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Postgrad. Med. J. Ghana ; 8(2): 93-100, 2019. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1268725


Introduction: Adolescent engagement in sport and other recreational activities has been increasingly embraced worldwide due to its benefits. Notwithstanding, it also remains one of the major contributors to injury burden translating into half of the global injury rate. Yet not much is known about the prevalence of sports-related injuries and the associated risk factors among second-cycle institution athletes in Ghana. This study sought to estimate prevalence and identify the risk factors associated with sport injuries among athletes in Second-cycle institutions in the Kumasi Metropolitan area. Method: A cross-sectional design was carried out with 600 athletes from 16 out of the 24 public schools in the Kumasi metropolis through a two-stage cluster sampling. A smartphone interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from the athletes. Data were summarized in tables and figures. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression were performed to identify independent predictors of injury. Data were analyzed with STATA version 14.0. Result: The overall injury prevalence estimated was thirty-eight percent. Dislocations and sprains (46.7%) and closed wounds (1.5%) were the common and least injury types recorded. Likewise, ankle and elbow were the most and least body region to be affected respectively. Individual factors such as nature of sports and years of playing experience were the identified predictors of adolescent injuries. Conclusion: Adolescent sports injury prevalence is high in Kumasi metropolis among second-cycle institution. Dislocation and sprains were the most common injuries. These were mostly associated with contact sports

Athletic Injuries/diagnosis , Athletic Injuries/epidemiology , Ghana , Risk Factors , Student Health Services
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264194


INTRODUCTION : Les traumatismes de l'appareil locomoteur constituent un des motifs de consultation les plus fréquents dans les services d'accueil des urgences. L'objectif de ce travail était de définir le profil épidémiologique et lésionnel des urgences traumatiques de l'appareil locomoteur au CHUDOP. METHODOLOGIE : Il s'est agi d'une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique sur une période de 12 mois allant du 1er Janvier 2016 au 31 Décembre 2016 et incluant tous les patients admis aux urgences du CHUDOP pour traumatisme de l'appareil locomoteur. RESULTATS : Nous avons colligé 934 patients admis pour atteinte de l'appareil locomoteur sur un total de 4777 consultations au cours de la période d'étude. Il s'agissait de 658 hommes et 138 femmes soit un sex ratio de 4,7. L'âge moyen était de 31,92 ans avec des extrêmes de2 ans et 85 ans. Les accidents de la voie publique ont été de loin les principaux pourvoyeurs dans une proportion de 73,9%. Les lésions principales les plus rencontrées sont les fractures (78,7%) les entorses (6,7%) puis les luxations (3,2%). Quelques lésions associées ont été enregistrées ; il s'agissait de 94 cas de traumatismes crâniens graves ou légers et de 14 cas de traumatisme abdominal avec hémopéritoine. CONCLUSION : Les lésions traumatologiques de l'appareil locomoteur ont représenté une part importante des admissions au service d'accueil des urgences du CHUDOP avec une variété d'étiologies et de diagnostiques

Arm Injuries , Athletic Injuries , Benin , Leg Injuries , Musculoskeletal System , Patients
S. Afr. j. sports med. (Online) ; 29(1): 1-7, 2017. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270921


Background: Despite its apparent popularity, participation in the sport of rugby union is accompanied by a significant risk of injury. Concerned parties have recently questioned whether this risk is acceptable within school populations. This is difficult to assess within the South African schools' population as no recent longitudinal injury studies exist.Objectives: To determine the training habits, rugby-related exposure and injury risk within a population of South African high school first team rugby players.Methods: Training and match exposure in both school and provincial competition were examined and the resultant injuries were longitudinally observed for the duration of a South African high school rugby season.Results: Match (79, 95%CI 52-105 injuries/1 000 h) and training (7, 95%CI 3-11 injuries /1000h) injury incidences were demonstrated to be greater than previously reported incidences in similar populations in England and Ireland. Weeks where players were exposed to both school and provincial competition (34, 95%CI 19-49 injuries /1 000 h) had significantly (p<0.05) greater injury incidences than during school competition alone (19, 95%CI 12-26 injuries /1 000 h).Conclusion: The injury risk demonstrated was greater than expected and represents reasons for concern. Possible reasons for the high injury incidence recorded may be the frequency of games played within the season, and the overlap of school and provincial competitions. It should be noted that these results were taken from one school over one season and might not be representative of the incidence of school rugby injuries overall. However, this research demonstrates the need for a multischool longitudinal study within South African schools rugby to determine the overall risk

Athletic Injuries , Football/injuries , Habits , Incidence , South Africa
Niger. q. j. hosp. med ; 19(3): 158-161, 2009.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267673


Background: Physiotherapists are important members of the sports medicine team and are involved in the prevention and management of injured athletes right from the acute stage of injury to the stage of rehabilitation. However; the type of treatments rendered to injured athletes and level of physiotherapy utilisation in terms of injury referrals for physiotherapy in sports medicine in Nigeria is not fully known. Objective: To find out the extent of referral of sports injuries for physiotherapy and types of treatments rendered to injured athletes referred for physiotherapy at the National Sports Medicine Centre (NSMC); Lagos; South-West; Nigeria. Methods: All case files at the general records unit from January 1995 to December 2002 were investigated. Information on athlete's sport; body part treated and physiotherapy modalities used between January 1997 and December 2002 were also extracted from the treatment register at the physiotherapy department of the sports medicine centre. Results: A total of 171 sports related injuries were reported at the general records unit of the NSMC; with a male to female ratio of 2:1. Of this number; 121 (70.8) were referred for physiotherapy with strain (n= 57; 33.3) constituting the majority of physiotherapy referrals. At the physiotherapy department; the knee (n=43; 30.1) and the thigh (n=33; 25.4) were the most treated body parts. Track and field events (n=48; 36.9) recorded the highest number of injuries treated. Exercise therapy (n=81; 25.5) was the most frequently used modality; followed closely by transcutenous electrical nerve stimulation therapy (n=73; 20.3). Conclusion: The frequency of referral of sports injuries for physiotherapy at the NSMC was high. Exercise therapy was the most frequently used treatment modality and injuries affecting the lower limbs were mostly treated. Emphasis should therefore be laid on prevention of lower limb injuries

Athletic Injuries , Physical Therapy Modalities , Retrospective Studies , Therapeutics
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1263082


Stress fractures are relatively uncommon sports injuries and when they do occur; are mostly found in the lower limb. Stress fractures of the clavicle are particularly rare; having been described in a number of non-sport related pathologies; such as nervous tics and post radical neck dissection. In sport; there have only been seven cases reported in the literature. We report on a clavicle stress fracture in a 47-year-old male; partaking in recreational weight lifting activities. This is the first reported case of a non-union stress fracture of the clavicle. The patient underwent an open reduction and internal fixation and made a full recovery

Athletic Injuries , Case Reports , Clavicle , Fractures, Bone , Stress, Physiological
S. Afr. j. sports med. (Online) ; 19(5): 129-132, 2007.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270911


Objective. This review evaluates the scientific research on cricket injuries; including long-term injury surveillance studies; the consensus statement paper for injury surveillance; specific counter-measures to reduce the risk of cricket injuries and finally identifies areas of future concern. Results. The literature shows that three major cricketplaying countries; Australia; England and South Africa; have collected long-term injury data. While these sets of data show definite trends; it was not always possible tomake direct comparisons between data collected in various countries. As a result a consensus statement paper with regards to definitions and methods to calculate injuryrates; incidence and prevalence was developed. The first study using this newly accepted injury surveillance method showed injury patterns in West Indies domestic andnational cricket teams. There have been three primary studies carried out with regards to interventions aimed at reducing the risk of injury to fast bowlers. These includeda coaching interventions programme; the use of a bowling aid in an attempt to modify bowling technique and a study that evaluated the recommended bowling workloadsin young cricketers. The implications of the changes to the laws relating to the bowling action and the increased usage of the sliding stop in fielding are reviewed. Conclusion. From the review it is evident that there is a need to continue with injury surveillance; as well as a need to continue with and increase the number of studies that evaluate the efficacy of intervention strategies in order to reduce the risk of injury to cricketers

Athletic Injuries/prevention & control , Sports Medicine , Wounds and Injuries/prevention & control
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1277199


La pratique du football faisant intervenir mus les organes du sportif necessite une parfaite adaptation de tous les appareils a savoir: respiratoire; cardiovasculaire; osteo-artjculaire et musculaire. Par consequent un suivi medical regulier du sportif en debut; en cours et en fin de saison permet de faire le bilan afin de prevenir; de detecter et de corriger les eventuelles anomalies qui pourraient survenir. Notre etude realisee de Fevrier a Novembre 2002 sur 25 joueurs de l'equipe masculine de division I du STELLa CLUB d'ADJAME avait pour principal objectif de faire le bilan global de suivi medical de la saison 200l-2002. Elle nous a permis de noter a travers le bilan fonctionnel et physiologique l'absence de perturbation majeure. Cependant ; un bilan morphometrique laisse apparaitre des faiblesses comparativement a l'equipe nationale togolaise lors de la coupe d'Afrique des nations en 2002 et de l'equipe nationale francaise championne du monde en 1998. L'ECG nous a revele des perturbations compatibles avec la pratique du sport. La spirometrie a pu mettre en evidence un syndrome obstructif chez un des footballeurs. Les resultats de l'ergometrie bien que satisfaisants; ont montre que la condition physique de nos joueurs peut encore etre amelioree. Quant au bilan sportif; il nous a permis de constater de tres bons resultats en debut de saison et des performances mitigees dans la deuxieme moitie du championnat. Enfin; le bilan traumatologique nous a permis de recenser 106 traumatismes dont 81 au cours des entrainements et 25 au cours des matchs. Les lesions ont necessite 651 jours de traitement et 458 jours d'arret sportif. Il ressort de cette etude que 86pour cent des lesions rencontrees etaient benignes. Une bonne prevention constitue le premier remede de ces lesions L'efficacite de cette prevention depend de la bonne entente existant entre le medecin de sport; le joueur et l'entraineur

Athletic Injuries , Sports
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1276999


Notre travail avait pour objectif d'analyser l'aspect diagnostic; therapeutique et l'evolution fonctionnelle post therapeutique des lesions meniscales par arthroscopie chez le footballeur. Il s'agit d'une etude retrospective qui a porte sur un effectif de 22 footballeurs des equipes de 1 ere et 2eme division de la FIF de janvier 1994 a decembre 2002; ayant eu une lesion meniscale. Au plan du diagnostic clinique; la douleur etait le signe le plus frequent (38;64pour cent) suivi des signes de la serie meniscale (20;45pour cent). La plupart des joueurs etaient vus apres un mois voire plus de six mois (72;75pour cent). Le genou droit est le genou le plus atteint (68;18pour cent). L'examen clinique a suffi pour poser le diagnostic. Le menisque interne est le menisque le plus atteint. Nous avons une dominante de lesions du cartilage articulaire a type de chondrite pour les lesions associees. L'hospitalisation a ete de 24 h au plus dans 86;36pour cent des cas. Il n'y a pas eu de complications per operatoire et post operatoire. Le resultat fonctionnel est satisfaisant confirmant ainsi les avantages indeniables de l'arthroscopie par rapport a l'arthrotomie

Arthroscopy , Athletic Injuries , Athletic Injuries/diagnosis , Soccer
Congo méd ; 2(1): 30-34, 1997.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1260694


On observe a l'heure actuelle une poussee sans cesse croissante du barotraumatisme; liee a l'activite aeronautique ou subaquatique de l'homme. Dans cette etude; l'auteur; apres avoir defini dans l'introduction le barotraumatisme et rappele quelques notions semiologiques et therapeutiques; rapporte 5 observations de cette pathologie chez des Basketteurs de Haut Niveau utilisant frequemment dans des conditions diverses l'avion comme moyens de transport rapide et privilegie. La deficience de la sphere ORL est un facteur important dans la genese de cette pathologie et des explications d'ordres ecologique et physiopathologique sont avancees. Le sport etant devenu un veritable phenomene social a travers le monde; le risque de barotraumatisme en avion; le caractere invalidant de cette pathologie ORL pour les sportifs de Haut Niveau...; appellent quelques recommandations

Athletic Injuries , Barotrauma
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 42(3): 129-131, 1995.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1266010


Les auteurs analysent 15 cas de decollements epiphysaires traumatiques chez des adolescents congolais (age moyen 16 ans et 9 mois). La population atteinte est essentiellement masculine; a la suite; dans 60 pour cent des cas d'un accident de football. Les lesions concernent l'extremite distale du femur dans 80 pour cent des cas. Le traitement realise; chirurgical dans 75 pour cent des cas; a conduit a 14 bons et tres bons resultats (93 pour cent). Ces lesions survenant en fin de croissance; sont d'un bon pronostic

Athletic Injuries , Growth Plate , Knee Joint
Odonto-stomatologie tropicale ; 18(69): 11-13, 1995.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268228


"Les auteurs ont mene une etude comparative de prevalence des traumatismes bucco-dentaires dans la ""lutte avec frappe"" et dans certains sports d'equipe ou individuels comme le football; le basket ball; la boxe anglaise et la lutte libre. L'objectif de cette etude est d'informer; d'eduquer; de communiquer avec le milieu sportif senegalais; mais aussi de prevenir les risques potentiels du sport par le port de gouttieres de protection dento-maxillaires"

Athletic Injuries/prevention & control , Maxillofacial Injuries/prevention & control , Sports Medicine , Tooth Fractures
Afr. j. health sci ; 1(3): 129-131, 1994.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1256999


Rugby; like other contact sports; is associated with injuries. We set out to investigate all injuries that led either to a temporary stoppage of the game and/or substitution of a player during the Rugby World Cup pre-qualifying tournament. A total of six matches were played involving the Arabian Gulf; Kenya; Namibia and Zimbabwe. We recorded a total of 47 injuries; giving an injury rate of eight per match. The number of injuries decreased from 38.3in the first matches to 23.4in the final ones. The majority of the injuries affected soft tissues; the most serious of them being a concussion. Anatomically; the lower limbs suffered the majority of injuries (46.81) followed by the head; trunk and upper limbs with 21.29; 17.03and 12.78respectively. Slightly more injuries occurred during the defensive actions (53.19) than offensive (46.81) ones. More injuries occurred in thee second half (61.70) than the first (38.3). Some of our findings are in agreement with those of earlier studies. However; further investigations are necessary to establish a clear cut pattern of injuries in this sport

Athletic Injuries , Football , Sports , Wounds and Injuries
Publications Medicales Africaines ; 26(125): 30-36, 1993.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268871


A partir d'une etude prospective portant sur 7 ans; 2000 cas de derangements internes du genou ont ete analyses. Les lesions sont frequentes chez les sujets jeunes de sexe masculin (87 pour cent) avec pour cause essentielle les traumatismes surtout lors de la pratique du football. Les resultats arthrographiques revelent l'atteinte frequente des menisques surtout avec une predominance des fissurations

Arthrography/methods , Athletic Injuries , Football , Knee Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Meniscus