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Campbell Syst Rev ; 20(2): e1414, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38887375


Background: High-income countries offer social assistance (welfare) programs to help alleviate poverty for people with little or no income. These programs have become increasingly conditional and stringent in recent decades based on the premise that transitioning people from government support to paid work will improve their circumstances. However, many people end up with low-paying and precarious jobs that may cause more poverty because they lose benefits such as housing subsidies and health and dental insurance, while incurring job-related expenses. Conditional assistance programs are also expensive to administer and cause stigma. A guaranteed basic income (GBI) has been proposed as a more effective approach for alleviating poverty, and several experiments have been conducted in high-income countries to investigate whether GBI leads to improved outcomes compared to existing social programs. Objectives: The aim of this review was to conduct a synthesis of quantitative evidence on GBI interventions in high-income countries, to compare the effectiveness of various types of GBI versus "usual care" (including existing social assistance programs) in improving poverty-related outcomes. Search Methods: Searches of 16 academic databases were conducted in May 2022, using both keywords and database-specific controlled vocabulary, without limits or restrictions on language or date. Sources of gray literature (conference, governmental, and institutional websites) were searched in September 2022. We also searched reference lists of review articles, citations of included articles, and tables of contents of relevant journals in September 2022. Hand searching for recent publications was conducted until December 2022. Selection Criteria: We included all quantitative study designs except cross-sectional (at one timepoint), with or without control groups. We included studies in high income countries with any population and with interventions meeting our criteria for GBI: unconditional, with regular payments in cash (not in-kind) that were fixed or predictable in amount. Although two primary outcomes of interest were selected a priori (food insecurity, and poverty level assessed using official, national, or international measures), we did not screen studies on the basis of reported outcomes because it was not possible to define all potentially relevant poverty-related outcomes in advance. Data Collection and Analysis: We followed the Campbell Collaboration conduct and reporting guidelines to ensure a rigorous methodology. The risk of bias was assessed across seven domains: confounding, selection, attrition, motivation, implementation, measurement, and analysis/reporting. We conducted meta-analyses where results could be combined; otherwise, we presented the results in tables. We reported effect estimates as standard mean differences (SMDs) if the included studies reported them or provided sufficient data for us to calculate them. To compare the effects of different types of interventions, we developed a GBI typology based on the characteristics of experimental interventions as well as theoretical conceptualizations of GBI. Eligible poverty-related outcomes were classified into categories and sub-categories, to facilitate the synthesis of the individual findings. Because most of the included studies analyzed experiments conducted by other researchers, it was necessary to divide our analysis according to the "experiment" stage (i.e., design, recruitment, intervention, data collection) and the "study" stage (data analysis and reporting of results). Main Results: Our searches yielded 24,476 records from databases and 80 from other sources. After screening by title and abstract, the full texts of 294 potentially eligible articles were retrieved and screened, resulting in 27 included studies on 10 experiments. Eight of the experiments were RCTs, one included both an RCT site and a "saturation" site, and one used a repeated cross-sectional design. The duration ranged from one to 5 years. The control groups in all 10 experiments received "usual care" (i.e., no GBI intervention). The total number of participants was unknown because some of the studies did not report exact sample sizes. Of the studies that did, the smallest had 138 participants and the largest had 8019. The risk of bias assessments found "some concerns" for at least one domain in all 27 studies and "high risk" for at least one domain in 25 studies. The risk of bias was assessed as high in 21 studies due to attrition and in 22 studies due to analysis and reporting bias. To compare the interventions, we developed a classification framework of five GBI types, four of which were implemented in the experiments, and one that is used in new experiments now underway. The included studies reported 176 poverty-related outcomes, including one pre-defined primary outcome: food insecurity. The second primary outcome (poverty level assessed using official, national, or international measures) was not reported in any of the included studies. We classified the reported outcomes into seven categories: food insecurity (as a category), economic/material, physical health, psychological/mental health, social, educational, and individual choice/agency. Food insecurity was reported in two studies, both showing improvements (SMD = -0.57, 95% CI: -0.65 to -0.49, and SMD = -0.41, 95% CI: -0.57 to -0.26) which were not pooled because of different study designs. We conducted meta-analyses on four secondary outcomes that were reported in more than one study: subjective financial well-being, self-rated overall physical health, self-rated life satisfaction, and self-rated mental distress. Improvements were reported, except for overall physical health or if the intervention was similar to existing social assistance. The results for the remaining 170 outcomes, each reported in only one study, were summarized in tables by category and subcategory. Adverse effects were reported in some studies, but only for specific subgroups of participants, and not consistently, so these results may have been due to chance. Authors' Conclusions: The results of the included studies were difficult to synthesize because of the heterogeneity in the reported outcomes. This was due in part to poverty being multidimensional, so outcomes covered various aspects of life (economic, social, psychological, educational, agency, mental and physical health). Evidence from future studies would be easier to assess if outcomes were measured using more common, validated instruments. Based on our analysis of the included studies, a supplemental type of GBI (provided along with existing programs) may be effective in alleviating poverty-related outcomes. This approach may also be safer than a wholesale reform of existing social assistance approaches, which could have unintended consequences.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1356652, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469268


Introduction: The article analyzed homeless people's (HP) access to health and social protection policies and tailored inter-sector care, including emergency measures, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belo Horizonte (BH), capital of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. It intended to provide data on HP and evaluate existing public policies focused on vulnerable populations during this health emergency. Methods: The study adopted a mixed-methods design with triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data. Results: Social cartography showed that in the early months of the pandemic, the health administration had difficulty reordering the health system, which experienced constant updates in the protocols but was nevertheless consolidated over the months. The evidence collected in the study showed that important emergency interventions in the municipality of BH involved activities that facilitated access by HP to the supply of services. Discussion: The existence of national guidelines for inter-sector care for HP cannot be ruled out as a positive influence, although the municipalities are responsible for their implementation. Significantly, a health emergency was necessary to intensify the relationship between health and social protection services. Roving services were among those with the greatest positive evidence, with the least need for infrastructure to be replicated at the local level. In addition, the temporary supply of various inter-sector services, simultaneously with the provision of day shelters by organized civil society, was considered a key factor for expanding and intensifying networks of care for HP during the emergency phase. A plan exists to continue and expand this model in the future. The study concluded that understanding the inter-sector variables that impact HP contributes to better targeting of investments in interventions that work at the root causes of these issues or that increase the effectiveness of health and social protection systems.

COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Pandemias , Política Pública , Serviço Social , Brasil/epidemiologia
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3605, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1534102


Resumo Introdução Desde 2005, as cidades brasileiras estão se adequando para organizar equipes e serviços do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) e, a partir de 2011, a terapia ocupacional passou a ser reconhecida como uma das profissões que compõem tais equipes e a gestão do SUAS. Este estudo aborda como a categoria tem participado dessa política no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Objetivo Mapear as terapeutas ocupacionais que atuam no SUAS nesse estado e delinear as características dessa inserção. Metodologia Estudo de mapeamento, descritivo e transversal, utilizando informações oficiais do Censo SUAS. Os dados foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva descritiva, em diálogo com a Política Nacional de Assistência Social, a literatura do campo da terapia ocupacional na assistência social e sob o referencial da terapia ocupacional social. Resultados No estado do Rio de Janeiro, 142 terapeutas ocupacionais atuam no SUAS, o equivalente a 8,9% das profissionais desse estado. Como retrato, obtivemos imagem formada por mulheres (89,4%) entre 41-50 anos de idade (34,5%), contratadas por Organizações da Sociedade Civil (93%), celetistas (50%), com carga horária semanal de 11-20 horas (40,9%), inseridas majoritariamente nos Centros-dia (71%), atuando com pessoas com deficiências e idosas. Conclusão A inserção de terapeutas ocupacionais no SUAS fluminense acontece de forma precarizada, com baixa inserção nos equipamentos estatais. Sinaliza-se a necessidade de as entidades representativas da classe atuarem nessa política pública enquanto promotora de ampliação de vagas/concursos/emprego, bem como investirem em debates sobre as composições das equipes e o reconhecimento dos diferentes campos de saber.

Abstract Introduction Since 2005, Brazilian cities have been adapting to organize teams and services of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), and since 2011, occupational therapy has been recognized as one of the professions that compose these teams and the management of SUAS. This study addresses how the category has been involved in this policy in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Objective To map the occupational therapists working at SUAS in this state and outline the characteristics of this inclusion. Methodology A descriptive, cross-sectional mapping study, using official data from the SUAS Census. Data were analyzed from a descriptive perspective, in dialogue with the National Social Assistance/Welfare Policy, the literature in the field of occupational therapy in social assistance, and under the framework of social occupational therapy. Results In the State of Rio de Janeiro, 142 occupational therapists work at SUAS, which is equivalent to 8.9% of the professionals in this state. This workforce is composed of women (89.4%) aged 41-50 years (34.5%), hired by Civil Society Organizations (93%), under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime (50%), with a weekly workload of 11-20 hours (40.9%), mainly inserted in Day Centers (71%), working with people with disabilities and older people. Conclusion The inclusion of occupational therapists in SUAS of Rio de Janeiro state occurs precariously, with low insertion in this state's devices. It highlights the need for representative entities of the class to act in this public policy as a promoter of expanding job opportunities/public contests/employment, as well as to invest in debates about team compositions and the recognition of different fields of knowledge.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e257815, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1558741


Este artigo analisa os desafios e estratégias de atuação de psicólogas(os) nos Centros de Referência Especializados de Assistência Social (CREAS) do norte de Minas Gerais durante a pandemia de covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quanti-qualitativo, de corte transversal e com análise de conteúdo e estatística para a interpretação de dados primários e meio de questionário eletrônico, emergiram os seguintes eixos temáticos: (a) Perfil sociodemográfico das(os) trabalhadoras(es); (b) Medidas de prevenção à contaminação para quem? Impactos da pandemia na práxis da psicologia no CREAS; (c) Chegada das demandas no CREAS; e (d) Tenuidade entre as potencialidades e vicissitudes do uso das tecnologias digitais. Observou-se que a inserção das(os) trabalhadoras(es) nos CREAS é marcada por contratos temporários, altas jornadas de trabalho e baixa remuneração. Além disso, com a pandemia de covid-19, têm enfrentado obstáculos como a falta de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e de prevenção ao vírus. A chegada de demandas aos CREAS também foi afetada pela pandemia, como apontam as análises estatísticas dos registros mensais de atendimento dos municípios. As tecnologias digitais se configuraram como a principal estratégia adotada no ambiente de trabalho dos CREAS. Conclui-se que, se por um lado, a pandemia engendrou e acentuou obstáculos para a práxis da psicologia; por outro, a imprevisibilidade desse cenário e a potência da psicologia norte-mineira possibilitaram diversas estratégias para assistir os usuários.(AU)

This article analyses the challenges and strategies over the psychologists activity at the Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CREAS), from the north of the state of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a descriptive, quantitative-qualitative study on content and statistics analysis for interpretation of primary and secondary data, with 19 psychologists participating. From interviews made with electronic questionnaires, the following theatrical axes emerged: (a) Social demographic profile of workers; (b) Prevention measures over contamination directed to which public? The impacts of the pandemic over the practice of psychology at CREAS; (c) Demand reception at CREAS; and (d) Tenuity between potentialities and vicissitudes of the use of digital technologies. The workers insertion at CREAS is notably marked by transitory working contracts, long labor journeys, and low wages. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing hindrances such as the lack of personal protection equipment (PPE) and virus prevention. The demands received by CREAS were also affected by the pandemic, as shown in the statistics analysis from monthly county treatment records. The digital technologies were the main strategy enforced by the working environment at CREAS. In conclusion, if on the one hand, the pandemic produced and increased obstacles for the practice of Psychology, on the other hand, the unpredictability of this scenery and the capacity of the psychology of the north of Minas Gerais enabled diverse strategies to attend the users.(AU)

Este artículo analiza los desafíos y las estrategias en la actuación de psicólogas(os) en los Centros de Referencia Especializados de Asistencia Social (CREAS) del norte de Minas Gerais (Brasil) durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cualicuantitativo, de cohorte transversal, con análisis de contenido y estadísticas para la interpretación de datos primarios y secundarios, en el cual participaron 19 psicólogas(os). De las entrevistas en un cuestionario electrónico surgieron los siguientes ejes temáticos: (a) perfil sociodemográfico de los(as) trabajadores(as); (b) medidas de prevención de la contaminación ¿para quién? Impactos de la pandemia en la praxis de la psicología en CREAS; (c) la llegada de demandas a CREAS y; (d) la tenuidad entre las potencialidades y vicisitudes del uso de tecnologías digitales. Se observó que la inserción de las(os) trabajadoras(es) en el CREAS está marcada por contratos laborales temporales, largas jornadas y baja remuneración. Además, con la pandemia de la COVID-19, se han enfrentado a obstáculos como la falta de equipo de protección personal (EPP) y prevención del virus. La llegada de demandas al CREAS también se vio afectada por la pandemia, como lo demuestran los análisis estadísticos de los registros mensuales de atención de los municipios. Las tecnologías digitales se han convertido en la principal estrategia adoptada en el entorno laboral de los CREAS. Se concluye que si, por un lado, la pandemia engendró y acentuó obstáculos a la praxis de la Psicología, por otro, la imprevisibilidad de este escenario y el poder de la Psicología en el norte de Minas Gerais posibilitaron varias estrategias para asistir a los usuarios.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Psicologia Social , Política Pública , Apoio Social , COVID-19 , Ansiedade , Defesa do Paciente , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Serviço de Acompanhamento de Pacientes , Satisfação Pessoal , População , Pobreza , Preconceito , Psicologia , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Reabilitação , Segurança , Delitos Sexuais , Classe Social , Controle Social Formal , Meio Social , Isolamento Social , Problemas Sociais , Seguridade Social , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estresse Psicológico , Desemprego , Violência , Características da População , Trabalho Infantil , Políticas, Planejamento e Administração em Saúde , Sistema Único de Saúde , Abuso Sexual na Infância , Riscos Ocupacionais , Atividades Cotidianas , Acidentes de Trabalho , Família , Defesa da Criança e do Adolescente , Características de Residência , Triagem , Exposição Ocupacional , Local de Trabalho , Qualidade, Acesso e Avaliação da Assistência à Saúde , Barreiras de Comunicação , Serviços de Saúde Comunitária , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa , Conflito Psicológico , Diversidade Cultural , Vida , Risco à Saúde Humana , Autonomia Pessoal , Denúncia de Irregularidades , Redução do Dano , Violação de Direitos Humanos , Depressão , Economia , Emprego , Equipamentos e Provisões Hospitalares , Violência contra a Mulher , Mercado de Trabalho , Acolhimento , Medidas de Associação, Exposição, Risco ou Desfecho , Ética , Capacitação Profissional , Instituições de Saúde, Recursos Humanos e Serviços , Conflito Familiar , Rede Social , Fadiga de Compaixão , Abuso Físico , Exclusão Digital , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial , Estresse Ocupacional , Acesso a Medicamentos Essenciais e Tecnologias em Saúde , Respeito , Solidariedade , Universalização da Saúde , Integração Social , Direito à Saúde , Assistência de Saúde Universal , Empoderamento , Análise de Mediação , Inclusão Social , Abuso Emocional , Estresse Financeiro , Características da Vizinhança , Fatores Sociodemográficos , Enquadramento Interseccional , Vulnerabilidade Social , Cidadania , Diversidade, Equidade, Inclusão , Medida Socioeducativa , Segurança do Emprego , Exaustão Emocional , Pressão do Tempo , Prevenção de Acidentes , Planejamento em Saúde , Política de Saúde , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Habitação , Direitos Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Atividades de Lazer , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida , Máscaras , Serviços de Saúde Mental
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 23(1): 45015, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567926


Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o Serviço Social no setor empresarial e as demandas para os assistentes sociais que enfrentaram os desafios presentes nas décadas de 1960 e 1990. Realiza uma contextualização da inserção desse profissional em uma empresa de energia elétrica no estado de Minas Gerais e apresenta elementos para se compreender esse espaço sócio-ocupacional e contribuir para o aprimoramento teórico, técnico e acadêmico de assistentes sociais inseridos nesse campo de atuação

This article presents a reflection on Social Service in the business sector and the demands for social workers who faced the challenges present in the 1960s and 1990s. It contextualizes the insertion of this professional in an electric energy company in the state of Minas General and presents elements to understand this socio-occupational space

Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el Servicio Social en el sector empresarial y las demandas de los trabajadores sociales que enfrentaron los desafíos presentes en las décadas de 1960 y 1990. Contextualiza la inserción de este profesional en una empresa de energía eléctrica en el estado de Minas General y. presenta elementos para comprender este espacio sociolaboral y contribuir al perfeccionamiento teórico, técnico y académico de los trabajadores sociales insertados en este campo de actividad

Serviço Social/educação , Serviço Social/organização & administração , Assistentes Sociais/educação
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e264104, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1564965


Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as perspectivas dos psicólogos dos Centros de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS) que compõem a equipe de Proteção e Atenção Integral à Família (PAIF) a respeito do seu trabalho no Acompanhamento Familiar oferecido para famílias com membros com transtornos mentais. Oito psicólogos que atuavam nos CRAS de um município no interior de Minas Gerais participaram do estudo. O instrumento utilizado foi um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, com a subsequente análise de conteúdo temática. As categorias temáticas foram analisadas à luz da literatura específica da área. De maneira geral, os resultados indicaram que os psicólogos se sentem despreparados para o exercício de sua função no CRAS, uma vez que a formação específica e continuada em Psicologia não ofereceu subsídios adequados para o conhecimento da atuação no campo da Assistência Social. A natureza (psico)terapêutica do trabalho é discutida, assim como a necessidade de formações continuadas para a atuação. Ressalta-se a necessidade de mais pesquisas que abordem a formação em Psicologia e suas relações com a Assistência Social, bem como os impactos desse despreparo na prática dos profissionais, de maneira a fomentar maior satisfação pessoal/profissional e, consequentemente, aprimorar a assistência oferecida à comunidade.(AU)

This study aims to investigate the views of psychologists who worked at Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) associated with the Comprehensive Family Care Program (PAIF) on their work with the aforementioned program. Overall, eight psychologists who worked at CRAS units in small municipalities in Minas Gerais for at least one year participated in this research. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview script, and the data were analyzed under the content analysis (thematic) method. Thematic categories were analyzed based on the specific literature. Results indicate that the psychologists generally felt unprepared to work at CRAS since their degree in Psychology provided inadequate knowledge to deal with Social Assistance issues. This study discusses the (psycho)therapeutic nature of their practice and the need for ongoing training for their proper performance. This study highlights the need for further research that addresses the links between education in Psychology and Social Assistance and the impacts of said unpreparedness on the performance of those professionals. Such research might provide more professional/personal satisfaction and, in turn, improve the quality of the offered service.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo la intención de conocer las perspectivas de los psicólogos de los Centros de Referencia de Asistencia Social (CRAS) que forman parte de los equipos del Protección y Atención Integral a la Familia (PAIF) acerca del seguimiento de familias con miembros portadores de trastornos mentales. Ocho psicólogos que actuaban en los CRAS de un municipio del interior del estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil) participaron en el estudio. El instrumento utilizado fue un guion de entrevistas semiestructuradas; y, para análisis de datos, se utilizó el análisis de contenido temático. Las categorías temáticas se analizaron a la luz de la literatura específica del campo. De modo general, los resultados indicaron que los psicólogos no se sienten preparados para desempeñar la función en el CRAS, puesto que la formación en Psicología no ofreció conocimientos adecuados para actuar en el campo de la asistencia social. Se discuten la naturaleza (psico)terapéutica del trabajo y la necesidad de formación continua para esta actuación. Se destaca la necesidad de más investigaciones que tratan de la formación en Psicología y sus relaciones con la asistencia social, y los impactos de esta falta de preparo en la práctica de los profesionales, de modo a promover una satisfacción personal/profesional y, consecuentemente, optimizar la asistencia ofrecida a la comunidad.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicologia , Psicologia Social , Apoio Social , Encenação , Ansiedade , Orientação , Serviço de Acompanhamento de Pacientes , Pensões , Satisfação Pessoal , Pobreza , Preconceito , Agitação Psicomotora , Política Pública , Qualidade de Vida , População Rural , Autocuidado , Automutilação , Comportamento Social , Mudança Social , Identificação Social , Problemas Sociais , Responsabilidade Social , Ciências Sociais , Previdência Social , Seguridade Social , Serviço Social , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Suicídio , Ciências do Comportamento , Políticas, Planejamento e Administração em Saúde , Adaptação Psicológica , Família , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Características de Residência , Higiene , Saúde Mental , Saúde da População Rural , Saúde Ocupacional , Recusa do Paciente ao Tratamento , Estratégias de Saúde , Comportamento Autodestrutivo , Satisfação do Paciente , Negociação , Política de Planejamento Familiar , Pessoal de Saúde , Pessoas com Deficiência , Violência Doméstica , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Constituição e Estatutos , Redes Comunitárias , Continuidade da Assistência ao Paciente , Programa , Pessoas com Deficiência Mental , Gestão em Saúde , Criatividade , Intervenção em Crise , Autonomia Pessoal , Estado , Atenção à Saúde , Agressão , Depressão , Diagnóstico , Educação , Ego , Emoções , Recursos Humanos , Humanização da Assistência , Acolhimento , Instituições de Saúde, Recursos Humanos e Serviços , Conflito Familiar , Relações Familiares , Resiliência Psicológica , Fatores de Proteção , Fatores Sociológicos , Comportamento Problema , Desempenho Profissional , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Engajamento no Trabalho , Construção Social da Identidade Étnica , Experiências Adversas da Infância , Separação da Família , Capacidade de Liderança e Governança , Solidariedade , Proteção Social em Saúde , Direção e Governança do Setor de Saúde , Povos Indígenas , Empoderamento , Intervenção Psicossocial , Inclusão Social , Apoio Comunitário , Vulnerabilidade Social , Pertencimento , Diversidade, Equidade, Inclusão , Bem-Estar Psicológico , Condições de Trabalho , Diversidade de Recursos Humanos , Política de Saúde , Promoção da Saúde , Recursos em Saúde , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Direitos Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Apego ao Objeto
Serv. soc. soc ; 147(2): e, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565894


Resumo: O presente artigo traz breves reflexões sobre o financiamento da Política de Assistência Social no período entre 2016 e 2023, analisando como os perversos ajustes fiscais realizados a partir da década de 1990 e que se aprofundam, em 2016, têm impactado nas políticas sociais, em especial para a política de assistência. A criação do Novo Regime Fiscal, em 2023, que põe fim a PEC/95, reforçou a submissão desta Política aos ditames econômicos, não garantindo uma verdadeira ampliação do seu financiamento.

Abstract: This article brings brief reflections on the financing of the Social Assistance Policy in the period between 2016 and 2023, analyzing how the perverse fiscal adjustments carried out since the 90s and which deepened in 2016, have impacted on social policies, especially assistance policy. The creation of the New Fiscal Regime, in 2023, which puts an end to PEC/95, reinforced the submission of this Policy to economic dictates, not guaranteeing a true expansion of its financing.

Scand J Public Health ; : 14034948231209369, 2023 Nov 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37953704


AIMS: Ten long-term social assistance recipients in a Norwegian municipality received a greater-than-average fixed monthly payment for 12 months. This study aimed to explore whether these recipients with reduced administrative requirements and a fixed monthly payment that was greater than the average social assistance experienced reduced poverty, increased feelings of independence, better daily living, and an improved quality of life. METHODS: The study's explorative design included 20 qualitative, in-depth, semi-structured interviews and a longitudinal electronic survey for 12 months. The 10 participants had been selected by the local labour and welfare agency based on stringent criteria and are therefore not representative of social assistance recipients in general. Individual interviews were conducted during autumn 2021 and spring 2022. The interview data were analysed using systematic text condensation, and the survey results are presented using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: The participants included in the project described a reduced experience of poverty. They could buy additional items and set aside money, something they had not been able to do in the past, and meant a great deal to them. They expressed experiencing freedom, gaining a stronger sense of independence, and having lessened feelings of shame. Many of the participants described health issues that were incompatible with working. CONCLUSIONS: Being given this opportunity led to a feeling of increased dignity and greater inclusion in society among this selected group of participants. They appreciated the simplified conditions and reduced requirements for administrative matters. All expressed that spending 8 months without contact with the social welfare office was a liberation.

Rev. polis psique ; 13(2): 182-200, 2023-11-13.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1517846


Esse trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de revisão narrativa que busca apresentar e discutir as práticas da Psicologia na política de Assistência Social em situações de violência infantojuvenil, tendo como fonte de informações as publicações científicas da área. A pesquisa foi realizada em três bases de dados e contou com um montante final de 23 artigos que foram lidos e analisados. O tema mostra-se relevante pois, ainda nos dias de hoje, crianças e adolescentes aparecem como as maiores vítimas de violência no Brasil e a política de Assistência Social se apresenta como um importante espaço de intervenção visando o enfrentamento de tais situações. Por meio da análise dos artigos científicos, conclui-se que as práticas descritas nas produções ora se articulam com matrizes de pensamento individualizantes e hegemônicas da Psicologia, ora produzem discursos que buscam a construção de saberes pautados na perspectiva social, territorial e no pensamento crítico. (AU)

This paper presents qualitative research of narrative review, which seeks to present and discuss the interventions of Psychology in the Social Assistance policy in situations of child and youth violence, havingassourceofinformationthescientificpublications. The research was conducted in three databases and had a final amount of 23 articles that were read and analyzed.The theme is relevant, because even today children and adolescents appear as the biggest victims of violence in Brazil and the Social Assistance presents itself as an important space for confrontation in this situations. Through the analysis of scientific articles, it is concluded that these productions point practices that sometimes are articulate with individualizing and hegemonic thought matrices of Psychology and in another moment produce discourses that seek to build knowledge based on the social, territorial perspective and on critical thinking. (AU)

Este trabajo presenta una investigación cualitativa de revisión narrativa, que busca presentar y discutir las intervenciones de la Psicología en la política de Asistencia Social en situaciones de violencia infantil y juvenil, teniendo como fuente de información las publicaciones científicasdel area.La investigación se realizó en tres bases de datos y contó con un total de 23 artículos que fueron leídos y analizados. El tema se muestra relevante, ya que aún en la actualidad los niños y adolescentes aparecen como las principales víctimas de violencia en Brasil, y la política de Asistencia Social se presenta como un importante espacio de confrontacionfrente a estas situaciones. A través del análisis de artículos científicos, se concluye que estas producciones apuntan prácticas descritas a veces se articulan con matrices de pensamiento individualizantes y hegemónicas de la Psicología, mientras que otras veces producen discursos que buscan la construcción de saberes basados en la perspectiva social, territorial y en el pensamiento crítico. (AU)

Psicologia/métodos , Política Pública , Serviço Social , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Child Abuse Negl ; 145: 106395, 2023 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595326


BACKGROUND: International evidence indicates that child poverty increases the risk of child welfare intervention needs but Finland, paradoxically, has low child poverty rates and high child welfare intervention rates. We investigate the extent to which the rate of social assistance use in families with children, as a proxy for child poverty, can be associated with the rate of children in out-of-home care in Finnish municipalities. METHODS: Data on the annual rate of social assistance use and out-of-home care were drawn from national registers for 216 Finnish municipalities from 1992 to 2021. Linear regression models were utilised to investigate the extent to which the social assistance use rate explained child out-of-home care rates, both spatially and temporally, across municipalities and years while adjusting for the unemployment rate. RESULTS: The rate of out-of-home care increased from some 700 to 1600 per 100,000 children over the period 1992-2021. A percentage point higher rate of the social assistance use was associated with 44-72 more children placed in out-of-home care per 100,000 children, net of the unemployment rate. This association was stronger in more recent time periods. A smaller association was observed within municipalities over time: a percentage point increase in social assistant use was linked to some 4-25 more children placed in out-of-home care per 100,000 children. CONCLUSION: Out-of-home care is increasingly concentrated in Finnish municipalities with high rates of families receiving social assistance. Preventative child welfare interventions are therefore required in areas with higher rates of economic difficulties among families.

Pobreza Infantil , Pobreza , Criança , Humanos , Finlândia/epidemiologia , Cidades , Proteção da Criança
Rev. polis psique ; 13(1): 143-167, 2023-08-07.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1517548


A Política de Assistência Social mantém a centralidade de suas intervenções na instituição familiar a fim de fortalecer a garantia de direitos à população em situação de desproteção social. Atento a esse cenário, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em analisar a percepção das famílias sobre as intervenções realizadas pelos psicólogos em um Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (CREAS) situado em uma cidade do interior do estado do Paraná. Adotando uma perspectiva qualitativa, os seis participantes relataram a experiência desses atendimentos e seus impactos sobre a família. Como resultado, foi possível conhecer os receios e medos presentes nos primeiros contatos e como isso foi superado à medida que o vínculo afetivo era fortalecido, abrindo espaço para o relato das experiências difíceis de violência familiar. Ao final da pesquisa, foi possível compreender a relevância de construir uma sustentabilidade afetiva capaz de afirmar a vinculação e acolher as famílias. (AU)

Social Assistance Policy maintains the centrality of its interventions in the family institution in order to strengthen the guarantee of rights to the population in a situation of social unprotect. Aware of this scenario, the objective of this research was to analyze the perception of families on the interventions carried out by psychologists at a Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center (CREAS) located in a city in the interior of the state of Paraná. Adopting a qualitative perspective, the six participants reported the experience of these services and their impacts on the family. As a result, it was possible to know the fears and dreads present in the first contacts and how this was overcome as the affective bond was strengthened, opening space for reporting difficult family violence experiences. At the end of the research, it was possible to understand the relevance of building an affective sustainability capable of affirming the link and welcoming the families. (AU)

La Política de Asistencia Social mantiene la centralidad de sus intervenciones en la institución familiar para fortalecer la garantía de derechos a la población en situación de desprotección social. Conscientes de este escenario, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la percepción de las familias sobre las intervenciones realizadas por psicólogos en un Centro de Referencia Especializado en Asistencia Social (CREAS) ubicado en una ciudad del interior del estado de Paraná. Adoptando una perspectiva cualitativa, los seis participantes relataron la experiencia de estos servicios y sus impactos en la familia. Como resultado, fue posible conocer los miedos y ansiedades presentes en los primeros contactos y cómo éstos fueron superados a medida que el vínculo afectivo se reforzó, abriendo un espacio para la denuncia de experiencias difíciles de violencia familiar. Al final de la investigación, se pudo comprender la relevancia de construir una sostenibilidad afectiva capaz de afirmar el vínculo y acoger a las familias. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Percepção Social , Serviço Social/estatística & dados numéricos , Família/psicologia , Intervenção Psicossocial , Apego ao Objeto , Política Pública , Brasil , Baixo Nível Socioeconômico
Front Public Health ; 11: 1168494, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37404287


Student assistance (SA), regulated through the National Student Assistance Program (PNAES), seeks to meet the basic social needs of university students and is inserted in the field of public policies for higher education in federal institutions in Brazil. The program allocates financial resources in order to provide scholarships, housing, food, transport, physical and mental health, and accessibility for disabled students. The present study aims to identify the senses attributed by students of a federal public university to AE and the relationship between SA and their eating practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. A qualitative approach was used. Online questionnaire and focus groups were employed for data collection. The study public consisted of undergraduate students. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used, opting for thematic analysis, with the support of the MAXQDA software. The core meanings were organized into two categories: (i) food during pandemic and (ii) role of student assistance. A total of 55 responses were obtained, and three focus groups were carried out. About 45% reported that the pecuniary aid offered by the university was the family's only source of income during the pandemic and 65% used it to buy food. More than half described worsening in food quality, related to food prices. Although no specific evaluation instrument was used, it is plausible to admit that the students experienced a situation of food insecurity, given the uncertainty in regular access to food, the compromised quality of food, and the strategies mobilized to guarantee a minimum amount of food for all members of the family. Among the reported strategies were changing the location and mode of acquisition (receiving donations, buying in groups or in wholesalers) and choosing cheaper genres. Although students consider SA essential for access and maintenance at the university, a sense assigned to SA was the role of "help." In general, students did not link SA to social rights, as part of public educational policy and as a mechanism for food and nutrition security. SA actions developed during the pandemic were essential for keeping students at the university, also functioning, albeit unintentionally, as a food and nutritional security mechanism.

COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Universidades , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Estudantes
Soc Sci Med ; 330: 116037, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37406468


Social disadvantages persist over generations, while the mechanisms behind the intergenerational transmission are not well understood. To fill this gap, first, we examine to what degree being diagnosed with a mental health disorder in adolescence mediate the transmission of social disadvantage. Second, we investigate whether the role of mental health varies for different outcomes. Third, we examine differences between disorder groups and gender. We exploited register data on the full Finnish population including information on mental health diagnoses (MHD) based on ICD-10 classification recorded in public specialized health care. As socioeconomic outcomes, we used offspring's (N = 511,835) records for low educational attainment, unemployment, and social assistance dependency in early adulthood. In addition to linear probability models, the g-computation method was used to simulate the degree to which reducing mental health inequalities in adolescence could narrow the differences between children of different family backgrounds. Our results show that adolescents with MHD had a higher likelihood of experiencing social disadvantage as young adults even after accounting for parental socioeconomic status and alternative health pathways. The counterfactual analysis indicated that the proportion mediated by unevenly distributed MHD was with 7.5% highest for social assistance followed by 4.2% for education and 3.2% for unemployment. The effect of mental health was modified by gender yet direction and strength varied across methods and externalizing behaviors mattered more for the intergenerational persistence than internalizing behaviors. Hypothetically reducing MHD to the level of families with high socioeconomic status might indeed lower part of the intergenerational transmission of social assistance dependency but to lesser degree of unemployment and low educational attainment. We demonstrate the need of support and services for those with MHD, especially among socially disadvantaged groups. However, social disadvantage should not be overly medicalized as family background has an important independent effect on offspring's socioeconimic outcomes.

Transtornos Mentais , Saúde Mental , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Humanos , Adulto , Finlândia/epidemiologia , Transtornos Mentais/epidemiologia , Classe Social , Pais/psicologia
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37174271


A wider range of social protection services, including social insurance and social assistance, are gaining global attention as a key driver of improved health service coverage and financial protection among vulnerable populations. However, only a few studies have investigated the associations between social protection and universal health coverage (UHC). Therefore, we conducted a literature review on relevant international organizations with respect to this topic. We found that many international organizations consider the wide range of social protection services, including social insurance and social assistance, essential for achieving UHC in 2030. In specific health programs, social protection is considered an important service to promote health service access and financial protection, especially among vulnerable populations. However, discussions about social protection for achieving UHC are not given high priority in the World Health Organization. Currently, the coverage of social protection services is low among vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries. To address this issue, we employed the metrics recommended by the migrant integration policy index (MIPEX). Based on our findings, a conceptual framework was developed. We expect this framework to lead synergy between social protection and health systems around the globe, resulting in healthy ageing.

Promoção da Saúde , Cobertura Universal do Seguro de Saúde , Humanos , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Política Pública , Assistência Médica
Soins ; 68(873): 35-38, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37037642


The announcement of multiple sclerosis is likely to turn a person's life and plans upside down. Many questions then arise, particularly concerning rights and available assistance. Faced with the multitude of existing organizations and mechanisms, caregivers can direct the patient to a social service assistant. This person will be able to advise and accompany the patient in his or her efforts.

Pessoas com Deficiência , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Apoio Social , Cuidadores
Afr J Disabil ; 12: 1114, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36876023


Background: Caregivers are under enormous pressure in trying to provide for the needs of their children with disabilities in South Africa. The care dependency grant (CDG), an unconditional cash transfer, is the primary state-subsidised intervention for the social protection of low-income caregivers of children with disabilities. Objectives: The primary objective of this substudy, within a larger multistakeholder qualitative project, was to investigate caregiver perspectives on CDG assessment and application, their beliefs about the purpose of the CDG and how they actually used these funds. Methods: Data for this qualitative research included in-depth individual interviews and one focus group discussion. Six low-income caregivers who were current or previous CDG beneficiaries participated. Deductive thematic analysis was conducted using codes related to the objectives. Results: Access to the CDG was usually too late and over-complicated. Caregivers were grateful for the CDG but it was insufficient to cover the costs of care, in the context of high unemployment and weaknesses in complementary social services. Pressure on these caregivers was intensified by criticism in their social environments and a lack of respite care. Conclusion: Caregivers need service providers to be better trained and for systems of referral to available social services to be strengthened. The whole of society ought also to be targeted for increased social inclusion facilitated by improvements in understandings of the lived experience and cost of disability. Contribution: The rapid time from data collection to write-up of this study will aid in building the evidence base on the CDG, an urgent priority for South Africa's journey towards comprehensive social protection.

Soc Sci Med ; 321: 115781, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36841223


This study assesses the extent to which reciprocal relations exist between financial hardship, sense of societal belonging and mental health for social assistance recipients. This provides crucial information on how a desired change in these outcomes may be realized, and which factors to target to improve recipients' disadvantaged situation most. In order to answer our research question, we drew on three-wave panel data (N = 348) from a social experiment in the municipality of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, which ran from December 2017 to January 2020. The data were analyzed using cross-lagged panel models. Our findings show that financial hardship and sense of societal belonging did not predict change in recipients' mental health. A better mental health at baseline, in contrast, predicted an increase in sense of societal belonging one and two years later. In addition, both a better mental health and a stronger sense of societal belonging at baseline predicted a decrease in financial hardship one year later, but this relation was not found between other waves. These findings emphasize that improving recipients' mental health may be a promising policy strategy to improve their situation.

Saúde Mental , Pobreza , Humanos , Pobreza/psicologia , Estresse Financeiro , Países Baixos
Int J Disaster Risk Reduct ; 85: 103522, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619139


This article aims to present the experiences of 284 social workers as disaster responders during the Covid-19 pandemic-the study conducted among social workers from public social assistance institutions in the Greater Poland Province, Poland.During the pandemic, the vast majority of social workers carried out administrative activities consisting of qualifying people to receive social assistance benefits. The activities that were undertaken the least frequently during the pandemic were: initiating new forms of assistance, developing social welfare programs acting as an advocate for the rights and interests of clients. Respondents observed changes in the functioning of social assistance institutions during the pandemic on several levels: guarantying access to personal protective equipment, changes in the way of working, lack of protecting the mental health of workers. The respondents were asked to rate on cooperation with the environment to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. Cooperation with institutions such as police, non-governmental organizations, informal groups, and the Wielkopolska Province Office in Poznan was rated the highest. The results of the present study demonstrate that social workers are essential disaster responders to the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of polish social workers did not lose touch with the local environment and, risking their own health, undertook activities for people and families in need.

Quad. psicol. (Bellaterra, Internet) ; 25(3): e1862, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-228444


Neste trabalho, analisamos as significações sobre a formação profissional e o processo de inserção de psicólogas(os) que atuam no ‌Serviço ‌de‌ ‌Proteção‌ ‌Social‌ ‌Especial‌ ‌para‌ ‌Pessoas‌ ‌com‌ ‌Deficiência, ‌Idosas‌ ‌e‌ ‌suas‌ ‌Famílias‌ (SEPREDI/SUAS). Para tanto, foram entrevistados seis profissionais de três municípios catarinenses. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e analisadas a partir dos núcleos de significação. A perspectiva teórica foi baseada no diálogo entre a psicologia sócio-histórica e os estudos da deficiência de matriz feminista. Os resultados apontaram a necessidade de a formação inicial e continuada preparar as(os) psicólogas(os) para lidar com a complexidade das demandas presentes em serviços como o SEPREDI. Ademais, indicam a importância de os concursos públicos voltados à seleção de profissionais para o SUAS serem específicos para este campo de atuação. Evidencia-se a relevância de uma formação interseccional, intersetorial e atenta à garantia dos direitos humanos. (AU)

In this paper, we analyze the meanings of professional training and the process of insertion of psychologists who work in the Special Social Protection Service for‌ ‌Disabled people, ‌Elderly‌ ‌and‌ ‌their‌ ‌Families (SEPREDI/SUAS). For this purpose, six professionals from three cities in Santa Catarina were interviewed. The information was obtained through in-depth interviews and analyzed from the meaning cores. The theoretical perspective was based on the dialogue between Socio-Historical Psychology and the feminist perspective of Disability Studies. The results indicated the need for initial and continuing training to prepare psychologists to deal with the complexity of the demands present in services such as SEPREDI. The dialogue of socio-historical psychology with the field of disability studies with a feminist matrix was the theoretical perspective adopted, understanding disability as a transversal and political experience. The results analyzed from the meaning cores pointed to the need for initial and continuing education to prepare psychologists to deal with the complexity of the demands present in services such as SEPREDI. Furthermore, they indicate the importance of public examinations aimed at selecting professionals for SUAS being specific to this field of work. The relevance of an intersectional, intersectoral training that is attentive to the guarantee of human rights is highlighted. (AU)

Humanos , Psicologia/educação , Pessoas com Deficiência , Apoio Social , Inquéritos e Questionários , Entrevista Psicológica , Política de Saúde , Brasil
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-223901


Neste artigo objetivamos problematizar o campo de forças que compõe as práticas psicológicas e as normativas das políticas públicas no âmbito da Assistência Social. Para tanto, tomamos o Serviço de Proteção e Atendimento Integral à Família (PAIF) como analisador de tal política, com o objetivo de propor algumas provocações à Psicologia e à própria Assistência Social. Tra-ta-se de uma pesquisa documental que utiliza, como grade analítica, o conceito foucaultiano de governamentalidade, tomando como materialidade de análise o documento “Orientações Técnicas sobre o Serviço de Proteção e Atendimento Integral à Família” volume I (2012) e os impasses gerados pelos recentes cortes orçamentários, que, em parte, inviabilizam o Sistema Único de Assistência Social. Diante disto, as provocações apontam para o que pode emergir do encontro entre a Psicologia e o SUAS, dos desafios às possibilidades engendradas entre esses campos, que se constroem imbricados à racionalidade neoliberal e aos processos de in/exclusão brasileiros. (AU)

In this article, we problematize the field of forces involving psychological practices and public policy guidelines in the domain of Social Assistance. For this purpose, we take the Service of Protection and Integral Support to the Family as an analyzer of this policy and raise questions regarding the fields of Psychology and Social Assistance. In this documentary research, the Foucauldian concept of governmentalityworks as an analytical grid. The materials of analysis consist of the document “Technical Guidelines Regarding the Service of Protection and Inte-gral Support to the Family”, volume I (2012), plus the standoffs caused by recent budget cuts, which partiallyhinder the Unified System of Social Assistance (SUAS). In light of this, our provocations highlight what can emerge from the encounter between Psychology and the SUAS, considering both the challenges and possibilities engendered by these fields, which areinterwoven with neoliberal rationality and processes of in/exclusion in Brazil. (AU)

Humanos , Psicologia , Serviço Social , Marginalização Social , Brasil