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Rev. bioét. derecho ; (59): 165-179, Nov. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-226620


Se aborda estudio al tema de maternidad subrogada o gestación por sustitución respecto de la nación mexicana y la nación brasileña, los cuales como países independientes, ubicados en diferentes puntos geográficos y con idiomas distintos, tienen encomún, compartir un mismo continente, concentrar gran número de población y contar con la presencia de maternidad subrogada, donde si bien, dicha figura se hace presente en otros países del mundo, por la amplitud y complejidad del tema; solo se toma especial estudio a las dos naciones señaladas, en intención de conocer el estado actual de esta figura procreativa, en particular respecto de la participación de la gestante sustituta en México o donadora temporal del útero como es conocida en Brasil, a través de realizar un estudio comparado que permita comprender la evolución, desarrollo y mecanismos legales actuales de la figura procreativa en comento, con propósito de ofrecer propuesta de mejora a la legislación mexicana en proceso de construcción. Se realiza un estudio jurídico de tipo cualitativo, donde se aplica el método deductivo e inductivo, dogmático y exegético; el estudio es pertinente, actual y de interés general en el ámbito nacional e internacional.(AU)

Es realitza un estudi sobre el tema de la gestació subrogada o substitució gestacional en relació a la nació mexicana i la nació brasilera, les quals, com a països independents situats en diferents ubicacions geogràfiques i amb idiomes diferents, tenen en comú el fet de compartir el mateix continent, concentrar una gran població i comptar amb la pràctica de la gestació subrogada. Tot i que aquesta figura està present en altres països del món, a causa de l'amplitud i complexitat del tema, es realitza un estudi especial sobre les dues nacions esmentades amb la intenció de conèixer l'estat actual d'aquesta forma de reproducció, especialment pel que fa a la participació de la gestant substituta a Mèxic o de la donadora temporal d'úter, com és coneguda a Brasil. Aquest estudi comparatiu permet comprendre l'evolució, el desenvolupament i els mecanismes legals actuals d'aquesta pràctica reproductiva, amb l'objectiu de proposar millores a la legislació mexicana en procés de construcció. L'estudi és de tipus jurídic qualitatiu i aplica mètodes deductius i inductius, dogmàtics i exegètics. Aquest estudi és rellevant, actual i d'interès general tant a nivell nacional com internacional.(AU)

A study on the subject of surrogate motherhood or surrogacy is addressed with respect to the Mexican nation and the Brazilian nation, which as independent countries, located in different geographical points and with different languages, have in common, share the same continent, concentrate large number of population and have the presence of surrogate motherhood, where although this figure is present in other countries of the world, due to the breadth and complexity of the subject; Only a special study is taken of the two mentioned nations, with the intention of knowing the current status of this procreative figure, particularly regarding the participation of the surrogate pregnant woman in Mexico or temporary donor of the uterus as it is known in Brazil, through carrying out a comparative study that allows to understand the evolution, development and current legal mechanisms of the procreative figure in question, with the purpose of offering an improvement proposal to the Mexican legislation in the process of construction. A qualitative legal study is carried out, where the deductive and inductive, dogmatic and exegetical method is applied; the study is pertinent, current and of general interest at the national and international level.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Gestantes , Técnicas Reprodutivas , Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida , México , Brasil
Rev. bioét. derecho ; (56): 93-105, Nov. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-210238


El presente artículo tiene el propósito de reflexionar sobre un reciente caso de triple filiación desde el nacimiento en Argentina que constituye una nueva forma de coparentalidad. Para ello, en primer lugar, realizo una descripción de los hechos y la sentencia. En segundo lugar, refiero que los feminismos y los movimientos por la diversidad han colaborado en comprensiones y prácticas más respetuosas y dinámicas de lainstitución familiar en clara oposición al neoconservadurismo. Luego planteo que la defensa de dicho dinamismo familiar fundado no debiera llevarnos a defender cualquier camino para la consecución del proyecto familiar, puntualmente en el caso de varones solos o en pareja. Por ello, diferencio los modos que usualmente tienen para alcanzar la paternidad con el objetivo de mostrar cómo la coparentalidad y la adopción son moralmente aceptables mientras que la subrogación del embarazo es cuestionable éticamente.(AU)

El present article té el propòsit de reflexionar sobre un recent cas de triple filiació des del naixement a l'Argentina que constitueix una nova forma de coparentalitat. Per a això, en primer lloc, realitzo una descripció dels fets i la sentència. En segon lloc, refereixo que els feminismes i els moviments per la diversitat han col·laborat en comprensions i pràctiques més respectuoses i dinàmiques de la institució familiar en clara oposició al neoconservadurisme. Després plantejo que la defensa d'aquest dinamisme familiar fundat no hagués de portar-nos a defensar qualsevol camí per a la consecució del projecte familiar, puntualment en el cas d'homes sols o en parella. Per això, diferencio les maneres que usualment tenen per a aconseguir la paternitat amb l'objectiu de mostrar com la coparentalitat i l'adopció són moralment acceptables mentre que la subrogació de l'embaràs és qüestionable èticament.(AU)

The purpose of this article is to analyze on a recent case of triple filiation from birth in Argentina, whichconstitutes a new form of co-parenting. In order to do so, firstly, I describe the facts and the judicial sentence. Secondly, I explain that feminisms and diversity movements have collaborated in more respectful and dynamic understandings and practices of the family institution in clear opposition to neoconservatism. Then I argue that the defense of such family dynamism should not lead us to defend any path for the achievement of the family project, especially in the case of single men or couples. Therefore, I differentiate the ways they usually have to achieve parenthood in order to show how co-parenting and adoption are morally acceptable while pregnancy surrogacy is ethically questionable.(AU)

Humanos , Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos , Pais , Mães Substitutas , Família , Técnicas Reprodutivas , Poder Familiar , Reprodução , Feminismo , Família Monoparental , Bioética , Temas Bioéticos , Direitos Humanos , Argentina , Adoção
Investig. desar. ; 29(1): 155-177, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1346392


RESUMEN La gestación por sustitución contribuye a la transformación de las concepciones sociales de la filiación y los cambios en las estrategias reproductivas de las familias. En la presente contribución se relaciona la teoría de la atención reproductiva transfronteriza con las teorías posmodernas de la vida familiar, con el propósito de explorar qué temáticas, elementos y contenidos utilizan las agencias intermediarias de gestación por sustitución que tienen por destinatarios a las madres y padres de intención españoles. Se utiliza la metodología cualitativa y la técnica de análisis de contenido temático tras el registro de la información online recogida de las agencias. Los resultados evidencian el papel de estas agencias mediadoras en los procesos de gestación por sustitución en España, además de generar conocimiento en el área de las nuevas formas familiares constituidas mediante técnicas de reproducción asistida.

ABSTRACT Substitution pregnancy contributes to the transformation of social conceptions of filiation and changes in the reproductive strategies of families. This contribution relates the theory of cross-border reproductive care with post-modern theories of family life in order to explore which themes, elements and contents are used by intermediary surrogate pregnancy agencies which target Spanish mothers and fathers. The qualitative methodology and the technique of thematic content analysis after registration of the online information collected from the agencies is used. The results show the role of these intermediary agencies in the process of gestation by substitution in Spain, as well as generating knowledge in the area of new family forms constituted by assisted reproduction techniques.

Pais , Técnicas Reprodutivas , Estratégias de Saúde , Fertilização , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Conhecimento , Vida , Custos e Análise de Custo
J Hum Reprod Sci ; 12(3): 262-266, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31576087


A 31-year-old woman, who is a known case of polycystic ovary syndrome, underwent modified radical hysterectomy and right ovarian transposition to the anterior abdominal wall for endometrioid adenocarcinoma Grade II. She then visited our facility for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy in the year 2016. Three cycles of IVF were performed using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist in the first two attempts and GnRH agonist in the third attempt, with percutaneous technique of oocyte retrieval from the transpositioned right ovary. In the third attempt in July 2017, we were able to retrieve five oocytes and subsequently froze three embryos and one blastocyst. The surrogate underwent sequential transfer in June 2018 which resulted in a positive clinical singleton pregnancy. The outcome of IVF following percutaneous oocyte retrieval led to a successful pregnancy and subsequent delivery by emergency cesarean by a healthy female baby on February 16, 2019. This is the first reported case of ovarian hyperstimulation and percutaneous aspiration of oocytes from a transpositioned right ovary (subcutaneous plane) in our country. Global literature survey revealed publications only of transabdominal retrieval of ovaries moved above the pelvic brim.

Int J Womens Health ; 10: 617-622, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30410408


PURPOSE: This study aims at investigating the perspectives of Jordanian medical and paramedical students on surrogate pregnancy. METHODS: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study design was used. The sample consisted of n=328 students of both genders. The questionnaire responses were numerically coded and analyzed across gender and the level of education. RESULTS: Approximately, 18% of the students reported good awareness about the ethical dilemmas of surrogacy. The results showed a general reluctance to accept surrogate pregnancy as the majority (80.5% of male students and 97.6% of female students) had a negative attitude toward surrogacy. In addition, undergraduate students were less supportive to surrogate pregnancy than graduate students. Religious considerations were the main reason (accounts for about 70%) for driving negative attitude toward surrogacy. CONCLUSION: The findings of the study indicate a general reluctance toward accepting the concept of surrogate pregnancy, which is mainly due to religious reasons.

Acta bioeth ; 23(2): 227-235, jul. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-886023


Resumen: avances biotecnológicos son abrumadores y la realidad social cambia con ellos. En efecto, la nueva ley en España sobre los matrimonios homosexuales ha propiciado que parejas de mujeres y de hombres que se casan puedan procrear no solo mediante la adopción, sino también por la fecundación in vitro. Así, la gestación por sustitución se está convirtiendo en la vía preferente para que parejas heterosexuales u homosexuales con problemas específicos, parejas de hombres y para el varón sin pareja puedan tener descendencia. Esta situación crea múltiples conflictos éticos y jurídicos difíciles de resolver: filiación del menor, mercantilización de la mujer, instrumentalización y compraventa de niños, etc. En este artículo se analizarán los aspectos bioéticos en conflicto, sin olvidar la regulación jurídica que existe al respecto.

Abstract: We find ourselves in a time of far reaching biotechnological breakthroughs and alongside with this, society is also experiencing changes. In this sense, new regulations regarding homosexual marriage have opened an scenario where same sex couples of men or women, may "procreate", not only by means of adoption - not permitted for homosexual couples in many countries - but also through in vitro fertilization. For this reason, surrogate pregnancy is becoming the option of choice enabling heterosexual couples with specific problems, male couples, and males without a female partner to have a child. Indeed, as surrogate pregnancy techniques proliferates, ethical conflicts arise: the possibility of men to have their own children, problems relating filiation, instrumentalization of women and babies, legal solutions given by different European countries. In this article, both bioethical and legal issues regarding surrogate pregnancy will be analyse looking for the best interest of the minors.

Resumo: Os avanços biotecnológicos são avassaladores e a realidade social se transforma com eles. Com efeito, a nova lei espanhola sobre o casamento homossexual tem propiciado que casais de mulheres e de homens que se casam possam procriar não só através da adoção, mas também por fertilização in vitro. Assim, a gestação por substituição está se tornando a alternativa preferida para que casais heterossexuais ou homossexuais com problemas específicos, casais de homens e homens solteiros possam ter filhos. Esta situação cria vários conflitos éticos e jurídicos que são difíceis de resolver: filiação da criança, mercantilização da mulher, instrumentalização e compra e venda de crianças, etc. Este artigo irá analisar os aspectos bioéticos, sem esquecer a regulação jurídica a este respeito.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Mães Substitutas/legislação & jurisprudência , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/legislação & jurisprudência , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/ética , Contratos/ética , Europa (Continente)
Breastfeed Med ; 12(6): 373-376, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28631931


One of the important challenges in surrogate pregnancies is the early bonding of genetic mother with her infant and the establishment of breastfeeding. A combination of pharmacological and nonpharmacological methods is often used for the induction of lactation. Reports of induced lactation in surrogacy are limited and scattered. In this report, we present a case of induced lactation and initiation of breastfeeding in preterm twins by the genetic mother, through her novel approach after a gestational surrogate pregnancy. Thematic approach of maternal account is summarized with context and rigor. We reviewed the reported literature of induced lactation in similar cases with an aim to address the various methods adopted.

Aleitamento Materno/psicologia , Mama/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Mães/psicologia , Estimulação Física/métodos , Gravidez de Gêmeos , Mães Substitutas , Mama/metabolismo , Feminino , Humanos , Imaginação , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Método Canguru , Lactação/psicologia , Corpos Mamilares/fisiologia , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Gravidez , Prolactina/metabolismo , Gêmeos , Adulto Jovem
Pediatr Blood Cancer ; 64(8)2017 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28097780


The incompatibility causing fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) results from a fetus inheriting a paternal human platelet antigen (HPA), which is different from the maternal HPA. We present a unique case of FNAIT in a pregnancy involving an oocyte recipient mother with Turner syndrome. This is the first report of FNAIT in which the suggested mechanism involves antibodies produced by a gestational mother against the incompatible HPA of the oocyte donor.

Antígenos de Plaquetas Humanas/genética , Trombocitopenia Neonatal Aloimune/genética , Doadores de Tecidos , Adulto , Feminino , Genótipo , Humanos , Gravidez , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real
Clin Exp Reprod Med ; 39(4): 138-43, 2012 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23346523


While Korea does not have any legal statement on surrogacy, treatments are carried out in practice. As a result, every Institutional Review Board (IRB) of each fertility clinic faces an ethical predicament in reviewing each case. There is a need to arrange the institutions' own standards of surrogate pregnancy procedures before the establishment of national or professional regulation. This article examines the legal, social, and medical issues of surrogacy to help IRBs to judge their cases.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-15263


While Korea does not have any legal statement on surrogacy, treatments are carried out in practice. As a result, every Institutional Review Board (IRB) of each fertility clinic faces an ethical predicament in reviewing each case. There is a need to arrange the institutions' own standards of surrogate pregnancy procedures before the establishment of national or professional regulation. This article examines the legal, social, and medical issues of surrogacy to help IRBs to judge their cases.

Gravidez , Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa , Fertilidade , Coreia (Geográfico)
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-14096


Lack of mullerian development (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome) is characterized by absence of apparent vagina and/or uterus, normal secondary sexual characteristics, normal reproductive hormonal profile, and a relatively common cause of primary amenorrhea about 1 in 4,000 female births and also cause of primary infertility. Management for these women comprise of construction of neovagina for sexual life. In 1985, the first report of a successful pregnancy through the uterine surrogacy was made. It is being possible for these women to have new opportunity of getting her own genetic offspring. Since ovarian activity is completely preserved in patients, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation is similar to any other IVF case that is with urinary or recombinant gonadotropins following GnRH agonist down regulation. Genetic offspring can be achieved by cellection of oocytes from the genetic mather, in-vitro-fertilization by the genetic father, and placement into a surrogate carrier. We have experienced a case of successful surrogate pregnancy in a patient with congenital absence of vagina and uterus.

Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Amenorreia , Regulação para Baixo , Pai , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina , Gonadotropinas , Infertilidade , Oócitos , Parto , Útero , Vagina
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-43801


The first pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and the subsequent transfer to the surrogate was reported in 1985. Afterward, IVF-surrogacy became a viable reproductive alternative for couples who would otherwise be unable to produce a genetic child. We have experienced a case of successful surrogate pregnancy in patient with congenital absence of vagina (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome). After oocyte retrieval through the neovagina, the embryo transfer was performed to a surrogate gestational mother. Two male babies (2,790 gm, 2020 gm) were delivered at 36+3 weeks of gestation.

Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Humanos , Masculino , Gravidez , Transferência Embrionária , Características da Família , Fertilização , Recuperação de Oócitos , Mães Substitutas , Vagina
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-177927


Congenital absence of vagina (Mayer-Rokitansky-K ster-Hauser Syndrome) is the second most common etiology of primary amenorrhea and also cause of primary infertility. Management for these women comprise of construction of neovagina for sexual life and screening for associated congenital anomalies and planning of getting her own genetic offspring. As associated assisted reproductive technologies involving in vitro fertilization and embryos transfer to surrogate mother become realizing, it is being possible for these women to have new opportunity of getting her own genetic baby. In most cases, oocyte retrieval for uterine surrogate program have been performed laparoscopically because of difficulty of oocyte retrieval via neovagina. But we have experienced a case of successful surrogate pregnancy via oocyte retrieval through the neovagina in a patient with congenital absence of vagina, so report it after following observation of the babies for 3 years.

Feminino , Humanos , Humanos , Gravidez , Amenorreia , Estruturas Embrionárias , Fertilização in vitro , Infertilidade , Programas de Rastreamento , Recuperação de Oócitos , Oócitos , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida , Mães Substitutas , Vagina