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Psicanálise e antropologia: diálogos possíveis / Psychoanalysis and anthropology: possible dialogues)
Barbieri, Natália Alves; Sarti, Cynthia Andersen.
  • Barbieri, Natália Alves;
  • Sarti, Cynthia Andersen; Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Guarulhos. Brasil
Article in Pt | INDEXPSI | ID: psi-49127
Responsible library: BR195.3
A partir de uma experiência concreta de pesquisa, este texto propõeum diálogo entre psicanálise e antropologia, particularmente no que serefere às relações entre pesquisador e pesquisado no trabalhoetnográfico na coleta, na análise e na interpretação dos dados. Essasrelações foram pensadas com base na noção de transferência, o queevidenciou a possibilidade do diálogo, tanto no plano analítico quantometodológico, entre disciplinas que pensam a realidade mediada pelalinguagem.AU
Based on a concrete experience of research, this text proposes a dialogue betweenpsychoanalysis and anthropology, especially in terms of the relationships betweenresearchers and their objects in ethnographical work in fieldwork, in analyses and inthe interpretation of data. These relationships are seen on the basis of transference.They showed the possibility for dialogue on an analytical and methodological level,between two fields of interest, both of which conceive reality as mediated by language.AU
À partir d’une expérience concrète de recherche, ce texte propose un dialogueentre la psychanalyse et l’anthropologie en tenant spécialement compte des rapportsentre le chercheur et son objet dans le travail ethnographique, soit le travail de terrain,l’analyse et l’interprétation des données. Ces rapports ont été analysés à l’aide de lanotion de transfert, ce qui a mis en évidence la possibilité du dialogue aux niveauxanalytique et méthodologique entre des disciplines qui pensent la réalité par lamédiation du langage.AU
Key words

Full text: 1 Collection: 06-national / BR Database: INDEXPSI Main subject: Psychoanalysis / Research / Transference, Psychology / Interpersonal Relations / Anthropology, Cultural Type of study: Qualitative_research Limits: Humans Language: Pt Journal: Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam Year: 2011 Document type: Article / Congress and conference

Full text: 1 Collection: 06-national / BR Database: INDEXPSI Main subject: Psychoanalysis / Research / Transference, Psychology / Interpersonal Relations / Anthropology, Cultural Type of study: Qualitative_research Limits: Humans Language: Pt Journal: Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam Year: 2011 Document type: Article / Congress and conference