic variables were studied. Results: 99 patients were included, of whom 74 (74.75 percent) were male. In 44.44 percent of the cases the ages were between 21 and 40 years. Fifty patients (50.51 percent) had fractures resulting from interpersonal violence. Ninety-seven patients (97.98 percent) presented epistaxis. Fifty-nine patients (59.60 percent) received closed reduction associated with nasal packing and external fixation with plaster cast. Conclusions: Male gender and age group 21 to 40 years predominated. The main etiology was interpersonal violence. Epistaxis was present in most cases. Closed fractures prevailed, as well as those with laterally deviated dorsum(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osso Nasal/lesões , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto
Front Cell Dev Biol ; 11: 1074616, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36875772


The biological basis of lateralized cranial aberrations can be rooted in early asymmetric patterning of developmental tissues. However, precisely how development impacts natural cranial asymmetries remains incompletely understood. Here, we examined embryonic patterning of the cranial neural crest at two phases of embryonic development in a natural animal system with two morphotypes: cave-dwelling and surface-dwelling fish. Surface fish are highly symmetric with respect to cranial form at adulthood, however adult cavefish harbor diverse cranial asymmetries. To examine if lateralized aberrations of the developing neural crest underpin these asymmetries, we used an automated technique to quantify the area and expression level of cranial neural crest markers on the left and right sides of the embryonic head. We examined the expression of marker genes encoding both structural proteins and transcription factors at two key stages of development: 36 hpf (∼mid-migration of the neural crest) and 72 hpf (∼early differentiation of neural crest derivatives). Interestingly, our results revealed asymmetric biases at both phases of development in both morphotypes, however consistent lateral biases were less common in surface fish as development progressed. Additionally, this work provides the information on neural crest development, based on whole-mount expression patterns of 19 genes, between stage-matched cave and surface morphs. Further, this study revealed 'asymmetric' noise as a likely normative component of early neural crest development in natural Astyanax fish. Mature cranial asymmetries in cave morphs may arise from persistence of asymmetric processes during development, or as a function of asymmetric processes occurring later in the life history.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 422023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508223


Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on people's behavior. Aim: To evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 on the epidemiology of maxillofacial fractures surgically treated in a Cuban university hospital. Methods: This research involved a 4-year descriptive, comparative, retrospective and cross-sectional study. Patients surgically treated between March 1 and December 31, 2020 (COVID-19 period) were compared with those who had undergone surgery between the same date in the years 2017-2019 (non-pandemic period). Age, sex, residence, year, month, alcohol consumption at the time of trauma, etiology, fractures types, and number of fractures per patient were recorded. Results: A decline in patients with maxillofacial fractures in 2020 (n=25) was observed when compared to equivalent periods in the three previous years (2017: n=37; 2018: n=31; 2019: n=41), respectively, with an annual average reduction of 31.19 percent. Interpersonal violence was found to be the paramount etiological factor for maxillofacial fractures during the comparison periods (2017-2019); however, road traffic accident prevailed in the 2020 (n=12; 48 percent). There was a small increase in the number of alcohol-related fractures (56 percent in 2020 vs 46.34 percent, 41.94 percent, and 51.35 percent in 2019, 2018, and 2017, respectively). Conclusion: COVID-19 impacted on the epidemiology maxillofacial fractures surgically treated in this Cuban university hospital (AU)

Introducción: La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en el comportamiento de la población. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la COVID-19 en la epidemiología de las fracturas maxilofaciales tratadas quirúrgicamente en un hospital universitario cubano. Métodos: Esta investigación consistió en un estudio descriptivo, comparativo, retrospectivo y transversal de 4 años de duración. Se compararon los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente entre el 1 de marzo y el 31 de diciembre de 2020 (periodo COVID-19) con los intervenidos entre la misma fecha en los años 2017-2019 (periodo no pandémico). Se registraron edad, sexo, residencia, año, mes, consumo de alcohol en el momento del traumatismo, etiología, tipos de fracturas y número de fracturas por paciente. Resultados: Se observó un descenso de pacientes con fracturas maxilofaciales en 2020 (n=25) en comparación con periodos equivalentes de los tres años anteriores (2017: n=37; 2018: n=31; 2019: n=41), respectivamente, con una reducción media anual del 31,19 poe ciento. Se observó que la violencia interpersonal fue el factor etiológico primordial de las fracturas maxilofaciales durante los periodos de comparación (2017-2019); sin embargo, el accidente de tráfico prevaleció en el 2020 (n=12; 48 por ciento). Hubo un pequeño aumento en el número de fracturas relacionadas con el alcohol (56 por ciento en 2020 frente a 46,34 por ciento, 41,94 por ciento y 51,35 por ciento en 2019, 2018 y 2017, respectivamente). Conclusiones: La COVID-19 impactó en la epidemiología de fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas quirúrgicamente en este hospital universitario cubano (AU)

Humanos , Ossos Faciais/cirurgia , Fraturas Maxilares/cirurgia , Fraturas Maxilares/epidemiologia , Violência , Estudo Comparativo , Acidentes de Trânsito , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Impactos da Poluição na Saúde , COVID-19/epidemiologia
Multimed (Granma) ; 26(4): e2032, jul.-ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406111


RESUMEN La fractura nasal es la más frecuente entre las fracturas de los huesos faciales, pudiendo generar alteraciones estéticas importantes y a su vez determinar cambios en la funcionalidad, tratarlas de forma inmediata evita complicaciones al paciente. Con el objetivo de caracterizar las fracturas nasales atendidas en el servicio de urgencias de cirugía maxilofacial del hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo que incluyó todos los pacientes (105) que fueron atendidos ambulatoriamente con diagnóstico de fractura nasal reciente en el servicio de urgencias en el período de enero 2018 a diciembre del 2019. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo, procedencia, factores etiológicos, signos clínicos, clasificación según desplazamiento, exposición del foco de fractura y dirección del trauma. Se confeccionó una planilla de recolección de datos. Se emplearon números enteros, porcentajes y tablas estadísticas. Se siguieron los principios éticos para la investigación en humanos. La población más afectada se encontró entre los 20 y 29 años de edad, de procedencia urbana y del sexo masculino. Se encontró asociación entre el sexo y los factores etiológicos, predominando las agresiones físicas en hombres y las caídas casuales en mujeres. El principal signo clínico presente en los pacientes fue la epistaxis. Las fracturas nasales desplazadas, con desviaciones laterales y cerradas predominaron en ambos sexos.

ABSTRACT The nasal fracture is the most frequent among the fractures of the facial bones, being able to generate important aesthetic alterations and in turn determine changes in functionality, treating them immediately avoids complications for the patient. In order to characterize the nasal fractures treated in the maxillofacial surgery emergency service of the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" hospital, a descriptive observational study was carried out that included all the patients (105) who were seen outpatiently with a diagnosis of recent nasal fracture in the emergency department in the period from January 2018 to December 2019. The variables studied were age, sex, origin, etiological factors, clinical signs, classification according to displacement, exposure of the fracture site and direction of the trauma. A data collection sheet was prepared. Whole numbers, percentages and statistical tables were used. Ethical principles for human research were followed. The most affected population was between 20 and 29 years of age, of urban origin and male. An association was found between sex and etiological factors, predominantly physical aggression in men and accidental falls in women. The main clinical sign present in the patients was epistaxis. Displaced nasal fractures with lateral and closed deviations predominated in both sexes.

RESUMO A fratura nasal é a mais frequente entre as fraturas dos ossos faciais, sendo capaz de gerar alterações estéticas importantes e, por sua vez, determinar alterações na funcionalidade, tratando-as imediatamente evita complicações para o paciente. Com o objetivo de caracterizar as fraturas nasais atendidas no pronto-socorro de cirurgia maxilofacial do hospital Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo que incluiu todos os pacientes (105) que foram atendidos ambulatorialmente com diagnóstico de fratura nasal recente no pronto-socorro no período de janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2019. As variáveis estudadas foram idade, sexo, origem, fatores etiológicos, sinais clínicos, classificação segundo deslocamento, exposição do foco da fratura e direção do trauma. Um formulário de coleta de dados foi preparado. Foram utilizados números completos, percentuais e tabelas estatísticas. Foram seguidos princípios éticos para a pesquisa humana. A população mais afetada foi entre 20 e 29 anos, de origem urbana e do sexo masculino. Foi encontrada associação entre sexo e fatores etiológicos, com aagressão física predominante em homens e quedas casuais nas mulheres. O principal sinal clínico presente nos pacientes foi a epistaxe. Fraturas nasais deslocadas, com desvios laterais e fechados predominaram em ambos os sexos.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(2): 177-182, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379833


Introdução: Trauma facial apresenta relevância estética, social e econômica. Conhecer sua epidemiologia permite formular medidas de prevenção, educação e sistematização de atendimento. Métodos: Triagem, através do sistema de informação hospitalar, buscando pacientes que necessitaram de cirurgia para fratura de face entre abril de 2015 e abril de 2020. Foram, então, coletados dados epidemiológicos. Resultados: Foram selecionados 141 pacientes. A média de idade foi 34 anos, com maioria do sexo masculino (85%). A etiologia predominante foi acidente com veículo automotor e a fratura cirúrgica mais prevalente foi a de órbita (67%). A mediana de tempo entre o trauma e a cirurgia foi de 18 dias. Sessenta pacientes apresentaram lesões associadas à fratura de face, com destaque para as ortopédicas e neurológicas. Conclusão: A etiologia mais comum de fraturas faciais cirúrgicas foi acidente de trânsito, sendo o sexo masculino mais afetado. As fraturas de órbita foram as mais tratadas cirurgicamente.

Introduction: Facial trauma presents aesthetic, social and economic relevance. Knowing its epidemiology makes it possible to formulate measures for prevention, education and systematization of care. Methods: Research through the hospital information system, looking for patients who needed to undergo surgery for face fracture between April 2015 and April 2020. Epidemiological data were then collected. Results: 141 patients were selected. The average age was 34 years, with most males (85%). The predominant etiology was motor vehicle accidents, and the most prevalent surgical fracture was orbit (67%). The median time between trauma and surgery was 18 days. Sixty patients had injuries associated with facial fractures, especially orthopedic and neurological injuries. Conclusion: The most common etiology of surgical facial fractures was a traffic accident, predominantly among men. Orbit fractures were the most surgically treated.

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(2)abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409530


RESUMEN Introducción: El crecimiento y desarrollo craneofacial pueden ser evaluados mediante las radiografías cefálicas laterales, con el fin de brindar un buen diagnóstico y un plan de tratamiento efectivo. Objetivo: Identificar la relación entre la longitud del maxilar superior y el biotipo facial en individuos de 18 a 45 años de la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador, durante el año 2019. Método: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y relacional, la muestra fue de 160 radiografías cefálicas laterales obtenidas en un centro radiológico dental maxilofacial de la ciudad de Cuenca. Se utilizó el software AutoCAD para el trazado cefalométrico. Para el análisis estadístico se usó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y la prueba post hoc de Tukey con un nivel de confiabilidad del 95 % (p<0,05). Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman para determinar la relación entre la longitud maxilar (mm) y la medición esqueletal. Resultados: Se encontró que la longitud del maxilar superior de acuerdo al biotipo facial es menor en el alto y aumenta en el bajo; el biotipo facial alto presentó la menor longitud maxilar (52,18 ±4,20 mm) y el promedio más alto fue el medio-bajo (54,37 ±4,15 mm). En el sexo masculino el promedio más alto se observó en el biotipo bajo (55,38 ±4,55 mm) y el menor valor fue en el biotipo medio alto (53,10 ±3,23 mm), en el sexo femenino el promedio más alto se encontró en el biotipo facial medio bajo (53,84 ±4,01 mm) y el promedio más bajo fue en el biotipo alto (51,64 ±3,68 mm). Conclusiones: En la medida que el biotipo facial aumenta la longitud del maxilar disminuye. No existe una relación significativa entre la longitud maxilar y edad y entre la longitud y sexo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Craniofacial growth and development can be evaluated through lateral head radiographs, in order to provide a good diagnosis and an effective treatment plan. Objective: To identify the relationship between the length of the upper jaw and the facial biotype in individuals aged 18 to 45 years in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, during the year 2019. Method: A quantitative, descriptive and relational study was carried out; the sample was of 160 lateral head radiographs obtained in a maxillofacial dental radiology center in the city of Cuenca. AutoCAD software was used for the cephalometric tracing. For statistical analysis, the Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey's post hoc test were used with a reliability level of 95% (p<0.05). Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between maxillary length (mm) and skeletal measurement. Results: It was found that the length of the upper jaw according to facial biotype is shorter in the upper jaw and increases in the lower; the tall facial biotype presented the shortest maxillary length (52.18±4.20 mm) and the highest average was the medium-low (54.37±4.15 mm). In males, the highest average was observed in the low biotype (55.38±4.55 mm) and the lowest value was in the medium high biotype (53.10±3.23 mm); in females, the highest average was found in the medium-low facial biotype (53.84±4.01 mm) and the lowest average was in the high biotype (51.64±3.68 mm). Conclusions: As the facial biotype increases, the length of the maxillary decreases. There is no significant relationship between maxillary length and age, or between length and sex.

RESUMO Introdução: O crescimento e desenvolvimento craniofacial podem ser avaliados por meio de radiografias laterais da cabeça, a fim de fornecer um bom diagnóstico e um plano de tratamento eficaz. Objetivo: Identificar a relação entre o comprimento do maxilar superior e o biótipo facial em indivíduos de 18 a 45 anos na cidade de Cuenca, Equador, durante o ano de 2019. Método: Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e relacional, a amostra foi de 160 radiografias cefálicas laterais obtidas em um centro de radiologia. O software AutoCAD foi utilizado para o traçado cefalométrico. Para análise estatística, foram utilizados o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste post hoc de Tukey com nível de confiabilidade de 95% (p<0,05). O coeficiente de correlação de Rho Spearman foi utilizado para determinar a relação entre o comprimento maxilar (mm) e a medida esquelética. Resultados: Verificou-se que o comprimento do maxilar superior de acordo com o biótipo facial é menor nos altos e aumenta nos baixos ; o biótipo facial alto apresentou o menor comprimento maxilar (52,18 ± 4,20 mm) e a maior média foi o médio-baixo (54,37 ± 4,15 mm). No sexo masculino, a maior média foi observada no biótipo baixo (55,38 ± 4,55 mm) e o menor valor foi no biótipo médio alto (53,10 ± 3,23 mm), no sexo feminino a maior média foi encontrada no biótipo médio. - biótipo facial baixo (53,84 ± 4,01 mm) e a menor média foi no biótipo alto (51,64 ± 3,68 mm). Conclusões: À medida que o biótipo facial aumenta, o comprimento da maxila diminui. Não há relação significativa entre comprimento maxilar e idade e entre comprimento e sexo.

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol ; 88(4): 483-493, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35138068


Background More than four million people today live with Hansen's disease, and 200,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. Lifetime effects of Hansen's disease manifest as changes to bones of the face, hands and feet, resulting in physical impairment, secondary complications and facial changes that can be detrimental to quality of life, particularly among the elderly. Aims This study aimed to perform a detailed characterization of rhinomaxillary syndrome and its clinical manifestations in older persons treated in the past for Hansen's disease. Methods This was a cross-sectional study to characterize rhinomaxillary syndrome among older persons (age 60+ years) resident at Pedro Fontes Hospital, Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Computed tomography images were examined with three-dimensional reconstructions to assess alterations to maxillofacial bones according to criteria for radiological rhinomaxillary syndrome. Participants were examined to assess facial alterations according to criteria for clinical rhinomaxillary syndrome. Results Rhinomaxillary syndrome was investigated in 16 participants (ten females and six males), median age 70 (range 60-89) years, age at diagnosis 20 (6-43) years and time since diagnosis 46 (26-70) years. Four participants fully met radiological rhinomaxillary syndrome criteria, four partially. All participants with full radiological rhinomaxillary syndrome presented with facial changes which met criteria for clinical rhinomaxillary syndrome, including "saddle nose" (loss of nasal dorsal height and shortened length of nose, due to cartilaginous and/or bone collapse), concave middle third of the face with sunken nose, maxillary retrognathia and inverted upper lip. Limitations Clinical histories were incomplete for some participants because records were lost at the hospital over time. Conclusion Until Hansen's disease is eliminated from endemic countries, persons affected will continue to present with rhinomaxillofacial alterations caused by Mycobacterium leprae infection. Clinical protocols for assessment and long-term care need to include otorhinolaryngological evaluation, mainly to prevent secondary complications. When rhinomaxillofacial bone changes are suspected, this evaluation should be supported by computed tomography imaging, if available.

Hanseníase , Qualidade de Vida , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos Transversais , Face , Feminino , Humanos , Hanseníase/diagnóstico , Hanseníase/diagnóstico por imagem , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síndrome
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 15(57): 88-94, 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1359582


Resumo Muitas são as estruturas anatômicas importantes que permeiam o tratamento ortodôntico, sendo uma delas a sínfise mandibular, estrutura na qual os incisivos inferiores estão posicionados. Tal estrutura se torna ainda mais importante pois é responsável pela estética do terço inferior da face e está diretamente relacionada com o crescimento vertical facial. Sabe- -se que para o sucesso da Ortodontia é necessário um planejamento prévio minucioso que deve ser traçado a partir de exames radiográficos detalhados, pois é diante deles que surgirão as possibilidades de tratamento. A presente pesquisa buscou mensurar a espessura da sínfise mandibular de 30 tomografias computadorizadas de pacientes dos três diferentes tipos faciais (hipodivergente, normodivergente e hiperdivergente) a fim de relacionar essa medida com o biótipo facial. Para a mensuração, foi utilizado o software ImplantViewer 3 e as tomografias foram avaliadas nos três terços do elemento dentário (apical, médio e cervical). Ao final, os dados foram comparados a partir de análise estatística. Observou-se com o estudo que não houve diferença significativa da espessura da sínfise mandibular entre os biótipos faciais, no entanto, quando se comparou os terços de um mesmo biótipo facial, percebeu-se que no biótipo hipodivergente há diferença significativa entre os terços, no biótipo normodivergente houve significância entre os terços apical e médio e apical e cervical, e no biótipo hiperdivergente, apenas os terços apical e médio apresentaram significância estatística (AU)

Abstract There are many important anatomical structures that permeate orthodontic treatment, one of which is the mandibular symphysis, a structure in which the lower incisors are positioned. This structure becomes even more important because it is responsible for the aesthetics of the lower third of the face and is directly related to vertical facial growth. It is known that for the success of Orthodontics it is necessary to have a thorough prior planning that must be drawn from detailed radiographic exams, because it is before them that the possibilities of treatment will arise. This research attempted to measure the thickness of the mandibular symphysis of 30 CT scans of patients with three different facial types (hypodivergent, normodivergent, and hyperdivergent) in order to relate this measurement to the facial biotype. ImplantViewer3 software was used for the measurement and the CT scans were evaluated in the three thirds of the dental element (apical, middle, and cervical). At the end, the data were compared based on statistical analysis. It was observed with the study that there was no significant difference in the thickness of the mandibular symphysis between the facial biotypes, however, when comparing the thirds of the same facial biotype, it was noticed that in the hypodivergent there is a significant difference, in the normodivergent biotype there was significance between the apical and middle and apical and cervical thirds, and in the hyperdivergent biotype, only the apical and medium presented statistical significance.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Ossos Faciais , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Mandíbula
Cir Cir ; 89(6): 740-747, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34851580


AIM: The aim of the study was to characterize the maxillofacial fractures surgically treated in a Cuban hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive and retrospective cross-sectional study based on the medical records of patients attended between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019 in the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes General University Hospital, Cuba. Age, gender, residency, municipality, etiology, month and year of trauma, number and type of fractures, and alcohol consumption at the time of trauma were recorded. RESULTS: 126 cases and 304 fractures were investigated. Males were the most affected (n = 115; 91.27%). The main etiology was interpersonal violence (IPV) (46.03%). Seventy-one (56.35%) patients had zygomatico-maxillary complex fractures. In the multivariate analysis, alcohol consumption was significantly lower as the age increased (a PR: 0.989; confidence interval [CI] 95%: 0.979-0.99; p = 0.026), as well as in those patients who lived in urban zones (a PR: 0.57; CI 95%: 0.44-0.74; p < 0.001), adjusted by the side of the fracture and the municipality. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of the maxillofacial fractures in this Cuban hospital seems to be mixed by age, affecting young people and the elderly. IPV was the major cause of maxillofacial fractures, while zygomatico-maxillary complex bones and mandible were the most affected maxillofacial areas.

OBJETIVO: Caracterizar las fracturas maxilofaciales tratadas quirúrgicamente en un hospital cubano. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal basado en las historias clínicas de los pacientes atendidos entre el 1 de enero de 2017 y el 31 de diciembre del 2019 en el departamento de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Universitario Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, residencia, municipio, etiología, mes y año del trauma, número y tipos de fracturas, y consumo de alcohol. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 126 pacientes con 304 fracturas. Los hombres fueron los más afectados (n = 115; 91.27%). La principal etiología fue la violencia interpersonal (46,03%). 71 pacientes tuvieron fracturas del complejo cigomático-maxilar. En el análisis multivariado, se encontró que el consumo de alcohol fue menor conforme aumentaba la edad (RPa: 0,989; IC 95%: 0,979-0,99; p = 0,026), así como en los pacientes que vivían en la zona urbana (RPa: 0,57; IC 95%: 0,44-0,74; p < 0,001); ajustados por el lado de la fractura y el municipio de residencia. CONCLUSIONES: El perfil de las fracturas maxilofaciales en este hospital cubano muestra afectación tanto de jóvenes como adultos. La violencia interpersonal fue la principal etiología de las fracturas y las áreas más afectadas fueron la cigomático-maxilar y mandibular.

Fraturas Maxilares , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais , Acidentes de Trânsito , Adolescente , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Hospitais , Humanos , Masculino , Fraturas Maxilares/epidemiologia , Fraturas Maxilares/cirurgia , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 35(4): 466-471, out.dez.2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367939


Introdução: O trauma é definido como um agravo que leva a alterações na estrutura do indivíduo por causa da troca de energia entre os tecidos e o meio. Por causa da sua localização, o esqueleto maxilofacial é comumente acometido por traumas. Além disso, os estudos existentes que buscam abordar a temática comumente a abordam de maneira fragmentada, focada apenas em uma estrutura óssea. Portanto, o presente estudo foi proposto como tentativa de minorar essa lacuna existente na literatura hodierna. Métodos: A busca foi realizada nas plataformas PubMed, LILACS e Cochrane Library utilizando os descritores: "biomechanical phenomena", "facial injuries" e "fractures, bone", encontrando 321 artigos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: estudos publicados nos últimos 5 anos, disponíveis integralmente, nos idiomas inglês ou português. Após a utilização desses filtros foram encontrados 50 estudos, e após leitura analítica do título e do resumo disponível, foram excluídos 44 estudos. Discussão: A mandíbula é mais vulnerável aos impactos laterais do que frontais, evidenciou-se que nos impactos laterais a maior força de estresse era exercida em estruturas ipsilaterais ao impacto. Também se demonstrou que a ausência parcial ou total de dentição apresentavam maiores forças de estresse ao côndilo. Na órbita há principalmente fraturas de borda e fraturas de globo/assoalho. A primeira são fraturas que tendem a ser menores e dispostas anteriormente, já as de assoalho, seria o inverso. Conclusão: Em suma, existem vários fatores que podem influenciar na ocorrência do trauma de face, dentre elas estão os fenômenos biomecânicos envolvidos.

Introduction: Trauma is defined as an injury that leads to changes in an individual's structure due to the energy exchange between tissues and the environment. Because of its location, the maxillofacial skeleton is commonly affected by trauma. Besides, existing studies that seek to address the theme commonly do so in a fragmented way, focused only on a bone structure. Therefore, the present study was proposed as an attempt to bridge this gap in today's literature. Methods: The search was performed on the platforms PubMed, LILACS, and Cochrane Library using the descriptors: "biomechanical phenomena," "facial injuries" and "fractures, bone," finding 321 articles. The inclusion criteria were: studies published in the last five years, available in full, in English or Portuguese. After using these filters, 50 studies were found, and after analytical reading of the title and available summary, 44 studies were excluded. Discussion: The mandible is more vulnerable to lateral than frontal impacts; it was shown that in lateral impacts, the most significant stress force was exerted on structures ipsilateral to the impact. It was also demonstrated that dentition's partial or total absence presented greater stress forces on the condyle. In the orbit, there are mainly edge fractures and globe/floor fractures. The first are fractures that tend to be smaller and anteriorly arranged, whereas those on the floor would be the opposite. Conclusion: In short, several factors can influence the occurrence of facial trauma; among them are the biomechanical phenomena involved.

Acta Odontol Latinoam ; 33(2): 69-81, 2020 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32920608


The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in periodontal status and maxillary buccal bone by considering clinical and tomographic parameters during the first year of orthodontic expansion with Invisalign® aligners. Upper first (1PM) and upper second (2PM) premolars of 19 patients with orthodontic expansion requirement treated with Invisalign® aligners were evaluated. Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and cone beam tomographic (CBCT) records were collected at 76 sites before starting treatment (T0) and at 12 months (T1). Bone height was measured from cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the crest cortical bone (CC). Bone thickness was measured at two levels: 4 mm (CEJ+4) and 6 mm (CEJ+6) apical to the CEJ. A descriptive analysis was made of the variations of bone thickness and height in a series of cases. The average expansion was 1.93 mm for 1PM and 167 mm for 2PM. Arithmetic mean of distance CEJ-CC in 1PM was 3.05 mm at T0, and remained at 3.05 mm at T1. Arithmetic mean of distance CEJ-CC in 2PM was 2.06 mm at T0 and 2.31 at T1. Post-expansion, most of the analyzed sites (86%) exhibited a bone thickness of ≥0.5 mm. The greatest variations between T0 and T1 were observed at the level of 1PM CEJ+ 4 and 2PM CEJ+ 6. The minimal changes in the clinical records (GI, PI, PPD and CAL) between T0 and T1 were compatible with the maintenance of gingivalperiodontal health. Invisalign® for expansion movements did not produce substantial changes in the evaluated periodontal clinical parameters or in the bone measurements. Removable appliances reduce plaque retentive factors and favor adequate oral hygiene.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios en el estado periodontal y hueso facial maxilar a través de parámetros clínicos y tomográficos durante la expansión ortodóncica con alineadores Invisalign® en el primer año de tratamiento. Se evaluaron los primeros (1PM) y segundos (2PM) premolares superiores pertenecientes a 19 pacientes con requerimiento de expansión ortodóncica tratados con alineadores Invisalign®. Se registraron los índices de placa (IP), índice gingival (IG), profundidad al sondaje (PS) y nivel de inserción (NI) y registros tomográficos de haz cónico (CBCT) en 76 sitios antes de comenzar el tratamiento (T0) y a los 12 meses (T1). Se midió la altura ósea desde el límite amelocementario (LAC) hasta la cortical de la cresta (CC) y el espesor en dos niveles; a 4 mm (LAC+4) y a 6 mm (LAC+6) hacia apical del LAC. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variaciones de la altura y espesor óseo en una serie de casos. La expansión promedio para 1PM fue de 1,93 mm y para 2PM fue de 1,67 mm. La media aritmética de LAC-CC en primeros premolares fue de 3,05 mm en T0 y se mantuvo el valor de 3,05 mm en T1. La media aritmética de LAC-CC en segundos premolares fue de 2,06 mm en T0 y 2,31 en T1. Post expansión, la mayoría de los sitios (86%) analizados exhibieron un espesor óseo ≥0,5 mm. Las mayores variaciones entre T0 y T1 se observaron a nivel de 1PM CEJ+4 y 2PM CEJ+6. Los registros clínicos (PI, GI, PPD y CAL) evidenciaron mínimos cambios entre T0 y T1, compatibles con el mantenimiento de la salud gíngivo-periodontal. El uso de Invisalign ® para movimientos de expansión no produjo cambios sustanciales en los parámetros clínicos periodontales evaluados ni en las mediciones óseas. La aparatología removible reduce los factores retentivos de placa bacteriana y facilita una adecuada higiene oral.

Placa Dentária/etiologia , Má Oclusão/terapia , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Saúde Bucal , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Removíveis/efeitos adversos , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/efeitos adversos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Placa Dentária/microbiologia , Índice de Placa Dentária , Nível de Saúde , Humanos , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/instrumentação
Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;33(2): 69-81, Sept. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130736


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in periodontal status and maxillary buccal bone by considering clinical and tomographic parameters during the first year of orthodontic expansion with Invisalign® aligners. Upper first (1PM) and upper second (2PM) premolars of 19 patients with orthodontic expansion requirement treated with Invisalign® aligners were evaluated. Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and cone beam tomographic (CBCT) records were collected at 76 sites before starting treatment (T0) and at 12 months (T1). Bone height was measured from cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the crest cortical bone (CC). Bone thickness was measured at two levels: 4 mm (CEJ+4) and 6 mm (CEJ+6) apical to the CEJ. A descriptive analysis was made of the variations of bone thickness and height in a series of cases. The average expansion was 1.93 mm for 1PM and 167 mm for 2PM. Arithmetic mean of distance CEJ-CC in 1PM was 3.05 mm at T0, and remained at 3.05 mm at T1. Arithmetic mean of distance CEJ-CC in 2PM was 2.06 mm at T0 and 2.31 at T1. Post-expansion, most of the analyzed sites (86%) exhibited a bone thickness of ≥0.5 mm. The greatest variations between T0 and T1 were observed at the level of 1PM CEJ+ 4 and 2PM CEJ+ 6. The minimal changes in the clinical records (GI, PI, PPD and CAL) between T0 and T1 were compatible with the maintenance of gingivalperiodontal health. Invisalign® for expansion movements did not produce substantial changes in the evaluated periodontal clinical parameters or in the bone measurements. Removable appliances reduce plaque retentive factors and favor adequate oral hygiene.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios en el estado periodontal y hueso facial maxilar a través de parámetros clínicos y tomográficos durante la expansión ortodóncica con alineadores Invisalign® en el primer año de tratamiento. Se evaluaron los primeros (1PM) y segundos (2PM) premolares superiores pertenecientes a 19 pacientes con requerimiento de expansión ortodóncica tratados con alineadores Invisalign®. Se registraron los índices de placa (IP), índice gingival (IG), profundidad al sondaje (PS) y nivel de inserción (NI) y registros tomográficos de haz cónico (CBCT) en 76 sitios antes de comenzar el tratamiento (T0) y a los 12 meses (T1). Se midió la altura ósea desde el límite amelocementario (LAC) hasta la cortical de la cresta (CC) y el espesor en dos niveles; a 4 mm (LAC+4) y a 6 mm (LAC+6) hacia apical del LAC. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variaciones de la altura y espesor óseo en una serie de casos. La expansión promedio para 1PM fue de 1,93 mm y para 2PM fue de 1,67 mm. La media aritmética de LAC-CC en primeros premolares fue de 3,05 mm en T0 y se mantuvo el valor de 3,05 mm en T1. La media aritmética de LAC-CC en segundos premolares fue de 2,06 mm en T0 y 2,31 en T1. Post expansión, la mayoría de los sitios (86%) analizados exhibieron un espesor óseo ≥0,5 mm. Las mayores variaciones entre T0 y T1 se observaron a nivel de 1PM CEJ+4 y 2PM CEJ+6. Los registros clínicos (PI, GI, PPD y CAL) evidenciaron mínimos cambios entre T0 y T1, compatibles con el mantenimiento de la salud gíngivo-periodontal. El uso de Invisalign ® para movimientos de expansión no produjo cambios sustanciales en los parámetros clínicos periodontales evaluados ni en las mediciones óseas. La aparatología removible reduce los factores retentivos de placa bacteriana y facilita una adecuada higiene oral.

Humanos , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Removíveis/efeitos adversos , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/efeitos adversos , Saúde Bucal , Placa Dentária/etiologia , Má Oclusão/terapia , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/instrumentação , Índice de Placa Dentária , Nível de Saúde , Placa Dentária/microbiologia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto) ; 53(2)jul. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358308


RESUMO: Modelo de estudo: Relato de Caso. Importância do problema: As fraturas panfaciais recebem essa denominação quando os terços faciais apresentam fraturas concomitantes. Com frequência, essas lesões estão relacionadas a danos importantes aos tecidos moles, cominuição e perda de segmentos ósseos e/ou dentários, que podem gerar má oclusão e graves deformidades faciais, visto que etiologia de tal condição se deve à acidentes de alta dissipação de energia. O tratamento das fraturas panfaciais com o uso de fixação interna rígida permite restaurar as funções mastigatórias, bem como os contornos faciais. Comentários: O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar a reconstrução de uma fratura panfacial, envolvendo a mandíbula e com elevado grau de cominuição do complexo zigomático orbitário e do arco zigomático, em uma paciente do sexo feminino, em que acesso hemicoronal e retromandibular foram escolhidos para reconstrução e reestruturação do complexo facial. Conclusão: O correto manejo das fraturas panfaciais, é um dos grandes desafios do cirurgião buco maxilo facial, visto o nível de dificuldade para reestabelecer de maneira satisfatória as condições estéticas e funcionais existentes previamente ao trauma. Diferentes sequências de tratamento vêm sendo propostas, podendo ser utilizadas com sucesso após análise adequada do caso clínico e correta indicação. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Study model: Case Report. Importance of the problem: Panfacial fractures receive this designation when the facial thirds have concomitant fractures. Frequently, these lesions are related to important soft tissue damage, comminution, and loss of bone and/or dental segments, which may lead to malocclusion and severe facial deformities, since the etiology of such condition is due to accidents of high energy dissipation. The treatment of the panfacial fractures with the use of rigid internal fixation allows restoring the masticatory functions, as well as the facial contours. Comments: This study aimed to report the reconstruction of a panfacial fracture, involving the mandible and with a high degree of comminution of the zygomatic or zygomatic arch, in a female patient, whose hemicoronal and retromandibular access were chosen for reconstruction and restructuring of the facial complex. Conclusion: The correct management of panfacial fractures is one of the greatest challenges of the maxillofacial surgeon, given the level of difficulty to satisfactorily reestablish the aesthetic and functional conditions existing before the trauma. Different treatment sequences have been proposed to be used successfully after adequate analysis of the clinical case and correct indication. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Zigoma , Ossos Faciais , Traumatismos Faciais , Cirurgiões Bucomaxilofaciais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas , Má Oclusão , Mandíbula
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(2): 167-171, June 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090670


The naso-orbito-ethmoidal region is composed of delicate bones and when fractured may result in significant aesthetic-functional impairment. Diagnosis through clinical and imaging findings is extremely important for surgical planning. This study aims to report a case of type III fracture of the naso-orbito-ethmoidal region. Patient D.R.S., female, 13 years old, attended the emergency department of Hospital dos Fornecedores de Cana de Piracicaba (HFCP) - SP with complaint of pain in the fronto-nasal region and respiratory distress after trauma in face of baseball bat. Physical examination showed edema and short blunt injury in the region of the nasal dorsum and frontal region, bilateral periorbital hematoma, hyposphagma in right eye and traumatic telecanthus. When analyzing the computed tomography, it was observed fracture of the nasal bones, also affecting the medial wall of the orbit. The procedure was osteosynthesis of the fractures and reconstruction of the nasal dorsum. The fracture traces were exposed from coronal access, reduction of fractures and use of calvarial bone graft for nasal dorsum reconstruction. The fracture and the graft were fixed with plates of 1,6mm. Postoperative computed tomography analysis showed good graft positioning, but there was still a slight sinking of the left lateral wall of the nose. In a second moment another surgical intervention was done to reduce this wall and an internal containment device was installed. Currently the patient is in a state of observation and a follow-up period of 665 days. In cases of complex nasoorbito-ethmoidal fractures early diagnosis and treatment is essential to minimize sequelae and provide a better aesthetic and functional result.

La región etmoidal nasoorbital está compuesta de huesos delicados y, cuando se fractura, puede provocar una lesión estética-funcional significativa. El diagnóstico mediante hallazgos clínicos y de imagen es de suma importancia para la planificación quirúrgica. El paciente D.R.S., mujer, 13 años, leucoderma, asistió al servicio de emergencia del Hospital de Proveedores de Caña de Azúcar de Piracicaba quejándose de dolor en la región frontal-nasal y dificultad para respirar después de un traumatismo en la cara con un palo. El examen físico reveló edema y lesión contundente en el dorso nasal y la región frontal, hematoma periorbitario bilateral, hiposfagma del ojo derecho y telecanto traumático. Al analizar la tomografía computarizada se observó fractura de los huesosnasales en libro abierto, afectando también la pared medial de la órbita. El enfoque aplicado fue la osteosíntesis de fracturas y la reconstrucción del dorso nasal. Los rastros de fractura se expusieron del abordaje coronal, se redujeron las fracturas y se usaron injertos de casquete para reconstruir el dorso nasal. La fractura y el injerto se fijaron con placas de sistema de 1,6 mm y se realizó la cantopexia de los ligamentos cantales mediales. Se requirió cirugía reparadora secundaria para la corrección de la pared lateral de la nariz, que persistió en el postoperatorio. Actualmente el paciente se encuentra en un estado de conservación y período de seguimiento de 665 días. En casos de fracturas nasoorbitales-etmoidales complejas, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento tempranos son esenciales para minimizar las secuelas y proporcionar un mejor resultado estético y funcional.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Fraturas Cranianas/cirurgia , Osso Etmoide/cirurgia , Redução Aberta/métodos , Osso Nasal/cirurgia , Fraturas Orbitárias/cirurgia , Fraturas Cranianas/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Osso Etmoide/lesões , Fixação de Fratura , Osso Nasal/lesões
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358875


RESUMO: As fraturas do complexo zigomático-orbitário são bastante frequentes devido a sua localização e projeção na face, podendo gerar grandes transtornos funcionais e estéticos ao paciente. O osso zigomático é essencial na configuração da face, sendo a principal estrutura formadora do terço médio dela. Os traumas que mais frequentemente provocam fraturas do complexo zigomático-orbitário são agressões físicas, acidentes de trânsito e esportivos. O tipo de fratura, tempo decorrido, a severidade e o envolvimento de outras estruturas faciais influenciam a modalidade de tratamento a ser empregado. O presente trabalho apresenta um caso clínico de fratura do complexo zigomático-orbitário esquerdo, diagnosticada tardiamente, e tratada por meio de osteotomia, redução e fixação em três pontos com placas e parafusos do sistema 1.5, e reconstrução do assoalho orbitário com tela de titânio. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex are quite frequent due to their location and projection on the face, which can cause major functional and aesthetic disorders to the patient. The zygomatic bone is essential in the configuration of the face, being the main forming structure of the middle third of it. The traumas that most often cause fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex are physical aggression, traffic accidents, and sports. The type of fracture, elapsed time, severity, and the involvement of other facial structures influence the type of treatment to be employed. The present work presents a clinical case of fracture of the left zygomatic-orbital complex, diagnosed late, and treated by osteotomy, reduction, and fixation in three points with 1.5 system plates and screws, and reconstruction of the orbital floor with titanium mesh. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Órbita/lesões , Zigoma/lesões , Acidentes de Trânsito , Fraturas Ósseas , Ossos Faciais/lesões , Traumatismos Faciais/cirurgia
Int. j. morphol ; 38(1): 159-164, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056415


El hueso cigomático, ubicado en la parte superior y lateral de la cara, es un hueso par e irregular con forma cuadrilátera o romboidal. Se describen 2 caras, 4 aristas y 4 ángulos, forma cavidades, permite la inserción muscular y aponeurótica, es parte de la arquitectura facial, distribuye las fuerzas masticatorias y permite el paso del nervio cigomático. Su margen postero-superior presenta una prominencia ósea conocida como tubérculo marginal, en el que se observa la inserción de la fascia temporal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las características particulares de esta prominencia. La muestra correspondió a 30 cráneos de adultos chilenos de ambos sexos. A través de una serie de puntos óseos, se describió la presencia, ubicación, tamaño, forma, cortical y trabeculado del tejido óseo del tubérculo marginal. Para realizar las mediciones se utilizaron cámara digital, compas de precisión y cáliper digital. El análisis radiográfico requirió tomografía computarizada de alta resolución. Los resultados mostraron que el tubérculo marginal del hueso cigomático es una prominencia constante, ubicada en el tercio medio del proceso frontal del hueso y que la mayoría de los individuos mostraron una forma semilunar. Su altura fluctúa entre 3 y 4 mm, siendo más pronunciada en hombres que en mujeres. El grosor de la corteza ósea es directamente proporcional a la prominencia del tubérculo, mientras que el trabeculado esponjoso está inversamente relacionado con este último. El análisis de estos resultados parece indicar que las fuerzas biomecánicas ejercidas por la musculatura masticatoria y transmitidas por la fascia temporal, determinan la morfología externa e interna de esta prominencia y del propio hueso cigomático. Concluimos, declarando la necesidad de revisar el conocimiento anatómico a la luz de las nuevas técnicas de imagen e integración disciplinar.

The zygomatic bone, located in the upper and lateral area of the face, is an even and irregular quadrilateral or rhomboid shaped bone. It presents 2 faces, 4 margins and 4 angles. It forms cavities, allows muscular and aponeurotic insertion, is part of the facial architecture, distributes masticatory forces and allows the passage of the zygomatic nerve. Its postero-superior margin presents a bony prominence known as a marginal tubercle, in which the insertion of the temporal fascia is observed. The objective of this work was to describe the particular characteristics of this prominence. The sample corresponded to 30 skulls of Chilean adults of both sexes. Through a series of bone points, the presence, location, size, shape, cortical and trabeculate of the bone tissue of the marginal tubercle was described. A digital camera, precision compass and digital caliper were used to perform the measurements. The radiographic analysis required high-resolution computed tomography. The results showed that the marginal tubercle of the zygomatic bone is a constant prominence, located in the middle third of the frontal process of the bone and that most individuals showed a semilunar shape. Its height fluctuated between 3 and 4 mm, being more pronounced in men than in women. The thickness of the bone cortex was directly proportional to the prominence of the tuber, while the spongy trabeculate was inversely related to the latter. The analysis of these results seems to indicate that the biomechanical forces exerted by the masticatory musculature and transmitted by the temporal fascia, determine the external and internal morphology of this prominence, and of the zygomatic bone itself. In conclusion, it is recommended to review anatomical knowledge in the light of new imaging techniques and disciplinary integration.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Zigoma/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Faciais/anatomia & histologia