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Front Nutr ; 11: 1354841, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119467


The quality of preparations offered in the workplace can vary according to the different segments of food services and may impact the health of the workers. This study aimed to qualitatively assess the food preparation offered to workers in from different food services. A total of 384 preparations were offered to workers in Curitiba City, Brazil. The preparations from three different segments of food services were evaluated: commercial (pilot study), non-commercial, and outsourced, selected for convenience. To identify the preparations, the nutritionist was interviewed, and the production process was monitored. The Score for Qualitative Assessment of Preparations (EAQP) was applied to evaluate the preparations, and they were classified according to their quality: high, intermediate, low, and very low quality. The chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests with post-hoc Least Significant Difference (LSD) Test were used. Most of the preparations were of high quality (72.9%), using mainly the unprocessed or minimally processed ingredients. The preparations offered by the non-commercial food service provider had a better mean quality score when compared to other food services (p < 0.01). This study outcome is essential to help food service professionals to decide and choose the ingredients used in the preparations.

Front Nutr ; 11: 1423978, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39188981


Objective: Historically, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) has been instrumental to identifying malnutrition in children under 5 years living in resource restricted settings. Less attention is directed to at-risk, school-aged youth. Updated and validated pediatric age- and gender-specific MUAC growth curves expand malnutrition screening opportunities (2 months-18 years) including overweight/obesity. An innovative partnership was created to integrate MUAC z-score measurement trainings and screenings in the Real Madrid Foundation's (RMF) Social Sports Schools (S3) program, which provide sports and wellness programming to under-resourced communities. This work aimed to investigate the feasibility of leveraging non-healthcare professionals (non-HCPs) to identify malnutrition risk as part of RMF S3. Methods: This global, two-part program on malnutrition risk identification included training adult facilitators and screening children attending RMF S3. RMF facilitators were trained with didactic lectures on malnutrition, and practical hands-on learning of proper MUAC z-score tape measurement. Aggregate data on facilitators and the number of times to correctly administer the MUAC z-tape were recorded. Aggregate data on child malnutrition risk screenings were collected. Results: Nine countries participated representing Europe, Pacific Asia, Africa, Latin America, and North America. In total, 143 RMF facilitators were trained, and 318 children were screened across 11 sites. More than half of facilitators were male (56%, n = 80), and majority were coaches (41.3%, n = 59), followed by staff (25.2%, n = 36), and volunteers (16.1%, n = 23). Facilitator attempts ranged from 1 to 4 times for proper MUAC z-score administration with mean 2.12 (± 0.86). There were no significant differences for attempts among RMF facilitator types (p = 0.10). Sixteen percent (n = 51) of children screened were recommended for HCP referral, with concentrations in Pacific Asia (68%, n = 35), Latin America (24%, n = 12), and Africa (8%, n = 4). Conclusions: Findings from our sample demonstrate that integration of MUAC z-score based malnutrition risk screening within community sports and wellness programming among non-HCPs is feasible, and that some regions with less frequent access to routine health care may experience greater benefit from these programs. Equipping non-HCP facilitators in community sports and wellness programs with training on malnutrition screening provides a means to meet under-resourced families where they live to begin conversations around malnutrition risk with the hope of establishing additional pathways to care.

Int J Health Policy Manag ; 13: 8008, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618831


BACKGROUND: In the last few years, Mexico adopted public health policies to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as front of package nutrition labelling, food marketing restrictions to children, and a soda tax. In parallel, transnational food and beverage industries (F&BIs), their allies, and the government have agreed on public-private partnerships (PPPs) to implement policies or deliver programs. However, research has questioned the benefits of PPPs and exposed its limitations as a suitable mechanism to improve public health. This study analyses how four PPPs between the Mexican government, the F&BI, and allies are working to achieve their goals. We critically assessed the objectives, scope, reported impacts, governance principles and perceived risks and benefits for the public health agenda of these PPPs. METHODS: This qualitative study is based on 26 interviews with key actors, and 170 publicly available documents, including 22 obtained through freedom of information (FOI) requests related to four purposively selected PPPs aiming to improve health. RESULTS: We found that the four PPPs studied had minimal public information available on their implementation and impact. The private partners tend to dictate the design, information management, and implementation of the programs, while promoting their brands. Few independent evaluations of the PPPs exist, and none reported on their effectiveness or public health benefits. Good governance principles, such as accountability, transparency, fairness, participation, integrity, and credibility, were barely followed in each of the cases studied. Public officials did not automatically question the conflict of interest (CoI) of such arrangements. When there were COI, the potential risks these posed did not always outweigh the financial benefits of working with the F&BI and its allies. CONCLUSION: The four PPPs studied produced minimal gains for public health while boosting credibility for the participating transnational F&BIs. It shows the lack of awareness of how these PPPs might be hindering public health gains.

Bebidas Gaseificadas , Parcerias Público-Privadas , Criança , Humanos , México , Saúde Pública , Impostos , Bebidas , Política Pública
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569787


Introducción. El Programa Alimentario Nutricional Integral (PANI) viene ejecutando acciones desde el año 2015 en servicios de salud de Asunción y años antes en otras regiones del país, con el fin de reducir los efectos negativos de la desnutrición; sin embargo, el éxito del PANI depende de la adherencia de los beneficiarios. Objetivo. Determinar la adherencia a un programa alimentario para el tratamiento de la desnutrición en niños menores de 5 años, ingresados en un Hospital Materno Infantil de Asunción, entre los años 2018 y 2021. Materiales y Método. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se incluyeron todos los niños ingresados al PANI del Hospital Materno Infantil de elección entre los años 2018 y 2021, digitalizados en planilla Excel y analizados con el software Epi Info versión 7. Resultados. De 211 niños registrados se obtuvo datos de 166 pacientes con una edad media ± 1 de 1,3 años ± 1, 53% niñas, el 50% presentaba un ingreso familiar menor al salario mínimo. El 87,35% de los niños ingresó con riesgo de desnutrición, 10,84% con desnutrición moderada y 1,81% grave. La tasa de deserción fue de 67,5%. Conclusión. La adherencia al tratamiento de la desnutrición fue baja. La implementación del PANI como política de salud debe ser fortalecida y monitoreada permanentemente de forma a garantizar sus objetivos, abordando otras variables que puedan estar relacionadas a la deserción. Palabras clave: desnutrición infantil; programas y políticas de nutrición y alimentación; cumplimiento y adherencia al tratamiento.

Introduction. The Comprehensive Nutritional Food Program (PANI) has been carrying out actions since 2015 in health services in Asunción and years before in other regions of the country, in order to reduce the negative effects of malnutrition, however; the success of PANI depends of the beneficiaries' adherence. Objective. To determine adherence to a food program for the treatment of malnutrition in children under 5 years of age, admitted to a Maternal and Child Hospital in Asunción, between 2018 and 2021. Materials and Method. Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, with non-probabilistic sampling. Secondary data from children admitted to the PANI of the Maternal and Child Hospital of choice between 2018 and 2021 were included, digitized in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed with the Epi Info version 7 software. Results. 166 samples participated in the study; The average age of the users was 1.3 years ± 1 SD. 53% were girls; 100% were of Latin ethnicity. 87.35% of children were admitted at risk of malnutrition, while moderate and severe malnutrition was 10.84% and 1.81% respectively. 50% had an income less than the minimum wage. Dropouts were 67.5% and admissions were 32.5%. Conclusion. Adherence to malnutrition treatment was low. The implementation of the PANI as a health policy must be strengthened and permanently monitored in order to guarantee its objectives, addressing other variables that may be related to dropout.

Rev Rene (Online) ; 25: e93082, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1565003


RESUMO Objetivo descrever a percepção dos coordenadores de saúde e educação quanto à operacionalização, potencialidades e fragilidades do Programa Estratégico de Fortificação da Alimentação Infantil com Micronutrientes em Pó. Métodos pesquisa qualitativa, abrangendo nove municípios que aderiram ao programa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário semiestruturado com base no manual operacional do programa. Os depoimentos foram analisados à luz da análise de conteúdo. Resultados participaram 11 coordenadores. Os dados apontaram divergências quanto ao armazenamento inadequado dos sachês e ao intervalo entre os ciclos. Foram encontradas dificuldades na comunicação, envolvimento das equipes e rotatividade de profissionais. Conclusão evidenciou-se que ações direcionadas à alimentação infantil fortalecem os atributos da atenção primária à saúde e repercutem de forma positiva na identificação de grupos vulneráveis, para que se possa buscar a promoção de sua saúde e a prevenção de doenças. Contribuições para a prática: os resultados deste estudo podem contribuir no aperfeiçoamento da intersetorialidade e na problematização das dificuldades associadas, levando à ampliação do acesso às unidades básicas e estimulando as ações de promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável, bem como à organização da atenção nutricional.

ABSTRACT Objective to describe the perception of health and education coordinators regarding the operationalization, strengths, and weaknesses of a Strategic Program for the Fortification of Infant Foods with Micronutrient Powders. Methods qualitative search in nine municipalities that joined the program. Data collection was carried out using a semistructured questionnaire based on the operational manual of the program. Statements were analyzed considering content analysis. Results 11 coordinators participated. Data found suggests differences regarding inadequate storage of sachets and the interval between cycles. There were difficulties regarding communication, team involvement, and professional turnover. Conclusion actions associated with children diets are in accordance with primary health care attributes, having a positive impact on the identification of vulnerable groups, so we can seek health promotion and disease prevention. Contributions to practice: the results of this study can contribute to improve intersectoral work and raise questions about the difficulties associated with it, leading to an increased access to basic units and encouraging actions to promote adequate and healthy diets, in addition to organizing nutritional care.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262340311, 22/11/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1566194


A carência de vitamina A é considerada um problema de saúde pública em vários países de baixa e média renda, inclusive no Brasil. Nesse contexto, foi instituído o Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Vitamina A (PNSVA), com o intuito de suplementar as crianças de 6 a 59 meses com megadoses dessa vitamina. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento dos profissionais a respeito desse programa, além da operacionalização, do funcionamento e da cobertura do PNSVA. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, para o qual foram realizadas entrevistas com os profissionais de 58 Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS). Os dados da cobertura do PNSVA (2012 a 2020) foram coletados através do Sistema de Informação de Micronutrientes. Dos entrevistados, 39,6% citaram a distribuição de cápsulas de vitamina A como forma de atingir os objetivos do PNSVA, e apenas 36,2% receberam capacitação sobre o programa. Em relação à sua operacionalização, 56,9% relataram nunca terem faltado cápsulas de vitamina A na UBS, e 41,3% realizavam o registro das doses administradas no Mapa Diário de Administração de Vitamina A. Já sobre o funcionamento do programa, 61,1% o avaliaram como bom. A cobertura do PNSVA foi inferior à meta pactuada, tendo sido observadas lacunas no conhecimento, na operacionalização e no funcionamento do programa.

Vitamin A deficiency is considered a public health problem in several low-and middle-income countries, including Brazil. In this context, the National Vitamin A Supplementation Program (PNSVA) was instituted with the aim of supplementing children aged 6 to 59 months with megadoses of vitamin A. This cross-sectional study carried out in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, aimed to evaluate professionals' knowledge, operationalization, functioning, and coverage of the PNSVA. We interviewed professionals from 58 Basic Health Units and collected PNSVA coverage data (2012-2020) from the Micronutrient Information System. Of those interviewed, 39.6% cited the distribution of vitamin A capsules to achieve the PNSVA objectives, and only 36.2% received training on the program. Operationalization-wise, 56.9% reported never running out of vitamin A capsules at the Unit, and 41.3% recorded the doses administered on the Daily Map. About the operation, 61.1% rated the PNSVA as good. PNSVA coverage was below the recommended target. PNSVA functioning, operationalization, and coverage did not reach the agreed goals, highlighting the current knowledge gaps in the program.

Programas Nacionais de Saúde
Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262338004, 22/11/2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1567020


Populações que vivem em condições de desigualdade social e econômica são mais vulneráveis à ocorrência de problemas nutricionais, os quais impactam negativamente o crescimento, desenvolvimento e a saúde da criança. Nesse cenário, os Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda apresentam-se como estratégias importantes para atenuar a situação de insegurança alimentar dessas famílias. Todavia, ressalta-se que tal transferência monetária não representa garantia de alimentação adequada. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o estado nutricional, o consumo qualitativo de alimentos e os níveis de (in) segurança alimentar de crianças assistidas pelo Programa Bolsa Família residentes no município de Nazária (PI). Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo 134 crianças com sete a dez anos de idade. Um questionário foi aplicado aos pais/responsáveis para coletar as informações sobre as variáveis socioeconômicas. O estado nutricional das crianças foi avaliado a partir da aferição da estatura e peso corporal, sendo classificado conforme os parâmetros de índice de massa corporal-para-idade, peso-para-idade e estatura-para-idade. Para a avaliação do consumo alimentar, foi utilizado o questionário do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional com marcadores sobre consumo alimentar para indivíduos acima de cinco anos de idade. A Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar foi aplicada para obtenção do nível de insegurança alimentar das famílias. As crianças beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família apresentaram, em sua maioria, estado nutricional adequado. Todavia, a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade identificada nesta população representa um fator preocupante à saúde. Associado a isso, as crianças realizavam ingestão diária de alimentos não saudáveis e consumo pouco frequente de alimentos nutritivos. Ademais, mesmo com o auxílio financeiro do programa, muitas famílias ainda se encontraram em situação de insegurança alimentar.

Populations living in conditions of social and economic inequality are more vulnerable to the occurrence of nutritional problems which negatively impact children's growth, development and health. In this scenario, the Conditional Cash Transfer Programs are important strategies to alleviate the food insecurity situation of these families. However, it should be noted that such monetary transfer does not represent a guarantee of adequate food. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the nutritional status, qualitative dietary intake, and levels of food (in) security of the children assisted by the Bolsa Família Program living in the municipality of Nazária (PI). A cross-sectional study was conducted with 134 children aged seven to ten years. A questionnaire was applied to parents/guardians to collect information on socioeconomic variables. Children's nutritional status was assessed by measuring height and body weight, and classified according to the parameters of body mass index-for-age, weight-for-age, and height-for-age. For the evaluation of dietary intake, the questionnaire with markers on food consumption for individuals over five years old of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System was used. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale was applied to obtain the level of food insecurity of the families. The majority of children benefiting of the Bolsa Família Program has adequate nutritional status. However, the prevalence of overweight and obesity identified in this population represents a concerning health factor. Associated with this, children have a daily intake of unhealthy foods and infrequent consumption of nutritious foods. Furthermore, even with the financial support of the program, many families are still in a situation of food insecurity.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 704-723, 20230906. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511124


Introducción. Los términos falla intestinal crónica, síndrome de intestino corto (SIC) y nutrición parenteral total son muy frecuentes en la práctica clínica cotidiana.El objetivo de esta guía fue establecer un marco de referencia de práctica clínica basado en el mejor de nivel de evidencia en pacientes con falla intestinal crónica secundaria a síndrome de intestino corto. Métodos. Se estableció un grupo de expertos interdisciplinarios en el manejo de la falla intestinal crónica quienes, previa revisión de la literatura escogida, se reunieron de manera virtual acogiendo el método Delphi para discutir una serie de preguntas seleccionadas, enfocadas en el contexto terapéutico de la falla intestinal crónica asociada al síndrome de intestino corto. Resultados. La recomendación del grupo de expertos colombianos es que se aconseje a los pacientes con SIC consumir dietas regulares de alimentos integrales que genere hiperfagia para compensar la malabsorción. Las necesidades proteicas y energéticas dependen de las características individuales de cada paciente; la adecuación del régimen debe ser evaluada a través de pruebas clínicas, antropométricas y parámetros bioquímicos. Se sugiere, especialmente a corto plazo después de la resección intestinal, el uso de análogos de somatostatina para pacientes con yeyunostomía de alto gasto en quienes el manejo de líquidos y electrolitos es problemático. En pacientes con SIC, que son candidatos a tratamiento con enterohormonas, Teduglutida es la primera opción. Conclusión. Existen recomendaciones en el manejo integral de la rehabilitación intestinal respaldadas ampliamente por este consenso y es importante el reconocimiento de alternativas terapéuticos enmarcadas en el principio de buenas prácticas clínicas.

Introduction. The terms chronic intestinal failure, short bowel syndrome (SBS), and total parenteral nutrition are very common in daily clinical practice. The objective of this guideline was to establish a reference framework for clinical practice based on the best level of evidence in patients with chronic intestinal failure secondary to short bowel syndrome. Methods. A group of interdisciplinary experts in the management of chronic intestinal failure was established who, after reviewing the selected literature, met virtually using the Delphi method to discuss a series of selected questions, focused on the therapeutic context of chronic intestinal failure associated with short bowel syndrome. Results. The recommendation of the Colombian expert group is that patients with SBS be advised to consume regular diets of whole foods that generate hyperphagia to compensate malabsorption. Protein and energy needs depend on the individual characteristics of each patient; the adequacy of the regimen must be evaluated through clinical, anthropometric tests and biochemical parameters. The use of somatostatin analogue is suggested, especially in the short term after bowel resection, for patients with high-output jejunostomy in whom fluid and electrolyte management is problematic. In SBS, who are candidates for enterohormonal therapy, Teduglutide is the first choice. Conclusion. There are recommendations on the comprehensive management of intestinal rehabilitation that are widely supported by this consensus and it is important to recognize therapeutic alternatives framed in the principle of good clinical practice.

Humanos , Síndrome do Intestino Curto , Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais , Nutrição Parenteral Total , Programas e Políticas de Nutrição e Alimentação , Hormônios Gastrointestinais , Intestino Delgado
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(supl. 2): 65-72, sept. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1532920


Introduction. Brazil's health system offers insights into addressing the double burden of malnutrition by proper population monitoring, coupled with local policies and national guidelines. Objective. To investigate the recent temporal trends in nutritional status indicators and its coverage of children aged two to five years from Campinas, a metropolis in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Material and methods. The analysis of time series from 2018 to 2022 were conducted by accessing data from the Brazilian Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) due to regression analysis. Results. The number of children aged two to five in the SISVAN registry rose from 7,300 in 2018 to 11,171 in 2022, forming the study sample. In 2018, 700 were chronically undernourished, 306 underweight, and 977 overweight; by 2022, 530 showed stunting, 457 were underweight, and 1,084 overweight. Stunting prevalence declined from 9.6% (2018) to 4.7% (2022). Underweight dropped slightly from 4.2% to 4.1% over the years and overweight, consistently the highest indicator, ranged from 13.4% (2018) to 9.7% (2022). SISVAN's coverage varied between 16.6% (2018) and 26.1% (2022), the lowest at 12.3% in 2020. The trend for stunting decreased significantly (APV: -15.01; CI95% -22.64; -6.62). Adding SISVAN's coverage variable the model slightly reduced the declining stunting trend (APV: -12.12; CI95% -13.19; -11.04). Conclusions. Coordinated efforts to address nutritional challenges, from adequate population monitoring to the interaction between local policies and national guidelines, have shown positive health outcomes(AU)

Introducción. El sistema de salud de Brasil ofrece conocimientos valiosos para abordar la doble carga de malnutrición mediante el seguimiento adecuado de la población y políticas locales y nacionales. Objetivo. Investigar las tendencias temporales recientes en indicadores nutricionales y cobertura en niños de dos a cinco años en Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron datos del SISVAN de 2018 a 2022 con regresión temporal. Resultados. Niños de dos a cinco años en el SISVAN pasaron de 7,300 en 2018 a 11,171 en 2022. En 2018, 700 estaban crónicamente desnutridos, 306 con bajo peso y 977 con sobrepeso; en 2022, 530 con retraso en el crecimiento, 457 con bajo peso y 1,084 con sobrepeso. La prevalencia del retraso en el crecimiento bajó de 9,6% a 4,7%. El bajo peso disminuyó levemente del 4,2% al 4,1% y el sobrepeso osciló del 13,4% al 9,7%. La cobertura de SISVAN varió de 16.6% a 26.1%, con un mínimo de 12.3% en 2020. La tendencia del retraso en el crecimiento disminuyó significativamente (APV: -15.01; CI95% -22.64; -6.62). La inclusión de la cobertura de SISVAN redujo levemente esta tendencia (APV: -12.12; CI95% -13.19; -11.04). Conclusiones. Coordinar esfuerzos para abordar los desafíos nutricionales, desde el seguimiento de la población hasta políticas locales y nacionales, ha tenido resultados positivos para la salud(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pré-Escolar , Estado Nutricional , Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional , Desnutrição , Obesidade
SSM Popul Health ; 23: 101471, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37560088


Objective: Describe, and assess disparities in, the changes in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) that occurred the year before vs. the year when COVID-19 restrictions were implemented. Design: Observational study comparing reach, intensity, and dose of California Local Health Department (LHD) SNAP-Ed interventions in Federal Fiscal years 2019 and 2020 (FFY19, FFY20). Analysis: Student t-tests determined significance of differences in the number of Direct Education (DE) programs, Policy, Systems and Environmental change (PSE) sites, people reached, and intervention intensity and dose between FFY19 and FFY20 using data reported online by LHDs. Linear regression assessed associations between census tract-level characteristics (urbanicity; percentages of population with income <185% of federal poverty level, under 18 years of age, and belonging to various racial/ethnic groups; and California Healthy Places Index) and changes in number of DE programs, PSE sites, people reached, and intervention dose between FFY19 and FFY20. Results: From FFY19 to FFY20, the number of DE programs, PSE sites, people reached, and census tract-level intervention intensity and dose decreased. Higher census tract poverty, higher proportions of Black and Latino residents, and less healthy neighborhood conditions were associated with greater decreases in some intervention characteristics including PSE sites, PSE reach, DE programs, and DE dose. Conclusions and implications: These reductions in LHD SNAP-Ed interventions indicate reduced access to education and environments that support healthy eating and obesity prevention during a time when this support was especially needed to reduce risk of COVID-19 infection and complications. Disproportionately reduced access, may have worsened health disparities in already-disadvantaged communities. Assuring maintenance of SNAP-Ed interventions, especially in disadvantaged communities, should be a priority during public health emergencies.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(4)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515189


El objetivo de esta investigación es diseñar y validar una escala para medir la alfabetización alimentaria entre estudiantes universitarios. Su validez se basó en análisis de contenido, de consistencia interna, factorial exploratorio y factorial confirmatorio, aplicados sobre datos correspondientes a estudiantes universitarios de 18 a 25 años, de los programas de administración y nutrición de una universidad mexicana. Los resultados indican que medir la alfabetización alimentaria entre estudiantes universitarios debe considerar cuatro componentes: la selección de insumos y alimentos, el consumo de alimentos con calidad nutricional y en la cantidad apropiada, las actitudes acerca de lo importante que es desarrollar hábitos de alimentación saludables y la percepción del control que las personas tienen sobre su propia alimentación. Una de las principales limitaciones de esta investigación consiste en que la muestra es muy específica, por lo cual, la validación de la escala entre muestras estudiantiles más amplias es una oportunidad para desarrollar futuras investigaciones. Los hallazgos obtenidos son de interés para académicos que participan en el diseño de programas educativos enfocados en el desarrollo de hábitos alimenticios saludables, así como de personas responsables de instrumentar políticas, programas e iniciativas en materia de nutrición, alimentación y salud tendientes a mejorar el bienestar general de la población.

This paper aims to design and validate a scale to measure food literacy among university students. We performed content, internal consistency, exploratory factor, and confirmatory factor analyses, based on data corresponding to management and nutrition university students aged 18-25, at a Mexican university. Our results indicate that measuring food literacy among university students must consider four components: the selection of supplies and foods, the consumption of meals with nutritional quality and in the appropriate quantity, attitudes about the importance of developing healthy eating habits, and the perception of control that consumers have about their diet. One of the main limitations of this study is that the sample is very specific, so the validation of the scale among larger student samples is an opportunity to develop future research. Our findings are of interest to academics who participate in the design of educational programs focused on the development of healthy eating habits, as well as to the designers and developers of policies, programs, and initiatives regarding nutrition, food, and health aimed at improving general well-being.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(5): 1525-1538, maio 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439802


Resumo Mato Grosso do Sul é líder nacional em mortes atribuíveis ao excesso de peso. O objetivo foi analisar a organização da gestão das ações da área de alimentação e nutrição dos municípios de MS. Estudo descritivo-exploratório realizado em MS, no qual cada gestor municipal de alimentação e nutrição respondeu sobre seu perfil, atuação, governança e financiamento. A análise de dados valeu-se de frequência, teste qui-quadrado e árvore de decisão. Todos participaram (n=79), a maioria era do sexo feminino (92,4%), raça/cor branca (62%), enfermeiros (45,6%) ou nutricionistas (36,7%). A gestão financeira mostrou-se tão incipiente no estado, que financiamentos específicos da área foram desprezados. A ausência de área técnica no organograma do município foi congruente com o desconhecimento de ações, metas e alocação de recursos; sua presença coincidiu com haver responsáveis técnicos formalmente indicados, política de alimentação e nutrição municipal, metas e elaboração de materiais. A árvore de decisão mostra que ter nutricionista na equipe traz efeitos positivos, como mais participação em processos decisórios. Falhas encontradas esclarecem, em parte, causas da grave situação do estado, e podem apoiar a criação de estratégias de intervenção.

Abstract The aim of the present study was to analyze the management organization of food and nutrition actions in the municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul. This is a descriptive-exploratory study carried out in Mato Grosso do Sul, in which each municipal food and nutrition manager answered questions about performance, governance and financing profile. Data analysis applied frequency, chi-square test and decision tree tools. All cities were included (n=79). Most of the participants were female (92.4%), white (62%), nurses (45.6%) or nutritionists (36.7%). Financial management proved to be so incipient in the state since specific food and nutrition funding was neglected. The absence of a technical area in the municipality's organizational chart was consistent with the lack of knowledge of actions, goals and resource allocation. Their presence coincided with having formally appointed technical managers, municipal food and nutrition policy, goals and elaboration of specialized materials. The present study also proposed a decision tree pointing that having a nutritionist in the team led to a positive result. The failures found in this study partly clarify the causes of the unsettling situation in the state. Our findings can support the creation of intervention strategies.

Nutrients ; 15(7)2023 Mar 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37049469


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was allowed to operate in untraditional non-summer months to ensure children did not lose access to free and reduced-priced nutritious meals when schools were mandated to close in the United States. This study assessed the impact of the pandemic on the operations and experiences of Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) sponsors in the state of Maryland during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 (Phase I) and 2021 (Phase II). This study used a multiphase explanatory sequential mixed methods design with qualitative prioritization. Maryland SFSP sponsors completed an online survey (Phase I: n = 27, Phase II: n = 30), and semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with a subset of sponsors who completed the survey (Phase I: n = 12, Phase II: n = 7). Inductive and deductive analyses were used for qualitative data, and descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data. The COVID-19 pandemic caused SFSP sponsors to change their operations. Sponsors were primarily concerned about staff safety/burnout and decreased participation. Sponsors perceived waivers implemented by the United States Department of Agriculture to be crucial in enabling them to serve meals to children during the pandemic. The findings from our study support advocacy efforts to permanently implement waivers and provide free school meals for all children.

COVID-19 , Serviços de Alimentação , Criança , Humanos , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Maryland/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Pobreza , Refeições
Foods ; 12(4)2023 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36832789


This study draws attention to the potential benefits of leveraging food values to amplify the impact of nutrition education programs. The study has collected data via a telephone survey from 417 randomly selected residents in Guilford County in the state of North Carolina. In our analysis, we have identified and used three underlying dimensions (ethical, social environmental and sensory) that summarize and capture the meaning of food-related values instead of a list of food values commonly used in the literature. Researchers have then used these dimensions as clustering variables to produce three segments from the data: value-positive, value-negative, and hedonic. Results show that residents in the value positive segment had positive perceptions of all values, those in value negative segment had negative perception of all values, and those in the hedonic segment had only positive perception of sensory values. A key finding is that value-positive residents have healthier food-related lifestyles and food-related behaviors than residents in the other segments. Interventions should focus on value-negative and hedonic residents and emphasize value-based education tailored to strengthening social/environmental and ethical food values. To ensure success, interventions should graft healthier lifestyle habits and behaviors on familiar behaviors and lifestyle.

J Sch Health ; 93(5): 386-394, 2023 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36825481


BACKGROUND: The public health policies and school closures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic have created disruptions in school meal programs. Research is needed to understand the changes in school food service revenue before and during the initial Covid-19-related school shutdowns. METHODS: A longitudinal cohort study examining federal and state reimbursements as well as sales revenues for all public local education agencies (LEAs) in Maryland from school years (SY) 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 was conducted. Monthly changes in federal and state reimbursements for Child Nutrition Programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) were examined. RESULTS: In the SY 2018-2019, the total revenues from federal and state reimbursements for SBP, NSLP, SFSP, and at-risk CACFP were $272.9 million; in comparison, for the SY 2019-2020, the total revenues were $241.8 million (11.4% reduction from SY 2018-2019). On average, the school shutdown (during March to June 2020) was associated with a $450,385 (p-value < .01) reduction in federal and state reimbursements per LEA-month (41% reduction). CONCLUSIONS: The school shutdown during the Covid-19 pandemic was associated with a statistically significant reduction in school food service revenues across Maryland's public LEAs.

COVID-19 , Serviços de Alimentação , Criança , Humanos , Maryland/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Estudos Longitudinais , Pandemias , Almoço
ABCS health sci ; 48: e023215, 14 fev. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516677


INTRODUCTION: Nutritional care in Primary Health Care is essential to face the problems of food and nutrition of the Brazilian population. OBJECTIVE: To compare the performance patterns of nutritionists who are members of the Family Health Support Center in the state of Paraíba, according to training in Primary Health Care. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 34 nutritionists linked to the Family Health Support Center in the State of Paraíba. Information on demographic characteristics, professional qualification, labor specificities, knowledge, and use of essential bibliography for work in Primary Health Care, development of food and nutrition actions, and job satisfaction were collected. RESULTS: There were deficiencies in the knowledge and use of some technical documents in the area, as well as in the development of actions related to food and nutrition surveillance (completion of SISVAN-Web/e-SUS forms/sheets and interpretation of nutritional reports), vitamin A, and iron supplementation programs and care provision (monitoring of the growth and food guidance) to beneficiaries of the Bolsa Familia Program, especially among professionals without training in Primary Health Care. CONCLUSION: Nutritionists act on the actions of the food and nutrition programmatic agenda in Primary Health Care. The use of SISVAN-Web or e-SUS, activities linked to micronutrient supplementation programs, and the care provided to beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program were the least developed actions, particularly in the absence of training to work in Primary Health Care.

INTRODUÇÃO: O cuidado nutricional na Atenção Primária à Saúde é essencial para enfrentar os problemas de alimentação e nutrição da população brasileira. OBJETIVO: Comparar os padrões de atuação de nutricionistas integrantes de Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família no Estado da Paraíba conforme a realização de treinamentos em Atenção Primária à Saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado com 34 nutricionistas vinculados aos Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família no Estado da Paraíba. Foram coletadas informações sobre características demográficas, qualificação profissional, particularidades trabalhistas, conhecimento e utilização de bibliografia essencial para o trabalho na Atenção Primária à Saúde, desenvolvimento de ações de alimentação e nutrição, e satisfação com o trabalho. RESULTADOS: Houve deficiências no conhecimento e utilização de alguns documentos técnicos da área, bem como no desenvolvimento de ações relacionadas à vigilância alimentar e nutricional (preenchimento de formulários/fichas do SISVAN-Web/e-SUS e interpretação de relatórios nutricionais), aos programas de suplementação de vitamina A e ferro e à prestação de cuidados (acompanhamento do crescimento e orientação alimentar) a beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família, principalmente entre os profissionais sem treinamento em Atenção Primária à Saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Os nutricionistas atuam em ações da agenda programática de alimentação e nutrição na Atenção Primária à Saúde. O uso do SISVAN-Web ou e-SUS, atividades vinculadas aos programas de suplementação com micronutrientes e a atenção prestada a beneficiários do Programa Bolsa Família foram as ações menos desenvolvidas, particularmente na ausência de capacitação para trabalhar na Atenção Primária à Saúde.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Política Nutricional , Nutricionistas , Estudos Transversais , Capacitação Profissional , Desempenho Profissional
Front Public Health ; 11: 1296620, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38235159


Introduction: Following the sudden closure of schools due to the pandemic in 2020, many school food program (SFP) operators lost their operating venues and had to innovate to continue distributing meals to children. Our objective was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery, adaptability, and resiliency of school food programs across Canada by conducting a systematic rapid review. Materials and methods: Systematic literature searches identified newspaper articles and social media sources related to the adaptations and challenges faced by school food programs across Canada in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Included sources were assessed and thematically categorized according to the dimensions of the Analysis Grid for Environments Linked to Obesity (ANGELO) and Getting To Equity (GTE) frameworks to identify factors impacting the delivery, adaptability, and resiliency of school food programs in Canada. Results: School food programs in Canada made various efforts to meet existing and new challenges associated with the delivery of these programs to keep feeding school children, particularly those most vulnerable, during the pandemic. Distribution of food kits, prepared meals and gift cards/coupons were successful pathways in ensuring support for food accessibility to students and their families. Increased collaborations between community members and organizations/stakeholders to help maintain food delivery or collectively offer new modes to deliver foods were most frequently cited as key to facilitating school food programming. However, maintenance and sustainability related to operating costs and funding were identified as key challenges to successful school food programming. Conclusion: Our study highlights the swift and substantial transformation school food programs,, underwent in response to the pandemic, driven by the urgent need to ensure that students still had access to nutritious meals and the importance of policy and resource support to bolster the adaptability and resiliency of these programs. Findings on facilitators and challenges to school food programs during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic can inform development of guidelines to design a robust national Canadian school food program and help make existing programs more sustainable, adaptable, and resilient.

COVID-19 , Serviços de Alimentação , Canadá/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Instituições Acadêmicas
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 39(7): e00240322, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447779


Resumo: Objetivou-se realizar uma análise crítica da narrativa das políticas públicas de saúde brasileiras no cuidado da obesidade a partir de uma perspectiva interseccional. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo exploratório, documental e analítico, baseado na abordagem "What's the problem represented to be?" ["Qual é o problema representado para ser?"], conhecida como WPR. Tal abordagem se configura como uma ferramenta metodológica de análise crítica de políticas públicas a partir de seis perguntas norteadoras. Foram selecionados dez documentos, publicados entre 2004 a 2021 pelo governo brasileiro. A análise crítica resultou em três categorias: (i) causas da obesidade e narrativa dominante: quais são os problemas representados?; (ii) narrativa dominante e cuidado em saúde: quais são os efeitos para as pessoas com obesidade?; e (iii) obesidade e interseccionalidade: onde estão os silêncios? O consumo de alimentos e o sedentarismo foram a narrativa dominante como causas da obesidade. A interseccionalidade, mediada pelas categorias de gênero/sexo, raça/cor e classe social, foi identificada como um silêncio na narrativa das políticas públicas de saúde. Tais categorias não foram consideradas como causas atreladas à obesidade, tampouco foram incluídas de forma efetiva nas ações propostas pelas políticas públicas de saúde. Os silêncios encontrados no estudo destacam a necessidade de inclusão da interseccionalidade na elaboração e execução de políticas públicas de saúde e no cuidado das pessoas com obesidade. Tendo em vista as intersecções de gênero/sexo, raça/cor e classe social e suas formas de opressão com o surgimento e agravo da obesidade, são de extrema relevância análises críticas sobre as narrativas simplistas nas políticas públicas de saúde para problematização das lacunas que repercutem no cuidado dos usuários com obesidade.

Abstract: This study aimed to critically analyze the narrative of Brazilian public health policies in obesity care based on an intersectional approach. This is a qualitative exploratory, documentary, and analytical study based on the "What's the problem represented to be?" approach (WPR). This approach constitutes a methodological instrument for critical analysis of public policies based on six guiding questions. A total of ten documents were selected, published from 2004 to 2021 by the Brazilian government. The critical analysis resulted in three categories: (i) obesity causes and the dominant narrative: what problems are represented?; (ii) dominant narrative and health care: what are the effects for people with obesity?; (iii) obesity and intersectionality: where are silences? The consumption of food and sedentary lifestyle were the dominant narrative as causes of obesity. Intersectionality, mediated by the categories of gender/sex, race/skin-color, and social class, was identified as silenced in the narrative of public health policies, not being associated as linked causes of obesity, nor effectively included in the proposed actions of the policies. The silences found in the study highlight the need to include intersectionality in the elaboration and execution of public health policies and in the care of people with obesity. Considering the intersections of gender/sex, race/skin-color, and social class and their forms of oppression in the emergence and aggravation of obesity, critical analyses of simplistic narratives in public health policies are extremely relevant to problematize gaps affect the care of users with obesity.

Resumen: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar un análisis crítico de la narrativa de las políticas públicas de salud brasileñas en el cuidado de la obesidad con base en un enfoque interseccional. Estudio cualitativo exploratorio, documental y analítico. Basado en el enfoque "Whats the problem represent to be?" [¿Cuál es el problema representado?], conocido como WPR. Tal enfoque se configura como una herramienta metodológica para el análisis crítico de las políticas públicas con base en seis preguntas rectoras. Se seleccionaron 10 documentos, publicados entre el 2004 y el 2021 por el gobierno brasileño. El análisis crítico resultó en tres categorías: (i) causas de la obesidad y la narrativa dominante: ¿Qué problemas se representan?; (ii) narrativa dominante y el cuidado en salud ¿Cuáles son los efectos para las personas con obesidad?; (iii) obesidad e interseccionalidad ¿Dónde están los silencios?. El consumo de alimentos y el sedentarismo fueron la narrativa dominante como causas de la obesidad. La interseccionalidad, mediada por las categorías de género/sexo, raza/color y clase social fue identificada como un silencio en la narrativa de las PPS, sin asociarlas como causas vinculadas a la obesidad ni incluirlas de forma efectiva en las acciones propuestas por las políticas públicas de salud. Los silencios encontrados en el estudio resaltan la necesidad de incluir la interseccionalidad en la elaboración y ejecución de las políticas públicas de salud y en el cuidado de las personas con obesidad. Considerando las intersecciones de género/sexo, raza/color y clase social y sus formas de opresión con el surgimiento y agravamiento de la obesidad, es sumamente relevante realizar análisis críticos sobre las narrativas simplistas en las políticas públicas de salud, para problematizar las brechas que repercuten en el cuidado de los usuarios con obesidad.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(8): 2247-2260, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447888


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a implantação do Programa de Promoção da Alimentação Adequada e Saudável na Atenção Primária à Saúde em municípios de Minas Gerais. Pesquisa de Métodos Mistos com Estratégia Incorporada Concomitante de dados. Na abordagem quantitativa utilizou-se pesquisa avaliativa na perspectiva da análise de implantação. Na abordagem qualitativa realizou-se estudo exploratório-descritivo utilizando a análise de conteúdo. Os dados qualitativos e quantitativos foram incorporados para análise a partir de sua imbricação. O Grau de Implantação do programa foi 92,5% representando uma implantação adequada. Na imbricação dos dados, a metodologia das ações propostas no programa e a realização da atividade de Educação Permanente foram pontos fortes convergentes que emergiram. Recursos Humanos insuficientes para planejamento e execução do programa e falta de cozinha para oficina culinária foram apontados como desafios. A implantação do programa foi adequada e poderá ser estendida para outros municípios brasileiros, de forma a apoiar os profissionais a estruturar intervenções de promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável na rotina de trabalho na Atenção Primária.

Abstract This article aims to analyze the implementation of an Adequate and Healthy Food Promotion Program in Primary Health Care in the municipalities of Minas Gerais. Mixed Methods Research with Data Concomitant Embedded Strategy. Evaluative research from the perspective of the implementation analysis was employed in the quantitative approach. An exploratory-descriptive study was conducted using content analysis in the qualitative approach. Qualitative and quantitative data were incorporated for analysis from their imbrication. The Program Implementation Level (IL) was 92.5%, representing an adequate implementation. The methodology of the actions proposed in the program and the implementation of Continuing Education were convergent strengths that emerged from data imbrication. The need for more human resources for planning and implementing the program and the lack of a kitchen for cooking workshops were identified as challenges. The Program's implementation was adequate and can be extended to other Brazilian municipalities to help professionals structure interventions to promote adequate and healthy food in the Primary Care work routine.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0242, 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449685


Resumo O trabalho busca conhecer a percepção de adolescentes, participantes do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), sobre insegurança alimentar (IA). Trata-se de estudo de abordagem qualitativa. O corpus consiste em entrevistas com dez adolescentes e seus responsáveis. Os resultados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Foram estabelecidas quatro categorias de análise: "A fome não é só a vontade de comer"; "O fantasma da fome"; "Um por todos e todos por um"; "Estamos seguros?" De maneira geral, os adolescentes percebem que a quantidade e variedade de alimentos mudam durante o mês e que o acesso a alimentos como frutas e carne é difícil. A preocupação com a possibilidade de o alimento faltar está presente na fala de todos os adolescentes entrevistados e se intensifica entre aqueles que vivenciaram a experiência de fome na infância. Em função disso, os adolescentes desenvolvem estratégias para o alívio da IA, para si mesmos e para suas famílias. No entanto, as responsáveis pelos adolescentes não consideram que seus filhos realmente se preocupam com a possibilidade de faltar alimentos no domicílio. Observou-se que os adolescentes percebem a situação de insegurança alimentar no domicílio e são capazes de responder de forma autônoma sobre essa situação.

Abstract Objective: To understand the perception of adolescents, participants of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF), about Food Insecurity (FI). Methods: This is a study with a qualitative approach. The corpus consists of interviews with 10 adolescents and their caregivers. Results were analyzed using Content Analysis (CA) technique. Results: Four categories were established: "Hunger is not just the desire to eat", "The ghost of hunger", "One for all and all for one", and "Are we safe?". Overall, adolescents perceive the amount and variety of food changes throughout the month and that access to meat and fruits is difficult. The concern with the possibility of running out of food permeates the interviewees' statements and intensifies among those who experienced hunger during childhood. As a result, many statements reveal the strategies developed by adolescents to alleviate FI for themselves and their families. However, statements also points to the fact that caregivers do not consider their children are truly concerned with the possibility of running out of food at home. Conclusion: Adolescents perceive food insecurity in the home and are able to respond autonomously to the situation.

Resumen Objetivo: Conocer la percepción de las y los adolescentes participantes del Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF) sobre la inseguridad alimentaria (IA). Métodos: Se trata de un estudio con abordaje cualitativo. El corpus consta de entrevistas a diez adolescentes y a sus tutores. Los resultados se analizaron mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido (CA). Resultados: Se establecieron cuatro categorías de análisis: El hambre no es solo el deseo de comer; El fantasma del hambre; Uno para todos y todos para uno, y ¿Estamos a salvo?. En general, las y los adolescentes perciben que la cantidad y la variedad de alimentos cambia durante el mes y que se les dificulta el acceso a carnes y frutas. La preocupación por la posibilidad de quedarse sin alimentos impregna sus declaraciones y se intensifica entre quienes pasaron hambre durante sus infancias. Como resultado, muchas afirmaciones revelan el desarrollo de estrategias para paliar la IA, para ellos y ellas mismas y para sus familias, pero señalan que sus tutores no consideran que sus hijos e hijas estén realmente preocupados por quedarse sin alimentos en el hogar. Conclusión: Los y las adolescentes perciben la situación de IA en el hogar y son capaces de responder de forma autónoma frente a ella.

Adolescente , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição , Insegurança Alimentar , Fome , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Dieta , Ciências da Nutrição , Vulnerabilidade Social