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Curr Pediatr Rev ; 2024 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38879764


The Prune-Belly (Eagle-Barrett) syndrome (PBS) is a congenital and genetically heterogeneous disease, more prevalent in males, defined by the clinical triad (1) deficiency of abdominal muscles, (2) bilateral cryptorchidism, and (3) urinary tract abnormalities. The abdomen of an infant with PBS has a typical appearance, similar to the aspect of a prune, which gives it its name. Although the etiology of this disorder is still unknown, numerous theories, mutations, and genetic disturbances have been proposed to explain the origin of PBS. Prognosis can differ a lot from one patient to another, since this condition has a wide spectrum of clinical presentation. Despite being a rare condition, the importance of PBS should not be underestimated, in the light of the potential of the disorder to lead to chronic kidney disease and other severe complications. In that regard, this review gathers the most up-to-date knowledge about the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, management and prognosis of PBS.

Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436699


Prune Belly syndrome, also known as Eagle-Barret syndrome, is a rare disease, with a prevalence of 3.8 live births per 100,000 births. Its main characteristic is the hypoplasia of the abdominal muscles, giving rise to the name "prune belly syndrome". The gold standard treatment is surgery, ideally with correction of cryptorchidism and phimosis between 6 to 18 months of life. Correction of urinary malformations and abdominoplasty should be performed up to 4 years of age. Little evidence exists in the literature about late treatment and its implications for prognosis. The context mentioned above led us to present an uncommon case of a six years old child in which a surgical approach was performed later than usual.

Introdução: A síndrome de Prune Belly é uma doença rara, com prevalência de 3,8 nascidos vivos a cada 100 mil nascimentos. Tem como principal caraterística a hipoplasia da musculatura abdominal gerando a origem do nome "síndrome da barriga de ameixa". O tratamento padrão ouro é cirúrgico, idealmente com correção da criptorquidia e fimose entre 6 a 18 meses e a correção das malformações urinárias e abdominoplastia devem ser realizadas até os 4 anos. Aqui descreve-se um caso ainda menos comum, em que foi realizada abordagem cirúrgica de forma mais tardia que o habitual. Há pouca evidência na literatura acerca do tratamento tardio e suas implicações em relação ao prognóstico.

Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 20: eRC6903, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394323


ABSTRACT Prune belly syndrome is a rare congenital disease of unknown etiology that is present in one in every 40 thousand live births, and predominantly affects males, at a ratio of 4:1. In males, it presents with anomalies in the urinary system, absence of abdominal muscles, bilateral cryptorchidism, and infertility. In women, the syndrome has variable presentations, but fertility is preserved. Searching the medical literature, we found only one case of prune belly syndrome in pregnant women. Therefore, the patient in this report is the second case. She was primiparous, 25-years-old, with no abdominal muscles, severe congenital kyphoscoliosis, and pulmonary restriction. Elective cesarean section was performed at 37 weeks of gestation due to maternal risk of uterine rupture by transverse presentation and fetal risk of intrauterine growth restriction. The pre-anesthetic approach defined that general anesthesia might have more risks for the patient due to severe maternal lung disease compared to ultrasound-guided locoregional anesthesia. During prenatal care, there were some maternal complications, such as asthma exacerbations, abdominal pain, and constipation. The newborn was born small for gestational age and this can possibly be explained by maternal restrictive lung capacity. The newborn presented with Apgar score 8/9 and tachypnea, but improved after two hours of life.

Multimed (Granma) ; 25(5): e1971, 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346606


RESUMEN Introducción: el síndrome Prune-Belly (SPB) o síndrome de "abdomen en ciruela pasa", también conocido como el síndrome de Eagle Barrett, es una forma de uropatía obstructiva fetal (UOF). Su incidencia se calcula entre 1/40 000 y 1/50 000 nacidos vivos. Presentación de caso: es un caso de síndrome de Prune-Belly en un lactante de 36 días de nacido, parto extrahospitalario. Clínicamente presentó abdomen distendido con piel arrugada o en ciruela pasa, criptorquidia bilateral, signos y síntomas de insuficiencia respiratoria. En la ultrasonografía se constató la ausencia de musculatura en la pared abdominal, megacisto, dilatación quística de los uréteres, riñones con cambios quísticos y displásicos. Discusión: en cuanto a la supervivencia, en numerosos estudios se encuentra que el porcentaje de mortalidad en los primeros meses de vida es del 27%. Está caracterizado por una clásica tríada: ausencia congénita de la musculatura de la pared abdominal; anormalidades del tracto urinario y criptorquidia bilateral, descrita en la literatura revisada, lo que coincide con las características clínicas del caso presentado,con una proporción masculino femenino de 20:1. El mayor riesgo se ha descrito en gemelos y afroamericanos. Conclusiones: está caracterizado por una clásica tríada: ausencia congénita de la musculatura de la pared abdominal; anormalidades del tracto urinario y criptorquidia bilateral. Es más frecuente en el sexo masculino. El diagnóstico del SPB puede realizarse durante la gestación a través de la ecografía obstétrica. La mortalidad en los primeros meses de vida es alta.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Prune-Belly syndrome (PBS) or "prune abdomen" syndrome, also known as Eagle Barrett syndrome, is a form of fetal obstructive uropathy (UOF). Its incidence is estimated between 1/40,000 and 1/50,000 live births. Case presentation: it is a case of Prune-Belly syndrome in a 36-day-old infant, out-of-hospital delivery. Clinically, she presented a distended abdomen with wrinkled or prune skin, bilateral cryptorchidism, signs and symptoms of respiratory failure. Ultrasonography revealed the absence of musculature in the abdominal wall, megacyst, cystic dilatation of the ureters, kidneys with cystic and dysplastic changes. Discussion: regarding survival, numerous studies have found that the percentage of mortality in the first months of life is 27%. It is characterized by a classic triad: congenital absence of the muscles of the abdominal wall; urinary tract abnormalities and bilateral cryptorchidism, described in the reviewed literature, which coincides with the clinical characteristics of the case presented, with a male-female ratio of 20: 1. The highest risk has been described in twins and African Americans. Conclusions: it is characterized by a classic triad: congenital absence of the muscles of the abdominal wall; urinary tract abnormalities and bilateral cryptorchidism. It is more common in males. The diagnosis of PBS can be made during pregnancy through obstetric ultrasound. Mortality in the first months of life is high.

RESUMO Introdução: A síndrome de Prune-Belly (PBS) ou síndrome do "abdômen de ameixa", também conhecida como síndrome de Eagle Barrett, é uma forma de uropatia obstrutiva fetal (UOF). Sua incidência é estimada entre 1 / 40.000 e 1 / 50.000 nascidos vivos. Apresentação do caso: trata-se de um caso de síndrome de Prune-Belly em lactente de 36 dias, parto fora do hospital. Clinicamente, apresentava abdome distendido com pele enrugada ou ameixada, criptorquidia bilateral, sinais e sintomas de insuficiência respiratória. A ultrassonografia revelou ausência de musculatura na parede abdominal, megacisto, dilatação cística dos ureteres, rins com alterações císticas e displásicas. Discussão: em relação à sobrevida, vários estudos constataram que o percentual de mortalidade nos primeiros meses de vida é de 27%. É caracterizada por uma tríade clássica: ausência congênita dos músculos da parede abdominal; anormalidades do trato urinário e criptorquidia bilateral, descritos na literatura revisada, que coincidem com as características clínicas do caso apresentado, com relação homem-mulher de 20: 1. O maior risco foi descrito em gêmeos e afro-americanos. Conclusões: caracteriza-se por uma tríade clássica: ausência congênita dos músculos da parede abdominal; anormalidades do trato urinário e criptorquidia bilateral. É mais comum em homens. O diagnóstico de PBS pode ser feíta durante a gravidez por meio de ultrassom obstétrico. A mortalidade nos primeiros meses de vida é alta.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 47(1): 36-44, Jan.-Feb. 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134335


ABSTRACT Objectives: This review aims to study the role of the abdominal wall in testicular migration process during the human fetal period. Materials and Methods: We performed a descriptive review of the literature about the role of the abdominal wall in testicular migration during the human fetal period. Results: The rise in intra-abdominal pressure is a supporting factor for testicular migration. This process has two phases: the abdominal and the inguinal-scrotal stages. The passage of the testis through the inguinal canal occurs very quickly between 21 and 25 WPC. Bilateral cryptorchidism in Prune Belly syndrome is explained by the impaired contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall; mechanical obstruction due to bladder distention and structural alteration of the inguinal canal, which hampers the passage of the testis during the inguinoscrotal stage of testicular migration. Abdominal wall defects as gastroschisis and omphaloceles are associated with undescended testes in around 30 to 40% of the cases. Conclusions: Abdominal pressure wound is an auxiliary force in testicular migration. Patients with abdominal wall defects are associated with undescendend testis in more than 30% of the cases probably due to mechanical factors; the Prune Belly Syndrome has anatomical changes in the anterior abdominal wall that hinder the increase of intra-abdominal pressure which could be the cause of cryptorchidism in this syndrome.

Humanos , Masculino , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca , Criptorquidismo , Escroto , Testículo , Canal Inguinal
Int Braz J Urol ; 47(1): 36-44, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32758302


OBJECTIVES: This review aims to study the role of the abdominal wall in testicular migration process during the human fetal period. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a descriptive review of the literature about the role of the abdominal wall in testicular migration during the human fetal period. RESULTS: The rise in intra-abdominal pressure is a supporting factor for testicular migration. This process has two phases: the abdominal and the inguinal-scrotal stages. The passage of the testis through the inguinal canal occurs very quickly between 21 and 25 WPC. Bilateral cryptorchidism in Prune Belly syndrome is explained by the impaired contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall; mechanical obstruction due to bladder distention and structural alteration of the inguinal canal, which hampers the passage of the testis during the inguinoscrotal stage of testicular migration. Abdominal wall defects as gastroschisis and omphaloceles are associated with undescended testes in around 30 to 40% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Abdominal pressure wound is an auxiliary force in testicular migration. Patients with abdominal wall defects are associated with undescendend testis in more than 30% of the cases probably due to mechanical factors; the Prune Belly Syndrome has anatomical changes in the anterior abdominal wall that hinder the increase of intra-abdominal pressure which could be the cause of cryptorchidism in this syndrome.

Criptorquidismo , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca , Humanos , Canal Inguinal , Masculino , Escroto , Testículo
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 92(1): e990, ene.-mar. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093749


Introducción: El síndrome prune belly es una rara y compleja anomalía congénita y el seudo prune belly es aún más raro y en muchas ocasiones no se diagnostica como tal. Objetivo: Describir un paciente con las características de este síndrome. Presentación del caso: Feto de sexo masculino que en la semana 23 del embarazo el ultrasonido prenatal detectó dilatación pélvica bilateral y se propuso la interrupción del embarazo que no fue aceptada por los padres. Al nacer se observa criptorquidia bilateral, el ultrasonido renal a las 34 horas de nacido confirma dilatación pélvica bilateral severa, se indica profilaxis con cefalexina, y a los cuatro dias de nacido es enviado a consulta de nefrología. Al llegar a consulta se observa la ausencia de testículos en ambas bolsas escrotales y el ultrasonido abdominal a los 16 dias confirma dilatación pélvica renal derecha severa y uréter dilatado en su tercio superior con 6 mm de diámetro y ureteropielocaliectasia severa del lado izquierdo; no se visualiza testículo derecho y el izquierdo en canal inguinal mide 7 × 10 mm. La gammagrafía estática demostró hipocaptación marcada del radiofármaco por el riñón izquierdo y disminución de la función renal relativa y en la uretrocistografía miccional se encontró dilatación vesical y reflujo vesicoureteral con ureterohidronefrosis bilateral. Conclusiones: El seudo síndrome prune belly presenta alteraciones complejas del tracto urinario que son las que establecen el pronóstico en estos casos(AU)

Introduction: Prune belly syndrome is a rare and complex congenital anomaly and the pseudo prune belly is even rarer and often not diagnosed as such. Objective: To describe a patient with the characteristics of this syndrome. Presentation of the case: Male fetus that in the 23rd week of pregnancy it was detected a bilateral pelvic dilatation in the prenatal ultrasound; and it was proposed the termination of pregnancy which was not accepted by the parents. At birth it is observed bilateral cryptorchidism; the renal ultrasound at 34 hours after birth confirmed bilateral severe pelvic dilation, it is indicated prophylaxis with cephalexin, and at four days after birth, the newborn is remitted to the Nephrology consultation. In the consultation it was noticed the absence of scrotal sacs in both testicles and the abdominal ultrasound at 16 days after birth confirmed severe right renal pelvic dilatation and dilated ureter in its upper third with 6 mm of diameter and severe uretero-pielocaliectasy in the left side; it is not visualized the right testicle and the left in the inguinal channel measured 7 × 10 mm. Static scintigraphy showed marked hypocaptation of the radiopharmaceutical by the left kidney and decreased relative renal function, and in the voiding cystourethrogram it was found bladder dilation and vesicoureteral reflux with bilateral ureterohydronephrosis. Conclusions: The pseudo prune belly syndrome presents complex abnormalities of the urinary tract that are those which establish the prognosis in these cases(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Recém-Nascido , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassom/métodos , Feto/anormalidades
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 29(1): 14-20, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1402733


Introduction The Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS) is the deficiency or congenital hypoplasia of the abdominal muscles accompanied with disorders of the urinary tract. The surgical treatment for the uropathy of the PBS seeks to correct the anatomical defects that induce damage to the urinary tract, including the improvement of the bladder emptying. The correction of the abdominal wall defect must be considered as an important part of the treatment. Objective To describe of the most relevant clinic characteristics and outcomes of a group of eight patients with PBS managed with abdominoplasty and reconstructive urologic surgery. Methods Retrospective review of the medical charts of patients with PBS at Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Hospital Militar Central of Bogotá, Clinica Infantil Colsubsidio and Fundación Oftalmológica Ardila Lulle of Bucaramanga, (Colombia) that were managed with reconstructive surgery of the urinary tract and Monfort technique abdominoplasty (between 2006 and 2016) by one of the authors (JPN). The evaluated variables included: phenotypic appearance, renal function, bowel movements, and urinary tract infection (UTI) episodes. These variables as well as the abdominal wall aspect, were evaluated postoperatively. Results There were 11 patients identified with PBS between 2006 and 2016. Eight (8) of them underwent reconstructive urologic surgery, orchidopexy and Monfort technique abdominoplasty. After the procedures, none of the patients presented deterioration of the renal function, and they reported a better quality of the stools according to the Bristol scale; there were also less episodes of UTI. The phenotypic aspect of the abdominal wall was qualified as satisfactory in all cases. Conclusions Reconstructive urologic surgery and abdominoplasty in patients with PBS is an excellent choice of management that reduces the number of UTIs, improves bowel movements according to the Bristol scale, and preserves the renal function. This management approach also improves the phenotypic aspect of the abdominal wall. All of this leads to higher survival rate and better quality of life.

Introducción El Síndrome de Prune Belly (SPB) es la deficiencia o hipoplasia congénita de los músculos abdominales acompañada de desórdenes del tracto genitourinario. El manejo quirúrgico de la uropatía del SPB busca corregir los defectos anatómicos que inducen daño al tracto urinario, incluyendo la mejora del vaciamiento vesical. La corrección del defecto de la pared abdominal debe considerarse como una parte importante del manejo. Objetivos Describir las características clínicas más relevantes y el desenlace de un grupo de 8 pacientes con SPB manejados con abdominoplastia y cirugía urológica reconstructiva. Materiales y Métodos Revisión retrospectiva de las historias clínicas de los pacientes con SPB del Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá, Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio, y Fundación Oftalmológica Carlos Ardila Lulle de Bucaramanga (Colombia), manejados con cirugía reconstructiva de las vías urinarias y abdominoplastia tipo Monfort entre los años 2008 y 2016 por uno de los autores (JPN). Las variables incluidas fueron: aspecto fenotípico, función renal, hábito intestinal y características de las deposiciones, y episodios de infección urinaria. El desenlace de estas variables y el aspecto de la pared abdominal fueron evaluados en el postoperatorio. Resultados se identificaron 11 pacientes con SPB entre 2006 y 2016. Ocho (8) fueron sometidos a cirugía reconstructiva de las vías urinarias, orquidopexia y abdominoplastia tipo Monfort. Después de los procedimientos, ninguno de los pacientes presentó deterioro de la función renal; los pacientes refieren mejor calidad de las deposiciones según la escala de Bristol; se presentaron menos episodios de infección de vías urinarias. El aspecto fenotípico fue calificado como satisfactorio en todos los casos. Conclusiones La cirugía urológica reconstructiva acompañada de abdominoplastia en pacientes con SPB es una excelente forma de manejo que reduce el número de infecciones urinarias, mejora la calidad del hábito intestinal según la escala de Bristol, y conserva la función renal. Este manejo mejora además el aspecto fenotípico de la pared abdominal. Todo esto lleva a una mayor sobrevida y mejor calidad de vida.

Humanos , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Abdominoplastia , Qualidade de Vida , Sistema Urinário , Infecções Urinárias , Bexiga Urinária , Músculos Abdominais , Assistência ao Convalescente , Parede Abdominal , Orquidopexia
Rev. colomb. cir ; 35(3): 520-525, 2020. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123241


Introducción. Se presenta un paciente con falla renal crónica secundaria a hidroureteronefrosis bilateral, con antecedente de síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa (prune belly), en quien se realiza trasplante renal. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es exponer una anomalía congénita, con baja incidencia mundial y en menor proporción asociado a trasplante renal, con énfasis en la dificultad para la técnica quirúrgica dada por la hipoplasia de los músculos de la pared abdominal. Métodos. Revisión de Historia clínica, Consentimiento Informado. Búsqueda de la literatura.Caso clínico. En cirugía se identifica ausencia de músculos de la pared abdominal y fibrosis de las venas Iliaca externa y común derecha. Se realiza abordaje bajo técnica de Gibson contralateral, con trasplante renal sin complicaciones. Presentó adecuada evolución en seguimiento ambulatorio. Discusión. El síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa (prune belly) es una anomalía congénita de baja incidencia, con pocos reportes asociados a trasplante renal. El reto quirúrgico está dado por la ausencia de músculos de la pared abdominal, que aumentan los riesgos por posibles complicaciones, como la lesión de los vasos epigástricos inferiores. Para el cierre de pared abdominal en trasplante renal, se describe en dos planos, que en este caso se realiza sobre fascia muscular y piel. Aun siendo un reto, el paciente presenta adecuada evolución postoperatoria

Introduction. We present a patient with chronic renal failure secondary to bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, with a history of prune belly syndrome, who underwent a kidney transplant. The objective of this case report is to expose a congenital anomaly, with a low worldwide incidence and to a lesser extent associated with kidney transplantation, with emphasis on the difficulty for the surgical technique due to the hypoplasia of the abdominal wall muscles.Methods. Review of clinical history, Informed Consent. Literature search.Clinical case. Absence of abdominal wall muscles and fibrosis of the external iliac veins and right common veins were identified intraoperatively. An approach was performed under the contralateral Gibson technique, with uncomplicated kidney transplantation. He presented adequate evolution in outpatient follow-up.Discussion. Prune belly syndrome is a low-incidence congenital anomaly, with few reports associated with kidney transplantation. The surgical challenge is given by the absence of abdominal wall muscles, which increases the risks due to possible complications, such as injury to the inferior epigastric vessels. For the closure of the abdominal wall in kidney transplantation, it is described in two planes, which in this case is performed on muscle fascia and skin. Despite being a challenge, the patient has adequate postoperative evolution

Humanos , Transplante de Rim , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca , Parede Abdominal , Insuficiência Renal Crônica
J Pediatr Urol ; 15(5): 557.e1-557.e8, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31358433


BACKGROUND: There are no reports comparing testicular volume between normal fetuses, fetuses with prune-belly syndrome (PBS), and fetuses with anencephaly. The study hypothesis was that PBS and especially anencephaly alter the testicular volume during the human fetal period. AIM: The objective of the study was to compare the testicular growth in fetuses with anencephaly, with PBS, and without anomalies. STUDY DESIGN: This is a morphometric study of human fetuses. Seventy testes from fetuses without anomalies aged 11-22 weeks post-conception (WPC), 30 testes from fetuses with anencephaly aged 13-19 WPC, and eight testes from fetuses with PBS aged 13-16 WPC were studied. Testicular length, width, and thickness were evaluated with the aid of computer programs (Image Pro and ImageJ) (Figure). The fetal testicular volume was calculated using the ellipsoid formula: Testicular volume (TV) = [length × thickness × width] × 0.523. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to ascertain the normality of the data and to compare quantitative data between normal fetuses vs. fetuses with anencephaly, while the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess gender and laterality differences. Simple linear correlations (LCs) were calculated for testicular volume according to fetal age, weight, and crown-rump length. RESULTS: All 108 testes studied were abdominal. The right (p = 0.0310) and left (0.0470) testicular volumes were significantly smaller in fetuses with anencephaly than those in the control group. The linear regression analysis indicated that the right and the left testis volume in the control group (right: r2 = 0.6665; left: r2 = 0.6707) and PBS group (right: r2 = 0.9937; left: r2 = 0.9757) increased with fetal age (p < 0.0001). This analysis also indicated that the testicular volume in fetuses with anencephaly did not increase with fetal age (right: r2 = 009816; left: r2 = 0.07643). DISCUSSION: This article is the first to report testicular volume correlations with fetal parameters in fetuses with anencephalic and fetuses with PBS. Significant alterations were observed in testicular growth in the anencephalic group compared with the control group, and it was also observed that the bilateral cryptorchidism in PBS does not alter the testicular development and growth during the fetal period. The unequal WPC distribution between fetuses with PBS, fetuses with anencephaly, and controls and the small sample size are limitations of this study. Further studies should be performed to confirm this study's findings. CONCLUSIONS: Testicular growth is slower and does not show significant correlations with fetal parameters in fetuses with anencephalic. Significant differences in testicular development in fetuses with PBS was not observed.

Feto/diagnóstico por imagem , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/diagnóstico , Testículo/embriologia , Idade Gestacional , Humanos , Masculino , Tamanho do Órgão , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/embriologia , Testículo/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Neurourol Urodyn ; 37(1): 148-152, 2018 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28598513


AIMS: To study the bladder structure of fetuses with prune belly syndrome (PBS). METHODS: We studied three bladders obtained from three male fetuses with PBS and seven bladders from seven male fetuses without anomalies. Each bladder was dissected and embedded in paraffin, from which 5 µm thick sections were obtained and stained with Masson's trichrome (to quantify connective tissue and smooth muscle) and picrosirius red with polarization (to observe collagen). Immunohistochemistry with tubulin (Tubulin, beta III, Mouse Monoclonal Antibody) was applied to observe the bladder nerves. The images were captured with an Olympus BX51 microscope and Olympus DP70 camera. The stereological analysis was done with the Image Pro and Image J programs, using a grid to determine volumetric densities (Vv). Means were statistically compared using the Mann-Whitney test (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Quantitative analysis documented that smooth muscle fibers were significantly smaller (P = 0.04) in PBS fetuses (9.67% to 17.75%, mean = 13.2%) compared to control group (13.33% to 26.56%, mean = 17.43%). The analysis of collagen fibers showed predominance of green in the control group, suggesting collagen type III presence, and predominance of red in the in PBS fetal bladders, suggesting collagen type I presence in this group. The qualitative analysis of the nerves with immunohistochemistry with tubulin showed predominance of nerves in the control group. CONCLUSION: The bladder in PBS had lower concentrations of smooth muscle fibers, collagen type III, and nerves. These structural alterations can be one of the factors involved in urinary tract abnormality such as distended bladder in patients with PBS.

Músculo Liso/patologia , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/patologia , Bexiga Urinária/patologia , Colágeno Tipo III/metabolismo , Feto , Humanos , Imuno-Histoquímica , Masculino , Músculo Liso/metabolismo , Miócitos de Músculo Liso/metabolismo , Miócitos de Músculo Liso/patologia , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/metabolismo , Bexiga Urinária/metabolismo
Pediátr. Panamá ; 46(3): 36-39, diciembre 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-877521


Se describe a un neonato con Síndrome Prune belly, de sexo masculino, nacido de 39 semanas edad gestacional y peso 3570gr. Al examen físico presentó fascies no características, tórax alado, abdomen asimétrico, con redundancia de piel que va hacia ambos lados, no se aprecia tono muscular, se palpa fácilmente asas intestinales, presencia de borborismos y ruidos hidroaéreos conservados, ausencia de testículos en bolsas escrotales, el examen cardiovascular y de extremidades fueron aparentemente normales. La ecografía mostró hidronefrosis renal bilateral y testículos intraabdominales.

We describe a neonate with Prune belly syndrome, male, born 39 weeks gestational age and 3570gr weight. Physical examination showed non-characteristic fascities, winged chest, asymmetrical abdomen, with skin redundancy going to both sides, no muscle tone, intestinal handles easily palpated, presence of borborisms and preserved airflow sounds, absence of testicles in scrotal sacs, Cardiovascular and limb examination were apparently normal. Ultrasound showed bilateral renal hydronephrosis and intra-abdominal testes.

Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 42(2): 254-259, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-797746


El síndrome de Prune Belly es un trastorno congénito, que obedece según lo reportado actualmente a una base genética. Está caracterizado por la siguiente triada: deficiencia en grados variables de la musculatura abdominal, criptorquidia bilateral y anomalías del tracto urinario. Se identifican dos variantes del síndrome, una mortal y otra compatible con la vida(AU)

Prune Belly syndrome is a congenital disorder that is due, as currently reported, to genetic basis. It is characterized by the following triad: deficiency of abdominal muscles in varying degrees, bilateral cryptorchidism and urinary tract anomalies. Two variants of the syndrome are identified, a deadly one and another compatible with life(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/complicações , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/mortalidade , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/epidemiologia , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos
J Pediatr Urol ; 11(5): 291-2, 2015 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26227565


INTRODUCTION: Many patients with Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS) require abdominoplasty alone or in combination with correction of any urogenital abnormalities. This video presents a simplified technique with which to treat the abdominal flaccidity in PBS. METHODS: A longitudinal xypho-pubic fusiform figure is drawn on the abdomen, based on the area of skin and subcutaneous tissue to be removed. This is performed with preservation of the musculo-fascial layer and the umbilicus. A lateral elliptical single xypho-pubic line is drawn in the most lax side of the fascia, which is incised along this line. After urinary tract reconstruction and orchidopexy, closure is initiated by suturing the medial edge of the wider fascial flap laterally to the peritoneal side of the contralateral flap. Next, the now outer fascial flap is laid over the inner flap, and a buttonhole is made to expose the umbilicus. The subcutaneous tissue of the inner flap is laterally undermined to gain extra distance for the suture of the outer flap over the inner flap. The subcutaneous tissue and skin are sutured in the midline, incorporating the umbilicus. RESULTS: In a 30-year period, 43 PBS patients underwent this procedure with good cosmetic and long-term functional results. CONCLUSION: This abdominoplasty technique is simple and presents good functional and cosmetic results in PBS patients.

Abdominoplastia/métodos , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/cirurgia , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Seguimentos , Humanos , Orquidopexia/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Técnicas de Sutura
Pediátr. Panamá ; 44(2): 28-35, Agosto- Septiembre 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-848738


El síndrome de Eagle-Barret o síndrome de Prune Belly también conocido como "síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa", es un cuadro cuya etiología aún se desconoce. Se caracteriza por la de ciencia de la musculatura de la pared abdominal, dilatación del tracto urinario y criptorquidia bilateral. La incidencia estimada es de 1 en 35,000 a 1 en 50,000 recién nacidos vivos, ocurriendo aproximadamente más del 95% de los casos en masculinos. Las manifestaciones clínicas de la triada de anormalidades presentes en esta entidad, van desde el defecto muscular presente en la pared abdominal, que consta solamente de piel y peritoneo, razón por la cual el tejido dérmico presenta una serie de estriaciones, que permiten la palpación fácil de las vísceras, asociándose además una alteración del sistema urogenital que se caracteriza por la dilatación de la vejiga como consecuencia de una obstrucción distal, con reflujo vesico-ureteral. Se describe un neonato con Síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa, de sexo masculino, nacido de 40 semanas de gestación y pesó 3 050 g al nacer. El examen clínico mostró un neonato con un abdomen globuloso, con redundancia de la piel que huelga a los costados rebosantes, la palpación del abdomen no descubre la tonalidad muscular. No se palpa visceromegalia y hay presencia normal de ruidos hidroaéreos. El examen físico del tórax y cardiovascular no reportó datos patológicos. Examen neurológico normal. La ecografía renal mostró alteraciones en el tracto urinario. Revela además criptorquidia bilateral. Este caso destaca la importancia del diagnóstico temprano y el manejo adecuado del paciente tanto a nivel primario como en el tercer nivel de atención; ya que si ofrecemos el manejo adecuado podemos brindarle a este tipo de pacientes un mejor pronóstico de vida.

Eagle-Barrett syndrome, formerly known as prune-belly syndrome, it's a disease whose etiology is still unknown. It's characterized by deficiency of abdominal wall musculature,a dilated urinary tract,and bilateral cryptorchidism. The estimated incidence is 1 in 35,000 to 1 in 50,000 live births, with more than 95% of cases occurring in males. Clinical manifestations of the triad of abnormalities present in this entity, ranging from muscle defect present in the abdominal wall, consisting only of skin and peritoneum, reason why the dermal tissue presents a series of striations, allowing easy palpation of the viscera, further associating an alteration of the urogenital system characterized by the expanded bladder following a distal obstruction, with vesicoureteral reflux. We report the case of a male neonate born after 40 weeks of gestation with a body weight of 3 050 g with Prune Belly syndrome. The physical examination revealed a distended abdomen with redundant skin that wrinkle like a prune, no visceromegaly was found and normal abdominal sounds were heard. The examination of thorax and cardiovascular systems were normal. The neurologic exam was normal. A renal ultrasound revealed alteration of the urogenital system. Bilateral cryptorchidism was also observed. This case highlights the importance of early diagnosis andappropriatemanagement both in primary health as tertiary,because if we bring the adequate treatment we will be able to o er to this patients a better life prognosis.

Rev. méd. hered ; 26(1): 42-46, ene. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-744169


Se describe un neonato con Síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa, de sexo masculino, nacido de 36 semanas de gestación y pesó 3 650 g al nacer. El examen clínico mostró un neonato con un abdomen globuloso, con redundancia de la piel que huelga a los costados rebosantes, la palpación del abdomen no descubre la tonalidad muscular. No se palpa visceromegalia y hay presencia normal de ruidos hidroaéreos. El examen físico del tórax y cardiovascular fueron aparentemente normales. Normocéfalo y facies no peculiar. La radiografía de tórax muestra dextrocardía. La ecografía renal mostró dilatación pielocalicial. Revela además criptorquidia bilateral. (AU)

We report the case of a male neonate born after 36 weeks of gestation with a body weight of 3 650 g with Prune belly Syndrome. The physical examination revealed a distended abdomen with redundant skin that wrinkle like a prune, no visceromegaly was found and normal abdominal sounds were heard. The examination of thorax and cardiovascular systems were apparently normal. The neurologic exam was normal. The chest x-ray revealed dextrocardia. A renal ultrasound revealed pyelocalyceal dilation. Bilateral cryptorchidism was also observed. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Lactente , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca , Criptorquidismo , Dextrocardia
J Urol ; 193(5 Suppl): 1830-6, 2015 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25301093


PURPOSE: We compared and contrasted the structure of the gubernaculum testis in fetuses with prune belly syndrome and normal controls. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied a total of 6 gubernacula from 3 male fetuses with prune belly syndrome and a total of 14 from 7 male fetuses without an anomaly. Gubernacular specimens were cut into 5 µm sections and stained with Masson trichrome to quantify connective tissue and smooth muscle cells, with Weigert stain to observe elastic fibers and with picrosirius red with polarization to observe collagen. Immunohistochemical analysis was done with tubulin to observe the nerves. Images were captured with a BX51 microscope and DP70 camera (Olympus®). Stereological analysis was done with Image-Pro and ImageJ (MediaCybernetics®) using a grid to determine volumetric density. Means were statistically compared with the Mann-Whitney test. All tests were 2-sided with p <0.05 considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Prune belly syndrome fetuses were at 17 to 31 weeks of gestation and control fetuses were at 12 to 35 weeks of gestation. Quantitative analysis showed no difference in the volumetric density of smooth muscle cells in prune belly syndrome vs control gubernacula (mean 15.70% vs 19%, p = 0.2321). Collagen fiber analysis revealed a predominance of green areas in prune belly syndrome gubernacula, suggesting collagen type III, and a predominance of red areas in control gubernacula, suggesting collagen type I. Elastic fibers were significantly smaller in prune belly syndrome gubernacula than in control gubernacula (mean 14.06% vs 24.6%, p = 0.0190). Quantitative analysis demonstrated no difference in the volumetric density of nerves in prune belly syndrome or control gubernacula (mean 5.200% vs 3.158%, p = 0.2302). CONCLUSIONS: The gubernaculum in fetuses with prune belly syndrome had altered concentrations of collagen and elastic fibers. These structural alterations could be one of the factors involved in cryptorchidism in prune belly syndrome.

Criptorquidismo/embriologia , Doenças Fetais/patologia , Feto/embriologia , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/embriologia , Testículo/embriologia , Colágeno/metabolismo , Tecido Conjuntivo/embriologia , Estatura Cabeça-Cóccix , Criptorquidismo/metabolismo , Tecido Elástico/embriologia , Tecido Elástico/metabolismo , Doenças Fetais/metabolismo , Humanos , Imuno-Histoquímica , Masculino , Miócitos de Músculo Liso/metabolismo , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca/metabolismo , Escroto/embriologia , Testículo/metabolismo
Autops Case Rep ; 4(4): 35-41, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28573127


Prune-belly syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by a spectrum of mild-to-severe presentations of urinary tract malformations, deficient abdominal wall musculature, and cryptorchidism in male newborns or genital abnormalities in the female newborns. Currently, antenatal diagnosis is feasible with ultrasound examination, and treatment is based on case report experience. More recently, intrauterine management has been undertaken with encouraging results. The authors report a case of PBS diagnosed at the seventeenth gestation week, when ultrasonographic examination revealed the presence of ascites, distended bladder, thickened bladder wall and posterior urethral valve. The fetus was submitted to an intrauterine intervention at the nineteenth gestational week. Delivery occurred at 34 weeks of gestation and the newborn examination was consistent with PBS. On the second day of life, the newborn was submitted to abdominoplasty, colostomy, and orchiopexy. However, the outcome was unfavorable with respiratory failure and death on the fifteenth day of life. The autopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PBS, but the immediate cause of death was attributed to aspiration pneumonia.

Gac. méd. boliv ; 36(1): 35-38, jun. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-737893


El síndrome de Prune Belly es una anomalía congénita rara, caracterizada por presentar: hipoplasia de músculos de pared abdominal, anomalía del tracto urinario y criptorquidia bilateral, el cuadro clínico que desencadena en el recién nacido es variable, dependiendo sobre todo del grado de alteración del sistema urinario. La ultrasonografía es el método de elección en el diagnóstico prenatal. El manejo prenatal de este cuadro, está dirigido fundamentalmente a mejorar la función renal y pulmonar, siendo el tratamiento de elección la descompresión vesico-amniótico temprano a través de la colocación de un catéter doble pigtail. El siguiente artículo presenta 2 casos clínicos que muestran las principales formas clínicas de presentación, diagnóstico prenatal ultrasonográfico y manejo intraútero y postnatal de esta patología.

Prune belly syndrome is a rare congenital anomaly, characterized by having: hypoplasia of abdominal wall muscles, urinary tract anomalies and bilateral cryptorchidism, clinical triggers in newborns varies, depending primarily on the degree of disturbance urinary system. Ultrasonography is the method of choice in prenatal diagnosis. The prenatal management of this picture, is aimed primarily at improving renal function and lung being the treatment of choice vesico-amniotic decompression early through the placement of a double pigtail catheter. This article presents 2 cases showing the main clinical presentations, diagnostic ultrasound and prenatal intrauterine and postnatal management of this condition.

Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 22(1): 3085-3093, mar. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-590886


La patología de la vía urinaria es frecuente en la población pediátrica. Las anomalías uretrales son comunes y constituyen una importante causa de morbilidad. Reconocer las patologías y utilizar de manera óptima los métodos diagnósticos disponibles son pasos claves para un manejo ideal de estos pacientes y para la prevención de futuras morbilidades, que en ocasiones son de alto costo e implican una reducción significativa en la calidad de vida.

Pathology of the urinary tract is common in the pediatric population. Urethral anomalies are frequent and an important cause of morbidity. Recognizing these diseases and usingimaging modalities in an optimal way, is important for an ideal management of the different pathologies and as a prevention strategy of future associated complications, that can turn into high cost diseases with an important impact in the quality of life.

Humanos , Síndrome do Abdome em Ameixa Seca , Radiografia , Uretra