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Microsc Res Tech ; 84(10): 2337-2350, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33908115


In this research, the fruits and seeds' surface morphological features and their taxonomic significance were determined. Additionally, useful traits for delimitation of taxa of Rosa sericea complex were studied. In this research, three taxa of the complex R. sericea, R. omeiensis, and R. sikangensis have been studied. A total of 41 populations and 130 specimens of seeds, and 35 populations and 168 specimens of fruits from 10 different geographical regions of southwest China have been examined. The surface micro-morphological characters of the seeds have been studied through scanning electron microscopy to distinguish important characteristics of the complex taxa. Forty-four different qualitative and quantitative characteristics were observed. Principal component analysis was used to simplify and elucidate the relationship between the studied characters of different population based on the morphology of fruits and seeds' features. Moreover, the numerical taxonomic characters and their variation with elevation have been studied in these species. The most interesting characters observed on the surface of the seeds were stomata, and trichomes, for which density was more at the dorsal and ventral parts, while rarely present on the lateral parts. The fruits and seeds' surface morphology of the studied species was complicated and some variation in the characters, that is, persistent calyx shape, the shape of fruits and seeds, stomata shape, and trichomes size were found significant for delimitation of taxa in the complex. The purpose of this study is to identify the taxa of R. sericea complex based on fruits and seeds' morphological characters, and identification keys.

Rosa , Rosaceae , Frutas , Humanos , Sementes , Tricomas
Acta amaz ; 33(4): 687-700, Dec. 2003. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-574685


Analisou-se o valor nutricional e energético de alguns frutos e sementes das florestas de várzea e igapó, próximas à região de Manaus-AM, importantes na alimentação do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818). Para o levantamento das espécies e os tipos de frutos consumidos por esta espécie foram utilizadas informações da literatura, complementadas com os resultados de análises de conteúdo dos tratos digestivos coletados através de capturas de animais e no principal porto de desembarque e comercialização de peixes em Manaus, a feira da Panair. Foram realizadas, semanalmente, na feira, coleta de 15 tratos digestivos, durante nove meses. Após a evisceração, os tratos digestivos foram acondionados em sacos plásticos, armazenados em isopor com gelo e transportados até o laboratório onde permaneceram em freezer (-20ºC). As análises de conteúdo dos tratos digestivos consistiram na coleta dos frutos e sementes para identificação, após serem preservados em álcool a 70 por cento constituindo uma coleção de referência. Após identificação, as espécies de frutos e sementes foram coletadas nas áreas de ocorrência na várzea e igapó para as análises bromatológicas, seguindo metodologia da A.O.A.C (1995) e a energia bruta (kJ/g) através de bomba calorimétrica. Identificou-se 46 espécies vegetais, distribuídas em 21 famílias e classificados nove tipos de frutos. De acordo com os dados atuais, a alimentação do tambaqui engloba, pelo menos, 133 espécies, entre frutos e sementes, distribuídas em 38 famílias e 15 tipos de frutos. O consumo destes itens variou entre inteiros e/ou triturados. A composição bromatológica de 14 espécies de sementes e 40 de frutos demostrou que estes itens são mais energéticos do que protéicos.

Nutritional and energy value of some fruits and seeds from the flooded forests, next to Manaus-AM, important in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) feeding were analyzed. For the species survey and types of fruits consumed for this species, we used information from the literature complemented with results obtained from analyses of the digestive content collected from captured fish and from the main fisheries landing and market in Manaus, the Panair fair. Fifteen digestive tracts were collected weekly at the fair, during nine months. The digestive tract were removed and put in plastic bags, stored in styrofoam boxes with ice and brought to the laboratory, where they remained in the freezer (-20ºC). Analyses of the digestive tract contents consisted of the fruits and seeds collected, preserved in alcohol 70 percent and identified from the digestive tracts, constituting a reference collection. After identification, fruits and seeds species collected from the varzea and igapo areas were collected for proximate analyses, according to A.O.A.C (1995) and crude energy (kJ/g) using a calorimetric bomb. 46 vegetation species distributed in 21 families and classified into nine types of fruits were identified. According to our data, tambaqui feeds encompass at least 133 species, between fruits and seeds, from 38 families and 15 types of fruits. Consumption of these items varied between triturated and/or whole. Proximate analyses from 14 seeds and 40 fruits species demonstrated that these items are more energetic than proteinous.

Sementes , Dispersão de Sementes , Peixes , Frutas , Valor Nutritivo