BACKGROUND: Pellicular macerations in the vinification of white wines involve the contact of grape skins and seeds with the must before, during or after alcoholic fermentation. Pre-fermentative pellicular maceration aims to enrich the must with volatile compounds and aroma precursors. Fermentative maceration occurs during alcoholic fermentation, whereas post-fermentative maceration is carried out after this process, associated with orange, amber or skin-contact wines, which have experienced a growing global demand in recent years. In this context, this research aimed to conduct a bibliometric review on pellicular macerations in white wines using two search strategies on the specific platform for the period from 2010 to 2023. Additionally, we sought to identify research trends in this segment of the wine industry through a comprehensive literature review of the retrieved documents. RESULTS: The results emphasized more studies on pre-fermentative pellicular maceration than on long-duration macerations during and after alcoholic fermentation. Alternative maceration techniques, such as grape freezing, were also observed as study subjects, including their effects on final wines. The research identified a wide variety of grapes explored in studies related to pellicular macerations of the Vitis vinifera L. species, with approximately 50 distinct nomenclatures identified. Regarding pre-fermentative macerations, the contact time varied from 2 to 60 h, with the temperature range 1-20 °C. CONCLUSION: The specific search for extended skin contact white wines revealed a limited number of available documents, indicating that studies related to this product style are promising and necessary, given the growing commercial relevance of this product profile. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.
Bibliometria , Fermentação , Frutas , Vitis , Vinho , Vinho/análise , Vitis/química , Vitis/metabolismo , Frutas/química , Frutas/metabolismo , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis/metabolismo , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis/química , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis/análise , Odorantes/análiseRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Health Researcher career of National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) is an ad honorem career that allows entry of health professionals who, continuing with their healthcare practice, acquire rights and obligations of researchers with a paid career. To date, quantity and/or quality of the academic production of CONICET health researchers (ISC) is unknown. This research analyzes characteristics of ISCs, their scientific production, and some bibliometric indicators related to their scientific publications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 109 active researchers who make up the ISC staff until the 2020 call were identified. The quantity and bibliometric indicators of their publications that are indexed in MEDLINE until 12/31/2023 (affiliation, international contribution, authorships, type of publication) were analyzed. Likewise, quality indices of the journals (impact factor, CiteScore, and H indices, and Scimago Journal Rank) were evaluated. RESULTS: a total of 109 ISCs recorded 6764 publications (63.6% in journals from United States and United Kingdom; 77.2% in quartile 1-2 journals), with an average of 4.1 publications/year/researcher in 2014 and 7.7 publications/researcher/year in 2023 (64% increase). A 77% were original research and other 11% were reviews. In 77% were led and in 74% were directed by researchers with Argentine affiliation, (43% had international collaboration); 12.2% were published in Spanish and 7.8% in journals from Argentina. The higher the rank of the researcher, the more publications are achieved in journals with better quality indices. DISCUSSION: The volume of scientific publications in quality journals reflects an active and constant participation of the ISCs in the production and communication of scientific knowledge from Argentina.
Introducción: La carrera de investigador en Salud del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) es una carrera ad honorem que permite el ingreso de profesionales de la salud que, continuando con su práctica asistencial, adquieran derechos y obligaciones de investigadores con carrera rentada. A la fecha se desconoce la cantidad y/o calidad de la producción académica de los investigadores en salud (ISC) del CONICET. En esta investigación se analizan las características de los ISC, su producción científica y algunos indicadores bibliométricos relacionados con sus publicaciones científicas. Materiales y métodos: Se analizó cantidad e indicadores bibliométricos de publicaciones de ISC indexadas en MEDLINE hasta el 31/12/2023 (filiación, contribución internacional, autorías, tipo de publicación). Asimismo, se evaluaron índices de calidad de las revistas (factor de impacto, CiteScore e índices H y Scimago Journal Rank). Resultados: Un total de 109 ISC registraron 6764 publicaciones (63.6% en revistas de EE.UU. y Reino Unido; 77.2% en revistas cuartil 1-2), con un promedio de 4.1 publicaciones/año/investigador en 2014 y 7.7 publicaciones/investigador/año en 2023 (incremento del 64%). El 77% fueron investigaciones originales y 11% revisiones. El 77% fueron lideradas y 74% dirigidas por investigadores con filiación argentina (43% tuvo colaboración internacional). El 12.2% se publicó en español y 7.8% en revistas de Argentina. A mayor categoría del investigador se logran publicaciones en revistas con mejores índices de calidad. Discusión: El volumen de publicaciones científicas en revistas de calidad refleja una participación activa y constante de los ISC en la producción y comunicación del conocimiento científico de Argentina.
Bibliometria , Pesquisadores , Argentina , Humanos , Pesquisadores/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesquisa Biomédica/estatística & dados numéricos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Editoração/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate the gender distribution of first and last authors with Brazilian surgical affiliations in PubMed-indexed surgical journals. METHODS: Data from eligible surgical journals were retrieved using Scimago Journal & Country Rank 2021 and manually reviewed. Manuscripts published from 2018 to 2022 were included if at least one author was affiliated with a Brazilian institution and a surgical specialty. RESULTS: Data from 340 eligible surgical journals were included. We analyzed first and last authors' forenames of 1,881 manuscripts. Women comprised 16.7% of the first and 12.4% of the last authors. Analyzing the differences in gender trends in authorship across the five Brazilian regions, we found that the South had the highest representation, while the Midwest and North showed the lowest, respectively. Obstetrics and gynecology featured the highest percentage of women-first authors, whereas orthopedics had the lowest. For the last authorship, pediatric surgery showed the highest, with hand surgery having the lowest representation. Male first authors were 1.9 times more likely to engage in international collaborations. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests the persistent underrepresentation of Brazilian women in surgical journal authorship. Local policy changes should be considered to encourage greater diversity and inclusivity in surgical research.
Autoria , Bibliometria , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Brasil , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/tendências , Distribuição por Sexo , Editoração/estatística & dados numéricos , Editoração/tendências , Fatores Sexuais , Especialidades Cirúrgicas/estatística & dados numéricos , Especialidades Cirúrgicas/tendênciasRESUMO
AIM: To analyze the scientific literature on infrared thermography and thermal therapies in dentistry published between January 2019 and August 2024 and to identify trends, collaborations, and the impact of research in this field. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, bibliometric study was conducted. The search was performed in Scopus using different MeSH terms, thesauri and other Emtree terms. Data were subsequently exported to SciVal and Bibliometrix for comprehensive analysis. The study evaluated publication trends, institutional and international collaborations, co-authorship networks, keywords, and citation patterns. Key metrics assessed included scholarly output, views per publication, citations per publication, CiteScore 2023, SNIP 2023, collaboration maps by country, Lotka's Law, Bradford's Law, and the corresponding author's country. RESULTS: The bibliometric analysis identified 41 documents from 23 sources, exhibiting a negative annual growth rate of -4.3%. The average age of the papers was 2.4 years, with each paper receiving an average of 5.2 citations. A total of 153 specific keywords were identified, and 206 authors contributed to the publications, with no single-authored papers. Besides, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba in Brazil led with 4 publications and an average of 7 citations per publication. The journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry stood out with 12 publications with a cite score of 8.5 and 5.3 citations per publication. CONCLUSIONS: Brazil, China, and Indonesia have distinguished themselves through their substantial academic output and notable impact, as evidenced by the high number of citations per publication. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This bibliometric analysis underscores the most impactful and collaborative research areas on infrared thermography and thermal therapies in dentistry. Beyond collaborative research, the study highlights the diverse techniques employed, the advancements in these techniques, and the geographical regions contributing significantly to this field. The findings provide valuable insights that can guide future research directions, enhance clinical practices, and foster international collaborations in infrared thermography and thermal therapies in dentistry. How to cite this article:: Taquia-Faustino A, Alvitez-Temoche D, Mauricio F, et al. Trends, Collaborative Networks, and Impact of Infrared Thermography and Thermal Therapies in Dentistry: A Bibliometric Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(8):803-808.
Bibliometria , Termografia , Termografia/métodos , Humanos , Raios Infravermelhos , Odontologia , AutoriaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Journal self-citation contributes to the overall citation count of a journal and to some metrics like the impact factor. However, little is known about the extent of journal self-citations in COVID-19 research. This study aimed to determine the journal self-citations in COVID-19 research and to compare them according to the type of publication and publisher. METHODS: Data in COVID-19 research extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection 2020-2023 was collected and further analyzed with InCites. The journals with the highest self-citation rates and self-citation per publication were identified. Statistical comparisons were made according to the type of publication and publishers, as well as with other major infectious diseases. RESULTS: The median self-citation rate was 4.0% (IQR 0-11.7%), and the median journal self-citation rate was 5.9% (IQR 0-12.5%). 1,859 journals (13% of total coverage) had self-citation rates at or above 20%, meaning that more than one in five references are journal self-citations. There was a positive and statistically significant correlation of self-citations with the other indicators, including number of publications, citations, and self-citations per publication (p<0.001). Editorial materials contributed more to journal SC with a median self-citation rate of 5%, which was statistically higher than other documents such as articles, letters or reviews (p<0.001). Among the top twelve publishers, the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute had a median self-citation rate of 8.33% and was statistically higher than the rest (p<0.001). Self-citation rates for COVID-19 were lower than tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, but self-citations per publication of these diseases were statistically lower than those for COVID-19 (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Some journals from the Web of Science Core Collection displayed exorbitant journal self-citation patterns during the period 2020-2023. Approximately, one in every five paper references in COVID-19 is a journal self-citation. Types of publication such as editorials engage in this practice more frequently than others, suggesting that in COVID-19 research, self-citing non-citable items could potentially contribute to inflate journal impact factors during the pandemic.
COVID-19 , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Humanos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Pandemias , Bibliometria , Editoração/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesquisa Biomédica , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To describe the scientific production, through bibliometric analysis, about asthma in Latin America. METHODS: Observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, with a quantitative bibliometric approach, to evaluate the scientific production of asthma in Latin America, using the Scopus and SciELO platforms to recover files published between 2003 and 2022. RESULTS: A totoal of 3041 documents were obtained in Scopus and 592 in SciELO. In both repositories, the original articles (2379 and 478) and the reviews (379 and 43) were the most published documents. The larg-est producer was Brasil: n = 1538 in Scopus, and n = 406 in SciELO, and the journal with the highest number of publications was Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia with 169 articles in Scopus and 164 articles in SciELO. CONCLUSIONS: The bibliometric analysis shows the panorama of the last 20 years in research on asthma in Latin America, where scientific production has progressively increased, mainly in Brazil, Mexico and Chile.
OBJECTIVO: Describir la producción científica, mediante el análisis bibliométrico, del asma en Latinoamérica. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal, de enfoque cuantitativo bibliométrico, para evaluar la producción científica del asma en Latinoamérica, utilizando las plataformas Scopus y SciELO para la recuperación de archivos publicados entre 2003 y 2022. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron 3041 documentos en Scopus y 592 en SciELO. En ambos repositorios los artículos originales (2379 y 478) y las revisiones (379 y 43) fueron los documentos más publicados. El mayor productor de publicaciones fue Brasil: n = 1538 en Scopus y n = 406 en SciELO, y la revista con mayor cantidad de publicaciones fue Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia con 169 artículos en Scopus y 164 en SciELO. CONCLUSIONES: El análisis bibliométrico muestra el panorama de los últimos 20 años en investigación acerca del asma en Latinoamérica, donde la producción científica se ha incrementado progresivamente, principalmente en Brasil, México y Chile.
Asma , Bibliometria , Editoração , Asma/epidemiologia , América Latina/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Humanos , Editoração/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
This study evaluated the scientific contribution of Brazilian CNPq Research Productivity fellows (PQ) in Dentistry by areas of activity. This cross-sectional study included 217 active PQ who were grouped into six groups: (1) Biomaterials, Prosthodontics, and Restorative Dentistry; (2) Public Health and Epidemiology; (3) Oral Pathology, Stomatology, and Dental Radiology; (4) Pediatric Dentistry and Child Health; (5) Dental Clinic (Periodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, and Implantology), and (6) Basic Areas (Histology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Pharmacology). The PQ were predominantly male (n = 122; 56.2%), received level 2 scholarships (n = 121; 55.8%), and performed research in the Southeast region of Brazil (n = 160; 73.73%). Regarding supervision of undergraduate, master's, and PhD students, both during their entire careers and in the last 5 years, the highest average was observed for PQs in the field of Public Health and Epidemiology, the only area with higher average supervision of master's than that of undergraduate and PhD students. PQ in Public Health and Epidemiology had the highest average number of papers published over their career and in the last 5 years, followed by PQ in Pediatric Dentistry and Child Health and Dental Clinic. The high productivity of PQ is demonstrated by modern research performance indicators. Their scientific publications are indexed in bibliometric databases such as WoS, Scopus, and SciELO. Addtionally, highlighted among the PQ was the time since initiation of their scientific careers and master's and doctoral candidates trained.
Pesquisa em Odontologia , Brasil , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Pesquisa em Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Feminino , Bibliometria , Bolsas de Estudo/estatística & dados numéricos , Eficiência , AdultoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), previously known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is a prevalent hepatic condition linked to metabolic alterations. It gradually causes liver damage and potentially progresses to cirrhosis. Despite its significance, research, especially in the pediatric population, is limited, leading to contradictory findings in diagnosis and treatment. This meta-analysis aims to synthesize existing literature on therapeutic interventions for MASLD in children and adolescents. METHODS: A comprehensive search of randomized controlled clinical trials yielded 634 entries from PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science up to 2023. Interventions included medications, behavioral modifications, dietary changes, probiotics, supplements, surgical procedures, or combinations. The analysis focused on studies with treatment duration of at least 3 months, employing a random-effects REML meta-analysis model. Treatment effects on anthropometric measurements and biochemical components were examined and adjusted for heterogeneity factors analysis. A bibliometric analysis for insights into research contributors was performed. RESULTS: The systematic review incorporated 31 clinical trials, with 24 meeting criteria for meta-analysis. These comprised 3 medication studies, 20 with supplements, 4 focusing on lifestyle, and 4 centered on diets. Significant overall treatment effects were observed for ALT, AST, BMI, and HOMA-IR mainly by supplements and lifestyle. Meta-regression identified age, BMI changes, and treatment duration as factors modifying ALT concentrations. Bibliometric analysis involving 31 linked studies highlighted contributions from 13 countries, with the USA, Spain, and Chile being the most influential. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that supplementation and lifestyle changes can effectively impact ALT and AST levels, which can help address liver issues in obese children. However, the evaluation of risk bias, the high heterogeneity, and the bibliometric analysis emphasize the need for more high-quality studies and broader inclusion of diverse child populations to provide better therapeutic recommendations. TRIAL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO, CRD42023393952. Registered on January 25, 2023.
Bibliometria , Hepatopatia Gordurosa não Alcoólica , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Humanos , Hepatopatia Gordurosa não Alcoólica/terapia , Criança , Adolescente , Obesidade Infantil/terapiaRESUMO
EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have gained significant attention in rehabilitation due to their non-invasive, accessible ability to capture brain activity and restore neurological functions in patients with conditions such as stroke and spinal cord injuries. This study offers a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of global EEG-based BCI research in rehabilitation from 2013 to 2023. It focuses on primary research and review articles addressing technological innovations, effectiveness, and system advancements in clinical rehabilitation. Data were sourced from databases like Web of Science, and bibliometric tools (bibliometrix R) were used to analyze publication trends, geographic distribution, keyword co-occurrences, and collaboration networks. The results reveal a rapid increase in EEG-BCI research, peaking in 2022, with a primary focus on motor and sensory rehabilitation. EEG remains the most commonly used method, with significant contributions from Asia, Europe, and North America. Additionally, there is growing interest in applying BCIs to mental health, as well as integrating artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning, to enhance system accuracy and adaptability. However, challenges remain, such as system inefficiencies and slow learning curves. These could be addressed by incorporating multi-modal approaches and advanced neuroimaging technologies. Further research is needed to validate the applicability of EEG-BCI advancements in both cognitive and motor rehabilitation, especially considering the high global prevalence of cerebrovascular diseases. To advance the field, expanding global participation, particularly in underrepresented regions like Latin America, is essential. Improving system efficiency through multi-modal approaches and AI integration is also critical. Ethical considerations, including data privacy, transparency, and equitable access to BCI technologies, must be prioritized to ensure the inclusive development and use of these technologies across diverse socioeconomic groups.
Bibliometria , Interfaces Cérebro-Computador , Eletroencefalografia , Humanos , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Inteligência Artificial , Reabilitação/métodos , Encéfalo/fisiologiaRESUMO
This study offers a comprehensive systematic review on the removal of antibiotics in Constructed Wetlands (CWs), evaluating their efficacy as an alternative to conventional wastewater treatment methods. Data from 82 articles were analyzed, focusing on removal rates, antibiotic types, and system configurations, including scale, vegetation, sediment, flow, hydraulic retention time (HRT), and hydraulic loading rate (HLR). The findings indicate that full-scale CWs, particularly those utilizing vegetation like Cyperus alternifolius L. and materials such as shells, zeolites, medicinal stone, and ceramics, achieved removal rates exceeding 90% for various antibiotics. The study underscores the importance of optimizing both anaerobic and aerobic conditions to enhance removal efficiency, noting that aerobic environments promote oxidative processes effective for ß-lactams, while anaerobic environments facilitate reduction processes beneficial for sulfonamides. Hybrid systems combining these zones demonstrated maximal removal efficiency. This review advances the understanding of antibiotic removal in CWs, presenting them as a viable, sustainable solution to mitigate environmental impacts, preserve water quality, and protect public health. Further research is recommended to explore the impact of root types and bed configurations on removal efficiency.
Antibacterianos , Bibliometria , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Áreas Alagadas , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Águas Residuárias/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Purificação da Água/métodosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Several studies have sought to investigate the trajectory of scholarly publications on dementia. Yet, there has been limited attention to contributions from Latin America. OBJECTIVE: To provide a comprehensive overview of the literature output on dementia in Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a Scopus-based literature search (2010-2021) for publications by authors affiliated with Brazil. RESULTS: Out of 5,534 reports, 2,528 met the inclusion criteria. The annual growth rate of publications on dementia (9.9%, SD = 15.5) closely paralleled that of general health-related literature (6.7%, SD = 4.9). Most publications were categorized into the areas of diagnosis (33.4%) and disease mechanisms, origins, and models (32.7%). Epidemiological studies (4%), clinical trials (1%), and economic analyses (0.3%) are scarce. Based on the first affiliation of Brazil-affiliated authors, 89.3% of dementia output stemmed from Southeast (68.4%) and South (20.9%) of Brazil. Nonetheless, the state of São Paulo alone accounted for 41.1%, contributing to 60.1% of the Southeast. First and second authorships were predominantly held by female researchers, whereas male researchers occupied most of the second-to-last and last authorships. Overall, 1,812 (71.7%) were published in 346 foreign journals and 716 (28.3%) in 43 Brazilian journals. Notably, nearly half of the reports published in Brazil are concentrated in two journals: Dementia e Neuropsychologia (31.4%) and Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (15.2%). CONCLUSION: There is a pressing need for more studies in dementia epidemiology and economic cost, in addition to more research across all Brazilian regions.
ANTECEDENTES: Diversos estudos têm buscado investigar a trajetória das publicações acadêmicas sobre demência. Entretanto, as contribuições da América Latina recebem pouca atenção. OBJETIVO: Prover uma revisão bibliométrica abrangente da produção científica sobre a demência no Brasil. MéTODOS: A busca da literatura foi conduzida no Scopus (20102021) e englobou as publicações de autores afiliados ao Brasil. RESULTADOS: Das 5.534 publicações encontradas, 2.528 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A taxa de crescimento anual das publicações sobre demência (9,9%, DP = 15,5) é semelhante à da literatura geral em saúde (6,7%, DP = 4,9). A maioria das publicações foi categorizada nas áreas de diagnóstico (33,4%) e mecanismos, origens e modelos da demência (32,7%). Estudos epidemiológicos (4%), ensaios clínicos (1%) e análises econômicas (0,3%) são escassos. Aproximadamente 89% das primeiras afiliações provieram do Sudeste (68,4%) e do Sul (20,9%). Entretanto, o estado de São Paulo, sozinho, respondeu por 41,1%, contribuindo com 60,1% de toda a região Sudeste. A primeira e a segunda autorias foram ocupadas principalmente por pesquisadoras do sexo feminino; em contraste, os pesquisadores do sexo masculino ocuparam a maioria da penúltima e última autorias. No total, 1.812 (71,7%) documentos foram publicados em 346 periódicos estrangeiros e 716 (28,3%) em 43 periódicos brasileiros. Notadamente, quase metade das publicações no Brasil está concentrada em dois periódicos científicos: Dementia e Neuropsychologia (31,4%) e Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (15,2%). CONCLUSãO: Conclui-se que há a necessidade de mais estudos epidemiológicos e avaliações econômicas sobre o custo da demência, além de mais pesquisas sobre a demência nas cinco regiões do Brasil.
Bibliometria , Pesquisa Biomédica , Demência , Brasil/epidemiologia , Demência/epidemiologia , Humanos , Pesquisa Biomédica/estatística & dados numéricos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
In 2000, the first draft of PhyloCode was made public, an alternative naming code that does not follow Linnaean rankings and is based on the phylogenetic relationships of taxa in cladograms. In this study, the impact of the PhyloCode on scientific literature was analyzed from its first appearance in the literature to 2021. We investigated the areas that have most assimilated the proposal, the criticisms that have arisen over time, and whether there has been growing adherence to it up to the present day. The analyzed data were obtained from the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database, where 121 articles that used or discussed the PhyloCode were found. Initially, there was an increase in publications, but in mid-2004, there was a downward trend, which was more noticeable after 2008. Results suggest that despite the criticisms, the proposal has been used in research in several areas, mainly in Zoology and Botany, as an alternative to the Linnaean ranking system. Most articles have been published in Systematics and Taxonomy and discuss the functionality of the proposed code. Despite the proposal's potential, its acceptance can be considered relatively low and it still generates discussions, just like any scientific novelty.
Bibliometria , Filogenia , Terminologia como Assunto , Classificação/métodosRESUMO
This study includes a bibliometric analysis and literature review on Conilon coffee and its relevant aspects for the food industry, focusing on its chemical constituents, the application of fermentation as a processing method, and the reuse of waste generated during processing. Relevant articles were selected through a bibliometric analysis of titles indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar databases. Conilon coffee cultivation, especially in the Brazilian states of Espírito Santo, Rondônia and Bahia, has played a growing role in the global economy, with research focused on strategies to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve nutritional and bioactive quality. The use of agricultural waste as substrates for seedlings and genetic manipulation to develop clonal cultivars are showing promise, although some options may increase the heavy metal content in plants. This review enabled the identification of the main chemical constituents of Conilon coffee and an assessment of their contributions to the product's sensory attributes and bioactive properties. It was clear that the choice of fermentation conditions changes the sensory characterization of coffee, potentially benefiting the overall rating of the beverage. This review also suggests that Conilon coffee residues contain volatile compounds of considerable commercial value, so they should be subjected to extraction methods and subsequently preserved. Acid hydrolysis and microencapsulation can be alternatives for extracting and preserving compounds of interest from Conilon coffee. This work contributes to deepening knowledge about the challenges faced by Conilon coffee and the search for alternatives to increase its market value.
Bibliometria , Café , Café/química , Fermentação , Indústria Alimentícia , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Coffea/química , Humanos , BrasilRESUMO
This paper analyzed the scientific production on natural mortality (M) in fish, in order to understand the existing methods and identify the most commonly used ones. Research was carried out in the Web of Science database (WoS), using bibliometric and systematic analysis methods to evaluate scientific production using the following indicators: relevance of scientific journals, scientific recognition of papers, relevance of authors and co-occurrence of keywords. The bibliographic portfolio was composed of the hundred most cited papers of the WoS. The most relevant papers are reviews on the topic studied, which justifies the number of citations. The most cited researchers were the authors of the main estimators of M. The keywords of greatest occurrence were: natural mortality, growth and age. Of the total papers, only 19 estimated M for 28 species. Of these papers, 58% studied population dynamics and 42% made assessments of fish stocks. The most commonly used estimators were Hoenig (1983) and Pauly (1980b). Given the results obtained, it is important to develop more sophisticated methods, taking into account new approaches, such as temperature variation within this estimator, which was not observed in any of the methods.
Bibliometria , Peixes , Animais , Peixes/classificação , Dinâmica Populacional , MortalidadeRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Robotic metabolic and bariatric surgery (RMBS) has emerged as an innovative approach in the treatment of severe obesity by combining the ergonomic precision of robotic technology and instrumentation with the established benefits of weight loss surgery. This study employs a bibliometric approach to identify local research trends and worldwide patterns in RMBS. MATERIALS & METHODS: The research methodology used "robotic" and "metabolic" or "bariatric surgery" to search Web of Science. Articles that were published prior to December 31st, 2023, were included. The analyses were developed using the Rayyan and Bibliometric, in R Studio. RESULTS: 265 articles from 51 different journals were included. Scientific production of RMBS experienced a significant annual growth rate of 21.96% from 2003 to 2023, resulting in an average of 12.6 papers published per year. A high correlation (R2 = 0.94) was found between the year and number of articles. The mean number of citations per document was 13.25. Approximately 90% of the journals were classified as zone 3, according to the Bradford categorization. International collaboration was identified in 10.57% of cases, with the University of California and the University of Illinois being the most common organizations. The countries with the highest number of corresponding authors, in descending order, were the United States of America, China, and Switzerland. CONCLUSION: Scientific production in RMBS has experienced sustained growth since the first original publications in 2003. While it has not yet reached the volume, impact, and international collaboration seen in studies related to non-robotic metabolic and bariatric surgery, RBMS holds potential that remains to be explored.
Cirurgia Bariátrica , Bibliometria , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos , Cirurgia Bariátrica/estatística & dados numéricos , Cirurgia Bariátrica/métodos , Cirurgia Bariátrica/tendências , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/estatística & dados numéricos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/tendências , Humanos , Obesidade Mórbida/cirurgiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated altmetrics, citations, and field-normalized impact of dental articles reporting randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published within a one-year period. METHODS: Data were collected in 2024 from PubMed-indexed RCTs published in 2019. Dependent variables included Altmetric Attention Scores (AAS), PlumX citations, and Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI). Independent variables encompassed article-, author-, and journal-related variables. Adjusted quasi-Poisson regression models were used to assess associations. Point-biserial correlation evaluated the relationship between Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and selected reporting variables. RESULTS: A total of 653 RCTs were included, with periodontology, implantology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery comprising 50.4 % of the sample. Only 28.6 % of the articles reported CONSORT use, 49.6 % pre-registered their protocol, and 68.8 % reported a sample size calculation. Most articles (63.6 %) reported no conflicts of interest, with unclear sponsorship being the most frequent (34.6 %). Regression analyses revealed significant associations for AAS, PlumX citations, and FWCI with various factors. JIF increased AAS by 17 % per unit, PlumX citations by 13 %, and FWCI by 6 %. Protocol pre-registration boosted AAS by 132 %, while mixed or no sponsorship increased PlumX citations by up to 47 %. First author H-index increased PlumX citations and FWCI by 1 % per unit, while first author continent impacted AAS, citations, and FWCI. Weak positive correlations between JIF and both protocol pre-registration and CONSORT use were observed. No significant differences were observed across different dental fields for any metric. CONCLUSION: An interplay among article-, author-, and journal-related variables collectively influenced the online attention, citations, and impact of dental RCT articles. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Understanding the factors that influence the visibility and impact of dental RCTs can guide researchers in improving the design, reporting, and dissemination of their studies, ultimately enhancing the quality and reach of dental research.
Odontologia , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Humanos , Bibliometria , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Conflito de InteressesRESUMO
Nonsurgical therapies have been recommended and employed as a less invasive and cost-effective modality in managing periodontitis. In this context, different therapeutic protocols have been tested in the last decades. Therefore, mapping the scientific trends and patterns provides critical insights into the state of research in the field, which has not been explored for overall nonsurgical periodontitis treatment studies. Articles from 2001 to 2020 were retrieved from the Web of Science database using appropriate terms and keywords. Article selection and data extraction were performed by calibrated examiners. All articles focusing on nonsurgical periodontitis treatment were included. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted. 1,519 articles were included. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) were the most used design (44.1%), and professional biofilm control was the topic most studied (35.6%). Europe published the most significant number of articles (41.1%). The USA was the country that collaborated more with other countries. Asia (p<0.001), South America (p=0.004), and Oceania/Africa (p=0.016) showed a lower chance to have international collaboration. Studies from North America were more likely to be RCTs than studies from Europe (p=0.050); studies focusing on professional biofilm control (p<0.001) and other topics (p<0.001) were less likely to be evaluated by RCTs. The nonsurgical periodontitis treatment field mainly conducted RCTs, and the topic most explored by all studies was professional biofilm control. International collaboration and conduct of RCTs in this field occurred mainly among high-income countries. Decentralizing scientific resources, making integrative connections globally, and evaluating new topics may improve evidence-based periodontology.
Periodontite , Humanos , Bibliometria , Biofilmes , Periodontite/terapiaRESUMO
AIM: To analyze the scientific production related to the use of botulinum toxin (BTX-A) in the management of bruxism and evaluate its scope, impact, networks, and new research trends. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive and retrospective study of publications indexed in Scopus from January 2018 to May 2024 was conducted. The bibliometric indicators evaluated were a number of publications, citations, h-index, SCImago Journal Rank 2022, CiteScore 2022, Lotka's Law, Bradford's Law, and keyword co-occurrence analysis. Data were processed using SciVal and VOSviewer. RESULTS: We obtained 98 publications, including original articles, reviews, and other types of documents. Among the most productive authors, most were from South Korea and Turkey. Wonkwang University (South Korea) had the highest number of publications, while Baylor College of Medicine (USA) had the highest impact with 66.5 citations per publication. Toxins had the highest number of publications and the best Cite Score in 2022. Six main topics related to BTX-A in bruxism were identified, highlighting "reviews," "electromyography" and "controlled clinical trials". CONCLUSIONS: The use of BTX-A for the treatment of bruxism has generated increasing interest and scientific output in recent years, especially in South Korea and Brazil. However, there is a disparity in the productivity of authors, with most authors presenting only one publication. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This study highlights the need for further research and collaborations to optimize clinical practice and better understand the efficacy and management of BTX-A for treating bruxism. How to cite this article: Villanueva-García M, Ruck-Sanchez N, Tinedo-López PL, et al. Bibliometric Analysis of Botulinum Toxin and Bruxism: Impact, Visualization, and Collaborative Networks. J Contemp Dent Pract 2024;25(6):599-604.
Bibliometria , Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A , Bruxismo , Humanos , Bruxismo/tratamento farmacológico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A/uso terapêutico , República da Coreia , Fármacos Neuromusculares/uso terapêutico , Toxinas Botulínicas/uso terapêutico , EletromiografiaRESUMO
Purpose: The purpose of this is to examine the visualization, dynamicity, and collaborative networking of scientific production on visible light (VL) and skin aging through scientometric analysis. Materials and Methods: This research consisted of a cross-sectional and descriptive design with a scientometric approach that examined the publication trends and collaborative patterns among authors and institutions from 2018 to 2023. A comprehensive search strategy was also employed by using specific keywords related to VL and skin aging. In this case, several indicators were employed, including scholarly output, view count, field-weighted citation impact (FWCI), and citation count. The analyses were performed by using SciVal software and R Studio version 4.3.2. Results: A total of 180 sources were identified, with 280 documents generated, indicating an annual growth rate of 6.72%. The documents, averaging 3.25 years in age, received an average of 12.14 citations, revealing their impact. Additionally, collaborations were evident, with a ratio of 5.6 coauthors per paper and 25.71% consisting of international collaborations. In terms of institutions, there were notable disparities in scholarly activities and impact metrics, highlighting the diversity of the research landscape. Meanwhile, journals, such as Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine, revealed a substantial impact (FWCI 2.05). Overall, the impact of the journals showed a general upward trend, reflecting dynamicity and variability over time. Conclusion: An annual growth rate of 6.72% was found, with 180 sources and 280 papers on VL and skin aging. Moreover, international collaborations, the positive impact in leading journals, and the distribution patterns identified through scientometric laws underscored the vitality and complexity of the field. These results offer valuable insights into guiding future research in this multidisciplinary field.