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Parasite Epidemiol Control ; 1(2): 85-89, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29988182


The prevalence study of Leishmania spp. in hematophagous insects captured from the environment in bat roosts and pigeon nests, or feeding their hosts (cattle, pigs, horses, dogs and humans) in urban, peri-urban and rural areas, between 2012 and 2014. For this study, the amastigotes present in these insects were detected by histochemical and PCR techniques. Positive gene amplification for Leishmania was found in two horseflies of the species Tabanus importunus collected in the environment, and amastigote forms of Leishmania spp., as well as erythrocytes and leukocytes, were histochemically detected in one of that insect. The other analyzed insects were not positive by PCR our by direct parasitological examination. Only horseflies captured in urban and peri-urban areas were positive. During the collection, no phlebotomine sand flies were captured in rural areas far from the city limits. It can be concluded that the discovery of horseflies positive for Leishmania spp. in urban and peri-urban areas indicates the likelihood that urban areas and their surroundings provide vector parasites with an environment suitable for the spread and consequent perpetuation of the biological cycle of this protozoan.

Neotropical Biology and Conservation ; 7(1): 48-56, Jan, 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-SUCENPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1064913


O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a distribuição e a abundância de espécies do gênero Simulium em 5 córregos do litoral norte paulista, com diferentes níveis de poluição.Larvas de simulídeos e amostras de água de cada córrego foram coletadas quinzenalmente no verão e no inverno de 2001. Para a amostragem das larvas foram colocados substratos artificiais em triplicata. A cada intervalo de 15 dias as larvas foram retiradas com auxílio de pinças entomológicas, acondicionadas em frascos de vidro com álcool 70% e transportadas ao laboratório para triagem, contagem e identificação. Nos locais da coleta foram obtidos valores de temperatura, oxigênio, condutividade, pH da água e vazão do córrego e em laboratório as amostras de água foram analisadas, obtendo-se valor es de nitrogênio total e dissolvido, N-amoniacal, N-nitrito, N-nitrato, ortofosfato, fósforo total e dissolvido. Pode-se observar que a qualidade da água foi um fator determinante tanto para a distribuição como para a abundância das espécies. S. pertinax ocorreu em ambientesmais limpos, S. inaequale nos mais poluídos e S. incrustatum nos intermediários.A espécie predominante foi S. pertinax com 57,5% de presença total nos criadouros, S.inaequale com 42,1% e S. incrustatum com pouca representatividade, 0,4% de presençanas amostras. A menor abundância de larvas foi registrada nos ambientes poluídos...

The aim of this work was to determine the distribution and abundance the species of Simulium:in 5 streams of the north coastal region of the state of São Paulo. Simulium larval andwater samples were collected every 2 weeks in summer and winter, 2001. The larval werecollected on artificial substrates (triplicate) preserved in alcohol (70%) and after analyzedquantitative and qualitative. From the streams the values of temperature, dissolved oxygen,conductivity, pH and stream discharge were measured. The contents of total nitrogenand dissolved nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate, dissolvedphosphorus and total phosphorus were determined in the laboratory. Water quality hasgreat influence in the distribution and abundance of the species. S. pertinax was moreabundant in streams without or with low levels of pollution, S. inaequale in streams morepolluted and S. incrustatum in intermediary levels of pollution. S. pertinax was the speciesmore abundant with 57.5% of presence in the samples, the second more abundant wasS. inaequale with 42.1% of presence and S. incrustatum was rare with 0.4% of presence.The larval abundance was lower in the polluted environment...

Animais , Simuliidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Simuliidae/química