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Int Stud Perspect ; 24(1): 39-66, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36778757


Why do some international agreements fail to achieve their goals? Rather than states' engaging in cheap talk, evasion, or shallow commitments, the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR)-the agreement governing states' and WHO's response to global health emergencies-point to the unintended consequences of information provision. The IHR have a dual goal of providing public health protection from health threats while minimizing unnecessary interference in international traffic. As such, during major outbreaks WHO provides information about spread and severity, as well as guidance about how states should respond, primarily regarding border policies. During COVID-19, border restrictions such as entry restrictions, flight suspensions, and border closures have been commonplace even though WHO recommended against such policies when it declared the outbreak a public health emergency in January 2020. Building on findings from the 2014 Ebola outbreak, we argue that without raising the cost of disregarding (or the benefits of following) recommendations against border restrictions, information from WHO about outbreak spread and severity leads states to impose border restrictions inconsistent with WHO's guidance. Using new data from COVID-19, we show that WHO's public health emergency declaration and pandemic announcement are associated with increases in the number of states imposing border restrictions.

Resumen: ¿Por qué motivo algunos acuerdos internacionales no logran alcanzar sus objetivos? El Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI) de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)­el acuerdo que rige la respuesta de los Estados y la OMS a las emergencias sanitarias mundiales­señala como motivo las consecuencias imprevistas del suministro de información, en lugar del discurso trivial, la evasión o los compromisos superficiales por parte de los Estados. El RSI tiene como doble objetivo proteger la salud pública de las amenazas sanitarias y minimizar las interferencias innecesarias en el tráfico internacional. Como tal, durante brotes importantes, la OMS proporciona información sobre la propagación y la gravedad, así como orientación sobre cómo deben responder los Estados, principalmente en lo que respecta a las políticas fronterizas. Sin embargo, durante la COVID-19, las restricciones fronterizas, tales como las restricciones de entrada, las suspensiones de vuelos y los cierres de fronteras, han sido habituales, a pesar de que la OMS recomendó no aplicar estas políticas cuando declaró el brote epidémico como emergencia de salud pública en enero de 2020. Basándonos en los resultados del brote de ébola de 2014, argumentamos que, sin aumentar el coste de ignorar (o los beneficios de seguir) las recomendaciones contra las restricciones fronterizas, la información de la OMS sobre la propagación y la gravedad del brote lleva a los Estados a imponer restricciones fronterizas que no son coherentes con las orientaciones de la OMS. Utilizando nuevos datos de la COVID-19, mostramos que la declaración de emergencia de salud pública de la OMS y el anuncio de pandemia están asociados con el aumento del número de estados que imponen restricciones fronterizas.

Résumé: Pourquoi certains accords internationaux n'atteignent-ils pas leurs objectifs? À l'inverse d'États se perdant dans des discussions superficielles, des pirouettes ou des engagements insignifiants, le Règlement sanitaire international (RSI) de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), à savoir l'accord encadrant la réponse des États et de l'OMS aux situations d'urgence sanitaire internationales, évoque les conséquences imprévues de la transmission d'informations. Le RSI a un objectif double : protéger les populations contre les menaces pour la santé publique, tout en minimisant les interactions non nécessaires dans le trafic international. Par conséquent, lors des grandes épidémies, l'OMS fournit des informations relatives à la transmission et à la gravité des maladies, ainsi que des conseils quant aux mesures que les États doivent mettre en œuvre, principalement en ce qui concerne les politiques aux frontières. Pourtant, durant la pandémie de COVID-19, les restrictions aux frontières, telles que les limitations des entrées, les suspensions de vols et les fermetures, ont été monnaie courante, et ce bien que l'OMS ait déconseillé de telles pratiques lorsqu'elle a déclaré que l'épidémie constituait une urgence sanitaire, en janvier 2020. S'appuyant sur des travaux portant sur l'épidémie d'Ebola en 2014, nous soutenons, sans exagérer l'impact d'une non-conformité (ou les avantages d'une conformité) aux recommandations de l'OMS en matière de restrictions aux frontières, que les informations transmises par l'organisation en matière de transmission et de gravité de la maladie ont conduit les États à imposer des restrictions aux frontières non conformes auxdites recommandations. Grâce à de nouvelles données relatives au COVID-19, nous montrons que la déclaration d'urgence sanitaire et l'annonce de la pandémie par l'OMS se sont accompagnées d'une augmentation du nombre d'États imposant des restrictions aux frontières.

Curr Pharm Teach Learn ; 10(4): 403-412, 2018 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29793700


OBJECTIVES: (1) Describe perceptions of organizational culture and prevalence of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) among faculty at United States (U.S.) colleges/schools of pharmacy; (2) determine which aspects of those phenomena are strongest and which are most problematic; (3) evaluate the psychometric properties of measures for organizational culture and OCBs in academic pharmacy; and (4) identify any relationships between organizational culture and organizational citizenship among academic pharmacy faculty. METHODS: A random sample of 600 U.S. academic pharmacists acquired from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy were distributed an email survey through the use of Qualtrics technology. The procedures closely resembled the Total Design Method advocated to maximize survey response, including use of a pre-notification letter, reminders, and a nominal financial inducement. In addition to demographic questions, the survey employed multiple-item measures of organizational culture and OCBs described previously in the literature and derived from Delphi consensus-building procedures. The analysis plan incorporated use of factor and item analyses to evaluate psychometric properties of the measure and elicit the inherent domains comprising these phenomena, along with descriptive statistics to describe facets of organizational culture and OCBs that were most prevalent. RESULTS: A total of 177 responses were delivered. Factor analysis of organizational culture revealed a five-factor solution emphasizing achievement orientation, professionalism, stability, supportiveness, and reflectiveness. OCB domains were along the possibility of faculty being virtuous, disrespectful, sportsmanlike, and benevolent/malevolent. Even while multi-faceted and avoiding a simple typological descriptor, academic pharmacy cultures were reportedly healthy. Sportsmanship, while still somewhat commonly observed, was seen less frequently than other behaviors. The measures demonstrated logical, cogent factor structures and excellent internal consistency reliability. CONCLUSIONS: Psychometrically well-performing measures were used to assess the multi-faceted organizational culture of academic pharmacy programs and the organizational citizenship behaviors of its constituent faculty. The results can be used to measure these phenomena at individual organizations for benchmarking and to inform future inquiries that can assist with development of strategies that impact academic worklife and outcomes.

Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Docentes de Farmácia , Cultura Organizacional , Farmácia , Faculdades de Farmácia , Comportamento Social , Universidades , Adulto , Consenso , Educação em Farmácia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção , Farmacêuticos , Psicometria , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estados Unidos , Local de Trabalho
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 6(1): 2286-2301, ago. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-949421


Resumen: Las instituciones son las encargadas de promover, regular y garantizar la acción social coordinada entre los ciudadanos. Desde hace varias décadas la confianza institucional ha ido descendiendo. Esto genera un problema importante, ya que la confianza institucional es necesaria para la formación de instituciones. Dentro de las consecuencias negativas que esto trae aparejado baja confianza social. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre la confianza institucional y la confianza social en el contexto argentino, los niveles de confianza, y la relación entre la confianza y eficacia institucional. Para ello se elaboró un cuestionario auto-administrado que se aplicó a 316 estudiantes universitarios de cuatro universidades públicas y privadas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Los resultados indican que los participantes tienen una baja confianza institucional y social, que hay una relación entre la confianza institucional y la confianza social general, y finalmente, que la confianza institucional está condicionada por la percepción de eficacia de las instituciones.

Abstract: The institutions are responsible to promote, regulate and guarantee the coordinated social action among citizens. For decades the institutional trust has been declining. This creates a major problem because institutional trust is necessary for the institutions development. Among the negative consequences that it brings, it is found that the low institutional trust is associated with low general social trust. Because of that, people feel insecure in their relationships with others and have pessimistic thoughts about the reliability of strangers, which affects social cohesion, cooperation, collective connection and tolerance between citizens, among other things. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between social trust and institutional confidence in the Argentinean context, confidence levels, and the relationship between institutional trust and effectiveness. For these purposes, a self- administered questionnaire was designed and applied to 316 college students from four public and private universities in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The results indicate that participants have a low institutional and general social trust, there is a relationship between institutional trust and general social trust, and finally, that institutional confidence is influenced by the perception of institutions effectiveness. Despite this rather optimistic scenario, these results may help to identify the areas to start working out the problems of low levels of institutional and social trust. If the social confidence of Argentineans is greater than institutional trust, it should be strengthened these social ties as it will allow to improve social cohesion and participation, and believe that working together can improve and change the proper functioning of institutions. From this point, It is possible gradually increase the number of people as social networks. Also, as results shows from this research and previous ones, the Education in Argentina is an institution in which you trust, and it would be feasible to start and/or strengthen the process of change in educative centers. Although it is not an easy task, it is necessary for society to live better and more equitably.
