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Rev. int. Coll. Odonto-Stomatol. Afr. Chir. Maxillo-Fac ; 30(3): 45-49, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1511487


Introduction : La cellulite cervico-faciale est une diffusion cellulaire d'un foyer infectieux vers les tissus cellulo-adipeux du cou et de la face, avec une prédominance des anaérobies et des germes commensaux de la flore orale. L'objectif de ce travail était de contribuer à l'amélioration de la prise en charge de cellulites cervico-faciales à l'Hôpital National Ignace Deen. Méthodes : Il s'est agi d'une étude rétro-prospective de type descriptif sur une période de cinq (5) ans (01 janvier 2017 au 31 décembre 2021) réalisée aux services d'ORLCCF et d'Odontostomatologie/CMF de l'Hôpital National Ignace Deen de Conakry. Résultats : 97 patients qui présentaient une cellulite cervico-faciale, soit une fréquence de 4,36% ont été inclus. La tranche d'âge de 21 à 30 ans était la plus représentée soit 40,21%. L'âge moyen était de 33 ,15 ± 13,97 ans avec des extrêmes de 1 et 65 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 1,30. La tuméfaction douloureuse était le principal motif de consultation soit 98,97%. Les Anti-Inflammatoires Non Stéroïdiens étaient le facteur le plus présent chez 85 patients soit 78,35%. L'état général était peu satisfaisant chez 94 patients soit 96,91%. Une cellulite suppurée a été retrouvée chez 82,47% patients. Le traitement était médico-chirurgical chez 85 patients soit 87,63%. L'évolution était bonne chez 90 patients soit 92,78%. Conclusion : La cellulite cervico-faciale est une urgence médicochirurgicale qu'il faut savoir diagnostiquer et prendre en charge dans les meilleurs délais. Non traitée, elle peut engager le pronostic vital.

Introduction: Cervico-facial cellulitis is a cellular diffusion of an infection to the cellulo-adipose tissues of the neck and face, with a predominance of anaerobic and commensal germs of oral flora. The objective of this work was to contribute improving the management of cervicofacial cellulitis at Ignace Deen National Hospital. Methods: This was a five (5) year (01 January 2017 to 31 December 2021) descriptive retro-prospective study conducted at the ENT-RTC and Odontostomatology / FJA departments of the Ignace Deen National Hospital in Conakry. Results: 97 patients who presented cervico-facial cellulitis, i.e. a frequency of 4.36%, were included. The 21- 30 age group was the most represented, either 40.21%. The average age was 33.15 ± 13.97 years with extremes of 1 and 65 years. The sex ratio was 1.30. Painful swelling was the main reason for consultation, 98.97%. Non- Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs were the most common factor in 85 of our patients, either 78.35%. The overall condition was unsatisfactory in 94 of our patients, either 96.91%. Suppurated cellulitis was found in 82.47% of our patients. Treatment was medico-surgical in 85 patients, either 87.63%. The evolution was good in 90 patients, either 92.78%. Conclusion: Cervico-facial cellulitis is a medical and surgical emergency that must be diagnosed and managed as soon as possible. If left untreated, it can trigger a vital prognosis.

Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 32(2): 7-11, 2017. ilus
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1265720


Introduction : La paralysie faciale périphérique (PFP), complication fréquente au cours de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), constitue une cause importante de morbidité chez ces patients. Le but de cette étude était de montrer la place de la PFP unilatérale dans la découverte de l'infection par le VIH en zone tropicale. Matériel et Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude transversale descriptive avec collecte des données prospective, sur une période de 12 mois, réalisée dans les services d'ORL de l'Hôpital National Ignace Deen et de Neurologie de l'hôpital de l'amitié SinoGuinéenne (CHU de Conakry). Résultats : Sur les 2517 patients reçus en consultation durant notre période d'étude, 64 présentaient une PFP soit une prévalence de 2,54%. La sérologie VIH avait été réalisée chez 56 patients, dont 24 avaient eu une réaction sérologique positive, soit une prévalence 42,86 %. La population adulte jeune était la plus exposée, avec un âge moyen de 34,5 ans. Il s'agissait de 9 hommes et 15 femmes, soit un sex-ratio de 0,6. Le délai de consultation était, dans 70,83% des cas, situé entre la 1ère et 3ème semaine. L'asymétrie faciale unilatérale et la persistance d'ouverture de la fente palpébrale étaient les principaux signes cliniques. Au total 75 % de nos patients étaient porteurs du VIH1. Le taux de CD4 variait entre 175 et 400/mm3. Tous nos patients avaient bénéficié d'un traitement de la PFP et du VIH. L'évolution avait été marquée par la récupération totale et sans séquelle la PFP dans 62,5% des cas. Conclusion : La survenue d'une PFP isolée chez l'adulte apparemment en bonne santé, doit faire évoquer une séroconversion au VIH. Le pronostic de ces PFP est souvent bon malgré le retard diagnostic

Facial Paralysis/complications
East Afr. Med. J ; 86(1)2009.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261359


Objectives: This paper proposes an analytical framework for assessing compliance of national health policies with WHO/AFRO guidelines. Data sources: Data for this study was obtained from the national health policies of Botswana; Eritrea; Liberia; Namibia; Swaziland; Gambia; and Uganda. Study selections: National health policies of seven of the 19 Anglophone countries of the WHO African region were selected for review using simple random sampling method. These include: Botswana; Eritrea; Liberia; Namibia; Swaziland; Gambia; and Uganda. Data extraction: An analytical framework derived from WHO/AFRO guidelines for developing national health policies and plans was used in the review. It identifies components which are pertinent for appropriate national health policy formulation. Data synthesis: It appears that aspects related to policy content are well addressed. In relation to the process; there is need for improving the mapping of stakeholders and specifying their roles and aspects of collaboration; and the implications for meeting broad service and impact targets. Conclusion: Development of health policies needs to focus on all aspects of the analytical framework with emphasis on improving the articulation for mapping out stakeholders and specifying their roles and aspects of collaboration; and the implications for meeting broad service and impact targets

Delivery of Health Care , Health Care Sector , Health Policy , National Health Programs , World Health Organization
East Afr. Med. J ; 86(1)2009.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261360


Objectives: To assess the adequacy of the existing strategic plans and compare the format and content of health sector strategic plans with the guidelines in selected countries of the African region. Data source: The health strategic plans for Gambia; Liberia; Malawi; Tanzania and Uganda; which are kept at the WHO/AFRO; were reviewed. Data extraction: All health strategic plans among the Anglophone countries (Gambia; Ghana; Kenya; Liberia; Malawi; Mauritius; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia and Zimbabwe) that were developed after the year 2000 were eligible for inclusion. Fifty percent of these countries that fitted this criterion were randomly selected. They included Gambia; Liberia; Malawi; Tanzania and Uganda. The analysis framework used in the review included situation analysis; an assessment of appropriateness of strategies that are selected; well developed indicators for each strategy; the match between the service and outcomes targets with available resources; and existence of a clear framework for partnership engagement for implementation. Data synthesis: Most of the strategic plans identify key ill health conditions and their contributing factors. Health service and resource gaps are described but not quantified in the Botswana; Gambia; Malawi; Tanzania strategic documents. Most of the plans selected strategies that related to the situational analysis. Generally; countries' plans had clear indicators. Matching service and outcome targets to available resources was the least addressed area in majority of the plans. Most of the strategic plans identified stakeholders and acknowledged their participation in the implementation; providing different levels of comprehensiveness. Conclusion: Some of the areas that are well addressed according to the analysis framework included: addressing the strategic concerns of the health policies; identifying key partners for implementation; and selection of appropriate strategies. The following areas needed more emphasis: quantification of health system gaps; setting targets that are cognisant of the local resource base; and being more explicit in what stakeholders' roles are during the implementation period

Delivery of Health Care , Health Care Sector , Health Plan Implementation , Health Planning Guidelines , Health Policy , World Health Organization
East Afr. Med. J ; 86(1)2009.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261361


Objectives: This paper reviews the adequacy of inputs and processes at district level to support outputs and outcomes of service delivery at district level using a rapid assessment. The outputs included in this study are those considered essential for the attainment of the Health related Millennium Development Goals(MDGs). Data sources: A questionnaire based rapid District Health Systems assessment was conducted among six African countries during the year 2007. Study selections: The study took place in a random sample of six out of 19 eng speaking countries of the WHO African region. These countries are Ghana; Liberia; Namibia; Nigeria; Sierra Leone and Uganda. Data extraction: The data was extracted from the questionnaires; entered and analysed in Excel spreadsheet. Data synthesis: In spite of the variability in quality and completeness of reporting on the selected parameters; this paper does indicate that according to country norms and standards; the inputs and processes are insufficient to lead to acceptable outputs and outcomes; especially those related to the MDGs. An important point to note is that comparability across countries is made on the basis of individual country norms and standards. Implicit in this assessment is that country norms and standards are reasonable and are appropriate for the attainment of the MDGs. However reasonable the country norms and standard are; it is unlikely that the low resource base as well as weak organisational and managerial capacities in most countries will support effectively the attainment of the MDGs. Conclusion: Most countries manage to offer the essential health services at all levels of care despite the relatively low level of inputs. However; their level of quality and equity is debatable. The general trend is that provision of the essential health services is more at the higher levels of care prompting concerns for the populations served at lower levels of care. There is also a tendency to have wide variations in the performance of service delivery geographically as well as at the different levels of the health systems. This paper recommends further exploration of the impact of focusing on improving quality of existing health services while increasing quantity of service delivery points to achieve higher coverage of essential health services

Catchment Area, Health , Community Health Services , Delivery of Health Care , Quality of Health Care , World Health Organization
East Afr. Med. J ; 86(1)2009.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1261362


Objectives: To describe a comprehensive analytical framework for assessing health sector reforms and demonstrates use of the analysis framework using cost-recovery mechanisms as a case study in the WHO African Region. Data sources: Health sector reforms published literature review. Study selection: No selection involved. Data extraction: This paper draws from previous published literature to describe a comprehensive framework to assess the performance of health sector reforms in the African region. Using this framework; it goes on to illustrate how it may be used to analyze cost recovery reforms as a case study. The major elements for the analysis include a description of the context; design; process and intended results. Data synthesis: In terms of context and design of the cost recovery reform; there were gaps in the stewardship role of governments as evidenced by the lack of appropriate policies and information to monitor and/or influence the process. Regarding the cost recovery implementation; it is not clear from the literature reviewed in this paper that there was a comprehensive stakeholder coordination mechanism that catered for all who were involved. Concerning results of the expected results of implementing cost recovery reforms such as improved quality of health services; equitable service utilisation; social sustainability through active community participation; and gains in efficiency were not always realised. Conclusions: Given that the aspects of the analysis framework described in this paper are interrelated; reviewing one without another provides an answer to a specific question but is insufficient for a comprehensive assessment

Health Care Reform , Health Care Sector , Quality of Health Care