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J Dairy Res ; 87(3): 379-381, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32718372


We evaluated the effects of fermentation time and acid casein content on the microbial rennet obtained by solid-state fermentation using wheat bran as the carbon source. The experiments used two fermentation times (72 and 96 h), while acid casein content was 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 g. Rennet strength from eight enzymatic extracts was measured using pasteurized whole milk. Rennet strength of samples from 72 h of fermentation showed an increase when acid casein content increased. The rennet strength increased at 96 h of fermentation with increasing amount of casein (up to 2.5 g), and then decreased with the largest addition (3.0 g) of casein. Coagulation time for the sample with highest rennet strength was 420 s.

Bactérias/metabolismo , Caseínas/química , Caseínas/metabolismo , Quimosina/metabolismo , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Fermentação
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 17(1): 54-60, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-751189


La producción experimental de enzimas coagulante de leche se llevó a cabo en un medio de cultivo de laboratorio durante 190 h de incubación, utilizando tres cepas certificadas de Rhizomucor pusillus, R.miehei y dos especies nativas de Rhizomucor spp. BIOMI-12 y 13. La evaluación se realizó midiendo la concentración de glucosa y proteína durante la incubación, estimación de la productividad, actividad específica, índice fuerza de cuajo/actividad proteolítica en los extractos enzimáticos crudos, determinación de los pesos moleculares y actividad proteolítica en los extractos enzimáticos parcialmente purificado. Todas las cepas mostraron un consumo de glucosa similar, el mismo comportamiento se observó en el contenido de proteína, excepto la cepa BIOMI-13. Los incrementos en el contenido de proteínas después del descenso, coincidieron con la máxima actividad coagulante registrada por cada cepa, siendo el extracto crudo de la cepa BIOMI-13 la de mayor actividad coagulante (148,15 FC), productividad (3,09 FC/h), índice fuerza de cuajo/actividad proteolítica (142,60 FC/U) y actividad específica (1.062,00 FC/mg). Los extractos enzimáticos parcialmente purificados de las cepas R miehei 37, Rhizomucor spp BIOMI-12 y 13, presentaron proteínas con pesos moleculares en aproximadamente 22,6 y 46,52 KDa, mientras el extracto R pusillus 39 presentó una banda adicional de 39,6 KDa. En el zimograma se observó para todas las cepas actividad proteolítica en las bandas comprendidas entre 40-50 KDa y 20-22 KDa, no así para el R pusillus 36, donde fue escasa. Finalmente se determinó que la cepa BIOMI-13, tiene la mayor capacidad para producir enzimas coagulantes de la leche.

Experimental production of milk clotting enzymes was conducted on a laboratory culture medium for 190 h incubation, using three certified strains of Rhizomucor pusillus, miehei and two native Rhizomucor spp. BIOMI-12 and 13. The evaluation was performed by measuring the concentration of glucose and protein during incubation, estimate productivity, specific activity, rennet strength/proteolytic activity index in the crude enzyme extracts, determining the molecular weights and proteolytic activity in the partially purified enzyme extracts. All strains showed consumption rates of glucose, the same behavior observed protein content, except strain BIOMI-13. The increase in protein content after descent coincided with the recorded maximum coagulant activity each strains, being the crude extract of strain BIOMI-13 higher coagulant activity (148,15 FC), productivity (3.09 HR / h), rennet strength/proteolytic activity index (142,60 FC/U) and specific activity (1,062 FC/mg). The partially purified enzyme extracts from strains R miehei 37, Rhizomucor spp BIOMI-12 and 13, presented proteins with molecular weights in approximately 22,6 kDa and 46.52, while the extract R pusillus 39 present an additional band of 39,6 KDa. In the zymogram was observed for all strains, proteolytic activity in the bands between 40-50 KDa and 20-22 KDa, but not for the R pusillus 36, where activity was very dim. Finally it was determined that the strain BIOMI-13, has the greatest capacity to produce milk clotting enzymes.