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CienciaUAT ; 13(2): 28-43, ene.-jun. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011774


RESUMEN El entrelazamiento de las convicciones ideológicas de la juventud del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (PST) en México y la experiencia victoriosa del reparto agrario con la fundación de los Nuevos Centros de Población Ejidal (NCPE), en el municipio de Abasolo, Tamaulipas, México, de los campesinos agrupados en Comités Ejecutivos Particulares Agrarios (CPEA), dieron lugar a la primera alternancia municipal de la historia contemporánea de Tamaulipas. El ayuntamiento fue reconocido constitucionalmente en 1983, siendo la única victoria electoral del PST en el estado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue documentar los antecedentes sobre la historia política y social del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (PST) de 1980 a 1983. El procedimiento de esta investigación fue histórica, con base en la triangulación de fuentes primarias y secundarias, siguiendo la premisa de que la política es la continuación de la guerra por otros medios. La historia del rompimiento de la hegemonía del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), en Abasolo, fue recreada con archivos históricos y entrevistas orales de diferentes actores sociales de la época. El PST alcanzó el reconocimiento constitucional del ayuntamiento en 1983 por 21 días, por lo que se dio una alternancia municipal atípica. Esta alternancia, resultó ser atípica no sólo por el hecho de que un partido distinto y de reciente creación ganara las elecciones, sino por las condiciones en las que se eligió el candidato y se dio el proceso electoral municipal, así como el modo en que el presidente municipal concluyó el periodo constitucional. Dichos sucesos posibilitaron la lucha político-electoral entre el PST y el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) en ese municipio.

ABSTRACT The interlacing between the ideological convictions of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) youth in Mexico, the victory of land distribution among the New Ejido Population Settlements (Nuevos Centros de Población Ejidal, NCPE), and the organization of farmers in Particular Executive Committees of Agriculture (Comités Ejecutivos Particulares Agrarios, CEPA), resulted in the first political alternation contemporary history of Tamaulipas, which took place in Abasolo municipality. The city council was constitutionally recognized in 1983, being the only electoral victory of the SWP in the state. The objective of this paper is to record the background of the political and social history of the SWP from 1980 to 1983. This was a historical research based on the triangulation of primary and secondary sources, following the assumption that politics is the prolongation of the war by other means. The history of the hegemony of the Institutional Revolutionary Party's (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI) breakdown in Abasaolo was recreated through historical archives and oral interviews with different social actors of the time. The SWP achieved constitutional recognition from the city council in 1983 during 21 days, representing an atypical political alternation in the municipality. This alternation was atypical not only because a different party was elected, but also due to the conditions in which the electing process was conducted, how the elected candidate was chosen, and the manner in which the city mayor concluded the constitutional period. These events made the political struggle between the SWP and the PRI possible in this municipality.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(2): 320-335, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087447


Este artigo tem por objetivo abordar as tendências teóricas do trabalho social cubano a partir do início da transição socialista na Ilha (janeiro de 1959). Para tanto, recupera aspectos da história mais recente deste país e situa a importância do movimento 26 de julho (M-26-7) que lutou contra a ditadura de Fulgencio Batista que culminou como a transição socialista e a reestruturação do trabalho social em Cuba. Destaca, ainda, as principais inspirações teórico-políticas que têm orientado o sentido do trabalho social cubano nos últimos 25 anos, suas diversas tendências, seus elementos constituintes, suas teses centrais. Analisa, por fim, com base nesse estudo, os limites e as potencialidades para consolidar uma formação universitária profissional crítica na Ilha, fiel à tradição socialista nela construída e caudatária de suas experiências militantes e progressistas.

This paper considers the theoretical tendencies of Cuban Social Work from the beginning of the socialist transition in the island (January 1959). For this purpose, revisits aspects of recent Cuban history, locates the importance of the 26 of July movement (M-26-7) which fought Fulgencio Batista's dictatorship and culminated with socialist transition and the reorganization of Social Work in Cuba. The paper also emphasizes the most important theoretical inspirations which oriented Cuban social work in the last 25 years, its various tendencies, its constitutive elements and central theses. Finally, based on its findings, the paper analyses the limits and potentialities for the consolidation of a critical professional social work university education in the island, aligned to its socialist tradition and in the light of its progressive militant experiences.

Serviço Social , Cuba , Condições Sociais
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 7(2): 2747-2754, abr. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-973518


Resumen La ideología política refleja una serie de creencias y comportamientos que pueden ser medidos, siendo necesario la creación de un instrumento psicométrico que permita llevar a cabo dicho fin. Para ello, se utilizó como base la escala construida por Brussino, Rabbia, Imhoff y Paz García (2011), quienes desarrollaron un trabajo similar en Córdoba, Argentina. El procedimiento contempló la valoración de personas expertas, entrevistas cognitivas y una muestra de 117 asesoras y asesores de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica, además del apoyo de dos personas diputadas. Los datos arrojan que el instrumento mide tres tipos de ideología (conservadora, socialista y progresista) con un índice aceptable de confiabilidad (a = 0.747).

Abstract The political ideology reflects a series of beliefs and behaviors that can be measured, being necessary the creation of a psychometric instrument. In this way, we used the scale constructed by Brussino, Rabbia, Imhoff, & Paz García (2011), who developed a similar work in Cordoba, Argentina. The procedure included expert's criteria, cognitive interviews and a sample of 117 advisers from the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica, in addition to the support of two deputies. The data show the instrument can measure three types of ideology (conservative, socialist and progressive) with an acceptable reliability (a = .747).

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 16(1): 49-64, 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-912757


A los 17 años del siglo XXI, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo reivindicar el imaginario socialista frente al fracaso del capitalismo, y de los propios errores de las diferentes experiencias de transformación social. Cien años de aniversario de la primera experiencia socialista en el mundo, se toma como motivación para reflexionar sobre las posibles temáticas de la agenda de la ciencia del socialismo; en la delimitación de la evaluación del socialismo, como proyecto histórico monumental, entre la necesidad del cambio social y el cómo hacerlo.

The aim of this article is to claim the socialist imaginary in the face of the failure of capitalism and the mistakes of the different experiences of social transformation. One hundred years of the first socialist experience in the world, is taken as a motivation to reflect on the possible themes of the socialist science agenda; in the delimitation of the evaluation of socialism, as a monumental historical project, between the need for social change and how to do it.

Socialismo , Economia , Política
Cad. CEDES ; 26(70): 291-310, set.-dez. 2006.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-512490


O presente texto analisa as influências do pensamento liberal sobre os primórdios da formação intelectual e política de Gramsci. Mostra que, inicialmente, Gramsci encontra em Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Gentile, representantes do neo-idealismo italiano,um referencial de análise mais progressista e moderno sobre a Itália do que o de Guglielmo Ferrero e Filippo Turati, expoentes do Partido Socialista Italiano. Sua posição em favor do liberalismo manifesta-sena defesa da modernidade e da capacidade de autodeterminação do sujeito. Contudo, a influência liberal não o impediu de saudar a revolução de outubro de 1917, quando ainda permaneciam pontos de contato entre seu pensamento e o de Croce. A passagem de Gramsci ao comunismo e sua ruptura com a influência neo-idealista e liberal ocorrerão durante o aprofundamento dos conflitos históricos, tais como a I Guerra Mundial e o crescimento do antagonismo entre o Ocidente liberal e a Revolução Soviética.

The text analyzes the influence of liberal thinking in the beginning of Gramsci's intellectual and political development. It shows that initially Gramsci finds in the ideas of Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile, supporters of Italian new-idealism, a more progressive and modern framework for examining Italy than in the ideas defended by Guglielmo Ferrero e Filippo Turati, exponents of the Italian Socialist Party. His support of liberalism manifests itself in the defense of modernity and the capacity for self-determination. But the liberal influence did not stop him from welcoming the october Revolution of 1917, although there still remained points of contact between Croce's thinking and his own. Gramsci's embrace of communism and his rupture with new-idealist and liberal trends takes place later, during the deepening of historical conflicts, such as Word War I and the increasing antagonism between the liberal West and the Soviet Revolution.

Investig. psicol ; 5(1): 63-77, 2000.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-905346


Se analiza la intersección entre Psicología y Socialismo, en el marco de la Cátedra de Psicología Fisiológica y Experimental de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y la influencia de los modelos experimentales en las preferencias de los socialistas, la influencia del socialismo en ciertas formulaciones en psicología. Se consideran 3 momentos: a) Presencia y participación de Alicia Moreau de Justo en el Laboratoio de Horacio Piñero en 1905 y su adherencia al modelo experimental. b) El Laboratorio y su expansión bajo la Dirección de José Alberti. Instrumentación de sus aplicaciones al estudio de la fatiga como fundamentación de la duración de la jornada laboral, Alfredo Palacios. (1921) c) Mouchet, sus concepciones de psicología vital y sus definiciones espiritualistas del trabajo como Diputado Socialista (alrededor de la crisis política del 30)

The interaction Psychology-Socialism is analized in reference to the Chair of Experimental Psychology at University of Buenos Aires in order to study its reciprocal influences. Three different moments are considered: a) Alicia Moreau ,assistant at H.Piñero's Laboratory (1905) b) The Lab as providing experimental support to laboral laws (fatigue studies) A.Palacios, J.Alberti,1921 c) E.Mouchet, vital psychology and his spiritualistic view of work as a Socialist Congressman. (circa 1930'political crisis)

Humanos , Psicologia , História do Século XX , Psicologia Experimental , Socialismo