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Rev. medica electron ; 44(5): 771-789, sept.-oct. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409766


RESUMEN Introducción: actualmente, el estudio de las relaciones del individuo con las condiciones de su trabajo resulta de gran interés. Objetivo: analizar la influencia de factores psicosociales de riesgo en el clima y estrés laboral de los trabajadores de un hospital básico en la ciudad de Ambato, en Ecuador. Materiales y métodos: estudio no experimental, transversal y prospectivo. A cincuenta trabajadores se le aplicaron tres encuestas: CoPsoq-istas21 (versión 2), cuestionario de clima laboral FOCUS-93 y el cuestionario para la evaluación del estrés (versión 3) de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Se utilizaron la prueba de Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, con un nivel de significancia del 0,05, para descartar la hipótesis nula, y la regresión lineal curvilínea para determinar la influencia de los factores en las dos variables dependientes. Resultados: la estima (100 % de desfavorabilidad), las exigencias psicológicas (94 %) y la doble presencia (90 %) fueron los factores psicosociales peor calificados por los informantes. Solo el 40,5 % de los participantes consideraron su clima laboral como satisfactorio; y se registró en el 80 % de la población la presencia de síntomas fisiológicos y psicoemocionales provocados por el estrés. La inseguridad sobre el futuro y el apoyo social/calidad de liderazgo, fueron las subvariables que mayor número de inferencias estadísticas tuvieron con el estrés y el clima laboral. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo psicosociales influyeron en la percepción negativa del clima laboral y en el incremento de la sintomatología del estrés.

ABSTRACT Introduction: currently, the study of the relationships between people and their work conditions are of great interest. Objective: to analyze the influence of risk psychosocial factors in the labor climate and stress of the workers of a basic hospital in the city of Ambato, Ecuador. Materials and methods: non-experimental, cross-sectional and prospective study. Three surveys were applied to 50 workers: the CoPsoQ-ista21 (version 2), the FOCUS-93 labor climate questionnaire, and the stress evaluation inventory of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (version 3). Pearson's Chi-square test, with a significance level of 0.05, was used to discard the null hypothesis, and curvilinear linear regression was used to determine the influence of the factors on the two dependent variables. Results: esteem (100 % unfavorableness), psychological demands (94 %) and double presence (90 %) were the psychosocial factors the informers rated worst. Only 40.5 % of the participants considered their work climate as satisfactory; and the presence of physiological and psycho-emotional symptoms caused by stress was recorded in 80 % of the population. Conclusions: psychosocial risk factors influenced the negative perception of the labor environment and the increase of stress symptoms.

Rev. Assoc. Méd. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 66(1): 01022105, 20220101.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393221


Introdução: O acesso ao tratamento hospitalar adequado é importante para amenizar o impacto causado pelas questões socioeconômicas, auxiliando no combate às iniquidades em saúde. Objetivo: Analisar a diferença da atenção hospitalar pública e privada na mortalidade por Covid-19 em Florianópolis/SC. Métodos: Coorte histórica com dados de pacientes confirmados para Covid-19 entre 22 de fevereiro de 2020 e 09 de novembro de 2020. Utilizou-se abordagem de dupla-robustez. Na primeira etapa, parearam-se indivíduos notificados em hospitais públicos e privados por algoritmo genético. A seguir, estimou-se a probabilidade de óbito em hospitais públicos e privados, por meio de regressão logística. Analisou-se, então, a diferença entre as densidades de probabilidade de óbito dos dois tipos hospitalares. Resultados: Analisaram-se 2.497 pessoas, 1.244 de hospitais públicos e 1.253 de privados. A diferença entre a probabilidade condicional de óbito assumindo que todos os pacientes fossem notificados em hospitais públicos ou que todos fossem notificados em hospitais privados foi de -0,0002 (IC 95% -0,0013; 0,0005). Conclusão: A probabilidade de óbito por Covid-19 mostrou-se semelhante entre pacientes de hospitais públicos e privados.

Introduction: Access to adequate hospital treatment is important to alleviate the impact of socioeconomic issues, helping in the fight against health inequities. Objective: To analyze differences between public and private hospital care regarding COVID-19 mortality in Florianópolis/SC. Methods: This is a historical cohort study with data from patients who had a COVID-19 diagnosis confirmed between February 22, 2020 and November 9, 2020. We used a doubly robust approach. In the first stage, we paired individuals reported by public and private hospitals through a genetics algorithm. Subsequently, we estimated the probability of death in public and private hospitals using a logistic regression. We then analyzed the difference between probability densities of death in both hospital types. Results: This study analyzed 2,497 people, 1,244 public hospitals, and 1,253 private institutions. The difference between conditional probabilities of death assuming that all patients were reported by public hospitals or that all of them were reported by private hospitals was -0.0002 (95%CI -0.0013; 0.0005). Conclusion: The probability of death due to COVID-19 was shown to be similar between patients of public or private hospitals.

Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 16(1): 15-20, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524206


Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) propuso que el porcentaje de cesáreas debería ser entre un 10 y 15%. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, a nivel mundial, se ha visto un aumento en su realización. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la población de embarazadas en Chile durante los años 2016-2019 que tuvieron parto vaginal (PV) o cesárea de no emergencia (CNE), y compararlos entre servicio público y privado. Material y Método: Estudio ecológico realizado en embarazadas que se sometieron a CNE o PV en Chile entre los años 2016-2019. Se obtuvieron datos del Departamento de estadística e información de Salud. No se requirió comité de ética. Resultados: Durante el periodo estudiado hubo 57,60% (339.592) de PV y 42,39% (249.925) de CNE. En el sistema público hubo una diferencia de 54,94% (187.046) de PV por sobre el sistema privado. Mientras que la diferencia de CNE en el sistema privado fue un 10,06% (25.153) por sobre el sistema público. Discusión: Durante los cuatro años, las PV superaron a las CNE, sin embargo, las CNE representaron más del 40% del total de nacimientos, superando ampliamente las recomendaciones de la OMS. Las falencias a nivel nacional en el sistema de clasificación, y en la recopilación de datos limitan el desarrollo de estudios más acabados. Conclusión: Para enfrentar las altas cifras de CNE, es necesario unificar, ampliar y regularizar un base de datos nacional que dé paso a la creación de guías y protocolos que limiten el uso mal justificado de CNE.

Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed that the percentage of caesarean sections should be between 10 and 15%. However, in recent years, worldwide, there has been an increase in its realization. The objective of this study was to describe the population of pregnant women in Chile during the years 2016-2019 who had a vaginal delivery (VD) or non-emergency cesarean section (NECS), and to compare them between public and private services. Material and Method: Ecological study carried out in pregnant women who underwent NECS or VD in Chile between the years 2016-2019. Data were obtained from the Department of Statistics and Health Information. No ethics committee was required. Results: During the studied period there were 57.60% (339,592) of VD and 42.39% (249,925) of NECS. In the public system there was a difference of 54.94% (187,046) of VD over the private system. While the difference of NECS in the private system was 10.06% (25,153) over the public system. Discussion: During the four years, VD exceeded NECS, however, NECS represented more than 40% of all births, far exceeding the WHO recommendations. Shortcomings at the national level in the classification system and in data collection limit the development of more complete studies. Conclusion: To face the high numbers of NECS, it is necessary to unify, expand and regularize a national database that gives way to the creation of guides and protocols that limit the poorly justified use of NECS.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Cesárea/estatística & dados numéricos , Parto Normal/estatística & dados numéricos , Chile/epidemiologia , Saúde Pública , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Instituições Privadas de Saúde , Hospitais
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; Ginecol. obstet. Méx;90(7): 551-558, ene. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404943


Resumen OBJETIVO: Comparar el efecto de la alimentación temprana y su repercusión en la lactancia materna exclusiva con los cuidados neonatales convencionales en un hospital privado. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio comparativo, observacional, de cohortes, prospectivo y analítico llevado a cabo en el Hospital Ángeles de Querétaro de abril 2015 a octubre de 2021. Criterios de inclusión: madres con periodos intraparto y posparto inmediato, cualquier vía de nacimiento y aplicación o no de anestesia y neonatos de uno y otro sexo, de término, sin patología neonatal o malformaciones congénitas, Apgar a los 5 minutos más o menos mayor a 7 y peso mayor de 2500 g. Criterios de exclusión: embarazos múltiples, recién nacidos con algún padecimiento después del nacimiento o condiciones que impidieron la lactancia. Para la comparación entre grupos de las variables cualitativas se aplicó la prueba de χ2 y, en su caso, corrección de Yates con estimaciones de riesgo. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 1175 madres de las que 687 (58.4%) recién nacidos tomaron lactancia exclusiva y 488 (41.6%) no lo hicieron. Las características clínicas y sociodemográficas entre los dos grupos de comparación fueron similares. Sobresalió que las madres y neonatos que lograron lactancia materna exclusiva exitosa fueron los del grupo de alimentación temprana en comparación con quienes no la hicieron (91.9 vs 52.6%; p < 0.001, RR 4.85, IC95%: 3.80-6.18). CONCLUSIONES: La alimentación temprana, en la primera hora de vida, tiene un efecto benéfico, protector y positivo en la lactancia exclusiva, incluso de hasta casi cinco veces más que cuando no se consigue.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of early feeding and its impact on exclusive breastfeeding with conventional neonatal care in a private hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Comparative, observational, cohort, prospective and analytical study conducted at the Hospital Ángeles de Querétaro from April 2015 to October 2021. Inclusion criteria: mothers with intrapartum and immediate postpartum periods, any birth route and application or not of anesthesia and neonates of either sex, term, without neonatal pathology or congenital malformations, Apgar at 5 minutes plus or minus greater than 7 and weight greater than 2500g. Exclusion criteria: multiple pregnancies, newborns with any condition after birth or conditions that prevented breastfeeding. For the comparison between groups of qualitative variables, the 2's test was applied and, if necessary, Yates' correction with risk estimates. RESULTS: We analyzed 1175 mothers of whom 687 (58.4%) newborns were exclusively breastfed and 488 (41.6%) were not. The clinical and sociodemographic characteristics between the two comparison groups were similar. It stood out that mothers and infants who achieved successful exclusive breastfeeding were those in the early feeding group compared to those who did not (91.9 vs 52.6%; p < 0.001, RR 4.85, 95%CI: 3.80-6.18). CONCLUSIONS: Early feeding, in the first hour of life, has a beneficial, protective and positive effect on exclusive breastfeeding even up to almost five times more than when it is not achieved.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; Ginecol. obstet. Méx;88(8): 525-535, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346226


Resumen OBJETIVO: Estimar la morbilidad y mortalidad de los recién nacidos vivos en un hospital privado de México, a través de los ingresos a las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales y de terapia intermedia neonatal. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de serie de casos de recién nacidos en el Hospital Ángeles Lomas, Estado de México, que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales o a la unidad de terapia intermedia neonatal entre 2016 y 2019. Se incluyeron todos los recién nacidos vivos, mayores de 24 semanas de gestación. Se efectuó un análisis descriptivo y se calcularon medias, porcentajes y desviaciones estándar. RESULTADOS: Se registraron 4234 recién nacidos, de ellos 13.7% fueron prematuros. Ingresaron 478 (11.3%) neonatos a cuneros dedicados a la atención de sus morbilidades, 203 a la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (4.8%) y 275 a la unidad de terapia intermedia neonatal (6.5%). Las principales causas de ingreso a cuidados intensivos neonatales fueron: retención de líquido pulmonar (32.5%), enfermedad de membrana hialina (27.6%) y sepsis neonatal (10.3%). Las principales causas de ingreso a la unidad de terapia intermedia neonatal fueron: retención de líquido pulmonar (41%), hiperbilirrubinemia multifactorial (15.2%) e hiperbilirrubinemia por incompatibilidad de grupo (11.6%). La tasa de mortalidad neonatal fue de 2.7 por cada 1000 nacidos vivos, las principales causas de defunción fueron: enfermedad de membranas hialinas complicadas con sepsis neonatal y asfixia perinatal. CONCLUSIÓN: No se encontraron diferencias importantes en el hospital privado estudiado en comparación con otros estudios que valoran la morbilidad y mortalidad neonatal. La tasa de mortalidad en este hospital fue menor a la del país, pero la media de días en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales fue mayor y la tasa de prematuridad ligeramente mayor a la reportada en países desarrollados.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To estimate the morbidity and mortality of live newborns born in a private hospital in Mexico, through admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the neonatal intermediate therapy unit (NITU). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A series of cases were carried out of the births of the Hospital Ángeles Lomas (State of Mexico) that have entered the NICU / NITU from 2016 to 2019. All live newborns older than 24 weeks were included. A descriptive analysis was performed calculating means, percentages and standard deviations. RESULTS: 4,234 newborns were registered, of which 13.7% were premature. 478 (11.3%) newborns were admitted to pathological nurseries, 203 to the NICU (4.8%) and 275 to the NITU (6.5%). The main causes of admission to the NICU were retention of pulmonary fluid (32.5%), hyaline membrane disease (27.6%), and neonatal sepsis (10.3%). The main causes of admission to the NITU were retention of pulmonary fluid (41%), multifactorial hyperbilirubinemia (15.2%) and hyperbilirubinemia due to group incompatibility (11.6%). The neonatal mortality rate was 2.7 out of 1000 live births, the main causes of death were hyaline membrane disease complicated by neonatal sepsis and perinatal asphyxia. CONCLUSION: No significant differences were found in the private hospital studied compared to other studies evaluating neonatal morbidity and mortality. The mortality rate in this hospital was lower than that registered countrywide, however the average number of days in the NICU was higher and the prematurity rate slightly higher than that reported in developed countries.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 42(3): 170-172, jul.-sep. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347640


Resumen: Las bases de la medicina quirúrgica se deben establecer en el marco del cuidado perioperatorio donde el anestesiólogo es pieza fundamental para la toma de decisiones desde el ingreso hasta el alta y rehabilitación; por eso, el manejo del dolor agudo debe entenderse por todos nosotros como una extensión del cuidado que brindamos. Este artículo describe el esfuerzo por crear un Servicio de Dolor Agudo (SDA) en un hospital privado, donde los recursos se ven más limitados en cuestión de recursos humanos y organización. El modelo de la SDA de un hospital privado es una mezcla de tendencias ya descritas donde el principal actor es el residente de anestesia (bajo costo) y cuyos parámetros de actuación estuvieron basados en la iniciativa PAIN-OUT. Se encontraron áreas de oportunidad y se describió la manera de abordarlas; sin embargo, es innegable que la sensibilización de las autoridades es el paso más difícil e importante para lograr la implementación.

Abstract: Surgical medicine must be established within the framework of perioperative care where the anesthesiologist is a fundamental piece for decision-making from admission to discharge and rehabilitation; so the acute pain management should be taken as an extension of the care of this specialty. This paper describes the effort in developing an acute pain unit in a private hospital, where human resources and organization are constrained. The model of this private acute pain service is a mix of various models written in the literature where the residents of anesthesia are the main actors (low cost), and the standards used are based under the PAIN-OUT initiative. Many areas of opportunity were found along with different solutions, however at the end making authorities sensible about this topic is the hardest step.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 20(1): 40-49, jan.-mar. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-755074


O estudo avaliou a prevalência de depressão pós-parto (DPP) e fatores associados em mulheres que deram à luz em dois hospitais da cidade de São Paulo: um público e outro privado. Foram aplicados questionários padronizados, a Escala de Depressão Pós-parto de Edimburgo (EDPE) e a Escala de Apoio Social de MOS (EAS) a 462 mulheres: 205, no hospital público e 257, no privado. Foram obtidos dados sociodemográficos, psicossociais, obstétricos e do recém-nascido (RN). Consideraram-se deprimidas mulheres com 12 ou mais pontos na EDPE, aplicada no 3º ou 4º mês após o parto. No hospital público, a prevalência de DPP foi de 26% e, no privado, de 9%. Características dos RN foram semelhantes nas duas amostras; idade, escolaridade, número de visitas de pré-natal e de cesarianas das mães foram maiores no hospital privado. Análise de regressão envolvendo características psicossociais das participantes revelou associação positiva de DPP com depressão anterior e com frequência de conflitos com o parceiro e relação negativa com anos de escolaridade e escore de apoio social.

This study evaluated the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) and associated factors in women who gave birth at two hospitals in São Paulo City: one public and other private. It was applied standardized questionnaires, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and the MOS Social Support Scale to 462 women: 205 in the public hospitals and 257, in the private one. Data collected included sociodemographic, psychosocial, obstetric and newborn (NB) characteristics. It was considered depressed those women with 12 or more points in EPDS, applied in the 3rd. or 4th. month after delivery. In the public hospital, the prevalence of PPD was 26% and in the private, 9%. Characteristics of infants were similar in both samples, Mothers' age, education level, number of prenatal visits and cesarean were higher in the private hospital. Regression analysis involving psychosocial characteristics of women showed a positive association of PPD with previous occurrence of depression and frequency of conflicts with partner and negative relationship with years of schooling, and social support scores.

El estudio evaluó la prevalencia de la depresión posparto (DPP) y factores asociados en mujeres que dieron a luz en dos hospitales de la ciudad de São Paulo: un público y otro privado. Se aplicó dos instrumentos estandarizados, la escala de depresión posparto de Edimburgo (EDPE) y el Cuestionario MOS-SSS de Apoyo Social, a 462 mujeres: 205 en el hospital público y 257 en el hospital privado. Se obtuvieron datos sociodemográficos, psicosociales, obstétricos y del recién nacido (RN). Fueron consideradas deprimidas las mujeres con 12 o más puntos en la EDPE aplicada en el tercero o cuarto mes después del parto. En el hospital público, la prevalencia de DPP fue de 26% y en el privado, 9%. Características de los RN fueron similares en las dos muestras; la edad, la escolaridad, el número de consultas de prenatal y de cesáreas fueron mayores en el hospital privado. El análisis de regresión implicando características psicosociales de las participantes reveló una asociación positiva de la DPP con depresión previa y con frecuencia de conflictos con el compañero y una relación negativa con los años de escolaridad y con el escore de apoyo social.

Humanos , Feminino , Depressão Pós-Parto , Fatores de Risco , Hospitais Privados , Hospitais Públicos
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 20(1): 40-49, jan.-mar. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-64152



O estudo avaliou a prevalência de depressão pós-parto (DPP) e fatores associados em mulheres que deram à luz em dois hospitais da cidade de São Paulo: um público e outro privado. Foram aplicados questionários padronizados, a Escala de Depressão Pós-parto de Edimburgo (EDPE) e a Escala de Apoio Social de MOS (EAS) a 462 mulheres: 205, no hospital público e 257, no privado. Foram obtidos dados sociodemográficos, psicossociais, obstétricos e do recém-nascido (RN). Consideraram-se deprimidas mulheres com 12 ou mais pontos na EDPE, aplicada no 3º ou 4º mês após o parto. No hospital público, a prevalência de DPP foi de 26% e, no privado, de 9%. Características dos RN foram semelhantes nas duas amostras; idade, escolaridade, número de visitas de pré-natal e de cesarianas das mães foram maiores no hospital privado. Análise de regressão envolvendo características psicossociais das participantes revelou associação positiva de DPP com depressão anterior e com frequência de conflitos com o parceiro e relação negativa com anos de escolaridade e escore de apoio social.



This study evaluated the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) and associated factors in women who gave birth at two hospitals in São Paulo City: one public and other private. It was applied standardized questionnaires, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and the MOS Social Support Scale to 462 women: 205 in the public hospitals and 257, in the private one. Data collected included sociodemographic, psychosocial, obstetric and newborn (NB) characteristics. It was considered depressed those women with 12 or more points in EPDS, applied in the 3rd. or 4th. month after delivery. In the public hospital, the prevalence of PPD was 26% and in the private, 9%. Characteristics of infants were similar in both samples, Mothers' age, education level, number of prenatal visits and cesarean were higher in the private hospital. Regression analysis involving psychosocial characteristics of women showed a positive association of PPD with previous occurrence of depression and frequency of conflicts with partner and negative relationship with years of schooling, and social support scores.



El estudio evaluó la prevalencia de la depresión posparto (DPP) y factores asociados en mujeres que dieron a luz en dos hospitales de la ciudad de São Paulo: un público y otro privado. Se aplicó dos instrumentos estandarizados, la escala de depresión posparto de Edimburgo (EDPE) y el Cuestionario MOS-SSS de Apoyo Social, a 462 mujeres: 205 en el hospital público y 257 en el hospital privado. Se obtuvieron datos sociodemográficos, psicosociales, obstétricos y del recién nacido (RN). Fueron consideradas deprimidas las mujeres con 12 o más puntos en la EDPE aplicada en el tercero o cuarto mes después del parto. En el hospital público, la prevalencia de DPP fue de 26% y en el privado, 9%. Características de los RN fueron similares en las dos muestras; la edad, la escolaridad, el número de consultas de prenatal y de cesáreas fueron mayores en el hospital privado. El análisis de regresión implicando características psicosociales de las participantes reveló una asociación positiva de la DPP con depresión previa y con frecuencia de conflictos con el compañero y una relación negativa con los años de escolaridad y con el escore de apoyo social.


Humanos , Feminino , Depressão Pós-Parto , Fatores de Risco , Hospitais Privados , Hospitais Públicos
Rev Calid Asist ; 29(2): 78-83, 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24630480


OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence and type of adverse events (AE) in hospitalized patients in Vespucio Clinic, to describe their immediate causes, define avoidable AE and determine the services with highest AE rate. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Retrospective cohort study, in patients discharged between 16 and 31 January 2012. For the identification of AE, medical history was reviewed, and the AE screening guide adapted from the Harvard study was applied. The Spanish version of Modular Review Form MRF2 used in the ENEAS 2005 Study was applied to the patients with positive screening. RESULTS: From the 500 patients studied, 31 had some AE related to health care (6.2%), with an incidence of 3.46 for every 100 patient bed days (minor events 2.72, moderate 0.65, and severe 0.09). The associated processes were: Care 32.4%, medication 13.5%, infections associated with health care 10.8%, and diagnostics 8.1%. More than two-thirds (67.6%) were considered avoidable. Of the adverse events, 40.5% required additional procedures, and 35.1% additional treatment. Hospital stay was extended by an average of 5.5 days in 5.4%, and 8.11% led to re-admission. Most of them (91.9% did not cause any incapacity. The departments with the highest AE rates per 100 bed patients days were: Critical Care Unit (21.4), obstetrics and gynecology (7), and medical/surgical wards (6) CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study conducted in a private hospital in our country that allowed us to identify the incidence, overall rate, and the rate by departments of adverse events, their severity, preventability and causal factors.

Hospitais Privados , Erros Médicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Chile , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco