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Prev Med Rep ; 38: 102592, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38283963


Determining the locations where adolescents tend to accumulate greater amounts of physical activity may assist policymakers to address the built environment design and promote PA. This study evaluated the association between the availability of recreational facilities and average minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day of US adolescents in 2017 (n = 1,437). Data for this cross-sectional study were obtained from the 2017 Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating study, an internet-based study collecting information on diet and PA of parent and adolescent dyads. Adolescents aged 12-17 from the US were included. Predicted daily minutes of MVPA were calculated. The exposure variables of interest were the availability of school recreational facilities, indoor recreational facilities, playing fields, bike/hiking/walking trails or paths or public parks. Participants were excluded if no information was provided for MVPA or availability of recreational facilities. Unadjusted and adjusted linear regression analysis was used to calculate mean daily minutes of MVPA and their corresponding 95 % confidence intervals. In fully adjusted models, we found statistically significant associations between the type of recreational facility and differences in daily minutes of MVPA for school (p-value < 0.001) and public parks p-value < 0.001), but not for the other recreational facilities. The average daily minutes of MVPA differed by 4.4 min (95 % CI 2.6, 6.2) if participants had school recreational facilities, respectively. School recreational facilities are important for engaging adolescents in PA objectives. Features within school recreational facilities should be studied to further investigate contributions to increased PA levels.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 30: e30002, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558581


Resumo Este estudo analisa a quantidade e a distribuição territorial das escolinhas de futebol em Belo Horizonte. O objetivo é examinar quantos estabelecimentos desse tipo existem na cidade, onde estão localizados e quais critérios seus proprietários empregam para essa decisão. Para isso, utilizamos dados quantitativos e qualitativos, baseados, respectivamente, em informações sobre a localização desses estabelecimentos e dados censitários, de um lado, e entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com proprietários de escolinhas de futebol da cidade, de outro. Nossa interpretação geral é a de que escolinhas de futebol se distribuem aleatoriamente pela cidade em razão de circunstâncias que impõem uma lógica oportunista na tomada de decisão acerca da abertura de um estabelecimento comercial desse tipo.

Abstract The study analyzes the quantity and geographical distribution of "football schools" in Belo Horizonte. The objective is to examine how many of these establishments exist in the city, where they are located and what criteria their owners use to make this decision. For this, we used quantitative and qualitative data, based on information about the location of these establishments and census data, on the one hand, and semi-structured interviews with owners of soccer schools in the city, on the other. Our general interpretation is that football schools are distributed randomly throughout the city due to circumstances impose an opportunistic logic on decision-making.

Resumen Este estudio analiza la cantidad y la distribución territorial de las "escuelas de fútbol" en Belo Horizonte. El objetivo es examinar cuántos establecimientos de este tipo existen en la ciudad, dónde están ubicados y qué criterios utilizan sus propietarios para esta decisión. Para ello, se utilizaron datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, basados en información sobre la ubicación de estos establecimientos y datos censales, por un lado, y entrevistas semiestructuradas a propietarios de escuelas de fútbol de la ciudad, por otro. Nuestra interpretación general es que las escuelas de fútbol se distribuyen aleatoriamente por la ciudad debido a circunstancias que imponen una lógica de opotunismo en la toma de decisiones sobre la apertura de un establecimiento comercial de este tipo.

J Clin Med ; 12(2)2023 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36675531


The number of blood flow restriction (BFR) training practitioners is rapidly increasing, so understanding the safety issues associated with limb occlusion is strongly needed. The present study determined the effect of BFR by an inflatable cuff worn around the arm on the wrist joint position sense (JPS) in healthy recreational athletes. In the prospective randomized, double-blind placebo control study, sixty healthy right-handed recreational athletes aged x = 22.93 ± 1.26 years were assigned to groups of equal size and gender rates: BFR, placebo, and control. The active wrist JPS was assessed in two separate sessions using an isokinetic dynamometer. The first assessment was performed with no cuffs. In the second session, a cuff with a standardized pressure was worn on the examined limb in the BFR group. In the placebo group, the cuff was uninflated. A between-session comparison in each group of collected angular errors expressed in degrees was carried out. The angular error in the BFR group was larger during the second measurement than the first one (p = 0.011-0.336). On the contrary, in the placebo (p = 0.241-0.948) and control (p = 0.093-0.904) groups, the error value in the second session was comparable or smaller. It was determined that BFR by an inflatable cuff around the arm impairs the wrist position sense. Hence, BFR training should be performed with caution.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20230029, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529737


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo ecológico foi estimar desigualdades nas instalações para atividades físicas e esportes (AF) nas escolas públicas de Educação Básica brasileiras (n=70.276), conforme a proporção de matrículas de estudantes autodeclarados negros. Os resultados mostraram que escolas urbanas e rurais com maior proporção de matrículas de estudantes negros (≥60%) apresentaram menos pátio descoberto, quadra coberta e descoberta, parque infantil, estúdio de dança e materiais para a prática desportiva e recreação. Essas desigualdades são traços do racismo, que é estruturante na sociedade brasileira e é institucionalizado na oferta de condições desfavoráveis ao engajamento em AF nas escolas públicas que atendem um maior número de alunos pretos e pardos.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to estimate inequality in physical activity and sports facilities at Brazilian public elementary schools, according to percent of self-reported black students. Our results showed that schools from urban or rural areas with a higher percentage of enrollments of self-reported black students (≥60%) presented fewer outdoor courtyards, sport court indoor and outdoor, playgrounds, dance studios, and materials for sports and recreation. These inequalities are a feature of racism, which is structural in Brazilian society and institutionalized in unfavorable conditions for engaging in physical activity and sports at public elementary schools where there is a higher number of black students.

RESUMEN Este estudio ecológico tuvo como objetivo estimar las desigualdades en las instalaciones para actividades físicas y deportivas (AF) en las escuelas públicas brasileñas de Educación Básica (n=70.276), según la proporción de matrículas de alumnos que se declararon negros. Los resultados mostraron que las escuelas urbanas y rurales con mayor proporción de matrículas de estudiantes negros (≥60%) tenían menos patio al aire libre, canchas interiores y exteriores, parques infantiles, estudios de danza y materiales para deportes y recreación. Esas desigualdades son rasgos del racismo, que es estructural en la sociedad brasileña y está institucionalizado al ofrecer condiciones desfavorables para la práctica de AF en las escuelas públicas que atienden a un mayor número de alumnos negros y pardos.

Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36249273


Background: The SARS-CoV­2 pandemic led to the closure of leisure and recreation facilities worldwide. As part of a model study funded by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration, it was possible to demonstrate how a hygiene and safety concept can be successfully implemented in practice using the example of the opening and operation of an amusement park in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) under scientific supervision. Objective: The aim of the model project was, besides the verification of a possible infection event through a visit to the amusement park, to develop and review a recommended course of action for the safe opening and operation of leisure facilities under pandemic conditions, which can be transferred to other destinations. Methods: A variety of data sources were used for this project: Recurrent expert rounds of multidisciplinary teams (business administration, healthcare research, sociology and medicine), aerosol measurement data, observation protocols, official infection statistics and interview data from visitor surveys. Results: The action plan developed in this project provides guidance and recommendations for operators of recreation and leisure facilities to implement measures that enhance staff and guest safety, allowing facilities to operate under pandemic conditions. Conclusion: This study sets a precedent using the example of a recreational park in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) to serve as a guide for other facilities; however, operations in the leisure and tourism sector are unique and measures are accordingly difficult to transfer directly. The recommended action plan is further intended to support policy makers in future pandemic situations regarding measures to close, open and operate such facilities.

Int J Geriatr Psychiatry ; 37(3)2022 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35137450


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine whether community welfare resources in neighborhoods (recreational facilities, healthcare access, and public welfare expenditure) are associated with late-life depression among older adults in Seoul, South Korea. METHODS: Data for this study were obtained by merging two different data sources: the 2018 Seoul Elderly Survey for individual-level variables and publicly available administrative data for neighborhood-level variables. The sample included 3036 older adults (unweighted n = 3034) living in 25 neighborhoods (Gu) in Seoul. Multilevel regression models examined the effects of neighborhood-level variables on late-life depression while controlling for individual-level variables. We also explored the extent to which individual characteristics moderate the main effects of neighborhood characteristics on late-life depression. RESULTS: The results indicated that recreational facilities, health care centers, and public welfare expenditure in the neighborhoods were associated with late-life depression among older adults beyond individuals' predisposing conditions. Also, the effects of recreational facilities and public welfare expenditure on depressive symptoms were larger for those with higher education level. CONCLUSIONS: Older adults living in neighborhoods with more recreational facilities, more health care centers, and high public welfare expenditure were less likely to experience late-life depression. Of note is that the effects of neighborhoods' recreational facilities and public welfare expenditure varied by certain individual characteristics. Hence, local governments should introduce neighborhood-based health promotion policies to prevent depression among older adults. In doing so, local governments should also consider ways to improve access to community welfare resources for underprivileged older adults.

Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 20: e022024, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425927


Introdução: O Brasil é o terceiro colocado no ranking mundial em faturamento de serviços fitness, com 34.509 academias registradas. Entretanto, a pandemia da Covid-19 trouxe desafios e uma queda nesse faturamento. Com isto, as academias foram forçadas a adotar novas estratégias de gestão e marketing para se manterem no mercado diante deste novo contexto. Objetivo: Identificar as estratégias de marketing esportivo utilizadas por gestores de academias de Ribeirão Preto/SP para manter e captar novos clientes durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, realizada por meio da ferramenta Google Meet, gravadas para serem transcritas e analisadas posteriormente. Resultados: Dentre as estratégias utilizadas pelos seis gestores entrevistados, destacaram-se: segurança e limpeza da academia como marketing; priorização do relacionamento com o cliente como principal forma de retenção; uso recorrente do marketing de bonificações; pacotes e mensalidades mais atrativos para manter e ao mesmo tempo captar novos clientes; e, a utilização das redes sociais como principal forma de captação. Os problemas encontrados pelos gestores foram similares, com ao menos 1/3 apontando a falta de verba específica para o marketing, campanhas centralizadas em outras sedes ou franquias, lives ineficientes e marketing tradicional com custo muito alto. Considerações finais: Os gestores precisaram superar os obstáculos da pandemia para planejar e promover estratégias de marketing para academias com objetivos, público e porte diferentes. Ainda existem poucos estudos relacionando marketing e o mercado fitness no Brasil, destacando a importância de mais estudos que abordem esta temática.

Introduction: Brazil is ranked third in the world in fitness service billing, with 34,509 registered gyms. However, the COVID-19 pandemic brought challenges and a drop in this revenue. Consequently, the gyms were forced to adopt new management and marketing strategies to stay in the market facing the contemporary context. Objective: To identify the sports marketing strategies used by gym managers in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, to keep and attract new customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative study was performed through semi-structured interviews, conducted through the Google Meet tool, recorded to be transcribed and analyzed. Results: Among the strategies used by the six managers interviewed stand out: gym safety and cleanliness as marketing; the prioritization of the relationship with customers as the main form of retention; the overuse of bonus marketing; packages and more attractive monthly fees to keep and at the same time attract new customers; and, also the use of social networks as the main form of attraction. The problems were similar among the managers, with at least 1/3 indicating the lack of a specific budget for marketing, centralized campaigns in other locations or franchises, inefficient live broadcasts, and traditional marketing with a very high cost. Final words: The managers needed to overcome the pandemic obstacles to plan and promote marketing strategies for gyms with different objectives, public, and size. There are still few studies on the relationship between marketing and Brazil's fitness market, highlighting the importance of more studies that address this theme.

Introducción: Brasil es el tercer país del mundo en facturación de servicios fitness, con 34.509 gimnasios registrados. Sin embargo, la pandemia de Covid-19 llevó a desafíos y un descenso de estos ingresos. Con esto, los gimnasios se vieron obligados a adoptar nuevas estrategias de gestión y comercialización para mantenerse en el mercado ante el nuevo contexto. Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias de marketing deportivo utilizadas por los gestores de gimnasios de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, para mantener y atraer nuevos clientes durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a través de entrevista con preguntas preestablecidas, realizadas por la herramienta Google Meet, grabadas para poder transcribirlas y analizarlas. Resultados: Entre las estrategias utilizadas por los seis gestores entrevistados, se destacaron: seguridad y limpieza del gimnasio como marketing; priorización de las relaciones con los clientes como principal forma de retención; el abuso del marketing de bonos; paquetes y cuotas mensuales más atractivas para mantener y al mismo tiempo captar nuevos clientes; y, también el uso de las redes sociales como principal forma de captación. Los problemas encontrados por los gestores fueron similares, con al menos 1/3 apuntando falta de presupuesto específico para el marketing, campañas centralizadas en otras sedes o franquicias, lives ineficientes y el marketing tradicional como una estrategia de muy alto coste. Consideraciones finales: Los gestores necesitaron superar los obstáculos de la pandemia para planificar y promover estrategias de marketing para gimnasios con objetivos, público y tamaño distintos. Todavía hay pocos estudios que relacionen el marketing y el mercado fitness en Brasil, destacando la importancia de más estudios que aborden este tema.

Humanos , Renda
Front Public Health ; 9: 660624, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34900883


Physical activity decreases the risk of long-term health consequences including cardiac diseases. According to the American Health Association (AHA), adults should perform at least 75 min of vigorous physical activity (PA) or 150 min of moderate PA per week to impact long-term health. Results of previous studies are varied and have yet to integrate perceived access to facilities with AHA PA guidelines. We investigated whether access to free or low-cost recreational facilities was associated with meeting the AHA PA guidelines. Methodology: This cross-sectional study utilized data extracted from the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating (FLASHE) database collected in 2017 (n = 1,750). The main exposure variable was access to free or low-cost recreational facilities. The main outcome variable was meeting the AHA guidelines of 150 min moderate PA or 75 min vigorous PA per week. Covariates included age, sex, level of education, overall health, BMI, ethnicity, hours of work per week, income, and time living at current address. Unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression analysis were used to calculate measures of odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Of the 1,750 included participants, 61.7% (n = 1,079) reported to have access to recreational facilities. Of those with access to facilities, 69.9% met AHA PA guidelines while 30.4% did not. After adjusting for covariates, participants who reported access to recreational facilities were 42% more likely to meet AHA PA guidelines compared with participants who did not (adjusted OR 1.42; 95% CI 1.14-1.76). Secondary results suggest that healthier individuals were more likely to have met AHA PA guidelines. Conclusions: Having access to free or low-cost recreational facilities such as parks, walking trails, bike paths and courts was associated with meeting the AHA PA guidelines. Increasing prevalence and awareness of neighborhood recreational facilities could assist in access to these facilities and increase the ability of individuals to meet AHA PA guidelines. Future research should determine which types of recreational facilities impact physical activity strongest and discover methods of increasing their awareness.

Exercício Físico , Fidelidade a Diretrizes , Instalações Esportivas e Recreacionais , Adulto , American Heart Association , Estudos Transversais , Fidelidade a Diretrizes/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Características de Residência , Instalações Esportivas e Recreacionais/estatística & dados numéricos , Estados Unidos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33801099


A Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by a new virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), spreads via direct contact through droplets produced by infected individuals. The transmission of this virus can also occur via indirect contact if objects and surfaces are contaminated by secretions from individuals with COVID-19 or asymptomatic carriers. Environmental contamination with SARS-CoV-2 is high in hospital settings; on the contrary, surface contamination in non-healthcare settings is still poorly studied. In this study, the presence of SARS-CoV-2 on the surfaces of 20 tourist-recreational facilities was investigated by performing a total of 100 swabs on surfaces, including refrigerator handles, handrails, counters, tables, and bathroom access doors. Six (6%) swabs from four (20%) tourist-recreational facilities tested positive for SARS-CoV-2; the surfaces that were involved were toilet door handles, refrigerator handles, handrails, and bar counters. This study highlights that SARS-CoV-2 is also present in non-healthcare environments; therefore, in order to limit this worrying pandemic, compliance with behavioral rules and the adoption of preventive and protective measures are of fundamental importance not only in healthcare or work environments but also in life environments.

COVID-19 , Infecções por Coronavirus , Humanos , Itália/epidemiologia , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 19(1): 53-73, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289166


Resumen Introducción: las personas en condición de discapacidad están expuestas a diferentes barreras físicas o arquitectónicas que impiden su acceso a instalaciones y su participación en actividades físicas, ejercicio y deporte. Esto les dificulta obtener los beneficios que implica su práctica y conduce a un deterioro de su calidad de vida. Materiales y métodos: revisión integradora de estudios cuantitativos a través de la metodología SPIDER, con los siguientes componentes: 1) identificación del problema, 2) búsqueda de literatura, 3) evaluación de datos y 4) análisis de estos. Resultados: se incluyeron 7 estudios en los cuales se evaluaron 429 instalaciones de acondicionamiento con 4 instrumentos de medición, por medio de la puntuación media en porcentajes identificados por el tipo de accesibilidad al entorno físico (al desplazamiento y a la implementación deportiva y recreativa), donde el 0 % es la accesibilidad mínima y el 100 % es la accesibilidad máxima. En ninguno de los estudios incluidos se identificó una media mayor al 60 %. La accesibilidad a la implementación deportiva y recreativa fue la más baja, con el 19.81 %, y la accesibilidad física fue la más alta, con el 57.01 %. Conclusión: las instalaciones de acondicionamiento no son del todo accesibles para personas con discapacidad. Existe la gran necesidad de investigación en la accesibilidad a la implementación deportiva y recreativa en Latinoamérica y fundamentalmente en Colombia.

Abstract Introduction: People with disabilities are often exposed to different physical or architectural barriers that block access to their participation in physical activity, exercise, and sports. This makes it difficult for them to benefit from these facilities which lead to a deterioration in the quality of life for many individuals with disabilities. Materials and Methods: An integrative review of quantitative studies was conducted using the SPIDER methodology with the following components: (i) problem identification, (ii) literature search, (iii) data evaluation, and (iv) data analysis. Results: Seven studies were included in which 429 fitness facilities were evaluated with four measuring instruments including mean ratings in percentages identified by the type of accessibility (physical, displacement, sports and recreational implementation) and whether they were at 0% minimum accessibility or at 100% maximum accessibility. None of the studies that were included obtained a mean score greater than 60%. Accessibility to sports and recreational implementation was at the lowest with 19.81% and physical accessibility was at the highest with 57.01%. Conclusion: Fitness facilities are not entirely accessible for people with disabilities. There is a need for further research to look into accessibility of sports and recreational implementation in Latin America, especially in Colombia.

Resumo Introdução: as pessoas deficientes estão expostas a diferentes barreiras físicas ou arquitetônicas que impedem seu acesso às instalações e participação em atividade física, exercício e esporte, dificultando obter o benefício que a prática de esportes traz, o que prejudica sua qualidade de vida. Materiais e métodos: realizou-se uma revisão integrativa de estudos quantitativos através da metodologia SPIDER com os seguintes componentes: 1) identificação do problema, 2) revisão de literatura, 3) avaliação dos dados e 4) análise de dados. Resultados: foram incluídos sete estudos, nos quais se avaliaram um total de 429 academias com quatro instrumentos de medição, por meio da pontuação média em porcentagem identificada pelo tipo de acesso ao ambiente físico (física, por deslocamento, e aos implementos esportivos e recreativos), sendo 0% acessibilidade mínima e 100% acessibilidade máxima. Em nenhum dos estudos incluídos identificou-se uma média superior a 60%. A acessibilidade aos implementos esportivos e recreativos foi a mais baixa com 19,81% e a acessibilidade física foi a mais alta com 57,01%. Conclusão: as instalações das academias não são completamente acessíveis para pessoas com deficiência. Existe uma grande necessidade de investigação, principalmente na acessibilidade de implementos esportivos e recreativos na América Latina e fundamentalmente, na Colômbia.

Humanos , Acessibilidade Arquitetônica , Pessoas com Deficiência , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Academias de Ginástica , Instalações Esportivas e Recreacionais