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Front Psychol ; 13: 991574, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619088


The teaching-learning process of reading and writing has great relevance in the psycho-emotional and socio-psychological development of school-age children. This is an exercise in which they develop imagination, attention and memory capacity and through this process the management of emotions and sensitivity and capacity of apprehension of reality. The crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic transformed reality in an unprecedented way in the recent history of humanity and the educational context was shaken by all these changes. With confinement, the teaching-learning process of reading and writing, which is designed to take place in person, had to be developed in a hybrid or online way, which was a major challenge for teachers and families and, of course, also for children who were in the process of learning. One of the aspects that was blurred in this context was the role of the teacher, which in this case is one of the most important elements, to achieve adequate learning of reading and writing. On one hand, the teacher is in charge of helping to manage the emotions derived from the learning process itself and, on the other hand, he is a key figure so that this is not only technical learning but also contributes to the child's socio-emotional development. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the socio-psychological changes that have occurred in the educational context since the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotions linked to the teaching process, learning of reading and writing through a systematic review of the studies carried out on the subject, in order to provide recommendations for face-to-face learning in the post-COVID-19 era. A systematic review strategy was devised and the literature search was conducted. The search was conducted using ERIC, Dialnet, Scopus, WoS, EBSCO, and Google Scholar databases. This systematic review took place during the month of May 2022. The results show that given the scarce presence of empirical studies on the subject, the objective has only been partially met. However, a systematic review of the studies carried out on the subject. For the identification of recommendations in the development of face-to-face learning in the post-covid era, it has been possible to identify some ideas of interest for future curricular designs in primary school students who are immersed in learning to read and write.

Front Psychol ; 12: 651550, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34512432


This study explores how the scholarly accomplishments of students might increment due to specific fundamental causes. The academic performance of the student was prioritized as a dependent variable, and the independent indicators chosen were "information seeking, IT ability, reading/writing capacity, and resilience." At the same time, age, gender, marital status, and family income were included in the control variables. The research subject samples were limited to (N = 288) postgraduate students from three mega universities in Islamabad, Pakistan. Forward regression analysis was performed in this research to decide the impact of the indicators. The results indicate that information seeking affects academic performance positively and significantly. Essentially, the study revealed that information technology (IT) skills make a fundamentally positive and significant impact on academic performance. Reading and writing influenced academic performance considerably. In addition, resilience affected academic performance emphatically and essentially. Further, this research also noted the relationships between information-seeking behaviors, IT ability, reading/writing capacities, and resilience capabilities and the academic performance of students. These variables have a positive impact on the academic performance of students.

Poiésis (En línea) ; 41(Jul.- Dic.): 157-173, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1381286


Este trabajo presenta una reflexión actualizada de métodos y estrategias eficaces para el aprendizaje del cálculo, la escritura y lectura en sujetos con discapacidad intelectual leve. Conforme con el análisis de las investigaciones abordadas, se puede concluir que, si bien los propósitos de la atención pedagógica a los sujetos con déficit intelectual vienen enmarcados bajo los principios de la educación inclusiva, se evidencia una gran diferencia entre las intenciones de la educación inclusiva y la realidad de las instituciones educativas. Así, los niños con discapacidad intelectual leve, pese a ser integrados en el aula regular, no logran recibir la atención educativa requerida para fortalecer los aprendizajes pedagógicos de lectoescritura y cálculo; situación que se relaciona con el desconocimiento, por parte de los docentes, de las estrategias pedagógicas para abordar las particularidades educativas de esta población. El resultado del análisis, evidencia la existencia de diversas técnicas; indica, al mismo tiempo, que no existe un método específico para el aprendizaje de habilidades académicas en los sujetos con deficiencias intelectuales leves, sugiere identificar el interés y la necesidad de los estudiantes para así establecer flexibilizaciones en las planeaciones pedagógicas y metodológicas del currículo que favorezcan el proceso de aprendizaje

This work presents an updated reflection of effective methods and strategies for learning calculation, writing and reading in subjects with mild intellectual disabilities. According to the analysis of the analyzed researches we can concluded that, although the purposes of pedagogical attention to subjects with intellectual deficits are framed under the principles of inclusive education, there is evidence of a great difference between the intentions of inclusive education and the reality of educational institutions. Thus, children with mild intellectual disabilities, despite being integrated into the regular classroom, do not manage to receive the educational attention required to strengthen the pedagogical learning of literacy and numeracy. A situation that is related to the ignorance, from teachers, of the pedagogical strategies to address the educational particularities of this population. The result of the analysis shows the existence of various techniques, indicates, at the same time, that there is no specific method for learning academic skills in subjects with mild intellectual deficiencies, we suggest identifying the interest and need of students in order to do so, establishing flexibilities in the pedagogical and methodological planning of the curriculum that favor the learning process.Keywords: Learning; Intellectual deficit; Intellectual disability; Inclusive education; Teaching; Reading/writing; Mathematics; Pedagogy.

Humanos , Educação de Pessoa com Deficiência Intelectual/métodos , Psicologia Educacional/métodos , Deficiências da Aprendizagem/psicologia , Deficiência Intelectual
Rev. CES psicol ; 13(2): 113-128, maio-ago. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155348


Resumen Las dificultades del aprendizaje constituyen una de las principales causas de fracaso escolar; su aparición temprana puede evidenciarse en las habilidades gnósico-práxicas que soportan los procesos de lectura y escritura. Objetivo: Describir las habilidades gnósicas y práxicas en niños escolares, de 9 a 12 años de edad, asociadas a la presencia o no de dificultades en la lectura y/o la escritura. Participantes: 53 niños de una institución pública del municipio de Sabaneta-Colombia, divididos en dos grupos, uno compuesto por 16 niños con dificultades en la lectura y/o escritura y, el otro, por 37 niños sin dificultades en estos procesos. Resultados: La comparación intergrupos evidenció diferencias estadísticas (valor p y tamaño del efecto) significativas en aspectos cruciales para el proceso de lectura y escritura: la formación de imágenes visoconstruccionales y la velocidad, la planeación y la coordinación motora, evaluadas a partir de las tareas gnósico-práxicas de Sucesión de números y letras (WISC-IV) y Tapping (BANETA). Adicionalmente, se hallaron diferencias estadísticas en las subpruebas de Esterognosia, y correlaciones significativas entre Tapping y la velocidad al escribir palabras (BANETA). Conclusión: Las habilidades gnósico-práxicas no son plenamente los procesos predominantes en las diferencias intergrupos, si bien las habilidades motoras se vinculan con los procesos de aprendizaje y las dificultades que en ellos puedan presentarse, como lo sugieren las correlaciones dadas entre la subprueba de velocidad motora y el proceso de escritura. Adicionalmente, la velocidad de procesamiento y la memoria operativa se presentan como procesos transversales a las habilidades gnósico-práxicas y de lectura y escritura.

Abstract Learning disabilities constitute one of the main causes of school failure; their early manifestation may be evidenced in the gnosis-praxis skills that support reading and writing processes. Objective: To describe the performance of gnosis-praxis skills in school children (aged from 9 to 12 years old), associated to the existence or not of reading and/or writing difficulties. Participants: 53 children of a public school in Sabaneta - Colombia, divided into two groups, one consisting of 16 children with difficulties in reading and/or writing and, the other, by 37 children without difficulties in these processes. Results: The intergroup comparison showed significant statistical differences , in crucial aspects for reading and writing process: the visoconstructional image formation, speed, planning and motor coordination, obtained from the gnosis - praxis tasks of Letter-Number Sequencing (WISC-IV) and Tapping (BANETA). Additionally, statistical differences were found in the subtests of Stereognosis (BANETA) and significant correlations between Tapping and the speed rate in writing words. Conclusion: Gnosis - praxis skills are not the predominant processes in intergroup differences, even though motor skills are linked to learning process and the difficulties they may arise, as suggested by the correlations given between the motor speed subtest and the writing process. In addition, processing speed and operational memory are shown as crosscutting processes in gnosis-praxis, reading and writing skills.

Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; 44: 103-111, jun. 2017. ilus, tab.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-947427


A literatura aponta que a comunidade behaviorista produz sistematicamente estudos sobre sua produção científica. Usualmente, utilizam-se os resumos das publicações, os quais permitem focalizar grande número de trabalhos; no entanto, tal decisão impede que se aprofunde a análise do que foi realizado, em virtude da ausência de informações mais detalhadas. O presente estudo identificou especificamente os procedimentos de ensino sobre leitura recombinativa, com referencial da equivalência de estímulos. Foram analisadas na íntegra 12 pesquisas de mestrado e doutorado, identificando-se participantes (quantidade, idade, série cursada); setting (escola x outros); agente da intervenção (pesquisador, professor, outros); forma de intervenção (pesquisador - participante; pesquisador- grupo); condições experimentais (avaliação inicial, ensino, avaliação após ensino, generalização, manutenção); relações ensinadas e relações testadas. Entre outros aspectos, a análise desses estudos indicou que: os participantes foram alunos do ensino fundamental; os procedimentos de ensino foram realizados na escola; o agente da intervenção foi o pesquisador; a forma de intervenção foi pesquisador- grupo; - a avaliação da manutenção foi pouco frequente; - as intervenções apresentaram um caráter "reparador" das falhas do sistema educacional. A partir dos resultados, são sugeridos aspectos a serem focalizados em novos estudos.

The literature points out that the behaviorist community systematically produces studies on its scientific production. Usually, abstracts of the publications are used, which allow to focus on a great number of works; however, such a decision precludes an in-depth analysis of what has been done, owing to the absence of more detailed information. In the present study, specific emphasis is given to instructional interventions based on stimulus equivalence to teach reading. Twelve master's and doctoral studies were analyzed in all, identifying participants (quantity, age, series studied); setting (school x others); intervention agent (researcher, teacher, others); intervention format (researcher ­ participant, researcher ­ group); experimental conditions (pretest, training, posttest, generalization, maintenance); training relations; and tested relations. The results indicated, among others: the participants were elementary school students; the instructional interventions were carried out in the school; the intervention agent was the researcher; the intervention format was researcher-group; the intervention presented a "reparative" character of the failures of the educational system; the maintenance test was infrequent. New aspects to be focused on future studies are suggested.

La literatura apunta que la comunidad conductista produce sistemáticamente estudios sobre su producción científica. Usualmente, se utilizan los resúmenes de las publicaciones, los cuales permiten enfocar un gran número de trabajos; Sin embargo, dicha decisión impide que se profundice el análisis de lo que se ha realizado, debido a la falta de información más detallada. El presente estudio identificó específicamente los procedimientos de enseñanza sobre lectura recombinante, con referencial de la equivalencia de estímulos. Se analizaron en total 12 investigaciones de maestría y doctorado, identificando se participantes (cantidad, edad, serie cursada); (escuela x otros); agente de la intervención (investigador, profesor, otros); forma de intervención evaluación tras la enseñanza, generalización, mantenimiento); relaciones enseñadas y relaciones probadas. Entre otros aspectos, el análisis de estos estudios indicó que: los participantes fueron alumnos de la enseñanza fundamental; Los procedimientos de enseñanza se realizaron en la escuela; El agente de intervención fue el pesquisador; La forma de intervención fue pesquisador - grupo; - la evaluación del mantenimiento fue poco frecuente; - las intervenciones presentaron un carácter "reparador" de las fallas del sistema educativo. A partir de los resultados, se sugieren aspectos a centrarse en nuevos estudios.

Humanos , Criança , Leitura , Discriminação Psicológica , Publicações Científicas e Técnicas , Análise do Comportamento Aplicada , Escrita Manual , Ensino Fundamental e Médio
Cienc. cogn ; 21(2): 255-273, 30 dez 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-70429


Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o processo de construção de umquestionário para caracterizar as práticas didático-pedagógicas e suas frequências de utilização nos diferentes períodos do processo de ensino da leitura e da escrita, em classes de anos iniciais (do primeiro ao quinto) do Ensino Fundamental. O processo envolveu cinco etapas sucessivas: 1) revisão da literatura; 2) construção da primeira versão do instrumento; 3) análise de juízes especialistas; 4) avaliação pelo público alvo; 5) estudo piloto; e 6) elaboração da versão final do instrumento. A versão final contém 19 questões seguidas por opções apresentadas sob a modalidade de escala de frequência ordinal ou de múltipla escolha. O instrumento apresentou aparente adequação de contexto e conteúdo (AU)

This article presents the development process of a questionnaire whose objective is to characterize the didactic and pedagogical practices and their utilization frequencies in different periods of reading and writing instruction process, in early years classes (from the first to the fifth grades). The process involved six successive steps: 1) literature review; 2) construction of the first version of the instrument; 3) analysis of expert judges; 4) evaluation by the target audience; 5) pilot study; and 6)preparation of the final version of the instrument. The final version contains 19 questions, each one followed by options presented in the form of ordinal frequency scale or multiple-choice item. The instrument has showed apparent adequacy of context and content (AU)

Humanos , Ensino , Aprendizagem , Escolaridade
Univ. psychol ; 15(spe5): 1-15, oct.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963228


En este estudio, se evaluó a un grupo de niños y niñas de primero a tercer grado de educación básica primaria con problemas en la adquisición de la escritura en comparación con un grupo control. Los resultados obtenidos en la Evaluación neuropsicológica infantil "Puebla-Sevilla", muestran diferencias significativas en los factores Cinético, Cinestésico y Percepción Espacial Global entre los dos grupos. Resultados similares fueron observados en las tareas de escritura contenidas en la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI). Asimismo, se tipificaron cualitativamente los tipos de errores cometidos en las tareas de escritura. Análisis posteriores mostraron una correlación en la ejecución de los sujetos, mostraron además que el factor Cinestésico puede considerarse predictor de una adecuada adquisición de la escritura y que la tarea de dictado de la ENI es sensible para el reconocimiento de dificultades en dicho factor.

In this study, we evaluated a group of boys and girls, from first to third grade of primary school, with difficulties in writing acquisition in comparison with a control group. The results obtained by using the "Evaluación Neuropsicológica infantil 'Puebla-Sevilla'" show significant differences between the experimental and the control group in the Kinetic, Kinesthesic and the Global Spatial Perception neuropsychological factors. Similar results were also obtained in the writing tasks that are part of the "Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI)". We also qualitatively typified the errors in the writing tasks. Correlational statistical analysis of the experimental and control groups show that the Kinesthesic factor can predict possible difficulties in the correct acquisition of the writing, and also, that the dictation task of the ENI can be valid for the recognition of difficulties in that factor.

Trends Neurosci Educ ; 5(3): 146-155, 2016 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28133634


Seven children with dyslexia and/or dysgraphia (2 girls, 5 boys, M=11 years) completed fMRI connectivity scans before and after twelve weekly computerized lessons in strategies for reading source material, taking notes, and writing summaries by touch typing or groovy pencils. During brain scanning they completed two reading comprehension tasks-one involving single sentences and one involving multiple sentences. From before to after intervention, fMRI connectivity magnitude changed significantly during sentence level reading comprehension (from right angular gyrus→right Broca's) and during text level reading comprehension (from right angular gyrus→cingulate). Proportions of ideas units in children's writing compared to idea units in source texts did not differ across combinations of reading-writing tasks and modes. Yet, for handwriting/notes, correlations insignificant before the lessons became significant after the strategy instruction between proportion of idea units and brain connectivity at all levels of language in reading comprehension (word-, sentence-, and text) during scanning; but for handwriting/summaries, touch typing/notes, and touch typing/summaries changes in those correlations from insignificant to significant after strategy instruction occurred only at text level reading comprehension during scanning. Thus, handwriting during note-taking may benefit all levels of language during reading comprehension, whereas all other combinations of modes and writing tasks in this exploratory study appear to benefit only the text level of reading comprehension. Neurological and educational significance of the interdisciplinary research findings for integrating reading and writing and future research directions are discussed.

Laterality ; 21(1): 1-11, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26299545


It has been suggested that reading/writing habits may influence the appreciation of pictures. For example, people who read and write in a rightward direction have an aesthetic preference for pictures that face rightward over pictures that face leftward, and vice versa. However, correlations for this phenomenon have only been found in cross-cultural studies. Will a directional change in reading/writing habits within a culture relate to changes in picture preference? Korea is a good place to research this question because the country underwent gradual changes in reading/writing direction habits, from leftward to rightward, during the 20th century. In this study, we analyzed the direction of drawings and photos published in the two oldest newspapers in Korea from 1920-2013. The results show that the direction of the drawings underwent a clear shift from the left to the right, but the direction of the photos did not change. This finding suggests a close psychological link between the habits of reading/writing and drawing that cannot be accounted for simply by an accidental correspondence across different cultures.

Hábitos , Orientação , Leitura , Redação , Lateralidade Funcional , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Estudos Longitudinais , Estimulação Luminosa , Psicofísica
Learn Disabil (Pittsbg) ; 21(2): 14-30, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28670103


Students in grades 5 to 9 (ages 10 to 14; 6 girls, 27 boys) who had persisting specific learning disabilities in transcription (handwriting and spelling) completed three kinds of composition tasks requiring translation (thought to written language) on iPads using alternating transcription modes (stylus or keyboard) across every three lessons: personal narratives (6 lessons) and written summaries about read source material (integrated reading-writing) and heard source material (integrated listening-writing) (12 lessons). Before composing summaries, students clicked sequentially one at a time onto translation strategies, which they read and heard through earphones, and could click on again as needed during summary writing: (a) Level I composing of the very next sentence, and (b) Level II composing of a higher-level discourse structure. ANOVAs showed that Level I strategies were used significantly more often than Level II strategies; but the main effect for transcription mode was not significant. Written summaries of read source material had more errors in main ideas and factual details than heard source materials, but not more irrelevant statements. Applications of results are discussed for using computers for writing instruction, not just accommodations, for students with persisting transcription disabilities.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-971984


@#Objective To investigate the development of reading and writing of deaf students with deaf parent.Methods 498 deaf students,332 parents with deaf students and 66 teachers in a special education school were investigated and analyzed.The ability of reading and writing of deaf students with deaf parents or hearing parents were compared.Results and Conclusion There was no significant difference of reading and writing between deaf students with deaf parents and hearing parents.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 9(1): 25-40, mayo 2006. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635139


El presente trabajo analiza el desarrollo de la lecto-escritura, precisando dos fases: la adquisición y el dominio. En la primera fase, presenta los diferentes niveles conceptuales que desarrolla el niño, desde edades tempranas, en su intento por comprender el lenguaje escrito. Describe el papel de los gestos, el garabato, el dibujo y el juego, como las primeras construcciones con características simbólicas. Las conceptualizaciones del niño sobre el sistema de escritura corresponden a las hipótesis del nombre, de cantidad, de variedad y silábica, las cuales evidencian la construcción del conocimiento. Concreta en la adquisición, la conciencia fonológica, sintáctica y semántica. En la segunda fase, de dominio, se presentan una serie de procesos (perceptivos, léxicos, sintácticos, semánticos) y estrategias (metacognitivas, inferenciales, etc.) que determinan el nivel de literacia o dominio del sistema de escritura. Este estudio concreta que el desarrollo del lenguaje escrito inicia con la prehistoria conceptual de los gestos, garabatos, etc., continúa con la adquisición formal de la lecto-escritura, y finaliza con el dominio para comprender y producir textos escritos. El dominio de los procesos lingüísticos, cognitivos, metacognitivos, conceptuales, etc., está determinado por el nivel de manejo consciente de estos procesos.

This work analyzes the development of reading/writing skills, specifying two phases: acquisition and dominion. In the first phase, it shows the different conceptual levels developed by the child, from early ages, in his attempt for understand the written language. It describes the paper of gestures, scribbles, drawings and games, as the first constructions with symbolic characteristics. Conceptualization of the child, on the writing system, corresponds to the hypotheses of the name, amount, variety, and syllabics, all of which evidence the construction of knowledge. It makes concrete the acquisition of phonologic, syntactic and semantic awareness. In the second phase, the dominion one, it appears a series of processes (perceptive, lexical, syntactic, and semantic) and strategies (metacognitive, inferential, etc.) determining the level of literacy or dominion of the writing system. This study states that development of the written language initiates with the conceptual prehistory of the gestures, scribbles, etc., it continues with the formal acquisition of the reading/writing skills, and it finalizes with the dominion to comprehend and produce written texts. The dominion of linguistic, cognitive, metacognitive, conceptual, and other processes is determined by the level of awareness of these processes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Leitura , Redação , Compreensão