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Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 16-35, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360747


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar y aportar evidencias preliminares de validez de la Escala de teoría cultural de cosmovisiones ambientales en el contexto latinoamericano. Se analizaron evidencias de validez de contenido mediante el juicio de cuatro expertos, validez discriminante y convergente, estructura interna a través de análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, y consistencia interna a través del coeficiente Omega. Mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, se seleccionaron 500 participantes en edad adulta que residían en la región del Ñuble, Chile. Se obtuvo una versión revisada y adecuada lingüísticamente del instrumento, que presentó coeficientes de concordancia de Kappa que fluctuaron entre considerable y casi perfecto en cuanto a su contenido. Los análisis estadísticos dan cuenta de la idoneidad del instrumento de 15 ítems y un análisis factorial confirmatorio que apoya la estructura interna de cuatro factores (individualismo, igualitarismo, jerarquismo y fatalismo); igual que la versión original. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna fueron aceptables para las cuatro subescalas. Respecto a la validez discriminante se obtuvieron medidas de varianza extraída adecuadas para igualitarismo, jerarquismo y fatalismo (sólo individualismo presentó valores levemente bajo lo esperado), y respecto a la validez convergente se obtuvieron valores adecuados en fiabilidad compuesta para los cuatro factores. Estos hallazgos avalan el uso de la versión en español de la Escala de teoría cultural de cosmovisiones ambientales en población de habla hispana, contribuyendo a la potencial ampliación de estudios socioculturales sobre el medioambiente en Latinoamérica.

Abstract The objective of this study was to adapt and provide preliminary validity evidence of the cultural theory and environmental worldviews scale in the Latin-American context. Content validity evidence was assessed by the judgment of four experts, discriminant and convergent validity, internal structure through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and internal consistency using the omega coefficient. The sample consisted of 500 participants from the Ñuble region, Chile. Regarding the results, a revised and linguistically adapted version of the instrument was obtained, which presented a kappa coefficient ranging from substantial to almost perfect regarding the content. The statistical analysis shown the adequacy of the 15-item instrument and a confirmatory factor analysis which supported the four-factor internal structure (individualism, egalitarianism, hierarchy, and fatalism), as in the original version. The internal consistency assessed using the Omega coefficient was acceptable for the four subscales. Regarding discriminant validity, adequate average variance extracted was obtained for egalitarianism, hierarchy, and fatalism (only individualism presented values slightly lower than expected), while convergent validity showed adequate composite reliability values for the four factors. These findings support the use of the Spanish version of Cultural Theory scale of and Environmental Worldviews in Spanish speaking population, contributing to potential further sociocultural studies about the environment in Latin America.

Int J Comp Sociol ; 54(4): 325-344, 2013 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24634541


This paper is motivated by the idea that development and developmental hierarchies have been constructed and embraced for centuries by scholars and policy makers, and have been disseminated among ordinary people. Recent research shows that most people have constructions of development hierarchies that are similar across countries. In this paper, we extend this research by examining how basic social factors influence ordinary people´s beliefs about development and developmental hierarchies in six countries: Argentina, China, Egypt, Iran, Nepal and the United States. Results show that the understanding and perception of developmental hierarchies vary by gender and education. These results are important because they show how distinct groups of people have differential access to information or ideas.

Agora USB ; 12(1): 89-102, ene.-jun. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-679715


En el presente artículo se opta por construir una ruta descriptiva de análisis que permitiera poner en consideración el concepto de “Pautas de Crianza” y su contenido, puesto que para hablar de prácticas de crianza alternas, es decir, de los grupos indígenas y afro, es preciso aclarar que en aras del eurocentrismo se han privilegiado los saberes de la ciencia occidental moderna y se han excluido los saberes creados y reproducidos en el interior de los grupos étnicos mencionados, olvidando que también forman parte del dogma de los saberes válidos. Por lo tanto, para comprender la riqueza de otras formas de conocimiento y/o hacer una decolonialidad del saber, es necesario conocer y respetar las cosmovisiones de las voces acalladas, ya que sus discursos han sido subalternizados y/o mediatizados por otros sin permitirles darlos a conocer desde su propia voz, desde sus lugares epistémicos, éticos y políticos. Entonces, la idea es complementar la episteme occidental con otras epistemes.

In this article, the authors opt for building a descriptive route of analysis dealing with the concept of "Rearing guidelines" and its content, since in order to talk about alternate rearing practices, that is to say, relating to indigenous and afro groups, it is necessary to clarify that in the interest of Eurocentrism, the knowledge of modern Western science has been privileged, and the created and reproduced knowledge by the aforementioned groups has been excluded, forgetting that they are also part of the dogma of valid knowledge. Therefore, in order to understand the wealth of others forms of knowledge and/or decolonization of knowledge, it is necessary to know and to respect the worldviews of the silenced voices, since their speeches have been subordinated and/or mediatized by others without allowing them to make them known from their own voice, from its epistemic, ethical, and political places. Then, the idea is to supplement the Western episteme with other episteme.

Humanos , Cultura , Povos Indígenas , Povos Indígenas/etnologia , Povos Indígenas/história , Povos Indígenas/políticas