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Conserv Biol ; : e14348, 2024 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166836


Protected areas are typically considered a cornerstone of conservation programs and play a fundamental role in protecting natural areas and biodiversity. Human-driven land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes lead to habitat loss and biodiversity loss inside protected areas, impairing their effectiveness. However, the global dynamics of habitat quality and habitat degradation in protected areas remain unclear. We used the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model based on global annual remotely sensed data to examine the spatial and temporal trends in habitat quality and degradation in global terrestrial protected areas. Habitat quality represented the ability of habitats to provide suitable conditions for the persistence of individuals and populations, and habitat degradation represented the impacts on habitats from human-driven LULC changes in the surrounding landscape. Based on a linear mixed-effects modeling method, we also explored the relationship between habitat degradation trends and protected area characteristics, biophysical factors, and socioeconomic factors. Habitat quality declined by 0.005 (0.6%) and habitat degradation increased by 0.002 (11%) from 1992 to 2020 globally, and similar trends occurred even in remote or restrictively managed protected areas. Habitat degradation was attributed primarily to nonirrigated cropland (62%) and urbanization (27%) in 2020. Increases in elevation, gross domestic production per capita, and human population density and decreases in agricultural suitability were associated with accelerated habitat degradation. Our results suggest that human-induced LULC changes have expanded from already-exploited areas into relatively undisturbed areas, and that in wealthy countries in particular, degradation is related to rapid urbanization and increasing demand for agricultural products.

Tendencias en la calidad y degradación del hábitat en áreas protegidas terrestres Resumen Las áreas protegidas suelen considerarse la piedra angular de los programas de conservación y desempeñan un papel fundamental en la protección de los espacios naturales y la biodiversidad. Los cambios en el uso y la cobertura del suelo (CUCS) provocados por el hombre conducen a la pérdida de hábitats y de biodiversidad dentro de las áreas protegidas, lo que merma su eficacia. Sin embargo, la dinámica global de la calidad y la degradación del hábitat en las áreas protegidas sigue sin estar clara. Utilizamos el modelo de valoración integrada de servicios ambientales y compensaciones (InVEST), basado en datos anuales mundiales obtenidos por teledetección, para examinar las tendencias espaciales y temporales de la calidad y degradación del hábitat en las áreas terrestres protegidas de todo el mundo. La calidad del hábitat representó su capacidad para proporcionar condiciones adecuadas para la persistencia de individuos y poblaciones, y la degradación del hábitat representó los impactos sobre los hábitats de los cambios CUCS provocados por el hombre en el paisaje circundante. Con base en un método de modelo lineal de efectos mixtos, también exploramos la relación entre las tendencias de degradación del hábitat y las características de las áreas protegidas, los factores biofísicos y los factores socioeconómicos. La calidad del hábitat disminuyó en un 0.005 (0,6%) y la degradación del hábitat aumentó en un 0.002 (11%) entre 1992 y 2020 a nivel mundial, y se produjeron tendencias similares incluso en áreas protegidas remotas o gestionadas de forma restrictiva. La degradación del hábitat se atribuyó principalmente a las tierras de cultivo sin irrigación (62%) y a la urbanización (27%) en 2020. El aumento de la altitud, del producto interno bruto per cápita y de la densidad de población humana, así como la disminución de la idoneidad agrícola, se asociaron a una aceleración de la degradación del hábitat. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los cambios en el CUCS inducidos por el hombre se han extendido desde zonas ya explotadas a zonas relativamente inalteradas, y que, en particular en los países ricos, la degradación está relacionada con la rápida urbanización y la creciente demanda de productos agrícolas.

Environ Monit Assess ; 196(8): 741, 2024 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39017942


Land use and land cover (LULC) changes are inevitable outcomes of socioeconomic changes and greatly affect ecosystem services. Our study addresses the critical gap in the existing literature by providing the first comprehensive national analysis of LULC changes and their impacts on ecosystem service values (ESVs) in Malawi. We assessed changes in ecosystem service values (ESVs) in response to LULC changes using the benefit transfer method in ArcGIS 10.6 software. Our findings revealed a significant increase in grasslands, croplands, and urban areas and a notable decline in forests, shrubs, wetlands, and water bodies. Grassland, cropland, and built-up areas expanded by 52%, 1%, and 23.2%, respectively. In contrast, permanent wetlands, barren land, and water bodies declined by 27.6%, 34.3%, and 1%, respectively. The ESV declined from US$90.87 billion in 2001 to US$85.60 billion in 2022, marking a 5.8% reduction. Provisioning services increased by 0.5% while regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem service functions declined by 12.2%, 3.16%, and 3.22%, respectively. The increase in provisioning services was due to the expansion of cropland. However, the loss of regulating, supporting, and cultural services was mainly due to the loss of natural ecosystems. Thus, environmental policy should prioritise the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems to enhance the ESV of Malawi.

Agricultura , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Malaui , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Áreas Alagadas , Florestas , Pradaria
Sci Total Environ ; 949: 175059, 2024 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39084358


Landslides pose a noteworthy threat in urban settlements globally, especially in areas experiencing extreme climate and rapid engineering. However, researches focusing on the long-term uninterrupted land use and land cover change (LULCC) impacted on landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) in rapid urban expansion areas remains limited, let alone different temporal scenarios adjacency thresholds. This work aims to refine the temporal LSM considering spatiotemporal land use and land cover (LULC) and to provide decision makers with governing factors in landslides control during urbanization in mountainous areas. Herein, annual LULC data and landslide inventory spanning from 1992 to 2022 were utilized to map dynamic landslide susceptibility in Wanzhou District of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Initially, the landslide-related factors were filtered as input features of random forest (RF) model before diagnosis via multicollinearity test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC). The advanced patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) model was then invited to fuel temporal susceptibility prediction powered by LULCC projections. Finally, the performance of various scenarios was evaluated using Receiver Characteristic Curve (ROC) curves and Shapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) technique, with discussions on LULCC temporal adjacency thresholds and mutual feedback mechanism between territorial exploitation and landslide occurrences. The results indicate that the precision of LSM is positively correlated with the time horizon, acted by incorporating the latest LULC and LULCC achieving an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.920. The transition of land from forest to cropland and impervious areas should be avoided to minimize the increase in landslide susceptibility. Moreover, a one-year adjacency threshold of LULCC is recommended for optimal model accuracy in future LSM. This dynamic LSM framework can serve as a reference for decision makers in future landslide susceptibility mitigation and land resources utilization in rapid urban expansion areas worldwide.

J Environ Manage ; 363: 121398, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38852404


Scaling irrigated agriculture is a global strategy to mitigate food insecurity concerns. While expanding irrigated agriculture is critical to meeting food production demands, it is important to consider how these land use and land cover changes (LULCC) may alter the water resources of landscapes and impact the spatiotemporal epidemiology of disease. Here, a generalizable method is presented to inform irrigation development decision-making aimed at increasing crop production through irrigation while simultaneously mitigating malaria risk to surrounding communities. Changes to the spatiotemporal patterns of malaria vector (Anopheles gambiae s.s.) suitability, driven by irrigated agricultural expansion, are presented for Malawi's rainy and dry seasons. The methods presented may be applied to other geographical areas where sufficient irrigation and malaria prevalence data are available. Results show that approximately 8.60% and 1.78% of Malawi is maximally suitable for An. gambiae s.s. breeding in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. However, the proposed LULCC from irrigated agriculture increases the maximally suitable land area in both seasons: 15.16% (rainy) and 2.17% (dry). Proposed irrigation development sites are analyzed and ranked according to their likelihood of increasing malaria risk for those closest to the schemes. Results illustrate how geospatial information on the anticipated change to the malaria landscape driven by increasing irrigated agricultural extent can assist in altering development plans, amending policies, or reassessing water resource management strategies to mitigate expected changes in malaria risk.

Irrigação Agrícola , Malária , Recursos Hídricos , Malária/prevenção & controle , Malaui , Doenças Transmitidas por Vetores/prevenção & controle , Animais , Estações do Ano , Agricultura/métodos , Anopheles
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 5071, 2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38429338


The Ebinur Lake Basin is an ecologically sensitive area in an arid region. Investigating its land use and land cover (LULC) change and assessing and predicting its ecosystem service value (ESV) are of great importance for the stability of the basin's socioeconomic development and sustainable development of its ecological environment. Based on LULC data from 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020, we assessed the ESV of the Ebinur Lake Basin and coupled the grey multi-objective optimization model with the patch generation land use simulation model to predict ESV changes in 2035 under four scenarios: business-as-usual (BAU) development, rapid economic development (RED), ecological protection (ELP), and ecological-economic balance (EEB). The results show that from 1990 to 2020, the basin was dominated by grassland (51.23%) and unused land (27.6%), with a continuous decrease in unused land and an increase in cultivated land. In thirty years, the total ESV of the study area increased from 18.62 billion to 67.28 billion yuan, with regulation and support services being the dominant functions. By 2035, cultivated land increased while unused land decreased in all four scenarios compared with that in 2020. The total ESV in 2035 under the BAU, RED, ELP, and EEB scenarios was 68.83 billion, 64.47 billion, 67.99 billion, and 66.79 billion yuan, respectively. In the RED and EEB scenarios, ESV decreased by 2.81 billion and 0.49 billion yuan, respectively. In the BAU scenario, provisioning and regulation services increased by 6.05% and 2.93%, respectively. The ELP scenario, focusing on ecological and environmental protection, saw an increase in ESV for all services. This paper can assist policymakers in optimizing land use allocation and provide scientific support for the formulation of land use strategies and sustainable ecological and environmental development in the inland river basins of arid regions.

Environ Monit Assess ; 196(3): 298, 2024 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38396233


To anticipate disasters (drought, floods, etc.) caused by environmental forcing and reduce their impacts on its fragile economy, sub-Saharan Africa needs a good knowledge of the availability of current water resources and reliable hydroclimatic forecasts. This study has an objective to quantify the availability of water resources in the Nyong basin and predict its future evolution (2024-2050). For this, the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was used. The performance of this model is satisfactory in calibration (2001-2005) and validation (2006-2010), with R2, NSE, and KGE greater than 0.64. Biases of - 11.8% and - 13.9% in calibration and validation also attest to this good performance. In the investigated basin, infiltration (GW_RCH), evapotranspiration (ETP), surface runoff (SURQ), and water yield (WYLD) are greater in the East, probably due to more abundant rainfall in this part. The flows and sediment load (SED) are greater in the middle zone and in the Southwest of the basin, certainly because of the flat topography of this part, which corresponds to the valley floor. Two climate models (CCCma and REMO) predict a decline in water resources in this basin, and two others (HIRHAM5 and RCA4) are the opposite. However, based on a statistical study carried out over the historical period (2001-2005), the CCCma model seems the most reliable. It forecasts a drop in precipitation and runoff, which do not exceed - 19% and - 18%, respectively, whatever the emission scenario (RCP4.5 or RCP8.5). Climate variability (CV) is the only forcing whose impact is visible in the dynamics of current and future flows, due to the modest current (increase of + 102 km2 in builds and roads) and future (increase of + 114 km2 in builds and roads) changes observed in the evolution of land use and land cover (LULC). The results of this study could contribute to improving water resource management in the basin studied and the region.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Recursos Hídricos , Camarões , Hidrologia , Rios , Florestas , Mudança Climática , Água
Heliyon ; 9(9): e19654, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809681


Land resources are an essential foundation for socioeconomic development. Island land resources are limited, the type changes are particularly frequent, and the environment is fragile. Therefore, large-scale, long-term, and high-accuracy land-use classification and spatiotemporal characteristic analysis are of great significance for the sustainable development of islands. Based on the advantages of remote sensing indices and principal component analysis in accurate classification, and taking Zhoushan Archipelago, China, as the study area, in this work long-term satellite remote sensing data were used to perform land-use classification and spatiotemporal characteristic analysis. The classification results showed that the land-use types could be exactly classified, with the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient greater than 94% and 0.93, respectively. The results of the spatiotemporal characteristic analysis showed that the built-up land and forest land areas increased by 90.00 km2 and 36.83 km2, respectively, while the area of the cropland/grassland decreased by 69.77 km2. The areas of the water bodies, tidal flats, and bare land exhibited slight change trends. The spatial coverage of Zhoushan Island continuously expanded toward the coast, encroaching on nearby sea areas and tidal flats. The cropland/grassland was the most transferred-out area, at up to 108.94 km2, and built-up land was the most transferred-in areas, at up to 73.31 km2. This study provides a data basis and technical support for the scientific management of land resources.

J Environ Manage ; 345: 118723, 2023 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37536129


Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key variable in the water cycle and reflects the ecosystem's feedback into the climate system. However, quantitative studies on the response of ET to large-scale vegetation restoration projects and climate change are still lacking, especially in drylands. To address this deficiency, this research examined the variation in ET since the implementation of restoration projects in the drylands of China in 2000-2018, and utilized quantitative analysis methods to investigate the effects of six environmental factors, including temperature (TEM), precipitation (PRE), solar radiation (RAD), vapour pressure deficit (VPD), soil moisture (SM), and leaf area index (LAI) on ET. Furthermore, a new method was proposed to detect the ET change caused by land use and land cover change (LUCC). The results indicated that ET showed a significant increasing trend (3.54 mm yr-1) during 2000-2018, and PRE was identified as a main influential factor with an ET contribution rate of more than 50%, especially in areas with insignificant vegetation greening. Additionally, the LAI had a major positive impact on ET in the areas of significant vegetation greening, and the contribution rate was nearly 40%. Furthermore, large-scale vegetation restoration expanded the area of high-transpiration vegetation types, and the ΔET (net variable quantity of ET caused by LUCC) increased obviously especially for the changes from cropland and grassland to forest, and barren land to grassland. These findings provide a new perspective for future assessments and further decision making regarding vegetation restoration projects in drylands.

Ecossistema , Solo , Florestas , China , Mudança Climática , Políticas
J Environ Manage ; 344: 118558, 2023 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37421820


Baiyangdian wetland is the biggest plant-dominated shallow freshwater wetland in Huabei Plain, providing a wide range of ecosystem services. In the past few decades, the water scarcity and eco-environmental problems resulted from climate changes and human activities have become more and more serious. To relieve the pressure of water scarcity and ecological degradation, the government has implemented ecological water diversion projects (EWDPs) since 1992. In this study, land use and land cover change (LUCC) caused by EWDPs over three decades was analyzed to quantitatively assess the impact of EWDPs on ecosystem services. Coefficients of ecosystem service value (ESV) calculation were improved for regional ESV evaluation. The results showed that the area of construction, farmland and water increased by 6171, 2827, 1393 ha, respectively, and the total ESV increased by 8.04 × 108 CNY primarily due to the increase of regulating service with water area expansion. Redundancy analysis and socio-economic comprehensive analysis showed that EWDPs impacted water area and ESV with threshold and time effect. When the water diversion exceeded the threshold, the EWDPs affected the ESV through influencing LUCC; otherwise, the EWDPs affected the ESV through influencing net primary productivity or social-economic benefits. However, the impact of EWDPs on ESV gradually weakened as time passed, which could not keep sustainability. With the establishment of Xiong'an New Area in China and implementation of carbon neutrality policy, rational EWDPs will become crucial to achieve goals of ecological restoration.

Ecossistema , Áreas Alagadas , Humanos , Água , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , China
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(36): 85746-85758, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37393214


This study aimed to shed new light on the land finance and eco-product value nexus from the perspective of fiscal decentralization, using data collected from 276 Chinese prefectures between 2005 and 2020. We employed a two-way fixed effects model to explore land finance, fiscal decentralization, and the eco-product value nexus. Our findings revealed that land finance has a noticeable disincentive influence on eco-product value. The impact of land finance on the ecological value of wetlands is much higher than on that of other land types. Additionally, fiscal expenditure decentralization plays a negative regulatory role between land finance and eco-product value. This effect is further strengthened with an increase in the fiscal decentralization level. Our findings suggest that standardizing local government land-granting behavior and making land finance more ecologically friendly through policy implementation will effectively contribute to the sustainable development of China.

Política , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , China , Políticas , Gastos em Saúde , Desenvolvimento Econômico
Ambio ; 52(11): 1777-1792, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36840866


Knowledge in the magnitude and historical trends in land use and land cover (LULC) is needed to understand the changing status of the key elements of the landscape and to better target management efforts. However, this information is not easily available before the start of satellite campaign missions. Scanned historical maps are a valuable but underused source of LULC information. As a case study, we used U-Net to automatically extract fields, mires, roads, watercourses, and water bodies from scanned historical maps, dated 1965, 1984 and 1985 for our 900 km[Formula: see text] study area in Southern Finland. We then used these data, along with the topographic databases from 2005 and 2022, to quantify the LULC changes for the past 57 years. For example, the total area of fields decreased by around 27 km[Formula: see text], and the total length of watercourses increased by around 2250 km in our study area.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Monitoramento Ambiental , Bases de Dados Factuais , Finlândia
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36833751


"Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC)" is increasingly being affected by ecosystem services value. LULCC patterns have been subjected to significant changes over time, primarily due to an ever-increasing population. It is rare to attempt to analyze the influence of such changes on a large variety of ecosystem benefits in Madagascar island. The economic value of ecosystem services in Madagascar island is evaluated throughout the period from 2000 to 2019. The expansion of the human population affects the changing value of ecosystem services directly. The PROBA-V SR time series 300 m spatial resolution cover of land datasets from the "Climate Change Initiative of the European Space Agency (ESA)" were used to measure the values of ecosystem activities and the changes in those values caused by land use. A value transfer method was used to evaluate the value of ecosystem services to land use changes on Madagascar island. The findings show that from 2000 to 2019, at the annual rate of 2.17 percent, Madagascar island's ecosystem service value (ESV) grew to 6.99 billion US dollars. The components that greatly contributed to the total change of ESV were waste treatment, genetic resources, food production, and habitat/refugia. These components in 2000 contributed 21.27%, 20.20%, 17.38%, and 13.80% of the total ESV, and 22.55%, 19.76%, 17.29%, and 13.78% of the total ESV in 2019, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that there was a great change in LULCC. From 2000 to 2019, bare land, built-up land, cultivated land, savannah, and wetland increased while other LULCC types decreased. The sensitivity coefficient ranged from 0.649 to 1.000, <1, with forestland registering the highest values. Wetland is in the second position for the most important land cover category in Madagascar, considering the total value of the ecosystem. The value of ecosystem benefits per unit of the land area was higher on cultivated land, despite the relatively low fraction of cultivated land area across these eras. The sensitivity indices of seven land types from 2000 to 2019 were mapped to understand better the geographical distribution patterns of ESV's "equivalent value coefficient" (VC) across various land uses. It is suggested that the ESV should be included in Madagascar's government land-use plan to manage it effectively and efficiently with fewer negative effects on the ecosystem.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Humanos , Madagáscar , Florestas , África
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(3): 8317-8337, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36053418


The identification of spatiotemporal changes in ecosystem service values (ESVs) and their drivers is the basis for ecosystem service administration and decision-making. This research focuses on the Yellow River Basin (YRB). With a multitemporal land use and land cover (LULC) dataset (1995-2018), the equivalence coefficient method with spatiotemporal dynamic correction and exploratory spatial data analysis methods were used to evaluate ESV changes due to LULC changes and their spatial characteristics. The contributions of the ESV driving factors and their mutual effects were also investigated via geographic detectors. The results revealed that (1) the land use structure of the YRB, mainly grassland and cultivated land, was stable from 1995 to 2018. However, the transition between land use types was dramatic, including urban expansion accompanied by losses of farmland, grassland, and unused land; increased forestland; and significant increases in water bodies and wetland areas. (2) During the study period, the overall ESV of the YRB increased, and hydrological regulation and climate regulation services dominated the change in the ESVs in the study area. The ESV exhibited obvious ecogeographical pattern differentiation and evident positive spatial autocorrelation. High values were concentrated in the southern part of the study area, including the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region and the central part of the East Asian monsoon region. Low values were concentrated in the northwestern arid zone, dominated by desert and grassland ecosystems. (3) Because of the fragility of the regional ecological background, the spatial differentiation of the ESVs in the YRB is dependent on natural factors; however, anthropogenic factors such as the degree of land use and the human activity intensity also lead to ESV differentiation. The synergistic effects of human activities, landscape pattern changes, and natural factors result in the spatial differentiation of the ESVs in the research region. Therefore, human activities affecting the ecological environment should be controlled, nature-based solutions should be advocated, patch diversity should be increased, landscape fragmentation should be reduced, LULC ecosystem service functions should be improved, and the relationship among economic, social, and ecological landscape resources should be coordinated.

Ecossistema , Rios , Humanos , China , Florestas , Áreas Alagadas , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Sci Total Environ ; 863: 160963, 2023 Mar 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36529396


Scientific estimation of carbon emissions induced by historical land use and land cover change (LUCC) can improve the accuracy of terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget estimates and deepen understanding of the future carbon-sink potential of terrestrial ecosystems. The present study, using historical-document-based data for provincial cropland, forest, and grassland area in China, and experimental-data-based information for provincial vegetation and soil organic carbon density, re-estimates China's LUCC-induced carbon emissions for 1700-1980 using a bookkeeping model in which we updated tabulated functions for carbon losses and gains. The past 300 years have witnessed a dramatic LUCC in China. The cropland area has increased by 67.11 million ha, while the forest and grassland areas have decreased by 127.96 million ha and 16.72 million ha, respectively. Accordingly, the net carbon emissions for 1700-1980 are 6.17-12.35 Pg C, with 8.55 Pg C in the moderate scenario. Among the contributing factors, deforestation was the largest carbon source, accounting for over 90 % of the total carbon emissions. According to our estimates, over 70 % of carbon emissions were caused by harvesting wood, while <30 % were from converting forest and grassland to cropland. Spatially, for the whole period, carbon emissions in southwestern China (Chuan-Yu, Yunnan, and Guangxi), northeastern China (Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang), and parts of northwestern China (Gan-Ning, Qinghai, and Xinjiang) were as high as 6.03 Pg C, accounting for 70 % of the total carbon emissions. Extending previous studies, we updated the historical LUCC data, carbon density data, and tabulated functions for carbon losses and gains. The estimation results objectively reveal the historical spatiotemporal changes in LUCC-induced emissions.

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao ; 34(12): 3373-3384, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Chinês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38511377


Under the background of the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, the evolution of the spatiotemporal pattern of carbon storage has recently emerged as a research hotspot. The change in land use and land cover (LULC) is the primary driver of carbon storage changes. Understanding the spatiotemporal variations of LULC and carbon storage at the small scale of district and county level and proposing strategies to improve carbon sink, will contribute to the ecological conservation, restoration and sustainable development of districts or counties. With Yanqing District in Beijing as an example, we calculated carbon storage from 1990 to 2020 based on the InVEST model and used the PLUS model to predict LULC type changes under three scenarios (natural growth, ecological conservation and economic development) from 2020 to 2050. We further predicted the carbon storage and proposed mea-sures to improve carbon sink. The results showed that the key LULC change in Yanqing between 1990 and 2020 were the conversion of 88.9% of grassland to forest, 50.1% of farmland to forest, and 39.5% of cropland to impervious surface. The total carbon storage showed an upward trend, with an increase of 3.34×106 Mg. The spatial distribution of carbon storage presented "high in the northeast, low in the southwest, and high in the mountainous areas, low in the riverine areas." The increase in forest and the decrease in grassland were the main reasons for the increase and decrease in carbon storage, respectively. Between 2020 and 2050, the ecological restoration efforts under the ecological protection scenario increased, and the probability of other LULCs transforming into forest increased, resulting in a 5.8% increase in carbon storage, which had the highest increase and carbon storage under the three scenarios. High-value carbon storage areas were concentrated in the northeast, northwest, and south of Yanqing District, basically corresponding to the mountainous regions of Yanqing with high forest coverage, and the low-value areas generally corresponded to the plains with high development intensity and low forest coverage. We could implement comprehensive ecological protection and restoration measures, including forest and grassland ecosystem protection, water environment ecological restoration, farmland ecological restoration, to promote sustainable development in Yanqing District and to achieve the "dual carbon" goal.

Sequestro de Carbono , Ecossistema , Pequim , Carbono , Desenvolvimento Econômico , Florestas , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , China
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35886343


Intensity Analysis has generally been applied as a top-bottom hierarchical accounting method to understand regional dynamic characteristics of land use and land cover (LULC) change. Given the inconvenience of transition level in the detailed and overall presentation of various category transitions at multiple intervals, a novel transition pattern is proposed to represent the transition's size and intensity and to intuitively identify the stationary mode of transition, which helps the transition level to connect to the mode with the process. Intensity Analysis was conducted to communicate the transition between LULC categories in Hengyang from 1980 to 2015. The patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) model was employed for multi-scenario projection from 2015 to 2045. From 1980 to 2015, 2005 was a significant turning point in the speed of LULC change in Hengyang, and the change rate after this time point was three times that before the time point. The gain of built-up and bare, and the loss of cultivated was always active. The reason for the large loss of forest is that forest comprises the largest proportion of Hengyang. The loss of cultivated and the loss of forest contributing to the built-up's gain is much larger, but the mechanism behind the transition differed. A stationary targeting transition mode from cultivated to built-up in Hengyang was detected. The PLUS model confirmed that the area of forest, cultivated and grass will reduce, and the rate of decrease will slow down in the future, while water areas will slightly increase. Our work enriches the methodology of Intensity Analysis and provides a scientific reference for the sustainable development and management of land resources in Hengyang.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Florestas , China , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Previsões , Desenvolvimento Sustentável
J Environ Manage ; 317: 115490, 2022 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35751284


Spatial targeting plays a key role in improving the efficiency of payment for ecosystem services (PES). However, the risk of grassland degradation after implementing PES increases uncertainty about the efficiency of PES. Here, we identified the spatial heterogeneity of grassland degradation risk using Future Land Use Simulation (FLUS) model, then incorporated grassland degradation risk as a criterion into PES spatial targeting using cost-benefit analysis and ranking optimization. The framework was applied to a case study of the Three-River-Source National Park, China. We found that grasslands in the study area continued to degrade between 2015 and 2025, and the area of degraded grasslands increased by 26%. Compared with spatial targeting of PES without considering grassland degradation risk, PES spatial targeting that considered grassland degradation risk was significantly different (the overlap area accounted for only 75%, 82%, and 94% of the PES area within 25%, 50%, and 75% of the total protection cost budget). When the grassland degradation risk was considered as a targeting criterion, PES efficiency increased by 154%, 116%, 124%, and 99%, respectively, within 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the total protection cost budget. Our results demonstrate that considering grassland degradation risk in the spatial targeting of PES increases efficiency because it helps to target areas with greater environmental benefits.

Ecossistema , Pradaria , China , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Rios
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(23): 6944-6960, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35582991


Narratives of landscape degradation are often linked to unsustainable fire use by local communities. Madagascar is a case in point: the island is considered globally exceptional, with its remarkable endemic biodiversity viewed as threatened by unsustainable anthropogenic fire. Yet, fire regimes on Madagascar have not been empirically characterised or globally contextualised. Here, we contribute a comparative approach to determining relationships between regional fire regimes and global patterns and trends, applied to Madagascar using MODIS remote sensing data (2003-2019). Rather than a global exception, we show that Madagascar's fire regimes are similar to 88% of tropical burned area with shared climate and vegetation characteristics, and can be considered a microcosm of most tropical fire regimes. From 2003-2019, landscape-scale fire declined across tropical grassy biomes (17%-44% excluding Madagascar), and on Madagascar at a relatively fast rate (36%-46%). Thus, high tree loss anomalies on the island (1.25-4.77× the tropical average) were not explained by any general expansion of landscape-scale fire in grassy biomes. Rather, tree loss anomalies centred in forests, and could not be explained by landscape-scale fire escaping from savannas into forests. Unexpectedly, the highest tree loss anomalies on Madagascar (4.77×) occurred in environments without landscape-scale fire, where the role of small-scale fires (<21 h [0.21 km2 ]) is unknown. While landscape-scale fire declined across tropical grassy biomes, trends in tropical forests reflected important differences among regions, indicating a need to better understand regional variation in the anthropogenic drivers of forest loss and fire risk. Our new understanding of Madagascar's fire regimes offers two lessons with global implications: first, landscape-scale fire is declining across tropical grassy biomes and does not explain high tree loss anomalies on Madagascar. Second, landscape-scale fire is not uniformly associated with tropical forest loss, indicating a need for socio-ecological context in framing new narratives of fire and ecosystem degradation.

Ecossistema , Incêndios , Madagáscar , Florestas , Árvores , Poaceae
J Environ Manage ; 315: 115131, 2022 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35512599


Land use intensification and climate change have resulted in substantial changes in the provision of ecosystem services, particularly in China that experienced sharp increases in population growth and demands for goods and energy. To protect the environment and restore the degraded ecosystems, the Chinese government has implemented multiple national ecological restoration projects. Yet, the combined effects of climate change and land use and land cover change (LULCC) over large spatial scales that brace multiple land use decisions and great environmental heterogeneity remain unclear. We assessed the combined effects of LULCC and climate change on water-related ecosystem services (water provision and soil conservation services) from 1990s to 2020s in Northeast China using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model. We found that water yield decreased by 9.78% and soil retention increased by 30.51% over the past 30 years. LULCC and climate change exerted negative effects on water yield whereas they both enhanced soil retention; LULCC interacted with climate change to have relatively small inhibitory effects on water yield and large facilitation effects on soil retention. Changes in water yield were mainly attributed to climate change, while soil retention was largely influenced by LULCC and its interaction with climate change. Our research highlights the importance of land use decisions and its interactive effects with climate change on ecosystem services in a heavily disturbed temperate region, and provides important information to inform future land management and policy making for sustaining diverse ecosystem services and ensuring human wellbeing.

Mudança Climática , Ecossistema , China , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Humanos , Solo , Água
J Environ Manage ; 315: 115130, 2022 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35483253


Groundwater recharge is affected by various anthropogenic activities, land use and land cover (LULC) change among these. The long-term temporal and seasonal changes in LULC have a substantial influence on groundwater flow dynamics. Therefore, assessment of the impacts of LULC changes on recharge is necessary for the sustainable management of groundwater resources. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of LULC changes on groundwater recharge in the northwestern part of Bangladesh. Spatially distributed monthly groundwater recharge was simulated using a semi-physically based water balance model. Long-term temporal LULC change analysis was conducted using LULC maps from 2006 to 2016, while wet and dry LULC maps were used to examine seasonal changes. The results show that the impervious built-up area has increased by 80.3%, whereas vegetated land cover has decreased by 16.4% over the study period. As a result, groundwater recharge in 2016 has decreased compared to the level seen in 2006. However, the decrease in recharge due to long-term temporal LULC changes is very small at the basin scale (2.6 mm/year), although the impact on regional level is larger (17.1 mm/year) due to urbanization. Seasonal LULC variations also affect recharge due to the higher potential for dry seasonal LULC compared to the wet seasonal LULC, a substantial difference (20.6 mm/year). The results reveal important information about the groundwater system and its response to land cover changes in northwestern Bangladesh.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Água Subterrânea , Bangladesh , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Urbanização