The osmotic activity produced by internal, non-permeable, anionic nucleic acids and metabolites causes a persistent and life-threatening cell swelling, or cellular edema, produced by the Gibbs-Donnan effect. This evolutionary-critical osmotic challenge must have been resolved by LUCA or its ancestors, but we lack a cell-physiology look into the biophysical constraints to the solutions. Like mycoplasma, early cells conceivably preserved their volume with Cl- , Na+ , and K+ -channels, Na+ /H+ -exchangers, and a light-dependent bacteriorhodopsin-like H+ -pump. Here, I simulated protocells having these ionic-permeabilities and inhabiting an oceanic pond before the Great-Oxygenation-Event. Protocells showed better volume control and stable resting potentials at lower external pH and higher temperatures, favoring a certain type of extremophile life. Prevention of Na+ -influx at night, with low bacteriorhodopsin activity, required deep shutdown of highly voltage-sensitive Na+ -channels and extremely selective K+ -channels, two conserved features essential for modern neuronal encoding. The Gibbs-Donnan effect universality implies that extraterrestrial cells, if they exist, may reveal similar volume-controlling mechanisms.