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Sudan j. med. sci ; 5(2): 95-98, 2010.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1272365


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical presentation and characteristics of elderly Sudanese patients with epilepsy. Methodology: This is a prospective study (from Feb. 2005 to Jun 2008). The study population included 240 elderly epileptic patients (age 60 years or above). Results: Cerebrovascular accident was found to be the most common cause of secondary epilepsy (31).Generalize epilepsy was seen in 120 (50) of patients. Abnormal neurological findings were more common (49) among patients with partial epilepsy. Fifty percent of our patients showed abnormal EEG. Abnormal CT brain findings were common among patients with partial epilepsy. Conclusion: The pattern of clinical presentation of epilepsy among elderly Sudanese epileptic patients is similar to what was mentioned in the literature except that the percentage of epilepsy following infections was more among our studied group (6

Aged , Epilepsy/diagnosis , Epilepsy/etiology
Sudan. j. public health ; 5(1): 393-398, 2010.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1272446


People with epilepsy are suffering from a lot of un tolded negative impacts on their lives; due to misunderstanding of the disease and from the associated stigma. Objectives: The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge; attitude; and practice among relatives of Sudanese epileptic patients seen in Sheik Mohamed Kheir Neurological clinic and Elshaab Teaching Hospital. Methods: This is a descriptive cross- sectional community based study; 313 respondents were included; the duration of the study was from November 2008 to June 2009. Results: Most of the respondents knew the disease; and had witnessed an attack. One third mentioned a brain lesion as the underlying cause of epilepsy. Most of the respondents mentioned loss of consciousness as the major symptom. More than two thirds mentioned that it is not contagious. Most of the respondents claimed that it can be controlled; and two thirds preferred medical treatment. The study revealed that half of the respondents had shown favourable attitudes and practice. Conclusion: The study revealed that the level of knowledge; attitude; and practice towards epilepsy needs community educational programmes to fill the gaps; and minimize the stigma

Attitude , Epilepsy , Seizures
Sudan. j. public health ; 4(3): 332-334, 2009.
Article in English | AIM (Africa) | ID: biblio-1272436


"The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of neurological complications among adult Sudanese diabetic patients attending the outpatient clinics of El Shaab Teaching Hospital in Khartoum. Methods: This is a descriptive cross sectional hospital based study; it was conducted at El Shaab Teaching Hospital; Khartoum; Sudan during the period from ebruary !!"" to #ctober !!$.esultset '!! diabe(c pa(ents were included in the study; $ were male and )* females. +ore than *;- were above the age of ); years and ;$- were in the age group );- $"". The pa(ents were from di/erent tribes and di/erent states. Sixty percent of the patients were from the northern Sudanese states while the rest of patients were from eastern and western states. Seventy seven percent of the patients had type diabetes mellitus and 7*.""- of them had diabetes for more than one year. Hypertension was found in *- of our pa(ents. The study revealed that $!- of the diabe(c pa(ents have neurological manifesta(ons. The main neurological complication found was peripheral sensory-motor neuropathy. Conclusion: There is significant positive correlation between age; duration of diabetes; glycaemic control and occurrence of the neurological complications."

Adult , Diabetes Complications , Diabetes Mellitus , Nervous System Diseases