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JMIR Form Res ; 8: e54214, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619865


BACKGROUND: Although comprehensive lifestyle habits are crucial for healthy aging, their adherence tends to decline as individuals grow older. Sustaining a healthy life over time poses a motivational challenge. Some digital tools, such as smartphone apps aimed at promoting healthy habits, have been used to counteract this decline. However, a more profound investigation is necessary into the diverse experiences of users, particularly when it concerns older adults or those who are unfamiliar with information and communications technologies. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to develop a mobile app focused on promoting the health of older adults based on the principles of software engineering and a user-centered design. The project respected all ethical guidelines and involved the participation of older adults at various stages of the development of the app. METHODS: This study used a mixed methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methodologies for data collection. The study was conducted in Ribeirão Prêto, São Paulo, Brazil, and involved 20 older adults of both genders who were aged ≥60 years and enrolled in the Physical Education Program for the Elderly at the University of São Paulo. The research unfolded in multiple phases, encompassing the development and refinement of the app with active engagement from the participants. RESULTS: A total of 20 participants used a mobile health app with an average age of 64.8 (SD 2.7) years. Most participants had a high school education, middle-class status, and varying health literacy (mean score 73.55, SD 26.70). Overall, 90% (18/20) of the participants owned smartphones. However, 20% (4/20) of the participants faced installation challenges and 30% (6/20) struggled with web-based searches. The focus groups assessed app usability and satisfaction. Adjustments increased satisfaction scores significantly (Suitability Assessment of Materials: 34.89% to 70.65%; System Usability Scale: 71.23 to 87.14). Participant feedback emphasized font size, navigation, visual feedback, and personalization, and suggestions included health device integration, social interaction, and in-app communication support. CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to the development of health care technologies tailored to the older adult population, considering their specific needs. It is anticipated that the resulting app will serve as a valuable tool for promoting healthy habits and enhancing the quality of life for older adults.

PEC Innov ; 2: 100107, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37214529


Due to the cognitive decline associated with aging, it is necessary to determine the variables involved in this process to implement preventive actions to avoid or help slow the progression of cognitive decline to dementia in older adults. This is a priority in the current pandemic situation, due to the consequences of periods of confinement due to COVID-19. To address these challenges, this study was conducted through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), by adapting an in-person assessment protocol into an online Tele neuropsychological consultation. The correlation between autonomy and cognitive performance variables is analyzed in 47 Mexican subjects over 60 years of age. The results of the statistical analyses suggest a moderate correlation between the level of autonomy and cognitive performance (with MOCA and Clock Drawing Test), significant correlation values are outlined in some of the variables reviewed, and interesting data were found in the correlation of cognitive reserve with cognitive decline and the educational level from the participants. Finally, future analysis is proposed of the sensitivity of screening tests (CDT) to find indicators of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in this population that is not detected in classical tests (MOCA). Developing ICT-based screening protocols for the elderly may be a key tool in these coronavirus times or under any given circumstances.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 56(6): 772-798, nov.-dez. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422922


Abstract Although it is a promising theory for understanding complex ongoing political processes, historical institutionalism has rarely been used to adress urban management and urban planning issues. We aim to (re)construct the trajectory of management and dissemination of communication and information technologies (ICTs) in Curitiba to identify critical junctures and events. Methodologically, it is a case study based on documents and discourse analysis. The results show that Curitiba used to be avant-garde in technological diffusion but today it develops more responsive than anticipatory actions; over time, the role of technology diffusion and management shifted from the urban management and planning structure to the direct municipal administration structure; technological initiatives have always taken place and are taking place sharply and decentrally for the consolidation of an ecosystem; the ideals of forming a digital or a smart city were motivators of Curitiba's current situation. The ideology underlying the game of politicians and party affiliations has been put aside in alignments of local groups to carry out technological adjustments; and that the management and diffusion of ICTs remain controversial in political disputes. The conclusion is that the political-technology dyad has absorbed the impacts of critical events, resulting in the remodeling of municipal institutions and organizations linked to the management and diffusion of ICTs that also need to deal with the game of interests and external pressures.

Resumen Aunque sea una teoría prometedora para comprender procesos políticos complejos en curso, el institucionalismo histórico ha sido poco utilizado en temas de planificación y gestión urbana. Así, el objetivo de este estudio es (re)construir la trayectoria de gestión y difusión de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el municipio de Curitiba para identificar coyunturas y eventos críticos. Metodológicamente, se utilizan los procedimientos de levantamiento documental y análisis del discurso. Los resultados muestran que Curitiba fue vanguardista en difusión tecnológica, pero hoy desarrolla acciones más responsivas que anticipatorias; con el tiempo, el papel de la difusión y gestión de la tecnología pasó de la estructura de gestión y planificación urbana a la estructura de administración municipal directa; las iniciativas tecnológicas siempre se han dado y se están dando de manera acentuada y descentralizada para la consolidación de un ecosistema; los ideales de formar una ciudad digital o una ciudad inteligente fueron motivadores de la coyuntura más reciente; la ideología que subyace al juego de los políticos y las afiliaciones partidarias parece haber sido dejada de lado en alineamientos de grupos locales para realizar ajustes tecnológicos; y que la gestión y difusión de las TIC sigue siendo controvertida en las disputas políticas. La conclusión es que la díada política-tecnología ha absorbido los impactos de los eventos críticos, lo que termina redundando en la remodelación de las instituciones y organismos municipales vinculados a la gestión y difusión de las TIC que también necesitan lidiar con el juego de intereses y las presiones externas.

Resumo Embora seja uma teoria promissora para compreender complexos processos políticos continuados, o institucionalismo histórico tem sido pouco utilizado em questões de gestão e planejamento urbano. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é (re)construir a trajetória de gestão e difusão tecnologias de comunicação e informação do município de Curitiba para identificar conjunturas e eventos críticos. Metodologicamente, utilizam-se os procedimentos de levantamento documental e análise de discurso. Os resultados mostram que Curitiba foi vanguardista na difusão tecnológica, mas hoje desenvolve ações mais responsivas do que antecipativas; com o passar do tempo o protagonismo da difusão e gestão tecnológica se deslocou da estrutura de gestão e planejamento urbano para a estrutura da administração municipal direta; as iniciativas tecnológicas sempre ocorreram e vêm ocorrendo acentuada e descentralizadamente para a consolidação de um ecossistema; os ideais de formação de uma cidade digital ou uma cidade inteligente foram motivadores da conjuntura mais recente; a ideologia subjacente ao jogo dos políticos e das filiações partidárias parece ter sido posta de lado em alinhamentos dos grupos locais para realizar ajustes tecnológicos; e que a gestão e a difusão de TIC's se mantém controversa nas disputas políticas. A conclusão é que a díade política-tecnologia tem absorvido os impactos dos eventos críticos, o que acaba por resultar na remodelagem das instituições e organizações municipais ligadas à gestão e à difusão das TIC's que também precisam lidar com o jogo de interesses e as pressões externas.

Organização e Administração , Tecnologia , Administração Municipal , Planejamento
Acta bioeth ; 28(1): 81-94, jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383292


Resumen: El confinamiento por la pandemia del covid-19 afectó el otorgamiento de testamentos, siendo estos tan necesarios ante las crisis sanitarias cuando las personas precisan decidir el destino de sus bienes y otros actos individuales ante el riesgo de vida. La solemnidad del testamento impide el ejercicio de testar de los pacientes, incluso de las personas sanas. Facilitar el derecho de testar en tiempos de peste tiene contenido bioético, al estar de por medio la vida, salud, autodeterminación y el derecho de decidir el destino patrimonial. El testamento en épocas de pandemia, apoyado en las TIC, es una solución que debe viabilizarse con la ayuda de la digitalización y tecnología, con el fin de permitir el ejercicio de los derechos de última voluntad en aislamiento por contagio.

Abstract: The confinement due to the Covid pandemic affected the granting of wills, which are so necessary in the health crisis when people need to decide the fate of their property and other individual acts at the risk of life. The solemnity of the will impedes the exercise of testamentary rights of patients, even healthy people. Facilitating the right to testament in times of plague has a bioethical content since life, health, self-determination and the right to decide the destiny of property are at stake. The will in times of pandemic, supported by ICTs, is a solution that should be made feasible with the help of digitization and technology in order to allow the exercise of the rights of last will in isolation by contagion.

Resumo: O confinamento pela pandemia da covid-19 afetou a outorga de testamentos, sendo estes muito necessários durante as crises sanitárias, quando as pessoas precisam decidir o destino de seus bens e outros atos individuais diante do risco de vida. A solenidade do testamento impede o exercício de testar dos pacientes, inclusive das pessoas sadias. Facilitar o direito de testar em tempos de peste tem conteúdo bioético, al estar de por médio (no entendí el significado de esto) a vida, saúde, autodeterminação e o direito de decidir o destino patrimonial. O testamento em épocas de pandemia, apoiado nas TIC, é uma solução que deve viabilizar-se com a ajuda de digitalização e tecnologia, a fim de permitir o exercício dos direitos de última vontade no isolamento por contagio.

Humanos , Testamentos/legislação & jurisprudência , Tecnologia da Informação , Epidemias
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(3): 557-564, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1397158


Durante el ejercicio profesional, los enfermeros les corresponden brindar educación a la comunidad para prevenir la exposición a los riesgos medioambientales e, integrarse y proponer profilaxis en pro del bienestar de la comunidad, en este sentido, les incumben consolidar destrezas que les permitan desarrollar historia ambiental valorando riesgos, diagnosticando problemas, proponiendo intervenciones, evaluando resultados, e incluso identificando los factores peligrosos de acuerdo a vulnerabilidades particulares. Para los estudiantes de enfermería de UNIANDES, el reto, en esta área de formación es doble (investigativa y académica), y lo deben asumir, de manera autodidáctica. Este trabajo pretendió explorar conocimientos, prácticas y habilidades estudiantiles sobre la búsqueda bibliográfica e investigación en salud ambiental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 120 estudiantes. Se precisó que 17,5% poseen conocimiento para realizar búsqueda básica de información, utilizando principalmente el motor web Google 40,8%. El nivel de destreza fue bajo 73,3%; percepción de los estudiantes, mala 49,2%: prácticas para realizar búsqueda, no sabe 54,2%, sin asociación estadísticamente significativa con sexo. Para la percepción del nivel de competencia en investigación y búsqueda de información en salud ambiental: lectura crítica obtuvo 3,08 puntos, seguida de búsqueda de información 2,98 puntos, lo que las clasifican como regular; mientras que, redacción de artículos y el proceso de publicación, ambas con 2,70 puntos; se catalogan deficientes. Estos resultados permiten afirmar que es necesario un acompañamiento permanente en la instrucción sobre el uso de información digital a lo largo de la carrera y con especial atención en el área de salud ambiental(AU)

During professional practice, nurses are responsible for providing education to the community to prevent exposure to environmental risks and integrate and propose prophylaxis for the well-being of the community, in this sense, they are responsible for consolidating skills that allow them to develop environmental history assessing risks, diagnosing problems, proposing interventions, evaluating results, and even identifying dangerous factors according to particular vulnerabilities. For UNIANDES nursing students, the challenge in this training area is twofold (investigative and academic), and they must assume it in a self-taught manner. This work aimed to explore student knowledge, practices and skills on bibliographic search and research in environmental health. The sample consisted of 120 students. It was specified that 17.5% have knowledge to perform basic information searches, mainly using Google web engine 40.8%. The skill level was low 73.3%; perception of the students, poor 49.2%: practices to carry out searches, do not know 54.2%, without statistically significant association with gender. For the perception of the level of competence in research and information search in environmental health: critical reading obtained 3.08 points, followed by information search 2.98 points, which classifies them as regular; while, writing articles and the publication process, both with 2.70 points; are classified as deficient. These results allow us to affirm that permanent accompaniment is necessary in the instruction on the use of digital information throughout the career and with special attention in the area of environmental health(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Estudantes , Saúde Ambiental , Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação , Acesso à Informação , Acesso a Medicamentos Essenciais e Tecnologias em Saúde , Prática Profissional , Pesquisa , Estudantes de Enfermagem , Comportamento de Busca de Informação
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 13(2): e447, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1357286


Introducción: el entorno virtual de aprendizaje como modalidad de educación a distancia, se ha convertido en una necesidad para las universidades pues aprovecha los avances de las tecnologías de la informática y las comunicaciones para garantizar un aprendizaje dinámico, en el cual el estudiante es un ente activo. Ante la contingencia epidemiológica de la COVID-19, cobra gran importancia para garantizar la continuidad del proceso docente. Objetivo: relatar la experiencia del entorno virtual de aprendizaje en la asignatura Genética médica, para estudiantes del cuarto semestre de la carrera de Medicina de la Facultad Finlay-Albarrán, durante el período de enfrentamiento a la pandemia de la COVID-19. Material y Métodos: se aplicó un diseño de paradigma cualitativo, del nivel investigativo exploratorio, en el que se realiza un estudio de caso. Resultados: en la primera etapa se utilizó la modalidad del aprendizaje mixto, previa creación del entorno virtual de aprendizaje en la plataforma Moodle. En ella se aplicaron la mayoría de sus herramientas informáticas como el foro de discusión, el chat, el examen tipo test, entre otros. En la segunda etapa, se aplicó la modalidad e-learning y se creó un grupo WhatsApp para darle continuidad al proceso. En la tercera etapa se re-estableció la modalidad presencial, haciendo énfasis en la integración de los conocimientos desde la perspectiva del tema 8. Conclusión: la educación a distancia virtual, garantizó la continuidad del proceso docente de la asignatura Genética médica durante el periodo de emergencia epidemiológica por la COVID-19(AU)

Introduction: the virtual learning environment as a distance education modality has become a necessity for universities, which takes advantage of advances in information technology and communications to guarantee dynamic learning, in which the student is an active entity. Given the epidemiological contingency of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is of great importance to guarantee the continuity of the teaching process. Objective: to report the experience of the virtual learning environment in the subject of Medical Genetics for the fourth semester students of the Medicine career at the Finlay-Albarrán Faculty that was developed during the period of confrontation with the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: a qualitative paradigm design of the exploratory research level was applied, in which a case study is carried out. Results: in the first stage, the blended learning modality was used, after creating the virtual learning environment on the Moodle platform; most of its computer tools were applied, such as the discussion forum, the chat, multiple choice exam, among others. In the second stage, the e-learning modality was applied and a WhatsApp group was created to give continuity to the process. In the third stage, the face-to-face modality was re-established, emphasizing the integration of knowledge from the perspective of topic 8. Conclusion: virtual distance education guaranteed the continuity of the teaching process of the subject of medical genetics during the period epidemiological emergency of COVID-19(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Software , Telemedicina , Educação a Distância/métodos , COVID-19 , Genética Médica/educação , Design de Software
Front Psychiatry ; 12: 697598, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34777035


Background: Previous studies in Mexico undertaken at residential facilities for treating substance use disorders (SUDs) reported that the prevalence of Dual Disorders (DDs) is over 65%. DDs pose a major challenge for the Mexican health system, particularly for community-based residential care facilities for SUDs, due to the shortage of certified professionals to diagnose and treat these patients. Moreover, the lack of standardized algorithms for screening for and evaluating DDs to refer patients to specialized services (whether private or public) hinders timely care, delaying the start of integrated treatment. The use of new technologies provides a strategic opportunity for the timely detection of DDs through the development of standardized digital applications for the timely detection of DDs. Objective: To develop an app to screen for DDs, which will contribute to referral to specialized services in keeping with the level of severity of psychiatric and addictive symptomatology, and be suitable for use by community-based residential care facilities for SUDs. Method: The research project was implemented in two stages. Stage 1 involved obtaining the psychometric properties of the Dual Diagnosis Screening Interview (DDSI). Stage 2 consisted of two steps to test the Beta version of the app and the quality of version 1.0. Results: The DDS obtained sensitivity and specificity scores above 85%. The app and its algorithm to screen for and refer DDs proved to be efficient and easy to apply with satisfactory community acceptance. Conclusion: The app promises to be a useful screening tool at residential addiction treatment centers.

Vertex ; XXXII(152): 17-19, 2021 06.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34783790


The COVID-19 has changed the way of working of forensic doctors, and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has gained relevance. But its implementation, for psychiatric-forensic evaluations, should comply with standards endorsed by the scientific community. Psycho-legal instruments are necessary in order to determine the procedural capacity of an accused person to stand trial. In the Justice of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), virtual proceedings are carried out, as the National Government decreed the obligatory social lockdown. In the case of the criminal jurisdiction, web platforms and electronic notifications are used for the processing of legal cases. However, in the practice of forensic medicine, there are difficulties in the use of ICTs to determine a person's capacity for criminal prosecution.

COVID-19 , Justiça Social , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Comunicação , Psiquiatria Legal , Humanos , Competência Mental , SARS-CoV-2
Med Access Point Care ; 5: 23992026211013644, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36204494


Aim: The aim of the study was to present the results and impact of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the rapid diagnosis of COVID-19 by telemedicine in public health in Paraguay. Methods: This is a descriptive, multi-centered, observational design feasibility study based on an AI tool for the rapid detection of COVID-19 in chest computed tomography (CT) images of patients with respiratory difficulties attending the country's public hospitals. The patients' digital CT images were transmitted to the AI diagnostic platform, and after a few minutes, radiologists and pneumologists specialized in COVID-19 downloaded the images for evaluation, confirmation of diagnosis, and comparison with the genetic diagnosis (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)). It was also determined the percentage of agreement between two similar AI systems applied in parallel to study the viability of using it as an alternative method of screening patients with COVID-19 through telemedicine. Results: Between March and August 2020, 911 rapid diagnostic tests were carried out on patients with respiratory disorders to rule out COVID-19 in 14 hospitals nationwide. The average age of patients was 50.7 years, 62.6% were male and 37.4% female. Most of the diagnosed respiratory conditions corresponded to the age group of 27-59 years (252 studies), the second most frequent corresponded to the group over 60 years, and the third to the group of 19-26 years. The most frequent findings of the radiologists/pneumologists were severe pneumonia, bilateral pneumonia with pleural effusion, bilateral pulmonary emphysema, diffuse ground glass opacity, hemidiaphragmatic paresis, calcified granuloma in the lower right lobe, bilateral pleural effusion, sequelae of tuberculosis, bilateral emphysema, and fibrotic changes, among others. Overall, an average of 86% agreement and 14% diagnostic discordance was determined between the two AI systems. The sensitivity of the AI system was 93% and the specificity 80% compared with RT-PCR. Conclusion: Paraguay has an AI-based telemedicine screening system for the rapid stratified detection of COVID-19 from chest CT images of patients with respiratory conditions. This application strengthens the integrated network of health services, rationalizing the use of specialized human resources, equipment, and inputs for laboratory diagnosis.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 25(1): 185-203, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1283735


En este artículo se analiza el impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en la subjetividad del adolescente y en los vínculos intersubjetivos familiares, específicamente en el vínculo parento-filial. Se analizó una muestra de adolescentes (n=112) y una muestra de madres/padres de adolescentes (n=101) para evaluar la accesibilidad y uso de las TICs, la percepción del uso de las mismas en adolescentes y madres/padres y la incidencia que tienen en los vínculos intersubjetivos familiares. En el análisis se comprobó que las TICs aportan aspectos negativos en las relaciones familiares, ya que provocan conflictos familiares, no promueven la comunicación entre padres e hijos y generan una reducción de las actividades familiares, generando así que el vínculo intersubjetivo familiar se debilite. Las TICs constituyen una herramienta que favorece el proceso de crecimiento adolescente en la medida en que la familia actué como mediadora(AU)

This article analyzes the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the adolescent subjectivity and on intersubjective family bonds, specifically on the parental-filial bond. A sample of adolescents (n = 112) and a sample of mothers / fathers of adolescents (n = 101) were analyzed to evaluate the accessibility and use of ICTs, the perception of their use in adolescents and mothers / fathers and the impact they have on family intersubjective bonds. In the analysis it was found that ICTs bring negative aspects in family relationships, since they cause family conflicts, do not promote communication between parents and children and generate a reduction in family activities, thus generating a weakening of the intersubjective family bond. ICTs constitute a tool that favors the adolescent growth process if the family acts as a mediator(AU)

Humanos , Adolescente , Tiques , Relações Familiares , Pais , Tecnologia da Informação , Conflito Familiar
Rev. medica electron ; 42(6): 2586-2597, nov.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1150039


RESUMEN Introducción: uno de los métodos más frecuentes utilizados por los investigadores para evaluar distintos aspectos relacionados con la docencia, es el uso de cuestionarios. Pero para garantizar la utilidad y significado de los resultados obtenidos, no basta con la simple creación de una lista de preguntas y respuestas separadas por ítems, sino que el instrumento utilizado debe poseer una alta consistencia interna, es decir debe estar bien diseñado según los criterios estándar de calidad. Objetivo: evaluar la validez y la fiabilidad de un instrumento que mide el uso de las TIC en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas, en el período de enero -mayo del 2019, para evaluar la actitud, el nivel de conocimiento y uso que realizan de las TIC los profesores de la universidad. Resultados: los resultados muestran la alta consistencia interna de cada una de las secciones pertenecientes al instrumento lo que demostraron la validez y fiabilidad del mismo. Conclusiones: resultó ser un instrumento que responde a las necesidades de la investigación y debe aplicarse sin eliminar ninguno de sus ítems, pues todos demuestran su alto valor de consistencia interna y discriminación (AU).

ABSTRACT Introduction: the use of questionnaires is one of the most frequently methods used by researchers to assess different characteristics related to teaching. But to guarantee the usefulness and meaning of the results obtained, it is not enough the simple creation of a list of questions and answers separated by items, but the instrument used must have a high internal consistency that is, it must be well designed according to the standard quality criteria. Objective: to assess the validity and reliability of an instrument that measures the use of ICTs at Matanzas University of Medical Sciences. Materials and methods: a quantitative study was carried out at Matanzas University of Medical Sciences, in the period January-May 2019, to assess the aptitude, level of knowledge and use of ICTs made by the professors of the university. Results: the results show the high internal consistency of each of the sections belonging to the instrument, which shows its validity and reliability. Conclusions: without a doubt, it is an instrument answering the needs of the research and must be applied without eliminating any of its items, as all of them demonstrate their high value of internal consistency and discrimination (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde/métodos , Tecnologia da Informação/normas , Ensino/educação , Ensino/normas , Inquéritos e Questionários/normas , Tecnologia da Informação/tendências
Rev. medica electron ; 42(5): 2314-2327, sept.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144736


RESUMEN Introducción: las tecnologías de la información y comunicación hacen referencia a un concepto empleado para designar lo relativo a la informática conectada a internet. Para todo tipo de aplicaciones educativas, las tecnologías de la información y comunicación son medios y no fines, son herramientas y materiales de construcción que facilitan el aprendizaje, el desarrollo de habilidades y distintas formas de aprender. Objetivos: diagnosticar el comportamiento del uso de las tecnologías de la información y el conocimiento, como recurso de aprendizaje, en los estudiantes de pregrado en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Materiales y Método: se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra de 90 estudiantes de pregrado y a 12 profesores. Se creó una base de datos automatizada y se resumió la información primaria haciendo uso de técnicas estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: la mayoría de los estudiantes (61,1%) considera importante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en su formación, pero el 25,6% no la utiliza, el 54,6 % no está conforme con el tiempo de uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en clases, el 41,1% no tiene habilidades para la búsqueda de información, el 72,1 % considera que el uso, espacio y las condiciones de los medios y tecnologías que se dan en esta institución no son buenos y el 100 % de los profesores platean la necesidad de capacitación en este aspecto. Conclusión: se evidenció la necesidad de potenciar las habilidades de los alumnos, en cuanto al uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación y capacitar a los docentes (AU).

SUMMARY Introduction: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) refer to a concept used to designate what is related to Informatics connected to Internet. For all kind of educational applications, ICTs are means and not ends; they are construction tools and materials that facilitate learning, skills development and different ways of learning. Objectives: to diagnose the behavior of the use of information and communication technologies (TIC's), as a learning resource, in undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Matanzas. Materials and method: a survey was applied to a sample of 90 undergraduate students and 12 teachers. An automated database was created and primary information was summarized using descriptive statistical techniques. Results: most of students (61.1%) consider the use of ICTs in their training to be important, but 25.6% do not use it; 54.6% is not satisfied with the time of use of ICT during lessons; 41.1% do not have information searching skills, 72.1% consider that the use, space and conditions of the means and technologies existing in this institution is not good and 100 % of teachers address the need for training in this aspect. Conclusion: It is evident the need to strengthen the skills of the students, in terms of the use of ICTs, and to train the teachers (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudantes Pré-Médicos/classificação , Tecnologia da Informação/normas , Universidades/tendências , Conhecimento , Administração das Tecnologias da Informação , Aprendizagem
Santiago; Naciones Unidas;CEPAL; Abr. 18, 2018. 187 p. ilus, graf.
Não convencional em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1348142


La convergencia del mundo físico y el mundo digital configura un ecosistema cuya dinámica redefine el modelo de desarrollo económico y social. En este libro se analizan la Internet de las cosas, las cadenas de bloques y la inteligencia artificial, y su potencial transformador. Se estudian dos elementos habilitantes para su uso: las plataformas digitales globales y la formación de recursos humanos. Se analizan esas y otras tecnologías digitales en las actividades manufactureras y de servicios avanzados, y las empresas de tecnología financiera digital (fintech). Se concluye con una reflexión sobre las implicancias de la inteligencia artificial para el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

The convergence of the physical and digital worlds is shaping an ecosystem whose dynamics are redefining the economic and social development model. This document analyses the Internet of Things, blockchain and artificial intelligence, and their transformative potential. It studies two enablers of these technologies: global digital platforms and training for upgrading human resources, and analyses the impact of these and other digital technologies on manufacturing and advanced services, and on digital financial technology (fintech) firms. It concludes with a reflection on the implications of artificial intelligence for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Humanos , Formulação de Políticas , Algoritmos , Sistemas de Informação , Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação , Gestão da Informação , Tecnologia Digital
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 28(2): 1-20, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-844795


El presente artículo tiene como objetivo indagar en las principales mediaciones que inciden en el proceso de uso social de Internet por parte de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana, en el curso 2015-2016. Se indagó en las mediaciones que influyen en los procesos de usos sociales que hacen de Internet los estudiantes de las carreras de Ciencias de la Información, Comunicación Social y Periodismo de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana. Se empleó el enfoque mixto de investigación a partir de la triangulación de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas como el cuestionario y la entrevista en profundidad. Se obtuvo como resultado que los estudiantes comparten mediaciones comunes: grupo generacional carreras relacionadas con las TIC, por lo cual hacen uso intensivo de Internet propiciado en parte por las distintas asignaturas que reciben de corte tecnológico. En su mayoría provienen de padres con altos niveles de instrucción y la mayor parte de ellos accedió por primera vez a Internet al ingresar en la Universidad, lo que resultó una mediación institucional importante en el uso de Internet. Los principales usos sociales que hacen los estudiantes de Internet son fundamentalmente académicos y luego de socialización, entre los que se destaca el amplio uso de las redes sociales. La institución universitaria constituye una de las instancias mediadoras más importantes que condicionan estos procesos al posibilitar el acceso para todos y las competencias principales para el uso social de manera consciente y crítica(AU)

The purpose of the study was to inquire into the main mediations influencing the process of social use of the Internet by students from the School of Communication of the University of Havana in the school year 2015-2016, particularly mediations influencing social use of the Internet by students of Information Sciences, Social Communication and Journalism from the School of Communication. The research applied a mixed approach based on quantitative and qualitative triangulation techniques such as questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Results show that students share common mediations: the generational group is ICT-related majors, due to which students make intensive use of the Internet, partly motivated by the various technology subjects they receive. Most students' parents have a high schooling level, and most of them had Internet access for the first time upon entering the University, an important institutional mediation in the use of the Internet. The main social uses students make of the Internet are academic, followed by socialization, including broad use of social networks. The university institution is one the most important mediators conditioning these processes, for it provides general Internet access as well as training in the main competencies needed for conscious and critical social use(AU)

Humanos , Ciência da Informação , Internet , Jornalismo
Front Hum Neurosci ; 11: 98, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28348523


In the digital era, tech devices (hardware and software) are increasingly within hand's reach. Yet, implementing information and communication technologies for educational contexts that have robust and long-lasting effects on student learning outcomes is still a challenge. We propose that any such system must a) be theoretically motivated and designed to tackle specific cognitive skills (e.g., inference making) supporting a given cognitive task (e.g., reading comprehension) and b) must be able to identify and adapt to the user's profile. In the present study, we implemented a feedback-based adaptive system called A-book (assisted-reading book) and tested it in a sample of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. To assess our hypotheses, we contrasted three experimental assisted-reading conditions; one that supported meta-cognitive skills and adapted to the user profile (adaptive condition), one that supported meta-cognitive skills but did not adapt to the user profile (training condition) and a control condition. The results provide initial support for our proposal; participants in the adaptive condition improved their accuracy scores on inference making questions over time, outperforming both the training and control groups. There was no evidence, however, of significant improvements on other tested meta-cognitive skills (i.e., text structure knowledge, comprehension monitoring). We discussed the practical implications of using the A-book for the enhancement of meta-cognitive skills in school contexts, as well as its current limitations and future developments that could improve the system.

Investig. desar ; 24(2)dic. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534696


El estudio identifica el grado de adopción de los medios sociales por parte de los jóvenes de la Costa Caribe de Colombia, los medios a los que acceden con mayor frecuencia, así como los usos principales que hacen de ellos. Mediante un análisis cuantitativo de tipo correlacional, se analizaron las respuestas de 502 jóvenes entre los 16 a 28 años pertenecientes al Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje en la Costa Caribe. Los resultados mostraron que el grado de adopción de los principales medios sociales es de 68 %, donde los usados con mayor frecuencia son Facebook (69.4 %), Google+ (57.6 %), Instagram (45.6 %) y Twitter (42.6 %). Los datos también revelan que el uso principal que los usuarios hacen de los medios sociales es obtener información de noticias, seguido de conectarse con amigos, conectarse con familiares y encontrar música y videos. De acuerdo con la revisión de literatura, el estudio es el primero realizado en Colombia con una data obtenida de jóvenes de estratos 1 y 2 que tienen acceso frecuente a internet, lo cual contribuye a conocer la importancia que tienen los medios sociales para este grupo y a identificar las utilidades comunicacionales e informativas que brinda cada medio. Asimismo, se discuten las implicaciones prácticas del estudio.

This paper describes the rate of adoption, frequency and uses of Social Media by young people in the Caribbean Region of Colombia. We report a cross-sectional survey of502 youngsters (16 to 28 years) enrolled to the National Learning Service or Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA). Findings show that the average adoption rate of Social Media was 68 %, being the most frequently used Facebook (69.4 %), Google+ (57.6 %), Instagram (45.6 %) and Twitter (42.6 %). Data revealed that the main uses of Social Media by young Colombians were to read news stories, followed by connecting with friends and relatives, and finding music and videos. This is the first study in Colombia with youngsters belonging to low-income families but with frequent access to Internet, which contributes to understand the importance of Social Media in this vulnerable group. Our findings might also help to identify useful possibilities of new media for young people. Finally, we discuss practical implications of the results.

Aging Dis ; 7(4): 526-39, 2016 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27493837


Population ageing is one of the major social and economic challenges of our contemporary societies. With the advent of the information society, new research and technological developments have been promoted in the field of assistive technologies and information and communication technologies of benefit to elderly people. This article examines the potentialities of new informatics developments in generating solutions to better address elderly people's daily-life, especially those with chronic illness and/or low autonomy. The authours attempt to propose a research agenda, by exposing various strengts and weaknesses of eHealth innovations for elderly, mainly grounded in secondary sources analysis.

REMHU ; 24(46): 109-127, jan.-abr. 2016.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-67516


O fenômeno migratório experimenta, na atualidade, excepcional intensificação. Além das causas sociais, econômicas e políticas, contribuem fatores tecnológicos e simbólico-subjetivos. O desejo e a necessidade de produção de narrativas próprias, que auxiliem na manutenção dos vínculos do migrante para com a comunidade de origem e de diáspora, encontram amparo em recursos midiáticos inovadores, agrupados sob a noção de ‘webdiáspora’. Dentre eles, destacamos as webrádios comunitárias dos grupos migrantes – objeto do presente estudo, no afã de apreender algumas das modalidades de organização das comunidades migrantes, suas estratégias de conquista de cidadania global e de atuação nos espaços transnacionais. Tendo como baliza o estudo de caso de webrádios de comunidades migrantes, buscamos evidenciar as potencialidades e os limites da webdiáspora para a democratização dos meios e os desafios teóricos e conceituais que tais mudanças representam para os estudos de comunicação comunitária.(AU).

The migration phenomenon has experiencing, currently, outstanding intensification. Beyond its social, economic and political reasons, there are technological, symbolic and subjective issues influencing it. The will and the need of producing its own narrative in order to help the conservation of its ties with its original and diaspora communities are finding support in innovative media initiatives, clustered under the notion of ‘webdiaspora’. Among them, we highlight the webradios of migrant communities – object of our study, where we intend to apprehend some of the modes of organization of migrants communities, its strategies for acquiring global citizenship and its actuation in transnational spaces. Through the study of webradios of migrant communities we intend to evidence the potential and weaknesses of webdiaspora to the democratization of communication and the conceptual and theoretical challenges for the community communication studies.(AU).

Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 3(2): 43-48, dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1145895


La presente revisión se realizó con el objetivo de describir los aspectos que puedan ser de ayuda para comprender la importancia de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en el campo de la educación. Se describen el concepto y las características generales de las TIC así como su utilización en el campo de la educación. Se destaca la posibilidad de desarrollar la educación a distancia, con sus, hasta ahora, insuperables ventajas, así como sus eventuales desventajas. Se señalan algunas iniciativas nacionales en este sentido y se destaca la aplicación de las tecnologías en educación en salud(AU)

This review was conducted with the objective of describing the aspects that may be of help to understand the importance of the technologies of information and communication in the field of education. Describes the concept and the general characteristics of ICT as well as their use in the field of education. Highlights the possibility of developing distance education, with its, so far, insurmountable advantages, as well as their possible disadvantages. National initiatives in this regard are designated and highlights the application of technologies in health education(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Alfabetização Digital , Acesso à Informação , Acesso a Medicamentos Essenciais e Tecnologias em Saúde , Apoio ao Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos , Educação , Acesso à Internet
Int J Adolesc Youth ; 19(4): 434-443, 2014 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25364088


This paper is about practices and perceptions regarding the study of adolescents from low-income sectors in the City of Buenos Aires. The methodology consisted of 26 in-depth interviews with low-income adolescents and participant observations in twenty cybercafés of the South Area of the City of Buenos Aires. Among the findings, these students highlight that ICTs allow them to handle information in a more agile and entertaining way, more consistent with their daily uses. However, doing research on school content is what students do the least, since adolescents use technology mainly for communicative, social and recreational ends. These adolescents recognise some disadvantages in using ICTs to study: the unreliable information, the difficulty to distinguish which topics related to school content are more appropriate and the disruptive and continuous use of social networks. In this sense, these adolescents tend to have more problems in benefitting from ICTs for academic purposes than other adolescents. While communication and recreational skills tend to be similar, the evaluation of different sources of information and the skill to make complex searches online are usually more strongly developed in adolescents of middle and high-income households. In conclusion, we think it is necessary to take these problems into consideration in the social sciences research of the area and besides when implementing digital literacy programs.