Designing Augmented Reality (AR) throughout service experiences remains under studied in several industries, despite the fact of growing consumer interest and use through different platforms and applications globally. Consequently, there is growing interest in understanding the what, the why and the how for designing AR applications in practice to boost ecotourism experiences, with the purpose of enhancing customer value creation and organizations differentiation. Consequently, the authors conducted an eleven-month practical theoretical study in 10 ecotourism SMEs purposefully recruited in Latin America, adopting service design as a main research framework. Using interviews, contextual analyses, buyer personas, observation, storytelling creation sessions, prototyping sessions and accompaniment sessions as research methods, researchers studied, (1) what were the key facilitators and hinderers for designing AR in practice at the SMEs ecotourism context following a service design lens and, (2) how the inherent principles of service design influence ecotourism SME's for the strategically adoption of AR in their service experiences. The study suggests key elements that can facilitate or hinder designing AR at ecotourism SME's Experiences in practice. Furthermore, the authors suggest a practical protocol for designing AR for ecotourism SMEs from the lens of service design (SD), User Experience (UX), and Augmented Reality (AR). Finally, the study also contributes to shade light on the marketing role and potential adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) in practice in SME's through a service design lens.
Resumen El propósito del presente artículo consiste en demostrar el estado en el cual se encuentra la aplicación de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF) en las pequeñas y medianas entidades y su relación con los factores socioeconómicos del orden nacional. La metodología empleada es de carácter cuantitativo de tipo comparativo, con base en informes extraídos del sistema de información y reporte empresarial de la Superintendencia de Sociedades de Colombia y de la aplicación de un cuestionario a 68 contadores encargados de llevar a cabo la implementación en entidades de los sectores agroindustrial y de servicios de la ciudad de Villavicencio. Los resultados se muestran en tres apartados: la caracterización de las entidades, el estado de la implementación y la relevancia de los factores económico y social sobre el proceso. A partir de la aplicación de la prueba no paramétrica chi-cuadrado, fue posible concluir la existencia de variables con un alto grado de significancia en la implementación de estos estándares internacionales, los cuales impactan tanto positiva como negativamente el desarrollo de la convergencia. Clasificación JEL: M41, M48.
Abstract The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the state in which the application of international Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is found in small and medium-sized entities and their relationship to the socioeconomic factors of the National order The methodology used is quantitative in nature, based on reports extracted from the information System and Business Report of the Superintendency of Companies of Colombia and the application of a questionnaire to 68 accountants responsible for To carry out the implementation in companies of the agro-industrial and services sectors of the city of Villavicencio. The results are shown in three sections: the characterization of the entities, the status of the implementation and the relevance of the economic and social factors on the process. From the application of the chi-square non-parametric test, it was possible to conclude the existence of variables with a high degree of significance in the implementation of these international standards, which impact both positively and negatively the Convergence development. JEL Classification: M41, M48.
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar o estado em que a aplicação das Normas Internacionais de Relatório Financeiro (IFRS) é encontrada em entidades de pequeno e médio porte e sua relação com fatores socioeconômicos em nível nacional. A metodologia utilizada é de natureza quantitativa comparativa, baseada em relatórios extraídos do sistema de informação e do relatório de atividades da Superintendência de Empresas da Colômbia e da aplicação de um questionário a 68 contadores encarregados de executar a implementação em entidades de os setores agroindustrial e de serviços da cidade de Villavicencio. Os resultados são apresentados em três seções: a caracterização das entidades, o estado da implementação e a relevância dos fatores econômicos e sociais no processo. A partir da aplicação do teste qui-quadrado não paramétrico, foi possível concluir a existência de variáveis com alto grau de significancia na implementação desses padrões internacionais, que impactam tanto no desenvolvimento positivo quanto negativo da convergência. Classificações JEL: M41, M48.