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Radicular cyst in primary dentition showing angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE)-like features: An immunohistochemical study
Bertasso, Amanda Silva; Nelson Filho, Paulo; Silva, Raquel Assed Bezerra da; Santos, Maria Cecília Gorita dos; Javaroni, Julia Biliato; Silveira, Heitor Albergoni; León, Jorge Esquiche.
  • Bertasso, Amanda Silva; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Uni-versity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
  • Nelson Filho, Paulo; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Uni-versity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
  • Silva, Raquel Assed Bezerra da; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Uni-versity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
  • Santos, Maria Cecília Gorita dos; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Uni-versity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
  • Javaroni, Julia Biliato; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Uni-versity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
  • Silveira, Heitor Albergoni; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Univer-sity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Oral Pathology,Department of Stomatology, Public Oral Health and Forensic Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
  • León, Jorge Esquiche; School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, Univer-sity of São Paulo (FORP/USP), Oral Pathology,Department of Stomatology, Public Oral Health and Forensic Dentistry. Ribeirão Preto. BR
J. Oral Diagn ; 8: e20230221, 01 out. 2023. ilus
Article em En | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1573037
Biblioteca responsável: BR2499
The microscopical diagnosis of radicular cyst (RC) is straightforward; nonetheless, in some cases with unusual histopathological features, strict clinicopathological correlation is necessary to achieve the correct diagnosis. We report a case of a 5-year-old girl was referred presenting extensive carious lesion in the tooth #55, associated with vestibular sinus tract. Medical history revealed allergic asthma diagnosis. After clinical and imagi-nological exams, the deciduous tooth was extracted. Microscopically, the soft tissue lesion attached to the root showed typical RC features; however, in the cystic capsule, lymphoid follicles and vascular networks (lined by epithelioid endothelial cells) surrounded by nu-merous eosinophils, were observed. Immunohistochemistry, through CD3, CD20, CD34 and alpha-smooth muscle actin antibodies, highlighted these findings. Moreover, CD1a and CD207 were negative. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of RC showing angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE)-like features. (AU)

Texto completo: 1 Coleções: 01-internacional Base de dados: BBO / LILACS Assunto principal: Cisto Radicular / Hiperplasia Angiolinfoide com Eosinofilia Limite: Child, preschool / Female / Humans Idioma: En Revista: J oral diagn Assunto da revista: Medicina Bucal / Patologia Bucal Ano de publicação: 2023 Tipo de documento: Article País de afiliação: Brasil País de publicação: Brasil

Texto completo: 1 Coleções: 01-internacional Base de dados: BBO / LILACS Assunto principal: Cisto Radicular / Hiperplasia Angiolinfoide com Eosinofilia Limite: Child, preschool / Female / Humans Idioma: En Revista: J oral diagn Assunto da revista: Medicina Bucal / Patologia Bucal Ano de publicação: 2023 Tipo de documento: Article País de afiliação: Brasil País de publicação: Brasil