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Sci Prog ; 106(4): 368504231206254, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37942705


The global increase in solid waste pollution due to economic growth and population growth has led to severe ecological deterioration. This situation is exacerbated by the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which has significantly impacted consumer behavior and consumption habits. Proper management of solid waste has thus become critical in mitigating environmental degradation. In this study, we aim to examine the relationship between the outbreak of COVID-19, environmental attitudes (EATT), social norms (SN), environmental knowledge (EK), technological innovation (TI), and solid waste management (SWM) in Ecuadorian households during the pandemic. We collected data from 426 households in Ecuador using an online questionnaire and analyzed it using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model method to test the hypotheses. Likewise, we validated the measurement and structural model. The results are novel about SWM, considering a developing country severely affected during the pandemic. Our findings suggest that COVID-19 has a negative impact on SWM, while EATT, SN, and TI have a positive influence on SWM. However, we found that EK does not significantly affect SWM.

COVID-19 , Gerenciamento de Resíduos , Humanos , Resíduos Sólidos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Gerenciamento de Resíduos/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pandemias
Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 2-15, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360746


Resumen La perspectiva temporal es una variable psicológica que se ha asociado con múltiples comportamientos, entre ellos la conducta sustentable (CS). Son escasos los estudios sobre la relación entre la orientación temporal denominada futuro trascendental y la CS. Objetivo: estimar las relaciones entre dos perspectivas temporales (orientación al futuro y orientación al futuro trascendental) y la conducta sustentable; y su asociación, con el autocuidado y la felicidad. Metodología: estudio correlacional, con un diseño no experimental, transeccional. Participaron 209 personas de una ciudad al noroeste de México, con una edad promedio de 30.33 años, quienes respondieron a un instrumento que constó de ocho escalas Likert que evaluaron perspectiva de futuro, perspectiva temporal de futuro trascendental, conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad, comportamientos de autocuidado y felicidad subjetiva. Las interrelaciones entre las variables se estimaron mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: las orientaciones temporales al futuro y al futuro trascendental influyen en las conductas sustentables (conducta proecológica, altruismo, frugalidad, equidad), que, a su vez, impactan en la felicidad y el autocuidado de las personas. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos aportan información valiosa que ayuda a elucidar las características que posee un individuo que orienta su conducta a los ideales de la sostenibilidad.

Abstract Time perspective is a psychological variable that has been associated it with multiple behaviors, including sustainable behaviors. Research on transcendental future perspective is scarce, among the studies on temporal perspective and sustainable behavior, none were found on the relationship between transcendental future and SC. Objective: this research was aimed at assessing the relationship between two-time perspectives (future orientation, transcendent future orientation) and sustainable behavior, and its association with self-care and happiness. Method: a correlational study was developed, with a non-experimental, transactional design. Two hundred nine people from a northwestern city in Mexico participated, with an average age of 30.33 years, who responded to an instrument that consisted of eight Likert scales that evaluated future perspective, transcendental future temporal perspective, pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity, self-care behaviors, and subjective happiness. Results: the results were processed within a structural equation model, where it is emphasized that temporal orientations to the future and to the transcendental future influence sustainable behaviors (pro-ecological behavior, altruism, frugality, equity), which, in turn, impact on the happiness and self-care of people. Conclusion: these findings provide valuable information that helps elucidate the characteristics of an individual who guides his behavior to sustainability ideals.

Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 36-48, ene.-abr. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360748


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo teórico es introducir los conceptos de macrocontingencia y metacontingencia en el campo de la psicología ambiental y su papel en la promoción de acciones colectivas en pro del medio ambiente natural y construido. Se proponen este tipo de contingencias para el diseño de prácticas culturales y programas sociales que ayuden a resolver problemas ambientales como el cambio climático, la extinción de especies, la contaminación del agua, la deforestación, las migraciones, el vandalismo, etc., e incentivar comportamientos urbanos responsables como el uso de la bicicleta y del transporte urbano, el reciclaje, etc. Aunque las acciones de cada persona pueden contribuir a las soluciones, el planteamiento del presente manuscrito se centra en el efecto acumulativo y las acciones entrelazadas de los individuos que producen un resultado eficaz para el bienestar de muchas personas y del medio ambiente. La conducta guiada por reglas se presenta como el mecanismo de aprendizaje para introducir las macrocontingencias y metacontingencias en la comunidad. A partir del pragmatismo como visión paradigmática, se discute la efectividad de las macrocontingencias y metacontingencias para explicar los procesos culturales en la promoción de acciones efectivas para el medio ambiente.

Abstract This article aims to introduce the concepts of macrocontingency and metacontingency into environmental psychology to promote collective actions in pro of the natural and urban environment. The design of cultural practices oriented to achieve the goal requires the definition of contingencies that promote social process to solve environmental problems such as: climate change, species extinction, water contamination, deforestation, migration, vandalism, etc, and to encourage responsible urban behaviors such as the use of bicycles, urban transport, recycling, among others. Although each person´s actions may contribute to the solutions, the approach of this theoretical paper is focused on the cumulative effect and the interconnected actions of people that produce an effective outcome for the well-being of many and the environment. Rule - driven behavior is showed as the learning mechanism to introduce the macrocontingencies and metacontingencies in the community. Based on pragmatism as a paradigmatic view, it is discussed the effectiveness of macrocontingencies and metacontingencies in explaining cultural processes to promote effective actions for the environment.

Front Psychol ; 11: 276, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32174866


Given the environmental problems humanity is currently facing, and considering that the future of the planet lies in the hands of children and their actions, research on the determinants of sustainable behaviors in children has become more relevant; nonetheless, studies on this topic focusing on children are scarce. Previous research on adults suggests, in an isolated manner, the relationship between connectedness to nature, the development of behaviors in favor of the environment, and positive results derived from them, such as happiness and well-being. In the present research, connectedness to nature was considered as a determinant of sustainable behaviors, and happiness was considered as a positive consequence of the latter. This research aimed to demonstrate the relationship between these variables in children. Two hundred and ninety-six children with an average age of 10.42 years old participated in the study, in which they responded to a research instrument that measured connectedness to nature, sustainable behaviors (pro-ecological behavior, frugality, altruism, and equity), and happiness. To analyze the relationships between these variables, a model of structural equations was specified and tested. The results revealed a significant relationship between connectedness to nature and sustainable behaviors, which, in turn, impact happiness. This suggests that children who perceive themselves as more connected to nature tend to perform more sustainable behaviors; also, the more pro-ecological, frugal, altruistic, and equitable the children are, the greater their perceived happiness will be. The implications for studying and promoting sustainable behaviors are discussed within the framework of positive psychology.

Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 1-1, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056536


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer las características del comportamiento proambiental de los estudiantes universitarios colombianos, esto es, identificar las actitudes, creencias, valoraciones, prácticas y conocimientos ambientales de estudiantes colombianos de diferentes carreras universitarias. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacional de corte transversal con una muestra de 1503 estudiantes de diferentes carreras universitarias en cinco ciudades colombianas, con una probabilidad de incidencia de .5, 95 % de confianza y un error del 2.5 %. Los participantes fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente al interior de cada universidad y seles aplicaron el Inventario de Comportamiento Proambiental (ICP) y el Test de Conocimiento Ambiental (TCA), este último desarrollado específicamente para propósitos de la presente investigación. Se encontró que los estudiantes encuestados poseen actitudes y creencias ambientales positivas en la mayoría de las dimensiones. El nivel de conocimiento ambiental de los estudiantes en las cinco ciudades seleccionadas es bajo. Si bien no se observaron diferencias significativas entre las carreras respecto a las creencias, valoraciones, acciones y conocimientos ambientales, paradójicamente los estudiantes de ciencias ambientales ocuparon lugares inferiores a los que estudian ciencias económicas y administrativas. Se puede concluir que existen diferencias según la ciudad en las creencias, valoración, conocimiento y acciones ambientales de los estudiantes encuestados. El reporte de acciones ambientales presenta un perfil controversial pues al mismo tiempo las personas realizan comportamientos proambientales y antiambientales. Las instituciones universitarias y el gobierno tienen el desafío de lograr que la educación ambiental muestre los resultados esperados para el cumplimiento de las metas ambientales del país y del mundo.

Abstract The objective of the present study was to establish the characteristics of the pro environmental behavior of Colombian university students; that is, to identify the attitudes, beliefs, valuations, practices and environmental knowledge of Colombian students from different university careers. For this purpose, a cross-sectional descriptive-correlational study was carried out with a sample of 1503 students from different university careers in five Colombian cities, with an incidence probability of .5, 95 % confidence and an error of 2.5 %. The participants were randomly selected within each university and the questionnaires applied were the Pro environmental Behaviour Inventory (ICP) and the Environmental Knowledge Test (TCA); the latter was developed specifically for the purposes of this research. The students surveyed were found to have positive environmental attitudes and beliefs in most dimensions. The level of environmental awareness of students in the five selected cities is low. Although no significant differences were observed between the careers with respect to beliefs, valuations, actions and environmental knowledge, paradoxically the students of environmental sciences occupied inferior places to those who study economic and administrative sciences. Thus, in the analysis of specific items it was evidenced that the students of environmental sciences develop diverse anti environmental actions, in a similar way to the behavior patterns of the students of the other researched careers. With respect to the region, the results show that it is possible to conclude that there are differences according to the city with respect to the beliefs, valuation, knowledge and environmental actions of the students surveyed. Among the findings it is worth highlighting the results of Bucaramanga in terms of the report of environmental actions and the highest average in the TCA observed in that city. Similarly, Cali stands out along with Bucaramanga in its results, while Medellín obtained the lowest scores in environmental knowledge. Finally, in the report on environmental actions in university students, contradictory results are observed, given that it presents a controversial profile because people perform pro-environmental and anti-environmental behaviors at the same time, with positive environmental attitudes and beliefs in accordance with these attitudes. Regarding the knowledge about the environment, in the descriptive results the average of the test was 12 points, which means that the students failed the test. The multivariate analysis showed that the theoretical model on which the construction of the ICP was based and the instruments from which items were selected for its conformation, apparently has great predictive power with respect to the verbal report of environmental actions; however, the TCA, a test constructed specifically for this research, would covariate with almost all the factors of the ICP but does not predict causally the actions reported by the students. In general, this study shows that university institutions and the Colombian government have the challenge of ensuring that environmental education achieves the expected results for the fulfillment of both the country and the world's environmental goals. The results also demonstrates the need to articulate policies, actions and regulations to improve the quality of environmental education in universities, as well as to implement citizen behavior programs that promote responsible consumption, given that knowledge does not correlate with effective actions in terms of public services, green brands and solid urban waste management, among other areas.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;46(2): 111-116, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-735143


En este trabajo se analiza la eficacia de las tácticas de influencia social basadas en principios psicológicos (compromiso/coherencia) y culturales (identitario, conspicuo, estatutario) para el favorecimiento de la intención de conducta proambiental. Se realizó un estudio experimental mediante un diseño factorial 2 × 5 donde las variables fueron el tipo de táctica de influencia discursiva manipulada en cada grupo experimental y el género. La variable dependiente midió la intención de conducta proambiental relacionada con la reducción del desperdicio, gasto desmedido o innecesario de agua, gas y electricidad en el hogar. Se comprobó la eficacia de las tácticas para el favorecimiento de la intención de comportamiento proambiental y se encontraron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en los mensajes basados en los principios de coherencia y consumo conspicuo.

This paper analyzes the effectiveness of social influence tactics based on both psychological (commitment/consistency), and cultural principles (identitarian, conspicuous, statutory), for favoring the intention of pro-environmental behavior. An experimental study was conducted using a 2x5 factorial design, where the variables were the type of influence tactics manipulated by discourse in each experimental group and gender. The dependent variable measured the intention of pro-environmental behavior related to reducing waste, wasteful or unnecessary expense of water, gas and electricity at home. The effectiveness of the tactics for favoring the intention of pro-environmental behavior is verified, and significant differences are found between males and females in messages based on principles of coherence and conspicuous consumption.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;45(3): 361-372, sep.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-703889


Resumen Basado en la idea de que la conducta sustentable es un tipo de comportamiento virtuoso, el presente estudio explora la relación entre tres virtudes universales - Humanidad, Justicia, Moderación - y cuatro instancias de conducta sustentable - acciones altruistas, pro-ecológicas, frugales y equitativas - las cuales se consideran necesarias para alcanzar los ideales de un desarrollo sostenible. Se investigaron las respuestas que dieron cuatrocientas personas de la población general, en una ciudad del noroeste mexicano, a reactivos del Inventario de Virtudes y Fortalezas Psicológicas (VIA Survey, Peterson & Seligman, 2004) y a un instrumento que investigaba conductas sustentables. Los resultados se procesaron dentro de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, el cual produjo factores de primer orden para las tres virtudes y los cuatro tipos de comportamiento sustentables. A su vez, el grupo de virtudes generó un factor de segundo orden (virtudes) y eso mismo ocurrió para el de conductas sustentables (CS). La covariación entre el factor superior de virtudes y el de CS fue alta y significativa lo que parece indicar que las conductas prosociales y proambientales son de naturaleza virtuosa, por lo menos en lo concerniente a las tres virtudes aquí analizadas.

Abstract Based upon the idea that sustainable (prosocial, proenvironmental) actions are a kind of virtuous behavior, this study explores the relationship between three universal virtues -Humanity, Justice, Temperance - and four instances of sustainable behavior (SB) -altruistic, proecological, frugal and equitable actions - which are considered necessary for achieving the ideals of sustainable development. The responses of four hundred individuals, living in a northwestern Mexican city to the Inventory of Strengths and Virtues (VIA Survey, Peterson & Seligman, 2004), as well as an instrument assessing sustainable behavior, were processed within a structural equation model. This model produced first-order factors for the three analyzed virtues and the four types of sustainable behaviors. In turn, the group of virtues generated a second-order factor (Virtue) and the group of sustainable behaviors produced a secondorder factor (SB) as well. The covariation between the Virtue and SB factors was salient and significant, which seems to indicate that prosocial and proenvironmental behaviors have a virtuous nature, at least in regard to Humanity, Justice, and Temperance.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 2(2): 749-764, ago. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-706742


This study was aimed at exploring one potential psychological benefit of sustainable behaviors: the perceived psychological restoration (PR) associated to engaging in pro-environmental activities at both the physical and social levels. PR involves the recovery of lost psychological resources (attention, positive mood states, psychological wellbeing) mostly caused by attentional fatigue and stress, while sustainable behavior constitutes a set of actions aimed at the protection of natural and social resources. One-hundred- and thirty-seven individuals living in a Northern Mexican city participated in a study assessing four instances of sustainable behavior: altruistic, proecological, frugal, and equitable actions. In addition, four dimensions of a construct related to the perceived psychological restorative effects of sustainable behaviors were measured: being away, fascination, extent and compatibility, assumedly resulting from pro-environmental and pro-social actions. Using structural equation modeling, the first four constructs were aggregated into a higher-order factor (sustainable behavior), while the rest of the constructs constituted a second higher-order factor (perceived restoration). These two higher-order factors resulted highly and significantly associated, indicating that practicing actions of environmental and social conservation might likely result in the restoration of lost psychological functions. These results reinforce the idea that sustainable behavior produces positive psychological consequences.

El propósito del presente estudio se centró en explorar un potencial beneficio psicológico de las conductas sustentables: la restauración psicológica percibida que las personas asocian a su involucramiento en actividades pro-ambientales, tanto en lo que se refiere al cuidado del ambiente físico, como del social. La restauración psicológica involucra la recuperación de funciones (atención, estados de ánimo positivos, sensaciones de bienestar) perdidas por la fatiga atencional y el estrés, mientras que la conducta sustentable constituye un conjunto de acciones encaminadas al cuidado de recursos naturales y sociales. Dado que la investigación previa sugiere que las personas anticipan efectos restaurativos de la exposición a ambientes sustentables, surge la interrogante acerca de un posible efecto restaurador de las conductas sustentables. Se desarrolló un estudio en el que participaron ciento treinta y siete habitantes de de una ciudad del norte de México; la investigación midió cuatro instancias de la conducta sustentable: acciones altruistas, pro-ecológicas, frugales y equitativas. Adicionalmente, se evaluaron cuatro dimensiones de un constructo relacionado con los efectos restaurativos psicológicos de las conductas sustentables. Estas dimensiones comprendieron la evasión, la fascinación, la extensión y la compatibilidad, las cuales, se asumían como estados resultantes de las acciones pro-ambientales y pro-sociales. A través del uso de ecuaciones estructurales se agregaron los primeros cuatro constructos dentro de un factor de orden superior, al que denominamos "conducta sustentable", en tanto que el resto de los constructos medidos constituyó un segundo factor de orden superior, etiquetado como "restauración psicológica percibida". Los resultados señalan que los dos factores de orden superior se asocian de manera sobresaliente y significativa, lo que indicaría que la práctica de acciones de conservación ambienta y social pueden ayudar a la restauración de funciones psicológicas perdidas. Estos resultados se aúnan a una serie de evidencias que muestran beneficios psicológicos de la actuación a favor del ambiente.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;44(1): 181-196, Jan.-Apr. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-657090


El presente artículo analiza el problema de la EA (educación ambiental) para el desarrollo de comportamientos sustentables desde el marco de las prácticas culturales. Desde esta perspectiva, se analizan los factores infraestructurales que contribuyen al desarrollo de las problemáticas ambientales y se relacionan con los aspectos estructurales de la cultura que actúan determinando el contexto en el que ocurre la interacción de los individuos con su entorno ambiental. Se analiza específicamente el caso colombiano en cuanto a la configuración de macrocontingencias y metacontingencias para el comportamiento sustentable, y finalmente, se conceptualiza la EA como un proceso que ocurre en diferentes espacios sociales más allá de las Instituciones Escolares.

This article analyzes the problem of the EE (environmental education) for sustainable behavior development from the framework of cultural practices. From this perspective, are considered the factors contributing to infrastructure development and environmental issues related to the structural aspects of culture that act determining the context to interaction of individuals with their environment. It specifically examines the case of Colombia in terms of metacontingencias and macrocontingencias configuration for sustainable behavior, and finally, the EE is conceptualized as a process that occurs in different social spaces beyond the schools.