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Front Psychol ; 12: 662950, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34489786


Conspicuous consumption symbolizes ostentatious and material consumption through the purchase of products and services with a higher economic value and that allows their consumers to excel socially. However, conspicuous consumption often does not represent social and environmental values, because their products are often not characterized by being made through sustainable processes. United Nations, through its sustainable development agenda, invited companies to be aware of the social and environmental problems of the world and to be able to generate strategies that can be sustainable over time and allow the growth of both the company and society in general. This study analyses the case of Starbucks as a global and sustainable brand, which also generates conspicuous consumption in emerging markets. In this way, we explain how this brand generates a social status in emerging markets, which allow their consumers to excel socially. On the other hand, we explain how Starbucks contributes positively to sustainability in these types of markets, generating greater well-being for both the environment and society in general. In this way, this brand manages to transmit messages with symbolic values of social status, as well as social and environmental awareness. This research allows us to see how Starbucks is able to generate conspicuous consumption in Colombia, which is the third largest exporter of coffee in the world but is also capable of generating sustainable processes that help Colombian coffee growers and the environment. This research used a quantitative methodology based on a structured questionnaire made for conspicuous consumers of the Starbucks brand in Colombia, whose data were processed through the statistical program PLS 3.2.7. This research details the sustainable processes carried out by this brand in this developing country and the reasons why its consumption in this emerging market is considered conspicuous. For this research, family allocentrism, ethnocentrism, and patriotism are considered antecedents of conspicuous consumption, and brand image and brand loyalty are considered their results.

Trends Psychol ; 26(4): 2063-2075, out.-dez. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-986186


Resumo Este trabalho objetivou testar a hipótese de que o nacionalismo e o patriotismo são elementos definidores do grau de identificação com a nação brasileira e que o essencialismo tem um papel mediador na relação entre o patriotismo, o nacionalismo e a identidade nacional. Participaram deste estudo 229 estudantes universitários com idades média de 20 anos, DP = 3,6; sendo 28,8% do sexo masculino e 71,2% do sexo feminino. Os resultados demonstram que a identidade nacional brasileira é um construto multifacetado e que pode ser explicada a partir de fatores como patriotismo, nacionalismo e essencialismo. Referente ao papel destas variáveis no modelo, corroboramos nossa hipótese de que o essencialismo funciona como uma variável mediadora da relação entre patriotismo, nacionalismo e identidade nacional. Apesar do essencialismo explicar a identidade nacional, o seu papel não é constitutivo, mas processual. Seria o pensamento essencialista quem explicaria a parcela da identidade nacional percebida em termos de atributos homogêneos. Neste sentido, ele funciona como um viés cognitivo através do qual os indivíduos percebem e organizam, em termos categóricos, o seu grupo nacional. Estes resultados nos ajudam a entender o papel que o nacionalismo, o patriotismo e o essencialismo têm na construção da identidade nacional brasileira.

Resumen Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar la hipótesis de que el nacionalismo y el patriotismo son elementos definidores del grado de identificación con la nación brasileña y que el esencialismo tiene un papel mediador en la relación entre nacionalismo, patriotismo e identidad nacional. Participaron en este estudio 229 estudiantes universitarios, con una edad media de 20 años, DE = 3; de los cuales el 28% eran hombres y el 71,2% mujeres. Los resultados demuestran que la identidad nacional brasileña es un constructo multifacético que puede ser explicado a partir de factores como el nacionalismo, el patriotismo y el esencialismo. En relación al papel de estas variables en el modelo, corroboramos nuestra hipótesis de que el esencialismo actúa como una variable mediadora de la relación entre patriotismo, nacionalismo e identidad nacional. A pesar de que el esencialismo explica la identidad nacional, su papel no es carácter constitutivo sino procesual. El pensamiento esencialista explica la identidad nacional percibida en términos de atributos homogéneos. En este sentido, actúa como un sesgo cognitivo a través del cual los individuos perciben y organizan, en términos categóricos, su grupo nacional. Estos resultados nos ayudan a entender el papel que el nacionalismo, el patriotismo y el esencialismo juegan en la construcción de la identidad nacional brasileña.

Abstract The main aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that nationalism and patriotism are fundamental elements in the degree of identification with the Brazilian nation and that essentialism has a mediating role in the relationship between nationalism, patriotism and national identity. A total of 229 university students took part in this study, with a mean age of 20 years; 28% were men and 71.2 % women. The results of this study show that Brazilian national identity is a multifaceted construct that can be explained by taking into account factors such as nationalism, patriotism, and essentialism. In relation to the role played by these variables in the model, our hypothesis that essentialism acts as a mediating variable in the relationship between patriotism, nationalism, and national identity was confirmed. Even though essentialism explains national identity, it does not have a constitutive role, because of its process-based nature. It explains perceived national identity in terms of homogeneous attributes. These results help us in understanding the role of nationalism, patriotism, and essentialism in the construction of the Brazilian national identity.