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Int. j. morphol ; 31(4): 1505-1510, Dec. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-702341


This paper presents the design and implementation of a workshop based on the integration of Internet-based technologies, for literature research and preparation of citations for freshmen in the career of dentistry (n = 30) enrolled from the morphology class. Most students achieved the proposed competencies; the presentation of a search strategy and a uniform format delivers in better references and best evaluated activities (averaging 4.5 points, up to 5). This research provides new evidence on practices that can be incorporated, give and deliver literacy information, according to training dental curriculum.

Este estudio presenta el diseño e implementación de un taller fundado en la integración de tecnologías basadas en internet para la búsqueda de literatura y elaboración de referencias bibliográficas por estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de odontología (n=30) del curso de morfología. La mayoría de los estudiantes logró las competencias propuestas, siendo la presentación de la estrategia de búsqueda y la entrega de referencias en formato uniforme las actividades mejor evaluadas (4,5 puntos promedio de un máximo de 5). Esta investigación provee evidencia sobre nuevas prácticas que pueden establecerse para incorporar la alfabetización informacional al curriculum formativo odontológico.

Humanos , Anatomia/educação , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Ensino/métodos , Internet , Estudantes de Odontologia , Alfabetização Digital , Currículo , Competência em Informação , Mídias Sociais
Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 5-24, ene.-jul. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-130334


Dada la relevancia del desarrollo temprano de los conocimientos o habilidades considerados precursores de la alfabetización, resulta fundamental, para la elaboración de propuestas pedagógicas, identificar aquellos aspectos en los que es necesario focalizar dichas propuestas. En este sentido, el estudio que se informa abordó la incidencia del medio en las habilidades tempranas de lectura y escritura en tres grupos de niños de diferente procedencia socioeconómica (niveles socioeconómicos medio urbano, bajo urbano y bajo rural). Los niños respondieron a 11 pruebas que evalúan las siguientes variables precursoras de la alfabetización: Habilidades de procesamiento fonológico, Conocimiento de las correspondencias, Habilidades de discriminación visual de letras y palabras, Habilidad de lectura de palabras en contexto, Capacidad de reconocimiento de acciones de lectura y escritura, Formas tempranas de escritura, Conocimiento de lenguaje técnico y Manejo de libro. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que existen diferencias entre los grupos en las tareas implicadas en el reconocimiento de lenguaje técnico, en las de conciencia fonológica y en las formas de escritura. Sin embargo, no se hallaron diferencias entre los niños de los distintos sectores socioeconómicos evaluados en las tareas de discriminación, manejo de libro y reconocimiento de acciones de lectura y escritura. En concordancia con el modelo evolutivo de Nelson (2007), los grupos muestran un desempeño similar en conocimientos que responden a procesos perceptivos básicos y difieren en aquellos que la investigación ha demostrado que requieren de la intervención de un adulto alfabetizado.(AU)

Due to the fact that early literacy skills are crucial for reading and writing learning process, it is important to identify them in order to design teaching activities. Most of the former literacy studies have been carried out with middle class children and show that reading and writing learning process begins very early at home. The rate and the way reading and writing are developed is highly related with parents educational level and the kind and frequency of the literacy activities they propose. There are differences between social groups with regard to these activities that may cause knowledge differences at early age that may explain reading and writing learning process failure in low income children. From a developmental perspective there have been numerous studies focused mainly on literacy learning before formal teaching of reading and writing in school. These researches tempt to explore and describe the concepts, knowledge, skills and early actions of reading and writing as well as the social context where these developments occur. In the framework of these observations, the aim of the present study was to compare early reading and writing skills in three groups of children from different socioeconomic environment. From theoretical and methodological point of view we have take in account a cognitive psychology perspective to explore those variables considered early literacy skills such as phonological awareness, early writing skills among others as well as we have adopted as teaching and learning process framework Vigotskys zone of proximal development as well as Bruners scaffolding. The groups were described according to different variables such us age (measured up to May, 30th), sex and socioeconomic level. In order to measure the last variable, parents education level and job were considered according Sartú (1992) occupational scale. Using this variables three groups were selected: Group A was formed by 20 children mean age 5.5-year-olds from middle urban income families who attended a public kindergarten school situated in a middle class neighborhood. Group B was formed by 19 kids mean age 5.3-year-olds from low income families who attended to a public kindergarten school in a low income urban neighborhood. Group C was formed by 17 children mean age 5.3-year-olds who attended a public kindergarten school from a low rural income area. Kids were assessed with 11 tasks: Phonological awareness, Letter-sound correspondences, Differences between letters, Words from pictures, Reading words in context, Recognition of writing and reading activities, Early reading and writing performance, Technical vocabulary knowledge, proper usage of books was tested. The results of this study provides empirical information on the early literacy pattern of learning process of Spanish-speaking children as well as differences in knowledge and skills involved in this process between children from different socioeconomic groups. Differences between the three groups were observed in technical vocabulary knowledge and phonological awareness tasks performance. There were no differences between socioeconomically groups in distinguishing letters and words from pictures, recognizing writing and reading activities and proper using of books. According to Nelson (2007), children have a similar performance in those activities based on basic cognitive skills and differ in the ones that involve adults instruction. The similar performances of the groups tested seems to indicate that the knowledge involved in early literacy process is develop in a sequence characterized by an emerging knowledge about writing in the social environment. The fact that children did not grasp a complete competence in one knowledge before reaching it in other later ability shows that literacy acquisition is characterized by an overlapping development of different abilities and knowledge.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 5-24, ene.-jul. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708509


Dada la relevancia del desarrollo temprano de los conocimientos o habilidades considerados precursores de la alfabetización, resulta fundamental, para la elaboración de propuestas pedagógicas, identificar aquellos aspectos en los que es necesario focalizar dichas propuestas. En este sentido, el estudio que se informa abordó la incidencia del medio en las habilidades tempranas de lectura y escritura en tres grupos de niños de diferente procedencia socioeconómica (niveles socioeconómicos medio urbano, bajo urbano y bajo rural). Los niños respondieron a 11 pruebas que evalúan las siguientes variables precursoras de la alfabetización: Habilidades de procesamiento fonológico, Conocimiento de las correspondencias, Habilidades de discriminación visual de letras y palabras, Habilidad de lectura de palabras en contexto, Capacidad de reconocimiento de acciones de lectura y escritura, Formas tempranas de escritura, Conocimiento de lenguaje técnico y Manejo de libro. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que existen diferencias entre los grupos en las tareas implicadas en el reconocimiento de lenguaje técnico, en las de conciencia fonológica y en las formas de escritura. Sin embargo, no se hallaron diferencias entre los niños de los distintos sectores socioeconómicos evaluados en las tareas de discriminación, manejo de libro y reconocimiento de acciones de lectura y escritura. En concordancia con el modelo evolutivo de Nelson (2007), los grupos muestran un desempeño similar en conocimientos que responden a procesos perceptivos básicos y difieren en aquellos que la investigación ha demostrado que requieren de la intervención de un adulto alfabetizado.

Due to the fact that early literacy skills are crucial for reading and writing learning process, it is important to identify them in order to design teaching activities. Most of the former literacy studies have been carried out with middle class children and show that reading and writing learning process begins very early at home. The rate and the way reading and writing are developed is highly related with parents educational level and the kind and frequency of the literacy activities they propose. There are differences between social groups with regard to these activities that may cause knowledge differences at early age that may explain reading and writing learning process failure in low income children. From a developmental perspective there have been numerous studies focused mainly on literacy learning before formal teaching of reading and writing in school. These researches tempt to explore and describe the concepts, knowledge, skills and early actions of reading and writing as well as the social context where these developments occur. In the framework of these observations, the aim of the present study was to compare early reading and writing skills in three groups of children from different socioeconomic environment. From theoretical and methodological point of view we have take in account a cognitive psychology perspective to explore those variables considered early literacy skills such as phonological awareness, early writing skills among others as well as we have adopted as teaching and learning process framework Vigotsky's zone of proximal development as well as Bruner's scaffolding. The groups were described according to different variables such us age (measured up to May, 30th), sex and socioeconomic level. In order to measure the last variable, parents education level and job were considered according Sartú (1992) occupational scale. Using this variables three groups were selected: Group A was formed by 20 children mean age 5.5-year-olds from middle urban income families who attended a public kindergarten school situated in a middle class neighborhood. Group B was formed by 19 kids mean age 5.3-year-olds from low income families who attended to a public kindergarten school in a low income urban neighborhood. Group C was formed by 17 children mean age 5.3-year-olds who attended a public kindergarten school from a low rural income area. Kids were assessed with 11 tasks: Phonological awareness, Letter-sound correspondences, Differences between letters, Words from pictures, Reading words in context, Recognition of writing and reading activities, Early reading and writing performance, Technical vocabulary knowledge, proper usage of books was tested. The results of this study provides empirical information on the early literacy pattern of learning process of Spanish-speaking children as well as differences in knowledge and skills involved in this process between children from different socioeconomic groups. Differences between the three groups were observed in technical vocabulary knowledge and phonological awareness tasks performance. There were no differences between socioeconomically groups in distinguishing letters and words from pictures, recognizing writing and reading activities and proper using of books. According to Nelson (2007), children have a similar performance in those activities based on basic cognitive skills and differ in the ones that involve adult's instruction. The similar performances of the groups tested seems to indicate that the knowledge involved in early literacy process is develop in a sequence characterized by an emerging knowledge about writing in the social environment. The fact that children did not grasp a complete competence in one knowledge before reaching it in other later ability shows that literacy acquisition is characterized by an overlapping development of different abilities and knowledge.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 16(1): 81-90, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-685950


El objetivo del presente estudio fue probar la efectividad de un programa conductual (taller) dirigido a madres de familia de estrato sociocultural bajo, para capacitarlas en la realización de actividades y estrategias para promover en sus hijos preescolares habilidades lingüísticas y preacadémicas relacionadas con la alfabetización inicial. El programa se enfocó en dos contextos específicos de interacción: la lectura conjunta de cuentos y el juego con títeres. Participaron 20 madres, con prácticas alfabetizadoras limitadas, cuyos hijos preescolares mostraron pocas habilidades preacadémicas y lingüísticas. Diez madres conformaron el Grupo Experimental, recibiendo el programa de intervención y otras diez fungieron como Grupo Control. Se realizaron tres sesiones de evaluación (pre test, post test y seguimiento) y siete sesiones de intervención. El programa se aplicó de manera grupal y se utilizaron técnicas de exposición oral, discusión en grupo, modelamiento, juego de roles, retroalimentación y práctica reforzada. Los resultados mostraron que el programa fue eficaz para desarrollar algunas de las prácticas alfabetizadoras en las madres. Los mayores efectos se observaron en el contexto interactivo de lectura conjunta de cuentos. Se discuten los resultados y limitaciones del estudio, y se derivan algunas sugerencias para programas futuros.

The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of a behavioral program aimed to mothers from low socio-cultural background in order to train them in conducting activities and strategies to promote language and pre-academic skills related to early literacy in their preschool children. The program was carried out focusing on two interactive contexts: joint reading of stories and puppet play. 20 women participated, with limited literacy practices whose preschool children showed low levels in pre-academic and linguistic skills. 10 mothers formed the experimental group, receiving the intervention program and 10 served as control group. There were three testing sessions (pretest, post-test and follow-up) and seven intervention sessions. The program was implemented in a group mode and it used techniques such as oral presentation, group discussion, modeling, role playing, feedback and reinforced practice. Results showed that the program was effective in developing some of the literacy practices in mothers. The main effects were observed in the interactive context of joint reading of stories. The results and limitations of the study are discussed and some recommendations are given for future programs.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi provar a efetividade de um programa condutual (oficina) dirigido a mães de família de classe sociocultural baixa, para capacitá-las na realização de atividades e estratégias para promover em seus filhos pré-escolares habilidades linguísticas e pré-acadêmicas relacionadas com a alfabetização inicial. O programa enfocou-se em dois contextos específicos de interação: a leitura conjunta de contos e brincadeiras com marionetes. Participaram 20 mães, com práticas alfabetizadoras limitadas, cujos filhos pré-escolares mostraram poucas habilidades pré-acadêmicas e linguísticas. Dez mãe formaram o Grupo Experimental, recebendo o programa de intervenção e outras dez participaram como Grupo de Controle. Realizaram-se três sessões de avaliação (pré-teste, pós-teste e acompanhamento) e sete sessões de intervenção. O programa foi aplicado de maneira grupal e se utilizaram técnicas de exposição oral, discussão em grupo, modelagem, jogo de papéis, retroalimentação e prática reforçada. Os resultados mostraram que o programa foi eficaz para desenvolver algumas das práticas alfabetizadoras nas mães. Os maiores efeitos foram observados no contexto interativo de leitura conjunta de contos. Discutemse os resultados e limitações do estudo, e se derivam algumas sugestões para programas futuros.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Pais , Escolas Maternais , Habilidades Sociais , Alfabetização