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Public Underst Sci ; : 9636625231210453, 2023 Dec 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38095191


Contemporary scientific and technological endeavours face public and political pressure to adopt open, transparent and democratically accountable practices of public engagement. Prior research has identified different ways that experts 'imagine publics' - as uninformed, as disengaged, as a risk to science, and as co-producers of knowledge - but there has yet to be a systematic exploration of how these views emerge, interact and evolve. This article introduces a typology of imagined publics to analyse how publics are constructed in the field of forest genomics. We find that deficit views of publics have not been replaced by co-production. Instead, deficit and co-productive approaches to publics co-exist and overlap, informing both how publics are characterized and how public perceptions are studied. We outline an agenda for deepening and expanding research on public perceptions of novel technologies. Specifically, we call for more diverse and complex methodological approaches that account for relational dynamics over time.

J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 19(1): 36, 2023 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37679793


In answer to the question "Should ethnobiology and ethnomedicine more decisively foster hypothesis-driven forefront research able to turn findings into policy and abandon more classical folkloric studies?", in this essay I argue that a major strength of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine is their ability to bridge theories and methods from the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. Hypothesis-driven research is a powerful way to structure thinking that can lead to forefront research findings. But hypothesis-driven research is not the only way to structure thinking and is not a necessary condition to impact policymaking. To increase policy impact, ethnobiology and ethnomedicine should continue nurturing a mixture of complementary methods and inclusive approaches as fragmentation through opposing different approaches might weaken the discipline. Moreover, with the aim to play a fundamental role in building bridges between different knowledge systems and co-producing solutions towards sustainability, the discipline could benefit from enlarging its epistemological grounds through more collaborative research. Ethnobiologists' research findings, hypothesis-driven, descriptive, or co-constructed can become leverage points to transform knowledge into actionable outcomes in different levels of decision-making.

Folclore , Conhecimento , Formulação de Políticas
Environ Dev Sustain ; : 1-29, 2023 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37363027


The current corporate food regime generates some of the most challenging ecological, social, and ethical problems for humanity in its quest for sustainability and ecological justice. Different scientific disciplines have analyzed these problems in-depth, but usually from their comfort zone, i.e., without engagement with other disciplines and epistemologies. The predominance of disciplinary visions seriously limits, however, understanding the complexities of the corporate food regime, including the impacts it generates. Further, most research concerned with this food regime confronts epistemological, methodological, and political limitations to engage with the type of solutions that could lead to transitions to just sustainabilities. Here we review and integrate the findings from scientific literature focused on the ecological, social, or ethical impacts of the corporate food regime, with an emphasis on impacts that operate on a global scale. In addition, we analyze the need for critical science approaches to trigger generative processes for the co-production of uncomfortable, transdisciplinary, actionable knowledges that are fit for designing just and sustainable food regimes. Much of the evidence presented in our analysis is in tension with the interests of the corporate food regime, which fosters decision-making processes based on selective ignorance of the impacts caused by this regime. Our work provides arguments that justify the need to promote transitions to just sustainabilities in agricultural systems from multiple domains (e.g., research and development, public policies, grassroots innovations). We posit that strategies to co-design and build such transitions can emerge from the co-production of uncomfortable, transdisciplinary, actionable knowledges through critical science approaches.

Conserv Biol ; 36(6): e13972, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35775098


Indigenous communities at the front lines of climate change and biodiversity loss are increasingly shaping the conservation of lands, waters, and species. The Arctic is a hotbed for emerging local, national, and international conservation efforts, and researchers, managers, and communities alike will benefit from a framework that improves approaches to Indigenous partnerships. Co-productive conservation is a framework that encompasses both the co-production of knowledge and the co-production of public services to pursue ethically conscious, culturally relevant, and fully knowledge-based approaches to biodiversity concerns. Co-productive conservation recognizes that conservation can be practiced in a way that embodies Indigenous perspectives, knowledge, rights, priorities, and livelihoods. Six iterative and reflexive co-production processes (i.e., co-planning, co-prioritizing, co-learning, co-managing, co-delivering, and co-assessing) focus on the human dimensions that allow research, management, and conservation to affect change. By opening discussions on how to structure conservation efforts in partnership with Indigenous communities, the conservation community can move away from narratives that perceive Indigenous participation as an obligation or part of an ethical narrative and instead embrace a process that broadens the evidence base and situates conservation within Indigenous contexts.

Las comunidades indígenas en la primera línea del cambio climático y pérdida de biodiversidad están configurando cada vez más la conservación de tierras, aguas y especies. El Ártico es un semillero de esfuerzos emergentes de conservación locales, nacionales e internacionales, y los investigadores, gestores y comunidades se beneficiarán de un marco de referencia que mejora las estrategias para las alianzas Indígenas. La conservación coproductiva es un marco de referencia que comprende tanto la coproducción de conocimiento y la coproducción de servicios públicos para definir aproximaciones a problemas de la biodiversidad que sean éticamente conscientes, culturalmente relevantes y plenamente basadas en conocimiento. La conservación coproductiva reconoce que la conservación puede llevarse a cabo de manera que incorpore perspectivas, conocimiento, derechos, prioridades y medios de vida Indígenas. Seis procesos de coproducción iterativos y reflexivos (i. e., coplaneación, copriorización, coaprendizaje, cogestión, cocapacitación y coevaluación) se concentran en las dimensiones humanas que permiten la investigación, gestión y conservación para inducir cambios. Abriendo discusiones sobre cómo estructurar los esfuerzos de conservación en alianza con las comunidades Indígenas, la comunidad conservacionista puede alejarse de las narrativas que perciben la participación Indígena como una obligación o parte de una narrativa ética y en su lugar adoptar un proceso que amplía la base de evidencia y ubica la conservación dentro de los contextos indígenas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Povos Indígenas , Humanos , Biodiversidade , Regiões Árticas , Mudança Climática
Ambio ; 51(1): 25-30, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33715095


In this perspective, we reflect upon the question: what processes may help transition scientific insights on sustainability issues into practice and thus contribute to tackling the complex, systemic sustainability problems of today? We use five forerunners in the field of providing and brokering knowledge for science informed real world solutions, all published in Ambio and highlighted in this Anniversary collection, as our starting point. We discuss how the authors present solutions, whom they tried to reach, and what was suggested-implicitly or explicitly-as the potential uptake processes for turning scientific knowledge into practice. With this as the starting point, we discuss how sustainability science, as a field vowed to action, has evolved in its views of actors, pathways for impacts, and the potential roles of research and researchers to promote sustainability transformations.

Aniversários e Eventos Especiais , Conhecimento
Saúde debate ; 46(spe6): 162-174, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424587


RESUMO O artigo objetivou discutir os aprendizados com as Comunidades Ampliadas de Pesquisa-Ação (CAP) em favelas do Rio de Janeiro, como contribuição às discussões conceituais e metodológicas no campo da saúde coletiva, na perspectiva da Promoção Emancipatória da Saúde e da Educação Popular. Com as CAP, como foi sintetizada esta metodologia, buscou-se responder a um dos principais desafios de pesquisas qualitativas em favelas: uma construção metodológica que possibilite a compreensão da forma por meio da qual os moradores desses territórios experimentam e respondem às situações de saúde. O território, como categoria integrativa de análise para compreender os processos de determinação social da saúde, impõe à CAP se configurar como uma rede de diálogos interdisciplinares e entre diferentes agentes sociais. A análise da base material documental produzida no período 2003-2020, utilizando a sistematização de experiência como metodologia de pesquisa, resultou na identificação de três eixos que estruturam o método CAP, metodologia assim denominada: 1) o cotidiano como engrenagem da dinâmica da CAP; 2) o território e os agentes sociais do diálogo; e 3) as ferramentas artesanais de co-laboração com o território. A partir desses eixos, conclui-se ser o método CAP uma rede de produção de conhecimentos e interlocução entre pessoas-lugares-territórios.

ABSTRACT The article aims to discuss the lessons learned from the Extended Action-Research Community (CAP) in favelas in Rio de Janeiro, as a contribution to conceptual and methodological discussions in the field of Public Health, from the perspective of Emancipatory Health Promotion and Popular Education. With the CAPs, we seek to respond to one of the main challenges of qualitative research in favelas: a methodological construction that makes it possible to understand the way the residents of these territories experience and respond to health situations. The territory, as an integrative category of analysis to understand the processes of social determination of health, requires CAP to configure itself with a network of interdisciplinary dialogues and between different social agents. The analysis of the documentary material base produced in the period 2003-2020, using the systematization of experience as a research methodology, resulted in the identification of three axes that structure the CAP method: 1) everyday life as the dynamics gear of CAP; 2) territory and the social agents of dialogue; and 3) artisanal tools to collaborate with the territory. Based on these axes, we conclude that the CAP method is a network for knowledge production and dialogue between people-places-territories.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (38): e22308, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424635


Resumo: Este trabalho se situa na interseção entre a antropologia das emoções e a sociologia dos intelectuais. Seu objetivo é examinar: a) a relação entre as políticas de avaliação científica no Brasil, norteadas pelo incentivo à competição, e as gramáticas emocionais assim suscitadas; e b) o lugar das emoções na produção de conhecimento. A metodologia é a entrevista em profundidade com pesquisadores brasileiros sobre suas trajetórias, a dimensão emocional de suas experiências de sucesso e de fracasso e suas parcerias, rivalidades e conflitos. O trabalho pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos dilemas e impasses suscitados por essas gramáticas emocionais geradas pelo imperativo da competição, tal como implicitamente incentivado pelos princípios norteadores das políticas de avaliação científica no Brasil, e do consequente sofrimento na vida acadêmica, com seus impactos sobre o desempenho dos programas de pós-graduação, a produção de conhecimento e as trajetórias dos pesquisadores.

Abstract: This paper intertwines two fields: anthropology of emotions and sociology of intellectuals. It aims to examine (a) the relationship between scientific evaluation policies, in which the incitement to compete plays an essential role, and the emotional grammars therefore elicited; and (b) the role of emotions in the production of knowledge. Methodology is the conduction of in-depth interviews with Brazilian researchers about their careers, the emotional dimension of their success/failure experiences and their partnerships, rivalries and conflicts. The paper intends to contribute to the understanding of dilemmas and tensions elicited by these emotional grammars created by the competition imperative, such as implicitly stimulated by scientific evaluation policies´ guidelines in Brazil, and the derived suffering in academic life, with its impacts on graduate programs' performances, on the production of knowledge and on individual researchers' careers.

Resumen Este trabajo se sitúa en la intersección entre la antropología de las emociones y la sociología de los intelectuales. Su objetivo es examinar: a) la relación entre las políticas de evaluación científica en Brasil, que se orientan por el incentivo a la competencia, y las gramáticas emocionales así suscitadas; y b) el lugar de las emociones en la producción del conocimiento. La metodología empleada fue la entrevista en profundidad con los investigadores brasileños sobre sus trayectorias, la dimensión emocional de sus experiencias de éxito y del fracaso y sus alianzas, rivalidades y conflictos. El trabajo pretende contribuir a la comprensión de los dilemas y problemas suscitados por esas gramáticas emocionales generadas por el imperativo a la competición, implícitamente incentivado por los principios que guían las políticas de evaluación científica en Brasil, y del consecuente sufrimiento en la vida académica, con sus impactos sobre el desempeño de los programas de posgrado, la producción del conocimiento y las trayectorias de los investigadores.

Humanos , Pesquisa , Pesquisadores , Conhecimento , Emoções , Relações Interpessoais , Brasil , Currículo , Avaliação Educacional , Narrativa Pessoal , Angústia Psicológica
Sci Total Environ ; 790: 148009, 2021 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34380264


Plastic litter is accumulating on pristine northern European beaches, including the European Arctic, and questions remain about the exact origins and sources. Here we investigate plausible fishery and consumer-related sources of beach littering, using a combination of information from expert stakeholder discussions, litter observations and a quantitative tool - a drift model - for forecasting and backtracking likely pathways of pollution. The numerical experiments were co-designed together with practice experts. The drift model itself was forced by operational ocean current, wave and weather forecasts. The model results were compared to a database of marine litter on beaches, collected every year according to the standardized monitoring program of the Oslo/Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR). By comparing the heterogeneous beach observations to the model simulations, we are able to highlight probable sources. Two types of plastic are considered in the simulations: floating plastic litter and submerged, buoyant microplastics. We find that the model simulations are plausible in terms of the potential sources and the observed plastic litter. Our analysis results in identifiable sources of plastic waste found on each beach, providing a basis for stakeholder actions.

Praias , Plásticos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Poluição Ambiental , Resíduos/análise
Appl Netw Sci ; 6(1): 48, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34226873


Delayed recognition in which innovative discoveries are re-evaluated after a long period has significant implications for scientific progress. The quantitative method to detect delayed recognition is described as the pair of Sleeping Beauty (SB) and its Prince (PR), where SB refers to citation bursts and its PR triggers SB's awakeness calculated based on their citation history. This research provides the methods to extract valid and large SB-PR pairs from a comprehensive Scopus dataset and analyses how PR discovers SB. We prove that the proposed method can extract long-sleep and large-scale SB and its PR best covers the previous multi-disciplinary pairs, which enables to observe delayed recognition. Besides, we show that the high-impact SB-PR pairs extracted by the proposed method are more likely to be located in the same field. This indicates that a hidden SB that your research can awaken may exist closer than you think. On the other hand, although SB-PR pairs are fat-tailed in Beauty Coefficient and more likely to integrate separate fields compared to ordinary citations, it is not possible to predict which citation leads to awake SB using the rarity of citation. There is no easy way to limit the areas where SB-PR pairs occur or detect it early, suggesting that researchers and administrators need to focus on a variety of areas. This research provides comprehensive knowledge about the development of scientific findings that will be evaluated over time.

J Urban Health ; 98(3): 394-403, 2021 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33738655


This paper sets out a structured process for the co-production of knowledge between researchers and societal partners and illustrates its application in an urban health equity project in Accra, Ghana. The main insight of this approach is that research and knowledge co-production is always partial, both in the sense of being incomplete, as well as being circumscribed by the interests of participating researchers and societal partners. A second insight is that project-bound societal engagement takes place in a broader context of public and policy debate. The approach to co-production described here is formed of three recursive processes: co-designing, co-analysing, and co-creating knowledge. These 'co-production loops' are themselves iterative, each representing a stage of knowledge production. Each loop is operationalized through a series of research and engagement practices, which we call building blocks. Building blocks are activities and interaction-based methods aimed at bringing together a range of participants involved in joint knowledge production. In practice, recursive iterations within loops may be limited due of constraints on time, resources, or attention. We suggest that co-production loops and building blocks are deployed flexibly.

Equidade em Saúde , Saúde da População Urbana , Gana , Humanos , Conhecimento , Políticas
Ambio ; 50(2): 314-331, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32948985


The ecosystem service concept is recognized as a useful tool to support sustainability in decision-making. In this study, we collaborated with actors in the Helge å catchment, southern Sweden, in an iterative participatory ecosystem service assessment. Through workshops and interviews, we jointly decided which ecosystem services to assess and indicators to use in order to achieve a sense of ownership and a higher legitimacy of the assessment. Subsequently, we explored the landscape-level interactions between the 15 assessed services, and found that the area can be described using three distinct ecosystem service bundles. The iterative, participatory process strengthened our analysis and created a shared understanding and overview of the multifunctional landscape around Helge å among participants. Importantly, this allowed for the generated knowledge to impact local strategic sustainability planning. With this study, we illustrate how similar processes can support local decision-making for a more sustainable future.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Humanos , Propriedade , Suécia
Ecol Appl ; 30(8): e02250, 2020 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33170978


Environmental injustice can be expressed through lack of access to resources, unequal exposure to toxins, and limited access to knowledge about the unsustainable environmental practices that impact communities (Bullard 2018). The ecological processes that contribute to the "perfect storm" of conditions that create environmental injustices are well documented in applied ecology scholarship; yet the human dimension or the co-production of research on those impacts seem to fall into the range of "somebody else's problem." In a literature review of the last 15 years of research published in the Ecological Society of America's family of journals, we explored the intersections of environmental processes and social justice issues, searching for themes, gaps, and opportunities. The resultant is a collection of articles on environmental justice topics that includes issues on access to resources and unequal exposure to environmental hazards and pollutants. This collection highlights gaps in the integration of natural science with social justice topics along with the need for stronger integration of interdisciplinary knowledge that is co-produced with community stakeholders and researchers to build a robust interdisciplinary field of climate justice and global environmental sustainability.

Poluentes Ambientais , Justiça Social , Ecologia , Humanos
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 40: e237742, jan.-maio 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1143541


Resumo Este artigo, por ocasião do 40º aniversário da revista Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, visa apresentar e discutir as mudanças políticas e sociais brasileiras que exigiram alterações na produção de conhecimento e práticas em Psicologia. A revista publica, agora na modalidade fluxo contínuo, textos originais de relevância científica e social, sob uma perspectiva crítica em relação aos processos políticos da ciência e da profissão e aos direitos humanos. Constitui-se, portanto, como periódico que abrange todas as áreas da Psicologia, que envolvem desde o desenvolvimento de conceitos até a prática profissional. Foram realizadas pesquisa, leitura e análise de 866 artigos, publicados de 2005 a 2018, e organizados em 19 categorias. A tendência das publicações permite visualizar não só diversidades nas identidades culturais e sociais, mas também apresenta o movimento da produção do conhecimento da Psicologia por meio da abertura, da expansão e da criação de formas de vida.

Abstract This article, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the journal Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, aims to present and discuss the Brazilian political and social changes that demanded shifts in the production of knowledge and practices in psychology. The journal publishes, now in rolling publishing mode, original texts of scientific and social relevance, from a critical perspective regarding the political processes of science and profession and human rights. Therefore, it is constituted as a journal that covers all areas of Psychology, since it considers that these are involved with professional practice, from the development of concepts to professional practices. A survey, reading and analysis of 866 articles, published from 2005 to 2018, was carried out and organized into 19 categories. The tendency of the publications makes it possible to visualize not only the diversities in cultural and social identities but also presents the movement of the production of knowledge of psychology through the opening, expansion, and creation of ways of life.

Resumen Este artículo, para celebrar el 40º aniversario de la revista Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, tiene por objeto presentar y debatir los cambios políticos y sociales brasileños que exigieron cambios en la producción de conocimientos y prácticas en la psicología. La revista publica, ahora en un modo de flujo continuo, textos originales de relevancia científica y social, bajo una perspectiva crítica en relación con los procesos políticos de la ciencia y la profesión y los derechos humanos. Por lo tanto, se constituye como una revista que abarca todas las áreas de la psicología, ya que considera que están involucradas desde el desarrollo de los conceptos hasta la práctica profesional. Se llevó a cabo una investigación, lectura y análisis de 866 artículos, publicados de 2005 a 2018, que se organizaron en 19 categorías. La tendencia de las publicaciones permite visualizar no sólo las diversidades en las identidades culturales y sociales, sino que también presenta el movimiento de la producción de conocimiento de la psicología a través de la apertura, expansión y creación de formas de vida.

Publicações , Leitura , Ciência , Conhecimento , Aniversários e Eventos Especiais , Prática Profissional , Psicologia , Editoração , Pesquisa , Mudança Social , Identificação Social , Fluxo Contínuo
J Environ Manage ; 262: 110283, 2020 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32090886


Dwindling of freshwater resources is a harsh reality of the arid and semi-arid regions of the world and climate change is expected to deteriorate their situation through major reduction of freshwater supplies. Co-production of knowledge, through active negotiation of experts, government and local stakeholders has been used as a strategy to adapt to water scarcity. However, in many developing countries, co-production of knowledge is not common and adaptation efforts rarely reflects the plurality of involved knowledge sources and actors. Given the urgent need of transition towards water-efficient agricultural practices, the Iran's government applied the knowledge co-production approach and implemented an integrated participatory crop management (IPCM) project in the Bakian village, Fars province. The objectives of this study were to analyze the knowledge co-production process, identify the factors contributing to adoption of the co-produced knowledge and investigate the corresponding social, economic and environmental impacts. A mixed-method research was conducted comprising a case study on 19 informants selected using purposive sampling and a survey of 150 rice producers selected through systematic random sampling. The results indicated the relevance and pertinence of knowledge co-production in recognizing the real problems of the rice producers and suggesting some potential adaptive strategies. Though a wide range of natural, financial, technical, institutional and structural constraints restricted adoption of the proposed adaptive strategies, application of the co-produced knowledge significantly increased water productivity, ensured higher yields and farm-based sustainable livelihoods, and enhanced resilience of the farm households under water scarcity. Some recommendations and implications are offered to increase adaptation of farm families to water scarcity.

Países em Desenvolvimento , Água , Agricultura , Mudança Climática , Irã (Geográfico) , Abastecimento de Água
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(12): 4587-4592, dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055732


Resumo Na entrevista, Marco Américo Lucchesi, professor Titular de Literatura Comparada da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), professor convidado da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), membro e presidente da Academia Brasileira de Letras, apresenta sua percepção da crise atual e do impacto sobre a consolidação da democracia brasileira. Com base em suas experiências como intelectual crítico e atuante, comenta os ataques que assistimos, no Brasil, à cultura e à produção de conhecimento. Ao mesmo tempo, lembra que nenhuma democracia se configura como uma realidade ontológica terminada e ressalta o papel das escolas e universidades na mobilização da cidadania e na difusão de valores republicanos. Frente à constatação de que vivemos uma profunda mudança de registro cultural, aponta algumas conquistas que se expressam, por exemplo, pela presença de índios e negros nas universidades. Reconhecendo o pedido de socorro imerso em todas as crises,convoca-nos a reavivar o sonho e a coragem, combustíveis da utopia, e defende a suspensão das distinções em favor da formação de uma frente democrática e solidária. São análises e convocações que se pautam, o tempo todo, numa firme confiança na potência e na capacidade de resistência da cultura.

Abstract In this interview, Marco Américo Lucchesi, Tenured Professor of Comparative Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), visiting professor of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), and member and president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, outlines his perception of the current crisis and the impact on the consolidation of Brazilian democracy. Based on his experiences as a critic and intellectual, he comments on the attacks on culture and the production of knowledge that we have witnessed in Brazil. He reminds us that no democracy is a fully-fledged ontological reality and highlights the role of schools and universities in mobilizing citizenship and spreading republican values. He highlights some achievements that are expressed by the presence of Indians and African Brazilians in universities. Acknowledging the call for help inherent in every crisis, he calls upon us to revive the dream and courage and advocates the suspension of distinctions in favor of forming a front of democracy and solidarity. These are analyses and convocations that are based, at all times, on a firm confidence in the power and capacity of resilience of culture.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 31(60): 1-23, Nov. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050668


Dada a recente notoriedade que os estudos dos jogos eletrônicos vêm adquirindo no campo acadêmico, a presente investigação teve como objetivo mapear a produção científica sobre a temática em tela na área da Educação Física. Para atender a tal premissa, localizamos em revistas científicas da área 41 textos que versavam sobre o tema. Por meio de análise descritiva, em consonância com a mobilização do referencial sociológico de Pierre Bourdieu, verificamos que as Revistas Licere e Motrivivência são os principais veículos de divulgação da temática investigada. Face a essa conformação, constatamos também a centralidade da Universidade Federal do Paraná e da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina como alguns dos principais polos de produção de estudos associados aos jogos eletrônicos no campo da Educação Física no Brasil. Mediante esses dados, concluímos que as redes de relações acadêmicas constituem posições sociais de um campo de investigação, movido e influenciado por um habitus científico.

The videogames industry involves professionals, spectators and supporters. With the growth of electronic games, opens up the possibility of a contemporary research. With this, the objective of this study was to analyze the academic-scientific production about this theme. To answer this question, we use Pierre Bourdieu's theory. We selected six national scientific journals where 8.735 papers were found, after the exclusion criteria, 41 texts are part of the sample. We have been able to verify that Revista Licere and Revista Motrivivência, are the main scientific journals to give vent to this discussion. Fined 11 researchers to use this theme. Two main centers of disclosure were evidenced, one leased at the Federal University of Paraná and another at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. We conclude that the academic relationship networks are possible to be observed as social positions of a subfield of investigations, moved and influenced by a scientific habitus.

La industria de los videojuegos involucra a profesionales, espectadores y simpatizantes. Con el crecimiento de los juegos electrónicos, se abre la posibilidad de una agenda contemporánea de investigación. Con ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la producción académico-científica acerca de ese tema. Para responder a ese cuestionamiento, utilizamos la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu. Seleccionamos seis revistas científicas nacionales donde se encontraron 8.735 trabajos, después de los criterios de exclusión, forman parte de la muestra 41 textos. Hemos logrado verificar que la Revista Licere y la Revista Motrivivencia, son los principales periódicos científicos que dan a la agenda de discusión. Encontramos a 11 investigadores a utilizar esta temática. Se evidenció dos principales centros de divulgación, un locado en la Universidad Federal de Paraná y otro en la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. Concluimos que las redes de relaciones académicas son posibles de ser observadas como posiciones sociales de un subcampo de investigaciones, movido e influenciado por un habitus científico.

Humanos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Educação Física e Treinamento , Atividades Científicas e Tecnológicas , Jogos de Vídeo
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 25(1): 101-116, jan.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-990603


RESUMO: Com este artigo temos a intenção de expor o estudo acerca da produção do conhecimento sobre o professor de Educação Especial (EE) no Brasil durante os anos de 2000 a 2016. O objetivo é analisar como está sendo disseminada a concepção sobre esse professor específico pelas pesquisas acadêmicas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa, cuja base teórico-metodológica é o materialismo histórico-dialético. Utilizamos o balanço de produções acadêmicas como procedimento metodológico para a coleta e análise de dados, o qual contribui para a seleção dos trabalhos acadêmicos e a análise inicial sobre a concentração desses trabalhos em ano, local, professores e grupos de pesquisa. Nos 16 anos que abarcamos nesta pesquisa, foram selecionados 24 trabalhos entre teses, dissertações, artigos científicos e trabalhos publicados em anais de eventos, os quais tinham como foco de análise o professor de EE. Tais trabalhos nos permitiram destacar a imprecisão sobre a forma de denominar esse professor específico, o que, em grande medida, indica a concepção de professor disseminada hegemonicamente no início do século XXI. Na análise dos trabalhos selecionados, destacamos três formas de denominar o professor de EE: o professor, o profissional e o educador, os quais, em suma, demonstram uma concepção alargada de docência e a correlação das pesquisas acadêmicas com a proposta da política educacional em vigor.

ABSTRACT: In this paper we intend to present a study on the production of knowledge regarding Special Education teachers in Brazil from 2000 to 2016. Our objective is to analyze how the conception about this particular kind of teacher is being disseminated through academic research. It is a bibliographic and qualitative research, theoretically and methodologically based on historical-dialectical materialism. We used a review of academic research as a methodological procedure for the collection and analysis of data, which contributed to the selection of academic papers and initial analysis of the concentration of these works by year, location, faculty and research groups. Within the 16 years covered by this research, we selected 24 works including theses, dissertations, scientific papers and papers published in event proceedings, which focused their analyses mainly on Special Education teachers. These works allowed us to highlight the imprecision of how this particular kind of teacher is named, which, to a large extent, indicates the conception of teacher hegemonically disseminated at the beginning of the 21st century. In the analysis of the selected papers, we highlighted three ways of naming the Special Education teacher: the teacher, the professional and the educator, which, in short, demonstrate an extended conception of teaching and the correlation of academic research with the proposal of the educational policy in force.

Front Sociol ; 4: 48, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33869371


This is a critical analysis of the co-production of knowledge on health care with members of the public attending two research-based plays that were followed by post-show discussions with expert panelists. Passing On was developed from the findings of a qualitative research study of family decision making toward the end of life. Cracked explored help seeking pathways for young people experiencing psychosis in families of different ethnicities developed from a research study on this topic. The analysis provides critical reflections on the immediate, post-performance impact of research-based Theatre as a strategy to encourage the co-production of knowledge beyond delivery of the performance itself. The plays were developed through partnership working from interview transcripts and joint workshops engaging academics, users and Theatre practitioners (writers, director, actors). Post-show discussions with expert panels were held after each performance to widen participation of the public in the co-production of knowledge to enhance the impact of completed research and stimulate debate. These discussions were recorded and the audience were asked to complete post-show feedback forms. Audience members were researchers, service providers, service users, and carers. This is an analysis of the co-production of knowledge using the feedback forms and transcripts of the post-show discussions. The analysis showed evidence of impact and co-production of knowledge through dialogues that occurred between the audience members, the members of the panel, and the audience and the panel. The discussions covered policy and practice, personal experiences, and Theatre making. The post-show discussions led the public to critically discuss issues with the panel and other audience members thus widening participation in the co-production of knowledge. The feedback forms gave information on the audience demographics and the immediate impact of the performances. Research-based Theatre with post-show discussions and evaluation forms is a strategy for widening participation and engagement with health research findings, through the co-production of knowledge on complex health issues.

Sustain Sci ; 13(1): 129-142, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30147775


Stakeholder interactions are increasingly viewed as an important element of research for sustainable development. But to what extent, how, and for which goals should stakeholders be involved? In this article, we explore what degrees of stakeholder interaction show the most promise in research for sustainable development. For this purpose, we examine 16 research projects from the transdisciplinary research programme NRP 61 on sustainable water management in Switzerland. The results suggest that various degrees of stakeholder interaction can be beneficial depending on each project's intended contribution to sustainability, the form of knowledge desired, how contested the issues are, the level of actor diversity, actors' interests, and existing collaborations between actors. We argue that systematic reflection about these six criteria can enable tailoring stakeholder interaction processes according specific project goals and context conditions.

Health Res Policy Syst ; 16(1): 47, 2018 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29855328


BACKGROUND: Ensuring health policies are informed by evidence still remains a challenge despite efforts devoted to this aim. Several tools and approaches aimed at fostering evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM) have been developed, yet there is a lack of availability of indicators specifically devoted to assess and support EIPM. The present study aims to overcome this by building a set of measurable indicators for EIPM intended to infer if and to what extent health-related policies are, or are expected to be, evidence-informed for the purposes of policy planning as well as formative and summative evaluations. METHODS: The indicators for EIPM were developed and validated at international level by means of a two-round internet-based Delphi study conducted within the European project 'REsearch into POlicy to enhance Physical Activity' (REPOPA). A total of 82 researchers and policy-makers from the six European countries (Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, the United Kingdom) involved in the project and international organisations were asked to evaluate the relevance and feasibility of an initial set of 23 indicators developed by REPOPA researchers on the basis of literature and knowledge gathered from the previous phases of the project, and to propose new indicators. RESULTS: The first Delphi round led to the validation of 14 initial indicators and to the development of 8 additional indicators based on panellists' suggestions; the second round led to the validation of a further 11 indicators, including 6 proposed by panellists, and to the rejection of 6 indicators. A total of 25 indicators were validated, covering EIPM issues related to human resources, documentation, participation and monitoring, and stressing different levels of knowledge exchange and involvement of researchers and other stakeholders in policy development and evaluation. CONCLUSION: The study overcame the lack of availability of indicators to assess if and to what extent policies are realised in an evidence-informed manner thanks to the active contribution of researchers and policy-makers. These indicators are intended to become a shared resource usable by policy-makers, researchers and other stakeholders, with a crucial impact on fostering the development of policies informed by evidence.

Medicina Baseada em Evidências , Política de Saúde , Formulação de Políticas , Saúde Pública , Pesquisa Translacional Biomédica , Pessoal Administrativo , Técnica Delphi , Europa (Continente) , Exercício Físico , Humanos , Pesquisadores