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Brain Sci ; 13(4)2023 Mar 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37190540


Preschool children show neural responses and make behavioral adjustments immediately following an error. However, there is a lack of evidence regarding how neural responses to error predict subsequent behavioral adjustments during childhood. The aim of our study was to explore the neural dynamics of error processing and associated behavioral adjustments in preschool children from unsatisfied basic needs (UBN) homes. Using EEG recordings during a go/no-go task, we examined within-subject associations between the error-related negativity (ERN), frontal theta power, post-error slowing, and post-error accuracy. Post-error accuracy increased linearly with post-error slowing, and there was no association between the neural activity of error processing and post-error accuracy. However, during successful error recovery, the frontal theta power, but not the ERN amplitude, was associated positively with post-error slowing. These findings indicated that preschool children from UBN homes adjusted their behavior following an error in an adaptive form and that the error-related theta activity may be associated with the adaptive forms of post-error behavior. Furthermore, our data support the adaptive theory of post-error slowing and point to some degree of separation between the neural mechanisms represented by the ERN and theta.

Data Brief ; 42: 108307, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35664654


This paper presents data for the application of the vulnerability model in economically depressed areas, through social, economic and capacity variables, with the objective of promoting public policies that contribute to the economic development of the territory and its integration into the labor market [1]. We used the family and housing databases of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Characterization Survey of the community of San Juan in the city of Manta [2]. The study population comprises the inhabitants of Sitio San Juan in the city of Manta, due to the conditions of exclusion due to the negative evaluations of the place (oxidation ponds, municipal slaughterhouse, garbage dump, coal processing, among others), and due to "the scarce existence of databases of vulnerable sectors in the province of Manabí" [3], considering that the last national census was conducted in 2010. As for the sample design, the census-type sweep technique was applied. The data set helps to determine the vulnerability conditions of the territory, for the application of the proposed model; in addition, these data can be used to analyze the determinants of the conditions of unemployment, underemployment and poverty in which the inhabitants of the sector live. Likewise, they can be complemented with future research in regions with similar characteristics in Ecuador or other territories to promote public policies that allow them to improve their living conditions and encourage public or private investment for the generation of employment and poverty reduction.

EClinicalMedicine ; 45: 101322, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35284805


Background: Analysis of health inequalities by ethnicity is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In Ecuador, similar to other Latin American countries, indigenous and afro-descendant populations have long been subject to racism, discrimination, and inequitable treatment. Although in recent years, Ecuador has made progress in health indicators, particularly those related to the coverage of Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH) interventions, little is known as to whether inequalities by ethnicity persist. Methods: Analysis was based on two nationally representative health surveys (2004 and 2012). Ethnicity was self-reported and classified into three categories (Indigenous/Afro-Ecuadorian/Mixed ancestry). Coverage data for six RMNCH health interventions were stratified for each ethnic group by level of education, area of residence and wealth quintiles. Absolute inequality measures were computed and multivariate analysis using Poisson regression was undertaken. Findings: In 2012, 74.4% of women self-identifying as indigenous did not achieve the secondary level of education and 50.7% were in the poorest quintile (Q1); this profile was relatively unchanged since 2004. From 2004 to 2012, the coverage of RMNCH interventions increased for all ethnic groups, and absolute inequality decreased. However, in 2012, regardless of education level, area of residence and wealth quintiles, ethnic inequalities remained for almost all RMNCH interventions. Indigenous women had 24% lower prevalence of modern contraceptive use (Prevalence ratio [PR] = 0.76; 95% IC: 0.7-0.8); 28% lower prevalence of antenatal care (PR = 0.72; 95% IC: 0.6-0.8); and 35% lower prevalence of skilled birth attendance and institutional delivery (PR = 0.65; 95% IC: 0.6-0.7 and PR = 0.65; 95% IC: 0.6-0.7 respectively), compared with the majority ethnic group in the country. Interpretation: While the gaps have narrowed, indigenous people in Ecuador continue in a situation of structural racism and are left behind in terms of access to RMNCH interventions. Strategies to reduce ethnic inequalities in the coverage services need to be collaboratively redesigned/co-designed. Funding: This paper was made possible with funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [Grant Number: INV-007,594/OPP1148933].

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;26(3): 517-524, maio-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286328


RESUMO A cobrança pelo uso da água como instrumento econômico de gestão deve orientar os usuários quanto ao valor do recurso hídrico e incentivar o combate ao uso perdulário. Metodologias recentes inserem mecanismos relacionados às boas práticas no uso da água, mensurado no saneamento por meio do indicador de perdas percentuais na distribuição. Contudo, desprezam-se as perdas ocorridas nas etapas anteriores, bem como a essencialidade do serviço para a sociedade. Usando variáveis que abarcam todo o sistema de abastecimento desde a captação, este trabalho propôs uma metodologia de cobrança que amplia e penaliza as perdas reais, ao mesmo tempo em que permite descontos decorrentes da retirada para atendimento às necessidades mais fundamentais da população. Revela-se como resultado uma equação simples e transparente, com homogeneidade nas parcelas precificadas, que pode ter a punição e os privilégios ajustados às especificidades da bacia em que seja aplicada.

Abstract Freshwater use charging as an economic instrument must guide users as to the value of water resources and encourage the struggle against wasteful use. Recent methodologies include mechanisms related to good practices in the use of water resources, measured in sanitation sector by the indicator of percentage losses in distribution. However, leakages that occurred in the previous stages are ignored, as well as the essentiality of the service for society. Using variables that cover the entire supply system since withdrawn point, this paper proposes a freshwater charging methodology that conceptually expand and penalizes real losses, while imputing discounts resulting from the water use to supply a minimum volume to meet basic needs of the population. The result is a simple and transparent equation, with homogeneity in the variables charged, which might have the punishment and privileges adjusted to the specificities of the watershed in which it is applied.

JGH Open ; 4(4): 603-610, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32782945


BACKGROUND AND AIM: Liver disease refers to a set of pathologies resulting from the interruption of liver function or the poor functioning of the liver. The estimation of morbidity and mortality due to liver disease and the context in which the disease develops are determining factors for public policies related to liver disease and its causes. The primary etiologies are cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which are directly related to hepatitis B and C virus and alcohol consumption. Followed by hepatotoxic drug use, autoimmune hepatitis, cholestatic diseases, genetic abnormalities, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of liver disease in Colombia between 2009 and 2016. Using the Data Warehouse-Cube of SISPRO as the primary source of the data, prevalence proportions were calculated and adjusted according to the Bennett Horiuchi method. The relationship with alcohol consumption and the index of unsatisfied basic needs based on estimates from 2005 were considered as sociodemographic variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of liver disease differs with regard to the type of illness, sex and age of the patient, access to medical attention, and geographical location. CONCLUSIONS: As liver disease is a public health problem, it requires early intervention such as raising awareness and prevention strategies, along with postdiagnosis care channels for treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation. By implementing these strategies, public health will be positively impacted, health care resources will be optimized, and more productive years of life are available for the citizens of the country.

Soc Anthropol ; 28(4): 803-826, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33536723


Based on our collective ethnography of Cuba's socialist system for the provision of state-subsidised food, this article explores manners in which the state weaves itself into the fabric of people's everyday lives in state-socialist society. Instituted by Cuba's revolutionary government in the early 1960s, Cuba's 'state system for provisioning' is still today the backbone of household subsistence, propelling individuals into direct daily relations with the state via its neighbourhood-level network of stores that distribute food catering to citizens' 'basic needs'. Our ethnography brings together a series of studies conducted by the members of our team in different parts of Havana, charting the most salient aspects of people's interaction with the state in this alimentary context. We argue that the state becomes pervasive in people's daily lives not just because it is present in so much of it, but also as the basic normative premise on which people interpret and evaluate everyday comportments in the interactions food provisioning involves. Life in state socialism involves the constant and intricate comparison of its own realities against the normative ideals the state purports to institute. These 'vernacular comparisons' between life and state, as we call them, are the 'local knowledge' of state socialism in Cuba.

A partir de nuestra etnografía colectiva del sistema del abastecimiento de alimentos subsidiados por el Estado cubano este artículo explora las formas en las que el estado se imbrica en el tejido de la vida cotidiana de las personas en el socialismo de estado. Instituido por el gobierno revolucionario cubano a principios de la década de 1960, el 'sistema estatal de abastecimiento' de Cuba es todavía hoy la espina dorsal de la subsistencia de los hogares, el cual impele a los individuos a establecer una relación cotidiana y directa con el estado a través de la red de establecimientos comerciales a nivel de barrio que distribuyen alimentos de acuerdo con las "necesidades básicas" de los ciudadanos. Nuestra etnografía reúne una serie de estudios llevados a cabo por los miembros de nuestro equipo en diferentes partes de La Habana, describiendo los aspectos más significativos de la interacción entre las personas y el estado en este contexto alimentario. Argumentamos que el estado se vuelve ubicuo en la vida cotidiana de las personas no sólo por estar presente en numerosos aspectos de la misma, sino también por ser el supuesto básico y normativo con el que la gente interpreta y evalúa sus comportamientos en las interacciones cotidianas relacionadas con el abastecimiento alimentario. La vida en el socialismo de estado involucra una constante e intrincada comparación entre los ideales normativos que el estado pretende institucionalizar y sus realidades. Estas 'comparaciones vernáculas' entre vida y estado, como las llamamos, son el 'conocimiento local' del socialismo de estado en Cuba.

S'appuyant sur une ethnographie collective du système socialiste cubain en matière d'approvisionnement de nourriture subventionné par l'État, cet article étudie la manière dont l'État s'immisce dans la vie quotidienne des gens, dans une société socialiste. Instauré à Cuba au début des années 1960 par le gouvernement révolutionnaire, le « système étatique d'approvisionnement ¼ constitue encore aujourd'hui l'épine dorsale de la subsistance des foyers, et pousse les individus à entretenir des relations quotidiennes directes avec l'État à travers son réseau de magasins de quartier, qui distribuent des aliments correspondant aux « besoins vitaux ¼ des citoyens. Nos travaux ethnographiques réunissent une série d'études, menées par les membres de notre équipe dans différents secteurs de La Havane, mettant en évidence les aspects les plus saillants de l'interaction entre les individus et l'État dans le domaine de l'alimentation. Nous soutenons que l'État pénètre dans la vie quotidienne des gens, non seulement parce qu'il y est presque omniprésent, mais aussi comme une prémisse normative fondamentale à partir de laquelle on interprète et évalue les comportements quotidiens dans les interactions faisant partie de l'approvisionnement alimentaire. La vie sous le socialisme étatique implique une comparaison complexe et constante entre ses propres réalités et les idéaux normatifs que l'État prétend instaurer. Ce que nous appelons les « comparaisons vernaculaires ¼ entre la vie et l'État composent la « connaissance locale ¼ du socialisme étatique à Cuba.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 47(2): 4-11, Agosto-Septiembre 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-914157


Introducción: La infección por Helicobacter pylori es la enfermedad bacteriana crónica más extendida del mundo y afecta a más de la mitad de la población mundial, con una distribución vinculada con el grado de desarrollo económico de cada país. En la edad pediátrica no existe un cuadro clínico específico de esta infección, puede tener resultados clínicos diversos que incluye no sólo síntomas digestivos sino manifestaciones extradigestivas como anemia por deficiencia de hierro y retraso del crecimiento. La relación entre la infección por Helicobacter pylori, la anemia por déficit de hierro y talla baja ha sido confirmada en múltiples estudios, pero el tema sigue siendo controvertido. Debido a la escasez de estudios sobre esta asociación, particularmente en niños panameños, y el impacto de sus complicaciones a corto y largo plazo en una población tan vulnerable, es de extraordinaria importancia llevar a cabo estudios para mejorar nuestra comprensión de este tema. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles no pareados, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 158 pacientes (79 casos y 79 controles) del Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel de Panamá, entre enero de 2014 a diciembre de 2016. Se hizo revisión de los expedientes clínicos con autorización del Comité de Bioética del hospital. Los datos demográficos generales y las variables de estudio seleccionadas se obtuvieron de los pacientes sometidos a endoscopia digestiva alta con biopsia gástrica que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. La existencia de una asociación estadística se evaluó con la prueba exacta de Fisher y el odds ratio.Resultados: La edad promedio de ambos grupos fue de 9.75 + 2.75 sin diferencia estadística entre las edades en los grupos. La infección fue más frecuente en el sexo femenino (63%). El dolor abdominal fue la principal indicación para realizar endoscopia. La frecuencia de anemia en los pacientes infectados fue de 31%, mayor a la reportada en países latinoamericanos, pero no se encontró asociación entre anemia e infección por Helicobacter pylori (p= 0.36) al igual que no se encontró asociación con talla baja (p= 0.74). El nivel socioeconómico fue más bajo en los pacientes enfermos (p= 0.01). El test de ureasa presentó especificidad de 100% en nuestro estudio. Conclusiones: No encontramos asociación entre anemia y talla baja con la infección por Helicobacter pylori, pero la frecuencia de anemia es elevada respecto a otros países de Latinoamérica; y el nivel socioeconómico es un factor influyente en el desarrollo de esta infección. Son necesarios estudios longitudinales que puedan evaluar a los pacientes en la evolución de la enfermedad y determinar las alteraciones en los parámetros hematológicos y velocidad de crecimiento.

Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection is the most widespread chronic bacterial disease in the world and affects more than half of the world population, with a distribution linked to the degree of economic development of each country. In the pediatric age there is no specific clinical picture of this infection. In children, it can have diverse clinical outcomes that include not only digestive symptoms but extra-digestive manifestations such as iron deficiency anemia and growth retardation. The relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection, iron deficiency anemia and short stature has been confirmed in multiple studies, but the issue remains controversial. Due to the scarcity of studies on this association, particularly in Panamanian children, and the impact of its short and long term complications on such a vulnerable population, it is of extraordinary importance to carry out studies to improve our understanding of this topic. Material and Methods: It is a retrospective, analytical, unmatched case and control study involving a total of 158 patients (79 cases and 79 controls) from the Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel, Panamá, between January 2014 to December 2016. Patient records were examined with autorization from the hospital's bioethics committee. General demographic data and the selected study variables were obtained from patients who underwent upper digestive tract endoscopy with gastric biopsy that met the inclusion criteria. The existence of a statistical association was evaluated with Fisher's exact test and odds ratio. Results: The average age of both groups was 9.75 + 2.75 with no statistical difference between the ages in the groups. Infection was more frequent in females (63%). Abdominal pain was the main indication for endoscopy. The frequency of anemia in the infected patients was 31%, higher than that reported in Latin American countries, but no association was found between anemia and Helicobacter pylori infection (p= 0.36), as there was no association with growth retardatin (p= 0.74). The socioeconomic level was lower in the sick patients (p= 0.01). The urease test showed 100% specificity. Conclusions: We did not find an association between anemia and short stature with Helicobacter pylori infection, but the frequency of anemia is high compared to other Latin American countries, and the socioeconomic level is an influential factor in the development of this infection. Longitudinal studies are needed that can evaluate patients in the evolution of the disease and determine the alterations in the hematological parameters and growth rate.

Criança , Infecções por Helicobacter
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(1): 147-161, ene.-jun. 2016. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-794043


En este artículo buscamos exponer los efectos que tienen las condiciones socioeconómicas y el conflicto armado sobre los aprendizajes ciudadanos. Para ello, adoptamos un enfoque cuantitativo que nos permitió analizar cómo las condiciones económicas, sociales y de conflicto armado determinan el desarrollo de Competencias Ciudadanas. Lo anterior nos llevó a establecer que las variables socio-económicas tienen un impacto mayor en el desarrollo de acciones, actitudes y emociones favorables, mientras que las condiciones de conflicto armado están más asociadas a la construcción de ambientes democráticos.

In this article the authors highlight the effects of socio-economic conditions and the armed conflict on citizens’ learning. To do this the researchers adopted a quantitative approach that facilitated an analysis of how economic and social conditions and armed conflict determine the development of citizenship competencies. This led to the identification that socio-economic variables have a greater impact on the development of actions, attitudes and favorable emotions while the conditions of the armed conflict are more associated with the construction of democratic environments.

Neste artigo buscou-se demonstrar os efeitos das condições socioeconômicas e do conflito armado sobre a aprendizagem cidadã. Para isso, foi adotada uma abordagem quantitativa que permitiu analisar como as condições econômicas, sociais e de conflito armado determinam o desenvolvimento de Competências de Cidadania. Com esses dados, percebeu-se que as variáveis socioeconômicas têm um impacto maior no desenvolvimento de ações, atitudes e emoções favoráveis, enquanto as condições de conflito armado estão mais associadas à construção de ambientes democráticos.

Justiça Social , Violência , Conflitos Armados , Educação
Rev. enferm. herediana ; 7(2): 146-154, jul.-dic. 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-765312


Objetivo: determinar la relación entre las necesidades de cuidado y el funcionamiento familiar de las mujeres afectadaspor violencia intrafamiliar. Material y métodos: investigación de tipo correlacional y de corte transversal, que serealizó con 74 mujeres afectadas por violencia intrafamiliar según criterios de selección. Se utilizó un cuestionario queindagó sobre necesidades de cuidado empleando la valoración según 6 de las 14 necesidades de Virginia Henderson yel funcionamiento familiar según APGAR. Resultados: el 37,9% tenía entre 35 a 44 años; el 73% eran convivientes; el67,6% eran ama de casa; el 29,7% con secundaria incompleta. El 100% de mujeres presenta necesidades de cuidado deseguridad y la necesidad de comunicarse. Con un funcionamiento familiar del 51,4% con disfunción familiar severa.El coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman (R=-0.240) muestra una correlación estadísticamente significativa(p=0.039), la cual resultó negativa, lo que significa que niveles bajos de necesidades de cuidado se correspondencon niveles altos de funcionamiento familiar y viceversa. Conclusiones: Existe una relación significativa entre lasnecesidades de cuidado y el funcionamiento familiar donde las características sociodemográficas las hace vulnerables,con necesidades de seguridad y comunicación expresando emociones y temores, con disfunción familiar severa.

Objective: To determine the relationship between care needs and family functioning of women affected by domesticviolence. Material and methods: The study correlational and cross-sectional was conducted with 74 women affectedby domestic violence as selection criteria. It was a questionnaire that inquired about using care needs assessmentas 6 of the 14 Virginia Henderson needs and family functioning as APGAR. Results: 37.9% were between 35-44years; 73% were cohabiting; 67.6% were housewives; 29.7% of elementary education. 100% of women develop careneeds security and the need to communicate. With a familiar operation of 51.4% with severe family dysfunction. Thecorrelation coefficient Spearman Rho (R = 0.240) showed a statistically significant correlation (p=0.039), which wasnegative, which means that low levels of care needs correspond to high levels of family functioning and vice versa.Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between care needs and family functioning where the sociodemographiccharacteristics makes them vulnerable to security and communication needs of expressing emotions and fears, withsevere family dysfunction.

Humanos , Feminino , Violência Doméstica , Estudos Transversais
Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab;46(2): 3-10, abr.-jun. 2009. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-641951


El objetivo del presente trabajo fue, evaluar el cumplimiento del tratamiento médico de pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Graves Basedow y la evolución de la misma (remisión o recidiva) en relación a indicadores de necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI). Se practicó la revisión retrospectiva de 156 pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Graves Basedow, los cuales tuvieron un seguimiento entre 3 y 36 años (: 9.6 años), evaluándose en cada caso los diferentes tratamientos de inicio instituidos (metimazol-MMI-, yodo radiactivo o cirugía). De los pacientes que iniciaron y continuaron el tratamiento médico con metimazol (n=140), se revisó el cumplimiento y la eficacia del mismo, relacionándolo con los indicadores de privación (NBI). De los 156 pacientes estudiados, (137 mujeres Y 19 hombres), con una edad : 42.3 años, el tratamiento de inicio fue: con metimazol en 144, con radio yodo en 6 y con cirugía en 6 pacientes. De los 144 casos que comenzaron el tratamiento con MMI, 140 lo continuaron; de los cuales el 42,86% (n=60), presentaron indicadores de necesidades básicas insatisfechas mientras que el 57.14% (n=80) no presentaron indicadores de NBI. De los 140 pacientes que continuaron el tratamiento médico, el 24,28% (n=34), presentaron remisión de la enfermedad. El 90% de los casos que presentaron algún indicador/es de NBI no cumplieron con el tratamiento vs. el 17.5% de los pacientes NO NBI. La enfermedad remitió con tratamiento con metimazol en el 3.3% de los casos con NBI y en el 40% de los casos NO NBI. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, creemos que podría ser de utilidad, evaluar en los casos de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves Basedow la presencia de indicadores de privación, antes de instituir el tratamiento antitiroideo apropiado.

The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the compliance of medical treatment in patients with Graves Basedow disease diagnosis and the disease evolution (remission or relapse) in relation to indicators of unsatisfied basic needs. A retrospective review of 156 patients with Graves Basedow diagnosis was performed. They were followed up between 3 and 36 years (: 9.6 years), in each case, evaluating the different initial treatments implemented (methimazole-MMI, radioactive iodine or surgery). In those patients who started and followed medical treatment with methimazole (n= 140), compliance and efficacy were reviewed in relation to deprivation indicators. Out of the 156 patients studied (137 women and 19 men), with a mean age of : 42.3 years old, the initial treatment was: 144 patients with methimazole, 6 patients with radioiodine and 6 patients submitted to surgery. Out of the 144 cases who started treatment with MMI, 140 continued with it, of which 42.86% (n=60) showed unsatisfied basic needs indicators whereas 57.14% (n= 80) did not present indicators of unsatisfied basic needs. Out of the 140 patients who continued the medical treatment, 24.28 (n= 34) showed disease remission. Concerning the cases that showed some indicators of unsatisfied basic needs, 90% did not comply with the treatment versus 17.5% which did not present unsatisfied basic needs. The disease showed remission with methimazole treatment in 3.3% of the cases with unsatisfied basic needs and in 40% of the cases which did not present unsatisfied basic needs. Taking into account the results obtained, we believe that in the cases of patients with Graves Basedow disease, it might be useful to evaluate the presence of deprivation indicators before implementing the appropriate antithyroid treatment.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Doença de Graves/terapia , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento/estatística & dados numéricos , Indicadores de Desigualdade em Saúde , Recidiva , Indução de Remissão , Doença de Graves/tratamento farmacológico , Cooperação do Paciente/estatística & dados numéricos
Salud pública Méx ; 37(4): 288-297, jul.-ago. 1995. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-167385


Este artículo contiene la primera de dos partes de un trabajo sobre la evolución y magnitud de la pobreza en México. Aquí se presentan las metodologías utilizadas en ambas partes, así como la evolución de la pobreza. Se explica someramente la metodología de Línea de Pobreza (LP), en su variante de Canasta Normativa de Satisfactores Esenciales, utilizada para calcular los datos de esta evolución. Se destacan dos problemas en la definición de los requerimientos normativos: el de sus bases de sustentación y el de identificación de la vía de satisfacción de cada uno de los rubros (consumo privado o transferencias públicas). La identificación de seis fuentes de bienestar de los hogares sirve para criticar los métodos parciales de medición de la pobreza, el de LP y el de Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas, que se integran en el Método de medición integrada de la Pobreza, que se utiliza para medir la magnitud de la pobreza en 1989, cuyos resultados se presentan en la segunda parte de este trabajo. Los resultados analizados en la última sección muestran que el descenso de la pobreza en el país, desde el 77.5 por ciento en 1963 hasta el 48.5 por ciento en 1981, se interrumpe y cambia de signo a partir de 1982, hasta llegar a 66 por ciento en 1992

This article is the first of two parts of a research report on the evolution and magnitude of poverty in Mexico. Herein are presented the methodologies used in both parts and the evolution of poverty. The Poverty Line methodology (PL), in its Standard Basket of Essential Satisfiers version, is succinctly explained. Two problems on the definition of normative requirements are emphasized: the foundations of such requirements and the access route by which needs are to be met (private consumption or public transfers). Identification of six household welfare sources allows for criticism of PL and Unsatisfied Basic Needs methodologies which the Integrated Poverty Measurement Method (IPMM) brings together. IPMM is used to estimate the magnitude of poverty in 1989. The results are presented in the second part of this report. Results analyzed in the last section of this article show that while poverty in Mexico decreased steadily from 77.5% in 1963 to 48.5% in 1981, it increased since 1982, reaching 66% in 1992.

Humanos , Pobreza/tendências , Renda , México , Estatística , População Rural , População Urbana
Salud pública Méx ; 37(4): 298-299, jul.-ago. 1995. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-167386


Esta es la segunda parte de un trabajo sobre la evolución y magnitud de la pobreza en México. La aplicación del Método de Medición Integrada de la Pobreza, explicado en la primera parte, muestra una incidencia (H) de la pobreza del 70.6 por ciento y de la pobreza extrema del 44.7 por ciento en 1989. H es mayor por el método parcial de Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI) que por el de Línea de Pobreza y tiempo de trabajo (LPT). La intensidad (I) de la pobreza, o proporción de la brecha respecto de las normas es para el conjunto de pobres de 0.44 y de 0.58 para los pobres extremos. Tanto H como I son sustancialmente más altos en el medio rural que en el urbano. La pobreza por NBI es más intensa que la de LPT. Al desagregar el índice de NBI en sus componentes, las carencias más intensas se encuentran en atención a la salud y la seguridad social. Los cálculos del grado de pobreza (HI), el producto de la incidencia (H) con la intensidad (I), que es una guía adecuada para la asignación óptima de recursos de lucha contra la pobreza, muestra que a pesar de que hay un mayor número de personas pobres en el medio urbano, el número de pobres equivalentes sigue siendo mayor en el medio rural

This is the second part of a research report on the evolution and magnitude of poverty in Mexico. Application of the Integrated Poverty Measurement Method, explained in the first part of this report, shows a poverty headcount ratio (H) of 70.6% and an extreme poverty H of 44.7%. H turns out higher by the UBN (Unsatisfied Basic Needs) method than by the PLT (Poverty Line plus working time) approach. The poverty gap or poverty intensity (I), is for all poor 0.44 but reaches 0.58 for the extremely poor. Both H and I are substantially higher in the rural than in the urban areas. UBN poverty gap is bigger than the PLT gap. When UBN is disaggregated into its components, deprivation turns out the highest in health care and social security. Degree of poverty calculations (HI), the product of H and I, which constitute a good basis for antipoverty expenditures allocation, show that despite the fact that a larger number of poor persons live in the urban areas, the number of equivalent poor people is higher in the rural areas.

Humanos , Pobreza/tendências , México , Estatística , População Rural , População Urbana