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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(2): e15812023, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528366


Resumo Neste estudo com 333 participantes, investigamos como estereótipos raciais e atratividade facial impactam as avaliações morais na área de saúde. Utilizamos imagens de rostos com diferentes níveis de atratividade em cenários de dilemas morais, realizando análises estatísticas, como ANOVA e ANCOVA, para examinar essas interações complexas. Descobrimos que a atratividade física influencia positivamente as avaliações morais apenas em cenários de baixo conflito moral, não se aplicando a situações de alto conflito ou impessoais. A relação entre a cor da pele autodeclarada e o sexo dos participantes só se confirmou em um cenário específico, destacando a complexidade dessas influências. As hipóteses três e quatro, que sugeriam que as identidades racial e moral dos participantes suprimiriam os efeitos dos estereótipos raciais e da atratividade facial, não foram confirmadas. Entretanto, observou-se que o perfil étnico dos rostos, junto com a motivação dos participantes para controlar preconceitos, influenciou positivamente as avaliações morais. Esses resultados são interpretados à luz de teorias sobre atração interpessoal, julgamento moral e relações intergrupais, fornecendo insights importantes para as complexas dinâmicas que moldam as avaliações morais na área da saúde.

Abstract In this study of 333 participants, we investigated how racial stereotypes and facial attractiveness impact moral evaluations in healthcare. We used pictures of faces with different levels of attractiveness in moral dilemma scenarios, performing statistical analyses such as ANOVA and ANCOVA to examine these complex interactions. We found that physical attractiveness positively influences moral evaluations only in low moral conflict scenarios and does not apply to high conflict or impersonal situations. The relationship between self-declared skin color and participants' gender was only confirmed in a specific scenario, highlighting the complexity of these influences. Hypotheses three and four, which suggested that participants' ethnic and moral identity would suppress the effects of racial stereotypes and facial attractiveness, were not confirmed. However, we observed that the ethnic profile of the faces and the participants' motivation to control prejudice positively influenced moral evaluations. These results are interpreted in light of theories on interpersonal attraction, moral judgment, and intergroup relationships, providing essential insights into the complex dynamics that shape moral evaluations in healthcare.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 318-333, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430602


Resumen Las huellas digitales que se dejan al participar de un mundo altamente digitalizado e hiperconectado acompañan a los individuos durante toda su vida y son elementos constitutivos de la identidad digital. Este estudio de caso de tipo descriptivo, no experimental, de corte transversal basado en el paradigma cuantitativo tiene por objetivo describir el yo físico en medios digitales,considerando las diferencias prresentes según el género bajo su conceptualización binaria de hombre y mujer, de manera de identificar conductas estereotípicas que debiesen ser consideradas en el proceso formativo en estudiantes del área de ciencias de la salud chilenos. Se evaluó a 224 estudiantes universitarios a través de una encuesta, para identificar el tipo de información de su yo físico compartido en la red y cuáles son los medios de conectividad que utilizan para ingresar a la red. En términos generales, se concluyó que los universitarios utilizan preferentemente el celular como dispositivo de acceso a internet, son altamente transparentes y veraces al momento de autentificarse en plataformas y redes sociales, pero son las mujeres las más proclives a autentificarse con datos personales fidedignos. Este hecho abre la necesidad de incluir en el proceso formativo de los futuros profesionales de la salud competencias digitales relativas al autocuidado y la gestión identitaria.

Abstract The fingerprints left by participating in a highly digitized and hyper-connected world accompany individuals throughout their lives and are constitutive elements of their digital identity. This descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional case study based on the quantitative paradigm aims to describe the physical self in digital media, according to gender under its binary conceptualization of man and woman, in order to identify stereotypical gender behaviors that should be considered in the training process in students of the Chilean Health Sciences area. From the perspective of the participants, this research considered a non-probabilistic sample of 224 university students (164 women and 60 men) who participated voluntarily. Nonparametric tests were used since the data is ordinal and one of the advantages of these tests is that they should not fit any distribution and can be applied even if the parametric validity conditions are not met. To look for differences by gender, the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test was applied (95 %; .05). Among the relevant results is the fact that men preferably use the internet connection available at home, women choose the one provided by their cell phone (p = .0469 and p = .0404, respectively). Likewise, the cellphone is the main technological device from which both prefer to access the network. From the sample, 79.88 % of women and 76.67 % of men state that they are, at least, 3 hours a day connected to the network. Women tend to identify themselves on digital platforms more frequently than men, using their real name and surname. Meanwhile, men tend to use nicknames more often than women. In this research it was concluded that students in the Health Sciences area are highly truthful in relation to the information they share in digital media, leaving data available that allows for a clear identification of their physical self on the internet. In addition, their main means of connection are their cellphones and the data networks that they provide through the use of their phone plans. There is a clear reflection of correspondence between their face-to-face and digital life, maintaining certain behaviors that can be attributed to gender stereotypes, but to a low degree. Finally, there is a clear need to include aspects related to digital competences in the training process that address the importance and proper management of communications in digital media, as well as the development and management of digital identity from a professional ethics perspective, since their actions on the network can involve and affect not only the construction of their own personal and professional digital identity, but also the personal lives of their patients and colleagues. It is important to note that these conclusions have some limitations, since this research is a cross-sectional study, and the sample was intentional per volunteer subject and not random. This implies that the results obtained are limited to the sample studied and describe its behavior at a given time. However, according to the purpose of the study, this type of sample manages to build a theoretical body that describes the common elements and the differences inherent in a collective case study, so it can be considered a good approximation to the Chilean reality. From a practical point of view, the conclusions of this research provide higher education institutions with evidence that allows progress towards a comprehensive, solid, and coherent training regarding the digital skills required by a university professional graduating in a highly digitized world. Considering the above, it would be advisable to advance in future studies that consider knowing what digital protection measures are incorporated in the training of university students.

Geriatrics (Basel) ; 7(6)2022 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36547266


Current evidence suggests that attitude towards older people may be associated with sociodemographic and educational variables; hence, a positive attitude towards older people is key when training new university professionals. However, there is little evidence of this association in Chilean university students. The objective was to analyze students from a Chilean university's attitudes towards older people, according to sociodemographic and educational variables. Analytical and cross-sectional study; 515 students from a Chilean university were consulted online about their attitude towards older people using Kogan's Attitudes towards Old People scale. Additionally, sociodemographic and educational variables were recorded. The average score for positive attitude was 70.8 (±9.7), while the negative attitude score was 68.3 (±11.6). The total score was 139.1 (±16.6). Mostly, university students perceive themselves with a low-level positive attitude (61.2%). Additionally, older university students (26-42 years old); women; Chileans; students of law, speech therapy, and occupational therapy; students in their final years of the programs; and those who had training in older people outside the university have a more positive attitude towards older people. In Conclusion, a profile of sociodemographic and educational characteristics of students with a lower and higher attitude towards older age was investigated. These results are relevant since the way of seeing the aging process could regulate the training of future professionals and consequently generate changes in dealing with older people. Young people's perception of ageing would affect the treatment and incorporation of the older people in society and the adaptation of policies in this age group.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 15(1): 98-125, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36199526


There are minority and stigmatized groups who face particular challenges to their full participation in society. This study's objective was to conduct a systematic review to determine theoretical and methodological underpinnings in behavioral economics that explain how stigmatization emerges within the relationship processes and social structures of individuals. Data from 1940 to 2019 were sourced from 12 relevant electronic databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Following PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews, 26 studies out of 3459 met the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies applied experimental economics and were published between 2002 and 2018. Overall, the articles focus their research on the experiences of discrimination based on stereotypes and test their hypotheses through economic games. The data synthesis seems to reveal weak conceptual clarity, circular reasoning, and a hint of the problem of infinite regress. Thus, these issues open new and exciting avenues for future research to explore via an array of experimental applications.

Existen grupos minoritarios y estigmatizados que enfrentan retos particulares para lograr su completa participación en sociedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue conducir una revisión sistemática para determinar los cimientos teóricos y metodológicos en economía del comportamiento que explican cómo surge la estigmatización dentro de los procesos de relacionamiento y estructuras sociales de los individuos. Los datos abarcan el período de 1940 a 2019 y se obtuvieron de 12 bases de datos electrónicas relevantes, tales como Scopus y Web of Science. Siguiendo la guía de PRISMA para revisiones sistemáticas, 26 estudios de 3459 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La mayoría de los estudios aplicó economía experimental y fueron publicados entre 2002 y 2018. En general, los artículos enfocan su investigación en experiencias de discriminación basadas en estereotipos y prueban sus hipótesis a través de juegos económicos. La síntesis de los datos parece revelar una débil claridad conceptual, razonamiento circular y un atisbo del problema de regresión infinita. Lo anterior abre nuevas y emocionantes vías de investigación futura para explorar a través de una variedad de aplicaciones experimentales.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(17)2022 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36077881


People's attitudes to animals are becoming increasingly important for the success of invasive species management. We asked college students from Argentina to fill a questionnaire that included a question about their favorite free-living animal. A total of 159 responses were obtained. Native species were significantly less preferred than non-native species. We tested if these preferences were associated with animal stereotypes. The stereotype hypothesis predicts that animals from the contemptible stereotype (invertebrate, rodents, and reptiles) should be the least preferred taxa, and animals from the protective stereotype (pets, horses, and primates) should be the most preferred taxa; animals from the subordination (lagomorphs and birds) and threatening-awe stereotype (large carnivores) should show intermediate preferences. The first prediction was supported. However, students showed significant preference for non-native taxa included in the threatening-awe stereotype. We proposed that people prefer large carnivores (stereotypically strong, intelligent, and beautiful animals) when they are exotic, because they did not represent a risk.

Front Psychol ; 13: 912941, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35903724


Even though formal processes (i.e., gender quotes) are necessary to achieve gender justice, attitudinal changes (i.e., support of egalitarian social norms) are also essential. The endorsement of sexism and gender stereotypes perpetuate inequality on a daily basis, and can be seen as barriers that prevent societies from reaching social justice. Therefore, changing sexist social norms can be understood as a fundamental step in accomplishing gender justice. With the aim of studying Chileans' sexist norms, we conducted a survey with a representative sample (N = 490) exploring levels of sexism and gender stereotypes, as well as support for the feminist movement. Using Latent Profile Analysis, we identified four groups of citizens: (1) a first group that shows high levels of sexism and low support for the feminist movement (9%); (2) a second group, with low levels of sexism and high support for the feminist movement (20%); (3) a third group with high levels of sexism and high support for the feminist movement (65%); and (4) a fourth group with mid-levels of sexism and support of the feminist movement (6%). We called these groups the Sexist, Feminist, Inconsistent, and Moderate Group, respectively. The four groups showed similar high endorsement of gender stereotypes. These results are twofold. First, they hint that although nowadays gender equality seems to be generally accepted, this coexists with a high prevalence of sexist social norms, represented by the inconsistent group being the most prevalent. Second, gender stereotypes are still deeply rooted in Chilean culture, surprisingly even among feminist citizens.

Front Public Health ; 10: 880171, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35774582


This article deals with cultural stereotypes toward Central American migrants in the Mexican healthcare system, which lead to the naturalization of the supposed cultural characteristics of these new users. Based on 21 interviews of health and administrative staff in the state of Nuevo Leon (northeastern Mexico), it shows the first recourse to culturalist explanations to describe any phenomenon related to migrants' health. According to this perspective, the health of migrants, their relation to illness, and their patterns of seeking healthcare would be mainly determined by characteristic cultural traits, which justify their penurious attendance at health centers, and their low adherence to treatments. The culturalist explanation of migrants' health behaviors may influence the care they receive, as well as their adherence to treatment, which ultimately reinforces the health inequalities initially highlighted. This culturalist excess is partly explained by the incorrect understanding of the directives of health authorities in favor of the integration of an intercultural perspective in healthcare. Despite some ongoing training in this area, it does not seem sufficient to correct this situation effectively.

Migrantes , América Central , Atenção à Saúde , Humanos , Idioma , México
Suma psicol ; 29(1): 1-10, jan.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395163


Resumo Introdução: Os estereótipos de género dizem respeito a crenças partilhadas sobre os atributos físicos, psicológicos e comportamentais de homens e mulheres. De acordo com a literatura, observa-se alguma variabilidade nos estereótipos para a categoria mulher, em função de serem associadas a uma de três subcategorias: mulher tradicional, mulher independente e mulher sexy. Este estudo pretendeu observar os estereótipos predominantes e diferenciadores de cada tipo de mulher e a formação de impressões numa amostra portuguesa. Método: Os participantes (N = 78), distribuídos em 6 condições de acordo com o design experimental 3 (tipo de mulher: tradicional, independente vs. sexy) x 2 (sexo do participante: homem vs. mulher), deveriam, com base numa descrição prévia, indicar a área profissional, aparência física e modo de vestir da mulher alvo e formar uma impressão em termos dos atributos calorosa e competente. Resultados: Os resultados indicam maiores avaliações de calor para a mulher tradicional, pouca variabilidade nas avaliações de competência e as respostas obtidas através da análise semântica conferem diferentes imagens para os três subgrupos de mulher. Conclusões: Os resultados confirmam parcialmente as hipóteses e são discutidos com base nas implicações para a literatura dos estereótipos de género.

Abstract Introduction: Gender stereotypes are beliefs about the physical, psychological, and behavioral attributes of men and women. According to the literature, there is some variability in stereotypes for the woman category, as they are associated with one of three subcategories: traditional woman, independent woman, and sexy woman. This study aimed to observe the predominant and differentiating stereotypes of each type of woman and the formation of impressions in a Portuguese sample. Method: Participants (N = 78), distributed in 6 conditions according to the experimental design 3 (woman type: traditional, independent vs. sexy) x 2 (participant's gender: male vs. female), should base on a previous description indicate the professional field, physical appearance and dress of the target woman and form an impression in terms of warm and competent attributes. Results: The results indicate higher warmth ratings for traditional women, little variability in competency ratings, and the responses obtained through semantic analysis provide different images for the three subgroups of women. Conclusions: The results partially confirm the hypotheses and are discussed based on the implications for the gender stereotypes` literature.

Psicol. rev ; 31(1): 67-89, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1399303


O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão integrativa da lite-ratura referente aos estudos científicos que envolvessem a representação social e a surdez. Para isso, realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados, PePSIC, LILACS, PsycINFO (APA) e Scopus (Elsevier), por meio da plataforma Periódicos CAPES no mês de setembro do ano 2020. Os descritores foram: representação social, surdez, surdo e deficiente auditivo, na língua portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola. Foram analisados 11 artigos e com resultados acerca das populações surda e ouvinte. Nos artigos com pessoas surdas observam--se temáticas sobre identidade, cultura e direitos enquanto cidadãos para dirimirem e modificarem os estereótipos acerca da surdez. As pesquisas com os ouvintes foram realizadas com os familiares e a sociedade de modo geral, tendo como destaque representações baseadas em estereótipos negativos e aspectos limitantes. Ademais, sugerem-se novas produções cientificas que deem continuidade à teoria das representações sociais associadas com outros aspectos que envolvam a surdez e tenham como amostra, a comunidade surda.

The present study aimed to carry out an integrative review of the literature regarding scientific studies involving social representation and deafness. For this, a search was carried out in the databases, PePSIC, LILACS, PsycINFO (APA) and Scopus (Elsevier), through the platform Periodicals CAPES, in September 2020. The descriptors were: representation social, deaf, deaf and hearing impaired, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Eleven articles were analyzed with abouth the deaf, and hearing populations. In the articles with deaf people, themes about identity, culture and rights as citizens are observed to resolve and modify stereotypes about deafness. Surveys with listeners were carried out with family members and society in general, highli-ghting representations based on negative stereotypes and limiting aspects. Furthermore, new scientific productions are suggested that give continuity to the theory of social representations associated with other aspects that involve deafness and have the deaf community as a sample.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una revisión integradora de la literatura sobre estudios científicos que involucran la representación social y la sordera. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos, PePSIC, LILACS, PsycINFO (APA) y Scopus (Elsevier), a través de la plataforma de Publicaciones CAPES, en septiembre de 2020. Los descriptores fueron: representación social, sordo, sordo y con discapacidad auditiva, en portugués, inglés y español. Se analizaron once artículos con resultados sobre la población sorda y auditiva. En los artículos con personas sordas se observan temas sobre identidad, cultura y derechos como ciudadanos para resolver y modificar estereotipos sobre la sordera. Se realizaron encuestas con los oyentes a familiares y sociedad en general, destacando representaciones basadas en estereotipos negativos y aspectos limitantes. Además, se sugieren nuevas producciones científicas que dan continuidad a la teoría de las representaciones sociales asociadas a otros aspectos que involucran la sordera y tienen como muestra a la comunidad sorda.

Humanos , Surdez , Representação Social , Comportamento Social , Estereotipagem , Família , Crianças com Deficiência/psicologia
Front Psychiatry ; 13: 1027799, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36620673


Background: Currently, there is no standard treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), but there are many ways to minimize the symptoms and maximize abilities. Some studies suggest that exercise and other physical activities with children with ASD may be beneficial. In this study, we hypothesized that a physical exercise program (48-week exercise-intervention) could improve symptomatology dyad among children and adolescents with ASD. Our main aim was to examine the effects of physical activity on the primary clinical symptoms and associated comorbidities in children and adolescents with ASD. Methods: We allocated 229 children with ASD, ranging in age from 2.3-17.3 years (M = 7.8, SD = 3.2), into three groups: (a) exercise- intervention group, (b) control group from the same institution, and (c) control group from another institution. The exercise program was performed at moderate intensity in a 30 min section twice a week for 48 weeks. We used Bayesian multilevel regression modeling to examine participant outcomes and responses to the exercise-intervention. Results: Our results showed that a 48-week exercise-intervention substantially decreased ASD social interaction problems, attention deficit, emotional reactivity, stereotypical verbal and motor behavior, and sleep disturbances. However, physical exercise did not affect eye contact and food selectivity. We also observed that ASD severity and socioeconomic status influence eye contact, attention deficit, and sleep disturbance responses. Conclusion: In conclusion, children and adolescents with ASD exposed to a 48-week physical exercise-intervention program had important improvements in ASD symptoms. This study highlights that structured exercise programs can be a powerful complementary therapy for the ASD population.

Brain Behav ; 11(10): e2341, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34472728


BACKGROUND: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is considered a neurodevelopmental condition that is characterized by alterations in social interaction and communication, as well as patterns of restrictive and repetitive behaviors (RRBs). RRBs are defined as broad behaviors that comprise stereotypies, insistence on sameness, and attachment to objects or routines. RRBs can be divided into lower-level behaviors (motor, sensory, and object-manipulation behaviors) and higher-level behaviors (restrictive interests, insistence on sameness, and repetitive language). According to the DSM-5, the grade of severity in ASD partially depends on the frequency of RRBs and their consequences for disrupting the life of patients, affecting their adaptive skills, and increasing the need for parental support. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review to examine the biopsychological correlates of the symptomatic domains of RRBs according to the type of RRBs (lower- or higher-level). We searched for articles from the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) using the terms: autism spectrum disorders, ASD, and autism-related to executive functions, inhibitory control, inflexibility, cognitive flexibility, hyper or hypo connectivity, and behavioral approaches. For describing the pathophysiological mechanism of ASD, we also included animal models and followed PRISMA guidelines. RESULTS: One hundred and thirty-one articles were analyzed to explain the etiology, continuance, and clinical evolution of these behaviors observed in ASD patients throughout life. CONCLUSIONS: Biopsychological correlates involved in the origin of RRBs include alterations in a) neurotransmission system, b) brain volume, c) inadequate levels of growth factors, d) hypo- or hyper-neural connectivity, e) impairments in behavioral inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and monitoring and f) non-stimulating environments. Understanding these lower- and higher-level of RRBs can help professionals to improve or design novel therapeutic strategies.

Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Transtorno Autístico , Cognição , Função Executiva , Humanos , Comportamento Estereotipado
Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 13(3): 117-130, jul.-set. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351584


O comer emocional é um impulso alimentar direcionado pelas emoções e relaciona-se com uma baixa autoestima. Essas representações e crenças mentais compartilhadas são estereótipos. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, identificar as relações entre comer emocional, autoestima e estereótipos em 717 participantes, majoritariamente mulheres (93,7%). A coleta de dados ocorreu on-line, com aplicação dos instrumentos: Sociodemográfico, Subescala da Alimentação Emocional, Escala de Autoestima e Escala de Estereótipos do Comer Emocional. Os resultados apontam correlações significativas entre autoestima, comer emocional e estereótipos negativos. Uma autoestima negativa se relaciona com uma maior tendência de possuir o comer emocional. O comer emocional se associa a estereótipos negativos, exemplo: mentiroso e fraco. Esses achados levantam questões de como é válido o papel da autoestima e dos estereótipos negativos no comportamento alimentar. Acredita-se que esta pesquisa tenha valor significativo para a literatura sobre comer emocional.

Emotional eating is the impulse in food consumption in response to emotions and is related to low self-esteem. These shared mental representations and beliefs are stereotypes. The aim of this study was to identify the relationships between emotional eating, self-esteem and stereotypes in 717 participants (93.7% women). Data collection occurred on-line with the application of the following instruments: Sociodemographic, Emotional Food Subscale, Self-Esteem Scale and Stereotypes of Emotional Eating Scale. The results point to significant correlations between self-esteem, emotional eating and negative stereotypes. A negative self-esteem is related to a greater tendency to have emotional eating. Emotional eating is associated with negative stereotypes, e.g. liar and weakling. These findings raise questions about how the role of self-esteem and negative stereotypes in eating behavior is valid.

El comer emocional es un impulso alimentario impulsado por las emociones y está relacionado con una baja autoestima. Estas creencias y representaciones mentales compartidas son estereotipos. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las relaciones entre el comer emocional, la autoestima y los estereotipos en 717 participantes, en su mayoría mujeres (93,7%). La recolección de datos se realizó en línea con la aplicación de los siguientes instrumentos: Sociodemográfico, Subescala de Alimentación Emocional, Escala de Autoestima y Escala de Estereotipos del Comer Emocional. Los resultados apuntan a correlaciones significativas entre la autoestima, la alimentación emocional y los estereotipos negativos. Una autoestima negativa se relaciona con una mayor tendencia a tener una alimentación emocional. La alimentación emocional se asocia con estereotipos negativos, por ejemplo, mentiroso y debilucho. Estos hallazgos plantean preguntas sobre cómo es válido el papel de la autoestima y los estereotipos negativos en la conducta alimentaria.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411792


Determinar la asociación entre autoestigma de la depresión y factores sociodemográficos, historia personal y parental de depresión, sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, y calidad de vida en adolescentes. Método: Estudio transversal correlacional, en una muestra de 192 adolescentes (8º básico a 3º medio) de tres colegios particulares subvencionados de Santiago, Chile, se aplicaron cuestionarios de factores sociodemográficos, autoestigma de la depresión, sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, y calidad de vida. Los datos se analizaron con prueba t de Student, ANOVA, coeficiente de Pearson y Regresión Lineal. Resultados: No hubo diferencias en autoestigma de depresión entre hombres y mujeres. Fue mayor el autoestigma de la depresión en adolescentes que sospechaban que habían tenido o tenían depresión, referían que su madre o padre habían tenido depresión, tenían mayor sintomatología depresiva y/o ansiosa y menor calidad de vida. Conclusión: La presencia de depresión en los progenitores progenitores (madre y/o padre), así como el desconocimiento de los adolescentes respecto a si ellos presentan el cuadro clínico, se relaciona con mayor autoestigma de la depresión en los adolescentes, lo que inhibe la búsqueda de ayuda.

To determine the association between self-stigma of depression and sociodemographic factors, personal and parental history of depression, anxious and depressive symptomatology, and quality of life in adolescents. Methods: Non-experimental cross-sectional and correlational study. A total of 192 adolescents from 8th grade to 11th grade from three private subsidized schools in Santiago, Chile, answered questionnaires on sociodemographic factors, self-stigma of depression, anxious and depressive symptomatology, and quality of life. Data were analyzed with Student's t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's coefficient and linear regression. Results: There were no differences in self-stigma of depression between men and women. Self-stigma of depression was higher in adolescents who suspected that they had had or had depression, who reported that their mother or father had had depression, who had greater depressive and/or anxious symptomatology and lower quality of life. Conclusion: The presence of depression in the parents (mother and / or father) as well as the lack of knowledge of adolescents regarding whether they have depression is related to greater self-stigma of depression which inhibits the help-seeking in adolescents.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Autoimagem , Depressão/diagnóstico , Depressão/psicologia , Estigma Social , Ansiedade/psicologia , Qualidade de Vida , Chile , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Depressão/epidemiologia
Front Psychol ; 12: 589429, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34276460


Immediate contextual information and world knowledge allow comprehenders to anticipate incoming language in real time. The cognitive mechanisms that underlie such behavior are, however, still only partially understood. We examined the novel idea that gender attitudes may influence how people make predictions during sentence processing. To this end, we conducted an eye-tracking experiment where participants listened to passive-voice sentences expressing gender-stereotypical actions (e.g., "The wood is being painted by the florist") while observing displays containing both female and male characters representing gender-stereotypical professions (e.g., florists, soldiers). In addition, we assessed participants' explicit gender-related attitudes to explore whether they might predict potential effects of gender-stereotypical information on anticipatory eye movements. The observed gaze pattern reflected that participants used gendered information to predict who was agent of the action. These effects were larger for female- vs. male-stereotypical contextual information but were not related to participants' gender-related attitudes. Our results showed that predictive language processing can be moderated by gender stereotypes, and that anticipation is stronger for female (vs. male) depicted characters. Further research should test the direct relation between gender-stereotypical sentence processing and implicit gender attitudes. These findings contribute to both social psychology and psycholinguistics research, as they extend our understanding of stereotype processing in multimodal contexts and regarding the role of attitudes (on top of world knowledge) in language prediction.

Rev. Psicol. Saúde ; 13(2): 181-195, abr,-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347088


O distanciamento sanitário imposto pela pandemia da covid-19 vem gerando repercussões em inúmeros contextos, entre eles, o das relações familiares, cujas rotinas foram repentina e abruptamente transformadas. Em questão de poucas semanas, o espaço doméstico teve de ser adaptado para atender a demandas profissionais, escolares e de lazer. Este estudo objetivou analisar categorias estereotípicas de família e casal no contexto da pandemia presentes em imagens humorísticas veiculadas pelas redes sociais. Os resultados desta pesquisa de inspiração netnográfica com análise de conteúdo indicam a percepção de aprisionamento, sendo a mulher vista como carcereira e o marido oscilando entre vítima passiva ou rebelada, o que naturaliza situações de agressão, situação intensificada quando há filhos. Constata-se a perpetuação de injustiça em relação à imagem da mulher, tradicionalmente mais onerada pelas atividades familiares e vista como vilã no casamento.

The sanitary distancing imposed by the covid-19 pandemic has had repercussions in many contexts, including family relationships, whose routines were suddenly and abruptly transformed. In a matter of a few weeks, the domestic space had to be adapted to meet professional, school, and leisure demands. This study aimed to analyze stereotypical categories of family and couple in the context of the pandemic present in humorous images broadcast by social networks. The results of content analysis in this netnographic-inspired research indicate the perception of imprisonment, with the woman being seen as a jailer and the husband oscillating between a passive or rebellious victim, which naturalizes situations of aggression, an intensified situation when there are children. There is a perpetuation of injustice concerning the image of women, traditionally more burdened by family activities and seen as a villain in marriage.

La distancia sanitaria impuesta por la pandemia de covid-19 ha tenido repercusiones en muchos contextos, incluidas las relaciones familiares, cuyas rutinas se transformaron repentina y abruptamente. En pocas semanas, el espacio doméstico tuvo que adaptarse a las demandas profesionales, escolares y de recreación. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar categorías estereotipadas de familia y pareja en el contexto de la pandemia presentes en imágenes humorísticas difundidas por las redes sociales. Los resultados de esta investigación de inspiración netnográfica con análisis de contenido señalan la percepción del encarcelamiento, siendo la mujer vista como carcelera y el marido oscilando entre víctima pasiva o rebelde, lo que naturaliza situaciones de agresión, situación que se agudiza cuando hay hijos. Hay una perpetuación de la injusticia en relación con la imagen de la mujer, tradicionalmente más agobiada por las actividades familiares y vista como una villana en el matrimonio.

Am J Primatol ; 83(7): e23265, 2021 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33899942


Wild robust capuchins (Sapajus spp.) are omnivorous neotropical primates that live in relatively large groups in extensive home and daily ranges with activity budgets dominated by traveling, foraging, and object manipulation, meaning that enclosed spaces can result in significant deprivation. Space restriction, manipulation by caretakers, and the chronic presence of visitors, can disrupt the animals' welfare, altering their normal activities and inducing stress behaviors. We aimed to study the behavioral repertoire, activity budget, and frequency of stress behaviors (stereotypes and self-directed behaviors) between two captive groups of robust capuchins in a public zoo in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, to understand how much their behavioral homeostasis has been affected. More specifically, we assessed the effect of environmental variables (temperature, relative air humidity, number of visitors, and food management) and sex on the frequency of stress behaviors. Capuchins showed a high frequency of stress behaviors, which represented around 10% of their activity budget (though the frequencies were unevenly distributed among the individuals), and traveling was positively correlated with stereotypes. We found that high relative air humidity appears to induce more stereotypes, high numbers of visitors appear to increase self-directed and vigilance behaviors and reduce stereotypes, food management can increase both kinds of stress behaviors, and females demonstrated more frequent stress behaviors than males, but individual variation may play a role. Capuchins in the group with a greater space restriction showed more stereotypes, while those in the group with more individuals showed more self-directed behaviors. Our study shows that the stress behaviors performed by the capuchins are complex and it is difficult to determine a single cause, because many traits could be involved. Despite that, this study enlightens us to direct some approaches to help these animals to meet their ecological and social needs, mitigating their stress.

Sapajus , Bem-Estar do Animal , Animais , Animais de Zoológico , Comportamento Animal , Cebus , Feminino , Umidade , Masculino
Salud UNINORTE ; 37(1): 205-219, ene.-abr. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365976


RESUMEN La diabetes es una epidemia a nivel mundial. Los factores psicosociales han sido reconocidos como un elemento importante en el manejo y control de la enfermedad. El estigma asociado a la diabetes ha emergido recientemente como un nuevo factor psicosocial que afecta negativamente la salud de los pacientes con diabetes. Sin embargo, la evidencia reciente en torno a este fenómeno aún no ha sido sintetizada. Esta revisión narrativa de literatura aborda: (i) elementos conceptuales y epidemiológicos que contribuyen a la comprensión del fenómeno y su magnitud; (ii) los factores psicosociales, conductuales y fisiológicos involucrados en la relación entre el estigma asociado a la diabetes y los resultados en salud en pacientes con la enfermedad; (iii) desafíos y posibles áreas de investigación.

ABSTRACT Diabetes is a worldwide epidemic. Psychosocial factors have been recognized as an essential element in the management and control of this disease. The diabetes surrounding stigma has recently emerged as a new psychosocial factor that negatively affects patient's health. However, the recent evidence regarding this phenomenon has not been summarized. This narrative literature review address: (i) conceptual and epidemiological elements that contribute to understanding this phenomenon and its magnitude; (ii) the psychosocial, behavioral, and physiological factors involved in the relationship between diabetes stigma and health outcomes in patients with the disease; (iii) challenges and possible research areas.

Interaçao psicol ; 25(1): 66-77, jan.-abr. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512103


A Lei de Cotas em concurso público promove a inserção das pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho, buscando minimizar desigualdades historicamente construídas. Para a compreensão desse fenômeno, esse estudo buscou compreender a percepção de servidores públicos a respeito da Lei de Cotas para as pessoas com deficiência e os estereótipos atribuídos a elas. Foram analisadas 44 entrevistas com funcionários de uma organização pública através da análise de conteúdo e da teoria do Modelo de Conteúdo de Estereótipo (MCE). Os resultados mostraram que, apesar da predominância de concordância com a Lei de Cotas, ainda podem ser identificadas críticas à reserva de vagas, atribuindo a essa ação a pena de violação do princípio da isonomia e de privilégio. As pessoas com deficiência passam a ser vistas como ameaças para algumas pessoas, o que pode ser interpretado como uma alteração das dimensões sociais do MCE mudando de alta cordialidade e baixa competência para baixa cordialidade e baixa competência. Esses resultados indicam a importância de ampliar ações organizacionais, adicionais ao cumprimento da Lei, com vistas a minimizar as exclusões sociais. Limites da pesquisa e possibilidades de contribuição para a ampliação do conhecimento e para a prática também são discutidos.

The Quota Law in public tenders promotes the insertion of disabled people in the labour market, seeking to minimize inequalities historically constructed. To understand this phenomenon, this study sought to understand the perception of public servants regarding the Quota Law for disabled people and the stereotypes attributed to them. 44 interviews with employees of a public organization were analyzed through content analysis and the theory of the Stereotype Content Model (MCE). The results showed that, in spite of the predominance of agreement with the Quota Law, criticisms of the reservation of vacancies can still be identified, attributing to this action the penalty of violation of the principle of isonomy and privilege. Disabled people are seen as threats to some people, which can be interpreted as a change in the social dimensions of MCE, changing from high cordiality and low competence to low cordiality and low competence. These results indicate the importance of expanding organizational actions, in addition to complying with the Law, in order to minimize social exclusions. Limits of research and possibilities of contribution to the expansion of knowledge and practice are also discussed.

Public Health Nutr ; 24(15): 4840-4850, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33602372


OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between family environment variables (parenting styles, family meal atmosphere), gender-based stereotypes and food intake in Latin American adolescents. DESIGN: Structural equation modelling applied to cross-sectional data, 2017. SETTING: Urban and rural sites of San José, Costa Rica. PARTICIPANTS: n 813; 13-18 years old. RESULTS: Data suggest direct associations between gender-based stereotypes and intake of fruits and vegetables (FV) (ß = 0·20, P < 0·05), unhealthy foods (fast food (FF)) (ß = -0·24, P < 0·01) and ultra-processed foods (ß = -0·15, P < 0·05) among urban girls; intake of legumes among rural girls (ß = 0·16, P < 0·05) and intake of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) among rural boys (ß = 0·22, P < 0·05). Family meal atmosphere was associated with legume intake (ß = 0·19, P <·05) among rural girls. Authoritative parenting style was associated with FV intake (ß = 0·23, P < 0·05) among urban boys and FF intake (ß = 0·17, P < 0·05) among urban girls. Authoritarian parenting style was associated with FV consumption (ß = 0·19, P < 0·05) among rural boys, and with SSB and FF consumption (ß = 0·21, P < 0·05; ß = 0·14, P < 0·05, respectively) among urban girls. CONCLUSIONS: Findings are the first to describe the complex family environment and gender-based stereotypes within the context of a Latin American country. They emphasise the need for culturally relevant measurements to characterise the sociocultural context in which parent-adolescent dyads socialise and influence food consumption.

Comportamento Alimentar , Verduras , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Ingestão de Alimentos , Humanos , Poder Familiar