Milk and dairy products are potential sources for spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, and although a huge amount of data is collected by the official inspection services, only a few reports are available to the public. This study aimed to evaluate the data for physicochemical and microbiological quality of pasteurized milk and dairy products, collected for inspection at industrial establishments registered at the Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA), which is an official inspection service in Minas Gerasi State, Brazil. A total of 192 analyzes were done in 2011, 1008 in 2012, 1368 in 2013, 1271 in 2014, 1582 in 2015, adding up to 5421 samples analyzed by standard analytical techniques in official government laboratories. The statistical analysis was descriptive. A total of 2010 analytical results were nonconform to the legal requirements. Among the results, 78 (4.3%) samples of mozzarella cheese were positive for alkaline phosphatase, and freezing point results for pasteurized milk were outside the legal requirements in 86 (10%) samples. Staphylococcus coagulase positive was above limits in 80 (4.4%) samples of mozzarella cheese. These results indicate a risk to the consumer's health even in pasteurized products, and the need for effective enforcement of good manufacturing practices in the food industries.(AU)
Qualidade dos Alimentos , Leite/microbiologia , Fenômenos Químicos , Técnicas MicrobiológicasRESUMO
Milk and dairy products are potential sources for spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, and although a huge amount of data is collected by the official inspection services, only a few reports are available to the public. This study aimed to evaluate the data for physicochemical and microbiological quality of pasteurized milk and dairy products, collected for inspection at industrial establishments registered at the Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária (IMA), which is an official inspection service in Minas Gerasi State, Brazil. A total of 192 analyzes were done in 2011, 1008 in 2012, 1368 in 2013, 1271 in 2014, 1582 in 2015, adding up to 5421 samples analyzed by standard analytical techniques in official government laboratories. The statistical analysis was descriptive. A total of 2010 analytical results were nonconform to the legal requirements. Among the results, 78 (4.3%) samples of mozzarella cheese were positive for alkaline phosphatase, and freezing point results for pasteurized milk were outside the legal requirements in 86 (10%) samples. Staphylococcus coagulase positive was above limits in 80 (4.4%) samples of mozzarella cheese. These results indicate a risk to the consumer's health even in pasteurized products, and the need for effective enforcement of good manufacturing practices in the food industries.(AU)
Qualidade dos Alimentos , Leite/microbiologia , Fenômenos Químicos , Técnicas MicrobiológicasRESUMO
ABSTRACT The study presents the main nonconformities related to the sanitary regulations found in clinical laboratory analysis (CLA) attached to a public hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) from November 2016 to November 2017. The evaluation of the nonconformities related to sanitary conditions is fundamental to ensure the goals in improving quality control, increasing the reliability of the results generated and reducing health risks. Through the evaluation of 20 federal and municipal public health laboratories, it was possible to analyze the main sanitary nonconformities in the different laboratories phases (pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical), evaluating, through Fisher's exact test, the frequency and trend distribution of reported nonconformities. One hundred percent (100%) of the clinical analysis laboratories presented at least, one nonconformity. Among those with the highest frequencies of nonconformity related to sanitary conditions are those related to the lack of standard operating procedures (SOPs), presenting 45.5% in clinical analysis laboratories of federal hospitals and 66.7% in clinical analysis laboratories of municipal hospitals. Moreover flaws in the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization processes, in equipments and in the presence of the technical manager (TM) throughout the working hours. Sanitary surveillance actions seek to provide health services to the population that comply with established quality standards, even though the identification of nonconformities subsidizes the adoption of corrective actions by the health establishment.
RESUMO Este estudo apresenta as principais não conformidades às normas sanitárias encontradas em laboratórios de análises clínicas (LAC) intra-hospitalares públicos localizados no município do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) no período de novembro de 2016 a novembro de 2017. A avaliação de não conformidades sanitárias é fundamental para garantir metas na melhoria do controle da qualidade, aumento da confiabilidade dos resultados gerados e diminuição de riscos em saúde. Por meio da avaliação de 20 laboratórios públicos, federais e municipais, foi possível analisar as principais não conformidades sanitárias nas diferentes fases laboratoriais (pré-analítica, analítica e pós-analítica), avaliando a frequência e a tendência da distribuição através do teste exato de Fisher. Os resultados evidenciaram que 100% dos LAC analisados apresentaram ao menos uma não conformidade; entre aquelas com maiores frequências de não conformidades sanitárias estão as relacionadas com inexistência de procedimentos operacionais padrão (POPs), apresentando 45,5% em LAC de hospitais federais e 66,7% em LAC de hospitais municipais, além de falhas nos processos de limpeza, desinfecção e esterilização, nos equipamentos e na presença do responsável técnico (TM) durante todo o horário de trabalho. As ações de fiscalização sanitária buscam a prestação de serviços em saúde à população que esteja de acordo com padrões de qualidade estabelecidos, ainda que a identificação de não conformidades subsidie a adoção de ações corretivas pelo estabelecimento de saúde.
A pesquisa teve como objetivo, realizar a verificação da implementação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) em uma indústria de laticínios localizada na cidade de Colorado do Oeste, RO. Foram utilizados os dados dos registros do checklist da auditoria oficial, aplicados in loco, pelos auditores do Ministério da Agricultura (MAPA) e acompanhados pelo pesquisador, entre os dias 07 e 08 de dezembro de 2010. De acordo com o checklist, 87% (63) dos itens estavam de acordo com a legislação em vigor. Mediante a avaliação do checklist das BPF, a indústria de laticínios em estudo foi classificada como satisfatória (76 a 100% de atendimento dos itens). O resultado indica elevado grau de comprometimento da empresa com os elementos das BPF, conforme apontado pelos baixos índices de itens não conformes 13% (08). Destaca-se ainda que, a empresa atendeu em 100% os aspectos que versam sobre a higiene pessoal, limpeza e sanitização, segurança da água e transporte de matéria-prima. Estes resultados, provavelmente, corroboraram com a categorização do estabelecimento que segundo a avaliação da auditoria oficial, obteve classificação B. (AU)
The study aimed to verify the implementationOf Good ManufacturingPractices (GMP) in dairy industriesin the city of Colorado do Oeste, RO.It was used data from the records ofthe checklist of the official audit appliedin loco by the auditors of theMinistry of Agriculture (MAPA) andmonitored by the researcher, betweenDecember, 7 and 8, 2010. Accordingto the checklist applied, 87% (63) ofthe items were in accordance with thecurrent legislation. Of evaluating thechecklist of GMP the dairy industrywas classified as satisfactory (76 to100% compliance of the items), accordingto the proposed categorization.The result found indicates highlevel of commitment of the companywith the GMP elements, as indicatedby the low levels of non-conformingitems 13% (08). It is also noted thatthe company responded in 100%the aspects that deal with personalhygiene cleaning and sanitizing,water safety and transportation ofraw materials. These results probablycorroborate the categorizationof establishment that, as assessed bythe audit officer, was classified as B.(AU)